THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 122, 154307 共2005兲 Excited states of boron isoelectronic series from explicitly correlated wave functions F. J. Gálvez and E. Buendía Departamento de Física Moderna, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain A. Sarsa Departamento de Física, Campus de Rabanales, Edificio C2, Universidad de Córdoba, E-14071 Córdoba, Spain 共Received 2 December 2004; accepted 19 January 2005; published online 19 April 2005兲 The ground state and some low-lying excited states arising from the 1s22s2p2 configuration of the boron isoelectronic series are studied starting from explicitly correlated multideterminant wave functions. One- and two-body densities in position space have been calculated and different n ជ 兲典, and 具Rn典, where rជ, rជ , and Rជ stand for 典, 具␦共R expectation values such as 具␦共rជ兲典, 具rn典, 具␦共rជ12兲典, 具r12 12 the electron-nucleus, interelectronic, and two electron center of mass coordinates, respectively, have been obtained. The energetic ordering of the excited states and the fulfillment of the Hund’s rules is analyzed systematically along the isoelectronic series in terms of the electron-electron and electron-nucleus potential energies. The effects of electronic correlations have been systematically studied by comparing the correlated results with the corresponding noncorrelated ones. All the calculations have been done by using the variational Monte Carlo method © 2005 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.1869468兴 I. INTRODUCTION Boronlike ions in their ground and first excited states have been studied by means of most of quantum chemistry methodologies such as configuration interaction, multiconfiguration Hartree–Fock 共MCHF兲, many-body perturbation theory, or multiconfigurational Dirac–Fock, see e.g., Refs. 1–5 and references therein. Most of those works were focused on excitation energies, oscillator strengths, and transition rates between a number of excited states. However the knowledge of other interesting properties such as the oneand two-body electron densities is much more scarce due to the technical difficulties involved in the calculation. Nowadays the variational Monte Carlo method has become a powerful tool in quantum chemistry calculations because it allows one to evaluate the expectation value of any operator between wave functions of any type and therefore one can work with an explicitly correlated trial wave function rather than expanding it in terms of Slater determinants. Then one can evaluate not only the energy but also some other properties such as the one- and two-body electron densities which are very difficult to obtain by using some other methods and which, especially the latter, are very sensitive to the effect of electronic correlations. These densities provide detailed and valuable information on the structure and dynamics of the system. For example, they play a key role in the understanding and interpretation of some interesting features of the electronic structure of atoms such as the Coulomb hole and the Hund’s rule.6–13 This rule states that 共i兲 if two states arise from the same configuration, the state having the highest spin will have the lowest energy, and 共ii兲 among those states with the same spin value, the most bound one is that with the highest value of the orbital angular momentum. 0021-9606/2005/122共15兲/154307/15/$22.50 An interpretation for item 共i兲 was given by assuming that electrons with the same spin tend to keep apart, leading to a reduction of the Coulomb repulsion energy. However this argument has been shown to fail. By using accurate wave functions it has been obtained that the electron-electron repulsion energy is bigger for the state with the highest total spin, and it is the electron-nucleus energy that is responsible for the higher binding energy of this state. This was first found for some excited states of heliumlike systems by using Hylleraas-type wave functions,9 and then for other atomic systems by using correlated and uncorrelated wave functions.14–16 It has been also found that there are some other multiplets for which the first Hund’s rule does not hold and some others for which the previous interpretation is not so direct.16 To explain item 共ii兲 it has been argued that electrons circulating in opposite directions, with a low total angular momentum, will meet frequently leading to a larger repulsive interaction.17 As we shall see later for some states of the boron isoelectronic series coming from the same configuration, the explanation may not be as simple as that. The aim of this work is to study the ground and some excited states of the boron isoelectronic series. Accurate and compact explicitly correlated trial wave functions are obtained here for these systems. The energy and some related properties, such as the electron-nucleus and electron-electron energies which are important in the discussion of the Hund’s rules, are reported. The variational ansatz used in this work has shown to provide good results for the ground and lowlying excited states of four electron atomic systems.16,18,19 We study here the 2 P ground state arising from the 1s22s2 p configuration as well as the states 4 P, 2D, 2S, and 2 P arising from the configuration 1s22s2p2. The Hund’s rule is fulfilled 122, 154307-1 © 2005 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 22 Dec 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 154307-2 J. Chem. Phys. 122, 154307 共2005兲 Gálvez, Buendía, and Sarsa except for the 2 P and 2S terms which are reversed for all of the systems. On the other hand, and as it is well known, the position of these states in the spectrum of the ion depends on the nuclear charge. For C+ and higher ions these states are the four first excited states, while for B the states 1s22s2p2-2S and -2 P are highly excited. However a relevant difference between these two states takes place in the spectrum of the boron atom. Thus the 1s22s2p2-2S is the fifth positive parity 2S state of the spectrum while the 2 P states with lower energy than 1s22s2p2-2 P have negative parity. With these considerations we have been able to study all these states for boron, except for the 1s22s2p2-2S one, with good precision. Starting from the wave functions obtained in this work we have computed, in addition to the energy, different oneand two-body position and momentum properties. One-body properties in position space can be studied in terms of the single- particle density, 共rជ兲, 共rជ兲 = 具⌿兩 兺 ␦关rជ − rជi兴兩⌿典 共1兲 i which gives the charge distribution around the nucleus. Two-electron properties can be studied in terms of both the interelectronic, or intracule, I共rជ12兲, and the center of ជ 兲, densities20,21 defined as mass, or extracule, E共R I共rជ12兲 = 具⌿兩 ␦关rជ12 − 共rជi − rជ j兲兴兩⌿典, 兺 i⬎j ជ 兲 = 具⌿兩 兺 ␦关Rជ − 共rជ + rជ 兲/2兴兩⌿典, E共R i j 共2兲 共3兲 i⬎j respectively. These two-body functions represent the probability density function for a pair of electrons having a relaជ , respectively. tive vector rជ12 or a center of mass vector R Their spherical averages will be denoted by h共r12兲 and d共R兲, respectively. The intracule density in position space plays an important role in several physical and chemical problems such as, for example, the electron correlation problem or the interpretation of the Hund’s rules.6–9 For two- and three-electron atoms it has been calculated by using highly accurate correlated wave functions,6–13,22–24 leading to an extensive study of its properties. For heavier atoms the results known are more scarce. Correlated results have been obtained within a configuration interaction scheme25 for the atoms of the second and third row, and,26 from energy-derivative twoelectron reduced density matrices for some light atoms and starting from multiconfiguration Hartree–Fock wave functions for the beryllium atom.27 It has been also obtained for the atoms helium to neon starting from explicitly correlated wave functions by means of the Monte Carlo method.18,28,29 Much less work has been done for the extracule density. For He and Be atoms and by using accurate wave functions, correlated results have been recently reported18,23,24,27 and for the atoms helium to neon starting from explicitly correlated wave functions.30 These two distribution functions provide insight into the spatial arrangement of the electronic charge. They have been analyzed here to elucidate the differences between the electronic clouds of doublets and quartets as well as the differences between states arising from the same configuration with the same spin and different orbital angular momentum. Finally the radial moment of order −1 of the single-particle and the intracule densities give the electron-nucleus attraction and the electron-electron repulsion energy, respectively. Because of the virial theorem these radial moments, 具r−1典 and −1 典, and their behavior along the isoelectronic series play a 具r12 key role in the energetic ordering of the excited states and henceforth on the interpretation of the Hund’s rule. The structure of this work is as follows. In Sec. II we show the wave function used in this work. The results obtained are reported and discussed in Sec. III. The conclusions and perspectives of this work can be found in Sec. IV. Atomic units are used throughout. II. WAVE FUNCTION The correlated trial wave function ⌿ used in this work is the product of a symmetric correlation factor F, which includes the dynamic correlation among the electrons, and a model wave function ⌽, which provides the correct properties of the exact wave function such as the spin and the angular momentum of the atom, and is antisymmetric in the electronic coordinates: ⌿ = F⌽. 