european 1-1 learning institute - Frankfurt International School

1-1 Learning
Conference hosted by Frankfurt International School
27-29 September 2012
Global Sponsors
Local Sponsors
European 1-1 Learning Institute
Pre-Conference Thursday, 27 September 2012
Note: Transportation will be provided from the Mövenpick at 8:45 to the school
Option 1
Leadership Session: FIS Auditorium
ICT Directors, School Administrators and Principals
9:00 Registration/Tour of FIS
10:30-12:45 Leadership Session with Scott Klososky Part I
13:00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Leadership Session with Scott Klososky Part II
Option 2
1–1 Learning Classroom Visits and Student Showcase: Various locations
Teachers, ICT Coordinators, Support Staff
9:00-9:15 Registration
9:15-13:00 Elementary School and Primary School Classroom Visits and
Campus Tour
10:00-13:00 Upper School (Grades 6-12) Classroom Visits
13:00 Lunch
Student Showcase
Note: Transportation will be provided to the Mövenpick at 16:00 and return to FIS at 16:45
InTo the Future
Ian Jukes
Conference attendees and FIS community members are invited to a special
evening presentation to hear keynote speakers Ian Jukes, Scott Klososky and
Jeff Utecht, who will each present a 20-minute session.
Brauhaus Tour and Dinner
Scott Klososky
(for registered Pre-Conference Attendees only)
Note: Transportation from FIS to the Brauhaus at 18:45 and from the Brauhaus to the hotels
at 21:30
Jeff Utecht
Friday 28 September
Dr. Paul Fochtman
Welcome Address
8:30 Room: Auditorium
Ian Jukes
Fri Keynote
Room: Auditorium
Dr. Paul Howard-Jones
Fri Keynote
Room: Cafeteria
The Age of Disruptive Innovation
In today’s digital world, we are witnessing the evolution of an incredible and turbulent
new age. It’s the age of disruptive innovation - an age where every part of society is experiencing a complete upheaval due to the chronic and pervasive nature of change. Our
schools, like our businesses, communities, and families, must constantly adapt to such
conditions to thrive. The Age of Disruptive Innovation examines disruptive innovation,
the changing nature of the workforce, identifies the critical 21st-century skills that need
to be addressed by our current educational model, and outlines how we can effectively
engage learners so that they can perform exceptionally well on exams, while simultaneously learning the critical 21st-century fluencies needed to excel in both school and life.
This presentation, is based on a new book, Living on the Future Edge: Windows on Tomorrow from the 21st Century Fluency Project, provides a sense of how education can come
to realize the long-term benefits of adapting to our current state of societal progress, and
how our students will ultimately benefit.
Technology and the Brain
Many children are now growing up immersed in technology, with teenagers leading the
advance into a 24/7 digital lifestyle. Much of our children’s communication is now online, their leisure and entertainment is increasingly provided by the internet and video
games, and they often seem inseparable from their mobile phones. Some press articles
suggest we are facing an unprecedented crisis in which ‘the human brain ... is under
threat from the modern world’. In this session, Paul Howard-Jones will report what the
scientific research can tell us about the impact of technology on the developing brain.
Breakout Session I
Scott Klososky &
Leadership Session
Shabbi Luthra
Fri Session I and II
10:20-11:10 and 11:20-12:10
Room: Atrium
This session will be a discussion format. Shabbi and Scott will use a series of questions
to frame a discussion on how technology is changing how we educate - and should be
educating going forward, and helping people see new ideas and logical reasons for why
learning and education must change in a technology infused world. The goal is for this
session to be very thought leading... Shabbi will speak from the educator viewpoint, and
Scott will speak from the business person’s viewpoint ~ the market they will have to
eventually prosper in.
Crystal Frommert
Laptops + Math, Can it be Done?
The Awty International School
Fri Session I
Samples of lessons, activities and projects in which student laptop use can enhance math
instruction and learning in the middle school classroom: The presentation will focus on
how non-specific devices (not dependent on having tablet PCs or iPads) can be used
with common and/or free resources such as spreadsheets, online graphing calculators,
wikis and discussion forums to promote mathematical concepts in the middle grades.
Room: 168
Kelsey Jones
iPads in the Early Childhood and Lower Elementary Classroom
ICT Coordinator
Frankfurt International School
Fri Session I
This session will explore ways to meaningfully use iPads in Early Childhood through
Grade 3 classrooms. Participants will have time to explore recommended apps and see
examples of how teachers and students are using them. Strategies for classroom management with the iPads will also be shared. Note: This session will focus on the teaching
and learning aspect of iPads rather than the technical/management aspect.
Room: 288
Silvana Meneghini
The Shape of Technology Integration in High School Subject
ICT Coordinator
Areas: From Ideas to Projects and Goals
Graded School São Paulo, Brazil
Room: 186
How does technology integration look like in a High School environment? Can we identify characteristics in each subject area that lend to certain types of technology enhanced
learning? What is a good start and what can be a long term goal? As we became a 1:1
High School, English took the written and oral language to the online multimedia world.
