ZEPPELIN GROUP CONTACTS TRADING Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH Graf-Zeppelin-Platz 1 85748 Garching bei München Germany Phone +49 89 320 00-0 Fax +49 89 320 00-482 E-Mail: zeppelin@zeppelin.com MVS Zeppelin GmbH & Co. KG Graf-Zeppelin-Platz 1 85748 Garching bei München Germany Phone +49 89 320 00-220 Fax +49 89 320 00-222 E-Mail: info@mvs-zeppelin.de Zeppelin Power Systems GmbH & Co. KG Ruhrstraße 158 22761 Hamburg Germany Phone +49 40 853 151-0 Fax +49 40 853 151-39 E-Mail: powersystems@zeppelin.com This intermediate holding is also your contact for the following companies: Phoenix Zeppelin, spol. s r.o. Banskà Bystrica, Republic of Slovakia ČZ LOKO, a.s. eska T ebová, Czech Republic This intermediate holding is also your contact for the following companies: Zeppelin Plast Tech S.r.l. Milan, Italy Zeppelin Systems Limited Nottingham, UK Zeppelin Polska Sp. z o.o. Warsaw, Poland JMB Zeppelin Equipamentos Industriais Ltda. São Paulo, Brazil Zeppelin International AG Chamerstraße 85, 6300 Zug, Switzerland Phone +41 41 747 00 30 Fax +41 41 747 00 31 E-Mail: zeppelin@zeppelin-int.ch Zeppelin Systems USA Inc. Houston, U.S.A. This intermediate holding is also your contact for the following companies: Zeppelin Systems India Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai, India Zeppelin Belarus OOO Minsk, Belarus This company is also your contact for: Zeppelin Russland OOO Moscow, Russia Zeppelin Plastech Asia Pte. Ltd. Singapore Zeppelin SkySails Sales & Service GmbH & Co. KG Hamburg, Germany Zeppelin Ukraine TOW Kiev, Ukraine Zeppelin Österreich GmbH Zeppelinstraße 2 2401 Fischamend, Austria Phone +43 2232 790-0 Fax +43 2232 790-262 E-Mail: marketing@zeppelin-cat.at Repräsentanz Tadschikistan Dushanbe, Tajikistan Repräsentanz Usbekistan Tashkent, Uzbekistan 2006 Trade EUR m 2.208 2.080 1.735 Industry EUR m 239 176 125 Group1 EUR m 2.447 2.257 1.860 5.304 4.518 3.973 669 603 561 5.973 5.121 4.534 311 247 221 130,6 124,2 Industry Group of which trainees ANNUAL REPORT Fixed assets Additions EUR m 149,7 Changes in consolidation group EUR m 0,6 – - 0,3 Depreciation EUR m 54,3 48,6 47,4 36 37 38 % of additions of which rental assets Additions EUR m 88,9 72,3 85,9 Changes in consolidation group EUR m 0,0 – – Depreciation EUR m 31,0 26,8 28,3 Results from ordinary activities EUR m 101,2 119,1 77,0 Group net income EUR m 65,4 71,4 41,7 Net cash flow EUR m 170,0 148,0 126,4 Group equity EUR m 394,4 341,1 273,6 Subscribed capital EUR m 100,0 50,0 50,0 Capital reserves EUR m 60,0 60,0 60,0 Revenue reserves EUR m 140,6 131,6 106,4 Retained earnings of the Group EUR m 83,0 89,9 50,2 Minority interests EUR m 10,8 9,7 7,0 Zeppelin Gulf Co. Ltd. Juaymah, Saudi Arabia Zeppelin Technology Far East Pte. Ltd. Singapore Zeppelin Turkmenistan JV Ashgabat, Turkmenistan 2007 Employees (year average) 2008 Zeppelin Solid Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd. Beijing, China 2008 Sales Trade1 Zeppelin Belgium N. V. Genk, Belgium Zeppelin-Körös-Spedit Kft. Budapest, Hungary Zeppelin Armenia LLC Yerevan, Armenia ANNUAL REPORT 2008 Headquarters: Graf-Zeppelin-Platz 1 85748 Garching bei München Germany Phone +49 89 320 00-0 Fax +49 89 320 00-482 E-Mail: zeppelin@zeppelin.com Phoenix-Zeppelin, spol. s r.o. Lipova 72, 25170 Modletice Czech Republic Phone +420 26 6015-200 Fax +420 26 6015-361 E-Mail: info@p-z.cz INDUSTRY Zeppelin Silos & Systems GmbH Leutholdstraße 108 88045 Friedrichshafen, Germany Phone +49 7541 202-02 Fax +49 7541 202-491 E-Mail: zentral.fn@zeppelin.com ZEPPELIN ZEPPELIN GMBH Registered Office: Leutholdstraße 30 88045 Friedrichshafen Germany Phone +49 7541 202-201 Fax +49 7541 202-210 ZEPPELIN GROUP FACTSHEET ZEPPELIN GMBH Registered Office: Leutholdstraße 30 88045 Friedrichshafen Germany Phone +49 7541 202-201 Fax +49 7541 202-210 Headquarters: Graf-Zeppelin-Platz 1 85748 Garching bei München Germany Phone +49 89 320 00-0 Fax +49 89 320 00-482 of which zeppelin@zeppelin.com www.zeppelin.de 1) incl. ZEPPELIN GmbH ZEPPELIN GROUP CONTACTS TRADING Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH Graf-Zeppelin-Platz 1 85748 Garching bei München Germany Phone +49 89 320 00-0 Fax +49 89 320 00-482 E-Mail: zeppelin@zeppelin.com MVS Zeppelin GmbH & Co. KG Graf-Zeppelin-Platz 1 85748 Garching bei München Germany Phone +49 89 320 00-220 Fax +49 89 320 00-222 E-Mail: info@mvs-zeppelin.de Zeppelin Power Systems GmbH & Co. KG Ruhrstraße 158 22761 Hamburg Germany Phone +49 40 853 151-0 Fax +49 40 853 151-39 E-Mail: powersystems@zeppelin.com This intermediate holding is also your contact for the following companies: Phoenix Zeppelin, spol. s r.o. Banskà Bystrica, Republic of Slovakia ČZ LOKO, a.s. eska T ebová, Czech Republic This intermediate holding is also your contact for the following companies: Zeppelin Plast Tech S.r.l. Milan, Italy Zeppelin Systems Limited Nottingham, UK Zeppelin Polska Sp. z o.o. Warsaw, Poland JMB Zeppelin Equipamentos Industriais Ltda. São Paulo, Brazil Zeppelin International AG Chamerstraße 85, 6300 Zug, Switzerland Phone +41 41 747 00 30 Fax +41 41 747 00 31 E-Mail: zeppelin@zeppelin-int.ch Zeppelin Systems USA Inc. Houston, U.S.A. This intermediate holding is also your contact for the following companies: Zeppelin Systems India Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai, India Zeppelin Belarus OOO Minsk, Belarus This company is also your contact for: Zeppelin Russland OOO Moscow, Russia Zeppelin Plastech Asia Pte. Ltd. Singapore Zeppelin SkySails Sales & Service GmbH & Co. KG Hamburg, Germany Zeppelin Ukraine TOW Kiev, Ukraine Zeppelin Österreich GmbH Zeppelinstraße 2 2401 Fischamend, Austria Phone +43 2232 790-0 Fax +43 2232 790-262 E-Mail: marketing@zeppelin-cat.at Repräsentanz Tadschikistan Dushanbe, Tajikistan Repräsentanz Usbekistan Tashkent, Uzbekistan 2006 Trade EUR m 2.208 2.080 1.735 Industry EUR m 239 176 125 Group1 EUR m 2.447 2.257 1.860 5.304 4.518 3.973 669 603 561 5.973 5.121 4.534 311 247 221 130,6 124,2 Industry Group of which trainees ANNUAL REPORT Fixed assets Additions EUR m 149,7 Changes in consolidation group EUR m 0,6 – - 0,3 Depreciation EUR m 54,3 48,6 47,4 36 37 38 % of additions of which rental assets Additions EUR m 88,9 72,3 85,9 Changes in consolidation group EUR m 0,0 – – Depreciation EUR m 31,0 26,8 28,3 Results from ordinary activities EUR m 101,2 119,1 77,0 Group net income EUR m 65,4 71,4 41,7 Net cash flow EUR m 170,0 148,0 126,4 Group equity EUR m 394,4 341,1 273,6 Subscribed capital EUR m 100,0 50,0 50,0 Capital reserves EUR m 60,0 60,0 60,0 Revenue reserves EUR m 140,6 131,6 106,4 Retained earnings of the Group EUR m 83,0 89,9 50,2 Minority interests EUR m 10,8 9,7 7,0 Zeppelin Gulf Co. Ltd. Juaymah, Saudi Arabia Zeppelin Technology Far East Pte. Ltd. Singapore Zeppelin Turkmenistan JV Ashgabat, Turkmenistan 2007 Employees (year average) 2008 Zeppelin Solid Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd. Beijing, China 2008 Sales Trade1 Zeppelin Belgium N. V. Genk, Belgium Zeppelin-Körös-Spedit Kft. Budapest, Hungary Zeppelin Armenia LLC Yerevan, Armenia ANNUAL REPORT 2008 Headquarters: Graf-Zeppelin-Platz 1 85748 Garching bei München Germany Phone +49 89 320 00-0 Fax +49 89 320 00-482 E-Mail: zeppelin@zeppelin.com Phoenix-Zeppelin, spol. s r.o. Lipova 72, 25170 Modletice Czech Republic Phone +420 26 6015-200 Fax +420 26 6015-361 E-Mail: info@p-z.cz INDUSTRY Zeppelin Silos & Systems GmbH Leutholdstraße 108 88045 Friedrichshafen, Germany Phone +49 7541 202-02 Fax +49 7541 202-491 E-Mail: zentral.fn@zeppelin.com ZEPPELIN ZEPPELIN GMBH Registered Office: Leutholdstraße 30 88045 Friedrichshafen Germany Phone +49 7541 202-201 Fax +49 7541 202-210 ZEPPELIN GROUP FACTSHEET ZEPPELIN GMBH Registered Office: Leutholdstraße 30 88045 Friedrichshafen Germany Phone +49 7541 202-201 Fax +49 7541 202-210 Headquarters: Graf-Zeppelin-Platz 1 85748 Garching bei München Germany Phone +49 89 320 00-0 Fax +49 89 320 00-482 of which zeppelin@zeppelin.com www.zeppelin.de 1) incl. ZEPPELIN GmbH ZEPPELIN GMBH ZEPPELIN GROUP: 190 LOCATIONS Friedrichshafen, Germany POLAND Warsaw | 2 UKRAINE Kiev | 7 BELARUS Minsk RUSSIA Moscow | 14 RUSSIA Moscow TRADE DIVISION TURKEY Istanbul GERMANY INDUSTRY DIVISION Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH Garching bei München, Germany Zeppelin International AG Zug, Switzerland Zeppelin Silos & Systems GmbH 5 Friedrichshafen, Germany MVS Zeppelin GmbH & Co. KG Garching bei München, Germany Zeppelin Russland OOO Moscow, Russia Zeppelin Belgium N. V. Genk, Belgium Zeppelin Power Systems1 GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg, Germany Zeppelin Ukraine TOW Kiev, Ukraine Zeppelin Plast Tech S.r.l. Milano, Italy Zeppelin Österreich GmbH2 Fischamend (Vienna), Austria Zeppelin Armenia LLC Yerevan, Armenia Zeppelin Systems Limited Nottingham, UK Phoenix-Zeppelin, spol. s r.o.3 Modletice (Prague), Czech Republic Zeppelin Belarus OOO Minsk, Belarus JMB Zeppelin Equipamentos Industriais Ltda. São Paulo, Brazil Phoenix Zeppelin, spol. s r.o. Banskà Bystrica, Republic of Slovakia Zeppelin Turkmenistan JV Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Zeppelin Systems USA Inc. Houston, U.S.A. Zeppelin Polska Sp. z o.o. Warsaw, Poland Zeppelin Tadschikistan4 Dushanbe, Tajikistan Zeppelin Solid Technology Co. Ltd. Beijing, China Zeppelin-Körös-Spedit Kft., Budapest, Hungary Zeppelin Usbekistan4 Taschkent, Uzbekistan Zeppelin Systems India Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai, India Munich | 119 GREAT BRITAIN Nottingham BELGIUM Genk GERMANY CHINA Beijing Friedrichshafen | 3 1 With Zeppelin SkySails Sales & Service GmbH & Co. KG 2 With MVS Zeppelin Österreich GmbH 3 SWITZERLAND Zug USA Houston 4 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent | 4 ITALY Milan AUSTRIA Vienna | 5 TAJIKISTAN Dushanbe HUNGARY Budapest CZECH REPUBLIC Prague | 12 SLOVAKIA Banskà Bystrica | 5 TURKMENISTAN Ashgabat | 3 SAUDI ARABIA Jubaii INDIA Mumbai ARMENIA Yerevan SINGAPORE Singapore 5 With ČZ LOKO, a. s., Tschechien Representation Representation in Moscow, Subsidiary in Turkey in foundation Zeppelin Gulf Co. Ltd. Juaymah, Saudi Arabia BRAZIL São Paulo Zeppelin Technology Far East Pte. Ltd. Singapore INDUSTRY DIVISION COUNTRY Location TRADE DIVISION COUNTRY Main location | No. of locations Zeppelin Plastech Asia Pte. Ltd. Singapore Dated: April 2009 ZEPPELIN GMBH ZEPPELIN GROUP: 190 LOCATIONS Friedrichshafen, Germany POLAND Warsaw | 2 UKRAINE Kiev | 7 BELARUS Minsk RUSSIA Moscow | 14 RUSSIA Moscow TRADE DIVISION TURKEY Istanbul GERMANY INDUSTRY DIVISION Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH Garching bei München, Germany Zeppelin International AG Zug, Switzerland Zeppelin Silos & Systems GmbH 5 Friedrichshafen, Germany MVS Zeppelin GmbH & Co. KG Garching bei München, Germany Zeppelin Russland OOO Moscow, Russia Zeppelin Belgium N. V. Genk, Belgium Zeppelin Power Systems1 GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg, Germany Zeppelin Ukraine TOW Kiev, Ukraine Zeppelin Plast Tech S.r.l. Milano, Italy Zeppelin Österreich GmbH2 Fischamend (Vienna), Austria Zeppelin Armenia LLC Yerevan, Armenia Zeppelin Systems Limited Nottingham, UK Phoenix-Zeppelin, spol. s r.o.3 Modletice (Prague), Czech Republic Zeppelin Belarus OOO Minsk, Belarus JMB Zeppelin Equipamentos Industriais Ltda. São Paulo, Brazil Phoenix Zeppelin, spol. s r.o. Banskà Bystrica, Republic of Slovakia Zeppelin Turkmenistan JV Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Zeppelin Systems USA Inc. Houston, U.S.A. Zeppelin Polska Sp. z o.o. Warsaw, Poland Zeppelin Tadschikistan4 Dushanbe, Tajikistan Zeppelin Solid Technology Co. Ltd. Beijing, China Zeppelin-Körös-Spedit Kft., Budapest, Hungary Zeppelin Usbekistan4 Taschkent, Uzbekistan Zeppelin Systems India Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai, India Munich | 119 GREAT BRITAIN Nottingham BELGIUM Genk GERMANY CHINA Beijing Friedrichshafen | 3 1 With Zeppelin SkySails Sales & Service GmbH & Co. KG 2 With MVS Zeppelin Österreich GmbH 3 SWITZERLAND Zug USA Houston 4 UZBEKISTAN Tashkent | 4 ITALY Milan AUSTRIA Vienna | 5 TAJIKISTAN Dushanbe HUNGARY Budapest CZECH REPUBLIC Prague | 12 SLOVAKIA Banskà Bystrica | 5 TURKMENISTAN Ashgabat | 3 SAUDI ARABIA Jubaii INDIA Mumbai ARMENIA Yerevan SINGAPORE Singapore 5 With ČZ LOKO, a. s., Tschechien Representation Representation in Moscow, Subsidiary in Turkey in foundation Zeppelin Gulf Co. Ltd. Juaymah, Saudi Arabia BRAZIL São Paulo Zeppelin Technology Far East Pte. Ltd. Singapore INDUSTRY DIVISION COUNTRY Location TRADE DIVISION COUNTRY Main location | No. of locations Zeppelin Plastech Asia Pte. Ltd. Singapore Dated: April 2009 Contents Management Board 2 Directors’ Report 3 Supervisory Board Report 6 Corporate Boards 8 A Vision Creates Values A Century of Tradition, Change and Growth 10 The Zeppelin Airship Era 12 Overcoming Boundaries 14 Phoenix from the Ashes 16 Zeppelin Today 18 Zeppelin Worldwide 20 Creating Value for our Customers 22 People Create Values 24 Sustainability is our Legacy 26 Innovating into the Future 28 Innovations 2008 First Diesel-Electric Powered Dozer 30 Turn Wind into Profit 32 Innovative Rentals 34 Energy Efficiency in Logistics 36 Groundbreaking Filter Technology 38 Group Management Report 1. Business and Economic Environment 42 2. Business Development of the Company 45 3. Results of Operations, Financial Position and Net Assets 53 4. Subsequent Events 57 5. Risk Report 57 6. Outlook 62 Group Financial Statement ZEPPELIN GROUP FACTSHEET (front cover) 190 LOCATIONS (front cover, double page) 67 ZEPPELIN GROUP CONTACTS (back cover) STRUCTURE (back cover, double page) D ir ec t or s ’ R epor t The Zeppelin Group can look back on a strong 2008, even if worldwide economic turbulence in the wake of the US financial and real estate crisis also impacted on our business, notably in the last quarter of the fiscal year. Successfully flouting the trend, we still achieved the highest sales revenues and highest cash flow in the history of our company in 2008: the year in which the Zeppelin Foundation and Zeppelin Group celebrated their centenary. The huge effort of recent years in our drive for renewal and greater efficiency have paid off, enabling us to push our Return on Sales well above past averages. In total, the Zeppelin Group achieved a net cash flow of approximately €170 million in fiscal 2008 (2007: €148 million). At 4 percent (2007: 5.2 percent) our ROS is at an acceptable level. And, with Zeppelin being awarded an A+ rating by Creditreform Ernst Susanek Alexander Bautzmann Michael Heidemann Peter Gerstmann Jürgen-Philipp Knepper President and CEO Central Functions, Power Systems and Trading Companies ex Germany Finance and Property Management Sales, Service and Rentals Germany Controlling and Industry Division HR (Labor Director), Legal and Compliance Management Board Rating AG for the fourth year running, this confirms the effectiveness of our ongoing commitment to capitalize on market opportunities and apply strict cost discipline throughout our business. Group revenues rose by 8.4 percent to € 2.447 billion (2007: € 2.257 billion). We generated this growth under our own power, without significant acquisitions. Non-domestic revenues continued their steady growth as a percentage of overall earnings, rising from 45 to almost 50 percent in 2008. Internationalization and diversification – a strong commitment at Zeppelin since the early 1990s – enable us to spread risk better across a number of countries and markets. Through strength in innovation and proximity to the markets we serve, every company in the Zeppelin Group has managed to sustain or expand its competitive position. Despite the weakening of markets during the last quarter of 2008, our trading companies still succeeded in raising sales revenues for the entire year, up 6.1 percent over 2007. In total, we sold 19,054 construction machines, engines and lift trucks (2007: 19,487), achieving retail revenues of € 2.208 billion (2007: €2.080 billion). Activities outside Germany were particularly dynamic. At Zeppelin International AG, the intermediate holding which has overall stewardship of our non-EU trading activities, sales revenues soared by 47 percent compared to 2007. However, significant currency devaluation in Russia and Ukraine in recent