F OOD M AT ER I A L PACK AGE Idea s on how to incor porate technolog y, infor m ation and communication ( T ICs) in lang u age lesson s Segundas Lenguas y Nuevas Tecnologías (SLNT) An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships 2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075 Partners: Spain (coordinator), Finland, Italy, Romania, Latvia www.babeltic.eu Segundas Lenguas y Nuevas Tecnologías (SLNT) is an international project in the educational sphere involving partners from Spain, Italy, Romania, Latvia and Finland. The project focuses on second language teaching; its main objective is creating an adaptation of the European Language Portfolio to the environment of second language teaching in formal settings. The SLNT project addresses intercultural problems and intends to give adult immigrants the full assurance that learning a second language is entirely possible and prevent them from social isolation by creating virtual learning community, promoting integration, social advancement and employment. The current Food material package is a set of ideas accompanied by sample materials, on how to incorporate technology, information and communication (TICs) in your language lessons, around the food theme. More information: http://www.babeltic.eu Segundas Lenguas y Nuevas Tecnologías An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships 2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075 Partners: Finland, Italy, Spain (coordinator), Romania, Latvia Table of contents T HE L A N GUA G E ME NU f o r f l a s h c a r d s a n d w o r k s h e e t s c r e a t i o n 4 Bingo generator “ Cooking Utensils” �������������������������������������� ������ 5 Fla sh c ards generator “Des crib e how ” ������������������������������������ ���� 11 Fill -in the blank generator “Foo d idioms” ���������������������������������� 1 5 L ab el the pic tures generator “Fruit s an d b erries” an d “Veget ables” � ��� � ��� � ��� � ��� ���������������������������������������������������� 16 Spiral generator “Fruit s an d veget ables” ������������������������������������ 18 Crossword generator “Things in the kitchen ” ������������������������������� 2 3 Words earch generator “Veget ables” �������������������������������������� ���� 2 7 P R E Z I f o r o n l i n e p r e s e n t a t i o n s ��������������������������������������������� 3 0 Prezi - online p res en t ations s ample slid es ��������������������������� ������� 31 TA G X E DO f o r w o r d c l o u d c r e a t i o n ����������������������������������������� 3 4 Kitchen vo c abular y word clou d ������������������������������������������������� 35 Fruit , b erries & nu t s word clou d ������������������������������������������������ 3 8 Foo d word clou d � ��� � ��� � ��� � ������������������������������������������������������� 41 Veget ables & mushrooms word clou d ������������������������������������������ 43 B R A I N S C A P E f o r i n t e l l i g e n t f l a s h c a r d c r e a t i o n , o n l i n e s t u d y 4 5 Brains c ap e - in telligen t fla shc ards s amples �������������������������������� 4 6 R E C I P E C A R D M A K E R - recip es from the SLNT p ar tner coun tries 4 8 Mo r e s a m p l e m a t e r i a l c r e a t e d w i t h T HE L A N GUA GE MENU c l i p - a r t a n d vo c a b u l a r y �� ������������������������������������������������������� 53 Kitchen vo c abular y fla sh c ards Fruit , b erries & nu t s fla sh c ards ��������������������� ��������������������������� 5 4 ����������������������������������������� ���� 6 3 Foo d fla sh c ards � ��� � ��� � ��� � ��� ���������������������������������������������������� 70 Veget ables & mushrooms fla sh c ards Culinar y verbs fla sh c ards ������������������������������������������������������ 8 3 Culinar y adjec tives fla sh c ards ������������������������������������������������ 8 8 What am I? Foo d rid dles fla sh c ards Foo d idioms fla sh c ards ���������������������������������������� 76 ����������������������������������� ���� 9 6 �� ��� ���������������������������������������������������� 9 8 4 THE LANGUAGE MENU http://eng.teachers.thelanguagemenu.com/tools/ THE LANGUAGE MENU Online Teaching Tools and Material Generators Ease of Use vs. Possible difficulties Collaborative Learning Useful Links Bingo Board game Categories Crossword puzzle Fill in the blank Flashcard and domino Framework Label the pictures Lines Matching exercise Money count Multiple choice Missing words Split words Scrambled sentences True or False Word spiral Word search Material creation is extremely accesable. You can use the existing vocabulary lists and clip-art to create material or enter your own words/texts. The worksheets are created in PDF format and are ready to print. The website includes a section of online interactive games for students. Worksheet generators http://eng.teachers. thelanguagemenu. com/tools/ Creating sets of flashcards together with your students is a great way to get them involved and introduce content that expresses their views. Try to brainstorm questions around a certain theme and enter the student’s suggested questions in the flashcard generator, create and print! Games for students http://eng.teachers. thelanguagemenu. com/games/ Material bank http://eng.teachers. thelanguagemenu. com/material/Teachingmaterial Clip-art http://eng.teachers. thelanguagemenu. com/material/Cliparts “The