History raised the historical dialogue to the social media level. The concepts in Science
started to go digital and also “flip!” Math went digital with resources for students. Portuguese classes went wild with multimedia for language learning. PE explored mobile
technology to help record performance. And Arts enhanced student reflection with online displays of work. In this session you will be able to see the different trends of technology enhanced learning explored by the subject areas in our school and discuss future
Rob Potvin
Using JAMF Casper Suite for 1:1 Deployment and Management
ICT Director
Fri Session I
Bavarian International School e.V.
Fri Session I
Room: 188
JAMF Casper Suite for Schools: The Casper Suite simplifies the life of system administrators with a comprehensive platform to manage Mac OS X computers and iOS mobile
devices. The presentation will consist of taking the audience through each area of The
Casper Suite and its relevant purpose in a school IT Department. MAC OS X: inventory,
imaging, 1:1 Hardware preparation, patch management, restricted software, application
healing, software distribution, remote control, Settings and Security Management iOS:
Inventory, Configuration, Security Management, Distribution, sync station, app management, ebook management Questions? Relevant Websites and more info...
John Hamilton
The Connected Generation
ICT Coordinator
Frankfurt International School
Fri Session I
Room: ES Library
Today’s classrooms are at the forefront of a technology revolution. The time when humankind was constrained by its own ability is now passed and education has changed
forever. Today’s students will use technology to open new doors to innovation and creativity. Their increased technological literacy will provide the world with many answers
and possibilities to today’s problems. The Connected Generation takes a detailed journey into the near past and a critical look at the students and classrooms of today in order
to ultimately ask the question, ‘What will the classroom of the future look like?’. The session will show sections from the professionally filmed and thoughtfully scripted documentary with interludes from John Hamilton’s experiences at a 1-to-1 school in Australia.
Michael Vasey
Teaching and Learning in the BYOD Classroom
Fri Session I
Many believe that BYOD is here to stay, yet it presents several instructional challenges.
Come see how DyKnow is applying practices from past 1:1 software success to tackle
these new challenges. Let’s make it easy for teachers and students to interact and share
instant feedback on classroom content using any device (yes, including iPads).
Room: Rose Carpet
Clive Ungless
Developing a Comprehensive Web Strategy
Director of International Operations
Fri Session I and Sat V
In this session, Clive Ungless will discuss the wide range of tools and services that finalsite has put in place to support the online environment of international schools. Elements discussed will include: mobile, CMS, LMS, portals and private social networks.
Room: 171
Breakout Session II
Dr. Paul Howard-Jones
Fri Session II
Room: Rose Carpet
Workshop with Your ‘Parent Hat’ on
This workshop will provide a chance to explore what the science of technology and the
brain means in practice. Rather than provide a prescription for using technology, this
will be a clinic in which Paul Howard-Jones will discuss the facts, some examples from
his own family life, and consider, with the audience, the challenges of parenting ‘digital
natives’. Ian Jukes
Fri Session II
Room: Auditorium
Strategies that Work
Because of digital bombardment and the emergence of the new digital landscape, today’s youth process information, interact, and communicate in fundamentally different
ways than any previous generation before them. Meanwhile many of us, having grown
up in a relatively low-tech, stable, and predictable world, are constantly struggling with
the speed of change, technological innovation, and the freedom to access the overwhelming sea of information online - all defining characteristics of the digital world of
both today, and the swiftly-approaching future. Strategies That Work provides a comprehensive profile of several core learning attributes of digital learners, and the core
teaching, learning, and assessment strategies that can be used to appeal to their digital
lifestyle and learning preferences. You’ll gain a clear understanding of various researchbased strategies to optimize learning for the digital generation in the new digital landscape. This session is based on the books Understanding the Digital Generation: Teaching
and Learning in the New Digital Landscape, and The Digital Diet: Today’s Digital Tools in
Small Bytes, from the 21st Century Fluency Project.
Scott Klososky &
Leadership Session
Shabbi Luthra
Fri Session I and II
10:20-11:10 and 11:20-12:10
Room: Atrium
This session will be a discussion format. Shabbi and Scott will use a series of questions
to frame a discussion on how technology is changing how we educate - and should be
educating going forward, and helping people see new ideas and logical reasons for why
learning and education must change in a technology infused world. The goal is for this
session to be very thought leading... Shabbi will speak from the educator viewpoint, and
Scott will speak from the business person’s viewpoint - the market they will have to eventually prosper in.
Breakout Session III
Dr. Paul Howard-Jones
Workshop for Teachers: Positive Side of Gaming
Fri Session III
Room: Rose Carpet
This workshop will help teachers find out more about the positive side of gaming and
how it can be used to support learning. It will explain the neuroscience of how gaming
can improve the rate at which students learn. It will present the tools and techniques to
turn almost any lesson into a game, providing the support required to apply state-ofthe-art and freely-available technology for whole-class gaming
Jeff Utecht
Google Apps in the Classroom
Fri Session III
Room: Auditorium
This session will focus on using Google Apps in the classroom with students Grade 3 -12.
