SYLLABUS BIOLOGY 240 – GENERAL GENETICS FALL 2014 – A. VON ARNIM Date Aug 20 Aug 22 Aug 25 Aug 27 Aug 29 Sep 1 Sep 3 Sep 5 Sep 8 Sep 10 Sep 12 Sep 15 Sep 17 Sep 19 Sep 22 Day W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M Sep 24 Sep 26 Sep 29 Oct 1 Oct 3 Oct 6 Oct 8 Oct 10 Oct 13 Oct 15 Oct 17 Oct 20 Oct 22 Oct 24 Oct 27 Oct 29 Oct 31 Nov 3 Nov 5 Nov 7 Nov 10 Nov 12 Nov 14 Nov 17 Nov 19 Nov 21 Nov 24 Nov 26 Nov 28 Dec 1 W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M Topic Introduction, Mendelian Inheritance, Terminology Dihybrid cross, Independent Assortment, Recombination Chromosomes, Cell division Sex-determination, X-linkage, Nondisjunction, Pedigrees Chi-Square Test, Probabilities Labor Day No lecture today (but discussion this week) EXAM 1 (Chapter 2-3, 4.11, 7) Genetic Interactions - alleles, genes, epistasis Linkage, Gene Mapping by Recombination Mapping with Molecular Markers Population Genetics, Hardy-Weinberg Population Genetics, Modifications of Hardy-Weinberg Genetics of Bacteria, Conjugation, Transformation Genetics of Bacteriophages, Transduction; Cytoplasmic Inheritance Mutation – large scale chromosomal change DNA: Discovery and Structure DNA: Replication and Recombination DNA: Chromosomes RNA: Transcription and Processing The Genetic Code Proteins and Their Synthesis Translation, tRNA, Ribosomes DNA: Mutation including Transposable Elements DNA: Repair Fall Break – no class EXAM 2 (Chapter 4-14) Regulation of Gene Expression in Bacteria, Lac Operon Regulation of Gene Expression in Bacteria Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes Regulation of Gene Expression, Chromatin and RNA Regulation of Gene Expression, Epigenetics Developmental Genetics Cancer as a Genetic Disease Gene Isolation and Manipulation I - Plasmids, Restriction Gene Isolation and Manipulation II - Sequencing, PCR Genome Analysis - Genome sequencing Genome Analysis - Transcriptomics and Proteomics Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology DNA in Forensics Personalized Medicine Stem cell biology Quantitative Genetics and Polygenic Inheritance Thanksgiving Weekend - no class Behavioral Genetics Dec 10 W FINAL EXAM 2:45-4:45pm (comprehensive) Ch. 3 3 2 4/7/3 3 Discussion No discussion Chapter 3 Ch 3 4 5 5 25 25 6 6/9 8 10 11 12 13 13 14 14 15 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 25 Ch 6-8 Ch 10-12 No discussion 15 Ch 14-15 16 16 17 17 ST III 18 19 20 20 21 21 22 ST I ST II ST IV 23 24 Ch 16 Ch 17 Ch 19-20 Ch 21-22 Ch ST No discussion BIO 240 - ‘GENERAL GENETICS’ FALL 2014 Instructor: TAs: Text: Webpage: Albrecht von Arnim Phone: 974-6206, email: Office hours (Hesler 228): Fri 2:30-3:30pm or by appointment Ayan Malakar ( Office hours: TBD Caroline Rempe ( Office hours (Plant Biotechnology Bldg.): Tue 1:00-2:00pm or by appointment a) Klug et al. Concepts of Genetics, 10th edition, Pearson ISBN 978-0-321-72412-0 at (Blackboard site) Lecture (WLS M309): MWF Discussion (NBA114): Tue Tue Tue Thu Thu Thu 1.25 – 2.15pm 9:40-10:30 11.10-12.00 12.40-1.30 2.10-3.00 3.40-4.30 5.05-5.55 (section 001-41136) (section 002-41137) (section 003-41138) (section 004-41139) (section 005-41140) (section 006-41141) Malakar Malakar Malakar Rempe Rempe Rempe 1. Course goals: Genetics is central to all areas of biology. In the years ahead, we will be exposed increasingly to situations that require some understanding of the principles of genetics, because genetic concepts are becoming more and more central to medicine and public health, agriculture, environmental science, anthropology, the criminal justice system, psychology, and more. This course is central to your professional preparation in a life science related field. It also prepares you to critically assess information presented through the news media, or by health care providers, friends, and family. ‘Genetics’ stands not only for a body of knowledge; it is also a scientific methodology that has been fundamental to solving many mysteries of life. The gene is a unit of biological information. Much of biological science today relies on techniques to manipulate genes. Genetics has taught us the basis of diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s as well as other old and emerging diseases, and it is the basis for changes of life on earth through evolution. Independent of the domain knowledge about Genetics that you will learn, you will also become more experienced with the following scientific practices: · Interpret visual representations, such as figures and diagrams · Formulate open questions and hypotheses that are empirically testable · Evaluate data and derive a conclusion based on evidence 2. Learning outcomes: By the end of this course, you will learn many new ways to illustrate several of the 'big ideas' (major concepts) in Biology: Central to Genetics is the notion of Information Flow and Storage: Information is stored in many forms (DNA, epigenetic mechanisms, etc.) and flows from DNA into RNA and proteins, from genotype to phenotype, as well as in reverse. The genome directs the functioning of the organism. A related notion, Transformations of Energy and Matter, will appear occasionally as well. We will be occupied a great deal more with this third notion, Structure Determines Function. Molecules, molecular machines, etc. underlie the operation of the cell and the organism. Genetics is also the basis for the fourth key notion, Evolution: Populations of organisms and their cellular components change over time, as random changes in the genome meet the selective power of the organism's natural environment. Finally, we will see Living Systems are Interconnected, as they interact and influence each other on the biochemical and physiological level, between generations, and within populations. 