4 q q q q q Personnel Planning and Recruitment Introduction Planning and Forecasting q Forecasting Personnel Needs q Forecasting Supply of Inside Candidates q Forecasting Supply of Outside Candidates Effective Recruitment q Organizing the Recruitment Function q Measuring the Effectiveness of Recruitment q The Recruitment Yield Pyramid Internal Sources of Candidates q Finding Internal Candidates q Internal Recruitment Methods q Job Posting and Job Bidding q Personnel Records and Skills Banks q Rehiring q Succession Planning q External Sources of Candidates q Advertising q Advertising Media q Constructing the Advertisement q Employment Agencies q Government and NonProfit Agencies q Commercial Agencies q Recruitment Alternatives q Temporary Agencies q Employee Leasing q Independent Contractors q Outsourcing q Executive Recruiters q College Recruiting q On-site Visit q Internships q Referrals q Walk-ins q Special Events q Sign-on Bonuses q Recruiting Via the Internet Developing and Using Application Forms Objectives At the end of this chapter, students should be able to: · Understand the importance of employment planning · Explain the sources of internal and external candidates · Evaluate, compare and contrast the internal and external recruitment methods · Construct a advertisement for recruitment · Draw conclusions from an application form I NTRO DUCTI O N TO HUM AN RESO URCE M ANAG EM ENT 4.1 INTRODUCTION Bob, the HR Manager has just received a resignation letter from Jon Tzen, the Finance Manager. This came as a shock as there was never any indication of Jon Tzen’s dissatisfaction with the organization. As Jon Tzen was giving one month’s notice to the organization, Bob has some time to look for a replacement. He quickly looked at the position replacement card for Jon Tzen’s position and was disappointed to discover that his successor, Novianta is not ready to take up that position as he requires more training. As there was only one month to find a replacement, Bob decided to engage an executive recruiter to assist him. As the search firm has many contacts, Bob was able to replace Jon Tzen within 3 weeks. 4 Oh dear! Novianta is still not ready to fill Jon Tzen’s position and I only have a month to fill the position. I will call Alice from Jobstreet tomorrow to assist me Figure 4.1 Bob is thinking about how he should fill Jon Tzen’s position The example above illustrates the recruitment process. In this chapter, we will look at the first three steps in the process. This process is shown in the diagram below. 86 Personnel Planning And Recruitment Employment forecasting planning and Recruitment: Building a pool of candidates Applicants forms complete application 4 Use selection tools like tests to screen out most applicants Supervisors and other interviews final candidates to make final choice Candidates become employees Figure 4.2 The Recruitment and Selection Process Source: Adapted from Dessler, 2005 4.2 PLANNING AND FORECASTING Employment planning is the first step in the recruitment and planning process. It is a process where the organization makes a forecast on the number and kinds of employees it needs in the future in order to achieve its strategic objectives and goals. In other words, the organization’s plans and objectives is translated into the number and types of workers needed. The organization needs to forecast: personnel needs, supply of internal candidates and also supply of external candidates. We are going to build a factory in China next year. I want you to work with the team to forecast the number and type of employees required. Figure 4.3 A CEO requesting her HR manager to conduct employment planning When planning for employment requirements, the following questions are asked: · Are the projected openings filled by internal or external candidates? · Do the internal candidates require extra training? · What are the ways to recruit external candidates? 87 I NTRO DUCTI O N TO HUM AN RESO URCE M ANAG EM ENT For example, an advertising agency has just won a pitch for the Hotlink account and expects to handle the account in six months’ time. The manager in charge of this account must discuss with the HR Department on the number and qualifications of people they need to hire and HR will need to determine the recruitment methods. 4.2.1 Forecasting Personnel Needs Before an organization is able to forecast personnel needs, it must forecast its revenues and then make an estimation of the number of staff required to achieve the sales volume. The table below shows the various techniques that can be used to forecast personnel needs: 4 Techniques Description Example Trend Analysis Studying an organization’s employment levels over a period of years to predict future needs It should be noted that time is not the only factor that affects employment levels Making forecasts based on the ratio between some causal factor (number of projects) and number of employees required Computing the number of employees at the end of each of the last 5 years Ratio Analysis Using Computers Computer software is used to forecast HR requirements. Managerial Judgment Managerial judgment is important regardless of the forecasting techniques used. As the business environment changes rapidly, managers may need to modify their forecast based on the environment. A software provider may forecasts the number of employees required based on the number of projects in hand as well as future ones Data needed could be direct labour hours required to produce one unit of product and 3 sales projections. The system will then generate figures on the average number of staff required to meet product demands for the 3 sales projection and also a computerized forecast for direct labour, indirect staff (secretaries) and exempt staff (executives) Example: Top management suddenly decides to expand into international markets due to fierce domestic competition. Table 4.1 Techniques used in forecasting personnel needs 88 Personnel Planning And Recruitment 4.2.2 Forecasting the Supply of Inside Candidates Most of the employees required by the organization for future positions may already work for the organization. Therefore, organizations need to identify the existing employees that may be qualified for the future positions. Managers may obtain this information from the organizations’ qualification inventories i.e. manual or computerized records listing employees’ education, career and development interests, skills, desired