months has impacted severely on. 2 2008 zeppelin annual report 3 Directors’ Report the Group's operating results for the year. The German rentals company and Zeppelin Power Sy- Given the uncertainty in our external environment, we are focusing all the more on our own stems both displayed strong positive trends. With each area posting revenue growth of 8 percent strengths, from which we can derive the power to sustain our position on highly competitive mar- in 2008, our expansion strategy for these two business sectors is showing through in results. kets. These strengths are many and varied. Our ownership structure is a case in point: being We also took key strategic steps in 2008 for future expansion: we founded Zeppelin Rental GmbH, a Foundation company, we have strong financial security. Our profits remain largely in the com- which will in future steer the entire rental activities of the Zeppelin Group, and acquired a share- pany even at such difficult times as this, and are reinvested to the benefit of our customers. holding in the Hamburg-based company SkySails GmbH & Co KG, which complements the Power In addition, having boosted our ROS in recent years, we are now cushioned financially. Another Systems portfolio with wind propulsion for ships. strength is the strategic success which the Zeppelin Group has enjoyed in recent years. We have invested in diversifying and internationalizing our business, significantly easing our long-standing The Zeppelin Industry business also had a very strong 2008, continuing its uninterrupted growth dependence on the German construction industry. We are now market leaders in many of the of preceding years. Sales revenues rose by 36 percent to € 239 million (2007: € 176 million), countries and core businesses in which we operate, making us a powerful and reliable partner for with international business accounting for 66 percent of this total (2007: 83 percent). A healthy vo- our customers. A key advantage for the Zeppelin Trading division is that we have strong, lume of orders kept engineering and production working to capacity over the entire year, despite innovative manufacturer partners on our side. a distinct slowdown on the relevant markets towards the end of 2008 which is expected to continue through 2009. Our growth strategy in 2008 also included activities to expand our value chain We are particularly well positioned in terms of our employees, whose commitment and identifi- and open up new markets: for example, we acquired an engineering company in India and foun- cation with the company and its goals are key to our success. This is the mainstay for the future ded a subsidiary in Turkey. In addition, the joint venture we founded in 2007 with a partner in also. To secure this vital potential, we will continue to promote a spirit of enterprise among our Saudi Arabia (Zeppelin Gulf Co. Ltd.) took up operations successfully. employees in every Group company – through cooperative management styles with decentralized, clearly defined responsibilities, continuous professional development, and fair appraisal and Delivering business excellence for the benefit of our customers is our credo – the benchmark we remuneration. set ourselves every single day. This is about constantly being ready for change both in products and processes, and placing a premium on innovation. In 2008 the Zeppelin Group companies have On behalf of the management board, I would like to express a special thank-you to the employees channeled major effort and commitment into living up to this credo. The new product generati- of the Zeppelin Group for their all-out commitment and superlative achievement. Our thanks of ons of our Trading division, which we rolled out with our manufacturer partners, push innovation course also go to our customers and business partners, also to the Supervisory Board and General boundaries above all in terms of greater operational efficiency and reduced carbon emissions. Works’ Council for the constructive and positive working relationship. With new advanced filter technologies, the Industry division likewise introduced innovation to the benefit of customers. On the process side we have continued to drive through improvements In 2009 the Zeppelin Group embarks on a new century of its history. The risks and challenges in all our companies, for example introducing a new IT system in the largest Zeppelin Group com- engendered by the current global crisis are of colossal proportions. Yet our confidence remains pany, Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH. Already in productive operation, the new solution is firmly unbroken. Over the first hundred years of its history, Zeppelin’s totally customer-centric approach, on track to raise our productivity and make communication at customer interfaces swifter and resolve and vision, innovation and will to change have time and again given the company the more efficient. ability to move ahead and forge new paths into the future. Looking into the future, the development of the Zeppelin Group and its companies is subject to considerable risk in 2009. Our company has not escaped the fallout from the global economic crisis. With market volumes tumbling (in some cases the shrinkage is enormous) compared to the first months of fiscal 2008, and in the light of continuing currency risks in the countries of eastern Ernst Susanek Europe, our sales revenue and profits have been under strain in the first quarter of 2009. Accor- President and CEO dingly, taking a critical view of projected market volumes, we predict that sales revenues could ZEPPELIN GmbH decline by as much as 20 percent, with a Return on Sales between 2 and 3 percent. 4 2008 zeppelin annual report 5 S uper vis or y B oar d R eview The future organizational development of the Zeppelin Group and its management structure, as well as aspects of succession planning for the ZEPPELIN GmbH management board, were discussed at a plenary session of the supervisory board and in several meetings of the personnel committee. Josef Büchelmeier, We were saddened to hear of the death on April 8, 2008, of Dr. Bernd Wiedmann due to an Chairman of the Supervisory Board accident. Dr. Wiedmann was Chairman of the supervisory board of ZEPPELIN GmbH from 1985 until 2001, and from 1995 to 2005 Chairman of the supervisory board of Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH. His even-handed, composed stewardship of these two corporate boards earned him great respect and esteem. We shall honor his memory in gratitude for his achievements. The supervisory board was given regular status and progress reports about the organization The annual financial statement and directors’ report, and the Group consolidated statement and and financial situation of ZEPPELIN GmbH Group verbally and in writing by the management board directors’ report of ZEPPELIN GmbH to December 31, 2008, were audited by Ernst & Young AG, throughout 2008. Three board meetings were convened, at which the supervisory board – with Stuttgart, the auditors elected by the shareholders’ meeting and commissioned by the super- input from various decision papers, reports and presentations – consulted with the management visory board. The auditors issued an unqualified opinion on each of the statements and reports. board on the planning, profit, asset position, operating finances and risk exposure of the com- The auditors’ report was submitted to each member of the supervisory board. Prior to the pany and its affiliated enterprises, and exercised supervisory control over the management board supervisory board balance meeting, there were two additional meetings concerning the audit of on this basis. At a board summit at the end of November, some of supervisory board members accounts, attended by the auditors, the Chairman of the supervisory board and other members received a detailed presentation and appraisal from an external economics expert about of the supervisory board. At the accounts review meeting of the supervisory board on April 29, economic development in eastern Europe, and discussed with management of the major Group 2009, the auditors reported on key findings and results of the audit, which as agreed also companies about developments and future perspectives of the Zeppelin Group against the back- encompassed the Group’s early-warning risk identification system. drop of the financial and economic crisis. The long-term financing and bank policy of the Group were key issues in these discussions. The supervisory board has reviewed and endorsed the 2008 annual financial statement and consolidated accounts submitted by the management board. The annual financial statement and The supervisory board consulted intensively on strategic and investment planning. Following consolidated accounts of ZEPPELIN GmbH as per December 31, 2008, have been approved; the discussion with the management board, the supervisory board took decisions on a range of annual closure is accordingly declared. The supervisory board elected to follow the proposals of initiatives which – by law, statute or the Rules of Procedure for the Supervisory Board – require the management board regarding the use of the retained earnings. supervisory board approval. These included decisions on increasing equity capital, appointments of managing directors in affiliated companies, and acquisition of shareholdings to round out the The supervisory board thanks the Zeppelin staff, employee representatives and the members of Group’s portfolio and geographical spread in both Trading and Industry divisions. The board also the management board for their dedicated, conscientious work, which has yet again brought such agreed to the acquisition of a shareholding in the venture company SkySails, which has develo- success for the Group. ped a sail propulsion system for use in the marine sector to complement traditional power systems. By founding a joint venture with SkySails, Zeppelin secures excellent business oppor- Friedrichshafen, April 29, 2009 tunities particularly in the long term for global sales and service of this innovative, environmentfriendly system. 6 The supervisory board also addressed issues pertaining to corporate risk management and the Josef Büchelmeier selection of auditors. Chairman of the Supervisory Board 2008 zeppelin annual report 7 C orporate Boards Supervisory Board Management Board In accordance with Section 7 of the German Co-determination Act (MitbestG), the supervisory board is composed of the following members: Ernst Susanek (President and CEO) Josef Büchelmeier Vincenzo Savarino* (Chairman) 2nd authorized representative of IG Metall Mayor of the City labor union, Friedrichshafen-Oberschwaben Alexander Bautzmann Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. e.h. Dieter Spath Peter Gerstmann of Friedrichshafen Ralph Misselwitz* Director of Fraunhofer Institut (Deputy Chairman) für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation Field Services Master Craftsman, and of the Stuttgart University Institute Chairman of Zeppelin Group for Work Science and Technology Management Michael Heidemann Jürgen-Philipp Knepper General Works’ Council, Chairman of the General Works’ Council Sibylle Wankel* of Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH Lawyer at IG Metall labor union – Bavaria region management Dipl.-Ing. Werner Baier Chairman of the Supervisory Board Dr. Bernd Wiedmann † of Webasto AG Fahrzeugtechnik Former Mayor of the City of Friedrichshafen Lawyer Manfred Enger* Service Technician, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Horst Wildemann Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH Chair of business administration and management, logistics and production Heribert Hierholzer* at the Technical University of Munich Master Craftsman in Industry, Chairman of the Works’ Council Dipl.-Ing. Eckhard Zinke* of Zeppelin Silos & Systems GmbH Sales Director, Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH Dr. Werner Pöhlmann Lawyer, tax accountant, certified public auditor * Employee representatives † died April 8, 2008 8 2008 zeppelin annual report 9 A Vis ion C r eat es Values A Century of Tradition, Change and Growth On October 11, 2008, the City of Friedrichshafen and the Foundation companies ZEPPELIN GmbH and ZF Friedrichshafen AG came together in the Zeppelin airship hangar to celebrate the centenary of the Zeppelin Foundation and Luftschiffbau Zeppelin GmbH. The pictures and quotes on the following pages capture a few moments from this event. This was a celebration of our origins, and of the values which were engendered a century ago. But it was Ferdinand Count Zeppelin also a call to every shakeholder to sustain and promote these values for the coming generations. Airship pioneer and founder of our company Every day we at Zeppelin work with passion and commitment to create lasting value – for our customers, our employees and our company. “You only have to want it and belief it, then you will succeed.” 10 2008 zeppelin annual report 11 A Vis ion C r eat es Values The Zeppelin Airship Era Ferdinand Count Zeppelin was born on July 8, 1838, in Constance. We know from his diary that as early as 1874 he was already investigating the idea of building a “balloon vehicle for conveying mail, cargo and passengers.” The idea gradually came to fruition – and in 1892, he commissioned the engineer Theodor Kober Günther H. Oettinger with the task of drawing up the design for an airship. On August 31, 1895, the Count was granted the first Minister President of the State patent for a dirigible airship with multiple, serially arranged gas cells. He embarked on the construction of his of Baden-Württemberg first airship in Manzell by Germany's Lake Constance on June 17, 1899, assisted by Dr. Ludwig Dürr, who later became chief designer and builder of all the Zeppelin airships. On July 2, 1900, the first Zeppelin airship, the LZ1, finally rose from its floating assembly hall into the evening sky above Lake Constance. “The development of airships was preceded by a grand vision: the On August 4, 1908, the LZ4 embarked upon its fateful 24-hour journey down the Rhine to Mainz. On the dream of flight. In tiny steps, the return flight, the LZ4 had to make a forced landing in Echterdingen due to engine damage. Shortly after toil and resolve of these pioneers landing, the airship was torn from its moorings by a storm. Out of control, it caught fire and burnt to nothing. and entrepreneurs transformed this age-old dream into reality. Their example reminds us how important, indeed essential, such visionaries Even though no one was seriously injured in the inferno, the accident would have meant the end of the airship project but for the spontaneous response from the public. Donations poured in from all over the country, amassing an impressive 6 million marks. It was this donation which enabled Count Zeppelin to continue his life's work. On September 8, 1908, he founded Luftschiffbau Zeppelin GmbH, and transferred his majority shareholding in this company to his newly established Zeppelin Foundation. The foundation’s declared are to progress. These are the people through which vague imaginings, purpose at the time was to assist efforts to promote airships and to deploy this technology for the purpose of science. ideas and hopes become reality.” 12 2008 zeppelin annual report 13 A Vis ion C r eat es Values Overcoming Boundaries For decades, the success of airship technology bred a charisma that transcended the boundaries of Germany and Europe. Hans-Georg Härter Count Zeppelin’s original airship company was also the rootstock of other enterprises which today are Chief Executive Officer globally active, among them Maybach-Motorenbau (now MTU or Tognum AG), Dornier, and ZF Friedrichs- of ZF Friedrichshafen AG hafen AG, which like the Zeppelin Group is owned by the Zeppelin Foundation. To round out the picture, in 2001 a Zeppelin airship again took to the skies: that year the official permit was granted for the Zeppelin NT (New Technology), which blends the original rigid-airship design principle with “The industrial enterprises modern aviation technology. The Zeppelin NT makes flying an unforgettable experience, and has carried over founded here a century ago 90,000 passengers since its maiden flight in 2001. continued beyond the vision of their founder. They became – All these enterprises, and not least the present-day Zeppelin Group, combine to put Friedrichshafen and the and remain – originators of a Lake Constance region well and truly on the map as one of Germany’s and Europe’s leading industrial stream of innovations for other centers. Our company is a significant part of the heritage of Ferdinand Count Zeppelin. And it is our respon- technologies and markets.” 