Preparing for a 125th Anniversary with 21st Century Digitized Collections at Saint Leo University 1. Abstract Summary: This poster looks at the ways that the digitized copies of Pioneer College, Golden Legend (Saint Leo College/University Yearbooks), and Student Newspapers were used to support the 125th Anniversary of the founding of Saint Leo College/University. Some history of the 2010-2012 digitization effort is given. 2. Pioneer College screenshot; collection hosted by Internet Archive, The history of the three communities (Saint Leo Abbey, Saint Leo College, and Holy Name Monastery) that comprise Saint Leo from 1880s to 1980s, now digitized, was published in print format in 1989 by Saint Leo College Press and written by History professor, Dr. James Horgan. 3. Golden Legend 1964 screenshot; collection hosted by Internet Archive, The digitized Student Yearbooks show the student life from 1963 to 2011, and are keyword searchable, as well as viewable and printable in multiple file formats. 4. The Lion, issue November 4, 1971, screenshot; collection hosted by ArcaSearch .The digitized Student Newspapers, including The Monarch, The Lion, Lion’s Tale, The Independent Monarch, and The Lions’ Pride, are keyword searchable, as well as printable. 5. Saint Leo University Library Website access to all of the University Archives’ Digitized Collections; a listing of the different digitized collections by record group is detailed here on the library’s website. 6. Saint Leo University Student Newspaper ArcaSearch Archive Homepage; special computer settings information is provided here, as well as copyright information. 7. Saint Leo University’s Internet Archive Homepage; the Golden Legend, 100th Anniversary Edition, appears as a thumbnail; access to the catalogues are featured on this entry page as well. 8. ArcaSearch Training Announcement Email to Librarians by Sr. Dorothy Neuhofer, University Archivist, August 15, 2010. 9. ArcaSearch Training Invitation Email to Faculty by Sr. Dorothy Neuhofer, University Archivist, via Office of Academic Affairs, September 2, 2010. 10. Saint Leo University Website Announcement regarding the digitization of the Students Yearbooks, March 2012. 11. Saint Leo University Founders’ Week Online Schedule, November 10-14, 2014; the Community Memory Project, the Commemorative History Panel, Dade City Chamber Breakfast (not shown), Carol Ann Moon, Outreach Librarian, Saint Leo University; FACRL Conference 2014, Orlando, October 24, 2014 Preparing for a 125th Anniversary with 21st Century Digitized Collections at Saint Leo University and the Poetry Contest (not shown) are four events that have benefited from the use of the University Archives’ digitized collections. 12. The 2014 Community Memory Project (CMP) is led by Dr. Heather Parker, Chair of Social Sciences. Dr. Parker is shown here with the CMP notebook. 13. October 9, 2014 Telephone Conversation Quote from Dr. Heather Parker about the use of the “digital resources,” namely the Student Newspapers and the Student Yearbooks, for the CMP. 14. October 14, 2014 Photo Screenshot of Dr. Heather Parker’s computer files of the digitized SLC Monarch (Saint Leo College Newspaper), saved for use with the CMP. 15. October 14, 2014 Photo of Dr. Heather Parker’s CMP notebook of articles; shown here is a printed article from the digitized March 29, 1973, SLC Monarch (Saint Leo College Newspaper), bearing an “ERA” handwritten tag next to “Women’s World” feature. 16. October 14, 2014 Photo of Dr. Heather Parker’s CMP notebook of articles; shown here is a printed article from the digitized October 22, 1968, The Lion (Saint Leo College Newspaper), with “civil rights” handwritten tag next to “Interview with Faculty on the Presidential Candidates” feature. 17. October 14, 2014 Photo Screenshot of one of Dr. Heather Parker’s open CMP computer files; shown here is a printed article “Students Unite Against Racism,” from the digitized October 30, 1975, SLC Independent Monarch (Saint Leo College Newspaper), electronically highlighted in yellow and electronically tagged with “report from a Saint Leo student,” using ArcaSearch’s notetaking function. 18. Saint Leo University Website Announcement of the “Saint Leo Community Memory Project,” to be displayed during Founders’ Week festivities, November 10-14, 2014. 19. Saint Leo University Library Display: Saint Leo Celebrates 125 Years, 1889-2014. 20. Local Ad of The Bank of Pasco County, Dade City, Florida, from the digitized copy of The Lion, November 4, 1971. 