共4兲 For the correlation factor we use the form of Boys and Handy31 with the prescription proposed by Schmidt and Moskowitz.32 We have worked with 17 variational nonlinear parameters in the correlation factor, which include electronnucleus, electron-electron, and electron-electron-nucleus correlations. The model wave function has been fixed within the optimized effective potential 共OEP兲 framework, which has been recently generalized to deal with multiconfigurational wave functions.33 Within this framework the model wave function is written as ⌽= 兺k Ckk , 共5兲 where k is each one of the states with the proper values of the total spin and orbital angular momentum arising from the configurations selected to describe the state under consideration. In this work the orbitals are built starting from the single-particle configurations 1s2nl pn⬘l⬘q, with n , n⬘ = 2 , 3; l , l⬘ = s , p , d; p , q 艌 0 and p + q = 3. To study a given state we have selected only those configurations which provide an improvement in the energy greater than the statistical error in the calculation. The importance of some configurations decreases as the nuclear charge Z increases in the isoelectronic series while the importance of some other configurations increases with Z. In all the configurations and/or states considered in the present work the 1s2 term appears, and so it will not be written from now on. Once the model wave function is built, the total trial wave function is obtained by multiplying it by the correlation factor F. The nonlinear parameters of the correlation factor Downloaded 22 Dec 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 154307-3 J. Chem. Phys. 122, 154307 共2005兲 Excited states of boron and the linear coefficients Ck of the expansion of the model wave function, Eq. 共5兲, are taken as variational parameters. This constitutes a correlated basis set expansion of the trial wave function where the Hamiltonian is diagonalized. This step involves the solution of a generalized eigenvalue problem, with matrix elements computed by Monte Carlo method, obtaining a new set of the linear coefficients Ck. Therefore, in the minimization process, the model wave function is also partially optimized, and the new set of linear coefficients Ck modifies the position of the nodes of the wave function. The optimization of the wave function has been carried out by minimizing the total energy. The use of the Monte Carlo method limits the number of configurations than can be used in the expansion Eq. 共5兲 because of the computing time. Starting from the best wave function, different one- and two-body densities, their values at the origin, and the expectation values 具tn典 where t stands for r, r12, and R, have been calculated. The value of each density at the origin has been calculated by using the relations 共0兲 = − 1 2 兺i 冕 Q⌿2共x兲 1 1 ⌿共x兲 dx Q ⌿共x兲r2 r 共6兲 for the single-particle density,34 and 共0兲 = − 1 2 i⬎j 兺 冕 Q⌿2共x兲 1 1 ⌿共x兲 dx Q ⌿共x兲t2 t 共7兲 for both the intracule 共 = h , t = r12兲 and the extracule 共 = d , t = R兲 densities.28 These expressions allow one to obtain a local property of the corresponding density in terms of the wave function evaluated in the whole domain. In order to calculate all these expectation values we have used 兩⌿兩2 as −2 distribution function, except for h共0兲 and 具r12 典 for which we 2 2 have used Q兩⌿兩 , with Q = 兺i⬍j1 / rij, which provides more accurate results for those expectation values.35 III. RESULTS The inclusion of the correlation factor F in the trial wave function modifies the weights Ck of the different configurations appearing in the description of a given state in the OEP framework. In general, the weights depend on both the state studied and the ion considered. The ground state of the boron isoelectronic series is a 2 P term, coming mainly from the 2s22p configuration. The Ck coefficient for this configuration in the correlated basis set expansion goes from 0.961 for B to 0.974 for C+, increasing up to 0.982 for Ne5+. The 2s-2p near degeneracy effect is taken into account by including the 2p3 configuration in the expansion. Its weight is nearly constant along the isoelectronic series. Thus, the coefficient in the correlated basis set expansion goes from 0.19 for B to 0.184 for C+ and decreases slowly up to 0.176 for Ne5+. We have also considered the 2s23p, the 2s2p3s and the 2s2p3d configurations to describe the ground state, but their importance decreases quickly with the nuclear charge Z. Thus the global contribution of these three configurations is of about 4% for B and less than 0.5% for Ne5+. The first excited state for all of the members of the boron isoelectronic series is the quartet 2s2p2-4 P. This state presents an important mixing with the 2s2p3p configuration 共from more than 6.5% for B to 1% for Ne5+兲, and a smaller contribution coming from the 3s2p2 configuration 共from 1.5% for B to less than 0.25% for Ne5+兲. There are three different doublet states arising from the 2s2p2 configuration, the 2D, the 2 P, and the 2S states. The 2s2p2-2D state presents an important admixture with both the 2s23d-2D and the 2s2p3p-2D states for B 共4% and 8%, respectively兲. However their weight decreases for C+ 共2.5% and 3.5%, respectively兲 and higher ions 共less than 1%兲. Also there appears a much less important admixture with the 2p23d-2D and 3s2p2-2D states, whose weight is about 0.9% and 0.6% for B, and much smaller for higher ions. The first 2 P state with positive parity comes mainly from the configuration 2s2p2 共more than 99% for N2+ and higher ions兲. For C+ there is an admixture of ⬇2.5% with the 2s2p3p-2 P state which increases to more than 25% for B. In this atom this state is above the ionization threshold. The importance of the 2p23d configuration decreases from 1% for B to 0.3% for Ne5+. Finally, the 2S state comes mainly from the configuration 2s2p2. It is very excited for B 共in fact it is the fifth state of 2S type in its spectrum兲 and has not been studied in the present work. For the positive ions it is the first excited state of 2S type. For C+ there is a contribution greater than 7% and 3% from the configurations 2s23s and 2s2p3p, respectively. For Ne5+ it is almost a 2s2p2-2S state, whereas for the rest of ions we have found an admixture of about 2% with the 2s2p3p-2S state, and hardly appreciably with the 2s23s-2S one. All the relative weights have been obtained within the correlated basis set. A. Energies In Table I we report the energy E of the states of the boron isoelectronic series studied here as compared with the estimated exact values, Eexact, taken from the NIST database for atomic spectroscopy.36 For the ground state we have taken as exact values those reported in Ref. 37 which were obtained by combining experimental data and ab initio calculations. In the estimated exact results we have averaged the corresponding spin-orbit interaction among the different states of the multiplet. By comparing our results with the corresponding exact and Hartree–Fock37 energies for the ground state of the different ions, one can see that the percentage of correlation energy recovered with our wave functions goes from 92.8% for B to 95.3% for Ne5+. The absolute difference between our results and the exact values is around 0.009 a.u., showing the good performance of