14 sibility to uphold his tradition in everything we do. 2008 zeppelin annual report 15 A Vis ion C r eat es Values Phoenix from the Ashes The Hindenburg accident in Lakehurst in 1937 and the outbreak of World War II brought the airship Josef Büchelmeier era to an abrupt end. Following the war, the forced liquidation on January 1, 1947, by the Allied Mayor of the City of Friedrichshafen, military government spelt the ultimate demise of airship construction. The restriction would not be Chairman of the Zeppelin Foundation, lifted for another nine years; meanwhile, the forced breakup of the Zeppelin Group left our company Chairman of the Supervisory Board without production equipment or products. of ZEPPELIN GmbH Yet the Zeppelin people remained true to their founder's legacy. The vision, courage to innovate and the steadfast will to succeed would once again become the driving forces to rebuild what once was. “Vision, strength, and the resolve Two new enterprises, Metallwerk Friedrichshafen GmbH and Fahrzeug Instandsetzung GmbH, to make technical progress hap- Friedrichshafen, embarked upon fresh ventures, including production of lightweight structures and pen – all embedded in a strong large vessels for the chemicals industry, vehicle maintenance and antenna systems for Germany’s sense of social responsibility – fledgling beam-radio network. The roots for the Trading division were put down in 1954, when these talents and characteristics Zeppelin secured rights in the Federal Republic of Germany for selling and servicing Caterpillar con- of Count Zeppelin are the struction machines and engines. When the activities of Zeppelin Metallwerke GmbH merged with the groundwork he laid for future Trading and Industry divisions in 1961, the present-day ZEPPELIN GmbH came into being. This far- generations. They have become reaching decision created the structures which are still in place to this day. a measure for each of his successors in the stewardship of the Zeppelin Group.” 16 2008 zeppelin annual report 17 A Vis ion C r eat es Values Ernst Susanek President and CEO of Luftschiffbau Zeppelin GmbH Zeppelin Today and ZEPPELIN GmbH The Zeppelin Group is today organized into two business divisions: trading and industry. Both are well positioned strategically. Leaders in technology and top performers in the markets they serve, the divisions “We can look back with pride and have healthy growth potential. The Zeppelin Trading division is Europe's largest sales, service and rental respect at what has been achieved - organization in the construction machine industry, and one of the largest in the world. The Friedrichshafen- not least because one hundred years headquartered Zeppelin Industry division is one of the world's largest providers of customized systems for is evidence of constancy. Yet it equally conveying, storing, blending, dosing and weighing bulk solids, specializing in plastics and rubber and the tire demonstrates our company’s ability industry. to adapt to permanent change.” In 2008, the Zeppelin Group with its 6100-strong workforce (as per December 31, 2008) achieved a worldwide sales volume of some € 2.4 billion. In strategic terms this dynamic growth derives from total dedication to our customers, combined with pioneering innovation in construction machine and engine technology and in bulk solids handling technology – plus a systems philosophy by which we act as a one-stop source of business excellence for our customers. Over the last 15 years, we have also relentlessly pushed ahead in our drive to expand and internationalize the Zeppelin Group. We have remained so committed to this growth strategy not least because we have to overcome the boundaries of our markets in order to sustain our position in ever tougher competitive environments. Since 2001 Zeppelin has subjected itself to an annual external rating by Creditreform Rating AG, Neuss. On a scale from ‘AAA’ (the top rating) down to ‘D’, Zeppelin has never achieved worse than an ‘A’. In 2008, for the third year running, we were even awarded the rating ‘A+’ 18 2008 zeppelin annual report 19 A Vis ion C r eat es Values Zeppelin Worldwide In the 1990s, as the partnership with Caterpillar strengthened and deepened, the Zeppelin Trading division began to expand internationally. We were successively awarded exclusive distribution rights for the Czech Republic and Slovakia (1991), Austria (1992), Ukraine (1996), Northwest Russia (1998), the states of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in Central Asia (2001), Southwest Russia (2002), Belarus (2004) and Armenia (2005). By expanding into markets with promising opportunities we have put the Zeppelin Group on an excellent footing for future development. With new international outlets and branches opening regularly, we are continuing our drive to be as close to our customers as possible. Managed from the Friedrichshafen headquarters, the Zeppelin Industry division has in recent years also expanded its international presence and is now represented in all the world's major centers for the plastics processing and chemicals industry. As well as the parent plant in Friedrichshafen, the division has production facilities in Belgium, Brazil and since 2008 in Saudi Arabia, with another facility under development in Turkey. The Zeppelin Industry division also has engineering and sales companies in the UK, Italy, USA, India, Singapore, China and a representation in Moscow. “The legacy of Count Zeppelin lives on - both in his foundation Measured in terms of employee numbers, Germany is still the Zeppelin Group's major location. Our subsi- and in the enterprises which he diaries Zeppelin GmbH & Co. KG (rentals), Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH (sales and service), Zeppelin Power founded. Ventures of all sizes, Systems GmbH & Co. KG (engines and power systems) and Zeppelin Silos & Systems GmbH (silos and from medium-sized enterprises conveying equipment) employ 53 percent of the group's workforce at over 120 sites throughout Germany. to global corporations, have But the strongest expansion in recent years has taken place in our companies outside Germany, with the flourished on the strength of subsidiaries of Zeppelin International AG in eastern Europe leading the way. this legacy.” Günther H. Oettinger 20 2008 zeppelin annual report 21 A Vis ion C r eat es Values Creating Value for our Customers Zeppelin is committed to partnering with customers, taking care to align product and service portfolios to what our customers want. With innovative products and services, we strive to deliver the highest added value in the industry, and contribute to enhancing our customers’ own competitive strength – so reads the Zeppelin Group’s mission statement. Caterpillar construction machines work in every area of the mining and construction industries. There is a machine for every application: for mining, for constructing buildings, roads, bridges and tunnels, and for creating stunning landscapes. With our Caterpillar and MaK engines, SkySails wind-propulsion system, also with Hyster-brand lift trucks and handlers, we in turn make sure things keep moving. And when it comes to “For a century now, the Zeppelin manufacturing, conveying, storing, blending, dosing and weighing powders and pellets for the chemicals, Foundation and its companies plastics and food industries and for rubber and tire manufacturers, the Zeppelin Industry division offers have shown though their dedica- practice-tested technology and customized system solutions. tion and creativity that the values Yet the Zeppelin systems philosophy is about more than innovative products. It embraces our commitment which Zeppelin has engendered aren’t assets which can simply be to offering customers the complete range of support and services associated with our machines and equipment. Through synergy effects we can achieve decisive benefits for our customers: owned. They have to be nourished and sustained by a steady stream of • Innovative systems which are an exact fit for the customer’s particular demand profile inventiveness.” • Economic investment • Fast availability of machines, plant and parts • Excellent operational efficiency Josef Büchelmeier 22 2008 zeppelin annual report 23 A Vis ion C r eat es Values People Create Values Our founder Ferdinand Count Zeppelin was a pioneer with the vision and sense of purpose to spur the people around him to highest achievement. Celebrated entrepreneurs at Zeppelin's side included Dr. Hugo Eckener, Claude Dornier, Alfred Count von Soden-Fraunhofen, Alfred Colsman, Ludwig Dürr and Karl Maybach. They all embodied Count Zeppelin's example but also had their own vision of purpose, and the skill, creativity and passion to turn their vision into reality. They all took up the challenge of enterprise and in turn motivated the people at their side. And highly successfully too, as evidenced not just by the Zeppelin Group today, but also by the numerous companies which emerged from the original airship venture. It is people who create values. We at Zeppelin know that our employees are the company's most important assets. Their ideas, their talents and the commitment they bring to their work are key to our success. To push the pace of innovation, increase productivity and, above all, be a totally customer-focused business, we have to give our employees the conditions they need to develop their strengths. Accordingly, we cultivate our talent, helping people stretch and fulfill their potential. Teamwork, exemplary leadership and the will to change are all central to our corporate culture. “Even a brief review of our com- We uphold this culture in many ways: through our corporate mission statement, in which we have also pany history makes abundantly defined a code of management practice, through regular and above all fair performance appraisals of every clear that the success is down to employee, and a wide range of opportunities for continuous professional development. We are assiduous in the courage, resolve and vision of many, many people. People who even when things got tough could not be deterred from pursuing communicating corporate strategy and goals to our employees promptly and extensively through media such as our employee magazine Z intern; regular management summits, informal meetings and above all personal dialog are all integral to how we communicate within the company. Profit-sharing for employees, introduced at the largest Zeppelin Group company, Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH, over ten years ago now, helps encourage strong employee identification with the goals of our company. their dreams.” Ernst Susanek 24 2008 zeppelin annual report 25 A Vis ion C r eat es Values Sustainability is our Legacy Count Zeppelin was a visionary in many respects – not least as someone with a strong sense of citizenship. In establishing the Zeppelin Foundation in 1908 and transferring his company shares to the foundation, he was expressing his gratitude for the funds so generously donated by the German people following the tragic end of the LZ 4 airship in Echterdingen. He was also realizing a vision: to secure for future generations his ideas and ventures, and also to uphold his conviction that free enterprise must be tied to social responsibility. In terms of sustainability, our founder was years ahead of his time, and his legacy remains embedded in our corporate culture. We at Zeppelin consider that success comes with obligations, and corporate social responsibility is key to our understanding of what we are. Each year, we make over part of our profits to the Zeppelin Foundation, whose funds exclusively benefit non-profit and charitable causes. We also donate funds directly and have our own sponsorships in education, culture, social welfare and sport. Zeppelin University is a case in point. We founded and are among the main sponsors of this private, state-recognized university at which 600 young people are now studying Bachelor’s and Master's programs. We have also for many years sponsored the Fried- “Count Zeppelin’s vision of avia- richshafen volleyball team. We staged a major fundraising drive in aid of the flood catastrophe in eastern tion brought progress not only in Germany and the victims of the tsunami in South East Asia, and in 2008, for the Menschen für Menschen technology and business front. Ethiopia aid program founded by Karlheinz Böhm. And because arts and culture also answer to a basic human For Count Zeppelin, progress need, we also sponsor the Tyrol Opera and Concert Festival. The Zeppelin foundation and the Zeppelin also meant social responsibility. His legacy lives on, both in the Group - to which Zeppelin Wohlfahrt GmbH also belongs - have trailblazed an example for many other companies in Germany and far beyond its boundaries. Zeppelin Foundation and in the We are proud to reaffirm this commitment as we embark upon a new century in our corporate history, ventures he founded.” always mindful that true corporate social responsibility can only have impact and build values if it is preceded by entrepreneurial success in all its many facets. Günther H. Oettinger 26 2008 zeppelin annual report 27 A Vis ion C r eat es Values Innovating into the Future No other manufacturer of construction equipment and diesel engines comes anywhere near matching our partner Caterpillar’s investment in research and development of new products: close on US$ 5 million per day. Every year, a stream of new products reaffirms Caterpillar’s position as a world-beating innovator and market leader. Fuel efficiency, low emissions, driver comfort, ease of use, versatility of operation – all combine to guarantee excellent productivity and economy. As one of the largest Caterpillar dealers worldwide, “Technological vision, a robust Zeppelin plays a key role in the development of new machine and engine generations. Through ongoing contact with customers, our sales and service teams learn what customers are looking for, what solutions business basis and people working together: that's what’s drives inno- they need to drive their business. Accordingly, our organization partners actively with Caterpillar on numerous projects for developing new product generations. vation – then and now.” Development of innovative technology also enjoys top priority in the Zeppelin Industry division, enabling us Hans-Georg Härter to match and exceed the growing requirements of our customers for performance, innovation and quality. Our Technology Center works to enhance procedures for handling bulk solids, analyzing product features and testing alternative ways of processing to harvest data which can be channeled into new process technology. Our Friedrichshafen center plays an integral role in these efforts, and has been expanded several times in recent years. This testing plant, the largest of its kind in the world, tests handling procedures for bulk solids in powder and pellet form. This enables us to test and optimize plant configurations for plastics such as polyethylene or polypropylene as well as bulk solids for the rubber and tire industry such as carbon black and products for profile extrusion (PVC). So before making an investment decision, customers can witness the power and capability of the plants which we plan and manufacture. 