tHe CUstOMer MaGaZINe OF DHL FreIGHt sePteMBer 2015

sePteMBer 2015
CEo mEssagE
Welcome to this issue of our customer magazine Freight Connections. Today I’d like to bring
your attention to one word in this publication’s name – “Connections”. This is one value we
bring to our customers and partners. With our products and solutions, we serve as the connection to your markets and business partners.
In this edition, we highlight a num-
subsidiary, we have set up Gerlach
Our DHL Innovation Center was re-
ber of solutions which are extremely
Customs Academy where we arm our
launched to great acclaim. Here cus-
popular and beneficial, so YOU – our
customers with the latest customs
tomers can attend workshops and
customers – can concentrate on your
business networking events. The cen-
core business and leave the complexities of logistics to us.
ter showcases today’s solutions, toIn each issue of Freight Connections,
morrow’s trends and future visions
we introduce one of our key coun-
and is also home to our Trends Re-
With Germany’s pilot of mega trucks
tries in our vast network. This issue
search team.
which started in 2011, we have
the dynamic and fast growing DHL
launched this service in collaboration
Freight Turkey is in the spotlight.
with a network partner. With larger
Last but not least, you can also read
the latest market and freight news.
capacities, mega trucks allow reduc-
DHL’s Life Sciences and Healthcare
tions in the number of trucks used,
Conference, and Global Technology
resulting in monetary and environ-
Conference this year saw record at-
mentally savings.
tendances by our customers, and
Amadou Diallo
gave them ample opportunity to con-
As the market leader for customs
nect with some of the best thought
DHL Freight
brokerage in Europe via Gerlach, our
leaders in the supply chain space.
I hope you enjoy the read.
From Saint-Louis to the Global Stage – taking a look back at dynamic Danzas’
200-year journey
This year celebrates the 200th anniversary of Danzas, and
The company flourished over the course of the 19th
what a winning journey it has been for this Swiss logistics
century by increasing its network in Switzerland and
provider which is now an integral part of the DHL family.
creating its head office in Basel. Danzas’ son Jules took
It started back in 1815 when Frenchman Louis Danzas, who
over the reins of the company, eventually converting it
had fought in the Battle of Waterloo, joined a small
into a sole proprietorship in 1878. With Basel’s strategic
freight forwarding company in northeastern France called
positioning as a trade center on the Rhine River, the
Michel l’Eveque, Etablissement de Commission e
company started to forward freight between Germany,
France and Switzerland. Soon after, international post
deliveries commenced with new routes to Eastern Europe,
Fifteen years later Louis Danzas and his brother-in-law
North Africa and the Middle East and Danzas was also able
Edouard l’Eveque formed Maison de Commission et
to guarantee a 24-hour Switzerland to London postal
d’Expédition Danzas & l’Evêque a St. Louis. The mid-1800s
service. In 1846, it obtained a mail delivery franchise from
was a new era in both passenger and cargo transport, and
Le Havre, France, to New York.
with the rapid expansion of rail and steamship routes in
Europe, Danzas showed its fighting spirit and took
The 20th century brought many highs and lows for the
advantage of this by building up a worldwide network of
company which was now headed by partner Laurent
agents. In order to handle the regular groupage between
Werzinger. This included the stock market crash in the
Zurich and Basel – Danzas needed to grow and therefore
1920s and World War 2, but the company, with excellent
merged with transport companies Favier-Gervais Vonier
foresight and steerage, was able to overcome these
and Ouzelet & Cie to form a new general partnership,
challenges and remain a global logistics powerhouse.
Danzas, Ouzelet & Cie, in 1855.
Spotlight On
The network of branches was expanded in Switzerland,
France, Germany, and Italy, and 12 years later the
company’s name was changed to Danzas AG. Then Greece,
Spain, and Portugal became part of this vast web in
addition to representative offices in Latin America, New
York and other commercial centers. The 1980s and 1990s
saw it establish new subsidiaries and new affiliate
companies in Japan, Taiwan and Hungary.
Its public offering on the Basel Stock Exchange in 1985 was
another turning point for the company. With new funds at
its disposal, it had a network of representative offices in 36
countries and 41 US states by 1989. Diverse investments in
real estate, vehicles, and telecommunications assets grew
throughout this era, and it started developing its storage
and transportation facilities.
After years of expansion and developing such a presence
in the global logistics market place, it’s not surprising that
Danzas itself would one day become a target for
acquisition. At the end of 1998, Deutsche Post (DP)
acquired Danzas AG. The latter continued to be prolific in
200 years of logistics: Danzas and DHL
shape an industry
The compelling history of logistics with over
170 images
Without him, modern logistics is hardly imaginable: In 1815, at
the age of 27, Louis Danzas started his career in the transport
business of Michel l’Evêque in the French town of Saint-Louis.
its acquisitions with Sweden’s ASG AB, Netherland’s
And he proved to be successful – the company expanded and
Nedlloyd’s ETD unit and Air Express International, the
carried his name just a few years later. Situated in the country
leading freight forwarder in the United States on its
triangle of France, Switzerland and Germany, Danzas AG
shopping list. After buying DHL (which was founded in
evolved into a worldwide successful logistics company over
1969) in 2002, DP then integrated Danzas, DHL and Euro
Express under the DHL brand, and structured its divisions
– DHL Danzas Air & Ocean, DHL Express, and DHL
several generations. In 1999, Deutsche Post AG took over the
company. Its reputation and its unique logistics expertise built
the basis for the rise of the DHL brand as the international
Number 1 in logistics.
haPPy BirThday – hErE’s To
ThE nEXT 200 yEars!
The publisher of the book, Amadou Diallo, CEO DHL Freight,
started his career at Union Transport, a company that was first
acquired by Nedlloyd and then merged in Danzas and later, in
2003, in DHL. He takes the readers on an intriguing journey
through 200 years of logistics and to the historic roots of the
DHL portfolio. In 24 focus chapters, he depicts logistics milestones such as freight trains, steam ships, groupage traffic, air
freight and road transport with trucks, and sheds a light on
innovations such as the Europallet, the bar code, warehouse
automation, just-in-time delivery, GPS or RFID. Concluding his
time travel, he let renowned experts make an educated guess
on what the future could look like: What is the world going to
be like in 2050? And which role is logistics going to play?
Under the title “200 Jahre Logistik: Danzas und DHL prägen
eine Branche”, the book is also available in German.
