Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Section 1: Applicant Summary Sheet (1 page) Please complete all yellow sections in the table below. Name of Course Provider Organization Florida Virtual School Post-secondary educational organization x Online or virtual educational provider Corporation or industry association Which Best Describes Your Organization? “Educational Entrepreneur” (see RFA page 5 for definition) (indicate one please) Other: Course Type(s) (indicate all that apply) Focus Area (s) (indicate all that apply) x Online Hybrid (online and face-to-face) Face-to-Face Other: x Elementary/Middle School Credit x High School Credit x Advanced Placement / IB Dual Enrollment Industry-Based Certification Career and Technical Education Internship / Apprenticeship Other: Proposed Geographical Reach Indicate statewide or specific region / parishes / schools Statewide Max Variable Max number of concurrent sessions Unlimited Potential Enrollment FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page1of29 Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Primary Contact Person Name Lori Gully Address 2145 Metrocenter Blvd., Suite 200 Orlando, Fl. 32835 Phone: Land 407-513-3599 Phone: Cell 407-234-2951 Email Is this the only application your organization will be submitting? Is your organization applying in alliance with one or more other organizations? No Yes N o N o Ye s No Allies (list all) Section 2: Provider Vision, Background and Capabilities (9 pages) 2.1 Provider Vision / Strategy (open-ended response) Florida Virtual School (FLVS) is an established leader in developing and providing virtual K-12 education solutions to students throughout the country. A nationally recognized e-Learning model and recipient of numerous awards, FLVS was founded in 1997 and is the country’s first, state-wide Internet-based public high school. FLVS is governed by an independent educational entity with a gubernatorial appointed board and is the only public school where funding is tied directly to student performance. The well-documented history of our success ensures that customers receive not only courseware and instruction, but also a wealth of experience. We use our courses every day. An integral element of the FLVS culture is a commitment to improving education as a whole. Students directly benefit from this kind of commitment as well as from the wealth of experience gained from our many relationships with clients across the United States. Our training programs also ensure a smooth transition for clients. FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page2of29 Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal The Florida Virtual School Credo and Core Beliefs are a large part of the school’s success and are a focus for each staff member at every position within our growing organization. FLVS Credo The student is the driving force behind every decision we make. We never lose sight of the student and the individuals who support our students. We are an educational organization that maximizes learning. Our primary measures of success are customer loyalty and student achievement. We operate as a visionary, entrepreneurial organization with minimal infrastructure. Integrity and trust are at the heart of the organization. We plan ahead for the future rather than become comfortable with the present. Outstanding individuals make up an outstanding team; teamwork is at the root of our success. FLVS is an organization devoted to providing an empowering environment for educators and to encouraging life balance and professional growth. FLVS Core Beliefs that learning occurs through the development and delivery of dynamic, engaging, and transdisciplinary curricula; that students learn best through actively participating and applying knowledge to relevant situations and issues; that students learn best when they, their instructors, family, peers, and community members interact as facilitators of learning and share responsibility for student success; that instruction should accommodate students' varied learning styles and intelligence types to assist and encourage the path and pace by which they learn best; that students must be provided with appropriate support services that link academic, personal, social, and career goals; that assessment should measure student knowledge, guide student development, and allow meaningful evaluation of the processes as well as the products of education. FLVS Global FLVS Global, an extension of Florida Virtual School, delivers eLearning options to students and educators outside of Florida, in 49 states and around the world. Since FLVS is a public school funded by state tax dollars, the school received special FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page3of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. legislation to deliver courses outside the state. In the 2000 legislative session, the state of Florida created a separate division within Florida Virtual School called Florida Virtual Global Services. FLVS Global was designed to serve needs outside of Florida, stipulating that revenues would be reinvested into research and development to maintain the highest quality courses available. Over the last twelve years, FLVS Global has provided courseware, training, and expertise to a variety of online programs at the school, district, and state level, helping to design and implement some of the most successful online programs today, including state programs in North Carolina, Alabama, Virginia, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, New Jersey, South Carolina, and Michigan to name a few. FLVS Global students reside in every state and in 57 other countries. The products and services offered via FLVS Global have been developed from the many inquiries received from those interested in implementing an online program. The offerings identified below are all a result of developing a customized solution to meet specific needs. They are: Global School – Florida Virtual Global School teaches students throughout the United States and across the world. Global School is modeled after the highly successful Florida Virtual School that has proven its success with students in Florida. Clients gain access to our entire catalog with no minimal enrollments and have access to our trained teachers and to student programs. Hosted model – Using BrainHoney Learning Management System, clients can access our full catalog of courses and provide their own teachers for customized instruction and delivery. Course licensing – A variety of licensing options are available for FLVS Global courses delivered on the client’s Learning Management System. We offer a variety of licensing structures, designed to be flexible enough to a variety of client needs. Professional Development for teachers and administrators – FLVS Global has a vast assortment of professional development opportunities for teachers including basic teaching online facilitated courses, customized training programs, webinars, and individual course guides. We also provide customized training for administrators and teams, including our popular Virtual Leadership Training. 