MASCHINEN UND ANLAGEN MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENTS Planetary roller extruder Continuous mixing Rubber/Filler composites This paper describes the experimental work carried out during investigations on the continuous production of a silica filled rubber mixture with a planetary roller extruder. For the investigation, free flowing Rubber/Filler Composites (RFC) were used. These Composites are based on an emulsion styrene butadiene rubber (E-SBR) with silica and silane. The reaction between the filler and the silane is performed during the production process of the composites. Therefore the composites contain a completely silanized silica. Under utilization of the high cooling performance of a planetary roller extruder, all mixture components, including the crosslinking chemicals were dosed into one feeding section. No scorch of the produced mixture is determined. The mixture characteristics, like filler dispersion and crosslinking behaviour, and the properties of the vulcanised rubber, like tensile strength and hardness correspond to the characteristics of the reference mixture obtained from the internal mixer. With the continuous process the specific energy input is three times less than that in the internal mixer. Der Planetwalzenextruder als kontinuierliches Mischaggregat für kieselsäuregefüllte Kautschukmischungen Planetwalzenextruder Kontinuierliches Mischen Rubber/Filler Composites Die experimentelle Arbeit stellt Untersuchungen zur kontinuierlichen Herstellung einer kieselsäuregefüllten Kautschukmischung dar. Es werden rieselfähige Rubber/Filler-Composites (RFC) mit abgeschlossener Silanisierungsreaktion eingesetzt. Unter Ausnutzung der hohen Kühlleistung des Planetwalzenextruder werden alle Mischungsbestandteile, inklusive der Vernetzungschemikalien in das Füllteil des Extruders zugegeben. Es wird keine Anvulkanisation der so erzeugten Fertigmischung im Planetwalzenextruder festgestellt. Die Mischungseigenschaften, wie Füllstoffdispersion und Vernetzungsverhalten, und die Vulkanisateigenschaften, wie Reißfestigkeit und Härte entsprechen den Eigenschaften der Referenzmischung aus dem Innenmischer. Charakteristisch ist ein um den Faktor 3 geringerer spezifischer Energieeintrag im kontinuierlichen Verfahren. Continuous Mixing of Silica Filled Rubber Mixtures with a Planetary Roller Extruder During the production process of a rubber product, the mixing of the compound represents the first and most important step. Traditionally the mixing takes place in large volume internal mixers, which consist of mixing chambers with 2 revolving rotors. This technology has remained essentially unchanged over the last 90 years. Since the patenting of the internal mixer for rubber in the year 1914 [1], advancements within this technology were concerned mainly with specific solutions as for example different rotor geometries or the variation of the distance between the axes [2, 3]. During the discontinuous process the quantities of different components are fed into the internal mixer according to fixed recipes and orders. The advantage of this procedure is the high flexibility regarding different recipes and mixing orders. A disadvantage of the discontinuous, batch production of rubber mixtures in the internal mixer is however that this process can lead to a difference in the mixture quality from one batch to another [4]. For example, well known is the so-called “First Batch Effect”. This effect arises with the first batch of one recipe due to a too low chamber temperature while starting the internal mixer and this leads to a mixture of lower quality. Therefore, frequently the first up to the fourth mixture are rejected. A further disadvantage of the discontinuous process is that, due to the rising temperature of the mixture in the internal mixer the cross-linking chemicals have to be added in cost intensive separate stages. With the help of continuous mixing processes, batch to batch differences in the quality can be prevented due to the constant dosage of the mixture components and constant process conditions. The continuous mixing can be done with multiscrew extruders like planetary roller extruders, twin screw or ring extruders. Due to the high cooling capacity of multi-screw extruders, the temperature development along the process unit can be controlled. Further advantages of this process are reduction of energy consumption, simplified process control and smaller environmental KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 58. Jahrgang, Nr. 7-8/2005 impacts because of the decrease in dust, gases and reaction products. These advantages are obtained with comparable or better mixture and product properties like the filler dispersion or the tensile strength [5 – 12]. Since the introduction of the silica filled rubber mixtures [13], these mixtures form the basis of passenger car tires with small rolling friction, good wet slide and winter characteristics. These mixtures are based on solution styrene butadiene (L-SBR), butadiene rubber (BR), high-activity silica and a bifunctional organosilane as coupling agent (e.g. SI 69). Due to silanol groups on the silica surface and the resulting high interaction forces between the