BRIEFING PAPER Number 06594, 23 December 2015 Infrastructure policy By Chris Rhodes Inside: 1. Definition of infrastructure 2. Government policy 3. Infrastructure Pipeline 4. Financing infrastructure investment 5. Government policy to encourage investment 6. Public Sector Net Investment 7. Appendix 2 – UK Infrastructure strengths and weaknesses | | | @commonslibrary Number 06594, 23 December 2015 Contents Summary 3 1. 1.1 1.2 Definition of infrastructure Economic benefits of infrastructure Current state of UK infrastructure 4 4 4 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Government policy Policies announced in October 2015 National Infrastructure Commission Infrastructure and projects authority Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects 6 8 9 11 12 3. Infrastructure Pipeline 13 4. 4.1 4.2 Financing infrastructure investment Current and past infrastructure financing Public funding for infrastructure Private funding for infrastructure Estimates of total infrastructure investment How much investment is needed 15 16 16 17 17 19 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Government policy to encourage investment UK Guarantees Pensions Infrastructure Platform British Wealth Funds Green Investment Bank Infrastructure premium 20 20 21 22 22 23 6. Public Sector Net Investment 24 7. Appendix 2 – UK Infrastructure strengths and weaknesses 25 Cover image copyright: Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm by Statkraft. Licensed by CC BY 2.0 / image cropped. 2 3 Infrastructure policy Summary This note examines the current state of infrastructure in the UK, current levels of investment and recent Government policy. According to the Infrastructure Pipeline, 64% of planned infrastructure investment will be privately funded, 25% will be publicly funded and 11% will be financed by a mixture of public and private investment. Public Sector Net Investment (a measure of public investment in infrastructure) totalled £33.6 billion in 2015/16, 1.8% of GDP. The Treasury estimates that total infrastructure investment totalled £47 billion each year from 2010/11 to 2013/14. The Government argues that a higher level of investment is needed if the UK is to have the infrastructure that it needs. This note outlines some of the measures that the Government has taken to increase infrastructure investment including: • The UK Guarantees Scheme • The Pensions Infrastructure Platform • The Green Investment Bank In October 2015, the Government established the National Infrastructure Commission which will provide “unbiased analysis of the UK’s long-term infrastructure needs.” The Government intends to establish the Commission in law and will consult on the legislation in late 2015. Number 06594, 23 December 2015 1. Definition of infrastructure The Economist calls infrastructure the “economic arteries and veins; roads, ports, railways, airports, power lines, pipes and wires that enable people, goods, commodities, water, energy and information to move about efficiently.” 1 The Institute of Civil Engineers defines infrastructure as “the physical assets underpinning the UK’s networks for transport, energy generation and distribution, electronic communications, solid waste management, water distribution and waste water treatment.” 2 1.1 Economic benefits of infrastructure Infrastructure spending can have a positive effect on economic growth by increasing productivity and attracting investment, as well as by providing short-term boosts to employment in construction and related industries. This view is supported by empirical evidence which shows that investing in infrastructure can increase long-term economic growth and that, for example, building better transport links and energy generation capacity can have a stronger positive effect on GDP per capita than other forms of investment. 3 Evidence also suggests that failure to invest in the maintenance of infrastructure can have a significant negative impact on economic growth. 4 1.2 Current state of UK infrastructure International infrastructure rankings provide a way of comparing the performance of UK infrastructure with other countries. The UK was ranked 10th the in the world in terms of the overall quality of its infrastructure in 2014/15, behind France (8th), Germany (7th), but ahead of the USA (12th), according to the World Economic Forum. 5 A recent OECD study of infrastructure in the UK found that infrastructure in the UK has suffered from under-investment, compared with some competitor countries, since the 1980s. 6 The OECD state that this is partly attributable to insufficient long-term planning by successive governments. One result of this is regional disparity in the quality of infrastructure between the South East (including London) and the rest of the country. However, the OECD also note that the UK has a “strong network regulation framework” and a “strong institutional setting” which should enable infrastructure improvements. 7 Matthew Bishop, Economics: An A-Z Guide, 2009, p167 ICE, A National Infrastructure Investment Bank, December 2009 3 Égert et al (2009), Infrastructure and Growth: Empirical Evidence, OECD (Cited in National Infrastructure Plan) 4 Mattoon (2004), Infrastructure and state economic development: A survey of the issues (Cited in BERR, The 2008 Productivity and Competitiveness Indicators, 2009) 5 World Economic Forum, Global Competitiveness Report 2014/15, September 2014, Pillar 2 6 OECD, UK economic survey 2015: Improving Infrastructure, February 2015 7 Ibid, p 61 1 2 4 5 Infrastructure policy According to some economic commentators, UK Infrastructure has suffered from historic-under investment and has failed to keep up with demand. 8 According to the National Audit Office, the UK’s roads are already among the most heavily used in Europe and around a fifth of the UK’s existing electricity generating capacity is scheduled to close over the next decade. 