assignments, performance records, promotability and languages. Manual records refer to manual systems and replacement charts that compile all employees’ qualifications. Personnel replacement charts show the current performance and promotability for each position’s potential replacement, particularly for top positions. Position replacement cards are cards created for each position, showing possible replacements for each position. It also records the replacement’s present performance, promotion potential and training required. Figure 4.4. Management Replacement Chart Showing Development Needs of Future Divisional Vice President In Citicorp Trade Services (M) Sdn Bhd, each employee has a progression chart where supervisors will discuss with each employee about his/her career advancement in the next three years and identify training programs that will assist him/her to achieve a higher position. Computerised Information Systems are used to track the qualification and skills of all employees in a large organization. This assists HR managers in identifying and screening internal candidates suitable for any vacant positions. Organizations need to be aware about protecting an individual’s right to privacy and ensuring that the information is only available to the people who need them. 89 4 I NTRO DUCTI O N TO HUM AN RESO URCE M ANAG EM ENT 4.2.3 Forecasting the Supply of Outside Candidates When an organization forecasts the supply of outside candidates, it needs to consider the economy of the country and the expected rate of unemployment. For example, if the expected rate of unemployment is high, this means that there will be an oversupply of outside candidates and vice-versa. 4 An organization may obtain these data from Bank Negara Malaysia’s Annual Report, magazines such Malaysian Business Week and The Edge, the economic and business sections in the daily newspapers and the websites of the ministries such as the Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister’s Department, statistics from the Ministry of Human Resources, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Internal Trade and Industry and other government agencies. Figure 4.5 Sources of Information 4.3 EFFECTIVE RECRUITMENT Recruitment is the process of attracting and encouraging a sufficient number of qualified individuals to apply for jobs with an organization. Developing an applicant pool is important at this stage as it gives the organization more choices when selecting candidates. The recruiting process must be in line with the overall strategic plan of the organization. There are many recruitment techniques and some of them are more effective than others depending on the type of job that an organization is recruiting for and also the resources available. The success of the recruitment drive is also dependent on non recruitment HR issues and policies such as the organization’s benefits and salary package. For instance, Citibank will receive more applicants compared to other domestic banks due to its non recruitment HR policies such as staff housing and car loans (2%), contractual bonus, comprehensive training program and an opportunity for career advancement overseas. Figure 4.6 Good HR policies mean receiving a lot of application letters It is important to know the employment law in a country before recruiting employees. Employers recruiting staff in Malaysia have to comply with the government’s Bumiputera policy of proportionate racial mix and also the guidelines for employing expatriate personnel 90 Personnel Planning And Recruitment and unskilled foreign workers. For example, organizations with more than USD2 million foreign capital will automatically be given resident status to five foreign workers on a permanent basis. 4.3.1 Organizing the Recruitment Function Organizations have the option either to centralize or decentralize its recruitment efforts, especially, if they have offices in various locations. The advantages of centralizing recruitment are as follows: a. Ensure that the organization culture in branches do not violate the organization’s strategic plans b. Reduces duplication and operating costs c. Easier to spread the cost of new technologies over more departments d. Build a team of recruitment experts e. Easier to identify the reasons for successful or unsuccessful recruitment efforts However, decentralization would be effective in cases such as autonomous divisions or varied recruitment needs. During the recruitment process, the HR Manager must work closely with the Line Manager to understand the job specification of the position, type of personality suitable for the position and the working environment. Yes, there are vacancies in my branch. However, you need to send your application to my Head Office in Kuala Lumpur Just send your application to the branch and we will make arrangements to call you for an interview Centralized Recruitment Decentralized Recruitment Figure 4.7 Distinguishes between centralized and decentralized recruitment efforts 4.3.2 Measuring the Effectiveness of Recruitment HR managers must assess the quality of each recruitment source to find the most cost effective recruitment source. This will assist them in planning and directing their recruitment budget. 4.3.3 The Recruiting Yield Pyramid The recruiting yield pyramid is used to calculate the number of applicants an organization must generate to employ the required number of employees. 91 4 I NTRO DUCTI O N TO HUM AN RESO URCE M ANAG EM ENT For example, Syarikat ABC knows that it needs to employ 30 new business executives next year. It knows that the ratio of offers made to actual new hires is 3 to 1 based on past experiences. This means that 1/3 of the people to whom it makes offers accept them. It also knows that the ratio of candidates interviewed to offer is 3 to 2 and the ratio of candidates invited to for interviews to candidates actually interviewed is about 4 to 3. Finally, the organizations know that one out of 5 applications will be called for interview. Given these ratios, how big is the applicant pool? 30 4 90 135 180 New Hires Offers made (3:1) Candidates interviewed (3:2) Candidates invited (4:3) 900 Leads generated (6:1) Figure 4.8 The Recruiting Yield Pyramid Syarikat ABC needs to generate 900 leads to hire 30 new business executives given the ratios as per above. 