ISBN 978-3-941136-37-3
Alert Verlag, Berlin
26,90 €
ahEad of ThE CUrvE
DHL a leader when it comes to setting future logistics trends
In May this year, the DHL Innovation Center in Bonn,
development, e.g. for multi-channel retailing or predictive
Germany, was relaunched with a complete new exhibition
area featuring future visions, tomorrow’s trends, and
today’s solutions. Since it first opened in 2007, the Center’s
Some of the latest research examples that the team is
purpose has been to demonstrate Deutsche Post DHL
working on include:
Group’s (DP DHL) innovative solutions and processes in a
tangible way and to offer customers the possibility to
Autonomous Vehicles
engage in guided visits, business & innovation workshops
New innovations such as cellular transport systems,
and trend & innovation related events.
self-driving vehicles, and unmanned aerial vehicles offer
new forms of transportation and warehousing solutions.
The Center is also home to DHL’s Trend Research Team. To
Trend Research is currently working together with leading
keep ahead in today’s changing business environment, the
automation and technology partners to test the feasibility
team was set up to identify and assess key social, business
of autonomous shuttles in warehouses today.
and technology trends that might affect the logistics
industry. It also creates individual trend reports and proofs
Augmented Reality
of concept on various topics such as big data, internet of
Combining augmented reality (AR) with smart glasses
things, and augmented reality. Another output from the
enables completely hands-free and visually-aided
team is the key Logistics Trend Radar (LTR) that serves as a
operations that open up new perspectives in process
panoramic 360-degree view across the logistics landscape.
execution and visual analytics. Already two pilots have
It is designed to help organizations derive new strategies
been completed at DHL using smart glasses such as Google
and develop more powerful projects and innovations. The
glass for order picking and sorting processes, with
LTR also serves as the foundation for further exploration
encouraging results. Further usage of AR in the supply
into each of the trends, and its report sketches a future
chain is being explored.
landscape for logistics professionals and challenges they
will face, but also outlines solutions that are in
Spotlight On
Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) empowers smart objects to be
Other DP DHL e-Commerce Studies Developed
active participants in self-steering, event-driven logistics
processes. IoT can improve transparency and integrity
There are many other interesting e-commerce studies to have
control (right products, at the right time, place, quantity,
come out of DP DHL recently. One is “Global E-Tailing 2025”
condition and at the right cost) along the supply chain.
Currently the trend research team is exploring automated
inventory control of assets through low-cost Wi-Fi beacons.
Learn More:
These are just some of the impressive innovations and
which describes the role of electronic retailing in people’s lives
ten years from now. It also details how international online
retailing will change consumer behavior and thus the world of
retailing as a whole, and what challenges the logistics industry
will then be faced with. Online retail will gain even more
importance than expected so far – not just in developed
countries, but also in emerging markets.
studies which are being conducted by the Center’s Trend
Research Team. Customer feedback has been strong,
Another is “Shopping 4.0” where the researchers surveyed
with one commenting at the relaunch of the Center,
1,800 people in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The key
“It was truly inspirational. I am very impressed on how
outcome of the study showed that e-commerce simplifies and
innovative logistics can be and look forward to engaging
further with you.”
significantly improves the quality of life. Two reasons stated
included “online shopping is fun” and “it’s less stressful”.
Web shopping is also perceived as being an emotional
experience, and streamlined, simple processes for the shopper
“Being a frontrunner in innovation has made us a market
such as terms of delivery and return policies play a key role in
leader,” says Bill Meahl, Chief Commercial Officer DHL.
customer satisfaction.
“The objective of the DHL Innovation Center is to maintain
that lead by developing highly innovative products and
Says Jürgen Gerdes, member of the DPDHL Management Board
services based on technological, social and logistics trends
and responsible for the MAIL Division at DPDHL, “The core
of the future. The DHL Trend Research team continuously
finding of the study is that e-commerce has become part of
analyzes and identifies new developments and their
potential impact on the logistics industry along the entire
value chain.”
mainstream society. Increasing numbers of people of all ages are
using this convenient alternative to the stressful obstacle course
of physical shopping. E-commerce is simplifying our professional
and our personal lives.”
In addition to these studies, DHL eCommerce produced a ‘Shop
The World’ survey for 11,000 consumers in 20 countries. It
showed international differences regarding attitudes towards
distance selling and buying behavior. Some interesting
comparisons include Mexican consumers who order online on
average six times a year compared with those in Great Britain
– 29 times. Those in Austria purchase 80% of their orders from
overseas while in Turkey it is only 18%. Interestingly, two years
ago the worldwide distance selling market was worth 616
billion Euros and this figure is expected to rise by 10.7% each
year until 2018.
To find out how you can engage DHL Freight to share innovative solutions for your business challenges, please
contact the experts at
Playing ThE samE
EUPhonioUs TUnE
The successful partnership
between DHL Freight and
the Gewandhausorchester
ensures a perfect
performance every time
stands, stools, wardrobe and the
“The most important thing on tour is
conductor Riccardo Chailly’s rostrum
that the musicians can perform every
across the globe. The Orchestra’s tour
evening as if they have just arrived
schedule encompasses performances
from home. The artists should be
in Europe, Asia and the US, and
able to concentrate completely on
therefore complete care must always
the music and not give a second
be taken to ensure the instruments
thought to the logistics.”
When you have hundreds of old,
arrive in perfect shape. DHL Freight’s
valuable, unique and irreplaceable
TFE uses special shock proof transport
Professor Andreas Schulz, Director
instruments to transport, a trusted
boxes that also monitor the
Gewandhausorchester, explains that
and reliable logistics partner becomes
instruments’ temperature. Besides
the instruments must always be there
an even more important factor.
the transport DHL Freight handles
when the musicians arrive and can
customs formalities for the orchestra.
never be late, too cool or too warm
DHL Freight’s Trade Fairs & Events
in temperature. “That
(TFE) has had the privilege of caring
Says DHL TFE’s Gregor Klammer,
professionalism and reliability is DHL’s
for the 250-year-old
“Preparing for an international tour
most important hallmark. I’m very
Gewandhausorchester’s equipment,
starts as early as two years in
proud to have DHL as our partner.
which has performed the music of
advance. The Orchestra brings us
We work together extremely well –
some of the greatest composers in
their ideas of where they want to
not only in Europe but all around the
history, for example Mozart,
perform, and from then on we are in
world.” He adds, “No two tours are
Beethoven, Chopin and Wagner.
constant contact getting ready for
alike, and it’s always an adventure, a
the tour. Everyone is glad when we
journey of discovery for us. That’s
This 10-year collaboration has seen
finally load the instruments and get
why it’s so exciting to be on tour with
DHL Freight’s TFE transport the
the show on the road.” Adds
the Orchestra.”
instruments in addition to music
Orchestra Manager Marco Eckertz,
To find out more how DHL Freight’s Trade Fairs & Events can help you with your special transport needs, please
contact Gregor Klammer, Special Forwarding Clerk, at
UndErsTanding EvEry
PhasE of gloBal sUPPly
Chains in ThE ConsUmEr
It’s a familiar activity which happens millions of times a day in every country around the
world: shopping – either online or in retail stores.
