ELSB Early Literacy Skills Builder The first and only scientifically based literacy intervention program for children with severe to moderate developmental disabilities, including autism. 1-800-327-4269 Research Foundations Early Literacy Skills Builder (ELSB) is based on exhaustive analyses of published research on reading acquisition. The National Reading Panel (NRP) Report provided strong evidence that phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, and comprehension are among the essential components of a successful reading program. In addition, Dr. Diane Browder directed an analysis of 128 studies on teaching reading to students with cognitive disabilities, which indicated the effectiveness of using systematic instruction techniques to teach sight words. ELSB accommodates the research from both analyses by including the NRP components and systematic instruction techniques. NRPs Critical Components • P honemic awareness • A lphabetic understanding • V ocabulary • C omprehension • A ccuracy and fluency of connected text Dr. Diane Browder Coauthors Susan Gibbs Lynn Ahlgrim-Delzell Ginevra Courtade Angel Lee Browder’s Research Analysis • R eview of 128 studies on reading and disabilities • Strongly supports systematic instruction • A mple evidence of sight word success • A dditional components required for actual reading www.AttainmentCompany.com ELSB Research Five-year ongoing research project ELSB research is conducted by Project RAISE* at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte. Students with significant developmental disabilities have received daily ELSB instruction in the CharlotteMecklenburg School System. A published research study in Exceptional Children (Browder et al., 2008) on the first year of the project compared ELSB to the Edmark Reading Program, which uses a sight-word-only approach. Here, students were randomly assigned to either the Edmark or ELSB group. The ELSB students had significantly higher scores on four measures. 1. ELSB pre- and post-test . Nonverbal Literacy Assessment (Phonics Skills and Conventions of Reading) 3. Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test–III (Receptive Vocabulary) 4. Woodcock Language Proficiency Battery (Memory for Sentences) (Letter-Word Identification) *More information about Project RAISE may be found at http://education.uncc.edu/access/RAISEProject.htm 1-800-327-4269 The students and teachers pictured in this brochure and in the Getting Started DVD are from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, and are participants in the ongoing ELSB research project. Comparing ELSB with Edmark The data show that students using ELSB had higher gain scores on all four dependent variables. ELSB integrates phonemic awareness, sight words, reading comprehension, and storybased lessons. The Edmark Reading Program is a sight-wordonly approach. endorses Early Literacy Skills Builder After reviewing these results showing the ELSB group’s superior performance results, the Institute of Education Sciences (funding agency) approved the discontinuation of the Edmark control group for the remaining two years of research. Nonverbal Literacy Assessment 40 Conventions of Reading 10 Phonics Skills Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test—III 40 20 36.36 30 30 22.36 20 5 6.45 5.31 15 29.91 20 10 11.11 17.04 10 10 ELSB Edmark ELSB Edmark 5.69 5 ELSB Edmark ELSB Edmark Composite of Gain Score Means for ELSB and the Edmark* Across Three Years The Council of Administrators of Special Education has announced a formal endorsement of ELSB based on the CASE Product Review Committee’s rigorous evaluation of the materials, program objectives, customer satisfaction, and research base. CASE is a division of the Council for Exceptional Children. * After reviewing these results, the Institute of Education Sciences approved the discontinuation of the Edmark control group for the remaining two years of research. www.AttainmentCompany.com Underlying Principles What’s the Primary Goal of ELSB? To develop the skills and behaviors needed for students to succeed in a standard reading program. How Does It Work? ● ELSB has seven distinct levels, each with five Who’s It For? ELSB is a multi-year program for students ages 5–10 with: ● Autism structured