4.4 INTERNAL SOURCES OF CANDIDATES Internal recruiting refers to seeking applicants for positions from among those currently employed by the organization with the exception of entry-level positions. The advantages and disadvantages of recruiting internally are shown in the table below: Advantages 1. Builds good morale among workers as they see promotions as reward for loyalty and competence 2. Encourage efficient people who have ambition to climb the corporate ladder Disadvantages 1. It stifles creativity, innovative thinking and diversity. This could be due to a lack of new blood in the organization. 2. If promotion is based on seniority rather than merit, we may miss out on capable employees 3. It costs less than external recruitment 3. Internal recruitment may lead to 92 Personnel Planning And Recruitment Advantages Disadvantages costs as employees need less orientation disagreements, fighting and a tense and training working environment among rival candidates 4. It improves the probability of a good 4. It may also lead to a low morale for selection since employer already knows the unselected candidates. Therefore, it is important to inform unsuccessful skills and abilities of the applicants applicants why they were rejected and how to improve themselves 5. Fosters stability and continuity, 5. Internal recruiting can be a waste of time especially, in the managerial ranks of an in terms of interviewing candidates when the manager already knows whom he wants organization to hire before the interview 6. Those chosen internally already know 6. Unit raiding could occur where divisions the organization culture, policies and compete for the same employees. procedures of the organization 7. When planned properly, it could act as a 7. Politics may have a greater impact on training ground to develop middle and top internal recruiting and selection than level managers external recruiting 4 Table 4.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Recruiting Internally Despite the disadvantages of internal recruiting, a promotion policy that first considers insiders is good for employee morale and motivation and is often beneficial to the organization. 4.4.1 Finding Internal Candidates Promotion from within is the policy of filling vacancies above entry-level positions with current employers. The tools that could be used for this exercise is job posting, job bidding, personnel records and skills banks. 4.4.2 Internal Recruitment Methods The internal recruitment methods are as follows: Job Posting and Job Bidding Job posting is a procedure used to inform employees of the existence of job openings. Job bidding is a technique that permits employees who believe that they possess the required qualifications to apply for the posted job. Job openings are either posted on the organization’s intranet, Internet or bulletin boards. This method helps to eliminate complaints from employees on not hearing of a job vacancy until it is filled. It also shows that the organization values its employees highly. On the other hand, management needs to select the most qualified applicant and also explain why the rest were rejected. 93 I NTRO DUCTI O N TO HUM AN RESO URCE M ANAG EM ENT 4.5 INTERNAL VACANCIES The following vacancies are only available to staff currently employed by the University of South Australia who meet the internal applicant criteria. 4.5.1 Academic Job Title Fraction Lecturer 1.0 Location Closing date School of Health Sciences Division of Health Sciences Tuesday, March 2007 6 Academic Level B 4 4.5.2 Professional and General Job Title Clerical Officer HEO3 Fraction 0.7 - 1.0 Location Closing date Nutritional Physiology Research Centre School of Health Sciences Division of Health Sciences Monday, 5 March 2007 Figure 4.9 Example of job postings in the Internet Personnel Records and Skills Banks HR records are an important source of recruitment because HR managers may discover: 1. employees who are working in jobs below their education or skill levels 2. employees who have potential for further training 3. employees who have the right qualification and skills for the vacant job Let’s say that a HR Manager is looking for an Assistant International Operations Manager. While searching for suitable candidates from the organization’s personnel records, he discovered that Chris, one of the executives in the Operations Department, used to work in the International Operations Department, specializing in South America for one of its competitors before joining the organization. You would not believe this. Chris from the Operations Department could be the right person for the Assistant International Operations Manager position Figure 4.10 Discovering a suitable employee from personnel records and skills banks 94 Personnel Planning And Recruitment Rehiring Would you consider working for the organization again? 4 Figure 4.11 Employer asking a former employee to work for him again Some organizations also tend to rehire former employees who have either left the organization for better offers or were laid off due to economic reasons. Is it good to rehire former employees? The advantages and disadvantages of this method are shown in the table below. Advantages Disadvantages 1. Familiar with the organization’s culture, 1. Employees may return with less than environment and ways of doing things positive attitudes, particularly, those who were laid off 2. We have knowledge of their capabilities 2. Signal to present employees that leaving and skills the organization and returning to it at a higher position are the best way to get promoted. Table 4.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Rehiring Succession Planning Succession planning is a process of identifying, assessing, retaining and developing star performers for future leadership roles in an organization. This process involves 3 steps i.e. a. Identifying and analyzing key positions based on the organization’s strategic goals b. Identify potential candidates for the key positions either from the organization or external parties. If there are internal candidates, provide them training in order to prepare them for the job in future. c. Select those who will actually fill the key positions. For example, a foreign bank in Malaysia has a systematic succession plan which includes 3 categories of potential successors. The table below shows the categories of successors and it is a good way to retain and develop good employees. 