2.2 Provider Background: history, leadership, strengths (open-ended response) Florida Virtual School is an established leader in developing and providing middle and high school virtual education solutions to students throughout the country. FLVS was founded in 1997 as the country’s first state-wide, Internet-based public high school. The Florida Department of Education (DOE) believed that students needed as many FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page4of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. educational choices as possible. It is within that spirit that Florida Virtual School was created and legislatively supported. Julie Young, President and CEO of FLVS, emphasizes that the vision from the legislature, the Commissioner of Education, and from the Governor’s office was to provide a real alternative. “From day one, we were determined to reinvent rather than redesign or reform,” says Young. “The rationale was to give students another opportunity to be successful. Rather than replicating the classroom and putting it online with all of its confinements, we wanted to create something totally studentcentered…their pace, their convenience, their learning style, available 24/7—365 days a year, with a concerted focus on the relationship between teachers and families.” Florida Virtual School challenged numerous long-held assumptions about the way public education is funded, managed, assessed, and delivered, and it has pioneered radically new approaches, including: Open enrollments, providing students the option to start their coursework any time of the year Flexible scheduling, allowing students to work any time—day, night, and weekends Flexible pacing, allowing students to slow down or speed up as needed Focus on content mastery versus seat time Teacher availability during evenings and weekends Online team teaching and peer interaction Performance-based funding that follows the student—even across geographical lines Free access to online courses for all residents of the state, whether public, private, or home educated 24/7/365 access to grades, lessons, course accessories and assignments for both students and their parents Monthly phone contact with all parents and monthly progress reports Online clubs and collaboration that span geographic, cultural, and time boundaries FLVS has shown exponential enrollment growth over the years. In 1997, we asked the question “if we build it will they come?” and had 77 enrollments. FLVS has grown by more than 30% each year and the number of students that desire the opportunity for education any time, any place, any path, any pace continues to increase. We now know the answer to that question is a resounding “yes.” FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page5of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. Our mission, to provide students with high quality, technology-based educational opportunities to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the 21st century, leads us to keep the student as the driving force behind every decision we make. This “customer focused” approach has been a major contributor to the enormous success FLVS has experienced. In addition, as one of the world leaders in online learning, FLVS has always felt compelled to help other schools achieve success, not only in Florida but throughout the country and world through FLVS Global. What sets us apart from other providers is that we are a school, successfully using the courseware and training tools with thousands of students each day. 2.3 Course Choice Goals Addressed (please fill in yellow sections of table below) Indicate which Course Choice Goals your proposed course offerings will address (check all that apply). Use bottom row to include any explanatory text x Students enter the next, age-appropriate grade on time and on level x Students successfully complete rigorous and advanced high school and postsecondary course work Students successfully complete industry-based certification courses, programs, internships and/or apprenticeships based on Pathways to Careers x Students graduate on time or early x Students graduate with the skills to enter post-secondary programs and workforceready FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page6of29 Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal 2.4 Overview of Proposed Course Offerings (please fill in yellow sections of the table below) State Course Code 030597 APArtHistory Creative Photography I 312400 (PhotographyI) M/J Creative 030598 Photography I (Art Elective) M/J Orientation to Art 2‐ 030500 D(Art) Personal and Family 100205 Finance 040211 WebDesignI 040212 WebDesignII 120331 EnglishI 120332 EnglishII 120333 EnglishIII 120334 EnglishIV M/J Language Arts 120306 th (English,6 gradedept.) M/J Language Arts 120378 th/8th (English, 7 grade dept) M/J Language Arts 120378 th th (English,7 /8 dept) M/J Reading (Reading, 120311 6th,7th8th) Reading for College 120322 Success(ReadingII) 123101 ChineseI 123102 ChineseII 123103 ChineseIII 121001 FrenchI 121002 FrenchII 121601 LatinI 121602 LatinII 121603 LatinIII M/J Spanish Beginning 122500 (Spanish Elementary Grades) CourseTitle 100 135 MaxNumberof SeparateClasses ParishesIncluded 2 unlimited All unlimited All 135 unlimited All 135 unlimited All 135 unlimited All 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited All All All All All All All 135 unlimited All 135 unlimited All 135 unlimited All 135 unlimited All 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited All All All All All All All All All Max Enrollment1 FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page7of29 Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal M/J Spanish Intermediate (Spanish ElementaryGrades) SpanishI SpanishII SpanishIII Spanish for Spanish Speakers (Spanish Elective) Health Opportunities through Physical Education (Physical EducationI) Adapted Physical Education Parenting Skills (ParenthoodEducation) Journalism APCalculusBC Advanced Algebra with Financial Applications (AlgebraIII) AlgebraI AlgebraII Calculus Geometry Liberal Arts Mathematics (MathEssentials) M/J Mathematics I (Mathematics6th) M/J Mathematics II (Mathematics7th,8th) M/J Mathematics III (Mathematics7th,8th) Pre‐Calculus GuitarI MusicAppreciation Critical Thinking and StudySkills(StudySkills) Biology Chemistry EarthSpaceScience ForensicScience M/J Comprehensive 122500 135 unlimited All 122501 122502 122503 122599 135 135 135 135 unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited All All All All 190105 135 unlimited All 190100 135 unlimited All 100601 135 unlimited All 050601 160394 160375 135 100 135 unlimited unlimited unlimited All All All 160321 160322 160326 160323 160351 135 135 135 135 135 unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited All All All All All 160306 135 unlimited All 160378 135 unlimited All 160378 135 unlimited All 160348 030352 030330 500100 135 135 135 135 unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited All All All All 150301 150401 150901 155050 150806 135 135 135 135 135 unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited All All All All All FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page8of29 Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal ScienceI(Science6th) M/J Comprehensive Science II (Science 7th, 8th) M/J Comprehensive Science III(Science 7th, 