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Robert W. Lindeman, John L. Sibert, James N. Templeman. (2001). The Effect of 3D Widget Representation and Simulated Surface Constraints on
Interaction in Virtual Environments, Proc. of IEEE Virtual Reality 2001, pp. 141-148.
The Effect of 3D Widget Representation and
Simulated Surface Constraints on
Interaction in Virtual Environments
Robert W. Lindeman1
John L. Sibert1
Department of Computer Science
The George Washington University
801 22nd Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20052
[gogo | sibert]@seas.gwu.edu
Information Technology Division
Naval Research Laboratory, Code 5510
Washington, DC, 20375-5337
user [13, 11]. In some cases, however, it is not practical to
require the use of physical props because of real-world
constraints, such as a cramped workspace, or the need to
use both hands for another task. This paper presents
empirical results from experiments designed to identify
those aspects of 2D interfaces used in 3D spaces that have
the greatest influence on effectiveness for manipulation
This paper reports empirical results from two studies
of effective user interaction in immersive virtual
environments. The use of 2D interaction techniques in 3D
environments has received increased attention recently.
We introduce two new concepts to the previous
techniques: the use of 3D widget representations; and
the imposition of simulated surface constraints. The
studies were identical in terms of treatments, but differed
in the tasks performed by subjects. In both studies, we
compared the use of two-dimensional (2D) versus threedimensional (3D) interface widget representations, as
well as the effect of imposing simulated surface
constraints on precise manipulation tasks. The first study
entailed a drag-and-drop task, while the second study
looked at a slider-bar task. We empirically show that
using 3D widget representations can have mixed results
on user performance. Furthermore, we show that
simulated surface constraints can improve user
performance on typical interaction tasks in the absence of
a physical manipulation surface. Finally, based on these
results, we make some recommendations to aid interface
designers in constructing effective interfaces for virtual
2. Previous Work
A number of novel techniques have been employed to
support interaction in 3-space. Glove interfaces allow the
user to interact with the environment using gestural
commands [9, 8, 3]. Laser-pointer techniques provide
menus that float in space in front of the user, and are
accessed using either the user's finger or a 3D mouse [14,
15, 6]. With these types of interfaces, however, it is
difficult to perform precise movements, such as dragging
a slider to a specified location, or selecting from a pick
list. Part of the difficulty in performing these tasks comes
from the fact that the user is pointing in free space,
without the aid of anything to steady the hands [14].
Another major issue with the floating windows
interfaces comes from the inherent problems of mapping a
2D interface into a 3D world. One of the reasons the
mouse is so effective on the desktop, is that it is a 2D
input device used to manipulate 2D (or 2.5D) widgets on
a 2D display. Once we move these widgets to 3-space, the
mouse is less tractable as an input device. Wloka [16] and
Deering [7] attempt to solve this problem by using menu
widgets that pop up in a fixed location relative to a 3D
mouse. With practice, the user learns where the menu is in
relation to the mouse, so the depth can be learned. Though
1. Introduction
Previous research into the development of usable
Virtual Environment (VE) interfaces has shown that
applying 2D techniques can be effective for tasks
involving widget manipulation [12, 5, 6]. It has also been
shown that the use of physical props for manipulating
these widgets can provide effective feedback to aid the
0-7695-0948-7/01 $10.00 © 2001 IEEE
James N. Templeman2
present. In our experiments, we compared the use of these
2D representations with shapes that had depth, providing
additional visual feedback as to the extent of the bounding
volume (Figure 1). The idea is that by providing subjects
with visual feedback as to how deep the fingertip was
penetrating the shape, they would be able to maintain a
constant depth more easily, improving performance [4].
This would allow statements to be made about the
influence of visual widget representation on performance
and preference measures.
effective for simple menu selection tasks, these methods
provide limited user precision for more complex tasks
because of a lack of physical support for manipulations.
