STT TÊN SÁCH TÁC GiẢ SỐ ĐĂNG KÝ SỐ TRÊN KỆ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 75 reading plus A comparative reader for college English Access reading 1: Reading in the real world Access reading 2: Reading in the real world Access reading 3: Reading in the real world Access reading 4: Reading in the real world Active - Skill for reading: Book 1 Active - Skill for reading: Book 2 Active - Skill for reading: Book 3 Active - Skill for reading: Book 4 Active - Skill for reading: Intro Active reading 1: Promotes student's interest in reading for information Active reading 2: Promotes student's interest in reading for information American roots : Reading on U.S. cultural history American topics Arrivals : Cross - cultural experience in literature At home in two lands: Intermediate reading and word study Beneath the surface Between the lines Between the lines Between worlds: A reader, rhetoric and handbook Beyond language : Cross - cultural communication Beyond words (An advanced reading course) Building understanding: A thematic approach to reading comprehension Complete course in English 1 Concepts for today : Reading for today series, book 4 Critical thinking Critical thinking: Tools for talking charge of your learning and your life Developing reading skills Developing reading skills : Advanced Buscemi, S. V. William W. W. Collins, Tim Collins, Tim Collins, Tim Collins, Tim Anderson, N.J. Anderson, N.J. Anderson, N.J. Anderson, N.J. Anderson, N.J. Bell, Terry Bell, Terry Blanchard, K. R. C. Lugton J. Huizenga Pickett, W.P. S. Eckstut … Zukowski, J... Zukowski, J... Bachmann, S… D. R. Levine ... Mark O. James ... J.Baker-Gonzalez Dixon, Robert J. Smith, L.C.... Moore, B.N…. Paul, Richard... Deanne Milan Markstein, L. 004684 002841 005246 005247 005248 005249 005797 005798 005799 005800 005796 005230 005231 003900 003110 003287 005556 003282 002241 002240 005525 003113 001284 003288 003964 004300 005226 005225 002686 004306 B 123 B 043 B 163 B 164 B 165 B 166 B 184 B 185 B 186 B 187 B 183 B 147 B 148 B 071 B 050 B 059 B 175 B 056 B 032 B 033 B 172 B 052 B 015 B 062 B 087 B 095 B 145 B 144 B 041 B 101 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Developing reading skills : Beginning Developing reading skills : Intermediate 1 Effective reading Effective reading Effective reading (hủy) Effective reading (hủy) English in context ( Book1- Reading comprehension for science & technology) English in context ( Book2 - Reading comprehension for science & technology) English in context ( Book2 - Reading comprehension for science & English in context (Book1- Reading comprehension for science & technology) English in context (Book1- Reading comprehension for science & English in context (Book1- Reading comprehension for science & English in context (Book1- Reading comprehension for science & English in context (Book1- Reading comprehension for science & English in context (Book1- Reading comprehension for science & technology) English skills with readings Expanding reading skills: Advanced Expanding reading skills: Intermediate 2 Exploirations : A beginning reading skills text Exploirations : A beginning reading skills text Explorations in world literature : Reading to enhance academics skills Exploring through writing: A process approach to ESL composition Far from home: Reading and word study Great American stories 1 Great American stories 2 Here today, here tomorrow: Transforming your workforce from High Turnover to High - Retention Hot topic : book 1 Markstein, L. J. M. Saslow 004302 004305 003058 003060 003059 003057 003958 B 099 B 100 B 045 B 048 B 046 B 047 B 081 J. M. Saslow 003959 B 082 J. M. Saslow J. M. Saslow 003960 002160 B 083 B 024 J. M. Saslow J. M. Saslow J. M. Saslow J. M. Saslow J. M. Saslow 002159 002158 002157 002156 002155 B 025 B 026 B 027 B 028 B 029 Langan, John Markstein, L. Markstein, L. Alison Rice … Alison Rice … Shaffer-Koros, Raimes, Ann Pickett, W.P. C. G. Draper C. G. Draper Smith, Gregory P. 004686 004304 004303 003577 003578 004659 004688 005557 002623 002622 005770 B 125 B 098 B 097 B 065 B 066 B 119 B 127 B 176 B 037 B 038 B 178 Pavlik, Cheryl 004954 B 168 Markstein, L. Simon G. Simon G. 