FIN 4443: Financial Policy/Senior Seminar

FIN 4443: Financial Policy/Senior Seminar Fall 2014 CRN 81397 Description: A capstone course for seniors majoring in finance. Involves quantitative and
qualitative analysis of financial policies on independent readings and empirical research.
Integrates all areas of business. Coursework may be based from an internal managerial policymaking perspective.
Room: Wasmer, Schroeder Portfolio Trading Room (LH 1205) Meeting Time: 2:00‐3:15 pm Prerequisites: FIN 3414 with a minimum grade of C, FIN 3244 with a minimum grade of C, and
FIN 3504 with a minimum grade of C
Instructor: H. Shelton Weeks
Phone: 239-590-7373
Office: Lutgert Hall 3345
Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 1:00-2:00 or by appointment
Teaching Philosophy: This class will utilize the case method. You will work in groups
preparing and presenting cases throughout the semester. Each group will submit a written
analysis of each case. On the days that cases are to be presented in class, each group will be
prepared to present the case to the class. This means that each group will perform the analysis for
each case, prepare a presentation, and come to class prepared to present. Note: THIS
PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATION. All groups will be expected to participate in the discussion
of each case. Each group will prepare a written critique of the presentations. These critiques will
be submitted electronically to the presenters and the professor within 24 hours. The presenting
group will submit their critique of the presentation prior to the next class. Each group will submit
their case analysis using an executive summary format at the end of each class. No work will be
accepted late.
Free ridership is always a potential problem with group work. You will provide an evaluation of
your team members and they will evaluate you. Do not put your team in the position where they
must give you a negative evaluation. Pull your weight!
Cell phones: Cell phones are not permitted in this class. If you bring one to class, TURN IT
OFF. If your cell phone rings during class, YOUR GROUP will receive a class participation
grade of zero for the day.
Required Course Materials: Case Studies in Finance: Managing for Corporate Value Creation
by Robert F. Bruner, Kenneth M. Eades, & Michael J. Schill
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance by Ross, Westerfield, and Jordan or Financial Management
by Brigham and Daves (9th or 10th edition)
How to Study and Discuss Cases and Ethics in Finance (pages xxv-xlvii)
Case: Warren E. Buffett 2005
WEB Letter to Shareholders (
Case: Ben & Jerry’s Homemade (Amy Scott & Diane Farrell)
Case: Bill Miller and Value Trust
Debate 1: Market Efficiency?
Case: The Thoughtful Forecaster
Case: Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc.
Case: Horniman Horticulture
Case: Guna Fibres
Best Practices in Estimating the Cost of Capital: Survey & Synthesis
Case: Nike Cost of Capital
Case: The Boeing 7E7
Case: Target Corporation
Case: Compass Records
Case: Star Rive Electronics Ltd.
Networking Event (4:00-6:00 pm, Cohen Center room 214)
Debate 2
Case: University of Virginia Health Systems: The LTAC Hospital Project
Case: AutoZone, Inc.
Case: An Introduction to Debt Policy & Value
Case: Structuring Corporate Financial Policy: Diagnosis of Problems and Evaluation
of Strategies
Case: California Pizza Kitchen
Case: Horizon Lines, Inc.
11/11 Case: J&L Railroad
11/13 Case: Primus Automation Division
11/18 Case: American Greetings
11/20 Case: Sun Microsystems
11/25 Case: Rosetta Stone: Pricing the 2009 IPO
11/27 Thanksgiving – No class
Case: Methods of Valuation for Mergers
Case: Hershey Foods
12/11 Final Exam 1:30-4:15
Note: This schedule may be adjusted as needed at the discretion of the instructor.
Grading: Course grades will be determined according to the following schedule: Presentations
& Debates 30%, Written Case Analysis, Position papers, & Other Assignments 40%, Peer
evaluations 15%, Class participation 15%.
No assignments will be accepted after the due date.
Attendance: Failure to attend class will result in a zero class participation grade for that day.
In the event a student is not available to participate in group activities for any reason (travel,
sickness, etc.), the student should make every possible effort to contribute to group’s preparation
for the upcoming case or other exercise.
Academic Dishonesty/Cheating Policy: "All students are expected to demonstrate
honesty in their academic pursuits. The university policies regarding issues of honesty can
be found under the "Student Code of Conduct" on page 11, and under "Policies and
Procedures" on pages 18 - 24 of the Student Guidebook. All students are expected to study
this document which outlines their responsibilities and consequences for violations of the
policy. "
Disability Accommodations Services: Florida Gulf Coast University, in accordance with
the Americans with Disabilities Act and the university’s guiding principles, will provide
classroom and academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities. If you
need to request an accommodation in this class due to a disability, or you suspect that your
academic performance is affected by a disability, please see me or contact the Office of
Adaptive Services. The Office of Adaptive Services is located in Howard Hall 137. The phone
number is 590-7956 or TTY 590-7930 