The Four Year Career Plan Freshmen: Identify interests, abilities, and values Research majors that match your interests, skills, and values Speak with an academic advisor to gather information about potential majors/ careers Meet with a Career Consultant to discuss and create a plan that works for you Explore study abroad opportunities Use summer experiences to develop transferable skills Write your resume using the CCO handbook,, an example Get your resume proofed by aasprofessional and get it critiqued by a CCO staff member Sophomores: Review your four year action plan and adjust as needed to make sure you are still on track Update your resume and have it critiqued Career services professional by a CCO staff member Update your profile in mycco and upload Where? Everywhere your edited resume atyou have it posted! Attend a career fair to meet employers and gather information about prospective careers Conduct informational interviews with professionals from your field of interest Review your four year action plan and adjust as needed to make sure you are still on track Discover online in employment services on Create a profile mycco on the CCO, campus and post yourto resume. site, learn about internship opportunities Create a LinkedIn account and participate Learn how to write a cover letter and work awith professional a CCO representative to get feedback for feedback Obtain a Summer internship/job to help you build your job skills in the CCO virtual LinkedIn Boot Camp career on your Visit Dropthe by the CCOservices (Youngoffered 132) -look through campus. the resources in their office NETWORK! Get involved in the leadership of a student organization Add value to your resume: Learning Beyond Volunteer, student organization, etc etc. the Classroom, student organizations, Update LinkedIn profile NETWORK! Created by Tracy Harrington-Atkinson at Juniors: Update your resume and have it critiqued by a CCO staff member Professional Update your profile in mycco and upload your edited resume at Where? Everywhere you have it posted! Review your four year action plan and adjust as needed to make sure you are still on track Search for and apply to internship and job postings on mycco Practice your interviewing skills with the online interview program at Where? At career services on your campus Continue developing leadership skills through organizational and volunteer experiences Develop relationships with faculty and employers to use as references Attend employer information sessions and job fairs to build your network Update your LinkedIn Profile. NETWORK! Seniors: Update your resume and have it critiqued by a CCO staff member Professional Update your profile in mycco Review your four year action plan and adjust as needed to make sure you are still on track Develop a job search plan Develop your brand by clarifying your interests, abilities, values, and strengths into a unique statement about you Polish your cover letter and thank you writing skills Practice your interviewing skills with the online interview program at Where? Complete CCO's Post-Graduation Survey to any survey a post-graduation let us know the position you accept required by about your college Update your LinkedIn Profile NETWORK! PARENTS… What can you do to support your student in their career plan? Be supportive of career exploration. Express interest Encourage them to try new things Encourage your child to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses Acknowledge that career exploration is a process not a task Remind them to visit with their academic advisor and a career counselor Need help figuring out what to do for a career? See our Career Counselor: Contact your career Tracy Harrington-Atkinson services at your college! MA231 /// 765-494-1771 Created by Tracy Harrington-Atkinson at