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Hot topic : book 2 Hot topic : book 2 Hot topic : book 3 In grandfather time (rách - đã photo) In the spotlight: Vol.1 (Levels D-F) In the spotlight: Vol.1 (Levels H-J) In the spotlight: Vol.2 (Levels D-F) Inside the news: A reading text for students of English Insights for today : A high beginning reading skills text Insights for today : Reading for today series, book 2 Issues for today : An intermediate reading skills text Issues for today : Reading for today series, book 3 Let's read 3 : Intermediate II level Let's read 3 : Intermediate II level Light & lively : Humorous American short stories Light and lively : Humorous American short stories Making connections: A strategic approach to academic reading Making connections: Study skills, reading and writing Milestones Milestones Milestones Modern American English : Book 4 Modern American English : Book 4 Modern American English : Book 5 Modern American English : Book 5 Modern short stories in English More reading power : Reading faster. Thinking skillss. Reading for pleasure. Comprehension skills 85 Morning edition : Mastering reading and language skills with the newspaper 86 Morning edition : Mastering reading and language skills with the newspaper 87 New practice readers (Book A) Pavlik, Cheryl Pavlik, Cheryl Pavlik, Cheryl 004408 005250 004955 002916 005234 005235 005236 004537 003581 004298 003582 004299 003956 003957 003286 004662 004790 004789 002239 002238 002237 004091 004092 003962 003963 002621 003880 B 106 B 169 B 170 B 042 B 151 B 152 B 153 B 115 B 069 B 093 B 070 B 094 B 079 B 080 B 058 B 122 B 132 B 131 B 034 B 035 B 036 B 089 B 090 B 085 B 086 B 039 B 075 003885 B 072 Tiersky, Ethel… 003886 B 073 D. G. Anderson 002334 B 017 Billings, H… Billings, H… Billings, H… Shoemaker, C. L. C. Smith … Smith, L.C.... L. C. Smith … Smith, L.C.... Mira Felder … Felder, Mira … Pakenham, K. J. Dillon, Ann Robert L. Saitz Robert L. Saitz Robert L. Saitz Dixon, Robert J. Dixon, Robert J. Dixon, Robert J. Dixon, Robert J. Robert J. D. Mikulecky, B. S. … Tiersky, Ethel… 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 New practice readers (Book B) New practice readers (Book C) New practice readers (Book D) New practice readers (Book E) New practice readers (Book F) New practice readers (Book G) (GV-mất) On the record: Mastering reading and language skills with the newspaper D. G. Anderson D. G. Anderson D. G. Anderson D. G. Anderson D. G. Anderson D. G. Anderson Hughes, Robert 002335 002336 002337 002338 002339 002340 005251 B 018 B 019 B 020 B 021 B 022 B 023 B 167 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 Panorama 1: Building perspective through reading Panorama 2: Building perspective through reading Panorama 3: Building perspective through reading Past, present and future: A reading - writing text (3rd edition) People, places and things 1: Reading, vocabulary, test preparation People, places and things 2: Reading, vocabulary, test preparation People, places and things 3: Reading, vocabulary, test preparation Personal themes in literature Points & views : Basic reading practice Power play : Individuals in conflict Practical faster reading Flynn, Kathleen… Flynn, Kathleen… Flynn, Kathleen… Gregg, J.Young… Lougheed, Lin Lougheed, Lin Lougheed, Lin S. Jorgensen ... Patricia Ackert Brenda Dyer G. Mosback ... 004415 004416 004561 005985 005240 005241 005242 003114 003580 003112 001053 B 113 B 114 B 118 B 194 B 157 B 158 B 159 B 053 B 068 B 051 B 010 Shiach, Don 004660 B 120 Read and reflect 1: Academic reading strategies and cultural awareness Adelson004538 Read and reflect 2: Academic reading strategies and cultural awareness Howard, Lori… 004539 Read and understand 1: Sharpens your reading comprehension and Kirkpatrick, 005554 Read and understand 2: Sharpens your reading comprehension and vocabulary Kirkpatrick, skills Betty…005243 Read and understand 3: Sharpens your reading comprehension and Kirkpatrick, 005244 Read and understand 4: Sharpens your reading comprehension and Kirkpatrick, 005245 Reader's choice: A reading skills textbook for students of English as a Baudoin, E.M…. 005986 second language 114 Reading & vocabulary development 1: Facts & figure Ackert, Patricia… 004409 115 Reading & vocabulary development 2: Thoughts & notions Ackert, Patricia… 004410 116 Reading & vocabulary development 3: Cause & effect Ackert, Patricia… 004796 B 116 B 117 B 173 B 160 B 161 B 162 B 195 106 Prose and poetry: The reading for the text 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 B 107 B 108 B 138 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 Reading & vocabulary development 4: Concepts & comment Reading advantage 1 Reading advantage 2 Reading advantage 2 (Hủy) Reading advantage 3 Reading advantage 3 (Hủy) Reading advantage 4 Reading and study skills Reading and thinking in English (Concepts in use) Reading and thinking in English (Exploring functions) Reading between the lines : Intergrated language and literature activities Reading connections: skills and strategies for purposeful reading - High Intermediate Reading connections: skills and strategies for purposeful reading Intermediate Reading enhancement and development Reading enhancement and development Reading enhancement and development Reading for a reason 1: Expanding reading skills Reading for a reason 2: Expanding reading skills Reading for a reason 3: Expanding reading skills Reading keys: Developing