95 I NTRO DUCTI O N TO HUM AN RESO URCE M ANAG EM ENT Categories of Potential Successor Tactical Successor Strategic Ready Now 4 Strategic Ready Later Strategy Development Plan Replacement planningEmployees can fill the position on a temporary basis in the event of emergency High potential who has been 1. identified for the position and 2. received the necessary training. They are ready to fill the position Identifying and preparing new high potential to fill the position in the next two years Improve their technical skills or identify people outside the organization Continue their training and development process in order to retain them Identify the gaps between their current and required skills to fill the position. Provide on-the-job training and external courses to close the gaps Table 4.4 Succession Planning Program 4.6 EXTERNAL SOURCES OF CANDIDATES If the current employees are not able to fill the vacant positions, organizations would need to find outside candidates. 4.6.1 Advertising Advertising is a common method for recruiting. The two important issues to consider when placing a recruitment ad are: 1. Advertising Media 2. Constructing the Advertisement Advertising Media The selection of the best advertising medium depends on the types of jobs an organization is recruiting for. For instance, an organization would place advertisements in local newspapers such as The Star, New Straits Times, The Malay Mail, Berita Harian and others ranging from blue collar jobs to middle management positions. However, senior management positions are usually advertised in trade and professional journals or weekly business magazines such as Malaysian Business. 96 Personnel Planning And Recruitment Figure 4.12 Example of a recruitment ad in the newspapers The media options available to organizations coupled with their advantages and disadvantages are shown in the table below. Type of Medium Advantages Disadvantages When to Use Newspapers 1. Short deadlines 2. Ad size flexibility 3. Circulation concentrated in specific geographic areas 4. Classified sections are well organized for easy access by active job seekers 1. Easy for prospects to ignore 2.Considerable competitive clutter 3. Circulation not specialized – you must pay for great number of unwanted readers 4. Poor printing quality 1. When you want to limit recruiting to a specific area 2. When sufficient number of prospects are clustered in a specific area 3. When enough prospects are reading help-wanted ads to fill hiring needs Magazines 1. Specialized magazines reach pinpointed occupation categories such as Accountant Today 2. Ad size flexibility 3. High quality printing 4. Long life, prospects keep and reread magazines 1. Difficult to ignore 2. Can reach prospects who are not actively looking for a job 3. Can be limited to specific geographic areas 4. Creatively flexible 5. Can dramatize employment story more effectively than printed ads 6. Little competitive 1. Wide geographic circulation – usually cannot be used to limit recruiting to a specific area. For instance, the Economist 2. Long lead time for ad placement 1. When job is specialized 2. When time and geographic limitations are not of utmost importance 3. When involved in ongoing recruitment programs 1. Only brief, uncomplicated messages are possible 2. Lack of performance – prospect cannot refer back to ad 3. Time consuming and costly 4. Lack of special interest selectivity – paying for waste 1. In competitive situations when not enough prospects are reading the printed ads 2. When there are multiple job openings and there are enough prospects in specific geographic area 3. Useful to call attention to printed Radio 97 4 I NTRO DUCTI O N TO HUM AN RESO URCE M ANAG EM ENT Type of Medium Advantages recruitment clutter Disadvantages circulation When to Use ads Table 4.5 Advantages and disadvantages of the various advertising media Source: Bernadin, HJ 2003 4 Constructing the Advertisement While constructing the advertisements, organizations should ensure that the following information is not omitted: a. Primary tasks and responsibilities b. Realistic description of working conditions c. Location of the job d. Qualifications and working experience needed e. To whom one applies to Experienced advertisers use the AIDA (attention, interest, desire and action) model when constructing an advertisement. One can develop interest in the job by using lines like “a promising and challenging career”, its location and the job itself. An advertisement should also allow the reader to respond via statements like “call today” or “please forward your resume.” 4.6.2 Employment Agencies An employment agency is an organization that helps individuals to get jobs and at the same time assist organizations in recruiting employees. These agencies perform many recruitment and selection functions for the organizations. There are basically 2 forms of employment agencies depending on the type of clientele served i.e.: Government and Non-Profit Agencies The government employment agency in Malaysia is related to government departments in charge of manpower or employment such as the Department of Labour. This department will match job seekers with respective employers or jobs advertised by private employment agencies. It has a website where registration is mandatory for job seekers, employers and private employment agencies. The job seeker also includes people who have disabilities. 98 Personnel Planning And Recruitment 4 http://jcs.mohr.gov.my/jcs/index.faces Figure 4.14 The Electronic Labour Exchange developed by the Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia to match job seekers with respective employers Non-profit employment agencies are professional associations that have units to assist members find jobs. For instance, The Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants advertises jobs from other organizations in its website. 