File - Ariel Moreno

Table of Contents
Executive Summary........... 1
The Challenge.................... 2
Research............................. 3
Competitive Analysis......... 5
Perceptual Map................. 6
SWOT Analysis..................... 7
The Target............................ 8
The Big Idea........................ 9
Broadcast.......................... 10
Digital................................. 11
Social Media..................... 13
Outdoor............................. 15
Print.................................... 16
LGBT Promotion................ 17
Point of Purchase............. 18
Strategy............................. 19
Budget............................... 20
Schedule........................... 21
Campaign Evaluation..... 22
References........................ 23
Our Team........................... 24
Executive Summary
We are all weird, and that is what our campaign is about. Snapple wants individuals to
embrace that inner weirdness. They want people to show that being weird is not a bad thing.
With Snapple being a brand that is known to
be quirky, fun, and weird, individuals should be
embracing themselves, their weirdness, and
their quirks. With doing so, Snapple will be able
to build a mutual weirdness and call it love.
Key Problem
Snapple needs to maintain sales in the
Heartland (New York and surrounding
New England) and stimulate trial and
sales in other areas of the United States.
Snapple should reach Top-of-Mind
awareness with our target market.
Our Challenge
Build brand awareness within
the target market. Increase
sales by converting awareness of Snapple to Snapple as
part of the consideration set.
Increase purchase frequency
in both the Heartland and
Non-Heartland areas. Maintain growth in both Tea and
Juice categories and increase
by 1% in each.
Brand Perception
Snapple is currently viewed as
a premium brand in the Tea
and Juice category. The glass
bottle lends itself to this consumer perception. Snapple
is a fun and quirky brand. On
the other hand, the consumer
does not see it as consistent
due to the multiple changes
in ownership. Snapple is also
seen as a drink of the past,
and struggles to stay relevant.
The Challenge and Objectives
People aged 20-39 drink 42.5%
of tea consumed every year
The percentage of US consumers who drink tea. The number
of Millennials is even higher, with
an estimated 87% of Millennials
drinking tea.
The conservatives estimate of
the value of the Ready to Drink
Iced Tea Industry
How much bigger the Ready to
Drink Iced Tea industry is today
than it was ten years ago.
What makes us better
Drinking Snapple is not afraid to be different.
From the iconic “pop” to the glass bottle,
Snapple can’t be duplicated. It isn’t just about
drinking tea, it’s about making a statement.
Lipton Iced Tea
Gold Peak Tea
Lipton Iced Tea is a leader in
the Ready to Drink Tea industry,
with a market share of 37.77%.
Lipton also positions itself as a
premium beverage.
Arizona Tea trails Lipton with a
market share of 29.12%. It is one
of the main competitors for top
of mind awareness due to its
large product volume and low
pricing strategy.
Gold Peak Tea is owned by
Coca Cola Co. and has a
2.62% share of the ready to
drink tea market, the fourth
highest share overall. Gold Peak
had sales of $172 million.
Competitive Analysis
Perceptual Map
Our Specialty
Our biggest strength is our quirky mindset. It can’t
be replicated by our competition. We don’t just sell
tea, we build a relationship with our consumer. We
have a variety of flavors for anyone’s lifestyle and
we live every day...Snapply.
Room for Improvement
Our pricing strategy weakens us, but it doesn’t have
to necessarily. We are a premium tea, and we offer
the best stuff on earth. It’s worth every penny.
Look Out World
Our biggest opportunities lie in our consumers, and
the good news is there are a lot of potential
customers out there. We just have to convince them
to join the Snapple Revolution.
Dangers of Business
Life wouldn’t be as fun without a little risk, and we
do have some threats. Our competition is fierce, but
Snapple is always up for a little challenge.
Our Customer
18-30 years old
Females first
East Coast and West Coast
Young professionals
HHI: $150,000+
Never married
Attended College
“Wonder” Achievers
Amanda is a 29 year old woman from San Francisco, CA. She
works as a marketing coordinator and makes $75,000 per year.
She has a boyfriend, Jake, but they haven’t discussed marriage
yet. She rents a townhouse with Diana who works as a journalist
and makes $40,000 annually. She has a Bachelor’s degree from
UC Berkley. Amanda likes being unique, and she can do a killer
Irish jig.
The Target
Our creative strategy focuses
on Snapple’s personality and
being ourselves to intrigue the
Heartland and non-heartland
interest that will get them to
try and continue to buy. Witty,
Weird, and Wonderful is Snapple. We want to establish a
stronger connection with our
audience to inform them that
we all have a little weirdness in
us that sets us apart from the
rest. As Dr. Seuss once said
“Today you are you that is truer
than true. There is no one alive
who is youer than you.”