To counter this, some researchers have introduced the
use of "pen-and-tablet" interfaces [1, 2, 14, 10, 12]. These
approaches register an interaction window with a physical
prop held in the non-dominant hand. The user interacts
with these hand-held windows using either a finger, or a
stylus held in the dominant hand. This type of interface
combines the power of 2D window interfaces with the
necessary freedom of movement provided by 3D
interfaces. Though the promise of these interfaces has
been outlined [14, 13, 5], limited empirical data has been
collected to measure the effectiveness of these interfaces
[11, 2, 13]. Here we present results that aim to refine our
knowledge of the nature of these interaction techniques.
2.1. Types of Actions
We have designed a testbed which provides 2D
widgets for testing typical UI tasks, such as drag-anddrop, manipulating slider-bars, and pressing buttons, from
within a 3D environment. Our system employs a virtual
paddle, registered with a physical paddle prop, as a work
surface for manipulating 2D interface widgets within the
VE. Simple collision detection between the tracked index
fingertip of the user and interface widgets is used for
In our previous work [13], we describe two studies
comparing unimanual versus bimanual manipulation, and
the presence of passive-haptic feedback versus having no
haptic feedback. In the current work, we looked at ways of
improving non-haptic interfaces for those systems where it
is impractical to provide haptic feedback. The two
possible modifications we studied are the use of 3D
representations of widgets instead of 2D representations,
and the imposition of simulated physical surface
We chose two different types of tasks in order to study
representative 2D manipulations. A drag-and-drop type of
task required subjects to move a shape from a start to a
target position. A one-dimensional slide-bar task required
subjects to adjust a slider within some threshold to match
a target position.
Figure 1: 3D widget representation. Shape is solid;
Target is wireframe
2.3. Simulated Surface Constraints
The superiority of the passive-haptic treatments over
the non-haptic treatments from the experiments presented
in [13] led us to analyze which aspects of the physical
surface accounted for its superiority. The presence of a
physical surface: 1) provides tactile feedback felt by the
dominant-hand index fingertip; 2) provides haptic
feedback felt in the extremities of the user, steadying
movements in a way similar to moving the mouse resting
on a tabletop; and 3) constrains the motion of the finger
along the Z axis of the work surface to lie in the plane of
the surface, thereby making it easier for users to maintain
the necessary depth for selecting shapes.
In order to differentiate between the amount each of
these aspects influences overall performance, the notion
of clamping is introduced. Clamping involves imposing a
simulated surface constraint to interfaces that do not
provide a physical work surface (Figure 2). During
interaction, when the real finger passes a point where a
physical surface would be (if there were a physical
surface), the virtual finger avatar is constrained such that
the fingertip remains intersected with the work surface
2.2. Widget Representation
In our previous studies [13], all the shapes that were
manipulated were 2D, flush with the plane of the work
surface. Even though the shapes had a 3D bounding
volume for detecting collisions, only a 2D shape was
displayed to the user. One could argue that this was
optimized more for the treatments where a physical
surface was present than where no physical surface was
independent variable. The first independent variable was
the use of 2D widget representations (2) or 3D widget
representations (3). The second independent variable was
surface type: physical (P); clamped (C); or no surface was
present (N).
Six different interaction techniques (treatments) were
implemented which combine these two independent
variables into a 2 × 3 matrix, as shown in Table 1.
avatar. Movement in the X/Y-plane of the work surface is
unconstrained; only the depth of the virtual fingertip is
constrained. If the subject presses the physical finger past
a threshold depth, the virtual hand pops through the
surface, and is registered again with the physical hand.
& Virtual
& Virtual
2D Widget
3D Widget
Representation Representation
Physical Surface
Clamped Surface
No Surface
Table 1: 2 × 3 design
Figure 2: Clamping (a) Fingertip approaches work
surface; (b) Fingertip intersects work surface; (c) Virtual
fingertip clamped to work surface
Each cell is defined as:
We hypothesized that clamping would make it easier
for subjects to keep the shapes selected during
manipulation, even if no haptic feedback was present,
because it would be easier to maintain the necessary
depth. It should make object grasping easier, and make
the interaction more like it is in real life.