This free educational service encompasses a powerful set of tools that is revolutionizing
education. Combining these tools with other free Google products like Google Maps
only enhances the learning for students. We will go hands-on with real lessons being
used in classrooms right now as we discuss how Google Apps changes the learning environment. From science notebooks, to collaborative notes and classroom newspapers
we’ll get our hands dirty with what these powerful tools have to offer. Participants will
need a Google Account.
Rose Ahrens
What’s the Song and Dance About?:
Learning Support
Bringing the Senses Together to Help the Learning Brain*
Frankfurt International School
Fri Session III
Personal sharing of multi-sensory strategies and tools that have been effective in helping children learn.
Room: ES Library
Michael Brooke
Introduction to Technology Development in International
ICT Director
St. Julians School
Room: 168
This workshop-based presentation will provide an introduction to effective technology management in International Schools. The presentation will cover the following areas of development and give practical advice in: choosing and developing eLearning
platforms, with specific reference to moodle; how to set up schoolwide staff training to
improve digital literacy of staff; development and review of management information
systems; introducing and developing 1:1 schemes; creating and managing whole school
development plans; and choosing and managing self accreditation programs to ensure
review, monitor and ensure quality in development. This presentation is best suited for
schools that are starting out developing technology. It is also appropriate for schools
that have set up programs that have stagnated and are looking for opportunities to renew and develop.
George Duncanson
Data, Data Everywhere. No Time to Stop and Think!
ICT Support/Technician
Fri Session III
International School of Amsterdam
Fri Session III
The explosion of information and hand held devices has changed the way we teach and
learn. How will we cope in the future when the volume of data increases exponentially?
Are we ready to take on the next generation of learners?
Room: 188
Erica Hoffman &
A Student Tech Crew: A Chance for Students to be Leaders
Metin Ferhatoglu
ICT Coordinator
American Robert College
Fri Session III
Room: 186
This presentation will focus on creating a Student Tech Crew so that students can support students and teachers in a 1:1 Student Laptop Program. The presenters will explain
how they started the group, what training was offered and the challenges and opportunities that arose. They’ll also share their plans for the coming year as last year’s Student
Tech Crew help mentor the new incoming students.
Jean-Pierre Trudeau
Cool and Free Software
ICT Coordinator
Selwyn House School
Fri Session III
I will do a run throught a huge list of great little applications that are freeware or open
source. The software list has software that touches all levels of the school even adminsitration. I will explain how best to use the software and I also provide copies of all the
Room: 270
Michael Vasey
New to 1-1 Round Table Discussion and Questions
Fri Session III
Room: 171
Mike Dunlop & Lee Fertig 1:1 by Design
IT Director/Superintendent
Graded School São Paulo, Brazil
Fri Session III
Room: 288
Graded School’s 1:1 laptop program has operated on a Bring Your Own Device model
since 2010. This program was designed to intentionally support broad based strategic
initiatives adopted by the school, and it plays a critical role in the vision Graded has for
student learning. We have learned a lot over the last three years and are using the experiences to refine the program as we significantly expand its scope in 2012/13. This session
will provide an opportunity for participants to learn about Graded’s journey, and to leverage this knowledge to enhance student learning in their own schools.
Breakout Session IV
Cyrus Carter &
Cutting Class – Rethinking Use of Space and Collaboration in
Cecile Popp
High School
Robert College of Istanbul
Fri Session IV
Room: 186
The introduction of the 1-to-1 student laptop program at our school has allowed us to
examine how we use our space and how we collaborate with each other and with our
students. We will look at how our physical space and surroundings have an impact on
learning, examining ways in which the learning we facilitate can be closer to the learning
we do outside of the “box” of school. We will also look at the teaching that necessarily follows any changes in use of space and whether these changes could and should happen
even without physical changes in the “box.” In the second part, we will look at the impact of space on collaboration and how we can better collaborate (teacher/teacher and
teacher/student) in high school based on the models of elementary and middle school.
Douglas Butler
Why are the ICT Demands for Mathematics Different?
ICT Training Centre (Oundle)
Fri Session IV
Room: 168
The use of ICT made by school level Mathematics teaching is far more complex than almost all other subjects, involving the creative use of spreadsheets, dynamic software and
web-based apps. At the same time, the potential for ICT to make a serious improvement
in the teaching and learning of the subject is enormous. The level of complexity and
technical competence required sadly means that relatively few mathematics teachers
are taking advantages of the possibilities that ICT offer. Mathematics demands a lot from
ICT, and this impacts on the devices that can be used effectively as well as the all-important training needs. The range of software for mathematics is huge, including spread
sheets and word processors that need special attention. The best use of dynamic mathematics software requires an ability to create and select graphical objects on screen, and
perform operations that create dependent objects; parameters can be set and varied
dynamically. All this places Mathematics in a league of its own when it comes to training
teachers to use all this effectively. The classic keyboard and mouse interface suits all this
perfectly, but now developers are faced with the touch interface offered by most mobile
devices: this is definitely not ideal for dynamic software as it offers no ‘mouse signal’, no
obvious way to select objects with any confidence, and no way to manipulate them with
any degree of fine control. A fat finger is simply an inappropriate tool for this! The point
of this talk is to plead with IT directors to spare the mathematicians some special consideration when it comes to allocating scarce resources to hardware, software and training.
