FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 CONTACT: Bud Synhorst, Executive Director PHONE: 402-475-2122 NEGOP CALLS MAYOR BEUTLER TO REMOVE MITCH PAINE FROM CONSIDERATION FOR AIR QUALITY BOARD (Lincoln, NE) Today the Nebraska Republican Party is calling on Mayor Beutler to remove Mitch Paine from consideration for the Air Quality Board because of his inappropriate actions during the 2015 City Council campaign by purchasing a web site deceiving voters about his opponent, Cyndi Lamm. During the campaign, Councilwoman Lamm’s web site was Paine purchased the web site linking it to a You Tube video entitled “Bum Fights.” “This dirty tactic shows immaturity and lack of fitness to serve the people of Lincoln. The video Mitch links the web site to shows disrespect for homeless citizens, especially Councilwoman Lamm, who overcame great barriers to become a successful business owner and representative of the people of northeast Lincoln,” said NEGOP executive director Bud Synhorst. “By linking to this site, Mitch Paine demonstrates the worst in politics by fraudulently linking Councilwoman Lamm to race baiting and making a joke of people who are struggling.” “A racist video and trying to deceive the voters of northeast Lincoln is insulting and today Mayor Beutler needs to do the right thing and remove Mitch Paine’s name from consideration for any position of trust with the City,” continued Synhorst. “The citizens of Lincoln deserve better people to represent the City, and Mitch Paine is not that person. Behavior such as this is inappropriate and the best thing for the City of Lincoln is for the Mayor to select someone else to serve on this board,” said NEGOP National Committeeman J.L. Spray. It is time for Mitch Paine to apologize publicly to Councilwoman Lamm, the citizens of northeast Lincoln, and the men and women of color in our community. Politics can be hard fought in an honest and respectful manner. ### 1610 N St. Lincoln, NE 68508 | Phone: 402-475-2122 | Fax 402-475-3541 | Paid for by the Nebraska Republican Party. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.