3. Prerequisites: Students enter this course with different levels of familiarity with the subject. However, most of you have been exposed to the basic principles of both Mendelian inheritance (transmission genetics) and molecular genetics (DNA > RNA > Protein) through 100-level Biology or equivalent high school biology classes. Therefore, it is expected that you bring to this course a basic but accurate understanding of the processes of mitosis and meiosis, Mendelian inheritance, the structure of DNA, and the processes by which genetic information is processed from DNA, via RNA, into proteins (the ‘central dogma’). 4. Lecture Attendance: Regular attendance at the lectures is expected. You will also spend time studying the material with our excellent textbook. It is a good idea to read the relevant chapter before each lecture. The advantages of coming to the lecture: (i) you are exposed to the material repeatedly, (ii) the material is prioritized, (iii) you hear the material being explained from a different angle than in the book. (vi) you will get a better idea which material from the textbook will be covered in exams. Note: I do not post slides before the lecture. However, slides and key concepts will be provided via the Blackboard course site. 5. Homework assignments: You will be assigned specific problem sets from the textbook. Working the problems deepens your understanding of the material and is the best preparation for the exams. This is often underestimated. It is fun, too. Just having a talent for memorization does not ensure a good grade in Genetics, so working the problems is very important. On four occasions, the homework will be collected by the TAs. For full (4x15=60max) points, the homework must show how you approached and worked the problem (handwritten is OK). These are among the easiest points to collect in the course. The TA’s will not ‘correct’ the homework; but you are encouraged to discuss any problems you encountered with the TA or instructor. 6. Discussion: Discussion classes are designed to help you with your problem-solving skills. In addition, there will be a mix of other activities such as discussion of human-interest topics in Genetics (Genetics and Society), group projects, exposure to the primary research literature in Genetics, etc. Discussion is NEW in Fall 2012, and we hope you will enjoy and appreciate it. Attendance will be taken and is mandatory. You are allowed two unexcused absences. Quizzes will be held; these cover lecture and discussion materials. Active participation in the discussion is expected and will contribute favorably to your grade. Note: Because the discussion will be held in teaching labs, no open-toed shoes are allowed. 7. Exams: Some exam questions will resemble the problems listed at the end of the book chapter while others require you to define terminology and vocabulary. The exams are multiple-choice, but the correct answer is almost always difficult to guess. Practice exams will be provided ahead of time. The final exam is comprehensive. This means that most questions will relate to material from the third and final lecture period but will require understanding of earlier, more basic material. No make-up exams will be given unless documentation is provided. There will be one make-up exam, scheduled shortly after the second exam. The makeup exam will cover material from both Exam 1 and 2. Caps or similar head coverings are not permitted during exams. Cheating or other unethical behavior out of line with the University’s honor code will lead to zero points. 8. Study tips: Many students think of Genetics as a challenging course. Having evolved over the past hundreds of millions of years, genetic principles have become quite complex. Analytical, quantitative, and memorization skills are all required to process and assimilate the material. And each chapter builds on the ones before. Therefore: - Keep up with the material from day to day; DON’T FALL BEHIND! Read the corresponding book chapter BEFORE the lecture. Solve the assigned HOMEWORK PROBLEMS, then practice with problems that have not been assigned. Don't give up too easily. You will encounter such problems on the exams. Ask your TA or instructor for help. The Office for Multicultural Student Life is organizing free tutoring for certain classes ( The most efficient way of thoroughly learning and retaining a topic is to TEACH it. How can you apply this to your situation? - - Practice ‘GROUP LEARNING’: form a study group to work problems together. Practice ‘ACTIVE LEARNING’: Can I explain the material in a coherent way to my fellow student? Generate your own 'study guide’ for each chapter; for example by jotting down definitions of the key terms or by creating a stack of 4x6" cards with the most important concepts. This encourages transfer of your knowledge from 'passive' to 'active'. Make up your own test questions. If YOU had to test the rest of us, what questions would you ask? Carefully check your quizzes on where the gaps were: Where exactly is the borderline between what you know and what you didn’t understand? The most common problem that everyone encounters more or less frequently is that you may have only a fuzzy understanding of the genetic TERMINOLOGY used in the problem/question in front of you. 9. Grading Lecture..................................600 points Exam 1 and 2 ..................... 200 + 200 points Final Exam.......................... 200 points Discussion............................. 200 points Quizzes................................ 60 points (10 points each; best 6 of 8 quizzes are counted) Homework (selected)........... 60 points (4 times 15 points; assigned in lecture; turned in to TA) Participation......................... 80 points Total.................................... 800 points The median final grade is usually a B or B-. To gauge your standing the course, take note how many 'standard deviations' separate your exam score from the average in the class. The translation of numerical points into letter grades will be determined toward the end of the semester. There is always a ‘curve’, but only high-achieving students receive A’s. Note: A C or higher (not C-) is needed for the BIOBCMB major. ***