Inside this Issue

Oak Point News
Inside this Issue
Mon-Thu 7:30am-10:00pm
Friday 7:30am – 11:00pm
Saturday 8:30am – 11:00pm
Sunday 9:00am – 5:00pm
advantage of our many fitness
classes we have at the Clubhouse.
This newsletter is dedicated to
the loving memory of
homeowner Rikki Barron. Our
deepest sympathies go out to
Rikki’s’s family and friends.
All of our classes are pay as you go
and only cost a nominal fee (most
are $5.00) so there really is no
reason not try a class or two. You
just might have fun and make a new
friend or two.
Oak Point & Hometown America
would like to wish you all a very
Happy New Year. We have some
exciting things in store for you so
buckle up; it’s going to be a wild
ride. With events already booked
right through the year, you’ll find
there is something for everyone to
do. Whether you enjoy our dinner &
movie nights, a game of bingo,
dancing the night away or a casual
Saturday morning at the Clubhouse
with coffee & donuts, you’ll find
there is always something to do. Be
sure to check out the What’s New
section of each months newsletter to
see all we have planned. Make 2012
the year you get out and
enjoy as many events as you can.
It’s also a great time to take
On Wednesday, January 25 at 6pm
in the Grand Ballroom we are
holding our first homeowners
meeting with our new General
Manager Fred Taylor. Many of you
may have already met Fred. He has
attended several of our events over
the last month or so and enjoyed
every moment he has shared with all
of you. Fred will be leading the night
with general information and
updates before taking questions
from the audience. As in the past we
will provide a form to fill out with
any questions you may have that
must be submitted prior to the
meeting in order to ensure your
questions can be answered that
night. See you there!
goes home to her adoring,
recently-downsized architect
husband & their two young
children. It's a non-stop balancing
act, the same one that Kate's
acerbic best friend and fellow
working mother Allison performs
on a daily basis, and that Kate's
super-brainy, child-phobic young
junior associate Momo (fully
Saturday, January 7 th at 3pm in
the Ballroom. Back by popular
demand. Make a beautiful,
sparkling bracelet to keep or give
as a gift. Learn how to bead like a
professional on wire with metal
clasps and brilliant Swarovski
crystals. Fee: $14. Minimum: 6.
Limit 10.
management firm. At night she
Pay by January 28 th .
Late registration will not be
accepted. Extra supplies won’t be
handed a major new account that
will require frequent trips to New
York, Richard also wins the new
job he's been hoping for and both
will be spreading themselves even
thinner. Dinner will include
Chicken A La King or baked schrod
with mashed potato, vegetable,
tossed salad, coffee, rolls
and dessert.
Fee: $9. Pay by January 6 th .
Monday, January
intends to avoid. When Kate gets
9 th
at 6pm in the
Ballroom. Join us for the movie, “I
Don’t Know How She Does It”.
Starring Sarah Jessica Parker. The
movie follows a Boston-based
working mother trying desperately
to juggle marriage, children, and a
high-stress job. Kate devotes her
days to her job with a financial
Tuesday, January 10 th at 2pm in
the Ballroom. Massasoit College is
back with another great topic.
Join Paolo DiGregorio for Sicily:
Island in the Sun- Every major
power in the Mediterranean, from
the Greeks and Romans to the
Arabs, Byzantines, and Normans
have left their mark on the island.
The blending of these cultures
has produced a vibrant, colorful
tapestry of life, art, and tradition.
cheese, fruit and all the usual
Come explore the culture and
salad stuff. If you have sworn off
history of this Mediterranean
high fat and high sugar to regain
checks payable to Massasoit
the place for you. Dinner will be
College or pay at the door. Please
followed by DJ music & dancing.
sign up on the events board so we
Eat right, burn calories. Here’s to
know how many will attend.
a healthy New Year. Fee: $13
Pay or sign up by January 7 th .
per person. Pay by January 11 th
jewel. Fee: $10 per person. Make
Thursday, January
12 th
at 5pm in the
Ballroom . Enjoy all your favorite
breakfast foods for dinner such as
m ake your ow n waffles, eggs,
sausage, bacon, hom e fries,
pastries, coffee & O J along w ith a
healthy gam e of TRIVIA! Each table
will m ake up a team to play trivia.
Prizes will be aw arded to the
winners com plim ents of M uckey’s .
Each person in attendance w ill
receive a com plim entary m im osa OR
bloody M ary from M uckeys.
Additional drinks can be purchased
for a sm all fee. The cost is $12.
