pas· sion n. /pash-uh n


pas· sion n. /





a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement

Annual Report 2013

Kids. Therapy. Progress.



Seshadri Guha , CGN & Associates


Brad Halverson , Caterpillar Inc.


Jeff White , OSF St. Francis. Inc.


Margaret Swanson, PhD , Illinois Central College


Sue Yoder-Portscheller , CEFCU

Pedro de Alarcon, M.D.

, University of Illinois

College of Medicine-Peoria

Amir Al-Khafaji, PhD , Bradley University

Jan Arnold , Caterpillar Inc.

Lindsey Birkel , Caterpillar Inc.

Tom Brown , RLI

Jon Burklund , Burklund Distributors Inc.

Chris Chadwick , Caterpillar Inc.

Andy Chiou, M.D.

, University of Illinois College of Medicine Endovascular Surgery

Cynthia Fischer, Ed.D

, Crittenton Centers

Rob Jockisch , R.J. Distributing Company

Michael Joseph , Methodist Medical Center

Brad Kahler , Fort Transfer

Sen. David Koehler , Illinois State Senate

Tim Leighton , Leighton Legal Group

Pete Mangieri , Mangieri Companies, Inc.

Doug McCarthy , Easter Seals Central Illinois,


Bob Metzinger , Altorfer Power Systems

Mark Pflederer , Retired, Caterpillar Inc.

Lisa Pfohl, Easter Seals Auxiliary

Troy Pudik , Elias, Meginnes, Riffle & Seghetti

Jared Schlipf , Lone Wolf Portable Tree Stands

Mark Scott , Scott Communication Services, Inc.

Matt Sekosky , Decatur Fire Department

Pat Smarjesse , David Vaughan Investments, Inc.

Margie Springer , Easter Seals Auxiliary

Don Young , Caterpillar Inc.



Mike Takamori , Chestnut Global Partners


David Osnowitz , Merrill Lynch


Wendy Bates , Illinois State University


Stacy Mavec , Mike’s Collision Center

Amy Bally , State Farm Insurance

Larissa Campbell , Caterpillar Inc.

Ann Harding , Illinois Wesleyan University

John Hesse , Advocate BroMenn

Rick Masters , Master Brothers

Mike Matejka , Great Plains Laborers District


Kevin McKay , State Farm Insurance

Tom Mercier , BOPI

Dean Messinger , Caterpillar Inc., retired

Tim Pfeiffer , STL

Paige Proctor , Paige Proctor Consulting, Inc.


Steve Thompson , President & CEO

David Bateman , Community President,


Joette Blakesley , Chief Development Officer

Kevin Dill , Executive Vice President Operations

Erin Rogers , Executive Vice President

Programs & Services

Jim Runyon, Executive Vice President Strategic

Initiatives and Governmental Affairs

Watch “GOTTA FLY” by Gretchen Meyer, Easter Seals Physical Therapist.

Page 2

PASSION in action

Table of Contents

Pages 4-5 Our Values


Pages 6-7 Erica Gleason: Physical Therapy

Pages 8-9 Trista Comstock: Occupational Therapy

Pages 10-11 Michelle Threw: Speech Therapy

Pages 12-13 Rebecca Rock: The Autism Program at Easter Seals

Pages 14-16 Easter Seals Services Highlights


Timber Pointe Outdoor Center Highlights

Page 17 2013 Revenue & Expenses

Pages 18-26 Our Supporters

Kids. Therapy. Progress.

Page 3

Our Values


We are dependable, responsible, and we hold ourselves and one another accountable.

We tell the truth and keep our promises.

We are responsible financial stewards.


We believe mutual respect creates mutual trust.

We seek to understand others and treat them as we would like to be treated.

We appreciate and recognize the contributions of others.


We define quality and measure our performance.

We are committed to continuous process and quality improvement.

We strive to be leaders in our field.

We are forward-thinking and strive to create innovative programs that represent best practice.

We support and are committed to continuing education and professional growth.


We know our customers and strive to exceed their expectations.

We listen and respond promptly to our customers.

We deliver on our promises.

We provide resources and information needed to support informed decisions.


We value the multi-disciplinary team and work as a unified organization.

We create opportunities to collaborate with others.

We demonstrate a passionate and enthusiastic sense of mission.

We share knowledge and encourage everyone to contribute.

We value our customers and volunteers as part of our team.

Progress is our Promise.


of families report the Autism Learning Center was beneficial and expectations were met.


of families report they are involved in setting realistic goals for their child.


of families report that staff are friendly, helpful and provide the information they need.


of children report they are doing better since they started coming to Easter Seals.


of families report that services were beneficial and expectations were met.

Page 4

Easter Seals is accredited by CARF International in Outpatient

Medical Rehabilitation Pediatric Specialty Programs and Behavioral Services and Supports for children with Autism Spectrum

Disorder. Accreditation is official recognition that Easter Seals is guided by internationally recognized service standards and best practices.

CARF Accreditation

Easter Seals received a Three-Year Accreditation, the highest level of accreditation that can be awarded to an organization, demonstrating our commitment to offering programs and services that are measurable and of the highest quality. In 2013 The Autism Program at Easter Seals became the first CARF accredited autism program in Central Illinois.

Easter Seals Foundation of Central Illinois

The Easter Seals Foundation of Central Illinois is an Illinois not-for-profit 501(a)(3) Supporting Organization which has, as its sole purpose, to support an existing 501(c)(3) organization, namely the sole member Easter Seals.

The Easter Seals Foundation of Central Illinois is organized exclusively to support Easter Seals Peoria-Bloomington to ensure the long-term sustainability of the Easter Seals mission through the growth, development, administration, and oversight of the Endowment Fund.


Vice-Chairman: Jonathan Michael, RLI Corp

Treasurer: Brad Halverson, Caterpillar Inc.

Secretary: Will Williams, David Vaughan Investments Bill Morton, Morton Development, LLC


Ali Bahaj, Retired, Caterpillar Inc.

Wayne Baum, CORE Construction

Jill Harlan, Caterpillar Inc.

Roger Kahler, Fort Transfer


Ed Scott, Caterpillar Inc.

Mark Scott, Scott Communication Services, Inc.

John Bearce, John Bearce Companies

Dale Steve Thompson, Easter Seals Peoria-Bloomington

Royal Coulter, Peoria Disposal Company

Yousif Ghafari, Ghafari Associates, LLC

Tim Shea, Peoria Builders, Inc.