June Caulfield
Introducing iMovie - Offering Your Students New Ways to
Engange in Authentic Learning
Frankfurt International School
Fri Session IV
Room: ES Library Lab
The session will introduce you to the basics of the iMovie application. The focus will be
on how to design engaging lessons and allow your students to create dynamic projects.
This will allow the students to be the creators of the content and not just the consumer
of information. You will be introduced to: basic functions on iMovie; how to add still
pictures, text, music and transitions, and how to record and add video. Time will be provided to demonstrate, explore and experiment with the software and help you plan creative lessons that allow your students to utilize this tool.
John Mikton
No Privacy Please
International School of Prague
Fri Session IV
Room: 188
As more and more of our professional and personal lives are online and our privacy less
evident in a digital age, what are some strategies and learnings schools should consider
when supporting their school community to understand online privacy. We will look at
tools and ways to manage a positive digital footprint in the context of the classroom and
school. We will look at what schools strategically need to consider, and also individual
teachers and students, to ensure they are well informed and understand what it means
to have most of our personal information on the web.
Alexander Johnson
American School of Bombay
Test Raider: A Lesson in Gamifying Education
Room: Rose Carpet
How do we as educators meet the educational needs and intellectual demands of our
digital-native-Gen-Z-students? With technology evolving at an exponential rate, we
need to tap into the increasingly hard-wired mentality of game-driven principles that
serve to motivate the students of today. This workshop is designed to demonstrate the
incredible applicative potential of gamification in the classroom through a series of activities, examples, and discussions.
Cary Varela
Using Digital Storytelling to Promote Language
Graded American School of
Sao Paulo
Fri Session IV
Fri Session IV
Digital Storytelling involves the creation of a story blending hands-on technology skills
and tools with traditional story writing. It encourages choice, creativity, collaboration,
higher level thinking skills, AND language fluency in all language domains.
Room: ES Library
Warren Apel
Green Tech: Reducing Paper and Energy
ICT Director
International School of Amsterdam
Fri Session IV
At ISA, we have taken an environmental pledge to reduce our impact on the planet. Yet
at the same time, we have a technology goal to greatly increase our access to information.
Room: Auditorium
John Hamilton
Practical Applications and Web Tools in the Classroom
ICT Coordinator
Frankfurt International School
Fri Session IV
Room: 288
In this session at least two web tools will be presented that allow for creative use of
technology with practical examples given on how they can be applied in the classroom.
VoiceThread: A VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holds images,
documents, and videos and allows people to navigate slides, respond to stimulus material and leave comments in 5 ways - using voice (with a mic), text, audio file, or video
(via a webcam). Fakebook: “Fakebook” (NOT affiliated with Facebook or any other social
networking site) allows teachers and students to create imaginary profile pages for study
purposes. Chart the plot of a book, the development of a character or a series of historical events through the eyes of a social network.
Mark Dilworth &
Lessons Learned from an iPad Pilot
Mike Boulanger
ICT Director
Zurich International School
Fri Session IV
During the 2011-2012 school year, ZIS carried out an iPad pilot that offered teachers and
students the opportunity to trial the device individually, in small groups or class sets. The
aims of the pilot were to investigate the educational potential of the iPads; recognize
limitations of iPads with existing resources; recognize infrastructure shortfalls needed
for large scale deployment. This presentation will explore key findings and observations.
Room: 171
FIS Oktoberfest by reservation only - tickets required
17:00 Drinks
18:30 Dinner
Bus departs to Mövenpick at 21:00
Saturday, 29 Septemer
Jeff Utecht
Sat Keynote
Room: Auditorium
A New Learning Landscape
It’s not just our schools that are changing, it’s society as a whole. A new learning landscape is emerging. A landscape of global education. What does this mean for our schools,
our students, and communities? This presentation looks towards the future and what
awaits today’s students.
Breakout Session V
Derek Harwell
Google Drive: Changing Collaboration
ICT Coordinator
ELMLE & I.S. Amsterdam
Sat Session V
Room: Auditorium
Google Drive is much more than online storage. What sets this apart from other cloud
interfaces are third party collaborative software like We Video, LucidChart, and MindMapper to name a few, will change the way students use 1:1 devices to collaborate on
projects and create meaningful presentations.
Angi Jochum
Adding “Depth” to Performances with Projected Backgrounds
ICT Coordinator
Frankfurt International School
Sat Session V
At the Frankfurt International School Wiesbaden we have used projected backgrounds
for our school performances for the past six years. Learn about our set-up and experiences, the process we have taken to develop them, and see examples of these backgrounds “in action.”
