A Simplified Method for Determination of Critical Swimming Velocity as a Swimming Fatigue Index for Freestyle Sprinters and Distance Swimmers Shigehiro T AKAHASHI, Kohji W AKA YOSHI, Seigo NAGASA WA, Yuko SAKAGUCHI, Kaoru KITAGAWA Chukyo University, Toyota, Japan Shigehirot@aol. corn Abstract Critical swimming velocity (Veri) is recognized to be the swimming speed corresponding to the maximal lactate steady state (MLSS), and it is expressed as the slope of a regression line between swimming distances and their sustained times. The purpose of this study was to confirm that V cri estimated by the swimming velocity for a distance of 300 m at maximal effort (Vcn-pred) shows the MLSS. Eight sprinters (50 m and 100 m freestyle) and eight distance swimmers (400 m and 1500 m freestyle) participated in this study. In the MLSS, the subjects were instructed to swim 2500m (5 x 500 m) freestyle at three constant velocities (98.0 %, 100 %, 102% of Vcri·pred) interrupted by four short rest periods of 30 to 40 s used for blood sampling. As a result, 100 % ofVcri-pred showed a higher steady state than 98% ofVcri-pred. but 102% ofVcri-pred did not show the steady state for sprinters and distance swimmers. In conclusion, one timed 300m maximal effort swimming test is believed to be a simpler, more rational method to determine Vcri for both sprinters and distance swimmers. Key words: V cri• MLSS, Sprinters, Distance swimmers. Introduction Critical swimming velocity (V cri) has been utilized as an index for determining training speed and evaluating endurance capacity in the field of competitive swimming. Veri has its origin in critical power (Pen), which was defined by Monad and Scherrer (1965) as the intensity of exercise which can be theoretically maintained and continued without exhaustion. They found a linear relation between the total work done at each work rate and its duration for local muscular exercise. Pcri was determined by the slope of the regression line based on the total work performed and the corresponding time until exhaustion. Moritani et al. (1981) extended the concept of Pcri to total body work performed on a cycle ergometer and found a significant relationship between Pen and the ventilatory threshold. Wakayoshi et al. (1993) then applied the concept of Pcri to the field of competitive swimming as the critical swimming velocity (V cri), and showed that Veri corresponds to the maximal lactate steady state (MLSS). Moreover, Wakayoshi et al. (1993) developed a two-trial test for the determination of Veri· This method, however, requires the swimmer to swim a distance of 200 m and 400 m twice. In a previous study, we investigated a simpler method using one timed swimming test to determine the Yen of freestyle sprinters and distance swimmers, and both sprinters and distance swimmers showed significant relationships between Veri and swimming velocities at distances over 300 m (V 300 ). The Veri of sprinters and distance swimmers corresponded to 88.8 % and 91.3 %, respectively, of the 421 Shigehiro TAKAHASHI velocity at maximal effort swimming at 300 m [Takahashi et al. (2002)]. The purpose of the present study was to confirm that Veri estimated by V300 (Veri-prect) reflects the MLSS. Methods Subjects: The subjects were eight male sprinters (50 m and 100 m freestyle specialists) and eight male distance swimmers (400 m and 1500 m freestyle specialists). All subjects had more than six years experience as competitive swimmers. Determination of critical swimming velocity CVen): The subjects were instructed to swim the distance of 300 m at maximal effort to determine Veri· Another 2000 m swimming test at maximum effort (V 2ooo) which could be the swimming velocity to be sustained at a MLSS was performed for comparison of V2000 with V eri-pred· The time taken to swim each distance was measured. Maximal lactate steady state test: The swimmers were instructed to swim 2500 m (5 x 500 m) freestyle at three constant velocities (98 %, 100%, 102% ofVeri-pred) interrupted by four short rest periods of30 to 40 s