Language Menu” is an educational website used by over 20 000 teachers from over 100 countries allowing teachers to create customized worksheets in a few minutes. The website offers a great collection of material creation generators (see the above list). Teachers can create worksheets in more than 30 languages and make bilingual material in more than 2380 language combinations. The website includes a hand-drawn clip-art with more than 4000 pictures, that you can use to create worksheets or download to be used as prompts in the classroom. In the next pages, you can see samples of worksheets created using the tools, vocabulary and clip-art available on The Language Menu website. SEGUNDAS LENGUAS Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS www..babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships (2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075) 5 THE LANGUAGE MENU - BINGO GENERATOR TEACHER’S SHEET &RRNLQJ8WHQVLOV QXWFUDFNHU SHHOHU FDNHVHUYHU FKRSVWLFNV RYHQPLWWHQV JDUOLFSUHVV FRUNVFUHZ FKHHVHVOLFHU IXQQHO SHSSHUPLOO UROOLQJSLQ VLHYH ZKLVN UXEEHUVSDWXOD SL]]DZKHHO VDODGVHUYHUV ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 6 THE LANGUAGE MENU - BINGO GENERATOR 1 &RRNLQJ8WHQVLOV ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 7 THE LANGUAGE MENU - BINGO GENERATOR 2 &RRNLQJ8WHQVLOV ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 8 THE LANGUAGE MENU - BINGO GENERATOR 3 &RRNLQJ8WHQVLOV ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 9 THE LANGUAGE MENU - BINGO GENERATOR 4 &RRNLQJ8WHQVLOV ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 10 THE LANGUAGE MENU - BINGO GENERATOR 5 &RRNLQJ8WHQVLOV ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 11 THE LANGUAGE MENU - FLASHCARDS GENERATOR 1 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXWDNHFDUHRI DJDUGHQ 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXZDVKWKH GLVKHV 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXFRRNSDVWD 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXRUGHUSL]]D RQOLQH 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXUHVHUYHD WDEOHDWDUHVWDXUDQW 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXRUGHUSL]]D E\WHOHSKRQH 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXPDNH VDQGZLFKHV 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXPDNHD VDODG 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXPDNHDQ RPHOHWWH 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXPDNH SDQFDNHV ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 12 THE LANGUAGE MENU - FLASHCARDS GENERATOR 2 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXFRRN DVSDUDJXV 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXFRRN KHDOWK\ 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXFRRN SRWDWR 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXERLOZDWHU 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXERLOHJJV IRU(DVWHU 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXSHHOD ZDWHUPHORQ 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXSHHODKDUG ERLOHGHJJ 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXVHWDEXIIHW WDEOH 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXVHWXSD OXQFKPHQX 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXRUJDQL]HDQ HQGRI\HDUSDUW\ ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 13 THE LANGUAGE MENU - FLASHCARDS GENERATOR 3 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXRUJDQL]HD FRRNLQJFRQWHVW 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXERLOZKLWH ULFH 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXVHDVRQ FKLFNHQ 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXFOHDQD UHIULJHUDWRU 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXFOHDQD JULOO 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXFOHDQEXUQW SRWV 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXXVHD WRDVWHU 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXXVHDFDQ RSHQHU 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXXVH FKRSVWLFNV 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXXVHVSLFHV ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 14 THE LANGUAGE MENU - FLASHCARDS GENERATOR 4 'HVFULEHKRZWRERLODQHJJ 'HVFULEHKRZWRSODQW YHJHWDEOHV 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXPDNHDFXS RIFRIIHH 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXPDNHDFXS RIKRWFKRFRODWH 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXPDNHDFXS RIWHD 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXPDNH FRIIHH 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXPDNHLFH 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXVHWWKH WDEOHIRUEUHDNIDVW 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXVHWWKH WDEOHIRUGLQQHU 'HVFULEHKRZ\RXVHWWKH WDEOHIRUOXQFK ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 15 THE LANGUAGE MENU - fill-in the blank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label the pictures GENERATOR 1 )UXLWVDQGEHUULHV RUDQJH JUDSHV SOXP FKHUULHV EDQDQD FRFRQXW DSULFRW EODFNFXUUDQWV DSSOH OHPRQ NLZL PDQJR VWUDZEHUU\ ZDWHUPHORQ SHDFK SHDU ILJV SLQHDSSOH SDSD\D SDVVLRQIUXLW ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 17 THE LANGUAGE MENU - label the pictures GENERATOR 2 9HJHWDEOHV DVSDUDJXV JDUOLF WXUQLS FRUQ SDUVQLSV SHDV FDXOLIORZHU DUWLFKRNH EURFFROL JUHHQEHDQV FXFXPEHU FHOHU\ VSLQDFK OHHN FDUURW WRPDWR RQLRQ \HOORZSHSSHU VSULQJRQLRQV UDGLVKHV ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 18 THE LANGUAGE MENU - spiral GENERATOR 1 )UXLWVDQGYHJHWDEOHV ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 19 THE LANGUAGE MENU - spiral GENERATOR 2 )UXLWVDQGYHJHWDEOHV ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 20 THE LANGUAGE MENU - spiral GENERATOR 3 )UXLWVDQGYHJHWDEOHV ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 21 THE LANGUAGE MENU - spiral GENERATOR 4 )UXLWVDQGYHJHWDEOHV R U U D U U D W R W V D F X O D F R Y W K U X H L Z L N L L Q H P D \ D S F F L E R S U D H K R S H Q D S X R U ] U O V H P N \ X U L V D F F L P L D X F H H V F K V S X L Q L D P E H U D J X D U H W F W R U H Z W D P R S Q R E R G D D L O O V H Q N I S S D S L S H D Q P O O W J U D X X S L Q S D F K X D V W F R Q I U U J R L H P D Q J R R L F O J R F R Q X I L U D D S S O H D S U D E U H J J S O D Q W J E V E U R F F R O L F D F D W F H J E F ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 22 THE LANGUAGE MENU - spiral GENERATOR 5 )UXLWVDQGYHJHWDEOHV ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 23 THE LANGUAGE MENU - crosswords GENERATOR 1 7KLQJVLQWKHNLWFKHQ Z N V D X F H S F Q J N O R D O G L V K Z V D W R H V D V D Q W H I R Q K H K H H V H U S V V N O R Q L R U V Y H R N F E H U D O G D O W R Z O S F D H U Q D U H R G D Z S E L R H R W O Q [ F O K L W H U S U D Q L V W J V W L L N O V F R Q G L X L Q I K V H Y H S H X W F U D F N H U H U H O H U Q J X S O L D Q ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 24 THE LANGUAGE MENU - crosswords GENERATOR 2 7KLQJVLQWKHNLWFKHQ ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 25 THE LANGUAGE MENU - crosswords GENERATOR 3 7KLQJVLQWKHNLWFKHQ Z S V H V Q W ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 26 THE LANGUAGE MENU - crosswords GENERATOR 4 7KLQJVLQWKHNLWFKHQ ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 27 THE LANGUAGE MENU - wordsearch GENERATOR 1 9HJHWDEOHV R ] N L J U ] L U O W W K H Q H Z Q P K G H V S L Q D F K S I V ] L S D U V Q L S V S X E H R G P F X F X P E H U H E G Q E W Y W X U Q L S F F D V E Y Z W R P D W R R \ E X I G V G V N G E \ H S L W W Z Y S Q R Q R Q F K L F R U \ G J F F D U U R W D D W F V D H W L D G Q J I K S E O Q V Y G G E U X V V H O V V S U R X W V L S H N J U Z O \ O Q J S J R O \ N N E O R X W S R R \ L F H F D E E D J H ] D ] Q P V R D F U I F R G G U Y V Q D J X \ X S S S W W F H O H U \ Y D F Q W U J S D F H N F D ] R N R L Q N Q J Z E O H H N F V L D W Y O O Z V G J R X U G L O D Q K E Q S R O L Y H V J R U V ] D J F S V W L V O H ] Y H U Q G J L P K Z S O D D Q E I U S R W I N W Z \ E Q F F Q U P F L G Z V ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 28 THE LANGUAGE MENU - wordsearch GENERATOR 2 9HJHWDEOHV F Z W K F U ] O U ] D W R ] G P Z S Y U S G V S L Q D F K R D S V K S D U V Q L S V E I J K G I F X F X P E H U G Z G L Z E F W X U Q L S I O R ] E K P W R P D W R R I I H W O V O L D ] H O H L Q Q N E P Q U J G P F K L F R U \ D J L F D U U R W D J S J D H F I R D J H J ] K P J E Q V Y O O E U X V V H O V V S U R X W V L S H V ] U K O U P W H S V Y O V N Y Q F R X W S G R D L I F E F D E E D J H S F ] Q P V R Z F L I S R F J U S D Q D G D V X E S W \ F H O H U \ X D Q P W U H S G F F N F D \ R Q R E Q I J \ E I O H H N F S L D W W O L Z Q J R X U G R L U D U K \ Q S R O L Y H V X U Z V X S R F L V K L P D H U L G K U Y \ P X J E U F D F H Q D O U Z U V K L W \ E H Y P L Y Q N Q W L F V ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 29 THE LANGUAGE MENU - wordsearch GENERATOR 3 9HJHWDEOHV ZZZWKHODQJXDJHPHQXFRP 30 PREZI http://prezi.com/ Online Teaching Tools and Material Generators PREZI Online presentation tool, with a zooming canvas for active learning and interactivity. This enables teachers to present an integrated view of how each detail relates to each other and to the big picture. Teachers can include their own pictures, videos and even a ready-made PowerPoint presentation. Ease of Use vs. Possible difficulties Collaborative Learning Useful Links zooming canvas active learning and interactivity The website includes Prezi Tutorial for a section of online Teachers http://vimeo. interactive games for com/44159070 students. Be careful with using Thoughts on using the zooming in abil- Creating sets of Prezi as a teaching ity of Prezi, too much flashcards together tool zooming in, or too with your students http://prezi.com/ quick may be tiring is a great way to get rfsnedhqmhqa/ for viewers. them involved and thoughts-on-usingintroduce content prezi-as-a-teachingTo make a nice pres- that expresses their tool/ entation, choose one views. Try to brainstorm questions of the “A table setting” samaround a certain ple presentation theme and enter the http://prezi.com/ student’s suggested boyygbsmvbm-/a-taquestions in the ble-setting/?kw=viewflashcard generator, boyygbsmvbmcreate and print! &rc=ref-22676065 PREZI is an online presentation tool, with a zooming canvas for active learning and interactivity. This enables teachers to present an integrated view of how each detail relates to each other and to the big picture. Teachers can include their own pictures, videos and even a ready-made PowerPoint presentation. Prezi is perfect for interactive classroom sessions or group projects. Teachers and stundets can collaborate in real time with up to 10 others, whether in the classroom or at home, to brainstorm and create a presentation