Maurice Taylor, Titan International

Page 5

“ I LOVE seeing the joy in the eyes of each parent as they watch their child meet a goal.” - Erica

Erica Gleason

Erica received her Master of Science degree in Physical Therapy from Clarke College in 2001, joining the

Easter Seals family in June of the same year. She specializes in working with children and their families through the Early Intervention program and with school-aged children. Erica is part of the Warm Water

Pool program providing aquatic therapy, is a member of the Orthotics Team, and works with Payton, the

Easter Seals therapy dog, using animal assisted therapy to help children reach their milestones.

Erica says that she feels blessed to be part of the Easter Seals family, working with an amazing group of professionals who continue to help her grow as a therapist. The greatest gift, however, is being a part of the lives of each child she works with and watching them experience many of their “firsts” right in front of her eyes. Whether it’s sitting up, taking steps for the first time, or riding a bike, her heart is overcome with joy at each triumph. She continues to be amazed by the tenacity and dedication of the children and families when faced with the challenges in front of them.

Of being a therapist, Erica says, “As a therapist, my job is to help children learn new skills, but at the same time I am learning from each one of them every day and being inspired along the way.”

Page 6

Physical Therapy

Specializing in

Orthotics Evaluation and Fitting

Animal Assisted Therapy

Aquatic Therapy

Assistive Technology

Seating / Mobility

Adaptive Equipment

Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation

Serial Casting

Spasticity Management

Gait Analysis


Physical Therapists at Easter Seals provide evaluations and ongoing therapy to enhance function and mobility for individuals with neurological, developmental, or orthopedic disabilities, and encourage independence at home, school, work, and in the community.

They also assist children in learning to use braces, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, and artificial limbs. Therapy focuses on improving strength, range of motion, balance, coordination and mobility.

All therapy services are provided by registered and licensed therapists who specialize in pediatric services. Therapists are also credentialed and enrolled as providers of Early Intervention Services. Our physical therapy staff has over 120 years of combined experience.

Therapists work closely with the family, the child’s physician, and other health care practitioners setting treatment goals that are realistic and consistent with the family’s needs.

Therapy involves both direct treatment and home programming; families receive developmental and therapeutic information for activities they can implement between therapy sessions. Family involvement is a critical component of therapy.

Easter Seals physical therapists specialize in the treatment of Cerebral Palsy, Hypotonia,

Down Syndrome, Torticollis, Spina Bifida, Autism, and Gait Abnormality.

Kids. Therapy. Progress.

Page 7

“I have always had a passion for children.” - Trista

Trista Comstock

Trista knew at a young age she wanted to work with children. During her high school years, she was the recipient of physical therapy services, and it was then she learned about occupational therapy and decided to become an occupational therapist.

She attended St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa. Trista received a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology in 2010 and a Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy in 2011. While a student at St. Ambrose, she completed observational hours at Easter Seals, and joined the team upon graduation.

Trista provides evaluation and ongoing therapy services for children and their families, and is a member of the Easter Seals Autism Spectrum Disorders Diagnostic team. She continues to expand her skills and knowledge attending continuing education courses in aquatic therapy, therapeutic listening, autism, neurodevelopmental treatment, sensory processing, and Handwriting without Tears.

One parent said, “Our family has had a great experience with Easter Seals. Our son’s therapist, Trista, was excellent!”

Page 8

Occupational Therapy

Specializing in

Assistive Technology

Animal Assisted Therapy

Aquatic Therapy

Splinting and Serial Casting

Sensory Integration

Cortical Visual Impairment

Sequential Oral Sensory Feeding

Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation

Therapeutic Listening

Constraint Induced Movement Therapy

Occupational Therapists at Easter Seals provide evaluations and ongoing therapy to assist in the improvement of fine motor, self-help, sensory processing, visual-motor, coordination, play and independent living skills. Occupational Therapists may also provide hand splinting or casting to assist children with functional hand use.

Children who demonstrate difficulty using their hands for daily activities such as eating, dressing or writing, who are challenged by processing sensory information, or who have difficulty with visual discrimination or motor planning may benefit from occupational therapy services.

During fiscal year 2013, therapists collaborated on a Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy research project with St. Ambrose University and attended a “Best Practices for Children with Cerebral Palsy” training at Cincinnati’s Children’s Hospital. Therapists also presented on Animal Assisted Therapy at the APTA Pediatric Section Conference.

A member of the Easter Seals occupational therapy team is credentialed as an Assistive

Technology Practitioner through the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology

Society of North America. Combined, our occupational therapy staff has over 80 years of experience.

Easter Seals occupational therapists specialize in the treatment of Cerebral Palsy, Autism,

Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, and Brachial Plexus.

Kids. Therapy. Progress.

Page 9

“I appreciate the opportunity to enhance the life of a child and their family.” - Michelle

Michelle Threw

Michelle has been a Speech-Language Pathologist at Easter Seals since 2007. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Augustana College and a Master of Arts degree in Speech-Language Pathology from Northwestern

University. Her credentials include an Illinois licensure, Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association, and she holds an Early Intervention credential. Prior to joining the Easter Seals team, Michelle worked in a school setting from 1998 - 2007.

Michelle is part of the Autism Spectrum Disorders Diagnostic Team at Easter Seals and has implemented individual and group treatment sessions for children with speech and language deficits secondary to Down syndrome, autism, nonverbal learning disabilities, central auditory processing disorders and learning disabilities.

She also provides speech-language therapy in the areas of fluency, language, articulation, phonology, oralmotor, voice and pragmatics.

Working as part of a multidisciplinary team is one of the things Michelle appreciates at Easter Seals. The daily collaboration among therapists working closely together enables her to treat the whole child, making milestones possible.

A parent offered, “Michelle is so great with Max! She is wonderful. I can’t say enough good things about her!” Page 10

Speech Therapy

Specializing in

Feeding Therapy

Sensory Feeding Therapy

Receptive-Expressive Language Therapy

Animal Assisted Therapy

Aural Rehabilitation

Augmentative Communication


PROMPT Therapy

Speech Therapists at Easter Seals provide evaluations and ongoing therapy to enhance receptive and expressive communication, oral-motor, and feeding abilities. Therapy stimulates oral-motor development, strengthens receptive and expressive language development, enhances auditory processing, and improves phonological difficulties.

Children who are not using two-word sentences by age two; those who are not speaking as much or as clearly as their same-age peers; and those who do not understand or recognize common objects or simple instructions may benefit from speech therapy. Children who have difficulty with oral-motor function such as lip closure, blowing, chewing, or tongue movement may also benefit.

Easter Seals Speech-Language Pathologists also have extensive, specialized training in feeding dysfunction. Therapists work closely with physicians, nutritionists, occupational and physical therapists and families to develop programming and help feeding become an enjoyable event.

During fiscal year 2013, Easter Seals hosted an intensive PROMPT training in partnership with the

Heart of Illinois Down Syndrome Association which focused on a multidimensional approach to speech production.