Room: ES Library
Alexandra Roosenburg
Giving Students SMART Resources
Assistant Principal
Washington International School
Sat Session V
By giving students access to SMART interactive whiteboard tools and software, we allow them to create multi-media, interactive presentations, which can more accurately
display their knowledge and learning styles. This presentation will outline the ways in
which we provide SMART training and software to the students, ways in which we have
our students using the software, basic software training for attendees, and some suggestions for other student projects that can be done at your schools.
Room: ES Library Lab
Michael Vasey
1-to-1: Standard or BYOD?!
Sat Session V
1-to-1 has reached the tipping point, but choosing between a standard device vs. BYOD
is difficult. Come hear research and experiences compiled from almost 200 1-to-1 schools
as well as emerging best practices. We will discuss how these different implementations
affect teachers, students, parents, ICT, administration, and finance.
Room: Rose Carpet
Qi Zhang
Cloud ICT -
ICT Director
Achieving 1-1 Learning Through Cloud Computing
Copenhagen International School
Sat Session V
Room: 188
Technology has reshaped education. This session introduces you an innovative technology of the cloud enabled ICT model that will empower your teaching and learning activates in the 1-1 Learning Program. It allows your students to bring their own laptops to
the classroom whether it is a PC or a MacBook or an iPad, etc. This simple cloud solution
integrates all your demanded applications, files, folders and other IT services to one single user interface. Your students only need to log on through their web browser from any
devices such as PC, Mac, iPad, Tablet, iPhone, Android, Blackberry, etc. to have full access
to the school’s applications, files, folders, emails and other IT services. It is a low cost and
high efficient cloud enabled IT model that transfers your school to the future technology.
Clive Ungless
Director of International Operations
Sat V
Developing a Comprehensive Web Strategy
In this session, Clive Ungless will discuss the wide range of tools and services that finalsite has put in place to support the online environment of international schools. Elements discussed will include: mobile, CMS, LMS, portals and private social networks.
Room: 288
Metin Ferhatoglu &
Minimizing the Risk of Lapses:
Burcu Orenturk Aybat
the First Year of the 1:1 Laptop Program
ICT Director
American Robert College
Sat Session V
14:20-15:10 - Room: 186
After our first year of 1:1 laptop program at American Robert College of Istanbul, we can
see more clearly how the approach to the implementation of the program can be unique
to each school. Schools differ in mission, curriculum, teaching styles, culture and other
factors. This presentation will discuss some points that all schools will have to assess
before implementing a 1:1 laptop program and throughout the first year, with a view
to supporting the school’s mission and curriculum, building reliable and scalable infrastructure, involving all stakeholders to share the ownership of the program and using
articulate policies and procedures.
Breakout Session VI
Jim Heynderickx
ICT Director
American School in London
Sat Session VI
The Evolution of 1:1 Programs
After a brief review of successful 1:1 programs, we’ll consider how changing technologies are beginning to reshape the objectives, tools and opportunities in the very near
Room: 270
Stewart Crais &
Stuart McCathie
Director of Operations
Lausanne School
Sat Session VI
Room: Rose Carpet
Strategic Planning for Your One-to-One Program
Tying your technology initiatives into your strategic plan for your school is critical to
insure success. Meaningful, permanent educational progress comes from a partnership
between the school’s leadership team and all of its constituents. Lausanne leaders will
share how our decade of experience in creating a sustainable and integrated program
can be replicated at your school. Join this thought provoking round table discussion! Angi Jochum &
Google Sites
Andrea Rosinger
ICT Coordinator/FISW Principal
Frankfurt International School
Sat Session VI
GoogleSites has become FISW’s primary tool for communication with faculty/staff and
parents, as well as students communicating about their learning. We have integrated
other services and tools into its development, including GoogleDocs, Google Calendar
and Picasa.
Room: ES Library
From the FISW Principal’s perspective, this session will offer insight into the ways GoogleSites can enhance not only communication with faculty and parents, but also provide
a forum for shared learning and professional development. This session will also explain
our development of these sites over the past two years and the steps we took in developing them.
Bruce Knox
Flipped Classroom for Professional Development
ICT Director
Room: 188
This presentation will discuss the need for the approach to professional development
of teachers to be reconsidered in the context of a K-12 International Baccalaureate
World School in Saudi Arabia and examines the implementation of the Flipped Classroom Model (FCM) as a solution. The staff of the school were surveyed to gather data
surrounding their understanding of the FCM, preferences for professional development
and use of instructional video in their teaching and a set of guidelines was developed.
These guidelines can be used by the school and other similar institutions to inform how
best to implement a FCM approach to professional development successfully.
Burcu Orenturk Aybat &
A Framework for Adoption of the Technology in Robert
Metin Ferhatoglu
ICT Coordinator
The KAUST School
Sat Session VI
Robert College of Istanbul
Sat Session VI
To implement any technology successfully in a school environment, it is equally important to get support from the decision makers, involve all stakeholders, induce everyone to feel ownership, phase in the process, train the school community, connect to the
school’s curriculum needs, set clear expectations of success, and review continuously.