used for blood sampling. Blood lactate concentration was determined in 20J.1l samples of capillary blood taken from the fingertip before each trial, during the four rest periods, and immediately after, and 3 and 5 min after each trial. Blood lactate was analyzed using an enzymatic membrane analyzer [YSI, 1500 Sports, USA], which had been calibrated against a standard lactate concentration. In order to swim 2500 m at three constant velocities, the subjects swam with a swimming pace maker system [Takagi Co. PM3-103], which can lead subjects by signal lights at a predetermined velocity. Statistics: Data are reported as mean values and standard deviation (SD). The relationships between variables were examined by linear regression analysis. For all statistical analyses, the significance level was set at p < 0.05. Results Table I shows the physical characteristics of subjects and the data obtained from the tests. The V2000 and V 300 of sprinters were from 1.327 to 1.452 m.s- 1 and from 1.481 to 1.622 m.s- 1, with mean values of 1.407±0.041 m.s- 1 and 1.566±0.039 m.s_I. These values for distance swimmers were from 1.444 to 1.585 m.s- 1 and from 1.581 to 1.668 m.s-\ with mean of 1.507±0.046 m.s- 1 and 1.621±0.034 m.s- 1• These data showed that distance swimmers were faster than sprinters, although the difference was not significant. 422 A simplified method for determination of critical swimming velocity Table 1: The physical characteristics and test results for each subject. m ~ liil E-l ~ r:.. m l":r;liJ'J. C)~ ~~ ~~ t:IIJ'J. Subjects Age (year) S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 Mean SD D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-8 Mean SD 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19.6 0.5 22 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19.6 1.1 Height (cm) 180.5 179.0 177.2 169.2 165.2 182.0 173.0 171.9 174.8 5.9 173.8 178.1 178.0 178.0 175.5 171.5 178.0 171.0 175.5 3.0 Weight (kg) V2000 (m.s_l) 66.7 74.5 74.0 64.5 61.9 73.2 71.3 71.5 69.7 4.7 70.1 66.3 67.8 77.4 69.6 71.0 61.5 68.5 69.0 4.5 1.441 1.407 1.372 1.414 1.327 1.452 1.440 1.401 1.407 0.041 1.534 1.481 1.452 1.585 1.522 1.517 1.518 1.444 1.507 0.046 V300 (m.s-1) 1.573 1.575 1.559 1.580 1.481 1.622 1.574 1.565 1.566 0.039 1.668 1.590 1.582 1.657 1.622 1.627 1.643 1.581 1.621 0.034 Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between V2000 and Vcn-pred for sprinters and distance swimmers. Both sprinters and distance swimmers showed significant relationships between V2ooo and V cri-pred· Figure 2 illustrates the changes in blood lactate concentration every 500 m at three constant swimming velocities (98 %, I 00 %, 102 % of Vcri-pred)· At 100% of Vcri-pred for sprinters, blood lactate concentration measured after 500 m showed an increase of0.6 mmol!l up to 2500 m. At the low velocity (98% ofVcri·pred), blood lactate concentration remained at a steady level from 500 m to 2500 m. 423 Shigehiro TAKAHASHI D JSTANCE SW :MMERS SPR:NTERS 1<i5 ~ OJ Ill ...... .El. 1115 ~ 111 > 1<15 'g • ., b 0 1<i 0 1<i 0 (1J Ill /: 1<3 1<30 "'~ "'"'. "" 111 > y 1<35 1<3 1<35 11\[] v2000 1~5 1<i0 1<iS = 0 601x + 0 574 r= 0805 (p<005) n=8 ·~ = 0801 (p<OOSl n=8 • 11!5 ~--~~~~--~--~--~ 1<10 1<35 160 On/sec} 1ll0 1ll5 HO 1<i5 160 V 2000 On I sec) Fig 1: The relationship between V 2000 and V cri-pred for sprinters and distance swimmers. SPR:NTERS DlSTANCE SW:MMERS 8 A' ~ 7 a b 0 .El. 5 ~ 4 ~ 3 .Cl A' 8 7 >0 a g ~ 6 5 4 2 ~ 3 '0 2 .Q 0 1 ,q ll\ 0 "0 0 In Rest 500m 1000m 1500m 2000m 2500m 2500m sw:imm.ing (500m x 5) 1 0 Rest SOD m 1000m 150Dm 21JDOm 2500m 2500m sw:imm.ing (,500m x5) Fig 2: The relationship between blood lactate concentration and the distance of 500 m, 1000 m, 1500 m, 2000 m and 2500 m swam at three constant velocities of 98 %(a), 100 %( •) and I 02 %( 4.) ofVcri-prect for maximal lactate steady state test of sprinters and distance swimmers. However, the blood lactate concentration at 98 %of Vcri-pred was obviously lower than that at 100% ofVcri-pred· At the high velocity (102% ofVcri-prect), blood lactate showed a progressive increase up to 2500 m, and was significantly higher than those at 98 % and 100 % of V cri-prect· For distance swimmers, at both 98% and 100% ofVcn-prect blood lactate concentration remained at an approximately steady level from 500 m to 2500 m. Blood lactate concentration at lOO% of Vcri-pred was, however, higher than that at 98 % of V cri-prect at all times. At the high velocity (1 02 % of V cti-prect), blood lactate did not show a steady state. 