lessons. ● Recommended for 90 minutes of literacy instruction. ● Begin all students at Level One. ● Administer Level A if the student struggles with Level One. ● Severe intellectual disabilities ● Set up small groups or teach one-on-one. ● Moderate intellectual disabilities ● Divide daily lessons in two 30-minute skill-building ● Multiple disabilities sessions and one 30-minute story-based session. By integrating the Building with Stories activities in your last session, skills taught in the first two sessions are ultimately reinforced. ● Modify your teaching to accommodate alternative response modes such as AAC devices or eye gaze boards. ● Assess students upon completion of each level. ● Move to next level when mastery is demonstrated. ● Repeat lessons as needed. ● Promote student to your school’s standard reading program upon successful completion of Level Seven. 1-800-327-4269 Attainment is the sole source vendor for ELSB $695 ELSB Curriculum Components Easel story book 97 pages Implementation Guide & PDF CDs 174 pages Moe puppet Magnetic board with star magnets DVD Sticky flags 15 Flashcards Levels One & A Levels Two & Three Level Four Level Five Level Six Level Seven 120 pages 184 pages 96 pages 100 pages 100 pages 102 pages 118 pages 298 pages 168 pages 172 pages 198 pages 204 pages 174 pages 298 pages 174 pages 174 pages 198 pages 196 pages www.AttainmentCompany.com National Reading Panel Components ELSB goes beyond sight words by integrating the key reading components recommended by the NRP. ELSB TARGET SKILLS NRP Component Early-Sequence Mid-Sequence Late-Sequence Phonemic Awareness Identify the concept of word Introduce initial consonant sounds Identify initial and final consonant sounds Segment and blend phonemes (phonemic awareness skills that will be used in beginning reading program) Alphabetic Principle (Phonics) Identify words using picture symbols Identify letter-sound correspondences Identify letter-sound correspondences Use pictures to demonstrate understanding when seeing letters and hearing letter sounds Comprehension Select a picture symbol/word for a repeated story line Answer basic wh questions Select a word for a repeated story line Answer wh, prediction, and main idea questions Answer inferential questions and questions relating to the sequence of the story Vocabulary and Fluency Read some high-frequency sight words Read new vocabulary words using picture symbols and/or text Read more high-frequency sight words Read new vocabulary words using picture symbols and/or text Read more high-frequency sight words Read new vocabulary words using picture symbols and/or text 1-800-327-4269 ELSB Instructional Concepts ELSB is based on the principles of direct and systematic instruction. Direct instruction is a proven technique for teaching reading to students with learning disabilities. Systematic instruction, based on applied behavior analysis, is the most widely used approach for developing a wide range of skills in students with severe or moderate developmental disabilities. Systematic instruction uses task analysis and data collection procedures to develop structured lesson plans. Direct Instruction Features ● Teacher driven ● Small steps ● Guided practice ● Constant feedback ● Small groups or one-on-one Systematic Instruction Process ● Set goals ● Design procedure to attain goals ● Implement procedure ● Assess effectiveness ● Move on or modify ELSB Incorporates ● Scripted lessons ● Least-prompt strategies ● Teachable objectives ● Built-in lesson repetition ● Ongoing assessments www.AttainmentCompany.com ELSB Scope and Sequence: Overview Level 1. Read sight words using timedelay instruction Activity: Flashcard Game 2. Point to sight words to complete sentences One Two Three Four Five Six Seven boy, girl, friend me, is, friend want, he, is, boy my, are, is, me, want like, give, are, friend, he where, have, give, my, girl was, does, have, where, like Formula for introducing frequently used vocabulary words in K–1 reading curricula: • New words are introduced and maintained for a complete level. • Words are added back in for 1–2 successive lessons in subsequent levels. • Words are dropped again for 2–3 lessons. Words are added back in for at least 1 additional lesson. Correct answer/ 1 distractor Correct