particles as well as the incompatibility of silica and the rubber, silanes are added into the mixture. These silanes react with the silica and improve the dispersion behaviour, so that the incompatible phases silica and rubber are linked with one another by covalent bonds. The production of silica filled rubber mixtures is usually done in the internal mixer [2, 3] within at least three process step. This is highly energy and cost-intensive. The internal mixer serves as a chemical reactor. The reaction runs in a temperature range of 140 – 150 C and takes place in about 3 – 4 minutes. In order to maintain the temperature range, it is necessary that the production of the base mix takes place in 2 steps. During the reaction, ethanol is produced. The addition of cross linking chemicals takes place in an additional third production step with a maximum temperature of 120 C [14, 15]. The continuous production of silica filled rubber mixtures is described by Eswaran S. Luther, M. Bogun, Hannover, H. Rust, Bochum Corresponding author: Dr. Sabine Luther DIK e.V. Eupener Str. 33 30519 Hannover Tel.: 05 11/8 42 01-0 Fax: 05 11/8 38 68 26 371 Fig. 1. Sectional drawing of a cylinder assembly et al. [16] in a patent from the company Goodyear. Herein, several concepts are introduced using single and double screw extruders and combinations of it. The Continuous Compound system (CCM) invented by Pirelli [7] is also a continuous production process of silica filled rubber mixtures. Due to long reaction time of the reaction and different process temperatures, the mixing line consists of two double screw extruders coupled with a buffer silo. The first extruder works within a temperature range of 150 C to 200 C. Within this extruder, the reaction takes place. The manufactured base mix is then granulated and stored temporarily in a buffer silo. The addition of the cross-linking chemicals takes place within the second extruder with a maximum mass throughput temperature of 120 C. In the described continuous processes by Goodyear and Pirelli, granulated rubber and free flowing silica are used as raw materials. Fig. 2. Roller model with “old” and “new” thermodynamics toothed cylinder. Due to the helical gearing of the planetary system a continuous rolling out of the material is built up at simultaneous discharge in direction outlet of the roller part. This guarantees the best selfcleaning effect of all compounding extruders. When using an open stop ring, practically all the material – except by small material residues – will be rolled out of the roller part so that e. g. very economic changes in colour resp. formulations can be achieved. Due to extremely thin wall thickness (Fig. 2) of the cylinder assembly and the central spindle, an excellent controlling of temperature in the contact surface is obtained. With the introduction of pressure water heating and an improved cooling channel construction which allows a product-near temperature control and thus influencing decisively the heat transmission. Hence this system has found an increasing acception. The modular design means that several cylinders can be flanged together. Whereas the central spindle is covering the whole processing length, every module can be equipped with different number of planetary spindles. The single cylinder sections are connected to each other via intermediate stop rings. The planetary spindles are running against these stop rings. Due to the planetary spindles and the variation of the stop ring diameter, the dwell time of the melt and pressure build-up can be varied. As presented in Fig. 3 planet spindles with different tooth geometry are available. The free cross-sectional area can be adjusted over grooves in the central spindle or the diameter of the dispersion rings (Fig. 4). Motivation The motivation of this work is the development and optimization of a continuous production process for silica filled rubber mixtures by a planetary roller extruder with use of free flowing Rubber/Filler Planetary roller extruder Planetary roller extruders are used today for mixing of powder coatings, thermoplastics, products of the chemical and pharmaceutical industry as well as in the food industry. The process part of the planetary roller extruder (Fig. 1) essentially consists of a central spindle, a cylinder and circulating planet spindles. The central spindle and the cylinder are temperature controlled. The dosage of the material into the process part takes place in a temperature controlled feeding zone. The drive is carried out via the central spindle which, in turn, distributes the torque to the planets. These roll off in the 45 helical 372 Fig. 3. Variations of planetary spindles, special design Fig. 4. Grooves in the central spindle and dispersion Rings KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 58. Jahrgang, Nr. 7-8/2005 Tab. 1. Composition of the RFC Types type latex silica silane zinc soap RFC 1215 E-SBR 1712 100 phr U 7000 FC 76 phr Si 75 6,2 phr EF 44 4 phr RFC 1212 E-SBR 1721 100 phr U 7000 FC 76 phr Si 75 6,2 phr EF 44 4 phr Tab. 2. Recipe Fig. 5. Free flowing Rubber/Filler Composites based on E-SBR/silica/silane Component phr RFC 1215 132,9 oil 35 Premix 1 Composites (RFC). The Rubber/Filler