3. Experimental Method
2D Widget Representation, Physical Surface
2D Widget Representation, Clamped Surface
2D Widget Representation, No Surface
3D Widget Representation, Physical Surface
3D Widget Representation, Clamped Surface
3D Widget Representation, No Surface
For the 2P treatment, subjects held a paddle-like object
in the non-dominant hand (Figure 3), with the work
surface defined to be the face of the paddle. Subjects
could hold the paddle in any position that felt comfortable
and allowed them to accomplish the tasks quickly and
accurately. Subjects were presented with a visual avatar of
the paddle that matched exactly the physical paddle in
dimension (Figure 4). For the 2C treatment, the subjects
held only the handle of the paddle in the non-dominant
hand (no physical paddle head), while being presented
with a full paddle avatar. The same visual feedback was
presented as in 2P, but a clamping region was defined just
behind the surface of the paddle face. The clamping
region was a box with the same X/Y dimensions as the
paddle surface, and a depth of 3cm (determined from a
pilot study). When the real index fingertip entered the
clamp region, the hand avatar was "snapped" so that the
virtual fingertip was on the surface of the paddle avatar.
For the 2N treatment, the user held the paddle handle (no
physical paddle head) in the non-dominant hand, but was
presented with a full paddle avatar in the VE. The only
difference between 2C and 2N was the lack of clamping in
2N. The avatar hand could freely pass into and through
the virtual paddle.
This section describes the experimental design used in
our experiments. These experiments were designed to
compare interfaces that combine 2D or 3D widget
representations with the three surface types of physical,
clamped, and none. The case where no physical surface is
present is interesting, in that some systems employ purely
virtual tools, possibly chosen from a tool bar, using a
single, common handle. By virtualizing the head of the
tool, the functionality of a single handle can be
overloaded, providing greater flexibility (with the possible
trade-off of increased cognitive load).
We use quantitative measures of proficiency, such as
mean task completion time and mean accuracy, as well as
qualitative measures, such as user preference, to compare
the interfaces. Two experiments, one involving a dragand-drop task, and one involving the manipulation of a
slider-bar, were conducted. In the interest of brevity, we
present them together.
3.1. Experimental Design
The experiments were designed using a 2 × 3 factorial
within-subjects approach, with each axis representing one
Task one was a docking task. Subjects were presented
with a colored shape on the work surface, and had to slide
it to a black outline of the same shape in a different
location on the work surface, and then release it (Figure
4). Subjects could repeatedly adjust the location of the
shape until they were satisfied with its proximity to the
outline shape, and then move on to the next trial by
pressing a "Continue" button displayed in the center at the
lower edge of the work surface. This task was designed to
test the component UI action of "Drag-and-Drop," which
is a continuous task. The trials were a mix between
horizontal, vertical, and diagonal movements.
The second task was a one-dimensional sliding task.
The surface of the paddle displayed a slider-bar and a
number (Figure 5). The value of the number, which could
range between 0 and 50, was controlled by the position of
the slider-pip. A signpost was displayed in the VE, upon
which a target number between 0 and 50 was displayed.
The signpost was positioned directly in front of the
subject. The subject had to select the slider-pip, and slide
it along the length of the slider, until the number on the
paddle matched the target number on the signpost, release
the slider-pip, and then press the "Continue" button to
move on to the next trial. The subject could adjust the
slider-pip before moving on to the next trial. This task was
designed to test the component UI action of "Slider-bar,"
which is also a continuous task.
Figure 3: The physical paddle
The 3P, 3C, and 3N treatments were identical to 2P,
2C, and 2N, respectively, except for the presence of 3D
widget representations. The widgets were drawn as
volumes, as opposed to polygons, with the back side of
the volume flush with the paddle surface, and the front
side extending forward 0.8cm (determined from a pilot
study). The widgets were considered selected when the
fingertip of the hand avatar intersected the bounds of the
Figure 5: The sliding task
The trials were a mix between horizontal and vertical
sliders (Figure 6). The slider-bar was 14cm long and 3cm
thick for both the horizontal and vertical trials. This gave
a slider sensitivity for user movement of 0.3cm per
number (determined from a pilot study). This means the
pip had a tolerance of 0.3cm before the number on the
paddle would change to the next number.