9 A 2012 survey by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), found that over 60% of UK companies believe UK infrastructure will not improve over the next five years. Particular concern was shown for the UK’s transport system with 61% rating it below average by international standards. On the other hand, 82% were pleased with communications infrastructure, with 79% expecting it to improve further over the next five years. 10 Further details of the strengths and weaknesses of UK infrastructure as analysed in the National Infrastructure Plan are presented in Appendix 2 of this note. ICE, A National Infrastructure Investment Bank, December 2009 NAO, Planning for economic infrastructure, HC 595, January 2013 10 CBI, Infrastructure survey 2012: Focus on delivery, Sep 2012 8 9 Number 06594, 23 December 2015 2. Government policy In the UK, the development and operation of infrastructure is largely the responsibility of the private sector. The maintenance of operating and safety standards is the responsibility of the various regulators, which operate independently of government. But the government still plays a role in infrastructure policy in several ways: • • • Providing funding – the amount of public funding varies widely between sectors and projects. The extent of public infrastructure investment is discussed in section 3.1 below. Directing investment and support towards certain projects that the Government considers valuable for the UK. Ensuring the development of coherent infrastructure “systems” – long-term frameworks in which individual projects play a role but which require national-level strategic leadership and decisions. 11 Since 2011, the government has set out its infrastructure priorities and re-states its overall approach to infrastructure in the annual National Infrastructure Plans. The OECD commented that this report and its regular updates 12 …represent the first steps in the right direction towards providing a comprehensive view of the country’s infrastructure needs and how the government plans to meet them. Intermediate Infrastructure Delivery Updates are published each spring, normally around the time of the Budget. The government also publishes an annually updated Infrastructure Pipeline which includes details of all major projects (costing over £50 million) planned or underway in the UK. The three key criteria guiding the Government in deciding which projects to invest in or support are: • • • Projects must have a high potential contribution to economic growth, with particular emphasis on increasing productivity and enabling innovation. Investment must deliver, enhance or replace infrastructure of national importance. Projects must attract significant private sector investment. 13 With these criteria providing overall guidance on the direction of infrastructure policy, the Government have outlined their approach in seven key sectors: transport, energy, communications, water, flood, intellectual capital and waste. The following table summarises the Government’s approach in each of these sectors. “British infrastructure policy and the gradual return of the state”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 29, Number 2, 2013, pp. 287–306 12 OECD, UK economic survey 2015: Improving Infrastructure, February 2015, p61 13 HM Treasury, National Infrastructure Plan 2013, December 2013, p77 11 6 7 Infrastructure policy Government policy approach - key infrastructure sectors Sector Policy approach Transport Roads Maintenance and development of strategic roads is funded directly by government through the Highways Agency. Local Authorities are responsible for managing and maintaining local roads. Larger enhancements to local roads are supported by central government. Rail Passenger train services are provided through franchises let by the Government (except in devolved cases). Private companies bid for franchises to provide specific services. The physical infrastructure of the network is maintained and developed by Network Rail which is funded partly through money from government grants and partly through money paid to it by freight and train operating companies. The government also directly funds some schemes, such as High Speed 2 and Crossrail. Aviation In a largely privately owned market, the government sees its role as one of facilitating competition, ensuring a level playing field and maintaining high standards of safety and security. The development of the aviation sector is seen as a priority for industrial policy. Energy Government energy policy is to minimise energy costs for consumers over the long term and to meet renewables targets by 2020. Investment is from the private sector, and the government believes that "the current market is unlikely to deliver further the scale and pace required. The Government has set out several policies to tackle this problem, further information on which can be found in the relevant House of Commons Library Notes: Communication/digital Water Government seeks to achieve increased coverage and affordability of broadband for consumers and businesses. In addition to ensuring an effective regulatory framework, Government will provide public investment where there is limited commercial viability to providing increased coverage. In the privately owned water industry, the Government's role is to ensure, though the regulator, that water is of a safe and acceptable standard, that prices are affordable and that companies are investing at levels which will meet long-term pressures. Flood The Government coordinates the work of Defra, the Environment Agency, private water companies and local authorities to ensure that the risks from flooding and coastal erosion are properly mitigated. The Government funds the management of rivers and flood defence system through the Environment Agency Intellectual capital The Government views science and innovation as key drivers of the economy. Public funds are invested in