Easter Seals speech-language therapists specialize in the treatment of Down Syndrome, Apraxia,

Dysphagia, Autism, Phonological disorders, Clef Lip and Palate, Dysphagia, and Traumatic Brain

Injury. Easter Seals speech therapy staff has over 160 years of combined experience.

Kids. Therapy. Progress.

Page 11

“Being able to give children a way to communicate is an amazing experience.” - Rebecca

Rebecca Rock

Rebecca has more than 19 years experience as a speech therapist, working with children from 15 months to

21 years, in both a public school setting and with Easter Seals. She is a credentialed Early Intervention provider, holds a Certificate of Clinical Competence, and is a member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing


She is a member of the Autism Spectrum Disorders Diagnostic Team, administering speech-language evaluations and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule 2 (ADOS-2). Rebecca provides speech services at

Easter Seals’ Autism Learning Center: an intensive therapeutic autism program.

As a behavior assistant, Rebecca works to solve the “mysteries” of what children with autism are telling us through their behaviors and interactions with others. She has a passion for helping families understand their child’s autism diagnosis. Rebecca is currently pursuing certification as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.

“I honestly think The Autism Program is the best autism therapy program in central Illinois, maybe even the entire state. Everyone is so knowledgable, friendly, and awesome. Thanks for everything!” - An Easter Seals


Page 12

The Autism Program

Autism Services

Autism Spectrum Disorders Diagnostic Clinic

The P.L.A.Y. Project

Autism Learning Center

Behavioral Services for Autism (ABA)

Counseling Services

Social Skills Therapy Groups

New Diagnosis Orientation Program

Autism Resource Centers

The Center for Disease Control reports that autism affects 1 in 68 children, and 1 in 42 boys.

Autism has been called the epidemic of our time.

Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life. It is a spectrum disorder which means it includes a large range of symptoms and behaviors.

Typically, children display repetitive behaviors and difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interaction and play activities.

Early identification is essential for future success. The characteristic behaviors of autism can be accurately identified at 24 months, but most children are not diagnosed until after age 4. Research indicates that early diagnosis is associated with dramatically better outcomes.

Easter Seals is one of very few organizations in Illinois that offers an ASD Diagnostic Team Clinic, which is led by a developmental pediatrician, for diagnosing children who may have an Autism

Spectrum Disorder. We perform more than 150 autism diagnostic evaluations each year. Our goal is to diagnose early, provide the most comprehensive assessment and treatment plan possible, and provide families with the support they need to best care for their child.

The Autism Program at Easter Seals offers a variety of service options from highly-intensive and comprehensive to issue-focused consultation for children, families and regional schools. The

Easter Seals Autism Helpline is available toll free at 855-511-3773.

Kids. Therapy. Progress.

Page 13

Pediatric Therapy & Family Support Services 2013 Highlights








Provided more than 24,000 hours of therapy.

More than 3,300 children and their families received Easter Seals services.

Twelve staff members participated in an intensive 3-day training entitled Evidence-Based Aquatic Therapy for the Pediatric Client.

Implemented the Focused Treatment Model providing intervals of care that meet focused, functional outcomes.

Hosted a Sample the Arts night featuring opportunities for children with special needs, and their siblings, to explore art, dance, and other artistic media.

Participated in a successful state of Illinois Early Intervention Audit.

The Red Café parent group hosted monthly meetings and introduced quarterly respite events.

What our parents are saying…

“If it weren’t for Easter Seals, I’m not sure when our son would have walked, eaten solid foods, or how we would have learned how to help him with behaviors. I am honestly tearing up thinking of all that our therapists did for our son and for us. Thank you!”

“We could not have asked for better services or better people to work with.”

Autism Services 2013 Highlights











Served more than 400 children with a diagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder.

More than 1,800 calls were made to the Autism Helpline.

Collaborated with the Children’s Home Association of Central Illinois to open the Academy for Autism.

Janet Patterson, MD, joined the University of Illinois College of Medicine-Peoria as a full-time developmental pediatrician, providing services to Easter Seals’ ASD Diagnostic Clinics at the

Peoria and Bloomington Centers.

Professional staff presented on Animal Assisted Therapy at “Different not Less: Opportunities to

Succeed, An Evening with Dr. Temple Grandin” at Greenville College.

Conducted First Responder training for 127 Peoria City Police officers, providing education on techniques for responding to individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Easter Seals staff participated in advocacy efforts to maintain funding for The Autism Program

Network of Illinois.

Dr. Richard Solomon presented a two-day P.L.A.Y. Project training and presented at Grand

Rounds at OSF Healthcare for residents and physicians.

Staff attended The Autism Program of Illinois Regional Summit to network with partner agencies and discuss statewide advocacy efforts.

More than 150 parents and members of our community attended Autism-related continuing education activities.

Page 14

LaHood Center for Cerebral Palsy 2013 Highlights





14% of children served by Easter Seals have a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy

Easter Seals physical therapists presented on Assistive Technology and Orthotics.

Dr. Andrew Morgan, Easter Seals Medical Director, presented a continuing education course on Clinical Decision-making for Young Children with Cerebral Palsy at Heartland Community College.

Increased capacity for physician services for children with Cerebral Palsy through the Ray &

Kathy LaHood Center for Cerebral Palsy.

Easter Seals provides exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities and their families have equal opportunity to live, learn, work, and play in their communities.

Grants & Governmental Affairs 2013 Highlights




Easter Seals was awarded the Early Intervention Child and

Family Connections (CFC) offices #14 and #16 contracts, adding 40 employees and $2.1 million in annual revenue.

Congressman Aaron Shock and his staff members participated in an Autism Listening Session with parents and advocates hosted by Easter Seals.

Easter Seals hosted several Illinois Partners “Legislative

Dialogues” for area state legislators and other human service organizations.


January 1 - December 31, 2013

ASD Trust – Peoria County

Caterpillar Foundation

Community Foundation of Central Illinois

Community Foundation of Central Illinois


CVS Caremark

Heart of Illinois United Way Community


Peoria Regional Chapter of ASA

PNC Foundation

Ruby K. Worner Charitable Trust

State of Illinois Department of Human


The Autism Program Service Network

The Autism Program Special Projects

The North Face Explore Fund

Page 15

Kids. Therapy. Progress.

These three words define our passion . At Easter Seals we know that early identification of developmental delays in children, and therapeutic intervention to support development, make a big difference! Our dedicated team of physicians, therapists and staff help children and families reach new milestones each and every day. We provide a wide variety of services, supports and community education designed to promote progress.

