HIST 001: Western Civilization I Guide Questions: Stories of the Flood These questions should guide you in your reading of The Epic of Gilgamesh and the story of the flood presented in Genesis. 1. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is arguably the hero of the story. From what you have read, what characteristics make him so? What does this characterization tell you about Babylonian culture? 2. Who was Uta-nipishti? What role does he play in the epic? What does Gilgamesh learn from him? 3. According to The Epic of Gilgamesh, why did the flood occur? What was the role of the gods? How did they interact with mankind before the flood? After? 4. What about in Genesis? 5. Although Gilgamesh wants to live forever, he could not even stay awake for seven days. What is the point of this episode? What does Gilgamesh ultimately learn about immortality and the afterlife? 6. How does Noah compare to Gilgamesh and Uta-nipishti? 7. How does the god of Noah compare to those of Gilgamesh? What does this tell you about each culture’s view of the divine? 8. What is the role of women in each story? What does this tell us about their authors’ cultures?