research through funding agencies, particularly the higher education funding bodies, the research councils and the Technology Strategy Board. The Government also seeks to leverage private finance for research projects. Waste The Government aims to ensure the current infrastructure is in place to deal with waste as efficiently and as safely as possible. Financial support is provided by government to private sector firms and local authorities in dealing with waste. The Government also seeks to meet EU-wide targets for reducing landfill use and increasing recycling. Source: National Infrastructure Plan, various years The various sectors are diverse, with differing priorities, types of investment, risks and levels of public sector involvement. However, there are several themes which are common to them all and which inform debate about infrastructure in the UK: • • • In all of the sectors, there is a tension between ensuring shortterm affordability (for consumers and businesses) and ensuring that long-term investment is secured. Since investment in these sectors is unlikely to produce short-term returns, long-term involvement is required from potential investors (whether public or private sector). The involvement of both the public and private sectors, with the influence of independent regulators, is common in all of the sectors. This means that the competing priorities of these groups must be managed to ensure results which are acceptable to all of them. Number 06594, 23 December 2015 2.1 Policies announced in October 2015 In his speech to the 2015 Conservative Party Conference, the Chancellor, George Osborne, announced several policies to do with infrastructure funding and planning. 14 A Government press release summarised these announcements: 15 National Infrastructure Commission The Chancellor announced the formation of an independent National Infrastructure Commission, which was created on 5 October 2015, with Lord Adonis as its Chairman. Further information on the Commission is presented below. British Wealth Funds Local authority pension funds are a large potential source of infrastructure funding. In order to encourage them to invest more in infrastructure, the Chancellor has stated that the 89 existing pension funds are to be pooled into six British Wealth Funds. This proposal also featured the 2015 Summer Budget. 16 The new funds will “follow international norms for investment, meaning larger sums being invested in infrastructure.” Further information on local authority pension fund investments can be found in the Library briefing, Local Government Pension Scheme investments Infrastructure premium As part of a wider reform of business rates, the Chancellor announced that city regions with elected mayors will be able to levy up to an additional 2p on business rates in order to fund infrastructure investment. City regions that wish to pursue this policy would have to secure the support of the relevant Local Economic Partnership. This policy is similar to the one that was used in London to raise money for Crossrail. 17 George Osborne, Speech to the 2015 Conservative Party Conference, 5 October 2015 National Infrastructure Commission, Chancellor announces major plan to get Britain building, 5 October 2015 16 HM Treasury, Summer Budget 2015, 8 July 2015, p26 17 Financial Times, George Osborne hands local councils control of business rates, 5 October 2015 14 15 8 9 Infrastructure policy 2.2 National Infrastructure Commission The National Infrastructure Commission was launched on the 30th October 2015, having been announced on the 5th October 2015 in the Chancellor’s speech to the Conservative Party Conference. Purpose and operation The aim of the Commission is to provide “unbiased analysis of the UK’s long-term infrastructure needs.” 18 Close to the beginning of each Parliament, the Commission will provide a comprehensive report on the UK’s infrastructure needs over the next 30 years. These reports will be updated on a rolling basis and the government will be obliged to respond to all of the recommendations, either by accepting them or suggesting alternatives. The government of the day will set the broad terms of reference for the Commission, including a limit on the potential cost of recommendations and the parameters of the Commission’s research. The Commission will have around 25 to 30 staff, will be based in the Treasury building in Whitehall and will have statutory powers to draw expertise from other government and arms-length bodies. Lord Adonis will chair the Commission on a temporary basis, although his appointment may be made permanent once the post has been established in law. The Government intends to provide a statutory basis for the Commission in legislation which will be consulted on in late 2015. Terms of reference On the 30th October, the Chancellor wrote to Lord Adonis setting out the Commission’s terms of reference. 19 Broadly, the current terms of reference are that the Commission will examine three infrastructure requirements identified by the government and then report back by Budget 2016. The Commission may also publish in early 2016, identifying issues which will be addressed in its first five year report. The three areas that the Chancellor has asked the Commission to examine and report back on before Budget 2016 are: • Transport connections in the North of England, particularly East/West, cross-Pennines connections • Future investment in London’s transport infrastructure. The Commission will examine priorities concerning road, rail and underground, including the North/South Crossrail 2 National Infrastructure Commission, Chancellor announces major plan to get Britain building, 5 October 2015 19 National Infrastructure Commission, Terms of reference, 30 October 2015 18 Number 06594, 23 December 2015 10 • Energy storage and interconnectivity. The focus of this strand is the overall security of the UK’s supply and reducing bills