8th) PhysicalScience Physics APMicroeconomics AP U.S. Government and Politics Economics LawStudies Psychology Sociology U.S. Government (AmericanGovernment) U.S.History WorldHistory APComputerScience ComputerProgrammingI (Computerelective) 150878 135 unlimited All 150878 135 unlimited All 150802 150700 220602 220503 135 135 100 100 unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited All All All All 220201 220506 222001 220601 220502 135 135 135 135 135 unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited All All All All All 220403 220401 061175 061199 135 135 100 135 unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited All All All All 1–maximumnumberofstudentstheapplicantcanfitintoasingleclass 2–maximumnumberofseparateclassesapplicantcansupportatthesametime Add any open-ended description of your proposed course offerings: Many of our courses offer Honors Options built into the course for high school students and Advanced Options for middle school students. In addition to the courses listed above, we also have courses available that do not appear in the course code directory: Computing for College and Careers Middle School Business Keyboarding Middle School Career Exploration and Decision Making AP English Literature AP English Language and Composition AP Spanish Language Fitness Lifestyle Design (.5 credit Physical Education) Life Management Skills (.5 credit Physical Education) M/J Comprehensive PE- Grades 6/7 M/J Comprehensive PE- Grades 7/8 M/J Fitness- Grade 6 FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page9of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. Personal Fitness (.5 credit Physical Education) AP Calculus AB AP Statistics AP Biology AP Environmental Science M/J Critical Thinking and Study Skills (Middle School) Marine Science AP Human Geography AP Macroeconomics AP US History Anthropology M/J Civics (Middle School) M/J World History (Middle School) M/J U.S. History (Middle School) Philosophy World Religions 2.5 Format / Technologies Used to Deliver Courses (open-ended response) FLVS Global School is an online program which provides a rich and multifaceted learning experience for students. Delivered through a powerful and easy-to-use Learning Management System (LMS), UCompass Educator, Global School provides an interactive and dynamic online community that promotes the effective transfer of knowledge. The value-added tools in Ucompass Educator, such as real-time progress reporting and accessible teacher feedback, meet or exceed industry best practices. Students can maneuver their virtual courses by viewing content, communicating with instructors or fellow students, and evaluating their learning. We provide students with a landing page that lists all courses in which they are enrolled. From there they can access both the courses and the gradebook with a simple click. Students can also email teachers and see announcements from this page. The system allows navigation in multiple ways, including from within the course pages or from a side index. The navigation panel helps students access tools from announcements to grades. Ucompass Educator allows for easy submission of assignments and assessments. It also provides a gradebook that shows total percent complete and percent complete by semester, grades, weeks active, percentages, and teacher feedback, just to name a few features. Teachers speak frequently and regularly with students and their parents by telephone and through web conferencing and other communication tools. Parents and students can access courses and grades 24/7. Teachers return all student phone calls and emails within 24 hours and graded work within 48 hours. Teachers also host a variety of live lessons for students using web conferencing tools. Tech support is also available to the student through our help desk. FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page10of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. FLVS Global online courses include collaboration requirements in which students work together through a variety of web-based environments. Students participate in online research, view content through interactives, videos and text-based lessons, and participate in out of seat, community-focused activities on their own time, reporting back their experiences. Students participate in online discussions, clubs, competitions, newspaper teams, national forums, and more as part of the Global School. Section 3: Overview of Proposed Curriculum (12 pages) 3.1 Curriculum Sources (open-ended response) FLVS has a philosophy grounded in differentiated instruction. The proven success of FLVS reflects our appeal to a wide range of students, from those recovering credit to those capturing advanced standing. Our catalog includes customizable, high quality core and elective courses for Middle School and High School students, most with advanced or honors options, Learning Recovery courses, Advanced Placement courses, and a variety of unique options for skills development. New courses are added regularly, and you will have the opportunity to update your course catalog to suit your needs. Courses can be modified to differentiate instruction for student needs in blended and fulltime online settings. Our programs can be utilized in a summer school setting, lab setting, in blended classrooms, or through a strictly online option. Our options enable you to use our teachers through our Global School, or to provide your teachers through a variety of options for hosted and licensed content. Our goal is to assess prior knowledge, to discover what the student has already mastered, and to accommodate for standards that may be unique to particular districts and states. All courses are designed with self-contained lessons that can be used in a blended setting and customized for individual student needs. This development allows us to provide flexibility to our clients from all 50 states who wish to customize courses to meet specific state or local benchmarks. FLVS celebrates the spirit and wisdom of the Common Core State Standards with our focus on authentic learning with 21st century skills. FLVS courses reflect our expertise in active student engagement with meaningful learning experiences tied to success for college and careers. At FLVS, we are ultimately less interested in how much information students can acquire, than how well they can research, apply, create, and share information with a community of learners for long term understanding. FLVS is committed to the national dialogue on Common Core. FLVS courses are designed for career and college readiness, with an emphasis on 21st century skills and FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page11of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. practical application of content to real-world environments. We are aware that many changes are taking place in every state regarding requirements and testing. We are pleased to offer our current catalog of courses which have always focused on research, writing and communication skills, and practical application of knowledge through a variety of core and elective opportunities for middle and high school students. We encourage our clients to consider our professional development opportunities to ensure that