ALEX Lesson Plan Criteria

Learning Asset Criteria Checklist
How to Use This Guide: A Learning Asset is a strategy a teacher chooses to actively engage
students in learning a concept or skill using a digital tool/resource.
These criteria will be used by Reviewers to judge the quality of your favorite learning asset(s),
so please read these criteria carefully before submitting your learning assets to ALEX. Most
educators have found it useful to use the downloadable template on ALEX to enter their
learning assets first, do spell and grammar checks, and save as an .rtf file. Then, you simply
copy and paste the completed learning asset into the online learning asset template on ALEX
that is located in your Personal Workspace area. [Users must create their own account by going
to, clicking Personal Workspace, and completing the information. A user
must then confirm his/her account by responding to an email sent from the ALEX
Administrator.] Submissions will be checked using the following Yes/No rubric:
The writer provides compelling evidence of a clearly-written, well-structured
learning asset, rich in technology and other resources.
(Meets Criteria)
The writer provides insufficient or no evidence of a clearly-written, wellstructured learning asset, rich in technology and other resources.
(Does Not Meet Criteria)
Criteria 1: Information
Criteria 2: Tool Description and Standards
Criteria 3: Outcomes and Activity
Criteria 4: Assessment and Preparation
A. If a checklist item states, “if applicable,” and that item is not applicable for the particular
learning asset, then the reviewer will score the item as Yes.
B. All No answers must be accompanied by comments that clearly specify corrections that
need to be made.
C. Any and all Criteria items marked No must be corrected or returned to the submitter for
editing and resubmission (i.e., no learning asset will be posted to ALEX unless it meets 100%
of the Criteria items.
D. If a Reviewer is given the authority to edit a learning asset, edits may not substantially
change the original intent of the learning asset. Edits by Reviewers are generally confined to
spelling, grammar, clarity, formatting, addition of technology use and/or links to enrich the
learning asset, and modification/extension suggestions.
Appendix J
Title of Learning Asset:
Learning Asset #:
**Criteria 1: Information
Checklist Items
1. A title is listed for the learning asset.
2. The title reflects the topic addressed by the learning asset.
3. The name of the digital tool/resource is provided.
4. The digital tool/resource is an online interactive object, actual tool, or
application that can be used during classroom instruction to enhance student
5. An active URL is listed for the digital tool/resource, if applicable.
6. “http://” is included in the URL.
7. The URL links directly to the digital tool/resource.
**Total required for approval=8/8
** Criteria 2: Tool Description and Standards
Checklist Items
1. A brief description of the digital tool/resource is included.
2. The description provides a clear overview of how the digital tool will be used
as a learning asset to enhance the Course of Study standard(s).
3. Many keywords are included in the description to help a user locate the
learning asset using the ALEX search engine.
4. The learning activities of the learning asset are tightly focused on the subject
area(s) selected, in relationship to the Alabama Course of Study Standards.
5. The learning activities of the learning asset are developmentally appropriate
for the selected grade level(s).
6. The learning asset provides significant and clear connections to the content
standards selected in all major phases (learning outcomes, activity, and quick
7. The most appropriate content standards have been selected reflecting the
grade level(s) indicated for the learning asset.
**Total required for approval=7/7
Appendix J
Title of Learning Asset:
Learning Asset #:
** Criteria 3: Outcomes and Activity
Checklist Items
1. Learning outcomes define what students will know and be able to do upon
completion of the learning activity.
2. Each learning outcome is stated in terms of student behavior.
3. Each learning outcome identifies the learning that will take place.
4. Each learning outcome is measurable and observable.
5. There is a clear connection between the learning outcome(s) and the selected
content standard(s).
6. The phase(s) of a lesson plan in which this activity may be used is indicated.
7. The activity is clearly aligned to the learning outcomes and selected Course of
Study Standard(s).
8. The activity is developmentally appropriate for the selected grade level(s).
9. The directions identify how the digital tool will be utilized during the activity.
10. Overall the directions are very precise allowing any teacher in the state to
redeliver the learning activity.
11. If applicable, the opening activity sets the stage for the lesson.
12. If applicable, the lesson core activity clearly defines the teaching/learning
13. If applicable, the closing activity provides a clear opportunity to conduct a final
check for understanding.
**Total required for approval=13/13
** Criteria 4: Assessment and Preparation
Checklist Items
1. The learning activities clearly address the selected taxonomic level(s).
2. Quick Assess strategies require students to apply knowledge or demonstrate an
understanding of the selected Course of Study Standard(s).
3. Quick Assess strategies provide clear evidence that students have achieved the
learning outcome(s) identified.
4. Instructional preparation procedures are provided.
5. A brief description of variations of the activities to expand student knowledge is
**Total required for approval=5/5
Appendix J