Pay by January 9 th .
Saturday, January 14 th at 6pm in
the Ballroom. Let us help you
control of your diet, then this is
Sunday, January 15 th at 2pm-4pm
in the Ballroom. Join
Middleborough’s own Nancy Gratta
as she returns to teach us how to
read our own cards, look for the
signs of our angels and so much
more. This is Nancy’s third
seminar here and she’s back by
popular demand. The cost is
$21.00 and you pay at the door. If
you’ve been to Nancy before, you
know how amazing she is, if you
haven’t, give it a try. You’ll be
Tuesday, January 17 th at 7pm in
the Ballroom. Gary is here to
educate and entertain us once
keep your New Year’s resolutions
more. If you have never attended
create your own salad with a huge
treat. This is not your boring old
at our soup & salad bar. Come
variety of toppings including
chicken salad, tuna salad, cottage
one of his talks, you are in for a
High School history class. Find out
what really happened. Learn how
egos, personalities and
Wednesday , January 11 th . Make
circumstances played a part in the
checks payable to Card Tours.
first 200 years of America’s
For more info call Bob Picardi
Fee: $8 per person.
Pay by January 14 th .
Wednesday, January 18 th at
at 947-9116.
Saturday, January 21 ST at 7pm in
6:30pm in the Ballroom. Do you
the Ballroom. Enjoy a night of
With almost 40 dishes to choose
dramatics at this hilarious
love to sample different foods?
from, you are bound to find
something you will love here.
Sign up on the bulletin board and
comedy, music, costume and
performance. Feel free to sing
along to the songs you know. The
first hour will be a whirlwind of
list what you plan to bring. Your
headliner acts from the 50’s
Register by January 15 th . This is a
made your memories. Fee: $8 per
dish should feed 8 – 10 people.
homeowner run event. Donations
are appreciated. Muckey’s Liquors
supplies $1 dollar beer and wine.
followed by the 50’s music that
person. Pay by January 18 th.
Muckey’s will provide a cash bar
and light snacks will be provided.
Monday, January 23 rd at 7pm in the
Wednesday, January 18 th at
8:30am to 5:30pm. Leaving from
and returning to the Oak Point
Clubhouse. Check out the table
games, slot machines, bingo,
shopping and great food options.
Trip includes motor coach
transportation, casino package of
$10 food or full buffet and $10
keno tickets. Gratuity is also
included. January Special Rate:
$19. Reservations are due by
Ballroom. Bert Lerner, homeowner
and an Enrolled Agent (licensed by
the U.S. Government to represent
Taxpayers, at all levels, before the
IRS) and tax consultant (with over
40 years of experience in
preparing all types of tax returns),
will review the changes in the
Federal and State Income Tax Laws
that might affect the preparation
of your 2011 Federal and State
Income Tax Returns.
The discussion will be followed by
a short question and answer
period and refreshments. Free for
pork Normandy, baked potato,
homeowners. Please sign up on
vegetable, tossed salad, coffee,
the Events Bulletin Board so that
rolls and dessert.
we may have enough informational
Fee: $9. Pay by January 21 st .
handouts to go around.
Tuesday, January 24 th at 6pm in
Wednesday, January 25 th at 6pm in
the Ballroom. Our movie for the
the Ballroom. Come meet Oak
that Moneyball makes baseball
Taylor. Fred has been on the job
night is “Moneyball”. It's amazing
Point’s new General Manager, Fred
statistics seem fascinating--but
since November 2 nd . Many of you
that's because it's not really a
may have met him in Customer
movie about numbers, and it's not
Service or at one of our events. If
really a movie about baseball,
you have not, come say hello and
people to take risks--in this
always at an Oak Point
instance, Billy Beane (played by
homeowner’s meeting, please keep
Brad Pitt), general manager of the
your questions general so that
Oakland A's, who's just had his
answers apply to all of us. If your
best players poached by teams
main concern is, for instance, the
Fed up with how money twists the
please address that personally at
game, he listens to Peter Brand
Customer Service.
either. It's about what drives
that can afford to pay a lot more.
hear what he has to say. As
flickering light in your lamp post,
(Jonah Hill), who persuades him
that certain players are being
undervalued for trivial reasons--
strengths that could, when used in
in the Ballroom. Coffee and
the right combinations, produce a
Donuts is now a monthly
winning season.
