Contemporary Views on Paine A Loyalist View from the Localities Felix Farley’s Bristol Journal, 1792 Paine has in his works remarked that a man can with greater ease write himself into discredit than can a host of opponents. The justice of that sentence, even his warmest advocates now declare he has himself exemplified as his last letter to the National Convention is the most foolish, wicked, contemptible production that was ever penned. The frothy ebullitions of a bad man, grown insane with the appearance of a frantic mob. A Radical View God save great Thomas Paine His 'Rights of Man' explain To every soul. He makes the blind to see What dupes and slaves they be, And points out liberty, From pole to pole. Thousands cry 'Church and King' That well deserve to swing, All must allow: Birmingham blush for shame, Manchester do the same, Infamous is your name, Patriots vow. English Radical song, 1790s