Mary Lou Kelley, LSU - Coastal Hazards Center

Mary Lou Kelley, LSU
Project Title: Psychological Adjustment Following Coastal Disaster: Identification of
Risk and Protective Factors for Families
Thompson, J.E., & Kelley, M.L. (Under Review). Posttraumatic Stress in Women after Hurricane
Katrina: Predictors and Severity over Time. Traumatology.
Betty S. Lai, Mary Lou Kelley, Katherine M. Harrison, Julia E. Thompson, Shannon Self-Brown.
Posttraumatic Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Symptoms Among Children After Hurricane Katrina: A
Latent Profile Analysis. J Child and Family Studies. Springer. March 5, 2014. (dropbox)
Self-Brown, S., Lai, B., Thompson, J., McGill, T., & Kelly, M.L. (In Press). Posttraumatic stress
disorder symptom trajectories in Hurricane Katrina affected youth. Journal of Affective
Disorders. 147, 198-204. (dropbox)
Bosson, J. Vigna, Kelley, M.L., & Jones, G.N. (2012). Cognitive processing mediates the relation
between religious coping and posttraumatic growth. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 17, 439-451.
Hernandez, B.C., Vigna, J.F., & Kelley, M.L. (2010). The Youth Coping Responses Inventory:
Development and initial validation. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 66, 1008-1025. (also dropbox)
Kelley, M.L., Self-Brown, S., Le, B., Vigna, J.F., Hernandez, B.C., Gorden, A.T. (2010). Predicting
Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Children Following Hurricane Katrina: A Prospective
Analysis of the Effects of Parental Distress and Parenting Practices. Journal of Traumatic
Stress, 23(5), 582–590. PDF available. (dropbox)
Kelley, M.L., Palcic, J., Vigna, J.F., Wang, J., Spell, A.W., Pellegrin, A., Davidson, Self-Brown, S.,
& Ruggiero, K. (2010). The Effects of Parenting Behavior on children’s Mental Health PostHurricane Katrina. In: R. P. Kilmer, V. Gil-Rivas, R.G. Tedeschi, & L.G. Calhoun
(Eds.), Meeting the needs of children, families, and communities post-disaster: lessons learned from
Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Vigna, J. F., Hernandez, B.C., Paasch, V., Gordon, A., & Kelley, M.L. (2009). Positive adjustment
in youth post-Katrina: The impact of child and maternal social support and coping. In K. E.
Cherry (Ed), Lifespan perspectives on natural disasters: Coping with Katrina, Rita and other
Storms. NY: Springer. (also dropbox)
Adams, L.M., Thompson, J.E., & Kelley, M.L. (Under review). Predictors of Parenting Practices
Post-Disaster: Maternal Variables. Journal of Family Studies. In review.
Vigna, J.F., Hernandez, B.C., Kelley, M.L., & Gresham, F.M. (2010). Coping behavior in
hurricane-affected African American youth: Psychometric properties of the Kidcope. Journal
of Black Psychology, 36, 98-121.
Vigna, J.F., Hernandez, B.C., & Kelley, M.L. (2009). Predicting Conduct Problems from
Community and Family Violence: The moderating effects of Hurricane Katrina. Journal of
Family Violence, 24, 597-605.
Kelley, M.L., Positive Adjustment in Youth Post-Katrina: The Impact of Child and Maternal Social
Support and Coping. Cherry, K.E., ed. (2009). Lifespan Perspectives on Natural Disasters.
Spring Science and Business Media. PDF available.
Kelley, M. L., Palcic, J., Vigna, J. F., Wang, J., Spell, A. W., Pellegrin, A., Davidson, Self-Brown, S.,
& K., Ruggiero, K. (2010). The Effects of Parenting Behavior on children’s Mental Health
Post-Hurricane Katrina. In: R. P. Kilmer, V. Gil-Rivas, R. G. Tedeschi, & L. G. Calhoun (Eds.),
Meeting the Needs of Children, Families, and Communities Post-Disaster: Lessons Learned
from Hurricane Katrina and Its Aftermath. Washington, DC: American Psychological
JAMARRI AIKINS, LSU, Ph.D. Candidate (Department of Psychology); Thesis: Predictors of
positive adjustment in children exposed to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Hurricane
Katrina, July 2012.
Adams, L. “Maternal Variables as Predictors of Parenting Practices Post-Disaster.” Louisiana
State University, Department of Psychology. Thesis successfully defended October, 2011.
Baumeister, A. “Examination of the relationships between academic achievement and traumatic
following Hurricane Katrina.” Louisiana State University. Dissertation 2011.
Gordon, A. T. (2011). “Assessing social support in children: the development and initial validation
of the Social Support Questionnaire for Children.” Louisiana State University. Dissertation in
the Department of Psychology. August 2011.
Bosson, J.V. 2011. “Growth After the Storm: Cognitive Processing and Social Support as
Mediators of the Relation Between Religious Coping and Posttraumatic Growth in HurricaneAffected Women,” Louisiana State University dissertation in the Dept. of Psychology.
December 2011
Walls, V.L. 2012. “Predictors of Resiliency in Women Affected by Hurricane Katrina”. Masters
Thesis in the Department of Psychology, Louisiana State University. May 2012.
Kelley, M. L. (2011). “Psychological Risk and Resiliency: Children’s adjustment post-Katrina.”
Paper presented at the United States Public Health Service Conference, New Orleans, June