In this ever-changing world however, consumers are
in different sub-sectors of the Consumer industry.
turning more and more to online sites and social networks
These include:
to purchase goods. According to a recent Nielsen study,
more than half of global consumers are willing to buy
groceries online; and with that immediate purchasing
power, time-starved consumers expect their goods to be
delivered quickly and on time.
In order to get these on-demand goods into the hands of
the consumer promptly and proficiently, organizations
need a global supply chain operator that is efficient, agile
and sustainable. This is where DHL Freight comes in.
DHL Freight serves a broad section of customers operating
Spotlight On
Within these sub-sectors lie an enormous number of daily
Europe-wide for a range of perishable food and
consumed and operated items such as food; beverages;
pharmaceutical products.” He adds, “DPDHL was the first
household and personal care; beauty products; hardware;
company in the logistics industry with its own program for
home improvement; DIY tools; white goods; games and
CO2 reduction. As this has a high priority, we are
toys; publishing; perishables and agriculture; art;
constantly developing new solutions for alternative fuel
entertainment and sports.
and intermodal transport in order to support our
customers to reduce their CO2 footprint. With our IT tools
As an integral unit of DPDHL, one of the world’s largest
for network planning and simulation, we help customers
logistics companies, DHL Freight delivers these items all
to optimize their flows by combining inbound with
over Europe via their fleet of 8,000 trucks. The FTLs (full
outbound flows or primary and secondary transport flows.
truck loads) make their way to their destinations
Our full set of LLP and Control Tower solutions enables
controlled by four dispatch centers having full visibility of
customers to have full visibility of their supply chain and to
all flows.
reduce costs.”
There are many benefits of using DHL Freight which
While this sector is growing due to high consumer
understands ever-changing consumer trends:
demands, the consumer goods manufacturers are not
without their own challenges. Globalization is a factor as
Right-shoring produces lowest costs
Sustainability – carbon emissions are monitored and
the latest products and technology. They are driving a
reduced throughout the supply chain process
wave of consumerism for all types of goods, from basics to
new consumers enter the marketplace; urbanization is
another with people moving to urban areas and wanting
luxury items. Multiple channels to market is another as the
Cross-docking – this service minimizes inventory,
availability of options means consumers can also buy
reduces real estate costs and shortens delivery times
online and via their smartphones. By 2016, smartphones
used as part of the online shopping experience could
Integrated supply chain management – bridges the
influence up to 21% of retail sales in the US alone. A
gap between sales planning and operational
fourth challenge is an increase in the price of fuel and raw
processes, in addition to fast order fulfilling for
materials, which add on to the rising costs of transporting
multiple channels
consumer products. Finally, with the focus on sustainability
adopted by governments and consumers, these green
Collaboration – with shared warehousing and
goods do need to become more accessible to price
transport resources, this reduces operating costs and
conscious consumers.
lowers emissions
With its range of state-of-the-art processes, services and
Says Klaus-Peter Lehmkuhl, Sector Head Consumer, DHL
solutions, DHL Freight has the ability to help customers
Freight, “We are offering special solutions to our
meet these challenges head on. DHL Freight can help you
customers, like on site drop equipment in our customers’
improve your speed to market, manage increasing
factories and distribution centers, which help optimize and
complexity and shorter product lifecycles and control and
speed up loading and unloading activities. We are also
reduce costs by using its dynamic supply chains.
able to offer temperature-controlled transport on our FTLs
To find out more how DHL Freight can help you in the consumer sector space, please get in touch with Klaus-Peter
Lehmkuhl, Global Sector Head Consumer, DHL Freight, at
firmly sTraPPEd in ThE
innovaTion driving sEaT
DHL ahead of the pack when it comes to solution inspiration, connection and engagement
It’s no secret that the ongoing development of innovative
uses – trend and innovation events, conferences and
ideas, solutions and products has always been part of DHL’s
meetings. Visitors can number around 5,000 per year.
DNA. For many years now, as the thought leader in the
global logistics industry, DHL has created numerous unique
All workshops are delivered by professional moderators,
products and solutions geared to make its customers more
supported by committed subject matter experts, and take
advantage of various innovation methodologies, each of
which has been successfully used by companies in other
To continue DHL’s passion in bringing its creativity and
innovativeness to life, it made sense to build something
tangible – an area where DHL, its customers, partners,
Explains DPDHL Group CEO Frank Appel, “At Deutsche
experts and academia could collaborate and build upon
Post DHL Group, customer-centric innovation is key to two
exciting ideas and take them to market. In 2007, the DHL
of our major ambitions. One is to play a pioneering role in
Innovation Center was set up in Bonn, Germany. Aside
spearheading the global evolution of logistics, which is at
from hosting visits to showcase the latest trends and
the core for the sustainability of our planet. The second is
innovative solutions, it conducts and stages innovation and
to remain the logistics leader by innovating products and
business workshops – to provide opportunities for best
services that our customers need most.”
practice sharing and exploring industry and cross-industry
Spotlight On
visions. TrEnds. solUTions.
The Innovation Center was upgraded and re-launched this
May to much acclaim. More than 200 customers, partners
and employees attended the opening and witnessed the
new layout. Next to the Vision Suite is where visitors can
experience different scenarios of how the world might
look like in 2050 – the latest exciting additions include
Trend Cubes where new technologies and trends are
showcased for tomorrow’s logistics world; and a Solution
Box which features the wide range of products and
solutions already in use at Deutsche Post DHL Group today.
Taking center stage is a Formula E car showcasing DHL’s
sustainable logistics solutions, smart mobility and
automotive innovations.
Says Bill Meahl, DHL’s Chief Commercial Officer, “Being a
frontrunner in innovation has made us a market leader.
The objective of the DHL Innovation Center is to maintain
that lead by developing highly innovative products and
services based on technological, social and logistics trends
of the future.”
Some customers who had the opportunity to visit the new
facility had this to say, “Outstanding job by the Innovation
Center. The team was ‘amazed’ and appreciated the
environment, information and view of your business scale
and scope that only the Innovation Center can
demonstrate”, and “The workshop acted as a catalyst for
greater co-operation and partnership and has helped to
strengthen the relationships between the parties.”