the wave functions obtained here. This difference is similar for the excited 2 P state, smaller for the 2s2p2-4 P one, and a bit higher for the 2D and 2 S states. For the excited states this difference decreases quickly for F4+ and Ne5+. For the sake of comparison, let us mention here some other variational upper bounds previously reported in the literature. For example, the energy of ground state of the boron Downloaded 22 Dec 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 154307-4 J. Chem. Phys. 122, 154307 共2005兲 Gálvez, Buendía, and Sarsa TABLE I. Energy of some states of the boron isoelectronic series obtained in this work 共E兲 as compared with those that can be considered as exact 共Eexact兲 taken from Ref. 36. The electron-nucleus attraction energy Ven, the electron-electron repulsion energy Vee, the kinetic energy T, and the virial ratio are also given. E Eexact Ven Vee T 2s22p 共2 P兲 2s2p4 共4 P兲 2s2p2共2D兲 2s2p2 共2S兲 2s2p2 共2 P兲 −24.645 02共6兲 −24.515 81共6兲 −24.424 86共5兲 −24.653 93 −24.522 35 −24.435 88 B −57.039共7兲 −56.648共7兲 −56.398共6兲 7.6877共4兲兲 7.6094共4兲 7.5043共4兲 24.706共7兲 24.522共7兲 24.469共6兲 1.9975共6兲 1.9997共7兲 1.9982共7兲 −24.315 1共1兲 −24.323 49 −56.023共9兲 7.3478共5兲 24.360共8兲 1.9982共8兲 2s22p 共2 P兲 2s2p2 共4 P兲 2s2p2共2D兲 2s2p2 共2S兲 2s2p2 共2 P兲 −37.421 9共1兲 −37.227 6共1兲 −37.081 0共1兲 −36.980 9共1兲 −36.918 5共1兲 −37.430 96 −37.234 88 −37.089 55 −36.991 30 −36.926 79 C+ −84.929共11兲 −84.547共11兲 −84.250共11兲 −83.957共13兲 −84.001共12兲 10.0814共6兲 10.0825共5兲 10.0564共5兲 9.9542共5兲 10.1167共6兲 37.423共11兲 37.237共11兲 37.112共12兲 37.021共13兲 36.966共13兲 2.0000共7兲 1.9997共7兲 1.9992共7兲 1.9989共8兲 1.9987共8兲 2s2p2 共2 P兲 2s2p2 共4 P兲 2s2p2共2D兲 2s2p2 共2S兲 2s2p2 共2 P兲 −52.957 6共1兲 −52.699 1共2兲 −52.496 4共1兲 −52.356 3共1兲 −52.292 4共1兲 −52.966 25 −52.705 27 −52.505 94 −52.369 35 −52.301 26 N2+ −118.381共17兲 −117.968共17兲 −117.572共15兲 −117.378共17兲 −117.266共18兲 12.4522共7兲 12.5291共6兲 12.5789共6兲 12.6365共6兲 12.6819共6兲 52.971共17兲 52.740共17兲 52.497共14兲 52.385共17兲 52.291共18兲 1.9997共6兲 1.9992共7兲 2.0000共7兲 1.9995共7兲 2.0000共7兲 −71.255 53 −70.929 11 −70.677 14 −70.506 62 −70.432 46 O3+ −157.220共23兲 −156.811共22兲 −156.395共22兲 −156.207共20兲 −156.043共24兲 14.7995共7兲 14.9497共7兲 15.0626共7兲 15.1615共8兲 15.2093共8兲 71.173共22兲 70.937共21兲 70.663共21兲 70.549共20兲 70.407共24兲 2.0010共6兲 1.9998共6兲 2.0001共6兲 1.9993共6兲 2.0003共7兲 −92.297 07 −91.904 39 −91.600 48 −91.396 89 −91.316 58 F4+ −201.703共22兲 −201.266共27兲 −200.741共25兲 −200.477共25兲 −200.336共27兲 17.1593共8兲 17.3698共8兲 17.5341共8兲 17.6595共8兲 17.7300共8兲 92.255共23兲 91.996共29兲 91.612共26兲 91.427共27兲 91.293共28兲 1.9996共6兲 1.9990共6兲 1.9998共6兲 1.9996共6兲 2.0002共7兲 −116.090 06 −115.630 09 −115.274 46 −115.038 22 −114.951 71 Ne5+ −251.661共30兲 −251.106共36兲 −250.483共38兲 −250.172共27兲 −250.101共32兲 19.5057共9兲 19.7695共9兲 19.9955共9兲 20.1379共10兲 20.2421共10兲 116.074共30兲 115.707共36兲 115.215共38兲 114.999共26兲 114.905共32兲 2.0001共5兲 1.9994共6兲 2.0005共7兲 2.0003共6兲 2.0004共7兲 2s 2p 共 P兲 2s2p2 共4 P兲 2s2p2共2D兲 2s2p2 共2S兲 2s2p2 共2 P兲 2 2 2s 2p 共 P兲 2s2p2 共4 P兲 2s2p2共2D兲 2s2p2 共2S兲 2s2p2 共2 P兲 2 2 2s 2p 共 P兲 2s2p2 共4 P兲 2s2p2共2D兲 2s2p2 共2S兲 2s2p2 共2 P兲 2 2 −71.246 8共1兲 −70.924 8共1兲 −70.669 1共1兲 −70.496 7共1兲 −70.426 7共1兲 −92.288 4共1兲 −91.900 1共2兲 −91.595 0共2兲 −91.390 2共1兲 −91.313 9共2兲 −116.081 6共1兲 −115.629 7共2兲 −115.272 7共2兲 −115.035 3共2兲 −114.953 7共1兲 atom 关2s22p共2 P兲兴 has been calculated in Ref. 2 by using MCHF-type expansions with 7096 and 32 456 configurations obtaining −24.651 009 a.u. and −24.652 725 a.u., respectively. Our best result for this state is −24.645 02共6兲 a.u. and the exact energy is −24.653 93 a.u. In that work,2 the state 2s2p2共2D兲 was also studied by using the same methodology obtaining an energy of −24.431 353 a.u. with 9161 configurations and −24.433 330 a.u. with 31 336 configurations. Our best result is −24.424 86共5兲 a.u. and the exact one is −24.435 88 a.u. Our goal here was not to improve the accuracy of previous variational works, instead we pursued to study in a common framework and by using accurate wave functions several aspects of the structure of the low-lying excited states of some member of the B isoelectronic series. In order to get further insight into the energetic ordering of the states along the isoelectronic series, the electron- nucleus attraction energy Ven, the electron-electron repulsion energy Vee, the kinetic energy T, and the virial ratio =− Ven + Vee T have been calculated and reported in Table I. In parentheses we show the statistical error in the Monte Carlo calculation of all these quantities. As = 2 for the exact wave function, the value of this quantity gives us additional information on the quality of the variational wave functions obtained here. In our calculations, this virial ratio is well reproduced. Because of the virial theorem, the discussion of the energetic ordering of the states of a given ion can be reduced to the behavior of Ven and Vee with E. We have obtained that Ven presents a systematic trend with E for all of the ions while Vee does not. Thus, as E increases, the absolute value Downloaded 22 Dec 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 154307-5 Excited states of boron of the electron-nucleus interaction is reduced for all of the ions considered here, except for the state 2s2p2-2S of C+ which has a smaller 兩Ven兩 value than the 2s2p2-2 P one. With respect to the electron-electron repulsion energy we have found that, for B, Vee decreases as E increases, whereas for N2+ and higher Z ions the contrary holds. The ion C+ presents some oscillations on the behavior of Vee with the energy. It is the balance between Ven and Vee which gives rise to the final ordering of the states and provides a quantitative foundation of the Hund’s rules. The electron-nucleus attraction is stronger in the 2s22p 2 - P state than in the 2s2p2-4 P one for all the ions considered whereas the repulsion is weaker in the ground state only for the positive ions. Therefore in the charged species both terms contribute to make the 2s22p-2 P state more bound while in the neutral atom the electronic repulsion is more intense in the ground state. However, this is not enough to overcome the attraction and therefore the ground state is the 2s22p-2 P one. The ordering obtained for the states arising from the 2s2p2 configuration deserves an especial study. First, the quartet state is more bound than the doublet ones according to the Hund’s rule. This is due to a greater attraction energy in the former which compensates its greater repulsion energy for B and C+. For the other ions, both the electron-nucleus attraction and the electron-electron repulsion contribute simultaneously to make the doublets less bound than the quartet. The second Hund’s rule is concerned with the energy ordering for terms with the same value of the total spin and different values of the total orbital angular momentum. The classical interpretation for this rule states that the electronelectron repulsion energy increases as the total orbital angular momentum decreases, giving rise to a higher total energy. This is the opposite to what happens for the S and P terms. This bigger electron-electron repulsion energy of the P state, along with the stronger electron-nucleus attraction energy of the S state, gives rise to the inversion of these states. More still, for C+, the repulsion energy, which is much smaller in the 2S state than in the 2 P one, is the only one responsible for making the former more bound than the latter. According to our results, the original explanation only holds for the D states for Z 艌 7 ions which are the states with the smallest value of the electron-electron repulsion energy. For these ions, the 2D state presents the smallest values of the electronelectron repulsion energy and the lowest values of the Ven in such a way that both terms contribute to lower the energy of the 2D state with respect to the 2S and the 2 P ones. With respect to the B atom the repulsion is stronger in the 2D state than in the 2 P one, contrary to the classical interpretation of the second Hund’s rule. For the C+ ion the smallest value of the electron-electron energy is for the S term and therefore the explanation of the Hund’s rule fails. However this interpretation holds for the P and D terms, where the lowest orbital angular momentum, L = 1, presents the highest repulsion energy. Thus, and as a conclusion, the electron-nucleus interaction Ven is a major determinant of the experimental ordering of the states in the Boron isoelectronic series, and therefore J. Chem. Phys. 122, 154307 