Mrs. Crosby & Mrs. Van Dyke`s Fitness Lifestyle Design Class

Mrs. McGovern’s
Fitness Lifestyle Design Class
A little about myself:
I am Tammy McGovern and I am in my 4th
year at FLVS. I have taught Personal
Fitness for that entire time and am just
now starting with the FLD course. I am
excited about working with you and hope
that we have a great 16 weeks together
Move ahead to
Tips for success
I live in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I am
originally from SC and just returned here
almost 3 years ago after living in Tampa, FL
for 7 years. I love being closer to my
family, but I do miss Tampa.
I am married and have 3 children and a
dog. Toby is 7 years old and is in the first
grade. Catie is 5 years old and is in
kindergarten. Derek just turned 1 in
December. My dog is a 12 year old German
Shepherd and has been with us his entire
The first 6 buttons on the left navigational
toolbar are the most frequently used buttons.
We will go over each one in detail:
Lessons, Course Information, Assessments,
Grade Book, Email & Discussion Groups.
The final button that you will need is Log Off. Be
sure to use this every time that you are
through work
The Lessons area is where you will find your readings and
assignments. Be sure to follow all of the arrows and read each
lesson thoroughly.
Course Information
There is so much important information in this area (hence
the name)  Please take some time to check out each link
on the left and above.
The Assessments
area is where you
will submit your
assignments each
Even if you have sent
an assignment by
fax/mail or completed
an oral exam, you
must still submit that
assignment in the
Assessment area.
This is where you can
see which assignments
have been turned in,
check on your grades for
assignments that you
have turned in and to
see if anything needs to
be resubmitted for more
There are a few other important things
that you can find out from the
Gradebook area.
You can find your current percentage
(grade) in the class, your percent
complete (how much of the course you
have finished) as well as the number of
assignments that you have completed.
You can match the information here
with your individual Pace Chart and
Weeks Active to see if you are “On
Pace” at any given time.
You should check your email every day. You may
email me either through the course or at:
Please remember Student e-mail accounts are to
be used for FLVS course-related email only and
not for general introductions or spamming of
people in your address book.
Discussion Groups
The Discussion area
is where you will
post your
Please be sure to
submit your
discussion in the
section that
corresponds with
your last name
and the lesson
that you wish to
FLD Workouts
Starting in Week 5, you will begin your
workouts. You will need to complete 3
workouts each week for 9 weeks.
If you wish to accelerate your pace, you may
print out your Fitness Lifestyle Journal in
Lesson 2.01 & read Lesson 3.03 for
instructions on how to begin the workouts.
Fitness Lifestyle Design
I hope that you found this informative and useful. I wish you
the best of luck in this course and hope that you enjoy
yourself! Please remember that I am here to help you.
Let me know if you need any help or clarification.
Be Healthy!
Mrs. McGovern
"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation
determines what you do. Attitude determines how well
you do it."
Lou Holtz