99 I NTRO DUCTI O N TO HUM AN RESO URCE M ANAG EM ENT 4 - http://www.micpa.com.my/v3/public/job.asp Figure 4.15 Vacant positions on The Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountant’s website Commercial Agencies Commercial agencies are important sources of clerical, white-collar and managerial personnel. These companies usually charge a fee for each applicant placed which would either be paid by the candidate or employee. For example, some commercial agencies charge employees a fee amounting to 0.5 months salary. There are also cases where the agencies can only collect a fee from the employers if the employees worked for the employers for a period of not less than 6 months. Examples of commercial agencies are Temp Girl Malaysia, Jobs DB Sdn Bhd, Adecco Malaysia and Manpower Malaysia. The reasons for using an agency are as follows: a. An organization does not have its own HR department b. An organization faces difficulty in the past to generate a pool of qualified applicants c. An organization wants to fill the position quickly d. An organization wants to save time spent on interviewing applicants 100 Personnel Planning And Recruitment Figure 4.16 Examples of Commercial Agencies in Malaysia 4.6.3 Recruitment Alternatives Apart from recruiting, the following shows other recruitment alternatives: Temporary Agencies 4 Figure 4.17 Kelly Associates is a temporary agency in Malaysia Contingent or temporary workers work as part-timers, just-in-time workers, contract workers, temporaries or independent contractors. Employers source these workers through temporary help employment agencies such Kelly Associates. The advantages and disadvantages of contingent staffing are shown in the table below Advantages Disadvantages Higher productivity as temps are paid only Need to pay agency fee which leads to a when they are working 20% to 50% increase in cost as compared to permanent workers Avoid paying recruitment, absenteeism, turnover expenses and employee benefits Maximum flexibility for employers as they are able to meet any short-term labour fluctuations Table 4.6 Advantages and disadvantages of temporary agencies Employee Leasing Leased employees are individuals recruited by the leasing firm and sent to work in another for a specific time. When an organization needs specific employee skills, it signs a contract with the leasing firm to provide trained employees for a flat fee. Employees returned to the leasing firm upon completion of the project. The advantages and disadvantages of employee leasing to the organization, employees and leasing firms are shown in the table below 101 I NTRO DUCTI O N TO HUM AN RESO URCE M ANAG EM ENT Advantages 4 Disadvantages 1. Reduces cost as the organization does 1. Erosion of employee loyalty because not need to pay employee benefits such as workers receive pay and benefits from the leasing company EPF and SOCSO 2. Leased employees are well trained and often go to organizations with an unconditional guarantee 3. Employees have more flexibility in their lives and also job mobility 4. Leasing firms enjoy economies of scales which allows them to enjoy lower cost due to the large numbers of employees in their pools 5. Leasing firms offer job security Table 4.7 Advantages and disadvantages of employee leasing Independent Contractors Independent contractors do a specific work for an organization either on or off the organization’s premises. As they are not the organization’s employees, organizations save costs associated with full or part-time personnel. Outsourcing Outsourcing is becoming an important global trend in the business environment. A study done by Deloitte revealed that more than 75% of the world’s major financial institutions are expected to outsource their banking operations within the next 24 months (Rosenthal, 2003). This is due to intense global competition and the desire to cut operating costs. 4.6.4 Executive Recruiters Executive recruiters are also known as headhunters and their main task is to find top management clients for their clients. Executive recruiters specialize in middle and top level placements including hard-to-fill positions such as actuaries and IT specialists. The employers usually pay their fees ranging from 25% to 35% of the annual income of the position. Examples of executive recruiters in Malaysia are Adecco Personnel Sdn Bhd, Manpower Staffing Services (M) Sdn Bhd, Boyden International Sdn Bhd and Futurestep Worldwide (M) Sdn Bhd. 102 Personnel Planning And Recruitment Thanks for selecting my company. We have a wide database of potential people for the Finance Director position. I will send you the short-listed candidates tomorrow 4 Figure 4.18 An executive recruiter speaking to his client The advantages and disadvantages of executive recruiters are shown in the table below. Advantages Disadvantages Has huge database and contacts and able to do preliminary screening Keep the organization’s name confidential until late in the search process Some recruiters are more salesperson than professionals Recruiters’ claims may not be accurate due to lack of understanding about the requirements needed for the position Time and cost savings for employers in terms of placing advertisements and screening applicants Table 4.8 Advantages and disadvantages of executive recruiters Employers need to adhere to the following guidelines when selecting a recruiter: a. Determine the capability of the search firm in conducting a good search b. Meet the individual handling your assignment to assess his capabilities c. Enquire the charges of the search firm 4.6.5 College Recruiting Some organizations send their representatives to college campus, vocational and technical schools and universities to pre-screen and create an applicant pool for entry-level jobs. This is done with the assistance from the Student Placement Director of the respective education institutions. The recruiter has two goals i.e. · · To identify suitable candidates that can meet the organization’s specific needs. Candidates are analyzed based on their intelligence and aptitude, motivation, judgment and maturity, analytical power, leadership and ability to get along with people. Attract good candidates. The recruiter can attract good candidates by showing respect and sending prompt follow-up letters to the candidates. 103 I NTRO DUCTI O N TO HUM AN RESO URCE M ANAG EM ENT This method is expensive and time consuming as a lot of preparation need to be done such as scheduling and printing company brochures. The recruiter is also required to keep the records of the interviews. Some of the recruiters could be ineffective due to their lack of interest in candidates and preparation. The organization also implements the following strategies as part of their college recruiting program: 4 On-Site Visits Good candidates are generally invited to the employer’s office or plant on an on-site visit. In order to make the candidates interested in the organization, the organization could do the following: a. Ensure that the invitation letter is warm and friendly b. Provide the candidate a choice of dates to select c. Assign someone to be a good host to the candidates d. Provide a package containing the candidate’s schedule and company information e. Plan the interview and adhere to the schedule f. Give each candidate undivided attention g. Make an offer, preferably at the time of visit h. Follow-up with selected candidates on their decisions Figure 4.19 Candidates visiting the organization Internships Internships or practicum involves placing a student in a temporary job without any obligations on the part of the organization to provide a full time job to the student upon graduation. It is compulsory for all students to undergo internship for a period of six months in Malaysia. During the internship, students get to apply their business knowledge theories in the real working environment, learn more about the organization as well as decide their career choices. 