
Technology and Computer Science
HND Computing Programme
Unit: COMH101: Computer Platforms
2 (RePro Network Design)
Issue Date: wk beg 3/11/03
Return Date: wk beg 15/12/03
Estimated Completion time: 20 hours
Lecturer: Stuart Cunningham
Verified by: Vic Grout
To be completed by student
Name ...................................................... Date Submitted......................................
Student Signature:……………………………
Certification: I certify that the whole of this work is the result of my individual effort and that all quotations from
books, periodicals etc. have been acknowledged
To be completed by lecturer
Assessed Common Skills
(2) Manage own time in achieving objectives
(9) Present information in a variety of visual forms
(10) Communicate in writing
Coleg Cyswllt Prifysgol Cymru
Grade / Mark
Associated College University of Wales
Athrofa Addysg Uwch Gogledd Ddwyrain Cymru Plas Coch, Ffordd Yr Wyddgrug, Wrecsam, Clwyd LL11 2AW
North East Wales Institute of Higher Education
Plas Coch, Mold Road, Wrexham, Clwyd LL11 2AW
Ffon/Phone (01978) 293050 (School)
Cyflun/Fax (01978) 290008
Computer Platforms - Assignment 2
RePro Network Design
Information about the Task
The printing company RePro that you specified an IT strategy for have grown from strength to
strength since your last dealings with them. RePro is now considering creating a network in their
office and exploiting their computer systems as pieces of communications technology. However,
the management at RePro is quite IT illiterate and want more information about their options
regarding networks. They are deeply sceptical about spending time and money on staff training,
equipment, software, and support. RePro has also heard a lot of talk about different operating
systems recently among their competitors, and would like to find out more about operating
RePro would particularly like to be able to connect to the Internet, which they have heard so much
about, and would like to have their own web site and ‘dot com dream’. Unfortunately, one of the
senior management team has heard scare stories about the risks of viruses, hackers, and networks
failures, and is unsure about having a website launched.
The Task
RePro was so pleased with the job you did for them last time that they have asked for your help
again with the planning of a network.
Your new job for RePro can be split into four sections:
1. Present RePro with the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a network in their office
building. Explain what equipment would be required and the function of these pieces of
hardware (this does not need to be deeply technical, bear in mind it will be read by RePro
2. Submit a method for connecting together their computer systems and equipment, in terms of
the network topology you think should be used. Describe any special pieces of equipment that
are required to implement this type of network topology.
3. Describe the best method of connection that will allow RePro to connect to the Internet and the
benefits that this will bring to the company. Justify your recommendation. You should also
provide RePro with an overview of what is needed to be done to allow them to have their own
web site. This section of your report should also relieve the senior RePro manager of his
network security fears by explaining what can be done to secure a network and Internet
4. Discuss the different types of operating systems available and the differences between them.
Suggest at least one OS that RePro could use in their new networked environment, and justify
this choice. Explain to RePro what staff training may be required once they have implemented
this new IT strategy, and how an IT support system could be used by RePro.
You should work individually on this assignment and clearly distinguish between content created
entirely by you and that obtained from elsewhere. Your report should be approximately 1500 to
2200 words. You should also include an introduction and conclusion in your report, as well as a list
of references or sources if appropriate.
You may obtain further guidance from the lecturer.
You should produce a word processed report, along with this specification and a completed and
signed front sheet. You may use diagrams and images, where appropriate.
The printed report should be submitted to your lecturer in the first module class after the stated
week beginning submission date on the front sheet.
Learning Outcomes
The following Learning Outcomes will be covered by this assignment:
Learning Outcomes
Assessment criteria
2. Employ operating systems
correctly contrast the functions of different types of operating
identify and describe in non-technical terms the components
of a network
produce a plan which identifies the network topology, the
external communication requirements and the minimum
network storage requirements
produce a user training plan and a specification of the
functions of a help desk
contribute to the production of a security policy
4. Participate in the planning of a
network installation
This assignment will carry half of the marks for this module.
To obtain a Pass all elements of the task must be completed and submitted by the due date and
your assignment must satisfy the learning outcomes.
To obtain a Merit, some elements of quality and good presentation and structure must be evident,
as well as evidence of relevant research.
To obtain a Distinction, all aspects of your assignment should demonstrate quality of a
professional standard, individual thought, and significant research.
For a definition of quality refer to the following table, taken from the Guidelines for Higher
National Computing Courses:
In order to achieve a Merit the student must:
• use a range of methods and techniques to collect,
analyse and process information;
• apply and analyse detailed knowledge and skills,
using relevant theories and techniques;
• coherently present and communicate work using
technical language appropriately.
In order to achieve a Distinction the student must:
• check validity when collecting, analysing and
processing complex information/data;
• evaluate and synthesise relevant theories and
techniques to generate and justify valid
• show an individual approach in presenting and
communicating work coherently, using technical
language fluently.
Common Skills Achievement
To achieve a merit or distinction for “Manage own time in achieving objectives” your report
should show that you have spent time thinking and planning your investigation. Your report should
show that you have spent time researching subjects and gathering relevant information, beyond that
which you have been given in lectures. The different sections/topics of your report should be
equally well presented, and an appropriate amount of time spent on each.
To achieve a merit or distinction for “Present information in a variety of visual forms” your
report should demonstrate that you have the ability to express information using more than just
text. Appropriate use of photographs, graphics, drawings, colour, and presentation techniques will
be analysed when this section is being graded.
To achieve a merit or distinction for “Communicate in writing” you should produce a well
structured report (i.e.- introduction, contents page, and conclusion). Your report should show
appropriate use of fonts, colours, and diagrams. The report should be of a professional and
consistent style and use well formed English.