for consumers. Commissioners The Chair of the Commission will be Lord Adonis, Secretary of State for Transport from 2009 to 2010. The other Commissioners are: • • • • • • • Lord Heseltine, Deputy Prime Minister from 1995 to 1997 and author of No Stone Unturned a report commissioned by the Coalition Government examining ways to boost economic growth. Sir John Armitt, Chairman of the Olympic Delivery Authority, 2007 to 2014 Professor Tim Besley (London School of Economics), Chair of the Council of Management of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research Daniel Hassabis, co-founder of DeepMind, an AI company recently bought by Google Sadie Morgan, Design Chair for High Speed Two (HS2) Bridget Rosewell OBE, non-Executive director of Network Rail and Ulster Bank Sir Paul Ruddock, Chair of Oxford University Endowment Management and Chair of the Oxford University Investment Committee. Legislation In his letter to Lord Adonis on the 30th October, the Chancellor stated that he would launch a consultation on plans to put the Commission on “statutory footing and confirm its independence.” The legislation will also ensure the departments cooperate and share information with the Commission. 20 Background The idea of an independent Infrastructure Commission has been floated on serval occasions by a number of different organisations including the London School of Economics and the Institution of Civil Engineers. Perhaps the most high profile recent suggestion along these lines was from the Armitt Review of Infrastructure, which was commissioned by the Labour Party in 2012 and led by Sir John Armitt, one of the Commissioners of the new National Infrastructure Commission. The Armitt Review published a draft National Infrastructure Bill which the 2015 Labour Party Manifesto promised to introduce if the Party had won the 2015 General Election. 20 George Osborne, Letter to Lord Adonis, 30 December 2015 11 Infrastructure policy Comment on the National Infrastructure Commission There has been some criticism of the National Infrastructure Commission as it is currently designed. The Financial Times has noted the following potential issues: 21 • • • The Commission will have no role in the decision regarding airport capacity in the South East of England The Government will still take the final decision regarding large infrastructure investments, meaning that the problem of the short-term political cycle in infrastructure decisions will not be resolved The Commission will only have a role at the very earliest stages of infrastructure projects. 2.3 Infrastructure and projects authority On 11 November 2015 it was announced that the Major Projects Authority and Infrastructure UK would merge to form a new body from 1 January 2016, called the Infrastructure and Projects Authority. 22 Major Projects Authority (MPA) The MPA was part of the Cabinet Office and provided independent assurance for major Government infrastructure projects. It also helped Government departments by providing project management training and assistance. The projects supported by the MPA included IT projects, defence equipment procurement exercises and “service delivery transformations” such as the modernisation of the electoral registration system. 23 The MPA provides Delivery Confidence Assessments for all projects in its portfolio (in 2014/15 this included 188 projects). The MPA marks each project using a traffic light system, with projects given a green mark considered to be highly likely to be completed on time and budget; those given an amber mark considered to require management attention for significant but resolvable issues; and those given a red mark considered to be unachievable and in need of re-scoping or reassessment. Infrastructure UK (IUK) IUK was established in the June 2010 Budget with a remit to: …enable greater private sector investment in infrastructure, and improve the Government’s long-term planning and delivery. 24 Financial Times, Adonis infrastructure body to make plans for three big schemes, 5 October 2015 22 Cabinet Office, Government creates new body to help manage and deliver major projects for UK economy, 11 November 2015 23 Major Projects Authority, Annual Report and Accounts 2014/15, 2015, p6 24 HM Treasury, June Budget 2010, June 2010, para 1.83, p29 21 Number 06594, 23 December 2015 12 IUK was closely involved with the compilation of the Infrastructure Plan, which was produced in the autumn each year from 2011 to 2014. This document included both a forward looking assessment of the long term infrastructure needs of the UK, and also outlines how planned infrastructure projects will be funded. IUK also worked on the production of the Infrastructure Pipeline which, is discussed below. The Infrastructure Projects Authority will report jointly to the Treasury the Cabinet Office and will combine the functions of project assurance and monitoring from the MPA and the focus on long-term financing from IUK. 2.4 Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects The Planning Act 2008 and the Localism Act 2011 set out a planning permission framework for approvals relating to projects in energy, transport, water, and waste. This framework is intended to speed up the planning permission process for this sort of project. The 2008 Act sets out a threshold over which projects are considered ‘nationally significant’. Once this status has been granted by the Planning Inspectorate, the application will be examined by the Inspectorate and a recommendation will be made to the relevant Secretary of State, who will make a decision on whether to grant consent or refuse planning permission for the project. The process is timetabled to take approximately 15 months from start to finish. 25 By making the process more transparent and quicker, it is hoped that fewer potential infrastructure investors will be put off by the planning permission process. Further information can be found in the House of Commons Library Note, Planning reform proposals. 