This presentation will offer a framework for the adoption of a technology as used by
Robert College of Istanbul.
Room: 186
Emily Sliman
Using Google Apps in a Mathematics Classroom
International School of Amsterdam
Sat Session VI
Emily will demonstrate the ways in which she has used Google Apps to develop collaborative inquiry within the classroom. She will also discuss why it is necessary for teachers
to make development of content with an understanding of technology a focus in their
Room: 288
12:15-13:15 Lunch and Wrapup
Presenter Biographies
Rose Ahrens
Primary Learning Support Teacher at Frankfurt
International School M.Ed., ABT CP-TLP, CCET
(Level A), British Psychological Society Registered
Assessor, Member of the Dyslexia Institute Guild
and Sensory Integration Network
Michael Brooke
A highly motivated, internationally minded manager and teacher. Adept at driving change, managing teams and establishing quality relationships with staff, parents and students. Michael
integrates the use of ICT for challenging, stimulating and innovative curriculum delivery, which
acknowledges different learning styles and individual potential. He uses ICT to meet current and
future challenges in an increasingly inter-con-
nected world. Michael has had 13 years of teaching experience and have spent the last six years
as Technology Director in St Julian’s School an
international school with a strong record of academic achievement and extra curricular activity
whose students are from Portugal, the United
Kingdom and more than 45 other countries.
Douglas Butler
After 30 years of teaching secondary mathematics, Douglas now concentrates on training mathematics teachers to make the best use of ICT
through the ‘TSM’ series of workshops both in
the UK and abroad. He also leads the development team for the popular software Autograph,
and runs an extensive website ‘TSM Resources’ to
help teachers to make sense of the uncontrolled
expansion of web-based content for mathematics. He has made a special study of challenges of
using mobile devices for mathematics. http://
Cyrus Carter
My background and ongoing musings may be
accessed at
June Caulfield
FIS English Teacher Upper School. June has
been working internationally for over 16 years.
Her qualifications include: M.Ed (with Research,
2010), B.A. Honors in Applied Social Studies, Post
Grad in Education PGCE, CELTA Certificate, ESL in
the Mainstream MYP Trained. SUBJECTS TAUGHT
include: MS Humanities and English, Sociology
and Psychology HS, ESL at various levels and programs (Middle School, GCSE, A ‘Level, American
High School/AP, Canadian Programs. International Programs that utilize inquiry based methodologies.) Countries worked in: Germany, Japan,
N.Ireland, England and Spain.
Stewart Crais
Director of Operations Lausanne School
Mark Dilworth
Originally from Canada, I have worked at international schools in the Middle East and Asia. I am
currently the Director of Educational Technology
at Zurich International School.
George Duncanson
George Duncanson has worked in International
Education for 25 years, the last 22 at the International School of Amsterdam. He has been a
Mathematics Teacher, Math HOD, TOK teacher, IT
Coordinator, IT Teacher, Network Manager and IT
Manager. Currently he works in IT Support running the IT Team.
Mick Dunlop
is the Director of Technology at Graded School
in São Paulo, Brazil. He is responsible for both
the technical aspects of 1:1 implementation and
the way that this technology is integrated into
school-wide curriculum. Mike has held technology leadership positions in international schools
in Tanzania, Bahrain, and Brazil, and has also
taught in schools in the USA and New Zealand.
Metin Ferhatoglu
Metin Ferhatoglu is currently the IT Director
at Robert College of Istanbul. He has a BA
degree from the Istanbul University’s School
of Engineering, and an MBA degree from
Yeditepe University. He also completed the
IT Academy of Bogazici University, thus developing further his specialization in Microsoft technologies. Ferhatoglu holds the title
of ‘Certified Microsoft Trainer’ since 1996,
and ‘Apple Distinguished Educator’ since 2009.
His areas of expertise include 1:1 laptop projects, change management, SMARTboard
applications, learning platforms, student
and teacher training. He visited several
schools in Europe and the US with the purpose of developing the use of technology
at Robert College, and he was responsible
for numerous short and long-term technology projects. Some of the projects he initiated are: Wireless Campus (2004), Laptop for
Teachers (2004), Learning Management System/Moodle (2008), Xerox Digital Archiving
(2008), Green IT (2008-2010), Portal (20062010), Theater Renovation (2006-2010). He is
presently working on the 1:1 laptop project
which he started in 2011.
Lee Fertig
is the Superintendent of Graded School. Lee has
25 years of administrative and teaching experience in a wide variety of educational settings
including four international schools (in Ethiopia,
Brazil, and Spain), a private school in New York
City, and a voluntary integration public magnet
school in Minneapolis. He is a trainer for the Principals’ Training Center (PTC), has taught in the
College of Education at the University of Minnesota, and has been a guest speaker on contemporary
Crystal Frommert
Over the years I have worn two different hats in
my professional career. I taught middle school
math for five years before serving as an Upper
School Technology Coordinator. After five more
years as a tech coordinator, I returned to my true
passion: teaching middle school math. Now in
my second phase as a math teacher, I bring many
experiences from my years in tech integration to
my own classroom. I recently changed schools
from a one-to-one tablet PC campus to a newly
emerging BYOD campus. I am looking forward to
helping my school grow with technology as I utilize it in my math classes and help colleagues to
do the same.