answer/ 1 distractor Correct answer/ 2 distractors Correct answer/ 2 distractors Correct answer/ 3 distractors Correct answer/ 3 distractors Correct answer/ 3 distractors 1–2 lines of text using leftto-right and top-to-bottom movement 2–3 lines of text using leftto-right and top-to-bottom movement 3–4 lines of text using leftto-right and top-to-bottom movement 1 line of wordby-word pointing 2 lines of wordby-word pointing 2 lines of wordby-word pointing 2 lines of wordby-word pointing Correct answer/ 1 distractor Correct answer/ 1 distractor Correct answer/ 2 distractors with picture cue Intermittent (in 2 lessons for review). Correct answer/ 2 distractors without picture cue Intermittent (in 1 lesson for review). Correct answer/ 3 distractors Intermittent (in 1 lesson for review). Correct answer/ 3 distractors Intermittent (in 1 lesson for review). Correct answer/ 3 distractors Activity: Flashcard Game 3. Point to text as it is read Activity: Pointing to Words 4. Say and/or point to a word to complete a repeated story line Activity: Hidden Words 10 1-800-327-4269 ELSB Scope and Sequence: Overview (continued) Level 5. Respond to literal questions about a story Activity: Answering Questions One Two Three Four Five Six Seven What, who, and yes/no questions (answer on page). 1 distractor What, where, yes/no, and who questions (answer on page). 1 distractor What, who, where, yes/no, and prediction or main idea question. 2 distractors with picture cue What, who, where, when, and prediction or main idea question. 2 distractors without picture cue What, who, where, prediction or main idea question, and sequence question. 3 distractors What, who, prediction or main idea question, and sequence question. 3 distractors Same types of questions. Add a why question at the end (not literal). 2–3 syllable words (not 1 syllable) 1–4 syllable words 1–5 syllable words 2–5 syllable words 1–3 syllable words 1–5 syllable words Intermittent (in 1 lesson for review) Intermittent (in 1 lesson for review) Intermittent (in 1 lesson for review) Intermittent (in 1 lesson for review) 4 CVC words 4 CVC words 4 CVC words 4 CVC words New sounds: /f/, /o/ New sounds: /l/, /g/ New sounds: /d/, /u/ New sounds: /i/, /h/ 6. Demonstrate understanding of syllable segmentation by clapping out syllables in words Activity: Chunking Words 7. Demonstrate understanding of phoneme segmentation by tapping out sounds in CVC words Activity: Tapping Out Sounds 8. Identify letter-sound correspondences New sound: /m/, one object (nonletter) New sounds: /a/, /s/ New sounds: /r/, /t/ Activity: Learning Letter Sounds www.AttainmentCompany.com 11 ELSB Scope and Sequence: Overview (continued) Level One 9. Point to and/or say the first/last sounds in words Activity: First/Last Sound Game 10. Identify pictures that begin/end with given sounds Two Three Four Five Six Seven Point to/say first sound in words beginning with continuous sounds (e.g., /a/, /m/) Point to/say first sound in words Point to/say first sound in words Point to/say first sound in words Point to/say first and last sounds in words Point to/say first and last sounds in words Beginning sounds (no text) Beginning sounds (no text) Beginning sounds (no text) Beginning sounds (no text) Beginning and ending sounds (no text) Beginning and ending sounds (no text) 4 CVC words 4 CVC words 4 CVC words 4 CVC words Pictures of 4 CVC words (no text) Pictures of 4 CVC words (no text) Pictures of 4 CVC words (no text) Pictures of 4 CVC words (no text) Activity: Finding Pictures with Special Sounds 11. Point to sounds in words Activity: Stretching Words 12. Blend sounds to identify pictures Activity: Finding Pictures 12 1-800-327-4269 ELSB Scope and Sequence: Overview (continued) Level 13. Point to pictures/words representing new vocabulary One Two Three Four Five Six Seven People: boy, girl, friend Feelings: happy, sad, mad, excited, scared Pets: dog, cat, bird, rabbit, snake Actions: play, read, swim, shop Places: pool, zoo, park, bowling alley Birthday party: birthday, cake, sing, game (match word to picture) Items to give to others: presents, clothes, toys, books, CDs, games (match word to picture) People: boy, girl, friend Feelings: happy, sad, mad, excited, scared Pets: dog, cat, bird, rabbit, snake Actions: play, read, swim, shop Places: pool, zoo, park, bowling alley Birthday party: birthday, cake, sing, game Items to give to others: presents, clothes, toys, books, CDs, games Activity: The New Word Game 14. Use new vocabulary words and personal information to create a story Activity: Fun with Writing www.AttainmentCompany.com 13 ELSB Scope and Sequence: Level A Objective 14 Activity Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 1. Recognize a book from a nonbook Engagement Touch or attend to a book (no distractor). Touch or eye gaze to a book paired with 1 distractor. 