Vocabulary: Ancient India - Ms. Torres'Social Studies

Vocabulary: Ancient India Name __________________________________ Period ___________________# _____________ Directions: 1. Write out the complete definition for the following vocabulary words. (You may use your textbook pgs. 52 & 59 or LongmanDictionary.com) 2. Draw and color a picture or cartoon that will help you remember the definition. 3. Write out a sentence using the word correctly. (You may use a sentence from the book or from the Internet.) Highlight the vocab word. Picture or cartoon that will help me My sentence using the vocab word. Vocabulary Word Definition remember the word’s meaning… (Vocab word is highlighted.) A strong wind that brings HEAVY rain to southern Asia in the summer monsoon The VERY rainy season that
occurs in southern Asia in the
plateau glacier A flat area of land that is elevated, or raised, above the land around it A large area of flat land that is higher than the land around it A huge mass if ice that slowly slides over a land area A very large area of ice that a slope or moves slowly down valley or over a w ide area of land Vocabulary Word granary sewer system citadel Picture or cartoon that will help me remember the word’s meaning… My sentence using the vocab word. (Vocab word is highlighted.) A network of pipes that disposes of sewage or waste water A fortress built to protect a city A castle or fort that in past times was used to protect the people of a city if the city was attacked Built in the past as a place where people could go for safety if their city was attacked Definition A place to store grain A building in which grain is stored Picture or cartoon that will help me remember the word’s meaning… My sentence using the vocab word. (Vocab word is highlighted.) A class or group in Hindu society One of the classes into which the Hindu people of India were traditionally divided A division of society based upon differences of wealth, rank, or occupation A collection of Hindu sacred writings An ancient language of India A language that was spoken many years ago in India and is still used in the practice of Hinduism Vocabulary Word Definition caste Vedas Sanskrit Picture or cartoon that will help me remember the word’s meaning… My sentence using the vocab word. (Vocab word is highlighted.) The belief that a person’s soul is reborn into a new body after death The idea or belief that people are born again with a different body after death A journey to a holy place A Journey to a holy place for religious reasons Vocabulary Word Brahmanism reincarnation pilgrimage Definition An ancient Indian religion in which the Brahmins (priests and religious scholars) are the dominant class Goods given to the poor alms Money, clothes, food, and other
things given to poor people
Picture or cartoon that will help me remember the word’s meaning… My sentence using the vocab word. (Vocab word is highlighted.) ascetic A person who gives up worldly pleasures Relating to or having a strict and simple way of living that avoids physical pleasure nirvana An ideal state of happiness and peace The state of perfect happiness and peace in Buddhism where there is release from all forms of suffering Vocabulary Word monk edict Definition A Holy man who devotes his life to religious practice A member of a religious community of men who usually promise to remain poor, unmarried, and separated from the rest of society A command that is obeyed like law An official order given by a person with power or by a government Picture or cartoon that will help me remember the word’s meaning… My sentence using the vocab word. (Vocab word is highlighted.) scroll A roll of material like paper or papyrus A long piece of paper that rolls around one or two cylinders and that usually has something written or drawn on it mural A wall painting A usually large painting that is done directly on the surface of a wall Vocabulary Word province monastery Definition A territory that is part of a country or an empire One of the large areas into which some countries are divided, and which usually has its own local government A home for monks A place where monks live and work together 