28 2008 zeppelin annual report 29 A Vis ion C r eat es Values First Diesel-Electric Powered Dozer INNOVATIONS 2008 CAT TRACK-TYPE TRACTOR D7E In 2008, Caterpillar launched the first dozer with hybrid engine. The track-type tractor is neither reliant on traditional diesel-electric drive, the CAT D7E, once again writing history mechanical power transmission with gear system and clutch, in engine and construction machine technology. The twin goals nor does it need a drive belt, because an electric engine can of this development were to drive down diesel consumption also drive components such as air conditioning and water and reduce carbon emissions without compromising on per- pumps via a separate system. So there is no need even for formance. The outcome is a staggering 25 percent better a conventional dynamo. Even the differential-steering com- fuel efficiency compared to predecessor models. Delivering ponents are driven directly by the electric engine, ensuring compelling economy and environmental efficiency, the excellent high-precision steering. machine also requires fewer replaceable parts – 60 percent With the world's first dieselelectric machine in fewer on the D7E 60, for example. construction the mid-range This groundbreaking innovation is emblematic of Caterpillar’s commitment to sustainable development, helping customers The decades of experience of our manufacturer partner cut costs and reduce emissions. Our manufacturer partner offers Caterpillar in electric power systems and generators were all has embedded this goal in its Vision 2020: to lead the world unrivalled efficiency and envi- distilled into the development of this new drive technology. on energy and environmental design, and on the criteria for ronment-friendly operation. The 27-tonne class D7E is powered by a 175 kW Caterpillar “green building”. segment, 30 driven Caterpillar 2008 zeppelin annual report 31 A Vis ion C r eat es Values Turn Wind into Profit Fuel efficiency and lower carbon emissions are key to raising be retro-fitted or outfitted ex-works with SkySails as an competitive strength – also for the customers of Zeppelin auxiliary power system. If this technology were to be used Power Systems GmbH & Co KG. In the 15 kW to 16 MW consistently worldwide, we would be able to cut carbon range, Caterpillar and MaK engines (also part of the portfolio emissions by over 150 million metric tons every year. In com- of our manufacturer partner) serve as main and auxiliary bining advanced MaK and Caterpillar diesel engine technology power systems in container ships, freighters, ferries, fishing with SkySails propulsion, we are charting an unprecedented vessels and cruise ships, as well as locomotives, construc- – and highly promising – course in our industry. Fully aligned tion machines, utility vehicles and other industrial machines. with our strategy to pursue new market opportunities in the The CAT-driven power generators and the combined heat and marine sector, this partnership also proudly upholds the tra- power plants developed by Zeppelin Power Systems ensure dition of innovation of our founder Ferdinand Count Zeppelin: reliable, efficient power delivery. dare to innovate, and believe in success. Last year Zeppelin Power Systems acquired a shareholding Another groundbreaking innovation from Caterpillar in recent SKYSAILS in the Hamburg-based company SkySails GmbH & Co. KG, years was ACERT – Advanced Combustion Emissions Combining advanced diesel again enacting our commitment to offering customers – Reduction Technology – for engines. Comparable with earlier engine technology from MaK in this case marine customers – innovative solutions to help development milestones such as the turbo loader or charge- and Caterpillar with SkySails them raise productivity and do business more efficiently. air cooling, ACERT has helped reduce emissions by up to The unique SkySails system is a wind-based propulsion 50 percent over preceding engine generations with conven- system for ships. Depending on prevailing wind conditions, tional technology. ACERT features multiple injection, optimi- the huge sail can reduce annual fuel costs by between zed air management and advanced control electronics 10 and 35 percent. As soon as the sail is up, the captain can enabling interactive communication between the engine and throttle back on diesel engine power. Virtually any vessel can other elements of the power system. INNOVATIONS 2008 wind propulsion system, we are charting a fresh and promising course which is unprecedented in our industry. 32 2008 zeppelin annual report 33 A Vis ion C r eat es Values Innovative Rentals INNOVATIONS 2008 With the market in Europe worth € 32 billion in 2008 alone, Tour 2007” campaign earned MVS Zeppelin first prize in the European construction machine and equipment rentals offer Best Rental Promotional Campaign at the European Rental excellent growth opportunities. An early mover into this seg- Awards (the first to be held), beating competitors from all ment, Zeppelin is now one of the largest rental companies in over Europe. The idea, which increased sales and created the industry. We opened our first rental outlets back in the closer ties with customers, was targeted directly at the point early 1990s, and have been expanding coverage ever since. of interest. Over 600 construction sites were visited by our Our rental activities in Germany, where we are market leader, special tour bus, styled in the Zeppelin corporate design. Also are managed by our subsidiary MVS Zeppelin GmbH & Co. on board was the local station manager – to discuss ongoing KG. MVS Zeppelin operates over 110 rental outlets and offers and planned projects with customers directly on site and customers a fleet of over 42,000 items of equipment: speak about the rental equipment they were likely to require. construction equipment and machines, work platforms, This innovative marketing instrument was a huge success, traffic and construction site security systems, room and and the tour was repeated in 2008. sanitary cell systems and vehicles. The Zeppelin Group has CONSTRUCTION SITE TOUR This marketing tool earned MVS Zeppelin first prize in the European Rental Awards, beating also been assiduous in developing this business outside Innovative ideas and flexibility, combined with state-of-the- Germany, and continues to open new outlets in Austria, the art, robust technology are part and parcel of the Zeppelin Czech Republic, Slovakia and Russia. Every rental station has experience at all the group's rental companies. Every year, a clear visual identity because all bear the standardized brand we invest large sums into fleet renewal. We also offer our identity The CAT Rental Store. Our rental activities will soon customers a range of services such as special construction all be together under the stewardship of Zeppelin Rental shops for professionals (Profi-Baushop), rentals complete GmbH, which we founded in 2008. with operators for large and special machines, delivery and competitors from all over Europe. 34 pickup services, one-way rentals and all-in service and supMVS Zeppelin was proud to receive a very special accolade port. This is exactly what customers are entitled to expect in 2008 from the European Rental Association. The “Site from the number one in the rentals business. 2008 zeppelin annual report 35 A Vis ion C r eat es Values Energy Efficiency in Logistics INNOVATIONS 2008 The need for energy efficiency is growing in importance to the conditions in which the machine will be operating, everywhere – also in internal logistics. In 2008, a ground- or to the capabilities of drivers – enabling drivers to focus breaking innovation was brought to market by our exclusively on the task in hand. Another added-value feature manufacturer partner the US-American NACCO Materials is the zero-turn radius. This expanded turning functionality of Handling Group: the new generation of Hyster electric- Hyster four-wheel JXN forklift trucks provides virtually the powered lift trucks boasts the industry’s lowest energy same maneuverability as a three-wheel truck. Yet with four consumption and offers compelling productivity. The trucks wheels, the vehicle is more flexible and precise in tight cor- are proof that carbon emissions can be reduced in logistics ners and offers greater stability, also on uneven surfaces. without necessarily compromising on cost efficiency. And, to raise productivity yet another notch, the new Hyster electric-powered trucks feature extra-large battery capacity Two performance settings ensure the best balance between and the fastest lifting speeds in their class. energy consumption and productivity. At the eLo setting HYSTER JXN ELECTRIC FORKLIFT TRUCK The new four-wheel electric truck outperforms any other vehicle in its class on energy 36 (extra low energy consumption), the Hyster lift truck consu- With 80 years of experience in design and production of mes on average 16 percent less energy than comparable warehouse vehicles, NACCO is the world's oldest manufac- equipment of other makes, without any loss of performance. turer of lift trucks and a strong manufacturer partner of At the HiP setting (high productivity), performance is Zeppelin. Complementing the new electric-powered trucks, substantially higher than competing equipment in the same the most recent instance of NACCO’s strength as an innova- class – but without a disproportionate increase in energy tor is the warehouse simulator. This software enables enter- efficiency; thanks to its zero- consumption. Fleet managers can also fine-tune the balance prises to run true-to-life simulations of all the processes in turn radius it offers excellent between performance and energy efficiency in operation by their warehouse and calculate how best to configure storage, maneuverability and stability. adjusting the consumption settings of the lift truck precisely deploy personnel and machines. 2008 zeppelin annual report 37 A Vis ion C r eat es Values Groundbreaking Filter Technology INNOVATIONS 2008 Every year, the Zeppelin Industry division invests in new, particle filtration) co-developed with the Karlsruhe Research enhanced technology to expand its product portfolio and, in Center is now being prototyped in a biomass power plant. turn, its value chain of core competences: storing, conveying, Offering one hundred times the performance of conventional blending and dosing bulk solids in powder and pellet form. In filters, the new filter system could become the new standard 2008 the division again rolled out groundbreaking innovations. for small-scale power stations and incinerator systems, opening up totally new markets for Zeppelin. Last year we successfully launched our new filter technology HEPA FILTER Co-developed with the Karlsruhe Research Center, the HEPA filter (high performance particle filtration) offers one hundred times product business. Having accumulated so much expertise in In addition, a new pneumatic conveying system with a plant construction and experience along the plastics proces- special bypass technique has been installed in the Zeppelin sing and production workflows, we were ideally positioned to Technology Center to conduct trials. This expands our ser- optimize filter designs. We soon gained substantial market vices to include other product groups. A specially developed share with the new business. The Zeppelin Industry division’s process lock-gate has made its debut in productive operation filter portfolio, built for the full range of requirements on in a customer plant, and our production achieved major pneumatic conveying systems, now includes quite a variety progress in the development of a new welding technique for (silo binvent filters, aspiration filters, safety and inline filters). silos, which helps accelerate production times. the performance of conventional filters. The Zeppelin filter technology is also a groundbreaking innovation in other sectors: A HEPA filter (high performance 38 2008 zeppelin annual report 39 Group Management Report 40 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 41 Group Management Report 1. BUSINESS AND GENERAL CONDITIONS Economic background Overall economic development years. The sharp increase in commodity prices growth of the Czech Republic fell for a second The Zeppelin Group has two divisions: Trade and According to the International Monetary Fund, buoyed the development in Brazil and Russia in time in a row, from 6.5% in 2007 to 4.3%. Industry. The business activities in the Trade global GDP saw growth in real terms of 3.1% the first half of the year. By late summer 2008 Following rapid growth in recent years, the eco- division consist of sales, services and rental of (prior year: 5.0%), a clear downturn in the global there had been a complete turnaround in this nomic output of Slovakia slid from 10.4% to Caterpillar construction machines, Caterpillar economy in 2008. The global economic slump situation, as these emerging economies also 7.1%. The lively economy of the prior year was construction machinery and diesel engines, was dominated by developments in the indu- saw a slow-down in the wake of the global eco- not repeated in Poland either, with growth of MaK ship engines, Terex mining equipment and strialized nations, which increasingly saw the nomic downturn. 5.0% down from 6.7% in the prior year. The Hyster industrial trucks. Zeppelin is the exclusive effects of the financial and sub-prime crisis sales partner of Caterpillar Inc., Peoria (IL/USA), reflected in the real economy. The consequent In the euro zone, the economic impetus also Hungary in 2007 and continued, with GDP up in Germany and Austria, numerous countries in property price deflation and general uncertainty slowed in the course of 2008. Despite strong just 0.9% on the prior year (1.3%). central and eastern Europe and central Asia. unfolded in an economic environment which economic links between EU countries, the There is some overlap of the sales territory for was set to enter a cool-down phase anyway effects of the global economic slump were felt In Russia and Ukraine, economic growth tailed industrial trucks. In this sector, Zeppelin has the after the boom of recent years. here nonetheless. At just 0.8%, the growth rate off considerably at 6.0% and 3.6% respectively of GDP was well below the prior year figure of (prior year: 8.1% and 6.9%). In the other CIS 2.7%. countries, Belarus and Armenia as well as the exclusive sales rights for the brand Hyster of the US manufacturer NACCO Materials Hand- In the USA, the 1.1% increase in GDP achieved ling, Mayfield Heights (OH/USA). All the compa- in 2008 (prior year: 2.0%) only partially reflects nies in the Trade division are market leaders in the collapse in growth of the final quarter. The Germany recorded GDP growth of 1.3% com- and Uzbekistan, in which the Zeppelin Group their particular areas of the construction machi- strength of export trade coupled with a decrease pared to 2.6% in 2007. An unexpectedly strong also has subsidiaries and representative offices, nery business. The Company also sells a large in imports played a major role in softening the first quarter was followed by a delayed but all the global economic turbulence did not weigh number of add-on units as well as Claas and effects and improving the trade deficit overall. the more abrupt phase of weakness. The as heavily. AGCO agricultural machinery and Ponsse Monetary and in particular fiscal policies intro- shockwaves from other countries reached the forestry machines in some territories. Under duced quickly produced powerful results which German economy, itself anyway entering a the management of Zeppelin Power Systems helped contain the clear downturn. The Japane- downturn. Knock-on effects from the sub-prime GmbH & Co. KG, the sales and service of se economy has been heavily dependent on and financial crisis burdened the economy in auxiliary wind propulsion systems for the manu- export trade in recent years and was particular- the course of the year. Inflation increased facturer SkySails is currently being expanded. ly hard hit by the global economic slump, recor- considerably until the middle of the year as a ding a decrease in GDP of 0.7% in 2008 compa- result of huge price hikes for foodstuffs, raw red to growth of 2.0% in the prior year. materials and energy. Until recently, the The business activity of the Industry division central Asian states Tajikistan, Turkmenistan German economy suffered a lack of internal comprises the development and manufacture 42 economic downturn was already palpable in of silos and materials handling for the producti- The economic development in the emerging impulses, such as from private consumption. on