Kevin J. Rice Professor Emeritus Department of Plant Sciences and The Center for Population Biology EDUCATION: B.S. Biology M.S. Biological Oceanography Ph.D. Ecology Telephone FAX e-mail (530) 752-8529 (530) 752-4361 University of Miami University of Miami University of California - Davis 1975 1978 1984 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1998-2014 2010-2013 1999-2002 1992-1998 1986-1992 Professor - University of California-Davis Section Chair, Plant Sciences – University of California-Davis Chair, Ecology Graduate Group Associate Professor - University of California-Davis Assistant Professor - University of California-Davis CURRENT AND RECENT EXTRAMURAL RESEARCH SUPPORT National Science Foundation (2008-2013) IGERT “REACH: Responding to Rapid Environmental Change: From genes to ecosystems, science to society” National Science Foundation (2007-2008) “SGER Grant: Rapid evolution of invasive species to elevated atmospheric CO2” U.S.D.A. National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program (2006-2010) “Controlling invasive rangeland weeds that exploit and expand phenological niches: Influences of grazing and burning on rangeland productivity” U.S.D.A. National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program (2004-2008) “After the bottleneck: The role of quantitative trait mutation and environmental maternal effects on the adaptive spread of an invasive plant” National Science Foundation (2001-2009) IGERT “Biological Invasions: From Genes to Ecosystems, From Science to Society” PUBLICATIONS (Last 5 years) Heger, T., Jacobs, B.S., Latimer, A.M., Kollmann, J., and K.J. Rice. 2014. Does experience with competition matter? Effects of source competitive environment on mean and plastic trait expression in Erodium cicutarium. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 16: 236-246. Grossman, J. D. and K. J. Rice. 2014. Contemporary evolution of an invasive grass in response to elevated atmospheric CO2 at a Mojave Desert FACE site. Ecology Letters 17: 710-716. Rice, K. J., Gerlach, J. D., Dyer, A. R. and J. K. McKay. 2013. Evolutionary ecology along invasion fronts of the annual grass Aegilops triuncialis. Biological Invasions 15: 2531-2545. Peterson, M. L., Rice, K. J., and J. P. Sexton. 2013. Niche partitioning between close relatives suggests trade-offs between adaptation to local environments and competition. Ecology and Evolution 3: 512-522. Porter, S. S. and K. J. Rice. 2013. Trade-offs, spatial heterogeneity, and the maintenance of microbial diversity. Evolution 67: 599-608. Espeland, E.K. and K.J. Rice. 2012. Within- and trans-generational plasticity affects the opportunity for selection in barbed goatgrass (Aegilops triuncialis). American Journal of Botany 99: 2058-2062. Grossman, J.D. and K.J. Rice. 2012. Evolution of root plasticity responses to variation in soil nutrient distribution and concentration. Evolutionary Applications 5: 850-857. Roche, L.M., Rice, K.J, and K.W. Tate. 2012. Oak conservation maintains native grass stands in an oak woodland-annual grassland system. Biodiversity and Conservation 21: 2555-2568. Dyer, A.R., Hardison, J.L., and K.J. Rice. 2012. Phenology constrains opportunistic growth response in Bromus tectorum L.. Plant Ecology 213: 103-112. Porter, S.S., Stanton, M.L., and K.J. Rice. 2011. Mutualism and adaptive divergence: co-invasion of a heterogeneous grassland by an exotic legume-rhizobium symbiosis. PLOS ONE 6, Issue: 12, Article Number: e27935. Sexton, J.W., Strauss, S.S., and K. J. Rice. 2011. Gene flow increases fitness at the warm edge of a species’ range. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 108: 11704-11709. Knapp, E. E. and K. J. Rice. 2011. Effects of competition and temporal variation on the evolutionary potential of two native bunchgrass species. Restoration Ecology 19: 407-417. Emery, N.C., Rice, K.J. and M.L. Stanton. 2011. Fitness variation and local distribution limits in an annual plant population. Evolution 65: 1011-1020. Robison, R.A., Kyser, G.B., Rice, K.J., and J.M DiTomaso. 2011. Light intensity is a limiting factor to the inland expansion of Cape ivy (Delairea odorata). Biological Invasions 13: 35-44. Thomson, D.M., Baythavong, B.S., and K.J. Rice. 2011. Invasions and the evolution of range limits. In: Serpentine: The Evolution and Ecology of a Model System. S. Harrison and N. Rajakaruna eds. University of California Press, Berkeley CA Meimberg, H., Milan, N.F., Karatassiou, M., Espeland, E.K., McKay, J.K., and K.J. Rice. 2010. Patterns of introduction and adaptation during the invasion of Aegilops triuncialis (Poaceae) into Californian serpentine soils. Molecular Ecology 19: 5308-5319. Espeland, E. K., and K. J. Rice. 2010. Ecological effects on estimates of effective population size in an annual plant. Biological Conservation 143: 946-951. Dyer, A. R., Brown, C. S., Espeland, E. K., McKay, J. K., Meimberg, H., and K. J. Rice. 2010. The role of adaptive trans-generational plasticity in biological invasions of plants. Evolutionary Applications 3:179-192. Brown, C. S. and K.J. Rice. 2010. Effects of belowground resource use complementarity on invasion of constructed grassland plant communities. Biological Invasions 12:1319-1334. Sexton, J.P., McIntyre, P.J., Angert, A.L., and K.J. Rice. 2009. Evolution and ecology of species range limits. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 40: 415-436. Burt, J.W. and K.J. Rice. 2009. Not all ski slopes are created equal: disturbance intensity affects ecosystem functions. Ecological Applications19: 2242–2253. Emery N.C., M.L. Stanton, and K.J. Rice. 2009. Factors driving distribution limits in an annual plant community. New Phytologist 181: 734-747. Baythavong, B. Stanton, M.L. and K.J. Rice. 2009. Understanding the consequences of seed dispersal in a heterogeneous environment. Ecology 90: 2118-2128. Meimberg H., Rice K.J., Milan N.F., Njoku C.C., and J.K. McKay. 2009. Multiple origins promote the ecological amplitude of allopolyploid Aegilops (Poaceae). American Journal of Botany 96: 12621273.