church news - CARSE CHURCHES

Church Services
June 3
June 10
June 17
June 24
Kinnaird Abernyte
9.30am 11.00am
Rev A Watt
Rev R Donald
Rev Dr M MacLean
Rev L Kay
Inchture Longforgan
9.45am 11.00am
Rev Dr M MacLean
Rev Dr A Jack
Rev A Watt
Rev Dr M MacLean
July 1
July 8
July 15
July 22
July 29
Rev Dr M Maclean
Rev Dr A Jack
Rev Dr M MacLean
Rev L Kay
Rev Dr M MacLean
Rev Dr A Jack
Rev Dr M MacLean
Dave Sutherland
Rev Dr M MacLean
Rev L Kay
August 5
Rev R Donald
Rev Dr M MacLean
June - July 2012
linked with
Inchture and Kinnaird
linked with
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Weekend
The Jambourée Singers
Sunday 3rd June at 7pm
A concert in
Longforgan Church
Tickets £5 from any elder or at the door
Susan Clarke, our Missionary Partner, after a long delay, has now been
granted a 3 month visa and left for Pakistan at the end of May. Anyone wishing to
correspond with her please contact Jeanette Muirhead 01828 686618
The deadline for the August/ September edition of Church News is Friday 20 July.
Please send contributions to Isabel Taylor, Delvine, 21 Main Street, Longforgan, DD2 5ET.
01382-360237; email -
Registered Scottish Charity: SC007847 Abernyte Parish Church of Scotland;
SC009839 Inchture & Kinnaird Parish Church of Scotland; SC012230 Longforgan Parish Church of Scotland
Minister: Rev Dr Marjory Maclean, The Manse, Longforgan, DD2 5HB
Tel no 01382 360238 Email:
Assistant Minister: Rev Dr Alison Jack
Tel no 01786 826953
Church Website:
Longforgan News continued
From the Minister
At the end of May in the Church of Scotland, you can’t help but notice how big
the Church is beyond the boundaries of our little parishes. It hits you first in
Christian Aid Week, when local churches celebrate and support the work of
the aid agency of Britain’s mainstream denominations. Around the world, in
places you and I might never have heard of without their work, workers,
volunteers and local partner churches carry out the mandate of the Gospel
by equipping people with the tools for a more dignified and prosperous life.
That work belongs to us; we can claim it as ours, done on our behalf and with
the support of our generosity and our worship. The Church seems less parochial
when you look at it that way.
And then in the second half of the month the General Assembly of the Church
of Scotland meets in Edinburgh to plan the priorities for its national and
international work, and to figure out what help and encouragement we
need in our small corner of Scotland to be Christ’s community amongst these
villages and farms. With a major social care agency, programmes of work
with young adults, expert advisers available to help with property, finance,
safeguarding, energy awareness and a hundred other necessary subjects, the
Assembly strengthens our local work and reminds us of the Scotland-wide
centuries-old network that includes Abernyte, Inchture, Kinnaird and Longforgan.
The Church seems less fragile and small when you look at it that way.
And then when you get back to the ordinary routine of the local place you notice
signs of that bigger picture. The fund-raising for international charities done
by the Pop-In (Wednesdays, Longforgan) or the Soup Lunches (Abernyte,
once a month after the service) help us to look into the distance. The Development
plans of Inchture and Kinnaird Kirk Session look beyond the congregation’s
needs to those of the wider community. Contact with Susan Clark our mission
partner in Pakistan proves that our love and concern can whizz round God’s
world in no time. Hundreds of web-site hits ( show
us we are seen and heard in all sorts of places.
Ask someone what they think when you say ‘church’, and some will think of a
building, and some will think of an event on a Sunday morning, and some will
think of a bunch of people who believe certain things, and some will think of
an institution like the General Assembly. Across the congregations of the
Carse, new ideas are being tried out, familiar patterns are being strengthened
and cherished, different kinds of people are having a go at building the whole
of the picture. Have a look.