25 National Infrastructure Planning website, Planning Inspectorate role, 2012 13 Infrastructure policy 3. Infrastructure Pipeline The Infrastructure Pipeline is updated annually, most recently in August 2015. The Pipeline brings together major projects (costing more than £50 million) that are planned or underway in the UK. It includes both public and private sector projects. It is not time-limited, so includes some projects with estimated completion dates in the 2030s. Many of these long-term projects are still in the scoping or design phases of development. The purpose of the Pipeline is to illustrate the level of investment required by both public and private sectors and to provide a means of forecasting future requirements from the construction and other industries. It is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all required infrastructure, but is indicative of the scale of requirements. The 2015 Pipeline includes 564 projects with a combined value of £411 billion (in 2013/14 prices). The chart below shows the value by sector of projects planned for each year of this Parliament. Infrastrucutre Pipeline 2015, planned investment by sector £ billions, real terms, 13/14 prices 25 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 20 15 10 5 0 Energy Transport Water Digital Waste Research Flood The table below shows the value and number of planned projects by sector in the 2015 Pipeline. The energy sector accounts for 60% of the value all the planned projects included in the Pipeline. Infrastructure Pipeline 2015 by sector Sector £ billions No of projects Energy Transport Water Communications Flood Science and Research Waste 245 127 26 7 4 1 1 158 302 29 6 27 26 16 Grand Total 411 564 Source: Infrastrucutre Pipleine 2015 Includes public and private investment, 13/14 prices The Pipeline also contains information on projects by region, summarised in the following table. Number 06594, 23 December 2015 14 Infrastructure Pipeline 2015 by region of impact UK England North West London South West Wales Offshore England and Wales South East Scotland West Midlands Yorkshire & the Humber East of England North East East Midlands Northern Ireland England, Wales & Scotland £ billions No of projects 149 39 32 31 23 21 17 16 12 10 7 7 6 5 4 1 1 45 30 76 61 34 16 18 7 63 44 39 33 31 27 35 4 1 Source: Infrastrucutre Pipleine 2015 Includes public and private investment, 13/14 prices Analysis of the Pipeline by region of impact shows is that there are fewer projects which impact on larger regions, but they tend to cost more. In the English regions, there are more projects since smaller localised projects are easier to plan, and they are generally cheaper because of their smaller scale. For example, in the East Midlands, there are 35 projects in the Pipeline, costing a total of £4 billion. The Government has designated 40 of the projects which feature in the Pipeline as the ‘Top 40 infrastructure investments’ and further details about them are provided in the Infrastructure Plan. 26 The list of priority projects includes High Speed 2, the nuclear power plant at Hinckley Point and the development of Innovation Catapult Centres. 26 HM Treasury, National Infrastructure Plan 2014, December 2014, pp135-137 15 Infrastructure policy 4. Financing infrastructure investment The financing of infrastructure is complex and varied. In the UK there are three broad ways in which infrastructure projects have been funded: • • • Public funding: projects are financed through government spending. High Speed 2 will be financed publicly. Private funding: projects are funded by private companies, with customer bills or charges re-paying the initial investment over a number of years. Heathrow Terminal 5 was entirely financed by private investment. Mixed public/private funding: finance is drawn from both the public and private sector. Network Rail maintains and develops the railway infrastructure using Government grants, governmentbacked borrowing and private sector funding drawn from charges levied on train operators. The Pipeline can be used to give an indication of the extent to which each type of funding is used in the UK. The following chart shows the projects in the Pipeline by financing type. Planned investment by source of finance 2015 onwards Private Public Mixed Energy (£245 bn) Transport (£127 bn) Water (£26 bn) Communications (£7 bn) Flood (£4 bn) Science and Research (£1 bn) Waste (£1 bn) Grand Total 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Private finance dominates planned infrastructure investment. 69% of financing is from the private sector (worth £260 billion), whilst 19% is from the public sector (£73 billion) and 12% is from mixed financing (£46 billion). The chart shows the extent to which infrastructure financing differs from sector to sector. Energy sector projects (which have the highest combined value of any sector’s projects in Pipeline) are 92% private funded, and planned water sector projects are 100% private financed. Planned projects in the transport sector are funded by 62% public funding, whilst planned research projects will rely on 73% public and 27% mixed funding. Number 06594, 23 December 2015 16 4.1 Current and past infrastructure financing Although the Pipeline provides a useful indication of the source of funding for planned projects, it should not be used to indicate the current level or source of infrastructure financing, and it cannot provide any information on past infrastructure investment. Public funding for infrastructure Public Sector Net Investment (PSNI) includes public investment in infrastructure, although PSNI also includes some public investment which is not infrastructure, such as defence procurement. The chart below shows PSNI as a percentage of GDP since the mid-1950s. Public investment in infrastrucutre Public Sector Net Investment as a % of GDP 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% Public infrastructure investment declined sharply in the 1970s and 1980s, partly due to the privatisation of several key sectors such as the water and energy industries, but also because of a “very large and permanent reduction in public house-building.” 