The Center is not the only avenue where the future of
logistics operations will be developed. The new Asia
Pacific Innovation Center is set to open later this year in
Singapore at the new US$100 million DHL Supply Chain
Advanced Regional Center, in collaboration with
Singapore’s Economic Development Board.
To find out how you can engage DHL Freight to share innovative solutions for your business challenges, please
contact the experts at
dElighTing in TUrkEy
DHL Freight Turkey’s impressive organic
growth over the past decade is testament of
its wide service offerings and first class
customer focus
The products and services which DHL Freight Turkey
provides to all markets include:
DHL Freight Euroconnect (Groupage)
DHL Freight Coldchain (temperature-controlled)
DHL Freight High Value (luxury)
DHL Freight Euroline (Full- and part loads)
DHL Lead Logistics Partner (LLP)
Today sees DHL Freight Turkey operating in a number of
DHL Freight Euronet (Dedicated Transportation Net-
When DHL Freight Turkey first started its operations in
Istanbul back in 2005, the fledgling outfit consisted of a
handful of employees and trucks. Fast-forward 10 years
and it’s a classic success story of growth across all its
operations – employees, offices, vehicles, services and
work Services)
key markets from its offices which now include Ankara
and Izmir. Due to its strategic geographical location
between Europe, the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent
ADR Transportation
Express Service
Customs Services
DHL Trade Fairs & Events
States) and the Middle East, it is also extremely well placed
to provide a number of services and solutions from and to
countries within the European Union. Currently, its
biggest trading volume comes from Germany.
Spotlight On
While all its offerings command equal focus, DHL Freight
“We place the highest priority on making our internal and
Euroline has proven to be a big hit with customers, and
external customers happy. We also know that our
DHL Freight Turkey have lived up to its slogan – ‘We are
customers’ success guarantees our own success”, explains
everywhere if a truck can pass into there’. Customers
Seyhan Unal, Marketing and Sales Manager, DHL Freight
benefit from transport volumes and a mix of equipment in
Turkey. She adds that it has become more and more
addition to flexible solutions at competitive prices and
important for its customers to partner with a company
unbeatable service.
which is committed to meeting their expectations in a
responsible, ethical and trustworthy way. “We are always
DHL Freight Euroline offers extensive geographical reach;
open to tackle new challenges with a growth-mindset in
maximum efficiency and flexibility; quality standards
order to achieve the highest quality standards. We’re
defined across Europe;
constantly working to improve our services, products and
a wide choice of transport vehicles (including temperature-
processes for the benefit of our customers – because we
controlled, standard trucks, tractors and semi-trailers); a
are DHL Freight Turkey and because we are the part of the
dense network of freight experts; CMR insurance;
big DHL family.”
weekend deliveries and dangerous goods transportation.
As Avon Turkey puts it “DHL is our global partner and
While DHL Freight Turkey is experiencing successful
service provider in many areas. For us, AVON Turkey, we
business growth, it is not immune to market challenges.
appreciate that DHL is one of our logistics partners and is
The country, which has a population of almost 80 million,
adding value to all the steps of our supply chain process in
recently had a general election. The indecisiveness as a
a total safety.
result of the election is impacting the economy as a whole
in addition to export volumes which have decreased in the
The corporate structure of DHL Freight, the focus on the
EU market over the past 12 months.
results and the use of problem solving methods
strengthened our relations and bring a positive
That said, DHL Freight Turkey continues to enjoy
contribution to our business results at the same time.
substantial growth thanks to its solutions and customer
We wish to continue our cooperation and increase further
service. This year will see it continue to grow all its services
the existing quality of service we offer.”
which includes developing its Trade Fairs & Events
products. DHL Freight Turkey offers specialized solutions
for different customer groups such as Organizers and
Venues, Exhibitors, Stand-fitting Companies and
Governmental Organizations and Branch Associations.
These include professional transport services, onsite
operations, planning and execution support and a
complete range of exhibition services.
To find out more about the solutions and services which DHL Freight Turkey offers, please contact the experts at
gErmany PiloTs long
TrUCks UnTil 2016
The use of mega vehicles enables twice as
much cargo to be shipped door-to-door
The use of long trucks or extra-large trailers is nothing
new in the logistics world. A number of countries have
authorized the use of these enormous vehicles, which can
easily measure up to 25 meters in length in Germany and
even more in other countries.
In 2011, the German government passed a special
provision allowing a trial on the use of extra-long trucks in
Germany. These vehicles, named “gigaliners”, allow side
loading and can carry 50% more cargo than regular trucks.
They currently operate in a number of domestic states
including Bavaria, Hamburg, Hessen, Lower Saxony,
Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia. Some other
states within the country have imposed more restrictions,
such as not driving on smaller streets, so therefore routes
have to be well planned.
This five-year field test, which is due to be reviewed next
year, comes with certain conditions. Firstly, like other
trucks on the road, they should not weigh more than 40
tons and must be equipped with a camera to keep a close
watch on traffic behind the truck. In addition, they are not
allowed to overtake other vehicles on the road. Drivers of
these trucks must have at least five years’ experience in
road freight transportation and must have held a truckdriving license for at least five years.
Spotlight On
There are two options of long trucks:
Other European countries which have authorized the use
of these enormous vehicles include Denmark, Finland, The
The front part is shorter than the trailer
The front part is a mega trailer plus additional trailer
Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. Outside Europe, Canada and Australia are just two examples where these trucks
can be even longer. In Australia, which has the largest and
heaviest road-legal vehicles in the world, some 50-meterlong ‘road trains’ can weigh over 100 tons. In Canada, road
trains are more commonly referred to as Long Combination Vehicles (LCVs), Extended Length Vehicles (ELVs), or
Energy Efficient Motor Vehicles (EEMVs) and can reach
lengths of 38 meters.
Tractor unit with Trailer with maximum length of 17,80 Meter
DHL Freight’s network partner Scherbauer Spedition has
been working closely with subcontractors who already
have long trucks, to transport parts for a customer in the
automotive industry. By utilizing the long trucks, Scherbauer Spedition has been able to save up to one truck per day
on their road transport lanes, which has also helped to cut
fuel and emissions.
Tractor unit with central-axle trailer with maximum length of 25,25 Meter
With freight traffic due to grow up to 70 percent by the
year 2025, long trucks will continue to play an even bigger
role in domestic and international road transportation.