Each year, Pekin AMBUCS provides numerous Easter

Seals children with an AmTryke. The unique tricycles can be hand or foot operated, are designed to accommodate riders of all ages, sizes, and degrees of physical limitations.

The AmTryke has many therapeutic benefits including improved motor skills, strength development and selfesteem. We are grateful for our long-term partnership with Pekin AMBUCS!

Timber Pointe Outdoor Center 2013 Highlights








Over 400 campers participated in Easter Seals sponsored overnight summer camp sessions for children and adults with a broad range of disabilities and special needs.

Timber Pointe’s “Adventure Day Camp” provided inclusive outdoor programming for 85 day campers and their siblings.

Over 60 campers and their families benefited from respite weekends which provided campers with weekend adventures and opportunities to reunite with old friends and make new ones, while providing family members a break from caregiving.

Timber Pointe facilitated summer camp sessions serving an additional 920 campers with disabilities and special needs through fourteen contractual partnerships with organizations such as The Autism

Society, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, the Brain Injury Association of Illinois and the SIU

School of Medicine’s Children’s Oncology Camp Organization.

Timber Pointe’s unique natural and program resources provided hundreds of students with exciting and enlightening outdoor education opportunities and challenge course adventures.

“Timber Pointe Yacht Club” members and a host of other volunteers provided countless hours of volunteer time in support of the Easter Seals mission.

The Timber Pointe Charitable Foundation, Inc. provided over $50,000 in support of programming and facility improvements at Timber Pointe.

Page 16

FY13 Revenue - $8,153,942

FY13 Expenses - $7,200,839

Page 17


Thank you for your generous support! Without your generosity we could not continue to fulfill our mission of helping children and adults with disabilities in central Illinois. Pledges, grants and gifts on in-kind donations of $500 or more, received between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013 are listed. We have made every effort to ensure that this list is accurate and complete, and we apologize for any unintended omissions.


Gifts $25,000 and up

Advanced Technology Services, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Ali M. Bahaj

Altorfer Inc.

Ameren Illinois

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney C. Banwart

Bremer Jewelry

Mr. and Mrs. Frederic L. Broers

Caterpillar Foundation

Caterpillar Inc.


CGN Global

CORE Construction Services of IL, Inc.

Diversified Services Network

Easter Seals Auxiliary


Fort Transfer Company, Inc.

ILLICO Incorporated

Limestone Community High School District 310

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Michael

Doug and Diane Oberhelman

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Owens

Peoria County Treasurer ASD Trust


Mr. and Mrs. Gregg A. Sauder

South Side Trust & Savings Bank

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Springer

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Stephens

The Children's Home Association

Timber Pointe Charitable Foundation, Inc.

UnityPoint Health - Methodist



Gifts between $10,000 and $24,999

Archer Daniels Midland

Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Arnold

Automotive Robotics Inc.

Bass Pro Shop

Bearce Companies, LLC.

Brewers Distributing Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Rick C. Brown

DeLoitte LLP

DV Trust


Environmental Design International

Ernst & Young LLP

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Finch

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Flessner

Great Plains Media

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hardin

Helen Hartman Trust

Hitchcock Scrap Iron & Metal

IDC Technical Services

J.G. Stewart Contractors, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Brad E. Kahler

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kahler

Mr. Stephen P. Larson

Lincoln Office Supply Co., Inc.

Mangieri Companies, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Masters

Morton Community Bank

PAR-A-DICE Hotel Casino

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Parker

Pekin Community High School District 303


PNC Foundation

Premier Fabrication, Inc.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Share Foundation

Stratus Networks

Mr. Scotty Sullivan


Gifts between $5,000 and $9,999

Mr. and Mrs. James Aaberg


Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Alkire

Associated Bank

Mr. R. Rennie Atterbury, III

Avanti's of Peoria, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Barton

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Baum

Mr. Wayne E. Baum

Mr. and Mrs. Dustin C. Birkel


BP Products North America Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley A. Braker

Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. Brouwer

Burklund Distributors, Inc.

Mr. Dale E. Burklund

Capital Infrastructure Group, LLC

Carpenters Local 237

Caterpillar Global Mining

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Chadwick

Chemtool Incorporated

Commerce Bank

Community Foundation of Central Illinois

Comprehensive Prosthetics & Orthotics

Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Elias

Elmwood Junior High and High School

Envision Insurance

Epsilon Sigma Alpha

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Esformes

Eureka College

Farmington Central High School

Mr. Saverio M. Fato

G & D Integrated Ventures, LLC

Gallagher Coyle


Germantown Hills School District 69

Gilmore Foundation Page 18

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley M. Halverson

Heart Technologies, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Heebink

Heritage Bank of Central Illinois

HTC Global Services

IBM Corp.

Illinois State Black Chamber of Commerce

Innovative Systems Group, Inc.

ITG Construction Services, LLC.

J.A. Fritch & Sons, Inc.

Jaguar Land Rover of Peoria

John Fabick Tractor Company

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kennedy

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leali

Mr. and Mrs. Rick LeHew

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Levenick

Mr. and Mrs. Rex K. Linder

Marshall's Tap

Maui Jim Sunglasses

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Menold

Merrill Lynch

Metamora High School District 122

Mid Central Illinois Regional Council of Carpenters

Midstate Manufacturing Corp.

Morgan Stanley

Mortgage Services III, L.L.C.

Morton Capital LLC

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Needham

Nelson Global Products

Northwestern Mutual - Waite Financial Group

OSF Saint Francis Medical Center

OSF Saint Francis, Inc.

Parsons Company, Inc.

Pekin Insurance

Peoria Surgical Group, Ltd.

Mark and Danielle Pflederer

Proctor Hospital

Prospect Sound & Lighting

Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Rassi

River City Construction, LLC

RJD Hobbies

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Scott

State Farm Companies Foundation

State Farm Insurance Companies

Teverbaugh, Croland & Mueller Ob/Gyn & Associates, S.C.

The Center for Outpatient Medicine, L.L.C.

Uftring Weston - Uftring Auto Group

University of IL College of Medicine at Peoria

Vonachen Services, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Vonachen

Wald/Land Corporation

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wisdom

Wright-Way Interior Systems

The Wyman Group


Gifts between $2,500 and $4,999

Mr. Richard E. Aaberg


Afni, Inc.

Arch Insurance

Avanti's Italian Restaurant

Kids. Therapy. Progress.

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bateman

Mr. Craig R. Baum and Ms. Lisa Singleton

Mr. and Mrs. Kurt L. Baum

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baum

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Baum

Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Baum

Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Baum

Black Hawk Industrial, Sanders Tools & Supplies Div.

Bob Lindsay Acura

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Brown

Mr. David Brugger

Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Bryant

Caresoft Global Inc.