and processing of high-quality bulk goods in countries of Asia, Latin America and central and This was not helped by the appreciation of the the worldwide market for plastics, rubber and eastern Europe initially seemed astonishingly euro, which burdened export trade and indirect- tires. In this area, Zeppelin is one of the leading stable and robust in the first year after the out- ly investment by German companies. suppliers. This field of business is managed by break of the financial crisis. Most managed to the interim holding Zeppelin Silos & Systems escape the feared collapse in export trade at In the other countries in which Zeppelin’s Trade GmbH with registered offices in Friedrichs- the beginning of 2008. In 2008 the Chinese division has subsidiaries, business activity also hafen. The company is divided into the product economy showed the first signs of economic developed negatively in 2008. Austria saw a areas manufacturing plants, processing plants, slowdown, however, instead of overheating as drop in GDP growth from 3.1% to 1.7%. In the standard products and components and ser- had been forecast. GDP growth of 9.0% was EU countries of central and eastern Europe, the vices. down on the prior year (13.0%) and failed to slowdown in economic impetus which had reach double digits for the first time in five already started in 2007 continued. The GDP 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 43 Group Management Report engines. Project work in the petroleum and locoThe Austrian construction industry also saw eco- motive sectors developed well even in the fourth Economic conditions put something of a damper nomic development slow down in the course of quarter of 2008, contrasting with the abrupt and Development of revenue on the sales markets of significance for the 2008. In total, construction investment fell by drastic deterioration in situation the marine/ In fiscal 2008, the companies of the Zeppelin Zeppelin Group in 2008. While several submar- 2.8%. This development played a considerable shipping and industrial sectors. These sectors Group were able to profit from the favorable kets developed positively in the first half of the role in the 9% decrease in demand for construc- were shaped by existing overcapacity in global economic development in the first half of the year, a deterioration in the situation was seen in tion machinery compared to the prior year. The shipping traffic, the decommissioning of ships year in particular. The Group generated revenue the third and – above all – fourth quarter across situation of the construction industry also dete- and cancellation of new shipbuilding projects as of EUR 2.447 billion, up 8.4% on the prior-year all industries. riorated considerably in the Czech Republic and well as a collapse in export trade. The effects of figure of EUR 2.257 billion. The influence of the Slovakia in the second half of 2008. Gross invest- the global economic crisis and the sharp fall in global economic collapse midway through the The construction industry in Germany, a key mar- ment in construction fell 5.6% (prior year: grew export trade were already noticeable in the year is particularly relevant in an examination of ket for Zeppelin, emerged from a weak phase 7.0%) in the Czech Republic, with Slovakia faring second half of the year in the OEM and used the individual quarters. With the exception of lasting several years, with moderate growth in even worse with a 7% drop compared to 2007. engine project business sectors. the final quarter which saw revenue drop 4% the prior two years. In Poland, where Zeppelin sells industrial trucks below the prior-year level, the Zeppelin Group only, the market for forklift tricks once again exhi- Market development - Industry managed to achieve steady growth until Sep- This trend continued in the first quarter of 2008 bited growth compared to 2007, albeit at a much The global chemicals industry, of key importan- tember 2008. The Group’s international revenue thanks to a good increase in investment in con- lower rate of an estimated 10% to 15% in 2008 ce for Zeppelin’s Industry division, exhibited a increased once again, accounting for a share of struction. As the year progressed, the industry compared to 50% in the prior year. 3% increase in total revenue in 2008, although almost 50% compared to 45% in fiscal 2007. this was attributable solely to price increases. developed negatively in the light of price hikes for construction materials and energy. Develop- In the sales territory of Zeppelin International AG, A decline in chemical production was to be The increase in revenue was generated almost ment was quite varied for the individual sectors, the Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Armenian seen as early as the second quarter. This is exclusively through internal growth, not signifi- however. Residential housing was already sho- markets which are relevant for us have to be primarily due to the global cuts in production in cantly through acquisitions. wing weak development in 2007 and this conti- broken down for examination.The markets for the automotive industry and at manufacturers nued (+ 2.1%). In contrast, commercial construc- trenching and agricultural machinery developed of consumer goods in Asia as well as the ailing The increase in Group revenue compared to the tion developed very strongly, acting as a exceptionally positively in the first eight months global construction industry. These factors past fiscal year was mainly due to the very live- crutch for the rest of the construction industry of 2008. The increasing global repercussions of combined to reduce demand for plastics on a ly development in the first half of the year of (+ 10.7%). Public spending on construction also the financial and economic crisis led to a drama- global scale. In addition, the increase in facilities Zeppelin International AG, in which all the boosted the positive development of the con- tic deterioration of the situation, however, espe- for the production and processing of plastics in Group’s trade activities outside of the EU are struction industry thanks to higher tax revenues cially in Russia and Ukraine. Major factors in the Middle East and overcapacity associated bundled. This interim holding generated revenue (+ 4.6%). Incoming orders and order backlog fell 2008 included the sharp decrease in prices for with this led to a sharp drop in prices, with of EUR 587 million (prior year: EUR 398 million), considerably from 2008 onwards, reflecting the raw materials as well as agricultural products, as plants shut down and a lower level of invest- up 47% on the prior-year figure. The German economy as a whole, albeit with something of a well as severe financing bottlenecks. ment. This development will continue in 2009. trading companies failed to meet their annual In November 2008, the VDMA [“Verband targets, however, reporting a decrease in reve- struction increased 3.0% (prior year: 1.8%) in Demand for diesel engines und units for marine, Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V.“: nue of almost 6% to EUR 1.3 billion (prior year: real terms in 2008. In spite of the positive trend, locomotive, petroleum and industry applications, German Engineering Federation] recorded 30% EUR 1.4 billion) on account of the major demand for construction machinery fell to which is relevant for Zeppelin Power Systems fewer orders than in the prior-year period. downturn of the economy in the final quarter of 27,101 units (prior year: 32,763 units), a drop in GmbH & Co. KG, continued to develop at a high 2008. Overall, the trading companies managed growth from 19% in the 2007 to 17.3%. The level in the first three quarters of 2008, though to report a slight increase in revenue compared downturn was especially felt in the rental sector, this seem to be gradually leveling out. The to the prior year, thanks to the development of which had been buoyed by high levels of invest- revision of the KWKG [“Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungs- the companies outside of Germany. With con- ment in rental assets but was affected across gesetz”: German Combined Heating and Power solidated revenue of EUR 2.208 billion, the the board by a reluctance to invest in 2008. Act] in the course of 2008 led to a good recovery prior-year figure (EUR 2.080 billion) was excee- of the power plant sector using natural gas ded by 6.1%. They thus accounted for 90% of time delay. Nevertheless, investment in con- 44 2. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMPANY Market development - Trade 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 45 Group Management Report EMPLOYEES BY COMPANY SALES BY COMPANY at year-end 2008 2007 36 22 64 Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH 1.580 1.550 2 MVS Zeppelin GmbH & Co. KG 687 609 13 Zeppelin Power Systems GmbH & Co. KG 377 337 12 238 216 10 811 688 18 1.458 1.081 35 5.151 4.481 15 Industry division (total) 629 581 8 Trainees and apprentices (Group) 361 275 31 ZEPPELIN GmbH Group (total) 6.177 5.359 15 ZEPPELIN GmbH (Holding) Share of group sales Variance EUR m % 2008 2007 Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH 902 1.006 -10 MVS Zeppelin GmbH & Co. KG 165 153 8 Zeppelin Power Systems GmbH & Co. KG 228 212 8 Zeppelin Österreich GmbH 1 103 98 5 Phoenix-Zeppelin, spol. s r.o.1 223 213 5 Zeppelin International AG 1 587 398 47 2.208 2.080 6 239 176 36 2.447 2.257 8 Trade division (total) Industry division (total) ZEPPELIN GmbH Group 2 (total) Zeppelin Österreich GmbH 1 Phoenix-Zeppelin, spol. s r.o. Zeppelin International AG 1 1 Trade division (total) Variance % EMPLOYEES Annual average 2008 2007 Group (total) 1 5.973 5.121 5.271 4.497 of which: Trade division 669 1 1 2 46 incl. affiliated companies incl. ZEPPELIN GmbH 1 603 Industry division incl. ZEPPELIN GmbH 33 21 incl. affiliated companies group revenue. A total of 19,054 (prior year: in the fourth quarter of 2008 and the tendency Human resources 19,487) new and used construction machines, of manufacturers of plastics to delay taking The development of the headcount reflects the already indicate that it will not be possible to engines, fork-lift trucks and other machines and delivery of and commissioning facilities until further growth of the Zeppelin Group and above maintain the current headcount at these compa- equipment were sold or rented out for the first after 2009, Zeppelin’s Industry division mana- all of the trading companies outside Germany as nies. The share of employees at the Group’s time - that is 2% less than in 2007. With a 6% ged to generate revenue of EUR 238.7 million well as of the Industry division. The number of international subsidiaries increased once again, increase in revenue overall, the foreign share (prior year: EUR 176.1 million), an increase of employees at the Group increased by 15% com- bringing the total to around 47% (prior year: was up 29%, of which 90% is attributable to 36%, contributing to the Group’s total operating pared to fiscal 2007 to a total of 6,177 as of year- 42%) or 2,875 employees (prior year: 2,243). Zeppelin International AG and its subsidiaries. performance at a higher than average rate. The end 2008 (prior year: 5,359). Of this rise, 46% foreign share in revenue of the Zeppelin related to Zeppelin International AG and its sub- In all companies, management and staff made The Zeppelin Industry division continued along Industry division fell to 66%, down from 83% sidiaries. The reason so many new employees every effort to further increase efficiency and its trajectory of growth started in prior years in achieved in fiscal 2007. were taken on was the rapid expansion of busi- productivity. As in the prior year, basic and fiscal 2008 supported by its good order backlog ness until fall 2008, especially in Russia and advance training was one focus of the Group’s and incoming orders at a level above the long- Ukraine. The dramatic collapse of the market at human resources policy. The number of term average. In spite of the dramatic downturn the end of 2008 as well as expectations for 2009 trainees at the Group rose by 31% to 361 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 47 Group Management Report (prior year: 275), meaning that trainees account the corporate centers (CC) at the Group holding The program for modernization and expansion tion machines as well as new machines and for 5.8% of the headcount. The focus of the were defined for the first time in fiscal 2008. of our network of branches in Germany that has equipment from other product areas (materials, further training program was on technical trai- This concerned the corporate centers com- been running for a number of years was conti- modular space systems, construction equip- ning, training for the sales organization, advan- pliance, controlling, finance, real estate, IT, nued at our branches in Achim near Bremen, ment) with a value of around EUR 80 million. In ce training for future management and on provi- Group development, HR, internal audit, legal Alsfeld, Hanau and Cologne in 2008, alongside contrast to planning assumptions for 2008, the ding employees in management positions with matters and corporate communication. As well numerous individual measures including those capacity utilization of the rental assets fell by deeper management knowledge. Under the as being responsible for the strategic alignment for the improvement of industrial safety and 3.0% compared to the prior year on account of management of the chief personnel officer, of the Group as a whole and for the strategic environmental and fire protection. We also stagnating demand in the second half of the a cross-company HR network was put in place. targets laid down by the corporate centers, they expanded individual locations outside of year in the major segments construction machi- This is intended as a platform to enable the are available to provide services for all operatio- Germany and set up new sales, service and ren- nes and vehicles. Measures have been introdu- respective heads of personnel to exchange nal business units of the Group. The corporate tal branches, including in Austria, the Slovak ced with the aim of improving device manage- experiences and will contribute to the imple- centers are set up based on the concept of Republic, Poland, Russia and Ukraine. In the ment and capacity utilization in order to counter mentation of the Group’s personnel strategy. bundling know-how within the Group to centra- Trade division, branches are set up and moder- increasing pressure on prices and the effects of Another important advantage will be the identi- lize certain specialist resources. nized on the basis of the construction manual the global economic collapse. In addition, MVS developed by the corporate center for real Zeppelin took on new sales staff and provided Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH launched a estate in the course of a project. This construc- the sales organization with optimized software PINS recovery program in August 2008. The tion manual sets out the standards for branches for recording and measuring sales activities in Significant events in the fiscal year aim of this wide-spectrum package which incor- of various sizes, making use of the most up-to- 2008. These initiatives are aimed at further In 2008, the Zeppelin Group companies porates additional sales support from Caterpillar date findings in the fields of technology, produc- expanding on the leading market position in managed to maintain their respective market was to regain market shares, especially in the tivity, energy efficiency and similar aspects. Germany. The “Profi-Baushop” concept first positions or even expand on them, despite the standard equipment segment. In the major mar- steady decline in the economic environment ket segments, we managed to regain market In terms of rental business, the Zeppelin Group, at 13 of the 110 rental branches of MVS Zeppelin over the course of the year. Our strategic and shares by the end of 2008; these had been lost in close cooperation with our manufacturing with plans for further expansion. In addition to operating efforts focused on further renewal of in the past on account of the negative market partner Caterpillar, has