on one shared virtual whiteboard. Prezi stores the presentations in the cloud for easy access from anywhere. The online presentation tool can be used to introduce or review vocabulary, explain grammar rules or introduce cultural content. Teachers can create their own material, or explore the ready-made presentations already available. SEGUNDAS LENGUAS Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS www..babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships (2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075) 31 PREZI - ONLINE prezentations slide 1 and 2 32 PREZI - ONLINE prezentations slide 3 and 4 33 PREZI - ONLINE prezentations slide 4 and 5 34 TAGXEDO http://www.tagxedo.com/ Online Teaching Tools and Material Generators Ease of Use vs. Possible difficulties Collaborative Learning Useful Links Word cloud generator No membership required. TAGXEDO Word clouds created Watch a Tagxedo Tutowith Tagxedo can be rial: shared by URL. http://vimeo. Enter your wordlist com/40793667 or text and create a Ask learners to create shaped word cloud their own wordcloud Tagxedo: Amazing out of it. The tool (either provide them Word Cloud Generator allows you to sewith access to the And 101 Ways To Use lect different fonts, online tool or with It… Word Clouds in themes and shapes a printed contour of Education You can create differ- the image). https://www.google. ent types of images, fi/url?sa=t&rct=j&q= suitable for high &esrc=s&source=web quality printing. &cd=1&cad=rja&ved =0CC0QFjAA&url=htt It takes a bit of time p%3A%2F%2F21cent to learn how to use uryedtech.wordpress. the tool. Tagxedo is an online word cloud generator, that allows teachers to constrain word lists or texts into selected shapes (heart, star, animals, etc). Teachers can create a visual representation of a text to pull out and identify important words or show the text in an interactive, visually appealing way. The resulting cloud pops out the words as you roll over them, so viewers can “see” each word separately. Word clouds can be used to analyze and visualize the language used in political speaches, newspaper articles or ads, while helping learners to see and memorize important vocabulary. Ask students to recognize the words, use them in sentences, and also create their own wordcloud (either provide them with access to the online tool or with a printed contour of the image). The word clouds can then be printed and placed as posters in the classroom. See a few examples on how to work with Tagxedo in the pages to follow. SEGUNDAS LENGUAS Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS www..babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships (2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075) 35 TAGXEDO - KITCHEN VOCABULARY WORDCLOUD 1 SEGUNDAS LENGUAS Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS www..babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships (2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075) 36 TAGXEDO - kITCHEN VOCABULARY WORDCLOUD 2 Make a list of words you find in the wordcloud. On the second column add verbs that are used with these words. See how many you can find! SEGUNDAS LENGUAS Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS www..babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships (2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075) 37 TAGXEDO - kITCHEN VOCABULARY WORDCLOUD 3 Now, create your own kitchen vocabulary word cloud. Add the items that can be found in your kitchen at home. SEGUNDAS LENGUAS Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS www..babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships (2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075) 38 fruit, berries & nuts wordcloud 1 SEGUNDAS LENGUAS Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS www..babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships (2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075) 39 fruit, berries & nuts wordcloud 2 Look at the word cloud and fill in the table below with words belonging to these categories. As a follow-up, continue the list with words you know and are not in the word cloud. With a partner, say a word and ask your partner to guess the category. FRUIT BERRIES SEGUNDAS LENGUAS Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS www..babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships (2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075) NUTS 40 fruit, berries & nuts wordcloud 3 Look at the word cloud and find associations with the words you see: what verbs, adjectives or idioms come to your mind? VERBS ADJECTIVES SEGUNDAS LENGUAS Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS www..babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships (2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075) IDIOMS 41 food wordcloud 1 SEGUNDAS LENGUAS Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS www..babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships (2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075) 42 food wordcloud 2 - story script Look at the word cloud and fill in the table below with words you find. Write a story using at least ten words from the list you made. bagel SEGUNDAS LENGUAS Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS www..babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships (2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075) 