104 Personnel Planning And Recruitment Figure 4.20 Teaching Internship Internships enable employers to make a wise judgment in assessing the student’s job performance, behaviour and qualifications as the interns perform tasks that are meaningful to the organizations. Referrals The organization announces vacant positions in its notice board, bulletin or intranet and at the same time, offers cash rewards for successful referrals. It is suitable especially, in recruiting high-tech employees. The advantages and disadvantages of this method are shown in the table below: Advantages Disadvantages 1. Employees can provide accurate information about the applicants they are referring 2. Most of the applicants are good as the employees’ reputation is at stake 3. Applicants receive more realistic information about the job 1. Could lead to employee dissatisfaction if their referrals are rejected 2. Could lead to nepotism. Nepotism refers to hiring relatives or close friends. Table 4.9 Advantages and disadvantages of referrals Did you read in the bulletin that the company will pay us RM200 if we recommend a successful candidate for a job here? Figure 4.21 An employee telling her colleague about the referral notice in the organization 105 4 I NTRO DUCTI O N TO HUM AN RESO URCE M ANAG EM ENT 4.6.6 Walk-ins Employers may put up signs outside the office or factory. Therefore, someone can walk-in at anytime for an interview. This method is used for hourly paid workers or entry-level workers. Unsolicited walk-ins refer to qualified prospects applying for jobs in reputable organizations despite no recruitment activities implemented by these organizations. These applicants usually prove to be valuable employees. Examples of these reputable organizations are Petronas, Shell and Johnson & Johnson. One of the advantages of walk-ins is the ability to develop a pool of potential employees for the future. 4 Figure 4.22 Walk-in advertisement in front of the restaurant 4.6.7 Special Events Holding special events such as job fairs can either be an individual or joint effort of a group of employers. Employers are given the opportunity to meet a large number of candidates in a short-time at a lower cost as compared to traditional approaches. For example, Job Street Sdn Bhd holds the Malaysian Career and Training Fair regularly through-out the year. Applicants also have easy access to a number of employers. Figure 4.23 Career Fair 4.6.8 Sign-On Bonuses Some organizations in the west are offering sign-on bonuses to high demand prospects in order to attract them to their organizations. These sign-on bonuses can either be in the form of cash or loans. 106 Personnel Planning And Recruitment 4.6.9 Recruiting Via the Internet It is a common practice to go online and apply for jobs. Therefore, employers use the Internet to recruit new employees by adding a recruitment section to their web site. These recruitment sections provide information on qualifications sought, experience required, benefits provided and on-line response form. On the other hand, some employers are also using the Internet to search for applicants by doing keyword searches on sites such as HotJob’s resume database or even websumes (job candidate’s personal websites). 4 Jobseekers Search Jobs MyJobStreet Career Services Campus Training Employers ~ Forgot ID/Password? Browse Jobs All Jobs Jobs by Specialization Jobs by Location Jobs with Low Applications Search Jobs (Over 10000+ jobs) Job Title, Company, Skills, Industry, etc. All Specializations Pahang Missed MCTF Applications! Walk-In Interviews: Missed MCTF Applications! 2007? Companies still accepting Job 2007? Companies still accepting Job Top Employers 107 I NTRO DUCTI O N TO HUM AN RESO URCE M ANAG EM ENT More ways to find jobs Management Jobs (1601) Entry Level Jobs (1409) Other Position Levels Classifieds (1193) Overseas Jobs (2637) Browse jobs by specialization Accounting Finance 4 / General/Cost Acct (1257) Audit & Taxation (388) Banking/Financial (299) Finance/Investment (146) Admin / HR Clerical/Admin (831) Human Resources (395) Secretarial (258) Sales / Marketing Marketing (926) Wholesale/Trading (558) Sales-Eng/Tech/IT (381) Retail Sales (372) Sales-Insurance (40) Arts / Comm Media / Arts/Creative Design (297) Public Relations (97) Advertising (59) Entertainment (18) Services Hotel / Restaurant F & B (65) Hotel/Tourism (56) Education Training / Education (141) Training & Dev. (90) Computer / IT Software (1021) Network/Sys/DB (975) Hardware (147) Engineering Mechanical (522) Electronics (381) Electrical (350) Other Eng (180) Oil/Gas (58) Chemical Eng (54) Environmental (48) Manufacturing Manufacturing (515) Purchasing (408) Quality Control (303) Maintenance (112) Process Control (46) Building Construction Civil/Construction (328) Architect/Interior (164) Quantity Survey (128) Sciences Science & Tech (43) Chemistry (41) Food Tech/Nutritionist (39) Biotechnology (23) Actuarial/Statistics (17) Agriculture (12) Geology (7) Aviation (4) Healthcare Pharmacy (24) Practitioner/Asst (23) Diagnosis/Others (19) Others Others (252) Journalist/Editors (66) General Work (47) Publishing (35) Customer Service (451) Freight/Shipping (218) Lawyer/Legal Asst (77) Armed Forces (23) Personal Care (18) Social Services (3) Figure 4.24 Example of Recruiting via the Internet 108 / Personnel Planning And Recruitment The advantages and disadvantages of Internet recruiting are as follows: Advantages Disadvantages Cost-effective when compared newspaper advertisements to It is not a selection tool and cannot conduct background checks or face to face interviews newspaper Lack of personal touch Longer life span