set itself the target of the rental machines and equipment, these bran- our organization and processes, cost-cutting development in particular, but also due to becoming market leader for construction machi- ches offer equipment, consumables and single- measures and risk minimization, and last but Caterpillar’s price increases at the beginning of nery, or extending our market leadership, by the use items to meet customers’ various construc- not least, greater penetration of international the year. The program will continue in 2009. end of 2015 in every country in which we are tion site needs. The concept is intended help markets. The modernization of the IT system for process developing rental activities. The overall strategy retain customers. optimization is the largest project in the history to achieve this was developed in fiscal 2008 In 2008, the Zeppelin Group underwent an of Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH in terms of and approved by the Group management board. Despite the significant slowdown over the cour- external rating by Creditreform Rating AG once scope and expense. The introduction of the Zeppelin Rental GmbH with registered offices se of 2008, our Austrian rental company MVS again and was awarded an A+ rating for the new ERP standard software M3 from the in Garching near Munich was founded at the Zeppelin Österreich GmbH adhered strictly to fourth time in a row. This result confirms the US company Lawson had originally been plan- start of 2009 to improve the implementation of its expansion policy, opening two new rental good credit standing of the Group and the ned for July 2008 but was postponed until the strategy and capitalize on synergy effects centers (in Linz and Zwettl) and adding to its above-average rating of key financial and quali- 6 April 2009. The adjustments to the system between the individual companies. This compa- rental fleet. Further expansion of know-how, tative factors compared to the economy as a required in the light of comprehensive testing ny will manage and coordinate all rental activi- additional rental branches and enhancement of whole and within our industries. of prototypes were incorporated into the soft- ties of our trading companies both in Germany the product portfolio make up the strategy plan- ware in the course of 2008 and subsequently and internationally. ned for implementation in 2009. fication of high potentials, who can be supported with targeted training measures. To use synergies and with the aim of ensuring a thoroughly tested. In preparation for the new high degree of professionalism and thus the IT system, all employees affected received MVS Zeppelin GmbH & Co. KG once again With the aim of expanding the business field sustained success of the Zeppelin Group, the training well ahead of its launch. modernized its rental assets in fiscal 2008 and tapping into market potential in the long through acquisition of new Caterpillar construc- term, Zeppelin Power Systems GmbH & Co. KG responsibilities and guideline competencies of 48 launched in fiscal 2007 has now been rolled out 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 49 Group Management Report acquired a 4% shareholding in the Hamburg- Zeppelin Österreich GmbH also implemented machines. Compact wheel loaders were an revenue considerably with sales of machines in based company Firma SkySails GmbH & Co. various measures to expand business in sales exception to the rule, and were very well recei- this area. Furthermore, several large-scale pro- KG. Founded in 2001, SkySails has developed a and services in the engine segment. The sale of ved by Czech and Slovak customers, not least jects for optimizing and streamlining internal pro- wind propulsion system for cargo vessels using services for construction machines also develo- thanks to their high performance coupled with cesses were carried out. The projects focused a large towing kite which can reduce annual fuel ped especially well, with 63% new machines attractive financing packages in cooperation on spare parts and machine logistics, sales and costs by between 10% and 35% depending on sold including a maintenance agreement. with Caterpillar Financial Services. services as well as qualitative and structural the prevailing wind conditions. Customer Despite reduced capacity utilization for services potential is currently estimated at 10,000 of owing to the unfavorable development of the In its capacity as interim holding, Zeppelin Inter- secondary level. Zeppelin Ukraine TOW doubled some 100,000 vessels in existence globally, market, we still managed to improve margins. national AG with registered offices in Zug, its revenue compared to the prior year. Several with new constructions adding to that figure. 50 adjustments to management at primary and Switzerland, manages the sales and service busi- large orders in mining and agriculture as well as The technology is expected to be ready for pre- Since the beginning of 2006 our interim holding ness of the Zeppelin Group in Russia, Ukraine, a targeted focus on customers in road construc- production in 2009. We set up our own compa- Phoenix-Zeppelin, spol. s r.o., with registered Belarus, Armenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and tion and the extraction industry were the main ny, Zeppelin SkySails Sales & Services GmbH & offices in Modletice near Prague, has also been Uzbekistan. In addition to sales and service for drivers of the increase in revenue. Business also Co. KG with registered offices in Hamburg, in responsible for the sales and service activities Caterpillar construction machines and engines, developed at a very satisfying level in Belarus. which Zeppelin Power Systems holds a 67% for Caterpillar construction machines and the company also generates a significant porti- Of particular note is the fact that an unexpectedly shareholding, for sales and maintenance of engines and Hyster industrial trucks in the on of revenue from agricultural and forestry high number of medium-sized businesses were SkySails systems. Our close contact with the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic as well machines. The first eight months of 2008 in gained as potential customers for imported con- shipping industry will release synergies in sales as the sales and service of Hyster equipment in particular were once again characterized by a struction machines in this country. Furthermore, and services of diesel-wind hybrid propulsion Poland (Zeppelin Polska Sp. z. o.o.), Hungary significant rise in revenue, especially in Russia business with engines and components develo- systems, which can be utilized over the coming (Zeppelin-Körös-Spedit Ukraine and Ukraine. As the repercussions of the global ped much better than expected. The sharp years as we penetrate this field of business. (Phoenix-Zeppelin Ukraine Ltd.). The interim economic crisis were felt in the final quarter, increase in demand for local energy supplies as Kft.) and holding also holds a 49% shareholding in the the market situation took a dramatic turn for the well as the needs of Belarusian plant constructi- Furthermore, we pressed ahead with and refi- Czech company CZ LOKO a.s., which operates worse, however. As the crisis persisted, it beca- on companies and manufacturers of capital ned the restructuring measures implemented in in the field of motorization and repair of diesel me apparent that these countries’ economies goods explain this development. the fourth quarter of 2007 at Zeppelin Power locomotive engines. Furthermore, Phoenix- were harder hit than any other region in the Systems in the three operating sectors marine, Zeppelin is responsible for agricultural machinery world, not less badly affected as had originally Business also developed very well in Tajikistan; locomotive/industry/petroleum and EPG/gas as sales in the Czech Republic and Slovak Repu- been assumed. Nevertheless, the Zeppelin sub- previously, our subsidiary in Uzbekistan had pro- well as the associated integration of service blic. This is an area which is currently being built sidiaries were able to increase revenue once cessed the business. Therefore, a local mana- responsibility in each sector in the course of up and may be expanded on a wider scale again compared to fiscal 2007. The dramatic ging director was appointed in September and 2008. The prerequisites for optimal business through acquisitions. All subsidiaries of this depreciation of the rubel and hryvnia against the the company will operate independently of the processes, from sales to project management interim holding pushed ahead with efforts to US dollar saw them fall by 27% and 60% in Uzbekistani company. Zeppelin Turkmenistan and product/application support to engine servi- expand business activities in 2008, though the value respectively between July and December won a further large-scale order worth over USD cing are now in place. This structure is better economic slowdown on the relevant markets 2008, with exchange losses burdening the ear- 64.0 million in 2008. In conjunction with another aligned to our customers’ demand for holistic made it difficult to capture market shares. nings of Zeppelin International at a higher than follow-up order of USD 15.0 million, this is the solutions. Further personnel and structural opti- Nevertheless, the sale of Hyster industrial average rate. The losses stem from liabilities largest transaction ever in the history of Zeppelin mization measures were realized in the course trucks was particularly successful, with fleet denominated in US dollars due to Caterpillar for International. The structural and personnel of 2008, including the successful implementati- sales to Coca Cola in the Czech Republic and the purchase of construction machines and changes introduced at the Turkmenistani com- on of the 6 Sigma method for continual process Poland and Pilsner Brewery, also in the Czech spare parts valued in local currency at the pany show very positive results, improving and improvement as well as the integration of new Republic, as well as DHL in Hungary. The exchange rate on the procurement date. stepping up customer relationships at all levels employees in the area of parts sales & services construction machinery business of Phoenix- aimed at optimizing relations with numerous Zeppelin suffered from the unfavorable con- Zeppelin Russland OOO was also successful in service business to earnings for the first time customers. ditions and sharply inflated prices for Caterpillar the agriculture and forestry sectors, boosting since the company was founded. and resulting in a positive contribution of the 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 51 Group Management Report RESULTS FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BY COMPANY The Zeppelin Industry division was operating at method and knowledge management, nume- full capacity throughout 2008 thanks to a conti- rous projects and measures to improve con- nuing high level of engineering and production struction processes were also implemented. orders. This must not be allowed to veil the Cost-cutting concepts for the production of fact, however, that the markets relevant for silos were refined and successfully tested with these areas were already cooling noticeably as prototypes. Considerable progress was made in of year-end 2008, and are expected to exhibit the development of a new welding procedure even more of a downturn over the course of which significantly reduces the production time 2009. The strategic acquisition of an enginee- for silos. Share of group sales Variance EUR k % 2008 2007 Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH 39.445 54.851 -28 MVS Zeppelin GmbH & Co. KG 11.690 15.287 -24 Zeppelin Power Systems GmbH & Co. KG 21.337 18.982 12 2.769 4.712 -41 13.909 15.374 -10 4.041 28.229 -86 Trade division (total) 93.191 137.435 -32 Industry division (total) 12.798 3.918 227 101.176 119.121 -15 26.359 52.426 -50 Zeppelin Österreich GmbH 1 ring company in India and the foundation of a Phoenix-Zeppelin, spol. s r.o. subsidiary in Turkey will strengthen Zeppelin's Zeppelin International AG 1 1 presence in the Industry division on these key markets. The joint venture set up with a partner in Saudi Arabia in 2007 (Zeppelin Gulf Co. Ltd.) went into operation in 2008 and operated at full capacity for the production of silos and rende- ZEPPELIN GmbH (Group) 2 (total) ring of services for pipeline construction. of which foreign companies R&D activities focused on developing products for innovative technical solutions. Filter technology was included in the product range for the first time in the Industry division. In addition, a 1 2 incl. affiliated companies incl. ZEPPELIN GmbH new production line was constructed at the Friedrichshafen branch. As well as standard modules, process filters for the demanding task of gas cleaning are designed and produced. Furthermore, the prototype of a HEPA filter (high performance particle filtration) for particle separation was built, based on a development 3. RESULTS OF OPERATIONS, FINANCIAL POSITION AND NET ASSETS of the Karlsruhe Institut of Technology. This proto- 52 type is currently undergoing trials at a biomass The development of the results of operations, compared to the prior year. As a result of power plant. A new pneumatic conveyor unit financial position and net assets of the Zeppelin growth in revenue and improved operating per- was installed at the technical department in Group in 2008 reflects the effects of the global formance, the Zeppelin Group saw an increase Friedrichshafen for carrying our conveyor expe- economic downturn on our markets and especi- in total assets. This increase was driven not riments using a special bypass procedure. The ally the currency crisis in the non-EU eastern least by the modified procurement conditions product range of the Zeppelin Industry division European countries. The development of our of our main supplier Caterpillar, which, coupled can thus now be expanded to include further business environment in the second half of the with the decline in sales figures in the final product groups. A process lock which was cus- year in particular affected our performance figu- months of 2008, led to higher inventories. tom developed for a customer last year for use res. The net income for the year of the Group in a procedure was successfully implemented nevertheless remained at a high level and we Results of operations for the first time. In the course of ongoing achieved the second best return in the history of The 9% rise in total operating performance of process optimization based on the 6 Sigma the Company. As planned, equity also increased the Zeppelin Group to EUR 2.545 billion (prior 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 53 Group Management Report COMPOSITIONS OF NET ASSETS, EQUITY AND LIABILITIES DEVELOPMENT OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURES IN THE GROUP Assets Balances sheet total in EUR k EUR k I. Intangible assets II. Property, plant and equipment - Land and buildings - Technical equipment, machines and fixtures and furniture - Rental assets - Other items of property, plant and equipment III. Financial assets Total capital expenditures 2 1 of which reclassifications from inventories 2 changes in consolidated group 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 10.358 8.174 3.733 1.208 1.943 127.340 117.292 118.389 96.205 94.138 11.494 20.820 6.918 4.279 6.800 19.397 18.705 11.326 11.943 72.250 85.915 72.657 7.533 5.517 14.230 7.326 5.830 12.625 5.110 2.065 4.632 627 150.323 130.576 124.187 102.045 96.708 – 27.736 – 2.885 – - 305 1.177 1.355 1.177 29,6 % 30,1 % 29,1 % 29,0 % Intangible assets, property plant and equipment, equity investments Equity 44,2 % 71.519 7,7 % 8,9 % Pension accruals 40,2 % 16,9 % 9,6 % Other long-term accruals, long-term liabilities 29,7 % 46,3 % 52,5 % Inventories 26,2 % Receivables, other assets, cash and cash equivalents Short-term accruals and liabilities 2008 2007 2008 2007 year: EUR 2.338 billion) was driven by the 8% formance made a positive contribution to the Other operating expenses increased at a higher The Group’s earnings before income taxes fell to rise in revenue to EUR 2.447 billion (prior year: increase