Snapple (n): A drink for those prone to flights of
fancy, the dreamers, and those who otherwise
exemplify living life unconventionally
The Big Idea
(Upbeat percussive music
(Man standing on sidewalk
in Central Park opens Snapple with a “pop” then closes
(Throws Snapple bottle)
(Snapple bottle is caught by a
(Juggler throws it off to a passing unicyclist)
(Unicyclist tosses Snapple to a
traceur performing
parkour. He does a backflip
off a wall and throws the
Snapple bottle)
(Snapple bottle is caught by
a man spinning plates in one
(Snapple is tossed to a man
playing unconventional
“drums” This is the percussive
sound. He takes a drink, music
(Cuts to logo screen with
Snapple Bottle being placed
on by hand)
Man on drums: Snapple,
what’s your weird?
We will reach our target market
through display ads on websites
that our consumers love, such
as Buzzfeed and through their
unique musical tastes.
We will also showcase our
broadcast spot through digital sites such as Youtube and
Hulu to better reach our target
Smartphones have become
ubiquitous for Millennials’
everyday life and the on-thego tool of choice for consumers. Snapple will introduce an
app called SnAPPle. The app
will feature promotions such
as coupons or giveaways,
real facts, interactive gaming,
quizzes, reward badges correlating to activity on the app
and purchase of Snapple, and
WWW line. Rewards such as
premium coupons will be given
based on badges earned. It
will incorporate social media
with its easy login to Facebook,
Google+, and twitter accounts.
Consumers will be able to share
their game scores, quiz results,
or certain real facts of their
choice with their social media
accounts. This app will deliver
an effective and appealing
experience to our consumer.
Mobile “Snapplication”
Using Facebook, Snapchat,
Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram,
we will create an up-to-date
online presence to keep
Snapple in the minds of Millennials. These post will be created
around the afternoon lunch
time and late evening snack
time. These posts will focus on
being yourself with Snapple. The
hashtag, #Whatsyourweird, will
be integrated along all media.
June 10th is National Ice Tea
Day, the day of and days prior
Snapple will promote a buy
1 get one free Snapple drink
(individual bottles). We will use
most of our social media posts
during this time to highlight
this occasion as well include
Social Media
Three of the outdoor advertisements feature one of Snapple’s
personalities each: one will
showcase our witty persona,
the second our weird and
quirky side, the third will show
the wonderful side with the
hashtag #whatsyourweird. The
hashtag reinforces the theme
of our campaign. The fourth
will be a digital board that will
display our slogan “Witty, Weird,
and Wonderful” following the
hashtag #whatsyourweird.
Snapple will utilize bus shelters
to promote the brand. Many
Millennials living in large cities
will fore go their own personal
transportation in favor of public
transport such as subways and
public buses.
Our print ads will range from
four-color half page ads to
cover pages.
They will continue to assert our
position as the quirky tea of
Snapple Pride will be released for the month of June in support of
Pride month. Snapple has always known its identity and has lived
as a quirky, fun and unique brand and with marriage equality
granted in 2015, we want to continue to encourage those who
are true to themselves. Proceeds will go to an LGBT charity. The
campaign will use the six bottle variety package that will showcase the rainbow pride flag. Each bottle will individually have a
different color packaging which will promote diversity among the
LGBT organization.
Snapple Pride
A tracking study showed Millennials shop both impulsively and
socially. More specifically, nearly three-quarters of their trips
include no preparation, while
more than 13 million Millennials
are interested in social interaction around their shopping
experience, Convenience Store
News reported. POP displays
can improve the likelihood of
an impulse buy, especially for
a demographic that’s already
predisposed to making last-minute transactions. Since Millennials don’t typically come into
a store location with a plan,
Snapple can deploy effective
displays and signage, as well as
provide employee assistance,
to dramatically increase in-store
conversion rates.
For food and beverage stops,
convenience stores are almost
twice as important to Millennials — consumers ages 18 to
34 — as fast-casual restaurants,
says Harry Balzer, chief food
industry analyst at NPD Group.
Convenience stores accounted
for 11.1% of Millennial food and
beverage stops in 2014, compared to 7.7% in 2006. By comparison, fast-casual accounted
for 6.1% in 2014 vs. 3.1% in 2006,
according NPD’s annual “Eating Patterns in America” study.
When our target audience
enters a convenience store
to pick up something quick to
eat at 7-eleven they will want
a beverage to go with it. Our
4ft Snapple refrigerated bottle
display will be posted in the
front entrance that opens up
with smaller Snapple bottles inside that is cold and refreshing
to buy. There will be a signage
above the display saying “Witty, Weird, and Wonderful: share
a pic with me #whatsyourweird.” This will be an engaging
experience for millennials as
they show the world who they
are and not afraid to express
Snapple also will have its own
Independent Snapple Consultant that will offer free samples
in selected stores to promote
the release of any seasonal
and new flavors.
Point of Purchase
Millennials are a busy generation that seems to always be on
the go. Although, 55 percent
of them still time find to watch
television as a daily routine. We
will be advertising on the top
four rated programs that Millennials’ watch; these include FOX,
ABC, NBC, and CBS. Advertisements will be placed in late Early
Fringe, Prime Access, and Prime
Time when Millennials’ viewership
is highest.
Millennials may be a digital generation, but they love reading.