Figure 4: The docking task
Using a diagram-balanced Latin squares approach to
minimize ordering effects, six different orderings of the
treatments were defined, and subjects were assigned at
random to one of the six orderings. Subjects were
randomly assigned to one of two groups. Each group
performed 20 trials on one of two tasks over each
treatment. Six different random orderings for the 20 trials
were used. The subjects were seated during the entire
3.2. Shape Manipulation
For the sliding task, the slider-pip was red, the number
on the paddle was yellow, and the number on the signpost
mean age of the subjects was 30 years, 5 months. In all,
33 of the subjects reported they used a computer at least
10 hours per week, with 25 reporting computer usage
exceeding 30 hours per week. The remaining 3 subjects
reported computer usage between 5 and 10 hours per
week. Five subjects reported that they used their left hand
for writing. Thirteen of the subjects were female and 23
were male. Fifteen subjects said they had experienced
some kind of "Virtual Reality" before. All subjects passed
a test for colorblindness. Nine subjects reported having
suffered from motion sickness at sometime in their lives,
when asked prior to the experiment.
For the sliding task, most of the subjects were college
students (26), either undergraduate (15) or graduate (11).
The rest (10) were not students. The mean age of the
subjects was 27 years, 5 months. In all, 30 of the subjects
reported they used a computer at least 10 hours per week,
with 21 reporting computer usage exceeding 30 hours per
week. Of the remaining 6 subjects, 3 reported computer
usage between 5 and 10 hours per week, and 3 between 1
and 5 hours per week. Four subjects reported that they
used their left hand for writing. Thirteen of the subjects
were female and 23 were male. Twenty-four subjects said
they had experienced some kind of "Virtual Reality"
before. All subjects passed a test for colorblindness. Ten
subjects reported having suffered from motion sickness at
sometime in their lives, when asked prior to the
was green. Subjects selected shapes (or the pip) simply by
moving the fingertip of their dominant-hand index finger
to intersect it. The subject would release by moving the
finger away from the shape, so that the fingertip no longer
intersected it. For the docking task, this required the
subject to lift (or push) the fingertip so that it no longer
intersected the virtual work surface, as moving the finger
tip along the plane of the work surface translated the
shape along with the fingertip. This was true for the
sliding task as well, except that sliding the finger away
from the long axis of the slider also released the pip. Once
the fingertip left the bounding box of the shape (or pip), it
was considered released.
Figure 6: Paddle layout for the sliding task;
(a) Horizontal bar; (b) Vertical bar (dashed lines are
widget positions for left-handed subjects)
3.3. System Characteristics
3.5. Protocol
Our software was running on a two-processor SGI
Onyx workstation equipped with a RealityEngine2
graphics subsystem, two 75MHz MIPS R8000 processors,
64 megabytes of RAM, and 4 megabytes of texture RAM.
Because of a lack of audio support on the Onyx, audio
feedback software (see below) was run on an SGI Indy
workstation, and communicated with our software over
Ethernet. The video came from the Onyx, while the audio
came from the Indy. We used a Virtual I/O i-glasses HMD
in monoscopic mode to display the video and audio. The
positions and orientations of the head, index finger, and
paddle were gathered using 6-DOF trackers. The software
used the OpenInventor library from SGI, and ran in one
Unix thread. A minimum of 11 frames per second (FPS)
and a maximum of 16 FPS were maintained throughout
the tests, with the average being 14 FPS.
Before beginning the actual experiment, the
demographic information reported above was collected.
The user was then fitted with the dominant-hand index
finger tracker, and asked to adjust it so that it fit snugly.