共2005兲 is responsible for making the Hund’s rule to hold or to fail, with the only exception in C+ previously commented. Most of the results reported in the literature are for excitation energies, and the ground state energy is not usually given. Therefore a direct comparison between the energies is not possible. In order to compare our results with others obtained by using a different theoretical approach, we give in Table II the excitation energy E, in cm−1, as compared with the results of Ref. 3 obtained in a relativistic many-body calculation 共Ermb兲. The values that can be considered as exact, 共Eexact兲 taken from Ref. 36, are also shown. In general, the agreement between the different excitation energies is better for low Z, and the biggest discrepancies are found for F4+ and Ne5+. B. Moments and densities The moments 具tn典, with n = −2 , . . . , 4, and where t stands for r, r12, and R, of the single-particle density and of both the intracule and extracule two-body densities, are reported in Tables III–V, respectively. In these tables we also give the value of the corresponding density at the origin. The moments of negative order inform us about the behavior of the corresponding density near its origin, whereas the moments of positive order of a density distribution give us information at long distances. We will discuss here the average size of the systems in terms of the square root of the moment of order 2. The value of the single-particle density at the origin 共0兲 for the ground state is greater than the one of many of the excited states studied. However the precision in our Monte Carlo calculation is not sufficient to compare adequately the excited states among themselves. The same behavior is found for the moment of order −2. The trend of the expectation value 具r−1典 has been previously discussed as it gives the electron-nucleus potential energy Ven = −Z具r−1典. The ground state of B has the smallest size in this atom. As Z increases, first the state 2s2p2-4 P and finally all the states from the 2s2p2 configuration become smaller than the ground state. For these positive ions, the smallest size corresponds to the quartet excited state 4 P, but the difference between states of different spin diminishes as the nuclear charge increases. This does not imply a stronger electronnucleus attraction due to shielding effect and redistribution of the electrons as we shall see later. The results reported in Table III for the different ions show that the excited state 2S presents a more diffuse electronic charge distribution than any other state. Besides, a comparison between the excited states with spin S = 1 / 2 shows that the higher the total angular momentum the smaller is the root mean square radius, i.e., the atomic size decreases as the total angular momentum increases. In Table IV we report the values corresponding to the intracule density h共r12兲. As for the single-particle density, the highest value of the intracule at the origin corresponds to the ground state. For the doublet excited states, h共0兲 decreases from the 2S state to the 2D and then to the 2 P one. The smallest value of h共0兲 corresponds to the quartet state 4 P for N2+ and higher ions, but takes similar values to those of the excited 2 P state for B and C+. The moments of negative Downloaded 22 Dec 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 154307-6 J. Chem. Phys. 122, 154307 共2005兲 Gálvez, Buendía, and Sarsa TABLE II. Excitation energy, in cm−1, of some states of the boron isoelectronic series obtained in this work 共E兲 as compared with those that can be considered as exact 共Eexact兲 taken from Ref. 36 and with those obtained from a relativistic many-body calculation 共Ermb兲 共Ref. 3兲. In parentheses we show the statistical error in the Monte Carlo calculation. Z 2s2p2 共4 P兲 2s2p2 共2D兲 2s2p2 共2S兲 2s2p2 共2 P兲 5 Ermb E Eexact 29 699 28 358共23兲 28 877 46 783 48 320共22兲 47 857 6 Ermb E Eexact 43 783 42 644共42兲 43 035 73 693 74 819共41兲 74 932 98 361 96 788共40兲 96 494 108 950 110 484共44兲 110 652 7 Ermb E Eexact 58 006 56 734共65兲 57 277 100 015 101 222共43兲 101 027 131 688 131 970共43兲 131 003 144 325 145 995共44兲 145 949 8 Ermb E Eexact 72 315 70 671共40兲 71 328 126 103 126 791共40兲 126 942 164 788 164 628共42兲 164 367 179 201 179 992共42兲 180 644 9 Ermb E Eexact 86 804 85 222共60兲 86 428 152 171 152 184共63兲 152 884 197 866 197 132共42兲 197 565 213 914 213 878共62兲 215 193 10 Ermb E Eexact 101 508 99 181共64兲 99 769 178 024 177 533共62兲 179 003 231 081 229 638共64兲 230 851 248 690 247 545共42兲 249 839 −2 −1 order 具r12 典 and 具r12 典 do not follow the same trend as h共0兲, and have been previously discussed in the case of the moment of order −1 because it coincides with the electronelectron repulsion energy, Vee. The ground state of B and C+ presents the less extended interelectronic distribution as compared with the other states. However this situation changes gradually for the other ions, for which first the excited states 4 P and 2 P and then all the others present a smaller root mean square radius than the ground state. A comparison among the excited states shows that for B the largest average electron-electron separation takes place in the 2 P state, and, for the positive ions, in the 2S one. The 2 P state presents the smallest mean interelectronic distance for the excited states of the positive ions whereas the 4 P and the 2D lie in between. The values corresponding to the extracule density d共R兲 are shown in Table V. Again the highest value of the extracule density at the origin corresponds to the ground state. For the excited states the greatest value is for the 2S state, then for the 2D and the 4 P ones, and, finally, the smallest value is for the 2 P. With respect to the moments 具Rn典, the greatest value of −1 具R 典 and the smallest value of 具R2典 in the boron atom take place in the ground state, while for the rest of the ions this corresponds to the 2s2p2-4 P excited state. In general, the behavior is the same for all the ions considered, i.e., the moments of positive order of the 2s2p2-4 P state are clearly smaller than those of the other states from the same configuration with spin S = 1 / 2, whereas the contrary holds for the moments of negative order. This indicates that electrons in 72 475 72 409共31兲 72 543 the state with the highest spin seek for a position opposite with respect to the nucleus, as compared with electrons in states with S = 1 / 2. A deeper insight into the differences on the electronic distribution of the different states along the isoelectronic series can be obtained by means of the one- and two-electron distributions. These density functions provide a fully local information 共spherically averaged兲 on the electron cloud and can be used to elucidate the differences found for the different systems here considered. In Figs. 1–4 we plot the difference functions ⌬1−2 f = 4t2关f 1共t兲 − f 2共t兲兴 where t stands for r, r12 or R, and f 1 共f 2兲 for either the single-particle or intracule or extracule densities of the state 1 共2兲 of the ion under study. For example, ⌬2S-2P共r兲 is the difference between the radial one-body density of the 2S and 2 P states. In Fig. 1 we compare the ground and the first excited state. Both of them have a total orbital angular momentum L = 1. The ground state is a doublet coming mainly from the configuration 2s22p while the excited state is a quartet arising from the 2s2p2 configuration. In Figs. 1共a兲–1共c兲 we plot the difference function for the single-particle, the intracule, and the extracule density, respectively. The results plotted in Fig. 1共a兲, ⌬4P-2P共gs兲共r兲, show that the single-particle density in the ground state reaches bigger values than in the 4 P one at short distances from the nucleus, i.e., in the ground state there exists a smaller shielding that leads to a stronger electron-nucleus attraction; the 4 P state concentrates its charge at intermediates distances in such a way that in all cases the absolute value of Ven is smaller than in the ground state. At larger distances there appears a second positive maximum for B and C+ from where the difference function Downloaded 22 Dec 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 154307-7 J. Chem. Phys. 122, 154307 共2005兲 Excited states of boron TABLE III. Value at the origin and some radial moments of the single-particle density for the different states of the members of the boron isoelectronic series here studied. In parentheses we give the statistical error in the last figure. 