Truck with Semi trailer with a maximum length of 25,25 Meter
Truck with trailer and maximum length of 24,00 Meter
Tractor unit with additional semi trailer and a maximum length of 25,25 Meter
To find out more about this transport solution, the experts are there to support you at
DHL FreIGHt News
UPdaTE on dhl
frEighT nETwork
Find out about new connections and service improvements in the DHL Freight network
DHL Freight News
Network updates
New daily line from the South-East Germany Hub Nuremberg to
Katowice in Poland has been introduced to allow for a consistent
48h service to most of Poland
Germany to Poland
Germany to Paris Area
The Germany France link continues to be improved with a new daily
line from Nuremberg to Paris, offering a new, direct, consistent 2
day service from Franconia to the
Lyon to Germany service improvement
A new high frequent connection from the Lyon to Herbolzheim near
Freiburg has been established, giving additional 48h service
capabilities from Lyon to
southern Germany
Lyon to Barcelona service improvement
As of July, the Line from Lyon to Barcelona will change schedule to
allow for a 24h service on this important
trade lane
Daily connection from Spain to Portugal
A new daily connection has been established between Valencia and
Lisbon to cater for the growing local business and network transit
New hub connections to UK
Balkan connects to Western Europe
New direct connection
Service improvement
With a new direct connection from our Hub Kassel directly to
Coalville, we can now offer another backbone line and improved
service on the Germany to UK trade lane
The new setup will bring a decrease in lead time, dropping from 5 to
7 days delivery from Romania and Bulgaria to Germany, to a
constant 4 days delivery lead time. This has been made possible by
facilitating arrivals and departures to and from Timisoara even on
DHL FreIGHt News
EXTEnding ThE EasTErnwEsTErn ConnECTion
DHL Freight’s newest door-to-door rail service brings East and West even closer together
DHL Freight has now announced a
Explains Amadou Diallo, CEO, DHL
Once the goods reach Europe, they
new door-to-door multimodal service
Freight, “We are extending our rail
can then be delivered all over Europe
which links the German city of
freight offering to provide customers
making use of DHL’s extensive DHL
Hamburg to Zhengzhou. The twice-
more choice and flexibility. It is a true
weekly schedule will offer the
multimodal network that spans three
flexibility of DHL RAILCONNECT, the
routes with different departure
same counts for the other direction
less-than-container load (LCL) service;
points, and the option to book value-
from Europe to China by collecting
as well as the full-container (FCL)
added services such as temperature-
the goods via the European network
controlled shipments.”
and distributing the final mile via
When DHL Freight launched its
The new Hamburg- Zhengzhou
China-Europe multimodal service in
service now strengthens the already
Piotr Sikorski, Managing Director
2012, this true door-to-door service
established routes which serve the
DHL Freight Poland and Head of
was a huge success. Now using three
manufacturing and commercial
Intermodal/ Rail, DHL Freight Global,
main corridors through Russia, or
centers of Shanghai and Suzhou, as
says, “Since we introduced the first
Kazakhstan, it picks up goods from
well as Chengdu, a hub for high tech
multimodal service in 2012, DHL
any location in China (including
goods, automotive and other
Freight has continued to expand this
Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Qingdao,
industries. High cargo security is
popular option because customers
Dalian and Shenyang) and offers last
assured through last-mile delivery by
demand an alternative to air and
mile delivery by truck or rail to
truck or rail.
ocean freight and want greater
DHL’s network in China.
anywhere in Europe out of
Malaszewicze, Poland.
flexibility. Having multiple loading
This multimodal service ensures
points across China and Europe has
complete supply chain visibility and a
created business opportunities for
Due to its popularity, DHL Freight
faster-to-market option. Added
customers in many industries and we
offered a second routing option for
benefits include shorter lead-time,
are investing in expanding our
Chengdu-based customers along
reliability, electronic seal/GPS security,
network to increase these
China’s West Corridor rail line
insurance, DHL’s Track&Trace system,
opportunities even more.”
through Kazakhstan and into Europe
environmentally friendly and
two years later.
temperature-controlled solutions.
To find out how DHL Freight can help you transport your goods from Europe to China and vice versa, please get in
touch with the experts at
DHL FreIGHt News
BaCk To ThE Classroom
A unique academy provides customers with customs & foreign trade know-how
As customs legislation has become stricter and more
Its educational concept is centered on the TED
complicated, customers from various industries are keen to
better understand complex customs topics. When an
Trainer – experienced and always up-to-date
Execution – practice-oriented and interactive
in a structured and targeted way.
Design – reliable content and tailor-made
Being the market leader for customs brokerage in Europe
The curriculum consists of eight modules, covering
together with its wholly-owned subsidiary Gerlach – a
subjects such as:
increasing number of requests for more familiarization in
customs legislation and foreign trade facilitation began
flooding in from customers, DHL Freight realized the
importance of arming them with the necessary knowledge
name that has stood for quality and proficiency in customs
matters for more than 130 years – DHL Freight is the
Trade Organization, incoterms, supply chains etc.)
premier choice to deliver that expertise.
That was the impetus for the birth of the Gerlach Customs
International trade and legal frameworks (World
Principles of customs valuation (rules of origin,
transaction value etc.)
Academy, which started its seminar business in October
2014. The Academy based in Duisburg, Germany, provides
a wide range of practice-oriented seminars in customs and
Principles of tariff classification
Basic customs procedures (import, export, transit)
foreign trade topics.
DHL Freight News
Advanced customs procedures (bonded warehouse,
IPR/OPR, foreign trade zones)
Simplifications and authorizations (authorized
exporter/consignor etc.)
Authorized Economic Operator (legal basics, types,
requirements, monitoring etc.)
Compliance and export control (supply chain
compliance, laws and restrictions, implementation in
companies, risk management)
The modules offer an ideal balance between
presentations, interactive sessions and tasks, and provide a
legal background in addition to how to utilize the
knowledge in daily practice. Professional training materials
are provided and a certificate awarded at the end of the
Experienced customs consultants and experts from
government authorities and industry bodies deliver the
courses. Senior consultant Thomas Gau comes with 25
years of experience in customs and foreign trade. He has
held the position of Customs & Compliance Manager in
various logistics companies and has been a consultant in
customs and foreign trade for more than 10 years.
Compliance Manager Marcus Gehl has more than 10 years
of experience in trade compliance, AEO, customs, foreign
trade law, and risk management. In addition, he is a
sought-after trainer for various topics in his field.
