Week8 Chapter Nine

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Course: CHDV 100
Instructor: R. Barrett
Week 8 Chapter 9: The Play Years: Cognitive Development
Piaget’s Preoperational Stage•
Preschooler’s thinking—___________
Capable of_________ thought; usually not capable of __________
operations, so called preoperational.
Obstacles to Logical Operations
1. Centration- tendancy to _________on ________aspect and _________all
others. (ex: father is a daddy, not a brother)
Egocentrism- __________________________________________
“Everyone else thinks, perceives and feels the same as I do”
2. Focus on Appearance-________ ______ __________ except for
ex: boy refusing to wear a pink shirt because he is not a girl)
3. Static Reasoning- ___________that world is__________; if there is a
change, it is a complete change and sudden)
ex. Child wakes up on 5th birthday, Asks am I five yet? When learning she
is 5, stretches out her hands and says, “look at my 5 year old
4. Irreversability-failure to recognize a process can be changed or restored
to whatever existed before transformation.
Conservation and Logic
Inability to Conserve is due to:
Understanding is _________;
Thinking is ________ __________;
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States rather than ____________
Lack of ________________ _____________
Conservation is the idea that the total quantity, number, or amount of
something is the ________no matter what ______ ___ ___________
Criticism of Piaget’s Preoperational Stage Theory
Many Piagetian problems contain _______ ______ ___________or too
_______________________for young children to ___________ at once.
Preschoolers’ ___________do not reflect their _______ _________but
reveal more of their confusion, state of development.
Piaget: Implications for Working With Young Children
Emphasis o n ___________ Learning
_____________to Children’s Readiness to Learn
Acceptance of Individual _______________
Lev ______________- A Russian educational psychologist noted for his
research and theories dealing with the development of children's cognition as it
relates to_________ __________ ___ ________. Noted for development of
Sociocultural Theory
Sociocultural Principles of Cognitive Development
Cognitive __________ ___________through social interactions between
child and other people
Cognitive development ________ __________of cultural tools
Children are social beings shaped by their_____________ ___________.
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b) Zone of Proximal Development
B) Zone of Proximal Development(ZPD) is a __________________that a child
can demonstrate ____ _________but is not quite able to perform ____________.
C) Scaffolding
Builds on a child’s _______ _______________
_______ __ __________by breaking it into smaller steps
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Identifies ________ or ordering of ______, tasks, or experiences
Ensures there is ample time for __________and _____________for
mastery of skills, or knowledge
Reinforces progress through ___________________,_____________
Provides specific _____________that can assist with learning and
improve outcome
“Children As Little Apprentices”
D) __________ _____________-The process by which young children learn
with the help of mentors to think through social experiences and exploration.
Number Competence…
Readiness is dependent on _______+ _______ _________+ _________
Culture-language spoken can _____________understanding of numbers
________ ______ _______Provided by Others is important to creating
interest and competence
VIII Young Children’s Mathematical Reasoning
Start to attach verbal _________to different amounts and states.
_______________is displayed by toddlers.
By age 4, most children have established accurate ________ _ _____
Between 4 and 5 years learn ____________ ______________
Basic arithmetic knowledge emerges ________________
XI Memory
Can ___________what they _____________
Can follow __________on______________________________.
_________________memory is remarkably good
Much _________ ______ ___________than recognition.
Less effective at using memory______________
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Show the ________ ______ ____________but do not yet__________ or
__________items into ____________when asked to_________ a set of
Memory for One-Time Events
Preschooler’s ___________________________become _____organized,
more_________, and related to the larger context of their lives.
Adults use two styles for eliciting children’s autobiographical narratives.
Long-Term Memory
_______ ___________storage and retrieval skills; leads to ____________
____________ past experiences
Parents can assist with recall of events through _____________________
Use ___________to facilitate the storage and retrieval of memories
related to specific events.
Do better on ______________________________________
Theory of Mind
Preschoolers begin to develop a theory of mind—___________of
human__________ ____________; their own and
By age 3 or 4,____________ ____________ ________ ____________—
understand that mental processes subjective, realize beliefs and desires
form basis for action, emotions, etc.
Increasingly use their understanding for things like_______ ___________,
and ________________
Between ____kids make awesome and momentous advances in language
Language is intimately related to_______ __________, experiences, and
mechanisms such as _________ _______________
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Kids master their language in an active, _____ __________way
Between 2-3, kids adopt the _________ _______(grammar) of the
_________speech they hear
2 and 3 year old children use______________________________.
___________make changes, like “s” for plurals
Overregularization – 3 ½ year-olds kids do know the_______, but
______ __________them (my car “breaked”)
By the ________of early childhood, children use most of the
______________constructions of their language quite__________.
Learning Conversation Skills
Ø __________is the practical, social side of language that is concerned with
how to engage in effective and appropriate communication with others.
Ø The presence of __________ ________provides a language environment
conducive to acquiring language pragmatics.
Ø By age 4, kids can ________ _____ __________to fit the age, sex, and
social status of their ________________
Complex task involves _______ _______of rules, vocabulary, special
usage, and different pronunciations
_______________are important models
XVI Supporting Language Learning in Early Childhood
Opportunities for _____________ ________ ______ ________with adults
is consistently related to _____________________
Sensitive, caring adults give helpful, _________ __________and do not
____________________a child’s language mistakes.
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2 strategies:
1. ___________– elaborate on what child said
2. ______________– restructure kid’s incorrect speech
Speech-Language Disorder… “A _______ ____ _________or
language generally means that _______ ______ ______are
______understood or made correctly at the expected age.”
Physical ______________i.e. cleft lip or palate
___________Damage-neurological disorders, mental retardation
Hearing __________
Emotional and Social _____________
Language Delay: Milestones &__________ Signs
Sixteen to Thirty-six Months
þ At 24 months uses less than ________ words
þ By 36 months, the child….
þ ____________vocabulary
þ uses _________ _________sentences
þ makes a lot of grammatical _____________
þ has difficulty talking about the future
þ _________________questions
þ misunderstood by others
þ difficulty carrying on a conversation
XVIII Early Childhood Education
1. Early ____________ ____________have powerful effects on the
__________of children's physical and emotional abilities and influence their
______________in math, logic, language and music.
2. Early care helps children have greater school _________________
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3. Good early child care can reduce later_______________, _____________and
4. Early care increases high school graduation rates and likelihood of
__________ _____________
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Guided Participation
Zone of
Number Competence…
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Course: CHDV 100