faculty members are fully aware of the resources we provide in our courses. Additional resource objects, such our research lessons, provide students with ongoing access to interactive, student-friendly, step by step tutorials throughout the courses. Consider the following components integrated in our catalog of middle and high school courses: Flexibility of implementation for your state’s initiatives Individualized support for all students to reach and exceed standards Rigorous assessment standards based on performance mastery Clearly defined objectives, correlated to practice and assessment Opportunities for repeated practice and formative assessment with scaffolded support through interactives and personalized instruction Speaking and listening skills evaluated through discussion-based assessments Text complexity in design, supported by a variety of literacy strategies Tier 2 and 3 vocabulary support, through glossary, rollover, audio and activities Writing and research across subjects, including informative, research-based and persuasive writing activities Required collaborative projects for community and student interaction Digital media and web 2.0 tools complementing content and assignments Critical thinking and multidisciplinary application of concepts Project-based learning for student engagement Visual, auditory and kinesthetic opportunities for student engagement Student activities include a variety of text-based reading and writing, including persuasive writing, research-based writing and informative writing, often in real-world application of multidisciplinary content. Our Journalism course, for example, provides students an opportunity to learn about a variety of forms of persuasion while practicing through editorials and research-based articles for class projects. Full correlations reports are available for all FLVS Global courses, indicating alignment to Louisiana and Common Core Standards. In order to maximize our quality course delivery experience for our customers, the FLVS Curriculum team is also working to develop a new Common Core suite of courses in Mathematics and English Language Arts which will provide rigorous content, quality design elements, and student-centric activities for long-term success. We are also supporting these enhancements with FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page12of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. additional features in our Science and Social Studies courses. Those courses will be released as they are available. FLVS courses are designed with modern pedagogical frameworks that include constructivist learning strategies. Our courses are aligned to iNACOL’s National Standards for Online Courses. Florida Virtual School uses a “Symphony of Skills” in all course design. This symphony is a five-pronged research-based philosophy which forms the basis on which FLVS courses are designed and delivered, including Schlechty’s Working on the Work, Quantum Learning, Prisoners of Time, 21st Century skills, and literacy strategies. Schlechty’s Working on the Work (WOW) Noted educator Phillip Schlechty believes that when students are fully engaged in their work, they learn more. Engagement can be enhanced by designing work that is specific to the values, interests, and needs of the learners and through the use of novelty and variety. FLVS courses provide learning and assessment options so that students can respond to assessments utilizing their strongest learning modality. Many courses allow for choice options that speak to the unique needs of individual students and include options for print, audio and visual modalities in a variety of authentic project-based activities. In addition, course features such as “Cornell Note Taking” and the course glossary, support students throughout the course. Courses provide opportunities for teachercreated additional assignments, creative tutorial and enrichment sessions, and a host of innovations for unique course enhancements. Quantum Learning Quantum Learning's Lesson Design Frame was formulated from many years of research on the effective delivery of content and is the structural frame upon which content is built. Curriculum is designed to increase student engagement, participation and mastery. Activities facilitate success through gradient levels from low risk-taking rehearsal to high-risk individual performance. Strategies to build competency include chunking information into smaller segments and multi-sensory reviews. Incorporating the best practices and brain research into course design keeps our students engaged and learning at a deep level. The “enroll and experience” steps are frequently done at the same time, enrolling students while tapping into their experience or giving them an experience related to the instruction. FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page13of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. Prisoners of Time Prisoners of Time, originally released in 1994, is a foundational principle for FLVS. Student choice and the “any time” component of our motto are key factors in meeting student needs. Our goal is to keep time the variable. Our 24/7/365 course access is just one of the ways we are able to support this important component of our design. Every course includes a “pace guide,” designed to guide students through the course. The guides, along with introductory course information, give students the “big picture” of the course and help them to break down that big picture into daily, manageable bites. The “Individual Pace Planner” allows the student to project a completion time, time commitment, or account for unique schedules, in planning for course participation. 21st Century Skills The “Partnership for 21st Century Skills” focus is on authentic learning and meaningful work experiences for students that include collaboration, technological skills, and appropriate communication. Collaboration assignments teach students the skills of interpersonal cooperation which are essential in the workplace today. Students also learn about and utilize information, media and technology skills, and learn about a variety of careers. FLVS Global courses celebrate student creativity and innovation through a variety of choice assignments utilizing web 2.0 tools. Critical thinking and problem solving skills are utilized through application of concepts in community and collaborative projects. In Economics, for example, students learn about the relationships between what we do at home and the decisions made by others. Students look at the choices of business and government leaders and how all of these choices have a global impact. Projects provide students with an opportunity to apply what they have learned to modern situations through research, writing and presentation. Student-community interactions take students “out of their seats” and promote civic engagement, interpersonal communication and application of course concepts to local and personal situations. Student-student collaboration opportunities appear throughout FLVS Global courses, and provide students with a choice of options for learning, practicing and reflection upon this important 21st century skill. Student-parent and family activities include interviews and guided conversations. Literacy Strategies FLVS employs a host of literacy strategies in all courses, including appropriately chunked content with graphic organizers, student-focused review and tutorial, FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page14of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. scaffolded lessons, and student resources. Courses are designed to include reading strategies and lesson choices that help provide variety and practice for developing readers. Our target is to provide all reading, internal or external, within two grade levels of the target grade for each course. For example, a course intended for 9th grade students would have an acceptable readability range from 7th grade to 11th grade, however, the target is grade level 9 overall. 