than advertisements Faster response from potential candidates Volume of resumes are usually too large compared to printed advertisements Increases diversity and enables one to look Increased competition for qualified for people with unique talents employees Confidentiality of applicants’ information could be a problem when the website is violated by hackers 4 Table 4.10 Advantages and disadvantages of recruiting via the Internet An effective Web advertisement must have the following components: a. An attention-grabbing opening line such as ‘Work for the World’s Best Boss”. b. Provide reasons for working in the organization c. Use compelling keywords such as “success driven professionals”. d. Comprehensive information about the job e. Make it easy for interested applicants to format resumes and post them in the form required for the employers’ recruitment sites 109 I NTRO DUCTI O N TO HUM AN RESO URCE M ANAG EM ENT Opening line WORK FOR THE WORLD’S BEST BOSS ABC Corporation is a member of Australia’s premier Real Estate groups. A fantastic opportunity has become Reasons for joining & available to join our progressive team in a full time Receptionist role. compelling words Working to support both Sales & Property Management, you will have a keen eye for detail, a positive attitude and a strong work ethic. You will be well groomed, have impeccable written and verbal communication, a commitment to customer service and be a team worker. This is a front line position and requires a high level of customer service. 4 Some of your duties will include: Answering incoming calls Taking detailed messages Data Entry Mail management Faxing and Photocopying Assisting with any required administrative work Maintaining filing and general office duties Information on the job To be considered for the role, you must have: Action to be taken by Exceptional organizational skills interested applicants The ability to multi-task and communicate at all levels A sense of urgency The ability to work autonomously Self motivation An ‘all round’ knowledge of Microsoft Office, the Internet and database experience is essential Previous Reception and administration experience is preferred, however not necessary. In return, you will work in a dynamic and exciting industry and develop your skills along the way. Samantha Hladio Raine & Horne Maida Vale and Hills shladiomv@rhwa.com.au Email: Please click the 'Apply Now' button below. Figure 4.25 Example of an Interesting Recruitment Advertisement 4.7 DEVELOPING AND USING APPLICATION FORMS After obtaining a pool of applicants, the pre-screening process begins with the application form. Managerial and technical employees usually have different forms as they are evaluated based on different criteria. The applicant form provides four types of information for the employers: a. Make judgment on substantive matters such as the qualification and experience to perform the job b. Draw conclusions on the applicant’s previous progress and growth c. Draw tentative conclusions regarding the applicant’s stability based on previous work record d. Predict the applicants’ job performance Source : Dessler, 2005 110 Personnel Planning And Recruitment Some practical guidelines for employers to follow when developing the forms are as follows: a. Detailed information on each previous employer including the name of the supervisor and telephone number is required in the “Employment History” section b. When signing the application form, the applicant should: 1. certify that untrue statements may be cause for dismissal, 2. give authority to the organization to perform a credit and employment check on the applicant and 3. medical examination and drug screen maybe required for employment. JOB APPLICATION COVER SHEET POSITION APPLIED FOR Position Number Title How did you find out about this vacancy? (eg: University website, newspaper, word of mouth, other; please specify) PERSONAL PARTICULARS Surname Other Names 1. Gender Male/Female Address Home Telephone Number Country of Birth Australian Residency Status Dr/Ms/Mrs/Miss/Mr 2. Postcode (Contact Y/N) Citizenship (You must be eligible to work in Australia to apply for this position) (permanent, temporary) ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS qualification first) Degree Title (Show only completed courses and highest Institution Year of Graduation PRESENT POSITION Position Title Name of Organisation Address Email Contact Business Telephone Number Length of Service Contact (Y/N) PROFESSIONAL REFEREES 1. Name Title Telephone Number Email Contact 2. Name Title Telephone Number Email Contact Fax Number Fax Number Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ____/____/____ 111 4 I NTRO DUCTI O N TO HUM AN RESO URCE M ANAG EM ENT 4 Figure 4.26 Example of a job application form 112 Personnel Planning And Recruitment 4.8 1. SUMMARY Employment planning is the process of deciding what positions he or she has to fill and how to fill them. HR managers need to forecast personnel needs and the supply of internal and external candidates. In order to estimate personnel needs, the HR managers has to estimate sales Figure and the production volume to meet these estimates. After that, they need to relate personnel needs to these production estimates. A pool of qualified applicants is built once HR managers have projected personnel needs. There are two sources of candidates i.e. internal and external. The main source of internal candidates is promotion from within. The tools used for this purpose are job posting and job bidding, rehiring, personnel records and skill banks and succession planning. The external sources of candidates are advertising, executive recruiters, college recruiters, special events like job fairs, walk-ins, referrals, employment agencies, sign-on bonuses and recruiting via internet. Apart from recruiting, employers can also rely on other alternatives such as outsourcing, employee leasing, temporary agencies and independent contractors to get employees. Filling in an application form is the first step in the initial screening process. Most managers use them to obtain background data. One can use the application form data to make predictions about the applicant’s future performance in terms of job tenure, job success and employee theft. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 4.9 CASE STUDY – SYARIKAT PERMATA ALAM SDN BHD Mary Lee, the recruitment executive for Syarikat Permata Alam Sdn Bhd has been promoted to her position after several years as a group leader in the production department. One of Mary’s first assignments was to recruit two software design engineers. After considering various recruitment alternatives, Mary placed the following advertisement in The Start with a circulation in excess of 1,000,000: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR SOFTWARE DESIGN ENGINEERS 2 positions available for software design engineers desiring career in growth industry. Prefer recent college graduates with good appearance. Apply Today! Send your resume, in confidence, to: Mary Lee Syarikat Permata Alam Sdn Bhd, 65 Jalan Ampang 50450 Seberang Prai More than 300 applications arrived in the first week and Mary was excited. When she reviewed the applicants, it appeared that only a small number of people possessed the desired qualifications for the job. 113 4 I NTRO DUCTI O N TO HUM AN RESO URCE M ANAG EM ENT Questions 1. Mary overlooked some of the proper recruiting practices, which resulted in an excessive number of unqualified people applying. What are they? 2. Identify the hiring standards that should be avoided in the advertisement. 3. Imagine that you are Mary and construct the advertisement for the position of software design engineer 4.10 EXERCISE 4 4.10.1 Answer the following questions 1. Jane must decide what positions the firm should fill in the next six months. What activity is Jane working on? a. Recruitment b. Selection c. Personnel Planning d. Interviewing e. None of the above 2. When a company decides on how to fill executive positions, the process is called _______________. a. employment planning b. succession planning c. selection d. interviewing e. testing 3. Trend analysis is limited in its usefulness, because ___________________. a. it considers time but not other changes such as productivity b. it considers too many possible influences c. it only provides an initial estimate d. it assumes constant increases in productivity e. all of the above 4. Suppose a salesperson traditionally generates $500,000 in sales and the company wishes to increase sales by $4 million dollars per year. Using ratio analysis, how many new salespeople are required? a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7 e. 8 114 Personnel Planning And Recruitment 5. ____________ contain data on employees’ performance records, educational background and promotion recommendations. a. Computerised information systems b. Replacement charts c. Qualification inventories d. Trend records e. Personnel files 6. Qualifications inventories can be tracked and maintained by using _______________. a. personnel inventories b. replacement charts c. position replacement cards d. computerized information systems e. all of the above 4 7. Which of the following is not a reason to recruit through a central officer? a. reduction of duplication of efforts b. shared expenses c. development and availability of recruitment experts d. autonomous divisions e. synergistic recruiting opportunities 8. Why are large applicant pools considered desirable? a. allow the firm the chance to be more selective b. increase costs involved in screening applicants c. extend time required to fill vacant positions d. costs of processing applicants outweighs benefits of selectivity e. provide an opportunity to use pre-screening computer software 9. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using internal sources of candidates to fill vacant positions? a. knowledge of candidates’ strengths and weaknesses b. potential to upset or lose employees who aren’t promoted c. accurate view of skill sets d. high commitment to the company e. reduced training and orientation required 10. Job posting refers to all of the following except a. publicizing the open job to employees b. listing the job’s attributes c. listing the job’s pay rate d. listing the job’s required qualifications e. listing the number of desired applicants 115 I NTRO DUCTI O N TO HUM AN RESO URCE M ANAG EM ENT 11. How can high potential employees be developed for future positions? a. internal training b. cross-functional experience c. job rotation d. external training e. all of the above 4 12. The effectiveness of advertising for recruiting qualified applicants depends upon ________________. a. complementary recruiting methods b. graphical appeal c. ad construction d. corporate image e. unemployment rate 13. Which of the following statements from a hypothetical job advertisement is intended to develop interest in a job? a. “You’ll thrive on challenging work.” b. “Ideal candidates will possess a four-year degree with an emphasis in management.” c. “Schedule flexibility and familiarity with various software applications required.” d. “Responsibilities include even planning and relationship management.” e. All of the above 14. Which of the following is not an advantage of using a private employment agency? a. it may be faster than in-house recruiting b. it does not require internal recruitment specialists c. screening may not be as thorough d. it may be better for attracting minority candidates e. e. it is more comfortable when approaching candidates from competitors 15. Which of the following is not another term for contingent workers? a. part-time b. just-in-time c. collateral d. temporary e. all are terms for contingent workers 16. Pamlico River Productions is seeking a top-level executive to serve in its finance division. Qualified candidates can be difficult to find because there is more demand than supply. Pamlico River Productions should consider using a(n) ________________ for recruitment. a. state-run employment agency b. executive recruiter c. temporary agency d. internet-based job site e. any of the above 116 Personnel Planning And Recruitment 17. SB & A Consulting plans to do some college recruiting to fill entry-level management positions this year. In choosing the colleges to visit, it should consider ____________. a. school location b. school reputation c. cost to attend school d. size of school e. all of the above 18. Which of the following is not a type of information that should be provided by application forms? a. education b. experience c. work stability d. applicant’s age e. previous progress and growth 19. What are the advantages and disadvantages of centralizing the recruitment function? 20. Explain why generating large applicant pools in not always desirable for an organization. What implications exist for recruitment methods? 117 4