43 VEGETABLES & MUSHROOMS WORDCLOUD 1 SEGUNDAS LENGUAS Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS www..babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships (2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075) 44 VEGETABLES & MUSHROOMS WORDCLOUD 2 Look at the word cloud and write a list of words in the left column. Then write a question for which each word is the answer. With a partner, play Jeopardy - ask the questions and your partner has to guess the word. Vote for the best question, then share it with the class. SEGUNDAS LENGUAS Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS www..babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships (2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075) 45 BRAINSCAPE https://www.brainscape.com/ BRAINSCAPE Online Teaching Tools and Material Generators Ease of Use vs. Possible difficulties Collaborative Learning Useful Links Brainscape is an online tool teachers can use to create digital flashcards usable online, on a smart phone or surftablet. Teachers can add lists of words to create flashcards (including bilingual cards and cards with pictures). Sets of subjects can be created, to include new decks in the subjects. Brainscape is an easy way to create and share vocabulary with your class. You can invite your students into your online “class”. You can also ask students to create the flashcards themselfs or improve/edit existing ones. How can Brainscape work in my class? - video presentation http://www.slideshare.net/ fullscreen/brainscapeCEO/ teachers-slide-show/1 Signing in using a Facebook account or creating a new free account. The vocabulary cards can be studied online or Unlimited on a smart phone/tabamounts of cards. let and you will be able to track the student’s progress. New decks Teachers can upload two-column .CSV spread- can be download from sheet files and turn them the online store. Use into flashcards. To create Brainscape on a smartphone or tablet, with .CSV files, one can use this free downloadable Open Office or Google app: https://itunes.apple. Spreadsheets. com/us/app/brainscape/ id442415567?mt=8 5 tips for creating great flashcards http://blog. brainscape.com/2010/04/ tips-great-flashcards/ Brainscape Card Sets created for the Segundas Lenguas y Nuevas Tecnologías (SLNT) project: https://www.brainscape. com/study?pack_ id=1289408 includes “Kitchenware vocabulary English-Spanish”, “Find someone who” discussion cards on food, “Who am I? Food service jobs”. Brainscape is an online tool to make digital flashcards usable online, on your smart phone or surftablet. Used for introducing new vocabulary, reviewing or expanding already studied vocabulary, Brainscape is a versatile tool for teachers. Vocabulary can be drilled together in class, or given as homework for home. You can also use the cards to play language games such as trivia, review verbs and other grammar points with fill-in the blank sentences, or initiate debates. “Brainscape is an adaptive web and mobile education platform designed to help you learn faster. Our method focuses on the TIMING of study repetitions. Rate how well you know each concept, on a scale of 1-5, and Brainscape determines exactly the right interval of repetition for YOUR brain. Users can create their own content for free, or study Brainscape’s expert created content. The Brainscape marketplace covers subjects from GRE vocab prep to Spanish to Sports Trivia and Music Theory, all of which you can study online or on the go. You can learn literally ANYTHING faster with Brainscape.” Source: http://www.brainscape.com/marketing/press.html SEGUNDAS LENGUAS Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS www..babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships (2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075) 46 brainscape - online flash cards GENERATOR You can import lists of vocabulary or sentences from your own computer (.CSV files) or you can add the terms manually online. You can also upload a picture to illustrate your card, or record sound. You can also add a prompt that will be repeated on each card, or enter a separate prompt for the some of the cards. You can create a subject and under it create several deks of cards. Once your material is ready, you can Share the Subject through a direct URL or by sharing it privately by e-mail. 47 brainscape - kitchenware english - spanish Use Brainscape to drill vocabulary learned in class, or to introduce new vocabulary, either with bilingual cards or term and definition cards. Scale your knowledge from 1-5 and the tool will help you review the terms that proove more difficult to remember. Brainscape can also be used to play language games such as quizzez, role-plays, to review verbs and other grammar points with fill-in the blank sentences, or to initiate debates. 