Each subject was read a general introduction to the
experiment, explaining what the user would see in the
virtual environment, which techniques they could use to
manipulate the shapes in the environment, how the paddle
and dominant-hand avatars mimicked the motions of the
subject's hands, and how the HMD worked.
After fitting the subject with the HMD, the software
was started, the visuals appeared, and the audio emitted
two sounds. The subjects were asked if they heard the
sounds at the start of each task. To help subjects orient
themselves, they were asked to look at certain virtual
objects placed in specific locations within the VE, and this
process was repeated before each treatment. The user was
then given the opportunity to become familiar with the
dominant-hand and paddle avatars.
The work surface displayed the message, 'To begin the
first trial, press the "Begin" button.' Subjects were asked
to press the "Begin" button on the work surface by
touching it with their finger. After doing this, they were
3.4. Subject Demographics
Thirty-six subjects for each task (72 total) were
selected on a first-come, first-served basis, in response to
a call for subjects. For the docking task, most of the
subjects were college students (22), either undergraduate
(10) or graduate (12). The rest (14) were not students. The
clamping the physical and virtual fingertips are no longer
registered, lifting the finger from the surface of the paddle
(a movement in the Z direction) does not necessarily
produce a corresponding movement in the virtual world,
as long as the movement occurs solely within the
clamping area. This makes releasing the shapes difficult
(the opposite problem of what clamping was designed to
solve!). This issue was addressed by introducing
prolonged practice and coaching sessions before each
A second problem is the inability of users to judge how
"deep" their physical fingertip is through the surface.
Even if subjects understand the movement mapping
discontinuity, judging depth can still be a problem. To
counter this, the fingertip of the index finger, normally
yellow, was made to change color, moving from orange to
red, as a function of how deep the physical finger was past
the point where a physical surface would be if there were
one. Again, substantial practice and coaching was given to
allow subjects to master this concept. To summarize,
clamping consisted of constraining the virtual fingertip to
lie on the surface of the paddle avatar, and varying the
fingertip color as a function of physical fingertip depth
past the (non-existent) physical paddle surface.
given practice trials, during which a description of the
task they had to perform within the VE was given. The
user was given as many practice trials as they wanted, and
instructed that after practicing, they would be given 20
more trials which would be scored in terms of both time
and accuracy. They were instructed to indicate when they
felt they could perform the task quickly and accurately
given the interface they had to use. The subject was
coached as to how best to manipulate the shapes, and
about the different types of feedback they were being
given. For instance, for the clamping treatments (2C &
3C), a detailed description of what clamping is was given.
After the practice trials, the subject was asked to take a
brief rest, and was told that when ready, 20 more trials
would be given, and would be scored in terms of both
time and accuracy. It was made clear to the subjects that
neither time nor accuracy was more important than the
other, and that they should try to strike a balance between
the two. Accuracy for the docking task was measured by
how close the center of the shape was placed to the center
of the target position, and for the sliding task, accuracy
was measured as how closely the number on the paddle
matched the target number on the signpost. After each
treatment, the HMD was removed, the paddle was taken
away, and the subject was allowed to relax as long as they
wanted to before beginning the next treatment.
3.7. Data Collection
Qualitative data was collected for each treatment using
a questionnaire. Five questions, arranged on Likert scales,
were administered to gather data on perceived ease-ofuse, appeal, arm fatigue, eye fatigue, and motion sickness,
respectively. The questionnaire was administered after
each treatment.
Quantitative data was collected by the software for
each trial of each task. The type of data collected was
similar for the two tasks. For the docking task, the start
position, target position, and final position of the shapes
were recorded. For the sliding task, the starting number,
target number, and final number were recorded. For both
tasks, the total trial time and the number of times the
subject selected and released the shape (or pip) for each
trial was recorded.
A Fitts-type analysis was not performed for this study.
The justification for this comes from the fact that two
hands are involved in the interaction techniques which is
not represented in Fitts' law.