Central Illinois Neuro Health Sciences

Central Steel & Wire

Citizens for Darin LaHood


Mr. Robert Claybaugh

Mr. Eric Collins

Connor Company

Coulter Companies, Inc.

Mr. Nicholas W. Cowley

Davis & Campbell LLC


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Der, Jr.

Mr. Michael Dubina


Evergreen FS, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Fischbach

Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Fites

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Foulger

Mr. Dennis French

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Gosselin

Dr. and Mrs. James F. Graumlich

Greater Peoria Contractors & Suppliers Association, Inc.

Mr. Seshadri Guha and Dr. Meenakshy K. Aiyer

Mr. and Mrs. Hans Haefeli

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Hafner

Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Hanback

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Hasinger

Heartland Bank & Trust

Heyl, Royster, Voelker & Allen

Hickory Grove Elementary School

Hilltop Wealth Management of Raymond James

Hunzeker Service Agency

IBEW Local Union #34

Illinois Central College

Infotech Enterprises

J Tec Industries, Inc.

Dr. Dennis M. Killian

Kirkland & Ellis, LLP

Knell & Kelly, L.L.C.

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Koch

Kuhl & Company Insurance

Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Kuhl

Lake Bloomington Association

Lehigh Hanson Materials US

Mack Sales & Service, Inc.

Masters Brothers, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Meischner

Menold Construction, Inc.

Mike Miller Auto Park

Mike's Collision Center

Dr. Matthew J. Mischler and Dr. Jessica R. Hanks

Page 19

Mr. Travis D. Mohlenbrink

Mr. and Mrs. William D. Morton, III

Moss Advertising, Inc.

Multi-Ad Services, Inc.

Netra Technologies, Inc.

Mr. LaFrank K. Newell and Ms. Toni K. Belcher

Nord Enterprises, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Novotny

Dr. Jerome Oakey and Dr. Laura Randolph

Oberlander Electric

Mr. and Mrs. H. David Osnowitz

Mr. and Mrs. Doug Parsons

Mr. and Mrs. Prasad Parupalli

Pearl Insurance Group, LLC

Peoria Flag & Decorating Co., Inc.

PNC Wealth Management

Professional Dentworks Company

Drs. Srinivas R. and Smitha Reddy Puli

The Quality Connection

R.A. Cullinan & Son

Richwoods High School

Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Rinkenberger

Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Robeen

Ron Gannaway Construction

Mr. and Mrs. Justin D. Roth

Mr. James L. Runyon and Ms. Mary E. Peifer

S.J. Smith Company

Judge and Mrs. Daniel L. Schmidt

Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Schmidt


Mr. and Mrs. James Shaffer

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Snyder

Mr. Lonnie E. Stewart

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Templin

Terra Engineering LTD

United Way Suncoast

Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Verheyen

Dr. Kaninika Verma and Dr. Bhagat Aulakh

VOLT DTS (Design & Technical Services)

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Weaver

WeaverRidge Golf Club

Wells Fargo

West Central IL Building & Construction Trades Council

Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Widmer

Willis of Illinois

Wyman Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc.

Donald and Brenda Young

Mr. Albert Zeller


Gifts between $1,000 and $2,499

A Perfect Pear Boutique, Inc.

Mr. Nathan J. Adams

Mr. Nick L. and Dr. Sandra Adkins

Advocate BroMenn HealthCare

Dr. Yogesh Agarwal

Alexander's Steakhouse

Alliance Land Title, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Andrus

Armstrong-Oakview Elementary School

Mr. and Mrs. James Asquith

B.A. Ward, Inc.

Drs. Aparna A. and Timir Baman

Mr. Jyotheeswara D. Bandarlapalle and

Dr. Suneetha Venkatapuram

Bank of America Charitable Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Barber

Dr. and Mrs. Marco Barzallo

Basic Information Technology Solutions, LLC

Bell Enterprises, Inc.

Mr. Rob Benedict

Bent Elementary School

Dr. and Mrs. Prem L. Bhatia

Big Six LLC  

Mr. and Mrs. Darron Birkel

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bivens

Mr. and Mrs. Chad Bixby

Kip and Joette Blakesley

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Blandino

Bloomington Primary Care

Bloomington-Normal Audiology

Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Blumenshine

Mr. and Mrs. Saul T. Boast

Bodine Services of Peoria, LLC

Mr. and Mrs. James Bollwinkle

Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Bonnette

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Braker

Mr. and Mrs. Dean B. Brauer

Ms. Betty J. Brenkman

Brimfield Agri-Services, Inc.

Mr. Willie G. Brown


Mr. and Mrs. Shane P. Bundy

Mr. Patrick F. Busch

Busey Bank

Mr. Matthew P. Byrd

Cady Oil Company

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Callis

Dr. and Mrs. Benito M. Camacho

Mr. and Mrs. Rick J. Campbell

Canton High School

Dr. and Mrs. Jack Capodice, Jr.

Dr. Deborah L. Carlson

Center for Health, ASC, LLC

Central Junior High School

David R. Charles, D.O., M.D.

Malini Chavali and Srinivas Tummarakota

Children's Hospital of Illinois

Dr. Daniel G. Ciaburri

Citizens for Unes

City Beverage LLC

Clemens & Associates, Inc.


Mr. and Mrs. Walker Cole

Colene Hoose Elementary School

Comprehensive Emergency Solutions

Mr. and Mrs. James F. Cooper

Mr. Fernando Cornejo

Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Couch

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Coulter

Mr. and Mrs. Royal J. Coulter

Country Financial - Chris Peterson

Mr. and Mrs. Wendell D. Cox

Cuba Elementary School

Custom Underground Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Timethy S. Daugherty

Page 20

Mr. and Mrs. Lorne J. Day

Mr. and Mrs. David DeFreitas

Dill-View, Inc.

Dohme Produce Company, Inc.

Dunlap Grade School

Dunlap High School

Ms. Erin Dunphy

E A Medical

East Peoria Community High School District 309

Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Ehrsam

Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Elsasser

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elsasser

Enterprise Holdings Foundation

Epsilon Sigma Alpha Illinois State Council

Erie Insurance Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Jon C. Farney

Mr. and Mrs. Duane Farrington

Mr. Joshua A. Favus

Federal Companies

Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Fehr

Felmley Dickerson Co.