While courses, which range from half a day to two days,
are taught in German, they can be offered in English if
required. “In today’s business world, there is a huge
demand for customs knowledge”, says Thomas Munsters,
Head of Marketing & Sales, Gerlach Zolldienste GmbH. He
adds, “It is important for companies to be up-to-speed
with customs complexities and solutions, and we believe
that by arming them with the relevant knowledge, we can
help take our customers’ business to the next level. As our
slogan says, ‘Talking from practice for practitioners’.”
To find out more about the Gerlach Customs Academy, please contact the service at
DHL FreIGHt News
CommiTmEnT To Bringing
TogEThEr CUsTomErs &
ThE laTEsT TrEnds
DHL’s sector conferences are keenly
anticipated annual events, and this year
was no exception
global technology leaders. Themed ‘Connecting Markets,
Trends & People’, this forum addressed trends, challenges,
and opportunities in the technology sector. Industry and
supply chain experts shared their experiences and best
practice through presentations, panel discussions, and
Into its 15th year, the DHL Life Sciences & Healthcare
interactive workshops.
(LSHC) Global Conference and Workshops was held midJune in Hamburg. “In light of the many challenges that
There were many key highlights in both Conferences. The
have faced this sector – these include economic,
LSHC Conference featured 40 workshops, review and
demographic and social influences – the theme for this
networking sessions over the course of the two days.
year’s conference where we enjoyed a tremendous
Covering 21 topics, these allowed customers to exchange
customer turnout was ‘Imagine Tomorrow’, ” stated
experiences and opinions with both peers and experts, in
Angelos Orfanos, President of Life Sciences & Healthcare at
addition to discussing new solution developments.
DHL CSI. Created as a forum for exchange and learning
with customers, the LSHC Conference was also graced by
Sessions included:
over 200 from the pharmaceutical, medical device and
clinical trials industries, who shared their knowledge,
Exploring opportunities in eCommerce for industry
insights, best practices and innovative solutions to address
current and future supply chain and logistic challenges.
Lead logistics services – LLP, 3-4PL and control towers
Specialty pharmaceutical solutions
Earlier in the year, DHL staged its fifth Global Technology
Conference. From April 14th to 16th, customers listened
to, and had the opportunity to network with, a number of
DHL Freight News
Customs and VAT processes into Europe
temperature visibility along the supply chain, 24/7
proactive monitoring, that is GDP certified. Temperature
DHL’s temperature-controlled air freight services –
data and logistics events can be accessed via the
case studies and lessons learnt
‘CoolTrack’ IT platform, facilitating early intervention and
simplifying document control. The IT platform is provided
Pharmaceutical channels to market within Europe
The global and regional impact of new Goods
by Agheera, a DHL Freight sister company that is
specialized in the area of Telematics and Big Data.
Distribution Practice (cGDP) regulations on supply
A total of 145 customers, representatives of many of the
leading companies in the industry, have joined the Global
Technology Conference. The three-day agenda included
Medical device supply chains
discussions on major trends and innovation in the
technology sector. A particular focus was on Dubai as
Africa – investing in the future
connecting hub for global logistics and on doing business
in the Middle East and Africa. The conference kicked off
DHL’s ocean freight services for the life sciences and
on the first day with a site visit to Dubai’s Jebel Ali Port
pharmaceutical industry
and Dubai World Central (DWC), giving customers a sneak
peek into Dubai’s infrastructure and current developments.
Requirements and case studies for domestic
temperature assured transport
There were a number of plenary sessions which saw
industry experts and customers present topics ranging
Collaborative supply chain innovation
Global, regional and country-specific approaches to
more on specific industry solutions and growth
serialization to improve product security
opportunities in selected regional markets. These included
from Rising Africa to the Internet of Things (IoT), while
workshops invited participants to deep-dive and learn
discussions on the challenges and trends of Air Freight &
At a press conference held in parallel to the LSHC
Ocean Freight, supply chain resilience, multimodal
Conference, Amadou Diallo, CEO DHL Freight announced
transport options, multi-channel distribution, inventory
DHL Freight’s expansion of its DHL FREIGHT COLDCHAIN
financing, lean and continuous improvement and the
network services for the life sciences and healthcare sector
supply chain impact of new technologies such as
in Europe with three new regional cross dock centers in
augmented reality.
Lyon, Milan and Madrid.
Rob Siegers, President DHL Technology sector, was thrilled
Explained Amadou, “Our customers in the life sciences and
with the turnout and the Conference. “Our conference is
healthcare sector are looking for better ways to manage
designed to be an industry platform that facilitates
the risk of product damage and loss from temperature
networking and the exchange of experiences and best-
deviations in increasingly long and diverse supply chains.
practices, and I believe we have fully achieved our
With DHL’s pan-European LTL COLDCHAIN network, we
objective to make it one of the best industry events out
are embedding the new standard for DHL FREIGHT
there,” he said. “We have had some first feedback back
COLDCHAIN road freight transport further into Europe.”
from our customers and I am very happy that satisfaction
overall is even higher than in previous years. 100 per cent
With this network expansion, DHL Freight has addressed
of customers confirmed they would recommend our
the growing demand coming from new life sciences and
conference to their peers, a score which clearly
healthcare manufacturers in Southern and Eastern Europe.
demonstrates that our customers see the value the
In recent years, there have been strict compliance
conference adds.”
requirements when transporting temperature-sensitive
products. DHL FREIGHT COLDCHAIN provides seamless
Have an interest in taking part in the sector conferences of DHL?
Contact the sector heads at
DHL FreIGHt News
dElivEring EXCEllEnCE:
managing dirECTor,
dhl frEighT soUTh
EasTErn EUroPE
Having built his career through sales and marketing
next four years, he led his team in laying a solid
related positions in different industries, Selcuk Boztepe
foundation for the business and achieving critical volume
joined DHL in 1998 as Field Sales Manager in Turkey. As a
and market share in Turkey. Following comprehensive
highly result-oriented professional with proven success in
project work throughout 2008, he managed to make
directing multi-skilled teams he received the “Best Sales
Turkey a consolidation and transition point for the
Manager EMEA” award of DHL Express in 2000.
overland transportation traffic between Europe and
Subsequently, he assumed a leadership role in 3D
Middle East. With that, he assumed responsibility as
integration projects of Deutsche Post DHL in Europe as
Managing Director for Turkey and Middle East. Since July
Sales Development Manager, and managed projects
2012, he has been responsible for South Eastern Europe.
including Sales Force Integration, Topline Growth and
European Sales Program.
A graduate of Marmara University, Selcuk Boztepe holds a
Bachelor’s Degree and participated in an Executive MBA
In 2004, Selcuk Boztepe took on the responsibility to start
program on Contemporary Management Techniques in
up international overland transportation business of DHL
Maine University in 2001. In addition, he is member of
in Turkey as Business Development & Sales Director before
UTIKAD (International Transportation and Logistics
assuming the position Country Manager in 2007. In the
Association). He is married and has a daughter.
