Gilgamesh Journal Responses

‘The Epic of Gilgamesh”
Part I: “The Adventures of Gilgamesh” (Handout)
Double Entry Journal
On a separate sheet of looseleaf, divide the page in two and record your answers to the following questions. Please try to keep the “connect” response parallel to the “collect” information it corresponds to. Collect Connect 1. Describe the characters of Gilgamesh and 1. How do these two characters fit your conception of a Enkidu. Focus on the four techniques of heroic figure? Is there anything in their character/behavior characterization (physical description; what ch. that you would find “unheroic”? says/thinks/does; how others interact with or speak about character; direct statements by narrator). 2. Make note of the important plot events. 2. Do any of these events correspond to the “hero’s journey” as Campbell describes it? Which ones? In both characters and events, do you see any parallels with other myths/beliefs we have studied before? 3. Why did you choose this quote? 3. Record at least one quotation that you think is essential to the understanding of the story, or that you think reflects the Babylonian heroic ideal. 4. Ask a question – of me regarding the plot, or of your classmates as a comprehension check “Gilgamesh Laments over Enkidu” (Text p. 9-11)
Double-Entry Journal Response
Collect 1) In Gilgamesh’s lament, find and record an example of: Apostrophe; Hyperbole; Metaphor; Personification; Simile (you may need to define these terms – look in the literary glossary in the back of your book) 2) Why did Enkidu die? 3) How does the author use repetition/refrain in the story? 4) Gilgamesh attempts to resist the power of death over human life. What actions does Gilgamesh take that might show him “denying” Death’s power? Connect 1) From the various comparisons, which of Enkidu’s qualities were most important to Gilgamesh? How will Enkidu’s death impact others? 3) What do the repeated elements emphasize? 4) How, in contemporary culture, do we “deny” death? The Flood Stories
“Gilgamesh and Utnapishtim” (T. p. 12-15) and
“Noah” (Handout)
Double-entry Journal Response
Collect Connect What parallels exist between the two stories? List the Noah parallels on this side. Are there any other parallels you see between the Gilgamesh flood story and other myths we’ve read? Do these flood stories, taken together, suggest any common theme regarding human nature, sin, or life for the members of ancient Mesopotamia? For Gilgamesh… Collect information on: a. What was the purpose of Gilgamesh’s quest b. What inspired the flood? c. How did Utnapishtim escape the flood? d. What happened when the flood had subsided? e. What blessing or promise was made to Utnapishtim after the flood? f. What was Gilgamesh seeking after, and what prevented him from achieving his goal? For Noah: a. What prompted the destruction of the world? b. How did Noah escape the flood? c. What happened when the flood subsided? d. What blessing or promise was made to Utnapishtim after the flood? 1. In a paragraph, draw a conclusion – why might a story where the gods attempt destroy humanity but humanity survives be a part of so many cultures? What purpose would such a story serve? 
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