818 Burke Road Camberwell VIC 3124 phone (03) 9805 9111 fax (03) 9882 7159 web www.epinet.org.au Workplace Inclusion Workplace Inclusion: What’s today about? 1. Employment in the Australian Context 2. Employment as a real possibility for people with epilepsy 3. Employment barriers, strategies and opportunities for support www.epinet.org.au Understanding is the Difference… Launch of DVD Five case studies of people living with epilepsy in employment showcasing the barriers and strategies they have used to gain and retain employment. Made possible with the generous support of All documentary participants Anthony Ferrieri, Film-maker and the Fred P Archer Trust Fund www.epinet.org.au Employment • There is limited research into epilepsy and employment in Australia Australians with epilepsy are 3 times more likely to be unemployed than other Australians (Brown 2007) www.epinet.org.au Some employer views: A UK study (1996) reported that: • 60% of employers believed that safety was a barrier to employing people with epilepsy, • 23% for mobility and visual disabilities and • 20% for hearing problems www.epinet.org.au • Another UK study (2005) found 16% of sampled companies said there were no jobs in their company suitable for people with epilepsy • Also in this study, 21% thought employing people with epilepsy would be a ‘major issue’ • Employers in this sample uniformly agreed that even in remission, employees should disclose their condition to a prospective employer www.epinet.org.au Barriers • What are the barriers? • Why do/don’t people disclose in the workplace? • What are some of the strategies that could be used? www.epinet.org.au How can the Epilepsy Foundation of Victoria support you … • Workplace Awareness • Individual Support • Advocacy • Job Capacity Assessor Training • Disability Employment Services Training • Disclosure Workshop (upcoming) www.epinet.org.au PARLIAMENTARY FRIENDS OF EPILEPSY: THE IMPACT OF EPILEPSY IN AUSTRALIA INFORMAL INQUIRY 2009 Employment Recommendations 2. Government departments, especially Centrelink, be required to review their policies to include a new definition of disability that includes epilepsy, provide better access to services and benefits for those affected by epilepsy and one application to cover access to services in all government agencies. 3. Positive employment and support services in government agencies be developed to recognise the needs, abilities and contributions of those with epilepsy, thereby removing barriers to employment for this group. www.epinet.org.au Thank you … • All documentary participants • Anthony Ferrieri, Film-maker • Fred P Archer Trust Fund www.epinet.org.au