DHL Freight News
Freight Connections speaks with Selcuk Boztepe
In your view, what is the biggest challenge your countries
are, our duty is to serve our customers with passion,
(in general) face?
creating added value for them as well as our employees
and investors. This year is no different from others in these
We are operating in very tough markets and facing
basic terms. Therefore, as the fastest growing cluster
countless challenges on a daily basis in South Eastern
within DHL Freight, we aspire to continue our “fast-
Europe (SEE). The major challenges are political and
forward” growth by over-performing the market as
economic instability, lack of developed infrastructure,
compliance risks in the market, fierce and irrational
competition especially by asset-heavy companies.
What was the most challenging task/decision you ever
experienced in your working life?
Why should customers work with DHL Freight? What
competitive advantage does DHL Freight in Turkey have
If we don’t count my extraordinary experience as a “taxi
over its competitors?
driver” long ago, I reckon my transfer from DHL Express to
DHL Freight 10 years ago was a big challenge for me. I
We are second to none in terms of customer centricity in
must say that I had great difficulty, and stumbled a few
the road freight forwarding industry – not just in Turkey,
times due to the fundamental differences between
but across all SEE countries. No other company has a better
systemized and customized businesses. Thanks to the help
understanding of the customers’ requirements, and can
of my teammates and my boss I managed to overcome all
provide such a wide spectrum of solutions through a
the challenges in a relatively short period of time.
professional global network. All this, while maintaining
high level of integrity. Our zero tolerance of non-
If you could give only one piece of advice to your team,
compliance is well-known in the market and much
what would it be?
respected by our customers. In the markets we operate,
when people think of road freight forwarding they think
You should have courage at all times to change the things
of DHL Freight. This is thanks to our customer-centric
you can, and to accept the things you cannot change; and
employees, the best road freight network in the world and
the wisdom to know the difference.
our capability in exception management and complaint
handling. Besides being entrepreneurial leaders at every
What is the best piece of advice you have received?
level, our employees are socially responsible corporate
citizens who contribute to the nature and society in which
The best policy in life is honesty.
they operate through our CSR programs – GoGreen,
GoHelp and GoTeach – and their individual initiatives.
What is the most important object on your desk?
Last but not least, in DHL Freight, we create an
The shadow of my passion.
environment in which happy employees lead to happy
customers, enabling us to reach great results!
When you are out of the office, what is the best form of
relaxation for you?
Heading up DHL Freight South Eastern Europe, what do
you hope to achieve this year?
Knowing that my loved ones are healthy and happy is the
biggest relaxation for me even under very difficult
In my 17-year tenure in DHL so far, I have never
circumstances. Playing tennis keeps me cool, and gives me
experienced an easy year. However difficult the conditions
room for additional simple pleasures in life like eating!
DHL FreIGHt News
dhl frEighT Paris movEs
To iTs nEw TErminal
DHL Freight Paris started operations at its
brand new terminal in Marne-la-Vallee on
03 July 2015.
The facility consists approximately 7500 square meters of
Some interesting facts about the new building:
Warehouse ground floor of approximately 7.500 m²,
height 6,00 m
warehouse space, and a 330 square meter office with
110 docks alongside both sides, 2 ground level ramps
and one internal pit of unloading by side
additional 370 square meters office space for future
Built in high-value/ high-tech and chartering warehouse cells with approximately 1.000 m²
The terminal is scheduled to be opened officially by Frank
Appel, CEO Deutsche Post DHL; and Amadou Diallo, CEO
Truck parking lot with a capacity of 40 places
New entrance safety office (gate house)
Full Access control
Video surveillance with 63 cameras
Electric forklifts to reduce emissions
DHL Freight; and Claude Brigand, Managing Director DHL
Freight France, in the first quarter of 2016 in the presence
of 150 customers, authorities, and suppliers.
To find out more about DHL Freight in Paris, please contact
Monica Meng, Marketing & Communication, at
Market News
EU Plans Comprehensive
New “Road Package“
New Toll for Flanders
The European Commission is currently
working on “Road Package” in order to
‘improve the functioning of the sector’.
The Belgian region of Flanders is introducing
a road toll for trucks above 3.5 tons
Although most of it is work in progress, the package will
consist a range of legislative and non-legislative initiatives
on road pricing, social aspects and enforcement and
market access which will be most likely proposed next year
(2016). The following areas are likely to be impacted:
Road pricing – Abolishment of vignettes schemes for
Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) and cars, which are to be
replaced by electronic-distance based charges with no
exemption for small lorries (3.5-12t). Tolls are likely to rise
as they will also reflect costs of air and noise pollution. The
scope and methodology of this new charging scheme to
levy external costs are not yet clear.
Social aspects and enforcement
Tackling deteriorating working conditions of drivers
and distortions of competition between transport
operators, i.e. clarifying the question of whether
drivers should be allowed to have their rest time in
the vehicle.
A digital codification of social legislation – an
inventory of EU social legislations, labour laws, court
rulings etc., and establishment of a social code for
mobile road transport workers. Solutions addressing
issues such as false self-employment, inadequate
working conditions, diverging social protection, labor
standards and non-respect of EU social rules in road
Market Access – Revisions are expected on several
legislations, such as the directive of qualification and
training for drivers, occupation of road transport
operators, and cabotage rules.
Road Agency – The Commission considers set up of a
road agency to ensure proper implementation and
enforcement of the legislatives. It will provide direct
assistance to the Commission and Member States in terms
of technical assistance, enforcement coordination,
inspections and controls.
The decision to implement a road toll brings the region in
line with Brussels and Wallonia, which have already
agreed in 2011 to do the same, replacing the old vignette
system with a smart road-pricing system.
The toll will affect all goods vehicles weighing more than
3.5 tons and will be calculated according to the distance
travelled in Belgium. The system is due to come into force
in 2016.
In Flanders, the toll will apply on main and parallel roads,
in an effort to prevent overflow traffic from drivers trying
to avoid the toll.
Lorries will have to be equipped with onboard units that
are able to calculate the toll based on the distance
travelled. While the price per kilometer has yet to be
decided, the tariff will be based on the tonnage and
emissions class of the vehicle, as well as the road type, just
like in other countries.
The government also announced accompanying measures
for the sectors affected by the toll, such as extra
investments in the road network and incentives for safer
rail access, lack of service level guarantees and of openaccess terminals.