in earnings in fiscal 2008. The increase rate than total operating performance, rising to EUR 98.7 million (prior year: EUR 117.6 million. EUR 2.257 billion). Completion and delivery of is attributable to the 17% rise in the average EUR 283.7 million which corresponds to 37% The return on sales before taxes therefore came large-scale projects in the Industry division in headcount, due primarily to new hires at the (prior year: EUR 206.7 million). Reasons for this to 4.0% (prior year: 5.2%). Before taxes, the particular meant that there was a smaller subsidiaries outside Germany. Another contri- included the increase in selling costs owing to return on equity improved to 26.8% (prior year: increase in inventories of finished goods and butory factor to the increase in the Group’s per- higher revenue (+EUR 3.2 million), higher 38.2%), while the return on capital employed work in process to EUR 4.4 million (prior year: sonnel expenses was the collectively bargained expenses for the larger number of locations rose to 10.0% (prior year: 13.0%). EUR 20.8 million). Other operating income wage increases of 2% in Germany and just (+EUR 6.9 million), as well the primary cause, increased markedly to EUR 92.2 million (prior short of 10% in the Czech Republic and the exchange rate losses, which were up EUR 54.1 In 2008, the Zeppelin Group generated net inco- year: EUR 59.0 million), primarily as a conse- Slovak Republic, for example. The ratio of per- million on the prior year. Of this increase, EUR me for the year of EUR 65.4 million (prior year: quence of higher exchange gains (+ EUR 17.3 sonnel expenses to revenue remained virtually 35.5 million is attributable to the Russian and EUR 71.4 million) after deducting income taxes million) as well as increased reimbursements stable at 12.1% (prior year: 12.3%). EUR 11.2 million to the Ukrainian company on of EUR 33.3 million (EUR 46.2 million). Following account of considerable depreciation of the the German Business Tax Reform, the tax rate from suppliers and insurers (+ EUR 10.8 milli- 54 1.355 9.989 1 88.916 572 - Liabilities on). Cost of materials rose to EUR 1.821 billion Amortization of intangible assets and depre- respective local currencies in the final quarter of was reduced to 34% in Germany (2007: 39%; (prior year: EUR 1.696 billion) which at 7% ciation of property, plant and equipment was 2008 as well as at the start of 2009 (adjustment 2006: 45%). represents a lower rate of growth than total up EUR 1.4 million on the prior year to EUR of the balance sheet to reflect events). operating performance, meaning that the ratio 22.9 million. This increase is essentially due to of cost of materials to total operating perfor- high capital expenditures in fiscal years 2007 The financial result of EUR - 20.2 million (prior The financial demands on the Zeppelin Group are mance fell slightly to 71.6% (prior year: and 2008. Depreciation of assets for rental year: EUR - 16.4 million), 0.8% as a percentage characterized by fixed assets (including its extensi- 72.6%). increased to EUR 31.0 million (prior year: of revenue (prior year: 0.7%), was affected by ve rental fleet) accounting for around a third of total EUR 26.8 million) on account of intensified the financing of numerous investments, the assets on the one hand, and the inventories and The slower rate of growth, 7%, of personnel capital expenditure, up 13% to EUR 218.5 mil- increase in stocks and a higher proportion of receivables required for trading of construction expenses (EUR 296.1 million; prior year: EUR lion (acquisition cost). It was included under long-term financing. machinery and other high quality capital goods on 277.8 million) compared to total operating per- cost of materials. Financial position the other, which exhibit a relatively rapid turnover. 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 55 Group Management Report Group equity rose by EUR 53.3 million in fiscal ons for financing sales in Germany and abroad. ments in land, buildings and other assets as 2008 to EUR 394.4 million (prior year: EUR Since 2004, the Group in Germany has been well as furniture and fixtures and rental assets. 341.1 million). The equity ratio remained stable using publicly traded financing instruments at 29.1% compared to 29.0% in the prior year, such as debenture bonds with a current volume Due to the increase in inventories, the compo- for the results of operations, financial position with total assets up 15% to EUR 1.355 billion of EUR 150.5 million and an asset backed secu- sition of assets in the consolidated balance and net assets of the Group after the balance (prior year: EUR 1.177 billion). Long-term funds rities program for EUR 25 million. In addition, sheet as of 31 December 2008 changed once sheet date or they have already been accounted classified as liabilities totaling EUR 727.9 million leasing is not only used as an instrument for again compared to the prior year. The share of for in the 2008 financial statements. (prior year: EUR 559.6 million) exceeded fixed extensive investments in the rental assets but fixed assets (EUR 402 million) dropped to assets and the non-current portion of current also to finance vehicles and IT hardware. The 29.6% (prior year: 30.1%), while the share of assets totaling EUR 413.6 million (prior year: conditions for the drawing of credits benefited inventories (EUR 599 million) dropped to 44.2% EUR 364.4 million) by EUR 314.3 million (prior in 2008 from the A+ rating from Creditreform (prior year: 40.2%). year: EUR 195.2 million) as of the balance sheet Rating AG, which was recently confirmed for date and comprise equity, pension provisions the fourth time in a row. The internal bank Trade receivables fell to 20.3% (prior year: Risk management is an important component (EUR 499.0 million), long-term other provisions ratings of the Zeppelin Group were also confir- 23.3%) in proportion to net assets, rising by just of the business and decision-making processes (EUR 35.6 million) and liabilities to banks and med. 1% to EUR 276 million (prior year: EUR 274 mil- in the Zeppelin Group. The early identification, There were no events of significant importance 5. RISK REPORT Risk management lion) while revenue was up 8%. Cash and cash quantification and reporting of risks allows thus covered 53% (prior year: 41%) of the The additions to fixed assets of EUR 149.8 mil- equivalents fell 27% to EUR 24 million. The them to be evaluated and controlled. Group’s inventories. lion (incl. rental assets of EUR 88.9 million) in above average rate of development of net the fiscal year were counterbalanced by depre- assets meant that capital turnover fell slightly to The core of risk management is therefore a As of the end of the fiscal year, short-term pro- ciation of EUR 54.3 million (of which EUR 31.0 a level 1.9 p.a. (prior year: 2.1 p.a.). The theore- detailed planning and reporting function encom- visions and liabilities amounted to EUR 627.2 million from rental assets offset against cost of tical range of trade receivables decreased passing all the companies in the Group. The million (prior year: EUR 617.3 million). They materials). Depreciation thus covered 36.2% further to 41 days (prior year: 44 days). Outside monthly controlling of the key performance indi- mainly related to trade payables of EUR 288.2 (prior year: 37.2%) of capital spending. the consolidated balance sheet, the companies cators is at the heart of the system. Special others (EUR 193.3 million). Long-term funds in the Zeppelin Group had leased assets and attention is paid to risks in the inventories and tax and other provisions of EUR 119.1 million as The net cash flow of the Group increased on machines for the rental fleet as well as assets receivables dominating the business of the well as payments received and other liabilities the prior year by EUR 22.0 million or 14.8% to (vehicle fleet, IT equipment) totaling EUR 232.0 Trade division and the risks inherent in the of EUR 81.0 million. The liability to Caterpillar EUR 170.0 million in 2008 (prior year: EUR million (prior year: EUR 230 million). The rental long-term construction contracts in the Industry Financial Services of EUR 100.0 million disclo- 148.0 million). The net cash flow to revenue assets accounted for EUR 220.3 million (prior division. sed in the prior year under other liabilities ratio is thus 6.9% (prior year: 6.6%). year: EUR 216 million) thereof. million, liabilities to banks of EUR 126.4 million, The controlling-based reporting system is sup- relates to a previous five-year financing package 56 4. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS for the purchase of MVS AG, Berlin (2003), and Net assets plemented by a designated risk reporting was repaid on schedule in 2008. Net assets of the Zeppelin Group developed at system. Twice a year, the risk reporting system a higher rate than total operating performance of the Group companies describes and evalua- At the end of 2008, the Group had lines of cre- (+9%), increasing 15% to EUR 1.355 billion in tes the risks inherent in the critical success fac- dit comprising bank loans and guarantees of 2008 (prior year: EUR 1.177 billion). Of the EUR tors. EUR 575 million at 18 German and foreign 178 million increase in assets, EUR 125 million banks, of which 43% or EUR 250 million (of or 70% was attributable to the increase in In 2008, the corporate center for internal audit which EUR 95 million for guarantees) had been inventories, of which EUR 113 million pertained focused on the Trade division, taking the size used at year-end 2008. The companies in the to merchandise in the Trade division in relation and significance of the companies concerned Trade division once again had extensive lines of to high order backlogs, long delivery times and into account. It concentrated efforts on suppor- credit at their disposal in 2008 at Caterpillar new order terms. A significant increase also ting the introduction of the ERP software M3 at Financial Services and other specialist instituti- arose on account of the high level of invest- Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH, cooperating 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 57 Group Management Report with the Group’s compliance team, including and also industry risks are diffused. This holds With the extensive Caterpillar engine program, uncertain. This situation is being dealt with by the audit of compliance-related processes at true both for the cyclical developments and for Zeppelin is meanwhile also the most important stockpiling and the use of machines from the foreign subsidiaries as well as the development the varying rates of growth in the key purcha- Caterpillar dealer for built-in motors in ships and used machines and engines park to bridge and refinement of our risk management tools. sing industries in the various regions served. locomotives on the international stage and is the time until the delivery can be made. The currently expanding in the areas energy genera- situation regarding Caterpillar’s delivery times Compliance This diversification of business activities was tion, mobile radio and oil extraction. Sales and improved considerably at the end of 2008 on Compliance at Zeppelin is based on the convic- not sufficient to fully protect Zeppelin’s busi- services relating to Hyster industrial trucks account of the global fall in demand. The ability tion that social responsibility, legal integrity and ness activities from the global economic decli- open up opportunities in logistics, a long-term of Zeppelin’s manufacturing partners to deliver ethical action are the key to sustainable ne seen in every industry in 2008 and the huge and stable growth market. The Group sees has been suffering increasingly recently, howe- success. Compliance with legal provisions, upheaval on the financial and foreign exchange additional opportunities for its agricultural and ver, on account of the effects of production cuts government requirements and internal corporate markets, even in the major global economies. forestry machines in the rapidly growing agricul- owing to shorter working hours and supplier ture and forestry sectors in eastern Europe. default due to insolvency. guidelines is an important aspect of the management and corporate culture at Zeppelin. Our traditional focus on customers in the construction industry gave way to growth in the The Zeppelin Industry division with a high pro- We responded to growing demand from plant The Zeppelin Group’s code of conduct was issu- engine business for ship construction, industri- portion of foreign business benefited from the construction in Zeppelin's industry division in ed in March 2008 and has been signed by the al companies and power generation, as well as substantial long-term increase in global demand recent years with a corresponding organizational general managers of all our subsidiaries and the increasingly diversified rental business and for plastics and the investment by the chemi- and capacity structure at the central plant in second-tier subsidiaries. Employees and busi- successful growth in the plant construction cals and plastics industry this sparked. Enginee- Friedrichshafen, as well as the decentralized ness partners can access the code, which business of the Industry division. ring capacities and expertise were expanded by expansion of local engineering firms in major forms the basis of our compliance program, on our homepage (www.zeppelin.de). means of targeted acquisitions of smaller busi- target markets. Zeppelin also cooperates with With revenue from customers in Germany nesses in recent years in interesting industries experienced local partners, for instance to build accounting for 50% of group revenue, Germany such as rubber and tire manufacturing, minerals and erect silos, especially for large-scale Compliance was set up as an independent remains the most important market of the and foodstuffs. The successful realization of projects. In individual cases, joint ventures are department in September 2008 and allocated to Group companies, although decreasingly so. large-scale turnkey plants in recent years, also set up, e.g., Zeppelin Gulf, Saudi Arabia, for the director of the HR and legal department of The risk inherent in the already volatile German Zeppelin proved itself a competent partner, projects in the Middle East. ZEPPELIN GmbH. At the end of 2008, a compli- construction industry has been encountered by even for global leaders of large-scale plants. ance officer was appointed from the complian- continuously improving the service offering, ce team at ZEPPELIN GmbH. A compliance reducing fixed costs, flexible use of capacities One consequence of the economic and political Zeppelin views the recruitment, integration and officer is to be appointed at all large business and ongoing portfolio grooming. As a result, uncertainty in the countries of eastern Europe long-term retention of qualified specialists and units, subsidiaries and subgroup holdings. high-risk peripheral activities that burden the and Central Asia is the relatively low level of executives as fundamental for the success of Employees and external parties can contact the result were deliberately discontinued in the investment in these countries. the Company. Our corporate mission not only compliance officer via the homepage and a last few years. The product program and dedicated the sales activities have been expanded to Performance-related risks ny to our employees, but also expresses our include industries and customers not depen- The punctual supply of construction machines determination to be an attractive employer. To dent on the construction industry, such as and engines to customers of the companies in avoid personnel-related risks, applicants are quarrying and extraction, environmental and the Trade division is essentially secured by rolling selected carefully and employees receive timber industry, mining, horticulture and land- demand management with a lead time of up to extensive basic and advanced training, inclu- scape gardening. twelve months. Since 2004, the worldwide ding at the Zeppelin Academy. High-potential demand for construction machinery has, howe- programs for employees and an assessment email address (complian- ce@zeppelin.com). A. Individual risks General economic and industry risks 58 Personnel risks sets out the goals and strategy of the Compa- Due to the wide range of countries, industries The fact that the foreign share of group revenue ver, been growing at such a rate that the delivery center for the selection of future specialists and activities in which ZEPPELIN GmbH and its has increased substantially in recent years also times at Caterpillar for standard and large-scale and executives aim to ensure that potential is subsidiaries are involved, the general economic reflects machines as well as engines are long and often tapped into at an early stage. Cross-company the geographical diversification. 