Composites (RFC) are available as development products. The RFC contains completed silanized silica [19, 20]. The investigations show that with the utilization of the high cooling efficiency of planetary roller extruders the cross-linking chemicals can be added directly into the extruder and therefore the mixing can take place in a single-step continuous process. The maximum mass temperature of the rubber mixture of 120 C is not exceeded. The comparison of the properties obtained for the rubber mixture and the vulcanised product as well as the energy inputs show a high potential for the continuous process. Materials and process conditions Two different RFC types based on E-SBR/ silica/silane are used. The RFC additionally contain 4 phr zinc soap as a processing aid during mixing. The zinc soap shall lower the Mooney viscosity [21, 22]. The RFC granulates have a size range of 0.5 – 1.5 mm (Fig. 5). The composition of the RFC types and the used recipes of the rubber mixture are represented in Tab. 1 and 2. Premix 2 RFC 1212 51,1 Tab. 4. Characteristic Data of the planetary roller extruder Entex TP-WE 70/1200 M3 Parameter Length of cylinders 400 mm Number of cylinders 3 26 kW ZnO 3 Power stearic acid 2 Max. torque 170 Nm 6PPD 1,5 Max. screw speed 140 1/min wax 1 DPG 2 CBS 1,5 S 2,3 Sum 232,3 Tab. 3. Mixing order Tab. 5. Configuration of planetary spindles type cyl. 1 cyl. 2 cyl. 3 planetary spindle 1 2 2 nap spindle 1 3 3 1 nap spindle 2 3 2 3 Step time 1 0 – 2 min 2 – 4 min RFC 1215 und RFC 1212,Úl, ZnO, Stearic acid, Wax, 6PPD mixing (final temp. = 150 C) 24 h storage 2 0 – 2 min 2 – 5 min batch step 1 mixing (final temp. = 150 C) 24 h storage 3 0 – 2 min batch step 2+DPG, CBS, S (final temp. = 100 C) The production of RFC reference mixtures are made in an 1.5 l laboratory internal mixer with intermeshing rotors (Werner & Pfleiderer) according to the mixing order shown in Tab. 3. The characteristic data of the planetary roller extruder and the planet spindle configuration used in this work from the com- pany Entex Rust & Mitschke are listed in Tab. 4 and Tab. 5. The structure of procedure is illustrated in Fig. 6. The addition of RFC and further components like activators, antiaging- and ozone agents as well as cross-linking chemicals into the planetary roller extruder is done via gravimetric dosing systems. For the reduction of dosing equipment, premixes are made from the mixture components. Premix 1 consists of RFC 1212, ZnO, stearic acid, 6PPD and wax. The cross-linking chemicals DPG, CBS and S are mixed as premix 2. The softener oil is heated to a moderate temperature of 60 C and injected into the roller cylinder between the feeding section and first cylinder. Fig. 6. Process configuration for the continuous mixing process with a planetary roller extruder KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 58. Jahrgang, Nr. 7-8/2005 373 Tab. 6. Processing parameter and mixture characteristics for the reference mixture mixed in the internal mixer Spec. energy input [kWh/kg] 1,680 Mooney viscosity 61 Dispersion index [%] 98 0 0 Smax ÿ Smin [dNm] 14,5 Scorch time [min] 3,8 Characterization The manufactured mixtures are milled to 4 mm thick sheets on a roller mill and vulcanised in an electrical press as 2 mm and 6 mm thick plates at a temperature of 165 C. The properties of the raw rubber mixture, the Mooney viscosity as well as the properties of the vulcanised plates (e.g. tensile strength) are measured according to the standardized procedures. The determination of the filler dispersion are carried out with the top illumination-microscopic dispersion index analysis system (DIAS) [23]. Results and discussion The characteristics of the rubber mixture mixed in the internal mixer are specified in Tab. 6. Here a high specific energy input can be recognized. Usually during the continuous production of rubber mixtures the cross-linking chemicals are added shortly before the extrusion exit [5 – 10] similar to the procedure during the discontinuous mixing with an internal mixer. In this work the cross-linking chemicals as well as all further mixture compo- Tab. 7. Comparison of process parameters and properties of the vulcanizates for the continuous and discontinuous mixing process internal mixer throughput [kWh/kg] 0 SMax ÿ 0 SMin – 15 kg/h 40 kg/h 3 steps 11 min 70 1/min 120 1/min 1,680 0,6 0,425 14,5 14,4 14,9 tensile strength[MPa] [dNm] 23,3 22,1 22,0 elongation at break [%] 497 639 616 hardness(Shore A) 65 63 65 nents are added together at the feeding section. In Fig. 7, the specific energy input and the Mooney viscosity is represented as a function of mass throughput for constant filling degrees of the extruder. It is recognizable that with increasing mass throughput the specific energy input decreases, and the Mooney viscosity increases. These effects are due to the fact that with increasing mass throughput the rotation speed is increased for adjustment of the constant filling degrees from 70 1/min for a mass throughput of 15 kg/h upto 140 1/min for a mass throughput of 50 kg/h. The increase of the rotation speed leads to a rise of the mass temperature in the process volume and thus to a reduction of the mixture viscosity and the shear