3.2 Proposed Instructional Material (open-ended response) FLVS courses use interactive components to enhance, teach, and provide opportunities for practice and self-assessment. Visual, kinesthetic, and auditory methods are all employed in content delivery. Videos, podcasts, interactive games and virtual labs are all utilized throughout FLVS courses. Careful selection of stable websites and resource partners provides additional rich resources which have been woven into the content. These resources make our courses robust and highly engaging in order to provide a greater student experience, which leads to greater student success. The majority of Florida Virtual School’s courses do not require a textbook, although some additional materials are sometimes necessary. Students provide household items for some labs and should have speaking, listening and recording capabilities for language courses. Global School provides all other supporting materials, including eTexts, lab kits, online subscriptions, and other related non-digital content. Necessary materials will be shipped to the student. Our courses require Internet access. A full list of technology requirements is available for Mac and PC users. 3.3 Title / Course Sequencing (open-ended response) Global School students are offered a variety of pacing opportunities, depending on their own personal schedule and/or the needs of the school district. Our individual pace planner allows the student the opportunity to project completion of the course based on hours per week, weeks per month, accelerated pace or a traditional pace. Global School courses are designed so that the student can work at an “any path, any pace” schedule for mastery-based learning. Students may repeat assignments until they are comfortable with their own progress. They may also take honors or advanced options at any point in the course. Our catalog of courses includes a variety of elective and core courses for middle and high school students, along with AP courses. The catalog is designed to offer students a FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page15of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. full suite of Mathematics, Science, Language Arts, and Social Studies courses, a variety of Foreign Language and Physical Education opportunities, and a range of electives. 3.4 Delivery Methods / Differentiating Instruction (open-ended response) Because the student is at the center of every decision we make at Florida Virtual School, we strongly advocate a high level of teacher involvement as the key to student success. Courses are more than just instructor-monitored. The teacher is an integral part of the learning process and a source of student motivation. FLVS courses are designed so that teachers can actively communicate with students at every stage of learning. Students are encouraged to communicate with their teacher and fellow students through a variety of collaboration activities, discussion posts and through teacher-student email. We also encourage teachers to use web 2.0 tools and synchronous platforms to communicate with students and student groups, and we provide training and support for those opportunities. All courses include customizable alternative assignments for teachers to create and add to lessons. 3.5 Addressing Special Need Students (open-ended response) At FLVS, we recognize that online students have a variety of unique needs. Our philosophy has always been that students are at the center of every decision we make, from course development to instruction and assessment. Students with an IEP receive accommodations through personalized instruction, which is part of our course development for all students. Course features include: Audio/Video: dynamic presentation of content (multimedia, motion video, animation, audio, interactive, etc.) is included in 50-80% of lessons. Videos, podcasts, interactives with narration, and recordings which can be reviewed at the student’s own pace add to the support features for all students, including English Language Learners. Text-only versions of all podcast scripts, interactives, and videos are also available for 508 compliance. Additional Resources: Students in need of full translation or text to speech conversion find no-cost software and downloads readily available. FLVS can provide a list of resources and additional professional development for teachers in utilizing web 2.0 tools to create read-aloud features in courses. Scaffolds and organization: Students appreciate the clearly defined lesson presentation utilizing Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, as well as the variety of scaffolds available in our lessons to support student learning. FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page16of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. Glossaries: almost all courses have glossaries to help students with difficult vocabulary; some have a function to read the vocabulary and the definitions. Chunking material: breaking material into manageable reading sections that include pictures and interactives reduces frustration. Graphic organizers: students create mental models of what they are trying to learn; we provide a variety of resources and training to improve comprehension. Reading levels: courses are written to be at the appropriate grade level; reading levels generally do not span more than a level above or below the grade (example: English I written at the 9th grade level, reading level would range from 8th-10th grade) Discussion-based assessments allow students to orally demonstrate knowledge and allow for individualized teacher-student evaluations. Reading strategies are provided across disciplines. Virtual Library: includes ESOL and literacy resources and is available to all students. Global School students may take the optional, voluntary 3DT – 3 Part Diagnostic Tool. This 30 minute “test” includes a learning styles quiz, reading interest inventory, and short reading diagnostic to determine if students are reading at grade level. Students and teachers are provided with the feedback from the 3DT, which helps determine more direction for students. Global School instructors have the support of certified literacy coaches. Teachers and coaches work together to find the best strategies to help individual students. Teachers attend professional development focused on literacy and have required literacy goals to meet each year. Teachers have access to translators should parents