fundraising event for all of Oak
that statistics reveal hidden
Saturday, January 28 th at 9:30am
Point’s clubs. Each month, a
Beane takes Brand's advice, then
different group will run the event
him to follow it through. The meal
favorite charity. This month will
will consist of roast chicken or
benefit the Wine Club who will
has to fight everyone else around
and keep the proceeds for their
donate all proceeds to St. Vincent
is "Should you sell your house to
DePaul. You can still enjoy coffee
your son/daughter for a $1?"
and the now famous “MA’s” donuts
Come to this informative talk to
you will be supporting a different
protect your assets.
cause each month. You’ll also
Sign up on the events board by
have a chance to catch up with
January 27 th so we will have
your neighbors and meet new
enough handouts.
or a bagel and cream cheese and
homeowners. Sign up by January
find out if this is a good way to
25 th . Fee: $1 per person. If your
group would like to host this
Tuesday, January 31 st , 7-9pm in
event, call the Social Dept.
the Ballroom. On the last Tuesday
of each month at 7pm in the
Saturday, January
28 TH
Ballroom, Oak Pointers become
at 7pm in
the Ballroom. Why not shake off
Frank Sinatra, Big Bopper and
Connie Francis. You get the idea!
those winter blues and come up to
It’s all about fun and
the Clubhouse for some mello rock
entertainment. The night is
and roll music with the band
hosted by our favorite Karaoke
Guy and homeowner, Kent Corson.
You don’t have to
brave the elements to hear some
Sing by yourself, with a group or
female vocalist, is out of this
Performers will be rewarded with a
world. Don’t miss it! Fee: $8 per
raffle ticket for the end of the
really great music. Ann, Cruisin’s
person. Pay by January
25 th .
support with your applause.
night prize drawing. Bring your
own beverages and snacks. Free.
Monday, January 30 th at 7pm in the
Ballroom. Attorney Vivian
Youngberg is a Middleboro
attorney who specializes in elder
affairs. She is a regular speaker
here at Oak Point. Her down to
earth manner and her ability to
clarify complicated issues make
her a favorite. This month’s topic
Find a list of 70 weekly & monthly
classes with fees, descriptions &
locations in the Oak Point Recreation
Brochure located by the Social Dept.
The new season of Ladies Monday
Night Pool will begin on Monday
February 27, 2012 @ 7:00 p.m. in
the main pool room. Please be sure
to sign up well in advance so that
we will have time to match teams
and set up the playing schedule.
Sign-up sheets will be posted on the
Program Bulletin Board across from
the Social Dept. and on the bulletin
board in the main pool room. As
usual, we are always in need of
alternate players, so even if you
don’t play every week, please sign
up as a back-up player. Some
experience a must. Not a seasoned
player, come join us for a lesson on
the first Saturday of each month at
1:00 p.m. in the main pool room. If
you know someone who plays ask
them to show you the ropes and
come join us on Monday nights at
6:30 for extra help. A one-time fee
of $5.00 will be collected on the
first night. This money will be used
to inscribe the names of the Play-0ff
winners and an end of league party.
Adult/pediatric CPR class for the
layperson. Tuesday, January 17 th ,
9am to 12 noon in the Back of the
Ballroom. This is a 3 hour class and
covers basic CPR techniques for
adults as well as children and infant
with simple barrier devices.
Includes the use of the automated
external defibrillator. No written
exam. An American Heart
Association certificate will be issued
upon completion. Fee: $15. Make
checks payable to Ed Dowd. For info
call Ed Dowd at 508-923-3499.
Want a little diversion in January?
Every Wednesday at 1 PM the Oh
Bleep card game is played in the
Game Room. This most unusual
card game is easily learned in less
than an hour and is fun to
play. Come on in and give it a try!
Monthly outing of our French
speaking group. Meet people from
many countries including
the US, all speak some French.
January is at a member's home;
Saturday 14, one o'clock
in Falmouth for French pastries. Call
Lillian Maury 947-4962 for
reservation and details.
The women of Oak Point get
together on one Sunday of each
month to renew friendships and
hopefully meet new friends. We will
meet on Sunday, January 15 th , at
2pm in the Parlor. Bring your own
Interested in a Chronic Pain Support
refreshments. Call Nancy for more
Group? As in all things, sharing
info at 946-9780.
makes your burden a little lighter.
chronic pain and would like to meet
State Rep. Thomas Calter holds
with others to share tips,
monthly office hours at Oak Point on
information and hear from
the 3 rd Thursday of each month.
professionals, sign up on the
The next visit is Thursday, January
Interest Bulletin Board.
up by calling Rep. Calter’s office at
Interested in a clay sculpting class?