27 In the early 2000s, infrastructure spending as a proportion of GDP increased, although it remained low by historic standards. Infrastructure spending rose sharply in 2008-09 and 2009-10 as capital spending was brought forward as part of the Labour Government’s ‘fiscal stimulus’. Since then PSNI has fallen from 3.2% of GDP in 2009/10 to 1.7% of GDP in 2014/15. It is forecast to fall to 1.4% of GDP by 2019/20 before rising to 1.8% in 2020/21. Public Sector Net Investment £ bn (current) 2010-11 39.8 2011-12 30.0 2012-13* 34.8 2013-14 26.2 2014-15 30.4 2015-16 33.6 2016-17 35.8 2017-18 33.4 2018-19 30.6 2019-20 32.2 2020-21 41.3 Source: OBR, Databank, December 2015 27 £ bn (2014/15 prices) 42.6 31.7 36.1 26.6 30.4 33.1 34.7 31.8 28.6 29.5 37.0 “Trends in British public investment”, IFS, 2002, vol. 23, no.3, pp 305-342 % GDP 2.5 1.8 2.1 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.8 17 Infrastructure policy Private funding for infrastructure Private companies are under no obligation to publish details of the amount they spend on infrastructure, so producing a robust estimate of private sector investment is difficult. The National Audit Office (NAO) has produced figures which show the value of capital provided by banks to private sector companies for infrastructure investment in the recent report, UK Guarantees scheme for infrastructure: 28 These data do not include private sector investment which funded from reserves or similar sources not requiring capital from banks. These data show that private capital raised from banks and used to finance infrastructure investment totalled £6 billion in 2014, down slightly on the 2013 level. This is double the 2010 and 2011 level of around £3 billion. Estimates of total infrastructure investment Since the NAO estimates above and the data on PSNI are from different data sources and do not present a complete picture of all infrastructure investment from the private sector (for example, the NAO estimates exclude spending from reserves), these two sources cannot be combined to produce estimates of the total amount of infrastructure investment in the UK. The Treasury have produced estimates that average annual infrastructure investment, from both the public and private sectors: • Between 2010/11 and 2013/14 total infrastructure investment was £47 billion. 29 A separate Treasury document explains how this estimate was calculated and the sources used. 30 New orders to the construction sector An alternative source (which is not comparable with the data above) is data on the value of new infrastructure orders to the construction sector broken down into public and private sector. This is an incomplete indicator of infrastructure investment since it excludes some infrastructure spending, for example on project preparation, scoping and any research and development investment. It also excludes spending on housing, which is included in some other definitions of infrastructure. 31 NAO, UK Guarantees scheme for infrastructure, January 2015, p15 HM Treasury, Infrastructure Plan 2014, 2014 p103 30 HM Treasury, Methodology and sources for National Infrastructure Plan 2014, December 2014 31 ONS, Output in the construction sector, Q2 2013 28 29 Number 06594, 23 December 2015 18 % of new infrastrucutre orders to the construction industry Great Britain, quarterly data 100% 80% Private sector 60% 40% 20% Public sector 0% 1980 1983 1986 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 In 2014, infrastructure orders to the construction industry from the private sector totalled £9.6 billion, 63% of all infrastructure orders. Private sector orders accounted for 59% of orders in 1997 and 4% of orders in 1980. The proportion of orders from the private sector has grown so markedly mainly due to the fact that most infrastructure providers were privatised in the 1980s and 1990s, transferring many orders from the public to the private sector. International comparisons The following chart shows how the level of total investment in selected G7 economies has changed since 1980. The data below are Gross Fixed Capital Formation, a measure of investment which is broader than infrastructre investment and includes all investment in assets, including the purchase of buildings, land, software and intangible assets such as intelectual property. These data include both public and private investment. Total investment as a % of GDP Gross fixed capital formation, IMF data 30 25 France G7 average 20 USA Germany 15 UK W 10 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 19 Infrastructure policy The G7 average is for investment of 20.1% in 2014, compared with 17.6% in the UK. Of the countries selected above, French investment represented the highest proportion of GDP: 21.9%. In Germany, investment was 18.9% of GDP and in the US it was 19.8%. 4.2 How much investment is needed The OECD estimates that annual infrastructure investment of 3.5% of GDP is necessary in developed economies. Without this, the OECD states that there would be detrimental “implications for living standards and quality of life” and competitiveness would be “blunted”. 