or teachers need support for phone calls. Courses are offered by segment (semester) and are divided into modules, allowing students and teachers to focus on specific learning material or topics without going through the entire course. Each lesson is organized to provide the student with an introduction, practice and an assessment of the content. The focus is on mastery learning and students determine when they are comfortable enough with the concept to move forward. The online nature of the courses allows for more time if necessary, and the ability to resubmit assignments and retake exams, as well as the option of students to orally showcase their skills, supports the unique needs of students. Outside of the course, the teacher can provide additional assistance to students as needed, provide more specific directions, examples, etc. in order to meet students’ particular needs. If specific content needed to be modified, a separate course shell could be created for that student and the teacher could modify the content accordingly. We provide support and training for teachers to offer these additional resources. Section 4: Instruction Quality (6 pages) 4.1 History / Examples of Instructional Quality (open-ended response) FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page17of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. Florida Virtual School is fully accredited by two major agencies: The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and The Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation. Florida TaxWatch Review Within Florida, programs that are funded by taxpayer dollars can be investigated by a non-partisan private organization called Florida TaxWatch. Florida TaxWatch investigates and reports on the value of tax expenditures. In 2005, FLVS was the subject of one such investigation. The TaxWatch report affirmed improved student achievement between FLVS and traditional brick and mortar schools and concluded that FLVS was a cost effective approach. The report showed that FLVS students consistently outperformed their counterparts in both reading and math. Also, FLVS students earned higher grades in their online courses than they had earned in the same subject area courses in the traditional public school setting. The data regarding Advanced Placement examination findings were particularly compelling as stated in the report. AP courses represent a national curriculum, and the tests are graded by experts throughout the country. In addition, FLVS takes frequent opportunities to reach out to our many stakeholders and gather their feedback, suggestions, and opinions. With the help of an independent agency, we gather survey data on satisfaction and engagement each year. Results tell us that both parents and students feel FLVS teachers care about their success and show a special interest in them. Additionally, more than 90% of parents and students say they would recommend FLVS to others. To view the complete Taxwatch report, visit the CEPA / Taxwatch website at this link: Recognition and Achievements 2012 Blackboard Collaborate Hall of Fame Class of 2012 Silver IMS Global Learning Impact Award at the 2012 IMS Awards event, in partnership with UCompass E-Learning 100 award for professional development programs and best practices Julie Young, President and CEO, was presented with the Dr. Carlo Rodriguez Champion of School Choice Award by the Florida State Board of Education's Office of Independent Education, the Parental Choice and the Florida Parental School Choice Consortium, and in collaboration with Nova Southeastern University, Abraham S. Fischler School of Education. FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page18of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. Julie Young received the Florida Diversity Council's Multilcutural Award in Education. Pam Birtolo, Chief Officer of Education Transformation was inducted into the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) Hall of Fame. 2011 Julie Young, president and CEO of Florida Virtual School, received the Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Education Award. FLVS named as one of the country's Top 50 Innovators. Julie Young was awarded the Outstanding Individual Contribution to K-12 Online Learning Award. FLVS Named Champion at 6th Annual Sterling Conference Storyboard Competition. and Florida Virtual School Receive Platinum IMS Learning Impact Award. FLVS is Learning 100 Award Recipient, sponsored by Elearning! Media Group. 2010 FLVS Teacher Dianna Miller Awarded Florida Social Studies Teacher of the Year 2010 by the FCSS. FLVS Teacher Teresa Dove Receives the Nation's First Online K-12 Teacher of the Year Award. FLVS Reading Coach Named "2010 Just Read, Florida! High School Reading Coach of the Year." 2010 CODiE Awards go to FLVS for Best Reading/English Instructional Solution and Best Social Studies Instruction. Gold Award for Learning Impact from the IMS Global Learning Consortium awarded to FLVS. FLVS receives 2010 Best Practices in Distance Learning Programming Award. 2007-2009 FLVS receives CODiE Award for Best Virtual School. Florida is ranked number one by the Center for Digital Education in a review of state policy and programs to determine the status of online learning policy and practice across the United States. FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page19of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. FLVS receives Better Government Award by the Pioneer Institute, an independent, non-partisan, privately funded research organization, for its focus on creating equitable access to instructional excellence for students. FLVS receives EdNET Pioneer Award, for contributing to growth of a portion of the education market. The recipient of this award has significantly contributed to innovative product and/or program design and implementation for education. 2000-2003 Recipient of United States Distance Learning Association Awards Best Practices in Distance Learning Programming (twice) Best Practices in Distance Learning Teaching (2 FLVS teachers have been honored with this award) 21st Century Best Practice Award USDLA Hall of Fame: President and CEO, Julie Young, was inducted in 2003 Most Outstanding Achievement by an Individual: Former Chief Academic Officer, 2003 Business Week named FLVS as one of the WebSmart Top 50 organizations. Canadian Association Distance Education Award of Excellence. Florida Virtual School was the first non-Canadian distance learning program to ever be honored by CADE. 4.2 Instructor Qualifications (open-ended response; instructor resumes exempt from page limit) For consideration for an instructional-based position, FLVS Global school candidates must meet all of the job requirements as listed below: Bachelor’s Degree or higher One year successful teaching experience (within subject area preferred) OR successful completion of an FLVS instructional internship, but three years of teaching experience is preferred Valid Florida Professional Teaching Certificate in content area assigned with endorsements as required by Florida Department of Education, including shared reciprocity for Louisiana teaching credentialing Willingness and ability to obtain multiple state and/or content area certifications