508-732-0033. Sign up sheets will
Would you like to dig your hands
no longer be on the bulletin boards.
into the clay and create something
19 th
at 5:30pm in the Library. Sign
If you suffer from any type of
uniquely your own? Our friends at
Massasoit College are currently
by Dana, one of the Brockton
program. If you would like to
Visiting Nurses’ staff on the last
participate, sign up on the Interest
Tuesday of each month. Next clinic:
Bulletin Board.
Have your blood pressure checked
looking for an instructor for this
Tuesday, January 31 st at 3pm in the
Clubroom. Free for homeowners.
Interested in taking a PACE (People
with Marie Vitale. This class would
Join fellow homeowners for an
be offered on Tuesdays from 10-
informal night of trivia on Saturday
11am in the Gym. Sign up on the
nights at 7pm in the Parlor. These
Interest Bulletin Board if you would
nights are just for fun. Bring a
like to join in.
beverage & enjoy with your friends.
with Arthritis Can Exercise) class
Interested in hearing a talk and
meeting the Providers from Compass
Do you have an idea for an event or
class? We are always looking for
fresh, new ideas. In this section, we
will list a number of suggestions we
have received. If there is enough
interest, we will make it happen.
Medical. Would you like to have the
Doctors come out to Oak Point,
introduce themselves to the
Community and answer any
questions your may have related to
becoming a new patient? We can
potentially help register anyone
looking to become a new patient at
this meeting to make the process
easy and quick for them.
Sign up on the Interest Bulletin
Board if you would like to
Interested in European History?
Massasoit College has a great
instructor who is available to come
to Oak Point and speak on a variety
of topics. His January talk will cover
the history and culture of Sicily (See
What’s New for details). Are there
other cities or locations you would
like to learn more about. How about
Rome or Venice or Paris? If you have
a favorite topic you would like to
hear covered, sign up on the
Interest Bulletin Board and list your
topic. Winter classes will be held on
Tuesday afternoons at 2pm in the
Interested in hearing a talk about
cancer from Jordan Hospital?
We could provide a panel of 3
physicians to provide an overview of
cancer to include screening, early
detection, diagnosis, treatment and
prevention. They can speak on
breast cancer, prostate cancer, head
and neck, lung, thyroid, melanoma,
etc. We can tailor it to what you
think would be most interesting to
our community. Sign up on the
Interest Bulletin Board to
us. Thank you again for your
Do you have something nice to
I want to thank all the kind and
say to your neighbors? Would
you like to say thank you for a
kindness. Bless you all.
Bill & Elaine Greenlaw
thoughtful people in the Oak Point
community who sent cards and all
kindness or let others know
those others who called with their
towards? This is the place to
recover, progressing from a walker
about a cause you are working
do it. Just drop a note if it is
short or email to Carolyn at
best wishes. I am continuing to
to a cane; and hope, one day, in the
not too distant future, to be able to
stand and walk erect without the aid
The deadline for each issue is
of any "handicap" apparatuses.
the 1 st of the previous month.
Bert Lerner
I would like to take this opportunity
to thank my neighbors, friends, the
Women’s Club and my bingo
buddies for all the cards, food and
the many prayers sent to me during
my recent surgeries. My husband
and I can’t thank you enough for
Ronna & Marty Melamed
To all our friends & neighbors may
we please say Thank You for all your
kind words, cards, fruit baskets and
flowers after Elaine’s Mom passed
away. It meant a lot to the both of
Do you know of any organizations
that are looking for volunteers? We
are hoping to include opportunities
for homeowners who are looking to
enrich their lives by volunteering
their time. If so, let the Social
Department know and we will
include it in the next newsletter. We
will post the name of the agency, a
contact person and a phone number.
If you enjoy learning and would
like to share your knowledge and
love of learning with someone else,
tutoring might be for you. Literacy
tutors are needed to work one-on-
cat food as well as blankets, towels,
one with adult immigrants learning
pet toys and treats to be distributed
English and people studying to earn
to the Middleboro dog shelter and
meet once weekly for two hours at
adopt a dog, call the Lakeville
the Taunton Public Library at a time
Animal Shelter at 508 947-3891.
convenient for the tutor. Tutors can
They have a large selection of dogs
choose to teach reading, writing or
just waiting for new homes.
math. Training and materials are
Care Packages: Items for care
a high school diploma or GED and
overseas are being collected by the
be reliable. A new training session
OPVA & Oak Point. Please no sample
begins in January. Please contact
sizes, as they do not list ingredients.