Pastoral Care and Mission Committee
The Welcome Pack is to be revised or re-created as required.
An appeal will be made for voluntary drivers to take people who need help to come to
church, to keep medical appointments, make hospital visits etc.
The Sunday School leaders are to be approached in order to improve communication
and to encourage more congregational involvement e.g. a Sunday School picnic
could include parents and members. The committee will look at the Communion Roll
and the Cradle Roll to identify children who could be recruited to the Sunday School.
The Committee will be responsible for keeping contact with the Guild and the Pop-In
and reporting to the Kirk Session.
It was suggested that it would be good to revive the ‘Open Days’ in the Church in
the summer months. It was decided to consult more widely and to discover the
opinion of the Session and the congregation on the benefit of summer openings.
Isabel Taylor
Mrs Catherine Latto and Mrs Muriel Anderson will be ordained as elders
at the service in Longforgan Church on Sunday 24th June.
Church Flowers
June 3
June 10
June 17
June 24
Mrs I Taylor
Mrs G Christie
Flower Fund
Miss H Greig
July 1
July 8
July 15
July 22
July 29
Longforgan Parish Church Guild
The Guild Outing to Dunkeld
followed by a meal at the Red House Hotel,
Coupar Angus, is on Friday 15th June.
The bus leaves the School at 1pm.
There are spare seats on the bus a warm welcome is extended to anyone
who would like to join us.
Contact Margaret Anderson 01382 360467
Mrs A Milne
Mrs B Cuthbert
Mrs M Reid
Wedding flowers
Mrs J Mulheron
The Pop In
The Pop-In will continue to serve
tea, or coffee and toast,
throughout the summer holidays,
4th July to the 8th August inclusive,
on a Wednesday morning
from 10-11am.
Garden Open Day
With best wishes,
Dr and Mrs Reid are kindly opening their garden at
The Cottage, Main Street, Longforgan in aid of Church funds
on Sunday 24th June at 2pm.
Parish Register
Longforgan News
27/05/12 Sophie Grace Thomas at Longforgan
Worship Committee.
The Worship Committee met recently and I am delighted to advise we are now a
group of 6. Going forward we will look at how we can best assist the ministry team
in all aspects of worship. Currently we are giving special consideration to certain
services such as Carols by Candlelight, resourcing readers for the lessons on a
Sunday and what our links are and might be with World Mission and the National
Bible society.
You will have noticed the addition of readers of the Bible lessons on a Sunday
morning. Is this something you would like to do? If so, we would be delighted to
welcome you to our rota of readers. Please get in touch with Rena Latto 360036 or
Vivien Buchan 2360449, or speak to us after the service.
Would you like to deliver the prayer of intercession ? We are considering whether
we might introduce some people to do this on a monthly basis. If so, again please
advise Rena or Vivien. For those who have an interest but feel they are not fully
equipped to do this, then Alison Jack will help us to gain the knowledge and
confidence some of us may need,
Please consider the above and all aspects of worship, we would love to hear what
you think and what you might change or do differently to help us to be a growing,
thriving church.
Vivian Buchan
Longforgan Finance Committee Report.
1st Qtr to 31st March 2012: Income - £9519.44 Surplus/(deficit) - (£155.78)
Our income has increased compared to the first quarter of last year, but regrettably
we remain in deficit after the first three months of 2012. This trend is continuing and
we need to increase our income. The Finance Committee is actively looking
at ways we can address this. Our income has remained stable for several
years whilst our costs have gradually increased. In the past year our day-today expenditure has exceeded the income received. Very little of our expenditure
is discretionary and we need to increase our income so that we can continue
to pay our way as a Church.
Every increase no matter how small could therefore go a long way
towards improving our weekly income. If you have not recently
reviewed your giving to the Church, please do give thought to
whether the amount you give is adequate to meet the needs of today
and whether you would prefer to make it easier and give by
standing order, with Gift Aid, if you are a tax payer.