32 Government spending on infrastrucutre and ideal spending £ billions, PSNI and OECD ideal infrastrucuture spending 80 OECD target = 3.5% of GDP 70 A funding gap of up to £40 billion by 2019/20 60 50 40 UK government investment: 1.4% of GDP in 2019/20 30 20 10 0 The chart above shows government infrastructure spending (PSNI) and 3.5% of GDP in £ billions. The bars do not include private sector infrastructure investment. Currently, public sector infrastructure investment totals around 1.5% of GDP, and forecast suggest that this will fall to 1.8% of GDP by 2020/21. This implies that if the OECD target is to be met, around £40 billion per year will have to be found, either from additional government investment, or from the private sector, or a combination of both. 32 OECD, Infrastructure to 2030, volume two, mapping policy, 2007, p13 Number 06594, 23 December 2015 20 5. Government policy to encourage investment The Treasury has stated that of those projects included in the 2013 Pipeline only 58% of planned projects have secured funding. 33 They drew particular attention to the energy sector, stating that “the current market is unlikely to deliver the further investment in electricity infrastructure at the scale and pace required.” 34 The 2014 Infrastructure Plan includes analysis of the ‘investment opportunities’ available for private sector investors in UK infrastructure projects. £79 billion worth of ‘investment opportunities’ are available in the period to 2021. 35 The Government has therefore taken a number of measures to increase infrastructure investment or to make this type of investment more attractive to the private sector. 5.1 UK Guarantees The UK Guarantees scheme (UKGS) was announced in July 2012 and was given statutory backing by the Infrastructure (Financial Assistance) Act 2012. The scheme is due to close in December 2016. The UKGS provides financial guarantees from the government for money lent to fund infrastructure projects. The following diagram from the NAO outlines how the scheme works: 36 HM Treasury, Infrastructure Plan 2013, 2013, p85 HM Treasury, Infrastructure Plan 2013, 2013, p49 35 HM Treasury, Infrastructure Plan 2014, 2014, pp108, 109 36 NAO, UK Guarantees scheme for infrastructure, 2015, p6 33 34 21 Infrastructure policy The key aspects of the scheme: • • • • • • The scheme is intended to “avoid delays to investment in UK infrastructure because of adverse credit conditions making it difficult to secure private finance.”37 HM Treasury provides guarantees to lenders so that if the recipients of loans are unable to keep up re-payments or if the projects fail, the banks will still be reimbursed. This is intended to transfer the risk of investing in infrastructure from the banks to the government and therefore encourage more bank lending for this sort of project. In return for the guarantee, HM Treasury charge an annual fee to each infrastructure project company. The fee is based on the risk associated with the scheme. It is intended that the fee income paid to the Treasury exceeds any losses. 39 projects are prequalified at present, worth up to £34 billion (the guarantees will not necessarily be the same amount) The 2014 National Infrastructure Plan states a figure of £466bn of identified infrastructure. The prequalified projects account for only 7% of this. 38 To date there have been no calls on government to pay out on the guarantees issued. 5.2 Pensions Infrastructure Platform The Pensions Infrastructure Platform (PIP) was the result of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Government and UK pension funds signed in November 2011 in which the parties agreed to develop a facility to help UK pension funds invest more in UK infrastructure assets. 39 40 UK pension funds have historically invested relatively small amounts in infrastructure assets. This is because most UK pension funds lack the capacity and in-house expertise to invest directly and assess risks. Pension funds in other countries such as Canada and Australia have been investing in infrastructure for over 20 years. UK pension funds invest an estimated 1% of their total assets in infrastructure. This is low compared with overseas pension funds in Australia and Canada where an estimated 8-15% of assets are invested in infrastructure. 41 The PIP is intended to help UK pension funds overcome these traditional difficulties by providing a platform for UK pension funds to invest in infrastructure. As of March 2013, the platform had secured ten founding investors and reached £1 billion of investment capital. The PIP has a target of raising an additional £2 billion of infrastructure investment. Ibid, p12 HM Treasury, Infrastructure Plan 2014, 2014, p116 39 Memorandum of Understanding between HM Treasury, (NAPF) and (PPF), November 2011 40 Memorandum of Understanding between HM Treasury and the pensions fund group, November 2011 41 Fund managers back infrastructure plan, Financial Times, 25 November 2011 37 38 Number 06594, 23 December 2015 22 Although the PIP is the result of an agreement with the Government, the scheme is entirely independent. The PIP is the first of its kind in the UK. Signatories to the Memorandum include, the National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF), which represents around £800 billion of assets, the Pension Protection Fund (PPF), with over £6 billion, and a group of smaller funds holding a combined £50 billion. PIP has attracted some criticism, particularly surrounding the extent to which Government intervention was necessary to encourage pension funds to invest in infrastructure projects. Deiter Helm, an academic of infrastructure policy commented “…quite what the market failure was to which PIP was supposed to be the answer remains opaque.” 42 5.3 British Wealth Funds Related to the PIP scheme is the British Wealth Funds Policy. This was announced in George Osborne’s speech to the 2015 Conservative Party Conference, along with several other policies to do with infrastructure funding and planning. 43 A Government press release summarises these announcements. Local authority pension funds are a large potential source of infrastructure funding. In order to encourage them to invest more in infrastructure, the Chancellor has stated that the 89 existing pension funds are to be pooled into six British Wealth Funds. This proposal also featured the 2015 Summer Budget. 