Susan Wladis, TPS/BCC Adult
Personal Care Items: Personal
Education Partnership, at (508) 822-
care items are being collected by the
their GED. Tutors and students
provided. Tutors must have at least
surrounding animal shelters. To
packages for our troops serving
Oak Point Women’s Club for the
Conway House. They also accept
There are two closets located in the
Ballroom foyer that have bins for
donations. Please do not drop off
used items that are not specifically
Eye Glasses & Hearing Aids:
Gently worn eye glasses & aids are
being collected by the Lions Club.
Food Items: Non-perishable food
items are being collected by
homeowner Susan Beaulieu for
Roads to Responsibility.
Flags: Worn American Flags are
being collected by the Oak Point
Veterans Association for retirement.
Dog & Cat Food: The Oak Paws
Pet Club collects donations of dog &
household cleaning supplies.
Toys: New toys, still in the
packages are being collected for
Roads to Responsibility to assist
those less fortunate than us in
celebrating the holiday season.
**If you wish to collect donated
items for a worthy cause, stop by
the Social Department for more
***Please note that movies listed may need to be
substituted on occasion due to availability. We do our
best to provide a well rounded schedule of movies
that are new to the shelves and hopefully, new to you
as well. Feel free to call or stop in anytime with
Friday, January 6th & Saturday, January 7th“BLACKTHORN” .
Longtime screenwriter Mateo Gil (Open Your Eyes,
The Sea Inside) returns to the director's chair for his
second feature, a continuation of the Butch Cassidy
saga that finds the famed outlaw embarking on one
last adventure in the quest to meet his son for the
very first time. Twenty years after he presumably
perished in a violent gun fight, Butch (Sam
Shepard) learns that he has a son in the U.S.
Returning home to meet his boy won't be easy,
though, because a quick-draw cowboy (Eduardo
Noriega) is about to take Butch on the ride of his
life. Meanwhile, an obsessive ex-railroad employee
(Stephen Rea) is closing in on Butch, and preparing
to pull the trigger.
Friday, January 13th & Saturday, January 14th“Super 8”, a Steven Spielberg film.
In the summer of 1979, a group of friends in a small
Ohio town witness catastrophic train crash while
making a super 8 movie and soon suspect that it was
not an accident. Shortly after, unusual
disappearances and inexplicable events begin to
take place in town, and the local Deputy tries to
uncover the truth - something more terrifying than
any of them could have imagined.
makes a move on its streets unless ordered to do so
by the iron-fisted Colonel Dolarhyde (Harrison
Ford). It's a town that lives in fear.
But Absolution is about to experience fear it can
scarcely comprehend as the desolate city is attacked
by marauders from the sky. Screaming down with
breathtaking velocity and blinding lights to abduct
the helpless one by one, these monsters challenge
everything the residents have ever known.
Friday,January 27th & Saturday, January 28th –
“Rise of The Planet of The Apes”.
The Escapist director Rupert Wyatt takes the helm
for this Planet of the Apes prequel centering on
genetically engineered chimp Caesar (Andy Serkis),
who was created in a San Francisco lab by an
ambitious scientist (James Franco), and who uses
his powerful intellect to lead an ape uprising against
all of humankind.
****All movies start promptly at their posted times in
the monthly calendar.
Please be courteous and kind when attending. Due to the
increasing popularity of movie nights, seating is limited
to homeowners only. Thank you for understanding.
Trip Information
Wednesday, January 18th
Thursday, March 15th
Times TBA
Friday, January 20 & Saturday, January 21 “Cowboys & Aliens” .