48 RECIPE CARD MAKER http://www.skiptomylou.org/recipe-card-maker/ BRAINSCAPE Online Teaching Tools and Material Generators Ease of Use vs. Possible difficulties Collaborative Learning Create recipe cards or a recipe book using this free online recipe card maker. Teachers can create small or large recipes cards (2 or 3 per one page). You can choose between several layout templates, enter the recipe information the ingredients and directions. The ingredients can be inserted as special characters, such as 1/4 and 1/2 measurements. The Recipe Card maker is a fun way to introduce vocabulary on food, roleplays or start an online project work with your students. There is a Live Preview option that shows the cards before printing it. Useful Links Recipe Card Maker Help: http://www.skiptomylou. org/recipe-card-makerhelp/ What You Can Do With Recipes: 10 Yummy ESL Online project work: Activities Ask students to create http://busyteacher. recipe cards with their fa- org/7226-what-you-canvorite recipes, then read do-recipes-esl-activities. them in front of the class. html Create a recipe book of the classroom. No account creation required. Unlimited amounts of cards. The Online Recipe Card Maker is a an easy- to-use and accesible tool, that puts your recipts into a nice card template. Print, laminate and cut the recipes cards for duration. You can use the recipe cards for vocabulary work: Ask students to read the recipes to each other, and write down any new words and translate them. What is the major ingredient in the recipe? How does it look/taste? What utensils are mentioned in the recipe? Write down the verbs in the recipe and role play them. Conjugate the irregular verbs. Role-play: Go to the shop to get the ingredients you need. Online project work: Ask students to create recipe cards with their favorite recipes, then read it in front of the class. Create a recipe book of the classroom SEGUNDAS LENGUAS Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS www..babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships (2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075) 49 RECIPE CARD MAKER - BILINGUAL CARDS ENGLISH - SPANISH 50 RECIPE CARD MAKER - BILINGUAL CARDS ENGLISH - LATVIAN 51 RECIPE CARD MAKER - BILINGUAL CARDS ENGLISH - FINNISH 52 RECIPE CARD MAKER - BILINGUAL CARDS ENGLISH - ROMANIAN ɶɶ http://www.petitchef.ro/retete/ papanasi-cu-smantana-si-dulceata-devisine-romaniansweet-fid-581202 ɶɶ Source: http://www.petitchef.ro/retete/papanasi-cu-smantana-si-dulceata-de-visine-romanian-sweet-fid-581202 53 RECIPE CARD MAKER - BILINGUAL CARDS ENGLISH - ITALIAN 54 kITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS 1 KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships 2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075 KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu 55 KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS 2 KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu 56 KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS 3 KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu KITCHEN VOCABULARY FLASH 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fruit, berries & nuts FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu fruit, berries & nuts FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu fruit, berries & nuts FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu 69 fruit, berries & nuts FLASH CARDS 7 fruit, berries & nuts FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu fruit, berries & nuts FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu fruit, berries & nuts FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu fruit, berries & nuts FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu fruit, berries & nuts FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu 70 FOOD FLASH CARDS 1 FOOD FLASH CARDS FOOD FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships 2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075 FOOD FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu FOOD FLASH CARDS FOOD FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu FOOD FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu 71 FOOD FLASH CARDS 2 FOOD FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu FOOD FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu FOOD FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu FOOD FLASH CARDS www.babeltic.eu FOOD FLASH CARDS FOOD FLASH 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www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES exotic extraordinary fantastic www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES fat www.babeltic.eu filleted www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES fleshy fluffy www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES fried www.babeltic.eu frozen www.babeltic.eu flavorful www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES fresh www.babeltic.eu V culinary ADJECTIVES fruity www.babeltic.eu 92 V culinary ADJECTIVES FLASH CARDS 5 culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES full, full-bodied garlic, garlicky generous www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES glazed greasy grilled www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES homemade www.babeltic.eu honey-glazed www.babeltic.eu hot www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES hardboiled ice-cold infused www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES intriguing www.babeltic.eu julienne www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES V culinary ADJECTIVES juicy www.babeltic.eu 93 V culinary ADJECTIVES FLASH CARDS 6 culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES large lean marinated www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES mashed mouth-watering nutty www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES nutritious www.babeltic.eu oily www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES palatable