FLVS Global uses a rigorous candidate selection, interview process, and new employee training. Candidates considered for an instructional position with FLVS Global must FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page20of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. successfully complete a multi-level interview process, including a thorough review of credentials, an online application, resume review, examination of recent evaluations, and a combination of phone and face-to-face interviews. The review process also includes a full-day interview and information session located at the FLVS corporate office in Orlando. If selected for a position, new employees must attend orientation and training sessions at the FLVS corporate office in Orlando, as well as required virtual training sessions, including mentoring, provided over the course of their first year. Instructional staff receive supervision from the Global School Instructional Leader, and participate in subject specific and school-wide training, including an annual staff conference. All employees are required to complete professional learning goals, as well as professional goals tied to student performance, completion and satisfaction for which they receive support and professional development. 4.3 Data Supporting Instructional Effectiveness (open-ended response) Pursuant to Section 1012.34, Florida Statutes, the FLVS Global evaluation system supports student learning growth by improving the quality of instructional, administrative, and supervisory services. Performance evaluations are conducted for each instructional employee and school administrator at least once a year. District evaluation systems must be based upon sound educational principles and contemporary research in effective educational practices and must support continuous improvement of effective instruction and student learning growth. Evaluation procedures include student performance on both course assessments, AP exams (if appropriate), and required state assessments. Teacher evaluations also include the following: Professional competencies and leadership skills o Literacy support across the curriculum o Customer focus o Communication o Functional expertise o Interpersonal skills Instructional strategies o Purposeful phone calls with a minimum of 90% of their students each month FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page21of29 Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Section 5: Accountability (6 pages) 5.1 Specific Course Goals / Metrics (open-ended response) FLVS courses are dynamic and part of on an ongoing development cycle. Utilization of Wiggins’ and McTighe’s “backward design” strategies ensures that standards and assessments are aligned to appropriate lesson content from the beginning of FLVS course development. Course design and content are carefully reviewed on a regular rotating basis and modified to meet current standards and the changing needs of students and society. Rigor, relevance, and integrity are critical components of all FLVS courses. Each module addresses higher order thinking through analysis, synthesis and evaluation activities. Assessments are varied and valid. Both formative and summative assessments are utilized in all courses. Assessments allow for student preparation for high stakes exams, end of course exams, and even practice for standardized testing. FLVS values authentic assessment tasks which demonstrate real world application of knowledge and skills and demonstration of performances. Authentic assessments may take the form of portfolios, peer review, self-reflection, exhibition, presentations, web development, narrations of a process, data analysis, student created content using 21st century tools and frameworks, projects, labs, simulations, and collaborations. To verify mastery of concepts, regardless of content and assessment exemption, each student must also complete one discussion-based assessment per module. The discussion-based assessment (DBA) includes a conversation with the teacher about module concepts, progress in the course, and any action plans or adjustments needed to achieve student success. Discussion-based assessments are an essential part of all Florida Virtual School courses. They provide another measure of academic integrity and they provide yet another opportunity for teachers to speak verbally with students and to ascertain their understanding of the content. At the end of each course, students must complete a final exam to assess overall mastery of the course. The objective of the segment exam is to assess student mastery of benchmarks for a given segment. All students are required to pass the segment exam in order to receive credit for the course. All Florida Virtual School AP courses have passed the stringent requirements of the College Board’s AP audit. Our courses provide rigorous content and preparation for AP exams, and also provide opportunities for students to take a variety of subjects. 5.2 Progress Monitoring (open-ended response) FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page22of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. Administrators can use Ucompass Educator to manage the data needed to run an effective virtual program. The following list shows some of the management features available to administrators and educators using the global school model: Users and their profiles, including contact information Classroom and teacher activity Student performance details and summaries Time on task to complete a test, quiz, worksheet, or an exam Scores and grades Enrollment Turn-it-in Reports for academic integrity Date and time of students’ submissions and resubmissions VSA is a software program designed to support access for students and staff to online courses. Consider the following benefits of VSA: Processes for registering, approving, and placing students are automated, reducing the time and personnel normally required. The paperless approach can provide significant savings in postage and other supply costs. Built-in access and reports allow you to verify that quality instruction is occurring. External users (school guidance personnel, for example) have access as well, reducing customer support costs while increasing the level of service provided. Important communication can be recorded to maintain accurate public records and protect your staff. Integration with the Ucompass Educator LMS places all key data in a single place to allow you to manage your students, your teachers, and your virtual school easily and efficiently. Guardian accounts help family members stay up-to-date on student progress and communication. 