Wednesday, April 14th
1875. New Mexico Territory. A stranger (Daniel
Craig) with no memory of his past stumbles into the
hard desert town of Absolution. The only hint to his
history is a mysterious shackle that encircles one
wrist. What he discovers is that the people of
Absolution don't welcome strangers, and nobody
Tuesday, may 22nd
Adele Rudick
Marlene Lane
Trudy Cook
Bob Weikel
Greg Gott
Carol Kent
Martha Daneault
Lois Cohen
Arthur Stevens
Jerry Figueiredo
Linda Singer
Jerry Goldman
Kevin Cook
Jan Blanc
Jesse Medeiros
George Wager
Gail Richardson
Mike Farrar
Judy McLaughlin
Lois Spector
Jeane England
Rick DiSalvo
Larry Jones
Paul Merola
Paul Frechette
Betty Curran
Barbara Wager
Joe Wilkinson
Carol Scannell
Wade Borland
Philip Dould
Jim Day
Kathy Whitmarsh
Norma Brown
Carolelee Mendelson
Frances Stinson
Nancy Tibbetts
Anne Goldman
Helen Mullally
Kathy Dowd
Peg Willard
Walter Cotter
Marty Foley
Bill Rullo
January 1st
January 1st
January 1st
January 1st
January 2nd
January 3rd
January 3rd
January 3rd
January 5th
January 7th
January 7th
January 7th
January 7th
January 7th
January 8th
January 8th
January 9th
January 9th
January 10th
January 10th
January 10th
January 11th
January 14th
January 15th
January 15th
January 15th
January 16th
January 16th
January 16th
January 16th
January 17th
January 17th
January 17th
January 17th
January 18th
January 18th
January 18th
January 19th
January 19th
January 20th
January 20th
January 20th
January 21st
January 21st
Jeanne Taylor
Bill Pizzi
Patricia Barry
Janet Phillips
Eleanor Schmidt
Dorothy Mancuso
PeeWee Dilulis
Ira Kaye
Marilyn Greene
Nancy Noonan
Harris O’Brasky
Barbara Wynter
Nick Guarda
Carl Carlson
Bob Pease
Susan Wauchope
Patricia Weaver
Carol Lincoln
John Richardson
Linda Botelho
Ed Lupo
Joe Fontana
January 22nd
January 22nd
January 22nd
January 23rd
January 23rd
January 23rd
January 24th
January 24th
January 25th
January 25th
January 26th
January 26th
January 26th
January 26th
January 27th
January 27th
January 27th
January 27th
January 28th
January 28th
January 30th
January 31st
Richard & Nancy Kelly
January 2nd
Dick & Linda Macfarlane January 3rd
Frank & Margorie Johnson Jan 4th
Frank & Marjorie Costa
January 4th
Bill & Cathy Rullo
January 6th
Jerry & Sandy Ellis
January 11th
Larry & Shirley Jones
January 12th
Bob & Janice Pillow
January 15th
Jim & Marcy Bilak
January 20th
Steve & Sue Dalton
January 21st
Richard & Pamela Fasci January 23rd
David & Becky Kanevski January 29th
Stan & Beverly Sidman
January 30th
Jack & Tena Cogan
January 31st
Club news
A Note To Clubs From The Social
Please remember to send all
submissions for the newsletter to
both & no
later than the 1 of the first of each
month. We can only take
submissions than are a half page or
less as space is limited. We are not
responsible for the content of each
club submission so be sure to double
check dates and times before clicking
And finally, our 2012 calendar is now
available for booking. Stop by during
office hours and see either Debbie or
Carolyn to book your club dates!
Upcoming Meetings:
Dec 19th, 7:00 pm E-Board, Library
Jan 16th, 7:30 pm, General Meeting,
Feb 20th, 7:00 pm, E-Board, Library
January General Meeting: Hot dogs, potato
salad and chips will be served at
6:45 pm. Cost for the meal is $3.00. The
General Meeting will commence
at 7:30 pm. The the guest speaker will be a
nurse from the Brockton Veterans
Masspass Books for 2012: 2012 Masspass
books are available for purchase.
Cost of the book is $25.00. Books can be
purchased at the Social Director's
Office or by calling Bert Lerner at 508-9469688.
2012 Annual Dues: Payment of dues can
be made at the January General
Meeting or by mail to the Finance Officer,
Dave Singer, 2501 Fox Run.
RMV Driver;s License Veterans
Designation: Liteutenant Governor
Timothy Murray recently announced that the
`RMV will offer Massachusetts
veterans the option to have the word
"Veteran" appear on their driver's license or
ID card, beginning in January 2012. The
veteran designation is designed to
increase awareness about available
resources and benefits. With this feature,
first responders will be alerted of all
veterans and the Department
of Veterans Services will notify veterans of
benefits the may not have accessed.
There is no cost for the veterans
designation, as long as it is added during
license renewal time. Veterans who have
not accessed Department of Veterans'
services will find a wide array of benefits are
Thank you to all our wonderful members
who worked so hard to put up our
ANGELS and STARS holiday decorations
throughout the complex. We
were thrilled to have lights now at the four
way stop.Special thanks to Jerry
Ellis,Brad Fletcher, and Ed Udas who
helped with this project with
electricity, high places, wooden angels and
our gazebo tree. We love these
Members always enjoy working together to
plan and carry out our themes.