共0兲 具r−2典 具r−1典 71.9共2兲 70.3共4兲 70.4共3兲 93.5共2兲 92.2共5兲 92.0共3兲 71.3共3兲 92.7共4兲 具r典 具r2典 具r3典 具r4典 11.408共1兲 11.330共2兲 11.280共1兲 6.7107共4兲 6.7921共4兲 7.1139共5兲 15.280共3兲 15.847共3兲 17.904共4兲 44.46共2兲 47.54共2兲 59.08共2兲 153.76共9兲 169.68共9兲 235.5共2兲 11.205共2兲 7.917共1兲 25.41共1兲 121.2共1兲 762共2兲 4.9275共3兲 4.8994共2兲 5.0260共3兲 5.2968共4兲 5.1055共3兲 7.931共1兲 7.918共1兲 8.472共2兲 10.003共3兲 8.818共1兲 16.036共4兲 16.239共4兲 18.400共6兲 26.02共2兲 19.672共5兲 37.85共1兲 39.17共2兲 47.93共3兲 86.8共1兲 52.47共3兲 3.9171共2兲 3.8557共2兲 3.9176共2兲 3.9690共2兲 3.9605共2兲 4.9205共6兲 4.8002共5兲 4.9993共7兲 5.1769共7兲 5.1367共6兲 7.725共2兲 7.545共2兲 8.100共2兲 8.625共2兲 8.474共2兲 14.099共5兲 13.884共5兲 15.442共7兲 16.984共7兲 16.444共6兲 3.2622共1兲 3.1895共2兲 3.2266共2兲 3.2572共2兲 3.2548共2兲 3.3750共4兲 3.2409共4兲 3.3375共4兲 3.4205共5兲 3.4150共4兲 4.3519共8兲 4.1459共9兲 4.362共1兲 4.553共1兲 4.542共1兲 6.508共2兲 6.193共2兲 6.678共3兲 7.112共3兲 7.086共3兲 2.7930共1兲 2.7209共1兲 2.7475共1兲 2.7701共1兲 2.7646共1兲 2.4533共2兲 2.3359共3兲 2.3943共3兲 2.4453共3兲 2.4349共3兲 2.6813共5兲 2.5210共5兲 2.631共1兲 2.7276共6兲 2.7123共6兲 3.396共1兲 3.177共1兲 3.388共5兲 3.563共1兲 3.544共2兲 2.4447共1兲 2.3766共1兲 2.3947共1兲 2.4150共1兲 2.4054共1兲 1.8679共2兲 1.7703共2兲 1.8051共2兲 1.8447共2兲 1.8281共2兲 1.7732共4兲 1.6552共3兲 1.7123共3兲 1.7796共4兲 1.7537共4兲 1.9479共6兲 1.8034共5兲 1.8967共6兲 2.0142共8兲 1.9693共7兲1 B 2s22p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共2 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 2 2s 2p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 2 2s 2p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 208共1兲 201.0共7兲 201.4共6兲 202.1共7兲 199.6共5兲 194共1兲 189.0共6兲 188.5共6兲 188.8共7兲 186.9共5兲 16.911共2兲 16.853共3兲 16.796共2兲 16.768共3兲 16.752共3兲 2s22p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共2 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 314共1兲 304.2共8兲 305共1兲 306共1兲 305共2兲 255.4共7兲 249.2共6兲 250共1兲 250共1兲 250共2兲 19.652共4兲 19.601共3兲 19.549共3兲 19.526共3兲 19.505共3兲 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共2 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 461共3兲 446共3兲 444共4兲 441共2兲 439共2兲 331共2兲 324共2兲 324共3兲 321共1兲 319共1兲 22.411共3兲 22.363共3兲 22.305共3兲 22.275共3兲 22.259共3兲 2s22p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共2 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 638共3兲 614共2兲 609共2兲 609共2兲 605共2兲 413共2兲 401共1兲 399共1兲 399共1兲 397共1兲 25.166共3兲 25.110共3兲 25.048共4兲 25.017共2兲 25.010共3兲 C+ 2 126.3共4兲 124.6共5兲 124.7共4兲 124.1共4兲 123.8共4兲 137.8共4兲 136.2共5兲 136.0共5兲 135.2共4兲 135.1共4兲 14.154共2兲 14.091共2兲 14.042共2兲 13.993共2兲 14.000共2兲 N2+ 2 O3+ F4+ Ne5+ approaches to zero. In Fig. 1共b兲 we plot the results for the intracule density. The short range behavior of this difference function can be understood as a Fermi hole due to the fact that in the quartet the spins of the electrons are parallel. For boron, this hole is big enough to make the repulsion energy bigger in the ground than in the first excited state. However the relative importance of this hole decreases rapidly as the nuclear charge increases, in such a way that for Z 艌 7 both the repulsion energy and the attraction energy contribute to make the 2 P state the ground state of these five-electron systems. Again, for larger interelectronic distances there appears a second positive maximum for B and C+ from where the difference function approaches zero. Finally, a complementary information on the spatial distribution of the electrons in those states is provided by the difference function of the extracule density 关Fig. 1共c兲兴. The positive region near the origin indicates that there is a tendency of the electrons in the 4 P state to be at opposite positions with respect to the nucleus as compared with the 2 P. In doing so, a reduction of the electron-electron repulsion is favored without raising the value of the electron-nucleus potential energy. To study the effect of the spin within the same configuration we compare in Fig. 2 the excited states 4 P and 2 P from the configuration 2s2p2. In Fig. 2共a兲 we plot the difference function ⌬2P-4P共r兲. For B it is oscillating, nearly flat, for small values of r. Then it takes negative values, and finally, there appears a positive region from where it approaches zero. This behavior makes the electron-nucleus attraction energy stronger in the quartet than in the doublet. For all the positive ions the structure of the difference function is the same: two negative regions followed by a region where the difference is positive. Thus the function vanishes asymptotically with positive values. This structure leads to both a Downloaded 22 Dec 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 154307-8 J. Chem. Phys. 122, 154307 共2005兲 Gálvez, Buendía, and Sarsa TABLE IV. Value at the origin and some radial moments of the intracule density for the different states of the members of the boron isoelectronic series here studied. In parentheses we give the statistical error in the last figure. h共0兲 具r−2 12 典 具r−1 12 典 3.557共2兲 3.459共2兲 3.462共2兲 17.47共3兲 17.14共2兲 17.15共3兲 3.452共2兲 16.97共3兲 具r12典 具r212典 具r312典 具r412典 7.6877共4兲 7.6097共4兲 7.5043共4兲 22.328共2兲 22.794共2兲 23.789共2兲 66.09共1兲 69.19共1兲 76.92共2兲 237.26共7兲 254.74共7兲 306.2共1兲 991.8共5兲 1090.7共5兲 1431.8共8兲 7.3478共5兲 26.207共5兲 102.25共5兲 535.7共5兲 3527共6兲 16.217共1兲 16.2735共9兲 16.534共1兲 17.313共2兲 16.291共1兲 34.268共5兲 34.680共4兲 36.252共6兲 41.31共1兲 35.033共5兲 86.94共2兲 88.95共2兲 98.84共3兲 124.94共7兲 91.56共2兲 254.92共9兲 263.99共9兲 303.0共2兲 460.1共5兲 279.8共1兲 12.8071共6兲 12.7260共6兲 12.7614共8兲 12.4285共8兲 12.4979共7兲 21.206共2兲 21.041共2兲 21.319共3兲 21.746共3兲 20.292共3兲 42.009共8兲 41.746共8兲 43.02共1兲 44.89共1兲 39.638共9兲 95.97共3兲 95.66共3兲 100.76共4兲 108.26共4兲 89.80共3兲 10.6177共5兲 10.4814共5兲 10.4499共6兲 10.4687共6兲 10.2083共6兲 14.514共2兲 14.204共2兲 14.205共2兲 14.382共2兲 13.446共2兲 23.693共4兲 23.057共5兲 23.253共5兲 23.954共5兲 21.237共5兲 44.55共1兲 43.19共1兲 44.11共1兲 46.47共2兲 38.81共1兲 9.0590共4兲 8.9123共4兲 8.8609共5兲 8.8703共4兲 8.6314共5兲 10.530共1兲 10.234共1兲 10.173共1兲 10.279共1兲 9.565共1兲 14.597共3兲 14.061共3兲 14.047共5兲 14.410共3兲 12.689共3兲 23.290共6兲 22.280共6兲 22.49共2兲 23.495共7兲 19.478共7兲 7.9092共4兲 7.7662共3兲 7.6989共4兲 7.7128共4兲 7.4842共4兲 8.0080共9兲 7.7536共7兲 7.6576共8兲 7.7516共9兲 7.1658共9兲 9.659共2兲 9.254共1兲 9.146共2兲 9.416共2兲 8.197共2兲 13.402共4兲 12.728共3兲 12.640共4兲 13.295共4兲 10.883共4兲 B 2s22p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共2 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 2 2s 2p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 2 2s 2p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 11.392共6兲 10.941共6兲 10.950共5兲 11.035共6兲 10.918共6兲 40.14共7兲 39.80共6兲 39.90共5兲 40.45共6兲 40.11共6兲 12.4522共7兲 12.5291共6兲 12.5789共6兲 12.6365共6兲 12.6819共6兲 2s22p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共2 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 17.875共4兲 17.086共6兲 17.154共8兲 17.32共1兲 17.096共8兲 54.78共7兲 54.64共5兲 55.09共7兲 55.83共8兲 55.28共6兲 14.7995共7兲 14.9497共7兲 15.0626共7兲 15.1615共8兲 15.2093共8兲 2s22p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共2 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 26.47共2兲 25.27共2兲 25.41共1兲 25.73共5兲 25.31共1兲 72.3共2兲 71.9共1兲 72.7共1兲 73.9共2兲 73.2共1兲 17.1593共8兲 17.3698共8兲 17.5341共8兲 17.6595共8兲 17.7300共8兲 2s22p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共2 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 37.49共2兲 35.65共3兲 35.93共2兲 36.35共2兲 35.76共2兲 92.0共2兲 91.8共3兲 92.6共1兲 944.0共1兲 93.37共9兲 19.5057共9兲 19.7695共9兲 19.9955共9兲 20.138共1兲 20.242共1兲 C+ 2 6.703共4兲 6.489共4兲 6.491共3兲 6.531共4兲 6.471共3兲 27.63共5兲 27.31共4兲 27.37共4兲 27.26共4兲 27.42共4兲 10.0814共6兲 10.0825共5兲 10.0564共5兲 9.9542共5兲 10.1167共6兲 N2+ 2 O3+ F4+ Ne5+ lower value of Ven and a smaller average size in the quartet as compared to the doublet. In Fig. 2共b兲 we plot the difference function ⌬2P-4Ph共r12兲. The behavior of this difference function is completely different for the B atom as compared to the positive ions. For B it presents a negative region followed by a positive one in such a way that the repulsion energy is stronger in the quartet than in the doublet. As the nuclear charge increases this situation reverses completely, making the repulsion energy in the doublet greater than in the quartet. Therefore the Fermi hole is clearly appreciable in the positive ions but not in the neutral atom. This may be due to the fact that in the neutral atom the average size of the doublet is much greater than the average size of the quartet, making the electrons to be, on average, closer in the state with the highest spin. In Fig. 2共c兲 we plot the difference function ⌬2P-4Pd共R兲. The behavior of this difference function is similar for all the systems considered. It has a negative