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ferguson

Ms. Peggy J. Finley

First State Bank of Mendota

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Fischer, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fisher

Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Fisher

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Flebbe

Ms. Anne M. Fleer

Fleming Electric

Ms. Dianne M. Fleming

Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie C. Fluker

Fondulac Banking Center

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Formusa

Fraternal Order of Eagles Aux. #265

Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Gallagher

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gardner

Mr. and Mrs. Harlan D. Geiser

Mrs. Thursday Gervais

GES Exposition Services

Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Gettinger

Mr. Henry A. Getz

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Getz

Give with Liberty

Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Graham

Graymont Cooperative Association

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Green

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Gremore

Mr. and Mrs. R. Philip Grizzard

Grundy Elementary School

Drs. Darrel C. and Jane M. Gumm

Hagerty Brothers Company Foundation

Ms. Christal Hamm

Hanson Professional Services, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Hanson

Mr. and Mrs. Randall H. Harbert

Mr. and Mrs. David Harlan

Haulpak Employees Community Service Association

Health Strategy LLC

HeartCare Midwest

Heaven on Earth

Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Heinzmann

Mr. and Mrs. Alan A. Henricks

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Hoefling

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hoffman

Dr. Paige Holt

Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Horvath, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Howe

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Huber

Mr. John M. Hulse

Humana Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Syed M. Hussain

Illini Golf

Illinois American Water Company

Illinois CancerCare Foundation & Illinois CancerCare

Illinois Farm Bureau

Illinois Mutual Life Insurance Company

Illinois Piping Corporation

Illinois Valley Central High School

Indo-American Society of Peoria

Mr. and Mrs. Bradford B. Ingram

Insight Benefits Group, LLC.

IronHustler Excavating, Inc.

J & C Stringer Trucking & Brokerage

Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. Jackson

Janssen Law Center

Ms. Cyndy L. Jefford

Jillian's Sports Grille

Mr. Paul and Dr. Pushpa Joseph


Mr. and Mrs. Marshall L. Kaisner

Mr. Ron Karlstrom

Kellar Primary School

Ms. Betty J. Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Kelly

Ms. Angela S. Kemp

Kickapoo Creek Winery

Mr. and Mrs. Warren King

Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Klaus


Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kress

Mr. and Mrs. Thadd J. Krupa

Dr. and Mrs. Jai Kumar

Kumon Math & Reading Center

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Lagacy

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Lankton

Laser Electric

Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Lautzenheiser

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lawinger

Mr. and Mrs. Lance Lelm

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron A. Litersky

Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Macfarlane

Mr. and Mrs. Evan D. Mahan

Dr. and Mrs. Muhammad F. Malik

Maloof Realty

Management Investment Corp.

Mr. Frederic E. Mansfield, Jr.

Martin Engineering

Mathis-Kelley Construction Supply Co.

Dr. and Mrs. James W. Maxey

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. McCartney

Ms. Elizabeth A. McCoy

Dr. and Mrs. Donald B. McElroy

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin H. McKay

McLean County Orthopedics, Ltd.

McLean County Title Company

Page 21

Mr. and Mrs. F. Lynn McPheeters

Mega Corp., Inc.

Mercedes Restaurants, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Mercier

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Messinger

Metamora Industries, Inc.

MMC Armory a Division of Mennie Machine Company

Mohr & Kerr Engineering & Land Surveying

Mr. Bradley Monk

Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Monk, Jr.

Monroe Elementary School District 70

Mr. Morgan F. Mooberry

The Morgan Corporation

Dr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Morgan

Drs. Sudhir and Megha Mungee

Dr. and Mrs. James R. Munns

Mr. Kamesh Nagarajan and Dr. Ami A. Shah

Mr. and Mrs. Ric Neal

Mr. and Mrs. Daryl L. Negley

Mr. and Mrs. Ned T. Neuhaus

Mr. Michael R. Nichols

Nick-N-Willy's Pizza

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Nitto

Mr. and Mrs. Kent A. Noble

Normal Fire Fighters Association Local 2442

Northwestern Place, LP

Oakdale Elementary School

Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. O'Malley

Omega & Associates, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. John M. O'Reilly

Mr. David A. Park

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Passmore

Peoria Brick Company

Peoria Civic Center

Peoria Family Chiropractic, LLC

Peoria Regional Chapter of The Autism Society of America

Perfection Machinery Sales, Inc.

Dr. Christine C. Perks and Mr. Brian C. Russell

The Petersen Companies

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Petrakis

Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pflederer

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Pilcher

Pilgrim's Pride

Pioneer Railroad Services, Inc.

The PIPCO Companies, Ltd.

Pipe Trade District Council #34

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Portscheller

Mr. and Mrs. Haydn J. Powell

Prairie Christian Foundation

Prairie Materials

Pro Edge, Inc.

Mr. Paige K. Proctor

Mr. and Mrs. Troy N. Pudik

Puritan Springs Water

R.J. Distributing Company, Inc.

R.J. Just, Inc.

Raben Tire Company, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Radloff

Dr. Nabeel R. Rana and Dr. Aaisha S. Haque

Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Render

Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Riggs

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rinkenberger

Ms. Heather M. Robinson

Rogy's Gingerbread House, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. William Rohner

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Ross

Mr. Matthew W. Roth

Royal Express, Inc.

Rudd's Fast Pitch Booster Club

Running Central

Mr. Thomas E. Runyon

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Runyon

Ruskusky Foot and Ankle

Sallenger, Inc.

Suryanarayana and Lalitha Saraswathula

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sarmiento, III

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Sauder

Mr. Nicholas T. Scarperia

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Schoeplein

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Schweigert

Scott Communication Services, Inc.

Seneca Petroleum Company

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Shaheen

Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Shelton


Simmon's Little Johnnies

Skin Dimensions

Mr. and Mrs. Rodney C. Slusher

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Smarjesse

SMF, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron L. Smith

Mr. Eric Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Smith

Snyder Family Foundation

Southern Wine & Spirits of Illinois-Midstate

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sowers

Mr. and Mrs. James G. Spachman, III

Specialty Distribution

Springfield Electric

St. James Winery

St. Jude Runners Association

Mr. Greg Stalter

Sterling Middle School

Mr. James D. Stevenson

Mrs. and Mr. Diane A. Steward

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Stone

Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Stuber

Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. Styczynski

Drs. Rajagopala and Revathi Swaminathan

Mr. Mike H. Takamori and Mrs. Candyce L. Gray

Ms. Deepak Taneja and Sonia Gajula

Mr. Kurt and Dr. Lori Teverbaugh

TGI Friday

The Clubs at River City

The Digital Store, LLC

Thomas Jefferson School

Mr. and Mrs. Keith W. Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Thompson

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation

Mr. Trenton J. Tippey

Ms. Simone Trevisani

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Triggs

Two Men and a Truck

Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Ugron

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Uhlman

United Access & Personal Mobility

United Way of McLean County

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Unzicker

Page 22

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Vandenberg

Washington Elementary School

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Weaver

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Weber

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Weingart

Mr. Michael J. Weinkauf

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff White

Widmer Interiors

Wiegand & Storrer, Inc.