Mrs Diana Bradshaw, Easter Lochton, Abernyte
Mr John Wilson, 18 Mary Finlay Drive, Longforgan
Mrs Catherine Speed, 9 Paterson Place, Longforgan
And Jesus said, ‘No branch can bear fruit by itself: it must remain in the vine.
Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine, you are
the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit;
apart from me, you can do nothing.’
John15, verse 5.
Notice Board
Sunday 3 June at 7pm
Jamboree Singers
Saturday 9th June
End of Big Bike Ride
John o’ Groats
Saturday 16th June
Art of Preaching Study Day
Invergowrie Church Hall
Tuesday 19th June and 17th July
Walking Group
Sunday 24th June
Sunday School Service
Sunday 24th June
Garden Open Day
The Finance Committee are actively looking at ways to encourage
and rationalise our giving in terms of not only money, but also time
and resources.
Vivian Buchan
Monday 25th June
Luncheon Club
Impressions of the General Assembly
I stayed for the week with my niece who lives, conveniently, near a small
station, Kingsknowe, on the Edinburgh – Glasgow line. Travelling daily in and
out by train was an ideal way to avoid the chaotic bus system. On reaching
Waverly Station, however, I had a long climb up the steep slope to the
Assembly Hall, culminating in an enormous flight of steps into the Hall itself. There stands John Knox, no doubt tut-tutting into his beard at the
sight of ‘the monstrous regiment of women’ (sic), peching up the steps! Every
morning I would chant to myself,:
“They climbed the steep ascent of heaven
Through peril, toil and pain.” !
A fully attended General Assembly is a sight to behold and the singing,
especially of the psalms, is very moving. On one occasion we sang my favourite,
Psalm 24, “Ye gates lift up your heads on high” to the tune St George’s,
Edinburgh. It was thrilling to hear the male voices sing, with gusto, ”But
who is he that is the King?”
The morning service in St Giles’ Cathedral was another tremendous
experience. The service was conducted by the Moderator, the Right
Reverend Albert Bogle, who exhorted us to “stop complaining about the
death of the Church, but instead attempt to bring new life into it”.
Among the many interesting speakers at the Assembly was Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and, on the Thursday, our own minister, dressed smartly in the uniform of a Chaplain to the Royal Navy, gave
the report of the Committee on Chaplains to H M Forces.
A new event called Heart and Soul 2012, was held in Princes Street Gardens:-
“The Church of Scotland celebrating the Gospel in action in the heart of Edinburgh.”
Tents with volunteers from the Guild, the Girl’s Brigade, Christian Aid,
Tear Fund, and many others were arrayed right along the lower gardens. Volunteers
talked to passers-by about their work. Fortunately it was a good day and
many came along to listen.
As a first time commissioner I was invited by the Lord High Commissioner
(the former M.E.P in the Scottish Parliament, The Right Honourable Lord
Selkirk of Douglas) to ‘The Beating of Retreat and Reception at the Palace
of Holyrood House’. After the Beating of Retreat by pipe bands from various
Edinburgh Schools, we went into the Palace for ‘drinks and nibbles’. There
I met our former minister the Reverend Dr James Jack and his wife, a
tall attractive lady. ‘Jim’ asked me to pass on his greetings to you all.
I thoroughly enjoyed my ‘Assembly Experience’ but arrived home
absolutely shattered!!
Katherine Clark - Commissioner
Inchture & Kinnaird News continued
Kinnaird Church hosted a very happy and thoughtful joint evening service
celebrating the birth of the Church at Pentecost on Sunday 27th May.
Young and old took part and the birthday party, with cake and all, outside
the Church afterwards in the warm evening sunshine was delightful.
A gentle ramble round Elizabeth’s beautiful garden completed a
joyful evening. Thanks to all who contributed in any way to
creating an occasion we will not forget.