2. Interact with objects related to a book Engagement Interact with 1 object representing the main idea: apple. Interact with 2 objects: apple and chopped apples. 3. Select own photo or written name Picture/Word Recognition Select own photo when paired with 1 distractor. Select own photo/ written name when paired with 1 distractor. Select written name when paired with 1 distractor. 4. Select named photo or word Picture/Word Recognition Select apple when paired with a distractor. Select picture of a labeled apple when paired with 1 distractor. Select picture and word apple when paired with 1 distractor. 5. Physically engage with a book and/or visually attend to a story Text Pointing Oh My, Apple Pie! Touch picture of Grandma after line 2, and apple after line 11. Oh My, Apple Pie! Touch picture of Grandma after line 2, and apple pie after line 3. Oh My, Apple Pie! Point to words in story (not specific or individual words). 6. Point to an object, a picture, or a word that completes a story line Hidden Word Hidden word: apple Indicate hidden word using real apple and word. Hidden word: apple Indicate hidden word using a labeled picture. Hidden word: apple Indicate hidden word using a labeled picture. 7. Respond to literal questions about a story Comprehension Oh My, Apple Pie! After reading the entire story: What kind of pie was the story about? Oh My, Apple Pie! After reading the entire story: What kind of pie was the story about? Oh My, Apple Pie! Line 3: What kind of pie does Lisa’s grandma make? Line 5: What part of Lisa will smell the scent of the apple pie? Oh My, Apple Pie! Line 3: What kind of pie does Lisa’s grandma make? Line 19: What does Lisa’s pie come with? Oh My, Apple Pie! Line 3: What kind of pie does Lisa’s grandma make? Line 10: What must Lisa do before she gets apple pie? Line 19: What did Lisa’s pie come with? 8. Point to named objects or pictures Vocabulary Point to apple with 1 distractor. Point to apple with 1 distractor. Point to apple with 1 distractor and Grandma with 1 distractor. Point to apple with 1 distractor and apple pie with 1 distractor. Point to apple with 1 distractor and Grandma with 1 distractor. 9. Use new vocabulary and personal information to create a story Fun with Writing Select own photo. My name is . I think apple pie is . I love my . 1-800-327-4269 Oh My, Apple Pie! Touch picture of apple after line 6. Touch or eye gaze to the named book with 1 distractor book. 6 8 5 7 6 5 Objective 5 Objective 6 Objective 8 Objective 9 Objective 10 Objective 13 Total Possible Classroom Summary Form: Level Six 67 Students’ Names 67 67 ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ www.AttainmentCompany.com 5 4 4 11 14 14 5 5 15 Objective 5 Objective 6 Objective 7 Objective 8 Objective 9 Objective 10 Objective 11 Objective 12 Objective 13 100% 80% 100% 5 4 15 Percent Correct 100% 86% 4 100% 12 4 80% 82% 4 100% 100% 100% 1 9 2 67% 100% 100% 14 2 93% 93 1 Objective 4 (with pic) 93 2 Objective 4 (no pic) 5 Total Possible 3 Objective 3 5 86 5 Objective 2 Total Correct 5 Objective 1 51% 93 47 15 — 1 3 7 2 — 3 1 1 1 3 5 5 Emily ___________________________________________________ Erin Velcro responses Jesse Possible # correct per objective eye gaze Katrina 59% 93 55 14 3 4 10 5 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 2 Katrina Students’ Names 7 2 2 5 1 2 3 4 4 2 2 9 15 12 75% 93 70 Jesse 100% 40% 40% 64% 86% 64% 50% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 80% 80% 93 ___________________________________________________ pointing & verbal Emily Students’ Names Erin Mode of Response pointing & verbal Date 9/14/07 Examiner Mrs. Lee Percent Correct 67 5 Objective 4 (with pic) Total Correct 3 10 Objective 4 (no pic) 8 Objective 