region followed by a positive one that means that electrons in the quartet seek for a opposite position with respect to the nucleus as compared with the behavior in the doublet. Therefore the role of angular correlations is more important when the spin of the electrons are parallel than in the other case. The second Hund’s rule states that for terms coming from the same configuration and with the same value of the spin, the higher the orbital angular momentum L, the lower is the energy. However this is not fulfilled for the members of the boron isoelectronic series here studied, because in all of the cases considered the 2S term is more bound than the 2 P one. In order to study the role of the orbital angular momentum on the electron distribution we compare states with different L values. We compare first the states 2 P and 2D and second the states 2S and 2 P. In Fig. 3 we show the results for the comparison between the states 2 P and 2D. In Fig. 3共a兲 we plot the difference function for the single-particle density. Downloaded 22 Dec 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 154307-9 J. Chem. Phys. 122, 154307 共2005兲 Excited states of boron TABLE V. Value at the origin and some radial moments of the extracule density for the different states of the members of the boron isoelectronic series here studied. In parentheses we give the statistical error in the last figure. d共0兲 具R−2典 具R−1典 35.98共1兲 35.18共1兲 35.20共1兲 79.0共2兲 78.4共2兲 77.5共1兲 34.82共1兲 75.9共3兲 具R典 具R2典 具R3典 具R4典 16.4230共9兲 16.3989共8兲 16.0170共9兲 10.3072共8兲 10.4110共3兲 11.039共1兲 14.037共3兲 14.396共3兲 16.577共4兲 23.264共7兲 24.259共8兲 30.86共1兲 45.30共2兲 48.01共2兲 68.19共5兲 15.234共1兲 12.948共2兲 25.26共1兲 66.43共7兲 219.3共4兲 7.5042共5兲 7.4222共4兲 7.7119共5兲 8.2759共8兲 8.1674共5兲 7.296共1兲 7.165共1兲 7.880共1兲 9.678共3兲 8.878共1兲 8.509共2兲 8.318共2兲 9.854共3兲 14.707共9兲 11.762共3兲 11.501共4兲 11.218共4兲 14.578共8兲 27.68共3兲 18.255共8兲 5.9411共3兲 5.8042共3兲 5.9793共4兲 6.0834共4兲 6.2996共4兲 4.5395共6兲 4.3401共3兲 4.6689共7兲 4.9173共7兲 5.2003共7兲 4.1435共9兲 3.8791共8兲 4.404共1兲 4.868共1兲 5.175共1兲 4.371共2兲 4.007共1兲 4.841共2兲 5.668共2兲 5.971共2兲 4.9366共2兲 4.7830共2兲 4.9073共3兲 4.9662共3兲 5.1587共3兲 3.1214共3兲 2.9307共4兲 3.1238共4兲 3.2455共4兲 3.4685共5兲 2.3526共4兲 2.1396共4兲 2.3912共5兲 2.5795共6兲 2.8052共6兲 2.0456共6兲 1.8004共6兲 2.1257共7兲 2.3979共9兲 2.6297共9兲 4.2195共2兲 4.0691共2兲 4.1688共2兲 4.2099共2兲 4.3702共2兲 2.2739共3兲 2.1133共2兲 2.2453共3兲 2.3209共3兲 2.4785共3兲 1.4592共3兲 1.3056共3兲 1.4518共5兲 1.5520共3兲 1.6882共4兲 1.0797共3兲 0.9291共3兲 1.089共1兲 1.2120共4兲 1.3317共5兲 3.6888共2兲 3.5477共2兲 3.6278共2兲 3.6614共2兲 3.7957共2兲 1.7339共2兲 1.6023共2兲 1.6958共2兲 1.7514共2兲 1.8647共2兲 0.9691共2兲 0.8593共2兲 0.9500共2兲 1.0164共2兲 1.0988共2兲 0.6239共2兲 0.5297共2兲 0.6162共2兲 0.6902共2兲 0.7488共2兲 B 2s22p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共2 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 2 2s 2p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 2 2s 2p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 109.95共5兲 107.75共3兲 107.35共3兲 108.19共5兲 105.46共5兲 179.8共5兲 181.4共3兲 180.1共3兲 181.8共4兲 175.1共8兲 26.538共2兲 27.057共1兲 26.749共1兲 26.762共1兲 25.832共2兲 2s22p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共2 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 169.90共7兲 166.63共7兲 166.43共6兲 167.86共9兲 162.98共9兲 245.5共5兲 249.3共8兲 248.8共8兲 250.2共4兲 239.7共5兲 31.503共2兲 32.290共2兲 31.992共2兲 32.086共2兲 30.933共2兲 2s22p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共2 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 249.23共9兲 244.2共1兲 243.9共1兲 246.7共1兲 238.8共1兲 321.0共4兲 327.5共4兲 326.4共6兲 330.8共7兲 315.0共6兲 36.491共2兲 37.515共2兲 37.202共2兲 37.351共2兲 36.002共2兲 2s22p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共2 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 349.7共1兲 343.1共2兲 343.0共1兲 347.0共1兲 334.9共2兲 409共2兲 420共2兲 415.1共6兲 421.7共6兲 401.1共6兲 41.441共2兲 42.698共2兲 42.394共2兲 42.572共2兲 41.069共2兲 C+ 2 65.98共2兲 64.79共4兲 64.62共4兲 64.95共3兲 63.63共2兲 123.9共3兲 124.6共5兲 123.6共3兲 123.3共3兲 119.2共2兲 21.511共1兲 21.757共1兲 21.427共1兲 21.136共1兲 20.682共1兲 N2+ 2 O3+ F4+ Ne5+ This function presents a similar behavior for all the ions, i.e., two minima and two maxima. The first minimum appears at short distances in such a way that the shielding of the electrons in the 2D state is smaller than in the 2 P one. For B the differences are much greater than for the rest of ions, which may be due to the fact that in this atom the state 2 P lies in the continuum. In Figs. 3共b兲 and 3共c兲 we plot the difference function for both the intracule and the extracule density, respectively. Again there exists a different behavior in the intracule density between B and the other ions. For the positive ions there is a greater probability for smaller interelectronic distances in the 2 P state than in the 2D one, and the contrary holds for B. The extracule density shows the same behavior for all the systems, i.e., a greater probability to find the electrons at opposite positions with respect to the nucleus in the 2 D state than in the 2 P one. In Fig. 4 we plot the difference functions between the states 2S and 2 P. We have used this order because 2S should be less bound than 2 P according the Hund’s rules. The comparison with Fig. 3 will provide a deeper insight on the energetic ordering of the states. The single-particle difference function is shown in Fig. 4共a兲. This difference function is positive at short distances for all of the systems studied, making the 2S state more attractive than the 2 P one, except for C+ for which the great negative region compensates for the positive one. Figure 4共b兲 represents the difference function for the intracule density. Although it is positive for small interelectronic distances, making that the probability of electrons to meet is greater in the 2S state, this is not sufficient to overhead the magnitude of the negative region, which makes Vee greater in the 2 P state than in the 2S one, contrary to the classical explanation of the Hund’s rule. These differences on Downloaded 22 Dec 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 154307-10 J. Chem. Phys. 122, 154307 共2005兲 Gálvez, Buendía, and Sarsa FIG. 1. Difference of the radial one-body 共a兲, intracule 共b兲, and extracule 共c兲 densities between 4 P 共first excited state兲 and 2 P 共ground state兲 for some members of the boron isoelectronic series. FIG. 2. Difference of the radial one-body 共a兲, intracule 共b兲, and extracule 共c兲 densities between the excited states 2 P and 4 P for some members of the boron isoelectronic series. the charge distribution make the 2S state more attractive and less repulsive than the 2 P, leading to a bigger binding energy in the former. correlation and rជ = 0 stands for either noncorrelated variables in the statistical sense or for independent variables. For atomic systems, statistically noncorrelated variables mean that the position vectors of any pair of particles are, on average, orthogonal, while independent variables mean that the diagonal term of the two-body density matrix is the product of the one-body distribution functions. The angular correlation coefficient is related to quantities that may be obtained from experimental measurements, such as the diamagnetic susceptibility and the dipole oscillator strength distribution,24 or the x-ray and/or high-energy electron scattering intensities.39 Similar definitions are done in momentum space. Here 具pជ 1 · pជ 2典 is related to the specific mass shift correction to the energy and is sensitive to the quality of the variational wave function. More general correlation coefficients can be defined38 by using different probe functions in order to characterize and measure the statistical C. Angular correlations A systematic analysis of the angular correlations between the electrons can be done by using the angular correlation factor rជ, introduced by Kutzelnigg, Del Re, and Berthier,38 2 rជ = 具rជi · rជ j典 兺 i⬎j 共N − 1兲 兺i 具r2i 典 . 