John Hamilton
John is a technology professional who has extensive experience from the mining, automotive
and education sectors. Since 2000, he has been
at Mt St Michael’s College, Australia where he is
the Director of Technology & Analysis. John is
currently on a one year sabbatical at Frankfurt
International School where he is sharing (and
learning) from his experiences in successfully
implementing 1-to-1 laptop programs. He has
consulted for Australian IT research firms on the
technological revolution occurring in the classroom and features in the Connected Generation
documentary. A regular conference presenter,
John is passionate about the impact that technology can have in the classroom.
Derek Harwell
Jim Heynderickx
Jim Heynderickx has over 20 years experience
in educational technology and has created or
led three different 1:1 programs. http://www.
Erica Hoffman
Erica Hoffman has a master’s degree in Educational Technology Leadership from George Washington University. She teaches English and is part
of the leadership team of the 1:1 Student Laptop
Program at Robert College. She co-sponsors the
Student Tech Crew and works on projects to support teachers in the pedagogical shifts that happen in a 1:1 laptop environment.
Dr. Paul Howard-Jones
Dr Paul Howard-Jones (Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol) researches at the interface of neuroscience with educational theory,
practice and policy, and he publishes in all associated areas. He was recently asked to review
the potential effects of the internet on the brain,
and delivered his findings via this year’s Nominet
Lecture at the UK’s Royal Society for Arts. His scientific research combines neurocomputational
Angi Jochum
FISW ICT Coordinator
Kelsey Jones
FIS Primary School ICT coordinator and champion
of iPad Pilot project
modelling with functional brain imaging in order
to further understand the relationship between
reward and learning. He is applying this knowledge in the development of educational learning
games. He was a member of the UK’s Royal Society working group on Neuroscience and Education that published its report in 2011. In a previous life, he worked as a school teacher, trainer of
teachers and as an inspector of schools.
Ian Jukes
Ian Jukes has been a teacher, an administrator, writer, consultant, university instructor and
keynote speaker. He was the creator and codeveloper of TechWorks, the internationally successful K-8 technology framework; the catalyst
of the NetSavvy and InfoSavvy information literacy series; and has been a contributing editor
for several journals and magazines. His most recent book was Teaching the Digital Generation,
co-authored with Ted McCain and Frank Kelly.
Ian is currently working on three books – a 2nd
edition of Windows on the Future, a book on Understanding Digital Kids and a series on Digital
Fluency for 21st Century Learners.
Scott Klososky
A former CEO of three successful startup companies, Scott specializes in looking over the horizon with how technology is changing the world.
Scott’s vision and ability to see trends in emerging technologies allows him to be a thought
leader who applies his skills to help organizations thrive, leaders prosper and entire industries
move forward. His love of being a technology
entrepreneur assures that he continually works
in the trenches of building his own companies.
Bruce Knox
Bruce Knox has been a teacher for 20 years and a
learner for 40. Since beginning his career singing
and dancing for 11 year olds in an Australian Primary School, he has taken his show on the road
and has taught all grade levels from three to postgraduate in Australia, China, Laos and Saudi Arabia. He has wandered with the Logo turtle with
10 year olds, made Claris work with 14 year olds,
had the Audacity to think he and his 3rd graders
could sing and has spent many years InDesigning yearbooks with seniors. With the last 10 years
of his teaching focusing on educational technology in an international school context, Bruce has
found himself spending more and more time
disciplining unruly networks, chastising obstinate servers, and helping frustrated colleagues.
Currently the Technology Director at The KAUST
School in Saudi Arabia, Bruce oversees a 1:1 laptop program from Grade 1 to 12, manages the
technology PD for all staff and generally bites off
more than he can chew.
Shabbi Luthra
Shabbi has worked for over two decades in various teaching and leadership roles in international schools in the field of educational technology.
Her work is focused on the development of stakeholder ownership of technology integration, and
on the creation of technology-enriched learning
environments that support students’ acquisition
of 21st century skills. She is currently the Director
of Research and Development, and Technology
at the American School of Bombay.
Stuart McCathie
Headmaster Lausanne School
Silvana Meneghini
John Mikton
Director of Information Technology at the International School of Prague. An Apple Distinguished Educator, Google Apps for Education
Certified Trainer, Chair of the ECIS ICT Committee,
and Principal Training Center Course Facilitator. I
have worked in United States, Tanzania, China,
Japan and now the Czech Republic as a Elementary School Teacher, Information Technology
Specialist (ES/MS), IT Coordinator and IT Director.