Church Flowers
June 3
June 10
June 17
June 24
Mrs M Page
Mrs M McKay
Mrs S Lamond
Mrs W Daly
Mrs M Brown
Mrs J Scott-Adie
Mrs A Cameron
Mrs M Webster
July 1
July 8
July 15
July 22
July 29
Mrs N Low
Mrs A Scott
Mrs M Marnoch
Mrs A Legge
Rev L Kay
Mrs C Bryden
Mrs C Bryden
Mrs N Robertson
Mrs E Wiseman
Mrs J Latham-Warde
The Big Bike Ride - Land’s End to John o’Groats Cycle Run
In aid of Inchture church Development Fund.
Follow the Big Bike Ride diary on
Liz has had time to see the sites and have adventures. Here is one of her
stories. We all wish her well and look forward to her arrival at John o’ Groats
on the the 9th June. You can still donate on line at
and click on the lejog link.
“Now, how many of you have heard of “Dirty Porridge”? No, it’s not porridge as
in the breakfast dish – it was actually named as such by Arthur Conan Doyle
of the Sherlock Holmes fame when he visited HM Factory at Gretna in 1916.
This was a munitions factory during the first world war and he described the
explosive paste being mixed as being like “dirty porridge”. Two new townships
of Eastriggs and Gretna were created to house the workers from the factory
but they did not officially exist because of the secrecy of the operation and
were codenamed “Moorside”.
The factory was one of the largest ever built and its buildings stretched over
nine miles from the outskirts of Annan across the border to Longtown.
And you just thought, like me, that Gretna was where the runaways went to
get married!!”
Inchture & Kinnaird News
Inchture & Kinnaird Church Plant Sale
Many thanks to all the willing helpers at our recent
plant sale in the village hall. This especially includes
the very many people who did all the baking for
the teas and cake and candy stall, and not forgetting
those who donated or brought on plants to sell. Without
you we would not have raised the grand total of
Already there are murmurings of another plant
sale next year, if so, then please keep it in mind
when splitting up any shrubs and plants anything spare would be appreciated!
An ‘Art of Preaching’ Study Day will be held on Saturday 16th June
from 10am to 4pm in Invergowrie Church Hall. This is for anyone in
our congregations who would like to explore what is involved in
preparing and delivering a sermon. The day will be interactive and
Contact Alison Jack at
Tel no 01786 826953
The Walking Group
On 19th June the walk will be at Scone, ending at Vicky’s for tea and
muffins. On !7th July the Walking Group has a barbeque, usually behind
the Hall at Inchture, preceded by a local walk. Details later.
All walks leave from Inchture Church at 6.15pm. Children and dogs are
welcome, unless restrictions are intimated. We are a friendly group and
not restricted to church members. So come along and join us.
Inchture & Kinnaird Kirk Session News
Inchture & Kinnaird Kirk Session met in Kinnaird Church on 15th May and the
following items were among those discussed:
Following on from the Safeguarding Training for elders, accident books
which are kept in both churches will be replicated for the Sunday School in the
village hall, and a procedure form to be completed in the event of any accident.
 Three young people from Inchture are to attend new communicants meetings
in August. Any other people interested are asked to get in touch with the Minister.
 It was agreed in future, to substitute communion cards with letters of invitation,
these will be personally distributed by elders.
 Development Projects include a calendar which is being developed by Ian
Mellor, a CD, which has a varied list of artistes including Inchture schoolchildren,
and our own church choir, and a grand 'Fun Day' at Errol Airfield in August.
 Rev M Maclean led elders in 'study time' with interesting group discussion.
The Pentecost Service on 27th May at Kinnaird looks forward to a wide range of
participants, including some of the Youth Group.
Menna Jefferies
What d’you know?
Aoccrdnig to rsceearth at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht
oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frsit
and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you
can sitil raed it wouthit a porbelm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos
not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig, huh?
World Mission Stamp Appeal
The 2011 Appeal raised £3741.50 for the Mount Olivet Home in Jamaica.
The 2012 Appeal is to raise money to help Palestinian refugees in Southern
Lebanon “live off the land” by teaching them agricultural skills.