stress. In Fig. 8 the adjusting mass temperature between the roller cylinders as well as the exit temperature is represented as a function of mass throughput. For a throughput of 15 kg/h in the roller cylinders and at the extrusion exit a constant mass temperature Fig. 7. Mooney Viscosity and specific energy input as function of mass throughput for constant filling degree of the extruder 374 planetary roller extruder of 75 C is measured. If the throughput is increased, the mass temperatures increases linearly. In roller cylinders 1 and 2 equal temperatures are measured. At the exit of cylinder 3 lower temperatures result. A maximum permissible mass temperature of 120 C is reached with a mass throughput of 40 kg/h. Tab. 7 shows the energy inputs, the crosslinking density (S’Max-S’Min) as well as the properties of the vulcanised product like ultimate tensile strength, elongation at break and hardness of the silica filled rubber mixtures from the discontinuous and the continuous mixing process. The continuous mixing process with a planetary roller extruder is characterised by a clearly decreased specific energy input compared with the discontinuous process of around 35%. The specific energy input of the continuously manufactured rubber mixture results with approximately identical properties of the vulcanised product as ultimate tensile strength and hardness. The filler dispersion and the scorch time are only Fig. 8. Mass temperature as a function of throughput at different positions along the extruder axis KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 58. Jahrgang, Nr. 7-8/2005 Literature extruder, it is possible to add the crosslinking chemicals together with all further mixture components in the feeding section of the extruder. No scorch is evident in the manufactured mixture. The mixture characteristics, like filler dispersion and crosslinking density (S’Max-S’Min) and the properties of the vulcanised product, like tensile strength and hardness correspond to the characteristics of the mixture mixed on the internal mixer. The specific energy input is three times smaller with the continuous process. The higher values of the Mooney viscosity in relation to the reference mixtures are to be reduced in further investigations by optimisation of the process characteristics as well as by the employment of new types of silica filled RFC containing oil. [1] F. Kempter: DE-Patent 279649 (1914). [2] W. Hoffmann, H. Gupta: Handbuch der Kautschuktechnologie, Dr. Gupta Verlag, Rattingen, 2001. [3] F. Röthemeyer, F. Sommer: Kautschuktechnologie, Werkstoffe-Verarbeitung-Produkte, Carl Hanser Verlag, München; Wien, 2001. [4] E. Haberstroh, Chr. Linhart, GAK 55 (2002) 722. [5] G. Capelle: GAK 49 (1996) 470. [6] E. T. Italiaander, GAK 50 (1997) 456. [7] D. Shaw, European Rubber Journal 184 (2002) 36. [8] R. Uphus, DIK-Seminar “Continuous Mixing-Developments and Future Trends”, Hannover, Dez. 2001. [9] A. Amash, M. Bogun, R. H. Schuster, U. Görl, KGK 55 (2002) 367. [10] M. Bogun, R. H. Schuster, U. Görl, H.-J. Radusch, Tire Technology International, June 2003, 22. [11] M. Kewitz, T. Malzahn, Plastverarbeiter 52 (2001) 138. [12] H. Rust, DIK-Seminar “Extrusion von Kautschukmischungen- Extrusionskonzepte”, Hannover, März 2003. [13] Michelin, European Patent 0 051 227 (1995). [14] U. Görl, GAK 51 (1998), 416. [15] U. Görl, A. Parkhouse, KGK 52 (1999), 493. [16] V. Eswaran, C. Kiehl, F. Magnus, P. Handa, USPatent 5,711,904 (1998). [17] D. Shaw, European Rubber Journal 184 (2002) 36. [18] P. Schmidt, Gummi Bereifung 78 (2002) 28. [19] U. Görl, K.-H. Nordsiek, KGK 51 (1998), 250. [20] U. Görl, M. Schmitt, KGK 55 (2002) 502. [21] M Hensel, K.-H. Menting, H. Umland, GAK 50 (1997) 782. [22] K.-J. Kim, J. VanderKooi, Rubber World 226 (2002) 39. [23] H. Geisler, DIK-Seminar “Mischprozess”, Hannover, November 1997. Acknowledgement The authors We thank the Degussa AG for the supply of the Rubber/Filler Composites. S. Luther is head of the processing department of the German Institute of Rubber Technology, (Deutsches Institut für Kautschuktechnologie e.V., DIK). M. Bogun is a PhD student also at the DIK and H. Rust is company owner and managing director of Entex Rust & Mitschke GmbH. Fig. 9. Scorch time and Dispersion index as function of mass throughput slightly affected by the output (Fig. 9). The values of these mixture characteristics are similar to the values achieved during the discontinuous mixing process. The constant scorch time and cross-linking density (S’Max-S’Min) for the entire throughput range confirm that it is possible to add the cross-linking chemicals at the same time with all further mixture components in the feeding section. This is due to the high cooling capacity in the planetary roller extruder. Summary Based on free flowing rubber/filler Composites (RFC), investigations were accomplished for the continuous production of silica filled rubber mixtures with a planetary roller extruder. With this single step process, silica filled rubber mixtures were manufactured with the use of RFC based on E-SBR/silica/silane. Due to the high cooling performance of the planetary roller KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 58. Jahrgang, Nr. 7-8/2005 375