AP Studio Art: 2D Design

A P Studio Art: 2D Design
The students will:
Choose which portfolio best suits their strengths.
Sho w an understanding of the expectations and guidelines set forth by the portfolio selected.
Create 12 high quality works for the breadth section of the portfolio
Discuss and record the progress of the breadth section.`
Create a series of 12 works that revolve around a single concentration or idea.
Discuss and record the progress and develop ment of the concentration section.
Of the 24 works created select the 5 pieces of the highest quality for sub mission.
Discuss and consider post secondary options
Curate, organize, and host an art show featuring selected works by the AP students.
This course is designed for students who are interested in co m pleting the A P portfolio exa m for 2­
D Design. All content m e ets the requirements for all m ajor co m p o nents of the portfolio including the breadth, concentration, and quality section as stated in the A P Studio art poster.[CR 1] Students will continually receive instruction through activities, assign ments, and assess m e nts that will guide them in m aking a connection between the images, content, elements, m aterials, and techniques used to co m plete their work.[CR1] Expectations include the develop m e nt of m a stery in concept, co m p osition, and execution in their work of art. [CR2] Critical and informed decision m aking will be an enforced integral part of the instruction and co m pleting works.[C5] E m p h asis will be upon the students successfully m aking a connection between the images, content, elements, m aterials, and techniques used to co m plete their work. They will also develop a unique visual vocabulary all their own which not only successfully co m m u nicates their ideas but also establishes their own authentic voice in their work. ST U D E N T LE A R NI N G A C TIVITIES & ST R A T E GI E S
Breadth requirements for the portfolio will be satisfied by prompting students to co m plete works based on ideas and concepts through a variety of m e diu ms, techniques, and approaches in 2­D Design along with effective problem solving.
Students will constantly m aintain a journal in which they record the progression of independent and guided assignments and activities. Within this sketchbook students will record their prospective goals and the steps they took to achieve the co m pletion of each work of art. Within this book in and out of class activities, reading, research, directed, and non directed content should be available for discussion, assess m ent, and viewing.[C1,C2,C3,C5]
O ngoing presentations of their artwork and critiques will occur frequently in order to help students gain an understanding of how they can improve or m a ke better decisions in regards to self­expression as well as develop the skills to critique their own work and the work of others. During critiques it is imperative that students also use the vocabulary of art. [C6] Critiques will be done in various ways including teacher to student, peer to peer, student to professional artist,
Individual conferencing will also be an ongoing practice throughout the year. Students will be guided and experience conversations which will aid them in the develop ment of a coherent concentration series. This will be done through the evaluation of student sketchbooks and assessing each piece from beginning to end and the effectiveness of their processes and decision m aking.[C6,C3]
The concentration section will involve the students m aking a series of 12 works through a sustained plan of action or investigation of an idea in design
Professional artists will visit and exhibit a series of works based around a core idea m uch like the concentration section of the AP portfolio in the ca m p us gallery. The artists will visit and give lectures regarding their specific body of work. For each visit and lecture students will prepare questions in order to further understand the art m aking process while also being prepared to give critiques utilizing an art vocabulary. [CR4,C R 5,C R 6]
Students will each have a folder with color printouts of every piece that they co m plete as the year goes on. This will provide a hard copy format from which they can evaluate and gage their progress as the year goes on. Students will use this tool to reflect on the various aspects of their work ranging from quality, presentation, technical application, and how well they utilized artistic elements to visually co m m u nicate their ideas. [CR7, C R 6, C R 4, C R 5]
College representatives will visit often to evaluate portfolios while providing insight into what their University offers and its m a ny post secondary options.
Portfolio 80 %
Co m pletion of works within the time allotted. Extra works co m pleted will be considered.
All works will be graded by the sa m e rubric and guidelines by the set forth by the A P College Board
Studio Performance 20 % ­
Productivity in class
Engaged in lectures, discussions, and activities
Participation during critiques
Written exercises
Respect and responsibility with m aterials, storage of m aterials, and the classroo m environment
TER M 1 – Septe m ber, October, Nove m b er, Dece m b er
The first portion of this class relies heavily on introducing students to a wide variety of approaches to 2D design and problem solving skills. Every 10 to 12 days students are assigned 2 works of art to co m plete within the time allotted. These assign ments will challenge the students with a wide variety of technical approaches to design while also involving the expression of content, the execution of technique, and co m p osition.[CR1, C R 2] For one of the 2 works students are given specific content, techniques, and co m p ositional(elements and principles of design) approaches in order to co m plete their work. The second piece requires the student to select their content, artistic vision/media, and co m p ositional approach. Absolute control is given to over half of the works in the breadth section for the purpose of giving students co m plete creative control and responsibility.