The study recommends potential review of the EU
Combined Transport Directive in order to improve its
functioning and implementation by Member States.
Market News
Norway Introduces Minimum
Wage Law on Transport/
Logistics Sector
Norway has announced the application of
the minimum wage law to the transport/
logistic sector as of 01 July 2015. Under its
rules, the minimum wage applies in cases
where transportation is ordered or
contracted by a Norwegian company.
It is unclear at this moment how this will be enforced, and
France Passes Law on
Minimum Wages
France has passed a law in February 2015 to
follow the example of Germany in imposing
a minimum wage for foreign drivers in its
The French National Assembly voted to adopt a measure
imposing France’s minimum hourly wage of €9.61 for
drivers involved in cabotage operations in its territory, as
well as any transport to and from France. Pure transit will
be unaffected.
applied on mixed loads, e.g. for the LTL linehauls.
Germany introduced its controversial minimum wage rule
In the following cases, hauliers will be subject to the
on 01 January 2015 but has since announced a moratorium
Norwegian rules:
on the application of the law to long-distance truck drivers
in transit.
A lorry performing cabotage in Norway, if the
transport is ordered by a company in Norway.
Meanwhile, French secretary of state for transport, Alain
Vidalies, said he would press the EU and other member
A lorry carrying goods to Norway from another
states on the idea of setting up a European agency to
country. The goods are sold ex works, and the
coordinate checks on road freight transport, an idea first
Norwegian buyer has ordered the transport.
mooted by his predecessor, Frédéric Cuvillier, last spring.
A lorry carrying goods from Norway to another
country. The goods are sold delivered free of charge
and the Norwegian seller has ordered the transport.
Market News
TransPorTBaromETEr –
monThly viEw
diEsEl PriCE
Oil price remaining on low levels
Lower capacity in September reflected a
peak season less pronounced than same
period last year
Please note that the FS for Sep. 2015 is 1.5% (as per the
DHL Freight Central Fuel Surcharge methodology).
The EU average (diesel) price per litre in Jul. 2015
After the summer, there was slight capacity shortage
(which triggers FS Sep. 2015) was 1,28 € vs. our base-
in the market
line of 1,20 €. (See below the price evolution as per
Jan 2008)
The capacity shortage from April has been on the
same level, or higher, than the same period last year.
Index decreased again for 2nd time in a raw à Index
decreased from 2.0% (in Aug15) to 1.5% (in Sep15)
Since August, capacity has been higher than same
period last year.
Source: TimoCom; 1) Freight share: Share of freight offers versus all
offers (trucks) traded in T&C (sum of freight offers and capacity offers). Note: TimoCom
restated the Data for 2013 from August onwards
EU average diesel prices still shows a growth of ca.
7% during 2015 (from 1,19 € in Jan-15 to 1,28 € in
Disclaimer: EU Commission slightly changed the historical values of the Diesel prices with
taxes & VAT for period Jan-10 to Dec-11 on report released on 9/Feb/12. Also there were
slight changes in latest report (02/Sep/13) & 06/Feb/14 vs. previous report. For our index,
values for that period were kept as originally reported.
Source: EU Commission, Eurostat Weekly Oil Bulletin, EU diesel price (weighted average)
incl. taxes
Market News
road Toll gErmany
nEw hEavy TrUCk rEgisTraTion
The German government changes road toll
regulations from 1. October 2015 onwards
After extending the road toll to an additional 1.100km of
national highway from 1. July 2015, there will be another
adaption of the law from 1. October onwards.
Key changes:
The minimum gross vehicle weight for trucks subject
to road toll has been lowered from 12t to 7,5t
Axis types have been increased from previously 2
types to 4 types
There are different toll types depending on the axis
type of the truck
The new toll rates indicate a reduction for trucks with less
than 5 axes, but an increase for trucks with 5 or more axes.
Trucks with 7,5t and 12t, mainly used in the short-distance
traffic, are charged with the higher tolls.
The average kilometers charged with toll vary between
the states of Germany. In some cases it can be up to 80%
Major increase in truck registrations in H1,
speeding up at the end of spring
marked increase of 33%
of the formerly toll-free distribution transport routes, depending on tours and fleet structure of the carrier, that
are now charging toll. Toll costs for carriers will therefore
In June 2015 new heavy truck registrations saw a
Spain (+105%), still benefiting from the government
incentive program, largely contributed to this positive
increase by 25 to 62 percent, the overall costs will increase
outcome, followed by Italy (+51%), the UK (+40%)
by up to 2,6%.
and France (+35%)
In H1 the EU market grew by 20% with, among the
larger markets, particularly strong growth in the
Netherlands (79%), the UK (58%), and Spain (47%)
Source: European Automobile Manufacturer’s’ Association (ACEA)
Market News
Press Clippings
What’s new in EU land transport?
1. New EU Forum on Digital Transport and Logistics
2. Infringement Procedure against Germany on Minimum
Wage Law to the Transport Sector
Deutsche Post DHL Group is a member of the recently
established “Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF)”
The European Commission decided to launch an
by the European Commission.
infringement procedure against Germany, concerning the
application of the Minimum Wage Act to the transport
The Forum shall assist the Commission in implementing
sector. Following an exchange of information with the
the Union’s activities and programmes aimed at fostering
German authorities and a legal assessment of the German
more efficient electronic exchange of information in
measures, the Commission has sent a Letter of Formal
transport and logistics, with the objective of removing
Notice to Germany. This constitutes the first step in the
technical, operational and administrative barriers between
infringement procedure.
and within transport modes. The DTLF shall provide a
platform for structural dialogue, exchange of technical
Whilst fully supporting the introduction of a minimum
knowledge, cooperation, and coordination between
wage in Germany, the Commission considers that the
Member States, and relevant transport and logistics
application of the Minimum Wage Act to all transport
stakeholders with the aim to identify challenges and areas
operations which touch German territory restricts the
where common action in the EU is needed and provide
freedom to provide services and the free movement of
advice and technical expertise to the Commission on the
goods in a disproportionate manner. In particular, the
development and implementation of standards,
application of German measures to transit and certain
legislation, policies, projects and programmes in the field
international transport operations can in the Commission’s
of Digital Transport and Logistics.
view not be justified, as it creates disproportionate
administrative barriers which prevent the internal market
from functioning properly. The Commission considers that
more proportionate measures are available to safeguard
the social protection of workers and to ensure fair
competition, whilst allowing for free movement of services
and goods.
DHL Freight GmbH
Godesberger Allee 102-104
53175 Bonn, Germany