That is why; Snapple has decided to place advertisements in
the highest read magazines of
millennial women. These magazines include Cosmopolitan,
Seventeen, Essence, and Latina.
Our focus on Essence magazine
is because research has shown
that African Americans prefer
Snapple to other brands of Tea.
Snapple also is focusing on Latina magazine, since they are the
fastest growing demographic
market in the US. The advertisements will be traditional 4 color
ads, ranging from half a page, to
a cover page.
Social Media
Snapple’s main push is towards
social media. One study found
that Millennials check their
phones on average 43 times a
day. To stay in the minds of our
consumers, Snapple will place
engaging and creative advertisements on top rated social
media sites such as Snapchat,
Twitter, Instagram, Facebook,
and Pinterest. On average, 71
percent of Millennial’s engage
in social media daily, thus the
heavy push on social media
Digital Display and Broadcast
be most active during the 4 to
6pm when 69 percent of mobile owners are active on their
device. Snapple will be very
engaging with consumers and
push digital advertising heavy
on the millennial market.
There will be four of our billboard advertisings heavily concentrated between May and
August. Snapple will be focusing on placing billboards in the
highest populated millennial cities. These cities will include San
Millennials spend on average
18 hours a
day on the
and roughly
5.4 hours
of that is
spent lookOur campaign will continue to utilize
ing at user
traditional and non-traditional megenerate
dia to build awareness for Snapple
throughout the non-heartland without
The Internet
alienating the heartland. Our presalso acence in the online and mobile realm
counts for
will attract, engage, and educate
30 percent
Snapple’s targeted audience. Tradiof their daily
tional media will encourage the viewmedia coners in making better experiences.
Snapple will
be placing
on advertisements
on top sites
such as Youtube, Hulu, Pandora, and Spotify. Millennials are also found to
Media Strategy
Antonio, TX, San Bernardino, CA, Orlando, FL, Miami, FL, and Detroit, MI. Three of the four billboards will be bulletin boards. Bulletins
impact an increasingly mobile population such as our targeted
consumer. It offers month-long presence and the visibility to influence commuters every day. This will generate brand awareness,
offer unparalleled outdoor coverage, and impact commuters
on-the-go and influences purchase decisions. With digital boards,
9 out of 10 people notice advertising copy on digital billboards. It
keeps consumers updated in real time with flexible messaging options. We will also be able to change copy within minutes without
any printing or installation costs.
Social Media
Total Cost:
Gross Impressions: 1,016,752,000
Total Cost:
Gross Impressions:
Total Cost:
Gross Impressions:
Total Cost:
Gross Impressions:
Total Cost:
Gross Impressions:
Total Cost:
Gross Impressions:
Total Cost:
Gross Impressions:
Total Cost:
Gross Impressions:
Total Cost:
Gross Impressions: 7,235,986,980
Total Cost:
Gross Impressions:
Total Impressions:
Total Cost:
The advertising campaign for Snapple will be
evaluated using a variety of pretesting and
post-testing methods. These tests will be able
to measure the effectiveness of the campaign
overall. Pretests will include Portfolio Tests, Copy
Testing, and Mock Magazine Tests for print advertisements, and Trailer Tests, and Theatre Tests
for television. Post-testing methods will include
Penetration Tests and Recognition vs Aided
Recall Tests. These tests will be able to provide
results with how well the campaign is reaching
the target market and if they are being drove to
purchase the product.
Campaign Evaluation
Tea Fact Sheet. (2014). Retrieved December 9, 2015, from
Gil, L. (2015, March 9). Millennials Still Uninsured. Retrieved December 3, 2015.
Millennial’s and the Big Shift in TV Habits (2015, June 4). In Media Life. Retrieved December 7, 2015.
Hutchinson, A. (n.d.). Millennials Are All on Snapchat and Instagram, Right? Maybe Not. In Social
Media Today. Retrieved September 29, 2015.
Perez, S. (2014, August 11). Snapchat Is Now The #3 Social App Among Millennials. In Tech Crunch.
Retrieved December 7, 2015.
Verizon Digital Millennial Study (n.d.). In Verizon Digital Media. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
Clasen, A. (n.d.). Why Instagram Is So Important To Millennial’s?. Retrieved April 22, 2015.
Seven Years Into the Mobile Revolution (2015, August 26). In Yahoo Developers. Retrieved November
27, 2015.
Taylor, K. (2014, October 9). Want To Reach Millennial’s. Retrieved December 7, 2015.
MRI+ Media Mark Reporter
SRDR Database
Ryan Aldridge
Research Analyst
Account Executive
Ryan is a thinker who enjoys
books, beaches, and clever
Jasmine Barkley
Chief Copywriter
Media Specialist
Jasmine is a dreamer who
Ariel Moreno
Traffic Manager
Art Director
Ariel is a go getter who likes
playing the ukulele when she
isn’t wrapped up in yarn.
Austin Syrek
Account Executive
Media Specialist
Austin is a rebel, who has a high
sense of style and a knack for
card tricks
Our Team