Critical thinking, problem solving, and genuine artistic initiative takes place in these conditions. [CR5, C R 4, C R 3] For every piece created students will docu m e nt the entire process of creating a piece from beginning to end in their sketchbook. This will include written notes, thumbnail sketches, study drawings, etc.[CR3,C R 5] By the end of the term the students will have co m pleted an entire breadth section that aligns with the standards for the breadth section of their portfolio. Pieces that are of the highest quality will be included in the quality section[CR2]. Over time students should also begin to be able to identify and refine personal strengths and tendencies in their work and narrow down specific ideas of interest as they transition into the beginning of their concentration section. ­
Over the duration of the 1 st term students are also taken through whole class, peer to peer, and one on one critique sessions with the instructor. Any criticism received m ust be noted by the artist in their sketchbook. Self­evaluation and the criticism of other artist’s work aide in each individual identifying their weaknesses, strengths, and finally the discovery of their own unique style and concentration idea. As part of the critique process students are also co m pletely m a d e aware of the scoring guidelines set forth by the A P College Board. [CR7, C R 6]
Students will­
Define the terms design, art, co m m u nication, and style in their own terms
Be introduced to a variety of design concerns and issues.
Understand artistic integrity as it applies to their own personal work
Be introduced to a variety of artists from historical and contemporary periods for reference
Conduct whole class, teacher to student, and peer to peer critique sessions[CR3, C R 2]`
Create 4 concentration ideas per week in writing after the second m o nth[C R3]
Co m plete works of art displaying quality in
Excellence in co m p osition o
Original artistic responses to the assigned criteria for assign ments o
M astering a variety of m aterials including photography, illustrator, paint, graphite, ink, watercolor, etc.(wet or dry, neutral, or color)
Unique approaches towards handling the various techniques presented (perspective, foreground background relationship, m o d eling, contour, pointillism, gesture, backwashes, etc).
Successfully develop strategies for creating images based on various content including myth, personal narrative, co m m o n observation, the hu m a n psyche, etc.
Design m ethods including creating a focal point, using color to co m m u nicate, creating m ove m e nt, washes, mixed m e dia, automatic drawing, planes, tone, value, etc.
Percent scores will be based on rubric
TER M 2 – C O N C E N T R A TI O N – Dece m b er, January, February, M arch
During the second term students will be allowed to revisit previous breadth pieces or entirely replace selected works consistent with the characteristics of a low scoring piece. [CR5, C R 6] Primarily how ever, the m ain concern for the second term is the selection of each student’s final idea for the concentration section of their portfolio and selecting the appropriate imagery, techniques, and approaches that sho w quality and co m pliance with the Concentration section of the 2D design syllabus. Part of the process for reaching a conclusion for an idea is due to the nu m erous concentration ideas written over the previous weeks and the identifying of strengths via pieces produced in the breadth section.[CR3] Specific activities and lessons also m e ntioned below will serve to aid in the process of finalizing an idea. O nce an idea is selected the students will begin creating works for the concentration section of their portfolio. Regular m e etings will be held with students individually as well as whole class critiques to aid in the process of decision m aking and evaluating the progress and refinement of each student’s portfolios. [CR7, C R 3] Any suggestions m a d e during critiques will be docu m e nted in their sketchbook as a supplemental tool. [CR3] Finally students will continue to refine and edit their concentration statements for sub mission into the online portfolio over the second term. [CR6]
Students Will:
Define what establishes a piece as a successful concentration piece in their sketchbook for each concentration piece m a d e.
Students will m e et one on one with the teacher to decide what the style or visual idea will look like for their concentration and then develop a plan of action for co m pleting the series.
As one of the steps for selecting a concentration, students will observe, analyze, and gather images from different series fine artists have created and docu m e nt this in the sketchbook. By m a king m o nthly visits to galleries in person and online, students will be able to observe and understand so m e of the characteristics co m m o nly found within a strong or weak theme based series done by a single artist.