We hope you enjoyed our efforts this year.
We hope the new management
will support our projects so that we can
continue to keep Oak Point as
beautiful as it has been..
Congratulations to Barbara Andersen who
was the Holiday Door winner.
Thank you to all who supported this new
There will be no regular meetings in
January and February. The Board
Meeting will be held on February 27th and
our regular FIRST meeting of
the new club year will be on March 6,2012.
Please mark these dates in
your new calendars.
New members are always welcome. Any
small contributions are always helpful, ie
bake for a meeting, help sell plants at
our Plant Sale. We are all not able to dig
and plant. New excellent
programs are planned for this new year, so
we hope to see you.Join us!!!
Joanne Menice, Secretary...508-947-3937
GOLF “FACTS” -Estimated odds of making a hole-in-one by
an average golfer - 42,952 to 1. Odds
against making two in the
same round of golf - 67,000,000 to 1,
although it was accomplished in 1971 by a
golf pro in England.
-Tiger Woods got his first hole-in-one at age
-The longest golf hole in the world is in
Japan – 909
yards, par 7.
-The largest green is here in Massachusetts
Golf Club’s 5th hole) at 28,000 undulating
square feet
(almost 2/3rds of an acre).
Applications for the 2012 season continue at a
very brisk pace. Almost half of the Monday
spots are already taken, with Tuesday
not too far behind. Application blanks are
available in the entryway to the fitness room,
and from Linda Lupo, Bob Cargen,
Mike Sweeney, and Walter Reed. Assignments
to your preferred day of play (Monday or
Tuesday) are on a first come, first served
basis, so don’t hesitate if you have a preference.
Reminder: payment must accompany the
application forms.
Details for 2012 as follows:
Regular Dues - $75
Sub Dues - $40
Deadline for applications - April 1, 2012
Kick-Off Meeting – April 30th at 7:00 in the
Grand Ballroom.
Play starts (4:30 shotgun) May 7th & 8th
Play ends September 17h & 18th
Banquet - Wednesday, October 3, 2012, at 7:00
(Doors open at 6:00) in the Grand Ballroom
Course – The Back Nine Club in Lakeville (on
the web at
Bob Cargen/Secretary – 774-213-9387
Classic car club
The Oak Point Classic Car Club held its monthly meeting November 16 – the third Wednesday of the month. We have finalized our club logo – a wide whitewall tire on a wire rim. It symbolizes a classic style from the late 50s‐early 60s. We are in the process of printing our logo on hats, patches, shirts, banners, etc. Check out our bulletin board in the gym hallway to see our new logo as well as photos of members’ cars and recent car shows. The monthly meeting of the Oak Point Classic Car Club will be held on Wednesday January 18 at 7 P.M. This is a free, casual get together for anyone interested in Classic/Antique Cars and Motorcycles. Owning a classic car is not a requirement. We discuss subjects related to classic cars – local car shows, mechanics, where to buy and sell cars, etc. We welcome new members! THE TRAVEL CLUB AT OAK POINT
CHECK Club’s Bulletin Board for details of
current trips. LOCATION: Clubhouse
Hallway between fitness center & indoor
club’s board. Annual 2012 membership dues
of $10 should be submitted to the social
directors’ office by February 1, 2012. Checks
made payable to The Travel Club at Oak Point.
2012 TRIPS – Info on Club’s Board
*All trips open to members, their guests, and
non-members. Paid members eligible for trip
priorities, discounts, or bonuses, if offered.
May 18-May 23 – Bermuda 7-day cruise on
the Norwegian Dawn departing from Boston
Friday, May 18. Reference the Travel Club at
Oak Point when making reservations through
the club’s contact: Wendy Morrison, AAA: 617
332 9900 . Prices
subject to change. Reservation info on club’s
*Members should send their email addresses
to Marie, The club
only sends travel club information, minutes, &
updates. Email addresses are not available
to groups or other individuals.