5.3 Assessment / Accountability Systems (open-ended response) FLVS Global collects considerable data to measure and monitor student achievement while students are enrolled in online courses, including: Course pre-tests (learning gains by final exam) Course exams compared across content teams AP Exam scores Student survey data LMS usage logs Quality Assurance surveys Classroom walk-throughs conducted by the Instructional Leader Discussion Based Assessments between student and teacher Proctored exams FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page23of29 Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Section 6: Proposed Tuition (2 pages) 6.1 Tuition Price Bid (please fill in yellow sections of the table below) Tuition for Eligible Funded Students 1 Tuition for SelfPaying Eligible Participating Students 2 Course Title Course Title All Courses: $400 per half (0.5) credit course All Courses: $800 per full (1.0) credit course $400 per half credit course Payment terms: Customer will be charged for the half credit once the 28 day grace period has passed. Client may pay by PO and be invoiced or by credit card. $800 per full credit course Payment terms: Customer will be charged for the half credit once the 28 day grace period has passed. Client may pay by PO and be invoiced or by credit card. 1– tuition needs to clearly indicate the price being offered (both a clear indication of the dollar amount offered and the Carnegie unit involved – fractional, single, multiple) 2– tuition for self-paying Eligible Participating students needs to include both the price being offered (dollar amount, Carnegie unit involved) and payment terms Global School includes certified, highly qualified teachers; all systems and courses and required materials. Pricing Comments (if There are no upfront fees or minimum enrollments. any): Priced to keep our costs in line with our per student FTE in FL. 6.2 Tuition Price Bid Description (open-ended response) Tuition at FLVS Global School is set as a mirror to the full time equivalent (FTE) funding level provided to FLVS within the state of Florida. Global School instruction is provided to students in an identical model, and Global School students are eligible to participate in all student activities, including the many clubs and events designed for our virtual students to collaborate and connect. Global School serves students from all states in the USA and 57 other countries. FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page24of29 Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Section 7: Provider Financial Structure / Strength (1 page) 7.1 Please complete the table below Does your organization have an electronic accounting system? Yes Yes No Does your organization have an assigned person responsible for all accounting / financial issues? Yes Yes No Name / Email Morgan Turner, 407.791.1009 Does your organization have current financial statements (income statement, balance sheet) available for review? Yes Yes No Does your organization have a budget for your proposed course offering(s)? Yes Yes No What is the breakeven enrollment for your course(s)? Global School’s breakeven enrollment number primarily is calculated on a per course basis due to instructional and materials costs. As a general estimate, the breakeven point for 2012-2013 is just under 4,000 half-credit enrollments. What contingencies has your organization developed in the event that one or more students enrolled in your course(s) would not complete the course(s) on time, delaying the second LDOE payment for that / those students? FLVS Global School works on a rolling enrollment model. Students start and stop our courses every day of the year. Students who may need additional time beyond the published school year for Louisiana may work with their FLVS Global School instructor to extend their course time. What qualitative data do you offer to indicate your organization’s sound financial structure and strength? FLVS is the largest public virtual school in the nation. FLVS has over 30 franchises within the state of Florida. FLVS is not tied to the traditional school calendar and, therefore, can start/complete students 365 days a year. FLVS is a competency-based funding model, which means FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page25of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. the in-state portion of FLVS only receives funding from the state if students are successful. FLVS has a completion rate of over 80%. The completion rate takes into account all students who are active in courses after the expiration of a grace period. FLVS Global serves students and customers in all 50 states and 57 countries. All profits earned by FLVS Global are reinvested in the school to improve and maintain courses. FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page26of29 Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Section 8: References (3 pages) 8.1 Reference 1 (please fill in yellow sections of the table below) Reference Name (org., individual, title, contact information) Appleton Area School District John Jacobs Program Director P.O. Box 361 Webster, WI 54893 715-431-0166 Relationship to Proposer Client Reference Text (500 word limit, please) Appleton Area School district has been a client of Florida Virtual School since 2002, utilizing FLVS services to teach their students and provide training and professional development to their administration and teachers. They also license FLVS courses. With the help of FLVS, Appleton was able to create a widely successful program. In fact they were able to partner with another district in Wisconsin, who was also an FLVS client, and form a cooperative consortium called the Wisconsin eSchool Network. This network has now grown across the state. FLVS Global continues to provide leadership and instructors with courseware and training to ensure their current and future success 8.2 Reference 2 (please fill in yellow sections of the table below) Reference Name (org., individual, title, contact information) Chino Valley Unified School District Relationship to Proposer Client Reference Text (500 word limit, please) The Chino Valley Unified School District Alternative Education Center offers a host of district programs including the an online Virtual School program, as well as Home-Based Independent Study (grades K-8) and Independent Study (grades 9-12) programs. Currently, Chino Valley has a small school-based implementation of FLVS courses, but also delivers online courses to about 300 virtual students in the hospital home-bound program. Preston R. Carr, Director of Alternative Education 15650 Pipeline Avenue Chino Hills, CA 91709 909.591.3682 ext. 5370 FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page27of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. 8.3 Reference 3 (please fill in yellow sections of the table below) Reference Name (org., individual, title, contact information) Virtual Learning Academy Charter School Steve Kossakoski, CEO 30 Linden Street Exeter, NH 03833 603-775-8678 x104 Relationship to Proposer Client Reference Text (500 word limit, please) The Virtual Learning Academy Charter School has used Florida Virtual School course content exclusively since their school began serving New Hampshire students in January 2008. Additionally, they have subscribed to Florida Virtual School's student information system, Virtual School Administrator, and hired FLVS Global staff to provide professional development programs to their administrators and instructors. FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page28of29 FloridaVirtualSchool FLVSGlobal Please leave all questions in your bid response. In light of page limit restrictions, you may eliminate question text in blue italics to increase the amount of space for your response. FLVSGlobal–CourseChoiceRFAApplicationPackage–page29of29