Mr. Mark A. Wilkins

Wingate by Wyndham


Wirtz Beverage - Horizon

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Yontz

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Yordy

Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Zachman

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Zern

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Zindt

Mr. Jeremy Zobrist


Gifts between $500 and $999

A. Lucas & Sons Steel

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Aberle

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Aberle

ADM Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Adolphson

Mr. Craig F. Allen and Ms. Julie A. Cowden

Mr. Ray Allen

Allied Welding Inc.

Altorfer CAT

Alwan & Sons Meat Co.

Ms. Betty Anderson

Mrs. Chanel Apsey

Ms. Tracey A. Arahood

Mayor and Mrs. James E. Ardis

Mr. and Mrs. Animesh Arora

Dr. Jennifer L. Ash

Mr. and Mrs. Dean J. Athans

Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Avis

Axis, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Kent W. Ayers

Auroa Badin, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. William N. Ball

Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Bally

Mr. and Mrs. Joel K. Bankes

Mr. Kyle Barber

Ms. Christine Bare-Kemper

Mr. and Mrs. W. Brad Barker

Ms. Kelly D. Barlow

Bartell Powell LLP

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Bash

Mr. Donald Bauman

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Baumgartner

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley E. Becker

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Belser

Mr. and Mrs. Kent E. Berg


Mr. and Mrs. Brian Berkovitz

Mr. Joshua R. Bethel

Mr. and Mrs. Davender Bhardwaj

Kids. Therapy. Progress.

Mr. and Mrs. Bipin P. Bhosale

Biaggi's Ristorante Italiano

Mr. and Mrs. Don Bigger

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bishop

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Blumenshine

Ms. Sally K. Boers

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Boles

Mrs. Mary Boltz

Drs. Kurt T. and Stephanie H. Bowers

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brackney

Mrs. Nancy K. Brady

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Brady

Mr. John A. Brand

Brimfield Bank

Brimfield High School

Mr. and Mrs. David F. Brix

Mr. and Mrs. Todd Broad

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brock

Dr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Brody

Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Brown

Brushfire LLC

Dr. and Mrs. R. Kent Bryan

Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar

Burdess & Associates, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Camacho

Mr. and Mrs. D. Ryan Campbell

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Campbell

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carlborg

Mr. and Mrs. H. James Carlson

Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Carlson

Mr. John Carmack

Central Illinois Business Publishers

Dr. and Mrs. David P. Chan

Mr. Carter Chapman

Charter Oak Primary School

Dr. Umesh C. Chatrath

Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Christensen

Citizens for Risinger

Mr. John Clarke

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Clausen

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Colgan

Mr. Carlos Colmenares

Commercial Glass Co. Inc.

Cook Rental, Inc.

Ms. Barbra Coots

Mr. John Copenhaver

Country Financial

Countryside Banquet Hall

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Creed

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Cunningham

Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Currier

Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Cushing

Mr. and Mrs. Jakob Dalgaard

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Davis

Dr. and Mrs. James L. Davis

Demonica Kemper Architects

Dennison Corporation Ford-BMW-Toyota

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dennison

Mr. and Mrs. Uday Deoskar

Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. DeWalt

Dewberry, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Dill

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dobski

Don D. Shute Elementary School

Page 23

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Donahue

Drs. John and Laura J. Donlan


Draw 4, Inc.

Ms. Debra Driver

Mr. Jedediah Dunehew

Edison Junior High School

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Endress

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Endress

Engel Agency Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Ravimeher L. Errabolu

Extreme Motors

Famous Dave's

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Fick

First State Bank

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Fischbach

Five Points Washington

Mrs. Ellen T. Flanagan

Mr. and Mrs. James Forck

Mr. and Mrs. Everett S. Freeberg

Mr. Dustin S. Friedrich

Friends for John Kunski

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Fuelberth

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan D. Funk

Mr. and Mrs. William Gall

Georgetowne Middle School

Germantown Grille

Dr. and Mrs. James B. Gerstner

Getz Fire Equipment Co.

Mr. Jesse Getz

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gingerich

Mr. and Mrs. Brad N. Glenn

Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Glow

Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Gomer

Mr. Steve Goulding

Great Plains Laborer's District Council

Green View Companies

Ms. Anthea C. Grimwade

Grove Elementary School

Mr. Jerome Guilford, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hafner

Mr. Clint Hall

Mr. Robert A. Hall

Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Hansen

Mr. and Mrs. Carroll P. Harding

Harold Gregor Art Studio

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hartke

Dr. Ravishankar Hasanadka and Ms. Jennifer A. Straub

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hawbaker

HBT Investment Services

Heartland Community College

Mr. Frederick K. Helfrich

Heller Ford Sales, Inc.

Dr. David K. Hendricksen

Mr. Chad Henry

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Herbers

Mr. Jeromee Hermann and Ms. Janel Meehan

Mr. Kevin Hermann

Hermes Equipment, Inc.

Mr. Guillermo Herrera

Ms. Christine A. Hilton

Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Hodel

Mr. and Mrs. Kurt L. Hoeferle

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas O. Hoerr

Hogan Trucking and Lease

Hult Health Education Center

Mr. and Mrs. Loi Huynh

Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Iacullo

Illinois Land Company Real Estate, Inc.

The Illinois Law Group

Illinois State University

Illinois Valley Wheel'n

Illinois Vein Specialists-Bloomington LLC

Inspired Arts Academy

International Union of Operating Engineers

J. Hawk Incorporated

J.J. Braker & Son

Jackson Hewitt Tax Service

James P. Ginzkey, Trial Attorney

Mr. and Mrs. Muhammad J. Javed

Jefferson Park Elementary School

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Jensen

Mr. Richard E. Jesse

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin K. Joos

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Joyner

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Juricic

Mr. and Mrs. Kory R. Kaeb

Mr. and Mrs. William D. Kaeb

Mr. and Mrs. Kim Kannaday

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Keller

Mr. Daniel Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O. Kennedy

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. Koch

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Kraftzenk

Mr. and Mrs. Len A. Kuchan

Kurt's Autobody Repair Shop

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lange

Lee Obstetrics & Gynecology S.C.