共8兲 This quantity is bounded in magnitude by unity, −1 艋 rជ 艋 1. rជ = 1 共rជ = −1兲 means perfect positive 共negative兲 Downloaded 22 Dec 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 154307-11 Excited states of boron J. Chem. Phys. 122, 154307 共2005兲 FIG. 3. Difference of the radial one-body 共a兲, intracule 共b兲, and extracule 共c兲 densities between the excited states 2 P and 2D for some members of the boron isoelectronic series. FIG. 4. Difference of the radial one-body 共a兲, intracule 共b兲, and extracule 共c兲 densities between the excited states 2S and 2 P for some members of the boron isoelectronic series. correlation. In particular, some scalar and vectorial functions have been used to study systematically the statistical correlation and its dependence on the nuclear charge, degree of excitation, and angular momentum at different regions of the nuclear charge for some excited states of the helium isoelectronic series.40 Radial and angular statistical correlation coefficients have been also calculated for the ground state of some members of the beryllium isoelectronic series41,42 focusing on the shell effects and the role of the nuclear charge. These angular correlation factors in both position and momentum spaces along with some other two-body properties such as 具rជ1 · rជ2典 = 具兺i⬎jrជi · rជ j典 are reported in Table VI. In position space, and for all the ions considered, our results indicate that all the states present negative angular correlation, except the 2s2p2-2 P which has a negative angular correlation for B and a positive value for all the positive ions. The most negative values correspond to the 4 P state which may be due to the fact that this is the term with the highest spin. The value of rជ does not present a systematic behavior along the isoelectronic series. Thus, for the ground state, it increases slightly as Z does; for the first excited state it decreases from B to C+, but then it remains practically constant for the rest of ions. For the doublets 2D and 2S this coefficient does not modify appreciably its value along the isoelectronic series. For the excited state 2 P, rជ increases noticeably; this means that, for this state electrons tend to be at the same side of the nucleus as Z increases. In momentum space the behavior is completely different. For the ground state, pជ is positive for B, has a null correlation for C+, and is negative for all the rest of ions. This coefficient is negative for the rest of states and for all the ions. An important characteristic is that for all the states and all the ions, this coefficient decreases monotonically as the nuclear charge increases. Downloaded 22 Dec 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 154307-12 J. Chem. Phys. 122, 154307 共2005兲 Gálvez, Buendía, and Sarsa TABLE VI. Several two-body position and momentum properties for for the different states of the members of the boron isoelectronic series studied here. In parentheses we give the statistical error in the last figure. 具rជ1 · rជ2典 具 r典 具p2典 具p212典 具P2典 具pជ 1 · pជ 2典 具 p典 −2.486 5共6兲 −2.902 6共6兲 −2.654 3共8兲 −0.081 37共2兲 −0.091 58共2兲 −0.074 13共2兲 49.41共1兲 49.05共1兲 48.94共1兲 197.09共5兲 196.40共6兲 195.84共5兲 49.55共1兲 48.99共1兲 48.91共1兲 0.279共2兲 −0.109共2兲 −0.047共2兲 0.002 82共2兲 −0.001 11共2兲 −0.000 48共2兲 −0.304共1兲 −0.005 99共2兲 48.72共2兲 194.47共6兲 48.82共2兲 0.203共2兲 0.002 08共2兲 299.38共9兲 299.42共9兲 298.3共1兲 296.9共1兲 296.4共1兲 74.85共2兲 74.09共2兲 73.87共2兲 73.85共3兲 73.75共3兲 0.001共5兲 −0.762共4兲 −0.708共3兲 −0.38共2兲 −0.360共3兲 0.000 006共31兲 −0.005 12共3兲 −0.004 77共2兲 −0.002 6共2兲 −0.002 43共3兲 424.7共1兲 425.4共1兲 423.4共1兲 421.9共1兲 421.0共1兲 105.72共3兲 104.61共3兲 104.14共3兲 104.06共4兲 103.91共4兲 −0.447共4兲 −1.744共5兲 −1.714共4兲 −1.43共1兲 −1.339共5兲 −0.002 11共2兲 −0.008 27共3兲 −0.008 16共2兲 −0.006 82共5兲 −0.006 40共3兲 571.5共2兲 573.6共2兲 571.3共2兲 569.8共2兲 568.6共2兲 141.81共5兲 140.36共4兲 139.82共4兲 139.76共4兲 139.47共5兲 −1.063共5兲 −3.031共7兲 −3.007共6兲 −2.68共1兲 −2.684共7兲 −0.003 74共2兲 −0.010 68共2兲 −0.010 64共2兲 −0.009 51共5兲 −0.009 53共2兲 741.7共2兲 745.2共2兲 742.1共2兲 739.8共2兲 738.8共2兲 183.59共5兲 181.70共6兲 180.92共5兲 180.75共6兲 180.46共6兲 −1.85共1兲 −4.591共8兲 −4.607共7兲 −4.20共2兲 −4.24共1兲 −0.005 01共4兲 −0.012 48共2兲 −0.012 57共2兲 −0.011 49共6兲 −0.011 62共3兲 934.2共2兲 938.6共3兲 934.7共3兲 932.2共2兲 931.9共3兲 230.75共6兲 228.17共7兲 227.18共8兲 226.95共5兲 226.65共7兲 −2.805共8兲 −6.48共1兲 −6.50共1兲 −6.10共1兲 −6.32共2兲 −0.006 04共2兲 −0.014 01共3兲 −0.014 11共2兲 −0.013 26共7兲 −0.013 75共5兲 B 2s22p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共2 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 2 2s 2p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 2 2s 2p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 −0.762 1共2兲 −0.920 1共2兲 −0.661 0共2兲 −0.519 1共2兲 0.127 2共2兲 −0.077 44共2兲 −0.095 84共2兲 −0.066 10共2兲 −0.050 14共2兲 0.012 38共2兲 105.94共3兲 105.48共3兲 104.99共3兲 104.77共3兲 104.58共4兲 2s22p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共2 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 −0.507 1共1兲 −0.620 3共1兲 −0.427 5共1兲 −0.349 9共1兲 0.107 1共2兲 −0.075 12共2兲 −0.095 70共2兲 −0.064 04共2兲 −0.051 14共2兲 0.015 67共2兲 142.35共5兲 141.87共4兲 141.33共4兲 141.10共4兲 140.81共5兲 2s22p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共2 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 −0.358 6共1兲 −0.445 2共1兲 −0.298 0共1兲 −0.248 8共1兲 0.087 1共1兲 −0.073 09共2兲 −0.095 30共2兲 −0.062 23共2兲 −0.050 87共2兲 0.017 90共2兲 184.51共4兲 183.99共6兲 183.22共5兲 182.85共5兲 182.58共6兲 2s22p 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 2s2p2 共2 P兲 共4 P兲 共2D兲 共2S兲 共2 P兲 −0.268 09共7兲 −0.336 13共5兲 −0.218 57共7兲 −0.186 49共7兲 0.073 28共7兲 −0.071 76共2兲 −0.094 93共2兲 −0.060 54共2兲 −0.050 55共2兲 0.020 04共2兲 232.15共6兲 231.41共7兲 230.43共7兲 230.00共5兲 229.81共6兲 C+ 2 −1.270 7共3兲 −1.504 6共3兲 −1.183 0共4兲 −0.650 3共4兲 0.119 3共4兲 −0.080 10共2兲 −0.095 02共2兲 −0.069 82共2兲 −0.032 51共3兲 0.006 76共2兲 74.85共2兲 74.47共2兲 74.22共3兲 74.04共3兲 73.93共3兲 N2+ 2 O3+ F2+ Ne5+ We also report in Table VI some correlated momentum expectation values which are directly obtained in the Monte Carlo calculation. In particular, we show the expectation val2 ues 具p2典 共the double of the kinetic energy兲, 具p12 典, 具P2典, and 具pជ 1 · pជ 2典. These two-body expectation values and 具p2典 are not linearly independent. For five electron atoms, the following relationships can be straightforwardly obtained: 2 典, 具p2典 = 21 具P2典 + 81 具p12 2 典. 具pជ 1 · pជ 2典 = 具P2典 − 41 具p12 共9兲 pជ = 0, then the contributions to the total kinetic energy coming from the the center of mass of the electron pair and that from the relative motion are identical. If the system presents positive angular correlations in momentum space, i.e., pជ is positive, then the largest contribution to the kinetic energy comes from the center of mass movement of the electrons 共ground state of B兲, whereas the interelectronic movement of the electrons is more important if pជ is negative 共all the ions and states except the ground state of both B and C+兲. 共10兲 The first of these two equations shows how the center of mass and the interelectronic moments of order 2 contribute to the kinetic energy, and therefore to the total energy due to the virial theorem. The second one give us information about the relative importance of the two contributions to the kinetic energy. If angular correlations in momentum space are zero, D. Electronic correlations In order to study the effects of the electronic correlations, the correlated results are compared with the noncorrelated ones, typically obtained in a Hartree–Fock calculation. For the systems considered here, this can be done for all of the states studied except for the 2s2p2-2S state of the boron Downloaded 22 Dec 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 154307-13 Excited states of boron FIG. 5. Difference between the correlated and uncorrelated radial intracule 共a兲 and extracule 共d兲 densities for the ground state of some members of the boron isoelectronic series. atom because this is not the lowest 2S state in the spectrum of this atom. In this work we have used the optimized effective potential method, 共see, e.g., Ref. 33兲 to obtain the noncorrelated results. The ground state energy obtained from this method for the boron atom differs less than 0.3 mhartree from the Hartree–Fock value. The correlation energy of the ground state of the boron isoelectronic series increases from 0.125 hartree 共B兲 to 0.183 hartree 共Ne5+兲. For the excited states this correlation energy is smaller and nearly constant along the isoelectronic series. Thus it varies between 0.07 and 0.08 hartree for the 2s2p2-4 P, between 0.12 and 0.13 hartree for both the 2s2p2 -2D and 2S states, and between 0.14 and 0.16 hartree for the 2s2p2-2 P state. The difference between the quartet state and the doublet ones is due to the Fermi statistical hole that is present in the quartet state and not in the doublet one, making the effect of electronic correlations to be smaller in the 4 P state. The decrease in the total energy when electronic correlations are included is due, mainly, to the electronic repulsion energy, except for the ground state of B and C+ for which the increment in the attraction energy 共greater in B than in C+兲 is comparable to the decrease in the repulsion energy when the