44 The new funds will “follow international norms for investment, meaning larger sums being invested in infrastructure.” Further information on local authority pension fund investments can be found in the Library briefing, Local Government Pension Scheme investments. 5.4 Green Investment Bank The Green Investment Bank (GIB) was created in 2012 with the purpose of “accelerating the UK’s transition to a greener, stronger economy.” 45 The UK government is the sole shareholder in the GIB, having committed £3.8 billion of funding. The GIB backs green infrastructure projects on commercial terms. It also attracts joint investment from the private sector for specific projects. The GIB is particularly focused on the energy and waste sectors. The 2014 Infrastructure Plan announced that the GIB had invested £1.4 billion in 35 projects, including investment from 70 private sector “British infrastructure policy and the gradual return of the state”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 29, Number 2, 2013, pp. 287–306 43 George Osborne, Speech to the 2015 Conservative Party Conference, 5 October 2015 44 HM Treasury, Summer Budget 2015, 8 July 2015, p26 45 GIB, Annual report and accounts 2013/14, 42 23 Infrastructure policy investors. The GIB is “seeking a group of strategic, long-term coinvestors to participate in capital raising exercises. 46 The European Investment Bank is another source of lending for UK infrastructure projects. In 2013, the Bank lent £5 billion to infrastructure projects. A record £1.5 billion was lent for investment in a National Grid project. The Investment Plan for Europe will facilitate €315 billion of infrastructure investment across the EU, and the UK’s approach of using the Pipeline to highlight potential projects has helped attract investment from this fund. 47 In his speech to the 2015 Conservative Party Conference, the Chancellor, George Osborne, announced several policies to do with infrastructure funding and planning. 48 A Government press release summarises these announcements. 49 5.5 Infrastructure premium As part of a wider reform of business rates, the Chancellor announced that city regions with elected mayors will be able to levy up to an additional 2p on business rates in order to fund infrastructure investment. City regions that wish to pursue this policy would have to secure the support of the relevant Local Economic Partnership. This policy is similar to the one that was used in London to raise money for Crossrail. 50 HM Treasury, Infrastructure Plan 2014, 2014, p117 Ibid, p118 48 George Osborne, Speech to the 2015 Conservative Party Conference, 5 October 2015 49 National Infrastructure Commission, Chancellor announces major plan to get Britain building, 5 October 2015 50 Financial Times, George Osborne hands local councils control of business rates, 5 October 2015 46 47 Number 06594, 23 December 2015 24 6. Public Sector Net Investment 2007-08 £ bn (current) 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.6 1.9 2.1 2.5 3.2 3.1 3.1 3.5 3.4 3.5 4.3 5.5 6.8 6.4 5.2 5.2 5.8 5.8 4.1 6.1 7.6 7.3 6.3 4.8 4.7 3.8 9.0 10.3 13.5 14.0 11.9 12.3 12.6 8.3 4.3 5.5 6.2 6.4 12.8 14.9 14.6 21.8 26.0 28.0 31.1 £ bn (2014/15 prices) 15.7 15.6 14.7 15.5 16.7 17.4 21.3 20.6 27.9 32.1 33.1 38.9 47.7 44.2 41.1 43.6 38.7 37.7 41.8 44.9 44.7 37.6 26.9 24.1 22.9 19.4 12.6 17.5 20.7 18.9 15.5 11.3 10.5 7.9 17.4 18.4 22.8 23.2 19.2 19.5 19.4 12.4 6.3 7.9 8.8 8.9 17.6 20.0 19.0 27.6 32.0 33.4 36.0 % GDP 3.6 3.5 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 4.1 3.9 5.0 5.5 5.5 6.4 7.6 6.7 6.2 6.3 5.4 5.0 5.4 5.8 5.9 4.8 3.3 2.9 2.6 2.3 1.5 2.0 2.3 2.1 1.6 1.2 1.0 0.7 1.5 1.6 2.0 2.1 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.7 1.9 2.0 2.1 2008-09 47.5 53.6 3.2 2009-10 48.8 53.8 3.2 2010-11 39.8 42.6 2.5 2011-12 30.0 31.7 1.8 2012-13* 34.8 36.1 2.1 2013-14 26.2 26.6 1.5 2014-15 30.4 30.4 1.7 2015-16 33.6 33.1 1.8 2016-17 35.8 34.7 1.8 2017-18 33.4 31.8 1.6 2018-19 30.6 28.6 1.4 2019-20 32.2 29.5 1.4 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2020-21 41.3 37.0 1.8 Source: OBR, Databank, December 2015 Note: (*) data exclude effect of Royal Mail transfer which was accounted as £28bn negative PSNI in 2012 Data exclude proceeds of 3G specrum auction which raised £22.5bn in 2000-01 25 Infrastructure policy 7. Appendix 2 – UK Infrastructure strengths and weaknesses Source: National Infrastructure Plan 2011, p17 The House of Commons Library research service provides MPs and their staff with the impartial briefing and evidence base they need to do their work in scrutinising Government, proposing legislation, and supporting constituents. As well as providing MPs with a confidential service we publish open briefing papers, which are available on the Parliament website. Every effort is made to ensure that the information contained in these publically available research briefings is correct at the time of publication. Readers should be aware however that briefings are not necessarily updated or otherwise amended to reflect subsequent changes. If you have any comments on our briefings please email Authors are available to discuss the content of this briefing only with Members and their staff. If you have any general questions about the work of the House of Commons you can email Disclaimer - This information is provided to Members of Parliament in support of their parliamentary duties. It is a general briefing only and should not be relied on as a substitute for specific advice. The House of Commons or the author(s) shall not be liable for any errors or omissions, or for any loss or damage of any kind arising from its use, and may remove, vary or amend any information at any time without prior notice. BRIEFING PAPER Number 06594, 23 December 2015 The House of Commons accepts no responsibility for any references or links to, or the content of, information maintained by third parties. This information is provided subject to the conditions of the Open Parliament Licence.