Previous to this I worked in Television and Print
Advertising in Geneva, Switzerland (Television
Suisse Romande), Boston Massachusetts (Warner
Communications), and San Francisco California
(The Bay Guardian). I write a monthly blog at and write and manage
Burcu Orenturk Aybat
Burcu Aybat graduated from the Middle East
Technical University with a B.S. and M.S. degree
in Computer Education and Instructional Technology. She has over 11 years of experience as
ICT teacher. She is currently working as Educational Technology Coordinator at Robert College
of Istanbul. Her areas of study include methods
of integrating technology into the curriculum,
training teachers to integrate technology effectively into their classrooms, Eportfolio, LMSs like
Moodle, and 1:1 laptop programs. http://www.
Rob Potvin
About Rob Potvin: I am an IT Development Coordinator and Apple Systems Administrator at
Bavarian International School e.V. I have been
working at BIS for over 9 years and in that time
have seen the school grow from 500 to over a
1000 students. With an increasing number of
students comes an inevitable increase of technological usage, and I have been on the forefront
of this change at BIS, from the old clamshell
iBooks to iPads, OS 9 to Mac OS X Lion. I specializes in management and deployment of Macs
and other apple devices. About two years ago I
was introduced to JAMF Casper Suite and I have
not looked back. The software has redefined Mac
and iOS management. In 2011 BIS had a very
successful 1:1 deployment of 300 macbook airs
with JAMF Casper Suite. Managed client settings
(MCX), software updates and remote software
installs are all managed and deployed via JAMF
Casper Suite. This coming school year we are deploying another 200 Macbook Airs and a Lower
School iPad grade level trail. With over 800 clients
and 200 iOS devices, JAMF Casper Suite plays an
important role here at BIS. I do not work for JAMF,
but I find the software such a big help that I want
to share my experience and knowledge about
the software. Unfortunately Eddie is away at the
time of this writing, I will get the information
Alexandra Roosenburg
Alex Roosenburg was born in the United States
to two Dutch parents. Raised bilingually as a
third culture kid, she moved overseas as soon as
she finished her dual Bachelor’s (French)/ Master’s (Elem. Ed) program at the University of Virginia. She, with four other teachers, pioneered
the opening of the first English Day School in
Lugano Switzerland, as a part of TASIS boarding
school. After teaching 5th and 6th grades there
for two years, Alex moved to Tanzania to teach
at the International School of Tanganyika. She
taught 5th grade for 2 years and then moved
over to the IT realm, becoming the ICT Coordinator for the Primary School. In 2010, she moved
back to the States, as the Primary Learning and
Technology Coordinator for the Washington International School. Alex is also a certified SMART
Notebook version 10 and 11 trainer.
Emily Sliman
She has been in the classroom for seven years,
in both US public schools and international
schools. She has taught grades 8 - 12 at all levels
and across all topics within mathematics. While
teaching, she also simultaneously completed her
MS in Mathematics Education.
Jean-Pierre Trudeau
He has been the laptop manager and AV Coordinator at Selwyn House for three years. I am
Microsoft, Cisco and Apple Certified and have
a vast knowledge in Audio Visual Sytems. He
has already presented at the Laptop Institute in
Memphis fo rthree consecutive years.
Clive Ungless
Director of International operations at Finalsite
will discuss the wide range of tools and services
that Finalsite has put in place to support the on-
line environment of international schools. Elements discussed include mobile, CMS, LMS, portals and private social networks.
Jeff Utecht
Jeff Utecht is an international educator, educational technology consultant and author. He has
worked internationally since 2002, and is currently the High School Technology and Learning
Coordinator for the International School Bangkok. Additionally, Jeff has consulted for Web 2.0
companies on educational issues and in his recent book, Reach, talks about using online communities and networks to create professional
development opportunities for educators. Jeff
regularly shares his thoughts on education and
technology on his blog,
Cary Varela
Michael Vasey
Michael has spent his career working with educators and technology. He is currently a director
at DyKnow, LLC in the US. Previously, Michael
worked with the management team at National
Heritage Academies and then followed classroom technology he used at university to the
company DyKnow. Michael helped launch DyKnow’s first software product in 2003. Since those
early days, he has personally worked with 120
schools implementing 1:1 programs, including
many attending Laptop Institute events worldwide. He feels lucky that he gets to travel and
educate schools and partners on 1:1 practices.
Michael has a music degree from DePauw University and can be found playing jazz saxophone
gigs in Indianapolis, IN. Find him on Twitter @DyKnow.
Qi Zhang
Qi Zhang has sixteen years of experiences in IT/
ICT strategy and administration working collegially and collaboratively with faculty and staff. She
has solid knowledge and experiences in managing extensive computer network infrastructure
including wireless network, servers, data storage, VoIP telephone system, applications, and
virtualizations with PC and Macintosh platforms
on a common network. She is also a trainer and
presenter at international conferences for IT/ ICT
management and development. She is enthusiastic about creating innovative, cost efficient and
green IT/ICT solutions.
ES Rose Carpet
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Frankfurt International School