Stamps can be left in the stamp box in Longforgan Church or handed in to
Dr Duff at Norwood, Main Street, Longforgan.
...supported by the Churches
Has this spell of good weather inspired you to have a clean out?
If so remember Starter Packs!! Duvet covers, sheets, pillowcases, soup
bowls, dinner plates, mugs are always needed. Over the last financial year
we have had requests for 812 starter packs so you can appreciate your
donations don’t sit on our shelves for long.
Remember us also when there are BOGOFF offers at the Supermarket. Put
the extra bar of soap, shampoo, tube of toothpaste or household cleaner
that you really didn’t need into the Starter Packs box at church.
Thank you all for your donations.
We really cannot operate without your help.
Pat Motion, Convenor
Starter Packs Dundee Telephone: 01382 223977
10am-3pm Tuesday -Thursday
The Luncheon Club
The Luncheon Club plays an important part within the four parishes—
spilling over into neighbouring territory.
Northwest from Kinnaird comes the Flower Arrangement Lady, who
stops en route to pick up a Shy Craigdalllie Gentleman.
North from Abernyte comes the Squad of washers up, waitresses,
servers, furniture removers and … ‘The One who tries to tells everyone
what to do’!
East from Longforgan comes the Team whose numbers have increased this
year. Always There , Always Smiling, Always Appreciative.
South from the new developments of Flowers of Monorgan and from the
older developments come the helpful, humorous and reliable ones.
And West into Errol, the grazing ground for a retired minister, and
Grange , home of a long distance cyclist, the man who appears from out of
The Western Wilds eats his lunch and chats before disappearing back from
whence he came.
The Centre, with its warm welcoming hall, is Inchture, with its Band of
friendly reliable members, all of whom are keen to help.
The last meeting of the session is on June 25th, names by June 20th to Anne,
01828 686656, Mamie, 01828 686691 or Jennifer at The Post Office.
The 2012-2013 Session will commence on September 24th. 2012.
Abernyte News
Abernyte Sunday School
We've enjoyed some musical activities a group of seven children attended the
Fischy Music workshop organised by Dundee
Presbytery at the end of April. As usual,
Fischy Music were amazing and we all enjoyed
ourselves very much!
Our dates in June are
June 3rd and 17th from
10 - 11.15am.
Our end-of-term service will be on the 24th
from 11am - 12noon. I hope as many as possible
will come along to support the children and enjoy
some refreshments after the service.
Duty Office-Bearers
June Mrs A Davies
Mrs J Stewart
July Mr G Foubister
Mr W Owens
Readers Rota
Liz F.
June 3
June 10
June 17
June 24
July 1
July 8
July 15
July 22
July 29
Coffee Morning
Essy and Elizabeth would like to thank everyone
who contributed to the coffee morning at South
Latch on the 12th May. The sun shone, the cakes were delicious and it
was lovely catching up with friends old and new. £300 was raised on
The Minister received this interesting story recently
“My name is William Pool and I am a minister of the Uniting Presbyterian
Church in Southern Africa. I serve the congregation of Berea in
Durban, Kwazulu - Natal. I am also a past moderator of our General
I thought you might be interested to know that I have an old communion
token dated 1838 from Longforgan Church. In asking my mother
about it she thinks that it must have come via my great-grandfather
whom she thinks belonged to Longforgan Church. His surname
was Davie, but now, nearly 90, she cannot remember his Christian
names. My mother grew up in the Bonnethill congregation in Dundee. She
went as a deaconess to the leper colony in Calabar in 1947 before
coming to marry my father, a medical missionary with the Church of
Scotland hospitals in South Africa, in 1950.”
the day and a further £47 was handed in during the week, making a
total of £347 to send to Christian Aid - Thank you.
Church Flowers
June 3
June 10
June 17
June 24
Mrs C Havranek
Mrs J Stewart
Mrs J Sands
July 1
July 8
July 15
July 22
July 29
Mrs A Fleming
Mrs A Rice
Mrs M Gray
Mrs N Nicoll
Natasha Meynell