Mr. Steve Lee

Mrs. Anna M. Leman

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Lewis

Lewistown High School

Lincoln Elementary School

Ms. Aimee S. Link

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Litchfield

Ms. Jane M. Lock

Mr. and Mrs. David M. Longanbach

Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Loomis

Mr. and Mrs. Monte Loser

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold H. Luedders

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Machala

Sanjog Mankar

Manual Junior and Senior High School

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Marsh

Ms. Laura L. Martin

Mr. and Mrs. Angel Martinez

Martini's on Water Street

Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Mathes

Mr. and Mrs. Sean Matheson

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Matson

Mr. James P. Matteo and Mrs. Suchada Kanthong

Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Matuszak

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Mavec

Maxine's on Main

Sheriff and Mrs. Michael McCoy

Mr. Cory McGrath

McLean County Sportsman, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. William C. McMillan

Page 24

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. McMillin

Dr. and Mrs. R. Parker McRae

Mears Group

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Meek

Mr. Dom Meffe


Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Meischner

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Mercier

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Messersmith

Metamora Community School District 1

The Honorable Robert H. Michel

Ms. Sonya Miles

Millennium Pain Center, LLC

Mr. Chad Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Miller

Mr. John R. Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Shane A. Miller

Mirus Research Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Clayton J. Monfre

Morton Dental Center

Mr. and Mrs. Todd S. Mowbray

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Moyer

Muir Omni Graphics

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Murphy, Jr.

Mr. Arthur Murray

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Nafziger

Mr. and Mrs. Randy J. Nash

Mr. Doug Nelson

Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Nestrud

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Newsham

Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Noll

Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Norbutas

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Nord

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Norris

Northwestern Mutual Foundaton

Novaspect Holding, Inc.

Nussbaum Trucking, Inc.

Mr. Mark Oakley

Mr. and Mrs. Sunil Oberoi

O'Brien Mitsubishi of Normal

Mrs. Andrea O'Connor

Dr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Olsson

Mr. Fergal M. O'Shea

Mr. Percy Osterstrom

Mr. and Mrs. Zachary M. Oyler

P.J. Hoerr, Inc.

Parker Kemp Foundation

Mr. Jeff Parmele

Mr. and Mrs. Merril M. Parsons

Dr. and Mrs. Mandar Pattekar

Ms. Deanna L. Pederson

Peoria Metro New Car Dealers

Peoria Push Derby Dames

Mr. and Mrs. James Perley

Ms. Stacey Peters

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pettit

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Pfeiffer

Photography By Lee

Ms. Christine Pica

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Pieper

Ms. Kimberly K. Polka

Mr. and Mrs. Luke Porritt

Potter & Anderson Jewelers

Prairie Technology Alliance

Pratt and Pratt, P.C.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Prest

Priority Sign

Mr. Chris Prowse

Mr. Ryan Pudik

Pumpkin Place, Ltd.

Mr. and Mrs. David Purlee

Pyramid Printing, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. James S. Quigg, Jr.

Mr. Jeff Ragovin

Mr. and Mrs. Ty Rakestraw

Ms. Amy Randle

Ranjani Rao

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Rapp

Mr. and Mrs. Kabir Rattan

Ray Dennison Chevrolet, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Reimers

Resource Automotive

Mr. Nicolas Ricca

Ms. Marna Ricker

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Riekena

River City Demolition

Roanoke Concrete Products Co.

Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Robertson

Mr. Lucas Rocke

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Rollings

Mr. Thomas N. Rooke

Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Rossi, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Sunit K. Sachdev

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Saletzki

Sallyo, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Sandborg

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley D. Sauder

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Schell

Mr. and Mrs. Randolph G. Schmidt


Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Semonis

Mr. Jerry Severin

Dr. and Mrs. Jitendra J. Shah

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Shaw

Mr. and Mrs. Todd M. Sheridan

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sibley

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Simmons

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Simpson

Small Town Tractor Pull

Mr. and Mrs. Troy Smith

Mr. Jerry L. Smitley and Ms. Debra S. Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Smythe

Snap On Tools

Snyder Corporations

Mr. Nick Snyder

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Solberg

Southwest Airlines

Soy Capital Bank & Trust Company

Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Steffen

Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Stevens

Stevenson Elementary School

Mr. and Mrs. Chris E. Stiles

STL Technology Partners

The Honorable and Mrs. Stephen F. Stockton

Page 25

Mr. Ryan E. Stoller

Mr. and Mrs. Joey M. Strohkirch

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Studebaker


Sully's Pub & Cafe

Suzi Davis Travel

Mr. Loren and Dr. Margaret Swanson

Ms. Jean A. Swee and Mr. Paul A. Bailey

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Talaski

The Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation

The Estate of Connie Nealson

The Foehr Group

The Glitter Fairy

The Growmark Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Thompson

Mr. John J. Tillery

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Tillman

Mr. and Mrs. Tim I. Tilton

Tim Lester Images


Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tyra

UAW Local 2488

Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Uhlenhake

Uncle Bob's Homemade Ice Cream, Inc.

United Way of Central Indiana, Inc.

Universal Agape Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Bryce L. Unruh

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Bertschy

Srilatha Uppugonduri and Vani P. Mallubhotla

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. VanDusen

Mr. Darin E. VanNattan

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Veatch

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Vidic

Vitesse Cycle Shop

Vogue Painting & Decorating, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. John A. Vozenilek

Mr. Gregory Walker

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon C. Walsh

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Warner

Washington Country Financial

Waugh Frozen Foods

Mr. Kenneth E. Weeks

Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Weinstein

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Q. Welch

West Peoria Resident's Association

Wethersfield Community Unit Schools No. 230

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wetzel

Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Wey

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wheatcroft

Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. White

Ms. LaDona R. Wiebler

Mr. Harold Wilkerson

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wilkins

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Williams, IV

Mr. Robert E. Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Ian Wilson

Ms. Britney Wright

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wright

Ms. Heidi Jo Wys

Mr. Tyler Yarde

Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. Yordy

Donald and Sheila Young

Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Zimmer

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Zimmerman, III


Gifts between $5,000-10,000

Ms. Lorraine Burris

Catherine Gronemeier

Don and Jamie Rood, Jr.

Gifts between $1,000-4,999

Mr. Willie Brown

Christian Charities Foundation

Dohme Produce Company

Ralph Endress

Edith Franklin

Joseph and Faith Herbers

James and Elaine Malay

Donald Morkin

Kurt and Joyce Moser

Jack and Kimberly North

Parker Kemp Foundation

Joseph and Carol Runyon

Schwab Charitable Fund

Kurt and Wendy Zimmer

Gifts between $500-999

Ellen T. Flanagan

Steven and Cathleen Haas

Richard Hamm

Illinois Prairie Community Foundation, Inc.

J.L. Hubbard Insurance

Greg and Patryce Nussbaum

Emma Lou Steffen

Herbert and J.P. Wiser

Page 26

Kids. Therapy. Progress.




507 E. Armstrong Avenue

Peoria, IL 61603

Phone: 309-686-1177



2404 E. Empire

Bloomington, IL 61704

Phone: 309-663-8275



20 Timber Pointe Lane

Hudson, IL 61748

Phone: 309-365-8021




Photos credits: Kevin May, Bob Hunt Photographer, Laura Schoon

Kids. Therapy. Progress.
