AMERICAS VALUATION & ADVISORY SERVICES AMERICAS VALUATION & ADVISORY SERVICES 2FOREWORD 4 THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE 5 PROVEN PROCESSES 6 DEDICATED CROSS-BORDER TEAMS 8 SERVICES OFFERED “If you work with CBRE, you can be sure that the project is going to get the coverage and exposure that it needs” - Jay Baumn, Prologis 1 2 FOREWORD Accurate and reliable valuations are critical to the success of every real estate investment. Our clients rely on our ability to deliver high-quality, consistent and market leading valuations. Our approach, thinking and success lies in three core principles: 1. Providing a comprehensive and accurate data source 2. Utilizing proven processes 3. Providing seamless service, delivered though a single point of contact It is our commitment to these principles that distinguishes CBRE valuations for our clients and ensures their business needs and goals are achieved. THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE DATA SOURCE IN THE AMERICAS & GLOBALLY Your business and investment decisions will be based on consistently accurate valuations, as the scale and breadth of our business means that our comprehensive proprietary database is the largest and most detailed in the marketplace. Our Americas valuation team of more than 500 professionals in 98 offices completed over 47,600 valuation and advisory assignments in 2013. This combination of experience and breadth of coverage provides us with unrivaled knowledge and the insight to make the most informed decisions. “I would say that CBRE are ahead of the competition, because of their strength in depth.” - Redevco 4 5 PROVEN PROCESSES You can rest assured your valuations will be as rigorous and accurate as possible, as our attention to detail ensures that every CBRE valuation follows the same format and structure. Our technology platform benefits clients by reducing delivery time, providing better market data and facilitating the review process – especially critical with portfolio valuations. The valuation methodologies that we apply have been recognized by both clients and industry analysts alike as providing a vital understanding of what drives value. Inherent within CBRE is a commitment to deliver outstanding service to our clients by using a set of industry leading best practice processes that have been well-proven and refined throughout the property world. These include CBRE Practice Area Guidelines which all Americas offices must adhere to. ? DEDICATED CROSS-BORDER TEAMS CBRE has developed a unique approach for the valuation of large, multiple property portfolios. Each region (Americas and Global) has dedicated cross-border valuation experts providing seamless service delivered through a single point of contact. This enables us to value substantial portfolios rapidly - retaining keen focus on activity and developing trends at a local level and consistent and clear communication lines with our clients. •Local knowledge, global perspective •Flexible management to match each client circumstance 6 7 ? AMERICAS OFFICES CORPORATE LOCATIONS AFFILIATE LOCATIONS REGIONAL LEADERSHIP ? SERVICES OFFERED Our report offerings allow clients to use the most appropriate scope of analysis for their particular needs. Our accreditations reflect an ongoing commitment to the quality of our work, and they include MAI, RICS, AACI, CRE, CCIM, API and PINZ. Corporations, commercial banks, financial institutions, investors, property owners, REITs and government agencies have all used our services to satisfy their business needs. VALUATION SERVICES OFFERED: PURPOSE: •Market Value •Due Diligence •Initial Public Offerings (IPO) •Government Fair Value •Mortgage Security •Litigation Support •Financial Reporting •Foreclosure and Bankruptcy Support •Taxation •Insurance - Replacement and Indemnity •Rental Review •Transaction Support •Market Studies - High level and detailed investment analysis, feasibility studies, Highest and best use •Arbitration and Consultation •Lease and Cost Analysis WE VALUE: PROPERTIES •Land •Residential •Agribusiness •Commercial •Hotels •Industrial and Logistics •Leisure •Retirement Housing •Retail •Healthcare •Student Housing •Petroleum and Automotive •Gaming •Data Centres 8 9 AMERICAS VALUATION & ADVISORY SERVICES THOMAS B. MCDONNELL MAI, FRICS, CCIM President, Valuation & Advisory Services, Americas PAUL MORASSUTTI AACI, MRICS Executive Vice President & Senior Managing Director, Canada CHRIS G. MAUGERI AACI, P.App, RICS Senior Managing Director, Latin America JASON LUND Senior Managing Director, Business Development, United States T +1 312 233 8669 T +1 416 495 6235 T +55 5284 3293 T +1 949 725 8548