3.6. Additional Feedback
In addition to visual and (in some cases) haptic
feedback, our system provided other cues for the subject,
regardless of treatment. First, the tip of the index finger of
the dominant-hand avatar was colored yellow, to give
contrast against the paddle surface. Second, in order to
simulate a shadow of the dominant hand, a red dropcursor, which followed the movement of the fingertip in
relation to the plane of the paddle surface, was displayed
on the work surface. When the fingertip was not in the
space directly in front of the work surface, no cursor was
displayed. To help the subjects gauge when the fingertip
was intersecting UI widgets, each widget became
highlighted, and an audible CLICK! sound was output to
the headphones worn by the subject. When the user
released the widget, it returned to its normal color, and a
different UNCLICK! sound was triggered. For the sliding
task, each time the number on the paddle changed, a
sound was triggered to provide extra feedback to the
Several issues arose for the clamping treatments during
informal testing of the technique. One of the problems
with the use of clamping is the discontinuity in the
mapping of physical-to-virtual finger movement it
introduces into the system. This manifests itself in several
ways in terms of user interaction. First, because during
3.8. Results
In order to produce an overall measure of subject
preference for the six treatments, we have computed a
composite value from the qualitative data. This measure is
computed by averaging each of the Likert values from the
five questions posed after each treatment. Because
than 3D widget representations. Also, subjects performed
faster when a physical surface was present (Sliding Time
= 22% faster) than with clamping, but there was no
difference between clamping and no surface. Accuracy
was 19% better using 3D widget representations
compared to 2D, but there was no difference in accuracy
between the physical, clamping, and no surface
treatments. Looking at the subjective measures, the
Composite Preference Value for the main effects shows
that subjects had no preference when it came to widget
representation, but preferred the physical surface over the
clamped surface by 12%, and the clamped surface over no
surface by 5%.
"positive" responses for the five characteristics were given
higher numbers, on a scale between one and five, the
average of the ease-of-use, appeal, arm fatigue, eye
fatigue, and motion sickness questions gives us an overall
measure of preference. A score of 1 signifies a lower
preference than a score of 5.
The results of the univariate 2 × 3 factorial ANOVA of
the performance measures and treatment questionnaire
responses for the docking task are shown in Table 2, and
those for the sliding task in Table 3. Each row in the
tables represents a separate measure, and the mean,
standard deviation, f-value, and significance is given for
each independent variable. If no significance is found
across a given level of an independent variable, then a line
is drawn beneath the levels that are statistically equal. The
f-value for interaction effects is given in a separate
Surface Type
Docking Time (s)
Stand. Dev.
End Distance (cm)
Stand. Dev.
Composite Value
Stand. Dev.
7.15 6.69
(2.35) (2.35)
(2.15) (2.44)
P C*** C N**
f = 64.34***
(0.06) (0.05)
f = 7.31***
(0.50) (0.59)
P C*** C N***
f = 59.93***
df = 2/70
f = 4.36*
0.13 0.13
(0.6) (0.05)
f = 0.49
3.63 3.66
(0.52) (0.51)
f = 0.75
df = 1/35
P N***
f = 0.46
P N***
f = 0.53
Surface Type
Sliding Time (s)
Stand. Dev.
End Distance
Stand. Dev.
Composite Value
Stand. Dev.
5.88 6.21
(1.36) (1.58)
(1.08) (1.76)
P C*** C N
f = 59.77***
(0.26) (0.36)
f = 2.44
(0.41) (0.42)
P C*** C N*
f = 46.22***
df = 2/70
f = 6.39*
0.36 0.29
(0.29) (0.28)
f = 5.06*
3.82 3.88
(0.45) (0.47)
f = 0.79
df = 1/35
P N***
f = 1.25
f = 0.12
P N***
f = 0.33
df = 2/70
*p < 0.05
**p < 0.01
***p < 0.001
P N***
Table 3: 2 × 3 Factorial ANOVA of performance and
subjective measures for the sliding task
f = 2.42
df = 2/70
*p < 0.05
**p < 0.01
***p < 0.001
The addition of a physical surface to VE interfaces can
significantly decrease the time necessary to perform UI
tasks while increasing accuracy. For those environments
where using a physical surface may not be appropriate, we
can simulate the presence of a physical surface by using
clamping. Our results show some support, though mixed,
for the use clamping to improve user performance over
not providing such surface intersection cues.