424 A simplified method for determination of critical swimming velocity Discussion The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Veri estimated by V300 (Vcri-pred) reflects the MLSS. Olbrecht et al. (1985) reported that the swimming speed at 4 mmol/1 of blood lactate concentration as determined by the two-speed test was highly correlated with performance in a 30 min swimming event. Wakayoshi et al. (1993) found that blood lactate concentration during 1600 m (4 x 400 m) continuous swimming at Veri showed MLSS. These reports suggest that the Vcri-pred obtained in this study corresponds to the velocity of MLSS, because a significant relationship was found between V 2000 and Vcri-pred for sprinters and distance swimmers. To confirm that Vcri-pred reflects the MLSS, the subjects were instructed to swim 2500 m at the three constant velocities (98 %, 100 %, 102 % of V cri-preJ). As a result, it was found that 100 % of V cri· pred showed a higher steady state than 98 % of Vcri-pred, but 102 % of Vcri-pred did not show a steady state for either sprinters or distance swimmers. The evaluated blood lactate plateau during exercise at fixed power output indicates the anaerobic threshold and, at such an intensity, the relationship between lactate production and elimination would be in dynamic equilibrium. Heck et al. (1985) defmed MLSS as the highest blood lactate concentration increasing by no more than 1. 0 mmol/1 within the last 20 min of constant workload. Foilowing this definition, an increase of 0.6 mmol/1 in blood lactate concentration at 100% ofVcri-pred for sptinters would be accepted as the MLSS. Blood lactate concentrations at MLSS for sprinters and distance swinuners in this study were 2.7 mmol/1 and 2.9 mmol/1, respectively. These values, however, are lower than in a previous study. Beneke et al. (1996) concluded that differences in the level of MLSS between rowing, cycling, and speed skating do not seem to correspond to the testing procedure, different levels of workload intensity, or the specific metabolic profile of the sports event. Stegntann et al. (1982) showed that only 4 subjects completed 30 min continuous exercise at an intensity corresponding to that at 4.0 nm1ol/l. Among swinuners, Martin and Whyte (2000) showed a MLSS of 3.0 mmol/1 for elite triathletes. Wakayoshi et al. (1993) also showed a mean MLSS of 3.2 mmol/1 for 8 male swinmiers. These results were similar to the results of the present study. Therefore, the cause of the difference may be the metabolic profiles or the motor pattern of swimming. In conclusion, it was found that 100 % of V cri-pred corresponded to the exercise intensity at MLSS. Thus, the present results suggest that one timed 300 m maximal effort swimming test is a simpler, more efficient method to detemiine Veri for both sprinters and distance swimmers. References Beneke R. and Von Duvillard S.P. (1996). Exercise responses to running and in-line skating at self-selected paces. Med. ScL Sports. Exerc. Vol. 28(2), pp. 247-250. Heck H., Mader A., Hess G., Mucke S., Muller R. and Hollmann W. (1985). Justification of the 4-mmol/L lactate threshold. Int. J. Sports. Med. Vol. 6, pp.l17-130. Martin L. and Whyte G.P. (2000). Comparison of critical swimming velocity and velocity at lactate threshold in elite triathletes. Int. J. Sports. Med. Vol. 21, pp. 366-368. Monod H. and Scherrer J. (1965). The work capacity of asynergic muscular group. Ergonomics, Vol. 8, pp. 329-337. Moritani T., Nagata A., de Vries H.A. and Muro M. (1981). 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