7 pm in Back Ballroom
*February 14: Mike Pittsley, AAA, a ‘Hawaii’
*March 13: Sue Anderson, Yankee Line Tours
Ann Davis Goodrum
Our December meeting featured an Oak Point favorite, Randy Julius, of Dale & The Duds. Randy is not only a fine musician, but also is an accomplished wild life painter. He gave us an informative and arresting insight to his art. Randy has won the Massachusetts Stamp competition many times, including this year. We had a good turnout with many friends from Oak Point. All of us from Oak Point Art Association wish all of you a SAFE, HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR! Submitted by, Sheila DiIulis, secretary NEWS FROM THE WOMEN'S CLUB
Join us this Saturday, the 17th, at our
Women's Club Meeting. Molly Whalen,
Miss Massachusetts 2011, will be here to
entertain us. We welcome you to bring your
daughters, daughter-in-laws and teenage
granddaughters to the entertainment portion
beginning at 10:30. Looking ahead, our
program in January will be Trucchi's Market
who will give a presentation. Join us in
welcoming Trucchi's to Middleboro.
This month's food donations will be given to
Central Congregational Food Pantry. At our
November's meeting, we presented checks
to Central Baptist Church Food Pantry,
Central Congregational Church Food Pantry,
The Soule Homestead and Friends of the
Middleboro Public Library. In October we
presented a check to St. Vincent de Paul.
Each representative spoke in appreciation of
our generosity. A thank to all who support
our many fundraisers throughout the year you help make these donations possible.
Dining Out in January will be at the The
Cabin in Middleboro. The restaurant will be
open only to the Oak Point Women's Club.
Details will be announced as well as a signup sheet at our December meeting.
January also means dues of $12 for 2012.
All women of Oak Point are invited to join
the Women's Club. you will meet new
people, enjoy socializing, experience an
informative program or entertainment and
support an outreach program to the
A special thank you to everyone on the
Executive Board for all their hard work this
year. The Women's Club wishes everyone at
Submitted by Barbara Gasse, Secretary
On behalf of the Drama Club we would
like to thank all of you who chose to spend
an evening with us and watch us perform.
We'd like to thank those of you who took the
time to call, write notes, or, in passing
conversation mention how much you
enjoyed the show. Hearing this means a
great deal to all of us who put in a lot of
time and effort; it shows our efforts were
rewarded. Some people mentioned this was
the Club's best show ever and asked how we
were going to top it. Who knows, maybe
we'll see you in 2012.
Ron D'Agostino and Linda Levreault
The Oak Point Hiking Club will set up its
schedule for 2012 at a meeting at 7 PM on
Monday, January 30 in the back ballroom. Come
and bring your ideas for the 2012 hikes!
In 2011, the Hiking Club members hiked once a
month, March through November, on
Mondays ( usually the third Monday of the
month), leaving Oak Point at 9:30. Hikes varied
in length - most were finished by 1 PM or so,
some lasted a little longer. Sometimes some of
the hikers found a place to have lunch before
they headed home, adding to the fun.
At the January 30 meeting, the dates and
places for all the hikes in 2012 will be decided,
so come with your ideas, information about
hiking sites you suggest and any other
topics that should be discussed. Questions?
Contact Lyn or Ed White, 508-947-8662
Happy New Year to all our neighbors &
friends. We have exciting news to start the
year. The Singles Club is moving to the
second Wednesday every month at 6pm in
the Parlor for all those who wish to join in on
the fun! Don’t be shy, we are a casual group
of homeowners who are here to make friends
and have fun. Hope to see you at our next
meeting on Wednesday, January 11 at 6pm
in the Parlor.
Fred Taylor, General Manager
Barbara Brown, Sales Rep.
923-0002 x 13
Stacy Gerry, Sales Rep.
Debbie Silva & Carolyn Lynch,
Social Directors 947-5406
Peter Conant, Property
To avoid delays in the processing of
your Customer Service requests,
please do not insert correspondence
to the Customer Service Dept. with
your rent payments.
Correspondence for the Customer
Service Department should be
placed in a separate envelope
marked "Customer Service".
Unfortunately residents will no
longer be able to Email customer
service requests via the Oak Point
website. To email a customer
service request, please send your
request to
Thank You
You can now have your monthly fee
automatically drafted from your
checking or savings account. To
sign up please complete the
“Hometown America EZ Pay Direct
Payment ” form and return to the
Social Department or mail to:
200 Oak Point Drive
Middleboro, MA 02346
Applications received by the 15th of
the month will be processed for the
third of the immediately following
month, unless otherwise noted. The
fee will be taken out on the third of
the month. If the third falls on a
holiday or weekend the fee will be
deducted on the next business day.
Newsletter items must be emailed to
All items MUST be received no later
than the 1st of each month.
Submissions received later will be
added to the next newsletter.
All events are NON REFUNDABLE
unless otherwise specified.