We found that some learning effects were present. On
average, subjects were 20% faster on the docking task by
the sixth treatment they were exposed to as compared to
the first. For the sliding task, a less-dramatic learning
effect was present, and seemed to completely disappear by
the third treatment. Neither accuracy nor preference
values showed learning effects on either task.
There are some subtle differences in the tasks that may
account for the differences we saw in the results. First,
there was a clear "right answer" for the sliding task (i.e.
make the number on the paddle match the target number),
whereas it was much more difficult on the docking task to
know when the shape was exactly lined up with the target.
Secondly, the sliding task required the subjects to look
around in the VE in order to acquire the target number
Table 2: 2 × 3 Factorial ANOVA of performance and
subjective measures for the docking task
3.9. Discussion
For the docking task, subjects performed faster using
3D widget representations (Docking Time = 6% faster)
than with 2D widget representations. Also, subjects
performed faster when a physical surface was present
(Docking Time = 28% faster) than with clamping, and
faster with clamping (Docking Time = 9% faster) than
with no surface. There was no difference in accuracy
between 3D and 2D widget representations, but accuracy
was 15% better with a physical surface than with
clamping, and accuracy with clamping was 7% better than
with no surface. Looking at the subjective measures, the
Composite Preference Value for the main effects shows
that subjects had no preference when it came to widget
representation, but preferred the physical surface over the
clamped surface by 14%, and the clamped surface over no
surface by 8%.
For the slider bar task, subjects performed faster using
2D widget representations (Sliding Time = 5% faster)
from the signpost, whereas with the docking task, the
subject only needed to look at the surface of the paddle.
Finally, because the sliding task required only onedimensional movement, along the long axis of the slider,
the task was less complex than the docking task, which
required subjects to control two degrees of freedom.
6. References
[1] Billinghurst, M., Baldis, S., Matheson, L., Philips, M., "3D
Palette: A Virtual Reality Content Creation Tool," Proc. of
VRST '97, (1997), pp. 155-156.
[2] Bowman, D., Wineman, J., Hodges, L., "Exploratory
Design of Animal Habitats within an Immersive Virtual
Environment," GA Institute of Technology GVU Technical
Report GIT-GVU-98-06, (1998).
4. Observations
[3] Bryson, S., Levit, C., "The Virtual Windtunnel: An
Environment for the Exploration of Three-Dimensional
Unsteady Flows," Proc. of Visualization ‘91, (1991), pp. 17-24.
The quantitative results from these experiments were
clearly mixed. In lieu of drawing conclusions from the
work, we convey instead some observations made while
conducting them, and offer advice to UI designers of VR
As shown here and in our previous work, using a
physical work surface can significantly improve
performance. Physical prop use is being reported more
frequently in recent literature, and we encourage this
We included complementary feedback in our system
(e.g. audio, color variation). Though this might have
skewed our results compared to studying a single
feedback cue in isolation, we felt that providing the extra
feedback, and holding it constant across all treatments,
had greater benefit and application than leaving it out.
Because life is a multimedia experience, we encourage
this approach.
The sensing and delivery technology used in a given
system clearly influence how well people can perform
using the system. Designers should limit the degree of
precision required in a system to that supported by the
technology, and apply necessary support (such as snapgrids) where appropriate.
Most VR systems use approaches similar to the 2N or
3N treatments reported here. Also, these systems typically
restrict menu interaction to ballistic button presses. We
feel that the latter is a consequence of the former. If
greater support were given to menu interaction, we might
see more complex interactions being employed, allowing
greater freedom of expression.
Our future experiments will look at more UI tasks,
such as how cascading menus can be effectively accessed
from within a VE.
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