Reading keys: Extending Reading keys: Introducing Reading link Reading mini world 141 Reading power : Reading for pleasure. Comprehension skills. Thinking skills. Reading faster 142 Reading skills for the social sciences 143 Reading the news 144 Readings in knowledge acquisition : Current practices & trends Ackert, Patricia… Malarcher, C. Malarcher, C. Malarcher, C. Malarcher, C. Malarcher, C. Malarcher, C. Langan, John John Moore John Moore McRae, John … Ediger, Anne… 004797 004792 004793 003881 004794 003882 004795 004687 001050 001048 004685 004414 B 139 B 134 B 135 B 076 B 136 B 077 B 137 B 126 B 014 B 013 B 124 B 112 Ediger, Anne… 004413 B 111 R. H. Atkinson R. H. Atkinson R. H. Atkinson Blass, Laurie…. Blass, Laurie…. Blass, Laurie…. Craven, Miles Craven, Miles Craven, Miles Geddes, M … Shinichiro T. 001564 001566 001565 005801 005802 005803 005805 005806 005804 003955 003575 B 005 B 006 B 007 B 188 B 189 B 190 B 192 B 193 B 191 B 078 B 063 B. S. Mikulecky … Harman, L … Sharma, Peter K.L.McGraw… 003305 B 060 004156 004798 002212 B 091 B 140 B 009 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 Ready to read now: A skills-based reader Reality in focus (contemporary readings on metaphysics) Reflections Rethinking America 1: An intermediate cultural reader Rethinking America 2: An intermediate cultural reader Rethinking America 3: An intermediate cultural reader Right reading Select readings: Pre-Intermediate Select readings: Upper-Intermediate Steps to academic reading 1: Steps and plateaus Steps to academic reading 2: Out of the ordinary Steps to academic reading 3: Across the board Steps to academic reading 4: In context Steps to academic reading 5: Between the lines Stories worth reading 1: Skills worth learning Stories worth reading 2: Skills worth learning Strategic reading 1: Building effective reading skills Strategic reading 2: Building effective reading skills Strategic reading 3: Building effective reading skills Study reading Success with English - The Penguin course : Coursebook 3 Task reading The American way : An introduction to American culture The art of thinking: A guide to critical and creative thought The critical edge: Critical thinking or reading and writing The good reading guide : 100 critics review contemporary Australian fiction The new technologies The practical decision maker: A handbook for decision making and problem solving in organization The Rinehart reader companion The Rinehart reader companion The Rinehart reader companion Blanchard, K. … Paul K. Moser Dennis, J... Sokolik, M.E. Sokolik, M.E. Sokolik, M.E. Dean Curry Lee, Linda… Bernard, J…. Zukowski, Jean… Zukowski, Jean… Zukowski, Jean… Zukowski, Jean… Zukowski, Jean… Cassriel, Besty… Cassriel, Besty… Richards, J.C… Richards, J.C… Richards, J.C… E.H.Glendinning Broughton, G. E. Davies ... E. N. Kearny ... Ruggiero, V.R. Barry, V.E. Daniel, Helen 005555 002140 004320 004791 004788 004787 002265 004411 004412 005792 005793 004786 005794 005795 005232 005233 004958 004959 004960 001055 003965 000886 003109 005524 005227 003961 B 174 B 016 B 102 B 133 B 130 B 129 B 008 B 109 B 110 B 179 B 180 B 128 B 181 B 182 B 149 B 150 B 141 B 142 B 143 B 011 B 088 B 004 B 049 B 171 B 146 B 084 H. B. Allen ... Harvey, Thomas R… Grace Ellis Grace Ellis Grace Ellis 002373 005769 B 030 B 177 001569 001567 001568 B 001 B 002 B 003 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 Themes for proficiency with key Themes for today: Reading for today series, book 1 Thoughts & notions : High beginning reading practice Thoughts & notions : High beginning reading practice (M/07) Topics for today : Reading for today series, book 5 Topics in English 1 : A reading skills course Topics in English 2: A reading skills course Topics in English 3: A reading skills course Totally true: Building vocabulary through reading (Book 1) Totally true: Building vocabulary through reading (Book 2) Totally true: Building vocabulary through reading (Book 3) Understanding ideas - Advanced reading skills Ways of reading 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 What's in a word ?: Reading & vocabulary building Widely read World class readings 1: A readings skills text World class readings 2: A readings skills text World class readings 3: A readings skills text Yesterday and today in the U.S.A. Carole R. Smith, L.C.... Linda Lee … Linda Lee … Smith, L.C.... Heaton, B.… Heaton, B.… Heaton, B.… Huizenga, Jann Huizenga, Jann Huizenga, Jann Michael Swan Montgomery, Martin S. Eckstut … S. Eckstut … Roger, Bruce Roger, Bruce Roger, Bruce Anna H. Live 003036 004297 003579 003576 004301 003888 003257 003258 004405 004406 004407 001294 004661 B 044 B 092 B 067 B 064 B 096 B 074 B 054 B 055 B 103 B 104 B 105 B 012 B 121 003306 003283 005237 005238 005239 002620 002061 B 061 B 057 B 154 B 155 B 156 B 040 B 031