After visiting the students will provide a write up including a detailed description of the exhibition along with a personal evaluation of the work using the A P criteria for the concentration section of the drawing or 2D Design portfolio. [CR3, C R 4]
Expressing their artistic ideas through writing is one of the key co m p o nents to developing a succinct idea for the concentration section. Previously in the first term students began to write 4 concentration ideas per week. This practice will continue into the beginning of the second term. For this seg m e nt of time students will edit and revise these statements in order to better express their concepts, improve gra m m ar, and eventually go from what is usually a passive statement to a m ore assertive one. After co m pleting m ultiple statements the students will then select the idea of the greatest interest to them and provide a finalized statement which is stil lopen to editing through the third term if needed.[CR3]
Students will beco m e familiar with the techniques and proper steps towards taking higher quality pictures of their work to sub mit for their online portfolio. This will also include the viewing of online tutorial videos regarding image resolution and picture quality. They will also print out exa m ples of existing works online that cross over into questionable plagiarism after being given a few selected exa m ples [CR8]
Students will be assisted and counseled regarding the order of images to be sub mitted online for the breadth and concentration section of the portfolio. This will be an intermittent and ongoing process.[CR1]
Students will be expected to co m plete all or a m ajority of the 12 concentration pieces by the end of the second term. During this process they will be assisted by the teacher and peers in discovering areas of strength and weakness. Certain criteria used for this process involve visual problem solving, creating a cohesive body of work with an underlying theme, inventive and progressive work, and the connection of the co m pleted work in correlation with the concentration idea itself.
Sign up online and begin uploading images online for their A P Portfolio
Co m plete pieces that achieve quality by de m o nstrating
A m ature and advanced pursuit of image m a king and visual problem solving [CR4,C R 5]\
Creating a cohesive body of work with a clear underlying theme[C R 3]
M aking progression through evidence that exe m plifies discovery, experimentation, active problem solving, and invention[CR4,C R 5]
All choices including m e dia selection, co m p osition, and techniques correspond with the concentration idea.[C4,C5]
In their sketchbook reference m ultiple artist who share an affinity with their concentration style
Percent scores will be based on rubric
TER M 3 – M arch, April, M a y
This term is co m pletely aimed at students m a king the final decisions and preparations for the A P Portfolio sub mission. Students will receive individual m e ntoring m a king sure that the Breadth section pieces display a wide variety in the application of style, technique, m e dia, and content. Each of which should also suggest a sense of artistic direction, experimentation, and risk taking. For the concentration section students m ust create an authentic cohesive body of work which expresses their m ain core idea in a technically advanced, interesting, and provocative m a n n er. Other assign ments and task will be given in order challenge students to be certain their section takes risks and sho w experimentation. Constant m e ntoring and one on one critique will occur on a regular basis in order to refine each student’s portfolio. [CR5,C R 6, C R 7, C R 2, C R 3]
Students will begin the process of selecting the final pieces to include in their A P portfolio including pieces created in the years prior to the class
Follow instructions regarding best practices for ordering slides in section 1 and 2
Establish strategies for identifying and presenting the top 5 quality pieces
Continue to refine and co m plete their artist statement for section 2 of their portfolio
Edit and improve any images that are of a low quality
Co m plete all registration for co m pleting their portfolio
Originality and Copyright Issues
Any use of published or photographic sources m ust be appropriated in a m a n n er that has clearly transformed the use of the original image into their own voice and personal vision. [CR7] Any published imagery used m u st m oved beyond duplication and serve in the greater good for their own personal artistic vision. [CR 7]
Curricular Requirements
C R 1 The teacher has read the m ost recent AP Studio Art Course Description.
C R 2 The course pro motes a sustained investigation of all three aspects of portfolio develop m e nt ­­ quality, concentration, and breadth ­­ as outlined in the Course Description or Studio Art poster throughout the duration of the course. (Note: The body of work sub mitted for the portfolio can Include art created prior to and outside of the A P Studio Art course.) CR3
The course enables students to develop m astery (i.e., "quality") in concept, co m p osition, and execution of CR3
drawing, 2­D design, or 3­D design. The course enables students to develop a body of work investigating a strong underlying visual idea in drawing, 2­D design, or 3­D design action or investigation (i.e., a CR4
"concentration"). The course teaches students a variety of concepts and approaches in drawing, 2­D design, or 3­D design so that the student is able to de m o nstrate a range of abilities and versatility with technique, problem­
solving, and ideation (i.e., "breadth"). Such conceptual variety can be de m o nstrated through either the CR5
use of one or the use of several m e dia. The course e m p hasizes m aking art as an ongoing process that involves the student in informed and critical CR6
that grows out of a coherent plan of decision m aking. The course includes group and individual student critiques and instructional conversations with the teacher, enabling students to learn to analyze and discuss their own artworks and those of their peers. CR7
The course teaches students to understand artistic integrity as well as what constitutes plagiarism. If students produce work that m akes use of photographs, published images, and/or other artists' works, the course teaches students how to develop their own work so that it m oves beyond duplication. 