2 Objective 3 4 Objective 1 67 ___________________________________________________ 67 ___________________________________________________ Possible # correct per objective ___________________________________________________ Students’ Names ___________________________________________________ Mode of Response ___________________________________________________ Date ______________________________________________________________Examiner ___________________________________________________________ Classroom Summary Form: Level Three Sample Assessment Forms 15 16 1-800-327-4269 3 6 5 8 4 6 3 3 Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Assessment Items Total Correct Total Possible Percent Correct Date 1 2 5 2 2 2 1 2 17 38 45 Test 1 10/15/07 3 6 5 5 4 5 1 3 32 38 84 Test 2 5/12/08 38 Test 3 38 Test 4 friend girl Item 2 Item 3 Total 1 3 green boy boy friend friend girl girl Demonstration Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8 Item 9 Total Date 2 Test 1 10/15/07 6 Test 2 5/12/08 Test 3 Test 4 Objective 2: Point to sight words to complete sentences. Place a check in the appropriate column for each word read correctly and independently. Score one point for each check. The demonstration item is not scored. Add the points and record the total score. Transfer this score to the Assessment Summary. boy Item 1 Objective 1: Read sight words. Place a check in the appropriate column for each word read correctly and independently. Score one point for each check. The demonstration item is not scored. Add the points and record the total score. Transfer this score to the Assessment Summary. Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Date 10/15/07 5/12/083 Demonstration Moe 1 2 3 4 (without picture representation) 4 (with picture representation) 5 8 13 # of items Objectives Assessment Summary Student mode of response □ points eye gazes □ other Examiner Mrs. Lee School Sunset Elementary Student name Robert Student Assessment Recording Form: Level One Sample Assessment Form Level One Sample Pages Teacher’s Manual Student Materials www.AttainmentCompany.com 17 Level One Sample Pages Student Assessment All About Moe 18 1-800-327-4269 Level Six Sample Pages Teacher’s Manual Student Materials www.AttainmentCompany.com 19 Level Six Sample Pages Student Assessment All About Moe 20 1-800-327-4269 Early Literacy Skills Builder Features Benefits Comprehensive, multi-year program ● Great long-term investment A fun, ageappropriate activity ● Motivates students to participate in reading activities, just like their friends without disabilities Based on scientific research ● Demonstrated effectiveness with intended student population Scripted lessons ● Help both experienced and inexperienced teachers Make it easier for paraprofessionals and classroom volunteers to use ELSB ● Ongoing data collection ● ● DVD training ● ● Allows students to progress at their own pace Great for writing measurable IEPs A quick and effective method to learn how and why ELSB works Helps new staff learn how to implement the program Linked to general education standards ● For children ages 5–10 ● Focuses on literacy with age-appropriate stories For all children with moderate to severe disabilities ● Gives all children an opportunity to learn literacy skills Accommodates children who communicate nonverbally or are on the autism spectrum Ideal for individual or small group instruction ● ● ● Encourages inclusive activities Provides access to general curriculum Group size can be tailored to best fit the classroom www.AttainmentCompany.com 21 Reproducible Resources Story Building Lesson Quick Reference Guide Component All All (If you have a large group, combine with step 3 and give all students a chance to do one or the other.) 3. Read author’s/illustrator’s names and give the opportunity to point to/ say name. All (See above.) DOWN Suggestions Kids love props! 4. Model (if necessary) opening the book and give student the opportunity to do so. One Give student the opportunity first without being told (e.g., “What do we need to do to get the story started?”), then prompt if necessary. 5. Ask a prediction question. All Show cover of book and pictures inside. Use pictures for choices if needed. 