peppery www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES poached www.babeltic.eu puréed www.babeltic.eu organic www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES pickled www.babeltic.eu V culinary ADJECTIVES rancid www.babeltic.eu 94 V culinary ADJECTIVES FLASH CARDS 7 culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES refreshing rich ripe www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES roasted salty seasoned www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES simmered www.babeltic.eu slow-cooked www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES sprinkled steamed www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES stuffed www.babeltic.eu sugary www.babeltic.eu sour www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES steamy www.babeltic.eu V culinary ADJECTIVES sweet-and-sour www.babeltic.eu 95 V culinary ADJECTIVES FLASH CARDS 8 culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES tangy tasteful tasteless www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES tender terrific thick www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES thin www.babeltic.eu toasted tossed www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES traditional unflavored www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES culinary ADJECTIVES warm www.babeltic.eu whipped www.babeltic.eu culinary ADJECTIVES vanilla flavored www.babeltic.eu V culinary ADJECTIVES yummy www.babeltic.eu 96 what am I? FOOD riddles flash CARDS 1 what am I? FOOD riddles WHAT AM I? FOOD RIDDLES www.babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships 2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075 what am I? FOOD riddles I’m an orange vegetable that is good for your eyesight. I grow under the ground and have a green top. What am I? www.babeltic.eu what am I? FOOD riddles I look like a fuzzy little ovalshaped ball on the outside and when you cut me in half, you can eat my green insides with a spoon. What am I? www.babeltic.eu I am a big round fruit that is red on the inside with lots of seeds. I am very juicy because I have got lots of sweet water. What am I? www.babeltic.eu what am I? FOOD riddles I am a beautiful red color with a green top, and grow in Huelva at the beginning of the summer. I taste great with cream. I am sweet and am shaped like a heart. What am I? www.babeltic.eu what am I? FOOD riddles I am a fruit that comes in many colors and many names. I grow on trees and I am also a tasty juice. Sometimes you find half of a worm inside of me. What am I? www.babeltic.eu what am I? FOOD riddles what am I? FOOD riddles I am a crunchy vegetable, with a lot of vitamin C and fiber. Some kids think that I look like a little green tree! What am I? I am a red or purple fruit that can stain your hands when you eat me. I grow on bushes. Try putting me on your cereal! What am I? www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu 97 what am I? FOOD riddles flash CARDS 2 what am I? FOOD riddles what am I? FOOD riddles I am a tropical fruit. I am many different colors on the outside. To say my name, say the opposite of “WOMAN” and then say the opposite of “STOP.” What am I? Many people think that I am a vegetable, but I am actually a fruit. People like to use me to make spaghetti sauce and pizza sauce. What am I? www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu what am I? FOOD riddles what am I? FOOD riddles I am a round fruit with a peel. I am also a color. I have a lot of vitamin C for your body, and you can also drink me anytime. What am I? I am a fruit that grows on a tree, and come in many different colors. My name rhymes with “PAIR” and you need a “CHAIR” to pick me! What am I? www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu what am I? FOOD riddles what am I? FOOD riddles I am a tropical fruit that is very spiky on the outside and yellow, soft and juicy on the inside. I have “APPLE” in my name, but I am not an apple! What am I? I have got a purple or green skin and sweet flesh inside. From my juice becomes wine. What am I? www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu what am I? FOOD riddles what am I? FOOD riddles I am a yellow fruit with three of the letter “A” in my name. I have a lot of potassium to help your muscles work better. I am tough on the outside and soft on the inside. What am I? I am a small fruit that comes in a variety of colors, like purple, blue, red, yellow and green. I have a hard pit inside of me. I rhyme with “HUM”. What am I? www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu 98 FOOD iDIOMS flash CARDS 1 FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS www.babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships 2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075 acquire a taste for (something) to develop a liking for some kind of food or drink or something else www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS apple of (someone`s) eye as black as a skillet someone or something that one likes a lot or likes more than others very black www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS as busy as popcorn on a skillet as cool as a cucumber very active to be calm, to be not nervous or anxious www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS as easy as apple pie as easy as duck soup very easy very easy www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu 99 FOOD iDIOMS flash CARDS 2 FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS as flat as a pancake as hungry as a bear very flat very hungry www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS as nutty as a fruitcake as red as a cherry silly, crazy bright red www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS as sour as vinegar as sweet as honey/sugar sour and disagreeable very sweet www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS as thick as pea soup as warm as toast very thick (can be used with fog as well as with liquids) very warm and cozy www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu 100 FOOD iDIOMS flash CARDS 3 FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS bad apple bear fruit a bad person to yield or give results www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS big cheese bite off more than one can chew an important person, a leader to try to do or eat more than you can manage www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS bite the hand that feeds one bitter pill to swallow to harm someone who does good things for you something unpleasant that one must accept www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth Bottoms up! to be born to a wealthy family with many advantages www.babeltic.eu everybody should drink now (this expression is used at the end of a drinking toast) www.babeltic.eu 101 FOOD iDIOMS flash CARDS 4 FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS bread and water bring home the bacon the most basic meal that is possible (like you would get in prison) to earn your family`s living www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS butter (someone) up or butter up (someone) can’t stomach (someone or something) to flatter someone in order to get his or her favor or friendship to dislike or hate someone or something www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS carrot and stick compare apples and oranges the reward for someone to do what you want or the punishment if they do not do what you want to compare two things that are not similar and should not be compared www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS cook (something) up or cook up (something) couch potato to cook something, to make some kind of plan www.babeltic.eu someone who spends a lot of time on a couch watching television www.babeltic.eu 102 FOOD iDIOMS flash CARDS 5 FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS cry over spilled/spilt milk (not one’s) cup of tea to cry or complain about something that has already happened something that one does not enjoy or do well (usually used in the negative) www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS eat like a bird eat like a horse to eat only a small amount of food to eat a large amount of food www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS food for thought fruits of one’s labor something to think about, something that provides mental stimulation the results of one’s work www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS go bananas hand (something) to (someone) on a silver platter to become highly excited, to behave in a crazy way www.babeltic.eu to give a person something that has not been earned www.babeltic.eu 103 FOOD iDIOMS flash CARDS 6 FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS hard nut to crack have a lot on one’s plate a difficult person or thing to deal with or get to know to have many things to do or deal with, to be busy with many different activities www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS have a sweet tooth have bigger fish to fry to have a desire to eat sweet foods to have more important things to do www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS hot potato in a nutshell a question or argument that is controversial and difficult to settle briefly, in a few words www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS milk (someone) for (something) piece of cake to pressure someone into giving information or money a task that is easily accomplished www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu 104 FOOD iDIOMS flash CARDS 7 FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS rotten to the core slice of the cake/pie to be completely worthless (like a rotten apple) a share of something (money etc.) www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS spill the beans top banana to tell a secret to someone who is not supposed to know about it the person who is the boss or the top person in a group or organization www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS turn beet-red variety is the spice of life to become red in the face because you are embarrassed differences and changes make life interesting www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu FOOD IDIOMS FOOD IDIOMS wine and dine (someone) you can’t make an omelette without breaking the eggs to treat someone to an expensive meal, to entertain someone in a lavish manner you cannot do something without causing some problems or having some effects www.babeltic.eu www.babeltic.eu Bon appetite! Buon appetito! L abu apetīti! Pof tă bună ! Hy vää r uok ahalu a ! ¡Buen provecho! SEGUNDAS LENGUAS Y NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS www..babeltic.eu An EU funded project within Grundtvig Learning Partnerships (2011-2013 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075)