21. Presentation made by Professor Carol Ann Moon, Outreach Librarian, to the Dade City Chamber of Commerce at their monthly Business Meeting Breakfast, Saint Leo University Boardrooms, September 16, 2014. The digitized Pioneer College and the digitized Golden Legend 1964 were utilized in the making of the PowerPoint. Carol Ann Moon, Outreach Librarian, Saint Leo University; FACRL Conference 2014, Orlando, October 24, 2014 Preparing for a 125th Anniversary with 21st Century Digitized Collections at Saint Leo University 22. PowerPoint slide from the Dade City Chamber of Commerce Presentation, September 16, 2014, by Professor Carol Ann Moon, Outreach Librarian, showing the pictures of the Saint Leo Community Founders, taken from the digitized Pioneer College. Using the Internet Archive .pdf format of Pioneer College, a keyword search for “Dade” yielded 668 hits of 640 pages. 23. Photo taken at the Dade City Chamber of Commerce Presentation, September 16, 2014 (from Dade City Chamber Website), of Professor Carol Ann Moon, Outreach Librarian, holding the print copy of Pioneer College, and describing the available digitized resources. 24. Photo taken of Dade City Chamber of Commerce Executive Director John Moors, Professor Carol Ann Moon, and Saint Leo University Vice President of University Advancement Denny Moller, with the 125th banner at Saint Leo University Boardroom, September 16, 2014 (from Dade City Chamber Website). 25. Thank you note Email for the September 16, 2014 Dade City Chamber of Commerce Presentation from Saint Leo University Associate Vice President of Marketing Ed Austin to Professor Carol Ann Moon; “you connected our history to that of Dade City.” 26. Printed copy of the digitized Pioneer College, page 67; photo of 1894 Saint Leo College building, before it burned in 1928. 27. Printed copy of the digitized Pioneer College, page 45; photo of the Benedictine priests of Maryhelp Abbey, Belmont, North Carolina, who accepted jurisdiction for the San Antonio, Florida mission in 1888; on June 4, 1889, the governor of Florida enacted a law, establishing the Order of Saint Benedict of Florida, and thus, Saint Leo Abbey and Saint Leo College were founded. 28. Printed copy of the digitized Golden Legend 1964, page 24; photo of a student winning an advertising award, accompanied by her mentor, Saint Leo College Publicist Brother Bernard, and by the Orlando ad firm president. 29. Printed copy of the digitized Golden Legend 1964, inside cover pages; photo shows the campus, still nestled in and amongst orange groves. 30. Saint Leo University Online Blog, posted by Mary Beth Erskine, May 15, 2014, announcing the university-wide Poetry Contest, celebrating 125th Anniversary. Page 2 suggests the use of Pioneer College, providing a link to the digital format. The third place winning poem, “Monk with a Mamiya” by Professor Carol Ann Moon, incorporated information about the history of Saint Leo and Brother Bernard from the digitized Pioneer College and Golden Legend 1964. Carol Ann Moon, Outreach Librarian, Saint Leo University; FACRL Conference 2014, Orlando, October 24, 2014 Preparing for a 125th Anniversary with 21st Century Digitized Collections at Saint Leo University 31. Idea for 125th Anniversary Panel Email, from Maureen Moore, February 14, 2014, former Director of University Communications, inviting Professor Carol Ann Moon, Outreach Librarian, to discuss the early history of Saint Leo from the perspective of Judge Edmund Dunne, founder of the Catholic Colony at San Antonio, Florida. 32. PowerPoint Slide for the Dunne’s Deal presentation by Professor Carol Ann Moon, set for November 13, 2014, part of the Commemorative History Panel, 125th Anniversary Celebration, Saint Leo University, with information from the digitized Pioneer College. Carol Ann Moon (Saint Leo University, Carol Ann Moon is a librarian and an adjunct instructor of German at Saint Leo University. Frau Professor Moon enjoys reading and writing history and poetry, dancing flamenco, and traveling with her dog Denver. Saint Leo University was founded in 1889, making it one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in the state of Florida. In November 2014, Saint Leo University will celebrate this 125th-year milestone and its enduring Benedictine Heritage during Founders' Week with a panel of historians and librarians, who study the history of the university and who help others learn about its past, thereby possibly understanding who it is today. This poster session will highlight three digital resources: Pioneer College, Saint Leo Student Yearbooks, and Saint Leo Student Newspapers, all three digital holdings playing a key role in digital history discovery for the Saint Leo University on-campus and distance communities of the 21st century. Carol Ann Moon, Outreach Librarian, Saint Leo University; FACRL Conference 2014, Orlando, October 24, 2014