6. Point to text while reading aloud. FRIEND How Many Students 1. Engage students with the anticipatory set. 2. Read the title and give students the opportunity to point to/say the title. All Choose a line for each student. Let them attempt first before you help. 7. Read the repeated story line. All Let the students fill in the line verbally or with an assistive device. 8. Teach new vocabulary words. All Choose one vocabulary word. Have students try to find the word in the text. 9. Ask comprehension questions during and after story reading. All Ask one question of each student (use picture synonyms for responses if required). SING CROWN PDF files are provided for all reproducible pages. The purchase of an ELSB curriculum includes a classroom license for PDF printouts or photocopying. The PDF files include Assessment Recording Forms, flashcards, AAC overlays, My Book About Me templates, Student Response pages, and Building with Stories Lesson Plans. Reproduction There’s no need to worry about damaged pages or the right to create extra pages. Simply print out any reproducible page for replacements or additional copies. All Assessment Recording Forms are included so there’s no need to purchase scoring booklets. Modification Original ELSB art is provided in JPEG format for creating teachermade materials to supplement and adapt the ELSB curriculum. Import the art into BoardMaker, Microsoft Word, or PowerPoint. 22 1-800-327-4269 Staff Training Training Options ● Attainment provides extensive training for schoolor district-wide purchases upon request.* ● A comprehensive DVD covering the essentials of ELSB is provided with each curriculum purchase. * Nominal training fees apply, based on quantity of purchase. Here’s what you get with ELSB: ● 1 Implementation Guide ● 6 Teacher’s Manuals ● 6 Student Material Books ● 6 Student Assessment Books ● Moe the Frog Puppet ● All About Moe and Oh My, Apple Pie! Story Book ● Getting Started DVD ● 2 CDs with Printable PDFs ● Sight Word Flashcard Set ● Magnetic White Board with Stars ● Sticky Flags ● 2 Storage Boxes EL-S10BR $695.00 For information or to order: USA/Canada Phone 1-800-327-4269 Fax 1.800.942.3865 International Customers Phone 608-845-7880 See what ELSB is all about! Our Federal ID#: 39-1365288 Attainment Company, Inc. P.O. Box 930160 • Verona, Wisconsin 53593-0160 Buy online: www.AttainmentCompany.com Email us: info@AttainmentCompany.com Features three segments: 1. Getting Started—An 18-minute overview of ELSB includes author and teacher interviews, classroom footage and material review. 2. Objectives—Watch all 14 objectives demonstrated in actual classrooms. 3. Special Features—The ELSB Getting Started DVD is Closed Captioned and includes SDH subtitles. www.AttainmentCompany.com 23 Validated by ongoing classroom research “powerful ... motivating ... comprehensive ... proven success” Everything you need ● Multi-year curriculum with 7 levels ● Implementation Guide ● Moe the frog puppet ● All About Moe story book ● Getting Started DVD ● 2 CDs with printable PDFs ● Sight word flashcard set ● Magnetic white board with stars ● Sticky flags ● 2 storage boxes EL-S10BR Early Literacy Skills Builder $695 Sample PDFs, video clips & research at www.AttainmentCompany.com 1-800-327-4269 The first and only scientifically based literacy program for children ages 5–10 with moderate-to-severe developmental disabilities, including autism. Three years of ongoing research through the University of North Carolina at Charlotte demonstrated that ELSB is highly effective in teaching prereading skills. ELSB students per form significantly better than those using the Edmark Reading Program. The curriculum features NRP critical components, phonics plus sight word instruction, scripted lessons, accommodations for children who communicate nonverbally, and connections to general education standards. Attainment Company is proud to work with endorses Early Literacy Skills Builder the authors and researchers of ELSB: (left to right) Lynn Ahlgrim-Delzell, PhD; Angel Lee, MEd (standing); Susan Gibbs, PhD (seated); Ginevra Courtade, PhD; and Principal Investigator, Diane Browder, PhD. www.AttainmentCompany.com Attainment Company, Inc. P.O. Box 930160 • Verona, Wisconsin 53593-0160 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID PERMIT #73 Columbus, WI ZIP +4 BARCODED