correlated wave functions are used. Therefore, and as it could be expected, the main modifications in the electronic distribution appear in the two-body densities, i.e., in the intracule and extracule densities. In Fig. 5 we plot the difference function ⌬f共t兲 defined as J. Chem. Phys. 122, 154307 共2005兲 FIG. 6. Difference between the correlated and uncorrelated radial intracule 共a兲 and extracule 共d兲 densities for the ground state and some excited states of the N2+ ion. ⌬f共t兲 = 4t2关f c共t兲 − f u共t兲兴, where f c 共f u兲 stands for the correlated 共uncorrelated兲 density. This quantity gives the effect of the electronic correlations on f. In Fig. 5共a兲 we show the results obtained for the intracule density and in Fig. 5共b兲 those for the extracule density of the ground state of the atoms of the boron isoelectronic series here studied. The structure of this difference function for the intracule density is not as simple as in, for example, the He atom, for which a negative region with only one minimum is followed by a positive region with a maximum and then it vanishes asymptotically. In all of the cases studied here, the negative region of the intracule difference function presents two minima and one local maximum in between these minima. For higher values of r12, the difference function changes sign, reaches its global maximum, and then tends to zero monotonically from positive values. The relative importance of the Coulomb hole increases as the nuclear charge does. In Fig. 5共b兲 we plot the difference extracule density function. It is positive at low values of the variable and negative for high R values. This means that electrons seek for opposite positions with respect to the nucleus when electronic correlations are included in the wave function. In this way the average interelectronic distance increases, diminishing the repulsion energy without increasing the averaged electron-nucleus distance, i.e., the absolute value of the attraction energy does not decrease. A study of the excited states is shown in Fig. 6 for N2+, which is representative for the rest of the ions. The data of Downloaded 22 Dec 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 154307-14 J. Chem. Phys. 122, 154307 共2005兲 Gálvez, Buendía, and Sarsa the corresponding ground state are also included to have a reference to compare with. The difference function for the intracule function 关Fig. 6共a兲兴 is less important for the 4 P state because the Fermi statistical correlation, which is also present in the noncorrelated wave function, keeps the electrons apart, diminishing the effect of electronic correlations. This Coulomb hole is much more important for the excited 2 P state and takes similar values for the other two doublet states. The only exception we have found is for C+, for which the 2S state presents a more important difference function than for the rest of excited states. In Fig. 6共b兲 we plot the difference extracule function for the same states. In this case the doublet states present a positive region followed by a negative one, which means that electrons in the doublets seek an opposite position with respect to the nucleus when electronic correlations are considered. As this effect has been partially accounted in the quartet state due to the Fermi statistical correlation, the difference function ⌬d共R兲 is less important in this state than in the doublet ones. In fact, the quartet state presents two small positive regions, following each one of them by a small negative one. Therefore, in the quartet state, electrons increase the extracule density at R = 0, but, on average, it decreases at small R values. This behavior is different to that found for doublet spin states, showing the importance of the spin on the correlations. IV. CONCLUSIONS The ground state and some low-lying excited states of the boron atom and some members of its isoelectronic series have been studied. We have considered the ground state 共2 P兲 and the quartet 共4 P兲 and doublets 共2S , 2 P , 2D兲 excited states coming from the 2s2p2 configuration. Accurate, explicitly correlated wave functions constituted by a Jastrow-type correlation factor and a multideterminant expansion have been obtained for the different states. Starting from those wave function the total kinetic and potential energies have been calculated. One- and two-body properties as the singleparticle density, the intracule and extracule densities, and some of their radial moments are reported here. Several aspects of the electronic structure of these systems, the energetic ordering of the states, and the effect of electronic correlations have been analyzed in terms of these quantities. All the calculations of this work have been performed by using the variational Monte Carlo method. The 2s22p-2 P ground state presents the lowest value of the electron-nucleus attraction energy as well as the lowest electron-electron repulsion energy, except for the neutral atom where the repulsion is smaller in the first excited state, 2s2p2-4 P. An analysis of the single-particle density reveals that in the ground state it presents a higher concentration of the electron charge density at short distances from the nucleus leading to a bigger binding. A comparison of the intracule density of the ground state and the quartet reveals the presence of the Fermi hole induced by the different spin coupling of these two states. In spite of this hole the electron-electron repulsion energy is smaller in the 2s22p -2 P ground state than in the first excited state, 2s2p2-4 P, except for the boron atom. With respect to the terms coming from the 2s2p2 configuration, the most bound term is, according to the Hund’s rule, the quartet 共S = 3 / 2兲. This is due to the deepest electronnucleus attraction of this state as compared with the others. Contrary to the traditional interpretation of this rule, the electronic repulsion is higher in the quartet for B and C+. However this is not enough to overcome the effect of the electron-nucleus interaction. For the other ions considered here, both terms of the potential energy contribute in the same direction to make more bound the quartet states. These values are consistent with the differences found in the singleparticle density that shows a higher charge concentration in the quartet at short distances. The Fermi-hole appears clearly in the positive ions but not in the neutral atom. Finally, the electrons are more concentrated at opposite positions with respect to the nucleus in the quartet than in the doublets. With respect to the energy of the states arising from the same configuration with the same total spin, the Hund’s rule is only fulfilled by the L = 2 term. The classical explanation of this fact, assuming higher repulsion for lower L values, only holds for Z 艌 7 ions. We have found that the deeper electronnucleus attraction energy is finally responsible for the relative energy of these states. With respect to the S and P states, the electron repulsion is smaller in the former 共contrary to the previous hypothesis兲 giving rise to the Hund’s rule not being fulfilled here. As before these values are consistent with the differences found in the electronic distribution for these states along the isoelectronic series. The angular correlation coefficients show that most of the states considered here present negative angular correlation in both position and momentum space. The term with the most negative angular correlation in position state is that with the highest total spin value. In momentum space, the angular correlation factor takes more negative values as the nuclear charge increases. The effect of the electronic correlations has been systematically analyzed. In general, when the correlations are included the Coulomb hole appears and the electron-electron repulsion is reduced. The effect of the correlations is smaller, as it could be expected, for the 2s2p2-4 P state because of the Fermi hole. The 2s2p2-2 P state presents the most important Coulomb hole, except for the C+ ion for which the 2S state has a bigger hole. In general, the correlations tend to favor opposite positions with respect to the nucleus of the electronpairs, increasing in this way the averaged electron-electron distance with minor effects on the electron-nucleus attraction energy. The local effect of the correlations, especially in the case of the extracule density, presents a marked dependence on the total spin of the system. 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