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 59 Group Management Report development of executives is also supported at Financial risks Credit standing checks of customers are to a insurance policies in the respective countries, group level. The standard of the training of our Generally speaking, financial risks are limited by large extent updated online in cooperation with potentially uninsurable serious losses are cover- apprentices is exemplary in our business and the equity ratio which we aim to keep at 30% credit agencies on an ongoing basis, the receiv- ed by a multi-line policy in Germany. ensures that our growing need for well-quali- or above. In addition, long-term pension provisi- ables collection is handled with an efficient fied young people is always covered. The ons of EUR 105 million are available. The econo- dunning system, involving debt collecting agen- Larger investment projects are decided on the operation of our own training centers is a deci- mic appropriateness of these is ensured using a cies. For the most part, sales financing for sales basis of planning and economic viability calcula- sive prerequisite for growth in eastern Europe- discount factor of 4.5% and a rate of 1.0% for of machines is carried out via special instituti- tions in accordance with the Group’s invest- an countries owing to a lack of qualified candi- future pension increases. ons which thus also bear a large part of the ment authorization guideline which was potential default risks. In 2008, other instituti- updated in 2008. dates. Investment in modern work stations at workshops and in offices, as well as in custo- To diversify the external sources of financing, ons were included in the sales process for mer service vehicles not only represents a supplier financing linked to sales and compre- Caterpillar Financial Services, our strongest further way of improving employee efficiency, hensive lines of credit of German and, to a partner to date, because it significantly reduced but is also an important factor in retaining growing extent, also foreign banks are being its offering on account of the modified financing employees and attracting applications on the supplemented by the possibility of sales finan- priorities of the Caterpillar Group. This measure Actively seeking and using opportunities while employment market. cing from various special institutions such as will be stepped up in the future. Customers are at the same time weighing up the associated Caterpillar Financial Services and GEFA as well required to make payments on account for plant risks, is a core component of entrepreneurial Thanks to the target and performance-related as an ABS program. The volume of medium- construction products and large ship engines as activity and thus of the management approach salary components, the remuneration level of term and long-term financing was increased well as on international markets, and credit of the Zeppelin Group and all its subsidiaries. employees is higher than the industry average. again in 2008 by taking out new five-year and insurance is taken out in some cases. Regular employee surveys and annual employee seven-year bonded loans (EUR 80.5 million) as feedback meetings allow any unfavorable deve- well as a three-year bank loan (EUR 60.0 milli- One of the compensation-related criteria for tative for capital goods of major, and usually lea- lopments as well as employee and HR needs on); we will press ahead with this in 2009. management in the Group, besides earnings ding, suppliers such as Caterpillar, NACCO, targets, is a system of receivables and invento- AGCO, Claas, Terex and Ponsse, we are able to Currency risks from individual transactions or ry management geared consistently to certain exploit potential in our markets to a very high projects are hedged where this is economically targets in terms of amount and risks. level. This applies especially to those countries requiring further attention to be noted and measures for improvement introduced. 60 B. Opportunities As the exclusive sales and service represen- of eastern Europe benefiting from rapidly rising The effects of the current economic downturn justified. Losses from unexpected and large can largely be contained through adjustments depreciation of currencies in Russia and External specialist and legal counsel is regularly demand for raw materials, power and agricultu- in 2009 by using variable employee capacities Ukraine stem from liabilities denominated in sought to reduce the risks that could arise from ral products, but also for the significant markets (flexitime accounts and similar), terminating US dollars due to Caterpillar for the purchase of fiscal, competition, patent, antitrust and envi- in the transportation sector (shipping, locomoti- temporary employment and ceasing to out- construction machines and spare parts valued ronmental rulings and laws. This is especially ves) and power generation. source service processes. Following a period in local currency at the exchange rate on the true of acquisitions projects. of rapid growth in 2007 and 2008, the reducti- procurement date. The balance sheet considers on of capacity in eastern Europe will be based exchange rate losses recognized and not yet While limited risks are borne by the Company, organizations in most countries, the leading on careful review using qualitative selection recognized in the 2008 financial statements, insurance policies are taken out to secure position earned in recent years in virtually all criteria. including the exchange rate losses until against the financial consequences of large model classes of the local construction machi- The closely-knit network of sales and service February 2009. In some cases, the sale of these liability risks and high damages; the cover is nery markets, motivated and loyal managers No specific risks relating to key employees items has a compensatory effect in 2009. In checked regularly. Special attention is paid to and employees as well as a sound financial have been identified, thanks in part to the future, the risk for these countries and the cus- claims management and preventative measu- base allow us to continue successfully using improvement on the employment market due tomer’s country will be limited to the immedia- res. The concept of hedging risks has been key the opportunities in future. Many of these fac- to the economic situation even in those Euro- te date of sale thanks to a machines logistics for the German trading companies for many tors played a role in the A+ rating awarded for pean countries which had previously enjoyed a center at Zeppelin International AG in Switzer- years and the appropriateness was confirmed the fourth time in a row by Creditreform Rating boom period. land. by public tender in 2008. In addition to local AG in 2008. 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 61 Group Management Report The strong market position achieved by there any discernable risks for the foreseeable High risks are also attached to the develop- fall as low as 7.0% below the prior-year level, Zeppelin with products made by prominent future. ment of the emerging economies in 2009. On mainly due to the fact that the German econo- the one hand, falling demand from the USA my is export-oriented and will sorely miss the and Europe will put a damper on export trade. impetus of export trade. Private consumption is On the other, the capital necessary for further likely to increase thanks to collectively bargai- manufacturers is secured by a comprehensive aftersales service for products sold which, as past experience has shown, often forms the 6. FORECAST growth will be less freely available on account ned agreements which will bring about a share in times of economic downturn. The sale In light of the expected decline of the global of increased caution on the part of investors modest increase in disposable income, though of spare parts and customer service is a stabili- financial and economic crisis, we expect econo- and a general rising fear of recession; this will the stabilizing effect of the labor market will zing factor for employment, revenue and cash mic growth to be subdued for the foreseeable have a knock-on effect on investing activities. cease to apply in the course of 2009 as unem- flows, even if sales of machines and engines future. Many forecasts for 2009 now predict a Positive developments in China (2009 fore- ployment levels rise. The cycle of capital expen- develop negatively. drop in global trade of around 9.0% and in cast: + 5.5%), Brazil (2009 forecast: + 1.8%) diture in Germany already collapsed at the start basis for expanding a company’s own market global GDP of between 0.5% and 2.5%. The and India (2009 forecast: + 5.1%) could have a of 2009 and a drop of over 10% is forecast for The financial strength and financing power of major industrialized nations are expected to see stabilizing influence on the global economy, the year as a whole. This fall will further burden the Zeppelin Group enables it to win projects a fall in GDP of between 2.0% and 3.1%. The however. the overall economic development of 2009 over and business and make use of targeted oppor- negative effects are expected to last until the tunities to acquire interesting companies to fourth quarter of the year, though a slight impro- The global economic crisis will also cast its enhance and expand its range, especially in vement might be seen at the end of 2009 or shadow over economic development in the The global construction industry is expected to times of economic difficulty. start of 2010. Individual economies will struggle euro zone in 2009. The economy is expected to generate growth in revenue of 2% in real terms to achieve sustained recovery. It should be develop negatively, with GDP shrinking by in 2009. The heterogeneous development of noted here that important macroeconomic fac- 3.5% to well below the prior-year level. The res- the German construction industry in 2008 looks tors such as exchange rates, commodity prices, cue packages introduced in individual econo- set to continue. While public investment in con- C. Overall assessment of the risk situation share prices and other asset prices have been mies as well as the fall in commodity prices and struction will expand further (+ 6.9%) mainly as Risk management as a management tool and characterized by unusually high volatility and, at interest rates towards the end of 2008 will in all a result of the German government’s economic recognizing and influencing individual risks as times, erratic development. The interplay and probability be insufficient to revive the very stimulus packages, investment in residential well as using opportunities are of great signifi- overlap of significant macroeconomic disturban- weak economy and poor investment demand in and commercial construction is likely to shrink cance within the Company. Over the years, risk ce lend a high degree of uncertainty to fore- the euro zone. It is also unlikely that private con- once again, falling by 1.6% and 5.6% respecti- management has been continuously improved, casts for 2009. sumption will develop positively, meaning that vely. An overall drop of 1.7% compared to 2008 adjusted to meet growing demands and expan- 62 several quarters. there will be no domestic impetus to compen- is therefore forecast. Following negative deve- ded to include new areas such as compliance In the USA, the development of the financial sate for the plummeting export trade that is lopment already in 2008 of the German con- organization. This is verified by the appraisal and sub-prime crisis will impact heavily on the expected. struction machines market, a collapse of around carried out Creditreform Rating AG, who awar- further development of the general economy. ded us a positive rating for risk management There will be no stabilizing effect from private The economies of central and eastern Europe in 2008. The Group internal audit department households on account of the fact that they are will see a noticeable slow-down in economic and Group controlling monitor risk reporting on already highly indebted. At the same time, the activity over the coming year (2009 forecast: - Estimates for the construction industry of cen- an ongoing basis. The risk management system US economy will be burdened further by the 0.8%). Weaker international demand, especially tral and eastern Europe assume a fall of around is also reviewed and assessed annually by the global downturn in export demand. Based on from the western EU countries, coupled with 7.9% in the rate of growth. Accordingly, Company’s auditors for compliance and effi- these factors, the GDP in the USA is set to less favorable lending conditions will put a demand for construction machines will also ciency. shrink by 2.1% in 2009. The Japanese economy brake on the exports and investment of these decline compared to 2008, not least on account with its heavy dependence on export will suffer countries. of financing bottlenecks as well as falling 18% is expected once again for 2009, with unit There were no risks which could jeopardize the further blows in the first half of 2009, meaning continuing existence of the Zeppelin Group or that a further decrease in GDP of at least 4% is Germany’s GDP will develop negatively in 2009 its subsidiaries in the reporting period, nor are expected for the year as a whole. according to most recent estimates and could sales falling to 22,000. demand from customers in the extraction industry, especially in eastern Europe. 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 63 Group Management Report The engines markets relevant for Zeppelin will 2008 is now the base-case scenario. We consi- The business activities of the Zeppelin Group see a deterioration in sales in every segment in der the primary factors in this development to companies have already been affected in the 2009 with the exception of the gas engine be the palpable decline in the German construc- first two months of 2009 by the negative mar- segment which is buoyed by the effects of the tion machines market and corresponding fall in ket and economic developments described KWKG. Project business will also develop nega- revenue of around EUR 100 million. The similar above. The long winter coupled with prolonged tively, with the exception of the OEM business. level of decline in the volume of trade business periods of rain have impacted on construction Customers of industrial engines feel compelled in eastern Europe as well as the more settled activities and especially the rental business for to develop prototype and pilot projects in level of revenue in the Zeppelin Industry divisi- construction response to EU emissions standards which will on, following record levels in 2007 and 2008, neighboring countries. The drop in revenue be tightened from 2011 onwards. will put a damper on the Group’s performance compared to the prior-year period stands at figures. 25% with a corresponding negative effect on The customer industries of Zeppelin’s Industry machines in Germany and earnings. This development confirms the division (global chemicals and plastics industry, The headcount of the Zeppelin Group will there- updated assumptions that business will deve- tire industry) have been burdened by large-scale fore fall to below 6,000 employees. Adjust- lop negatively in 2009. overcapacity since fall 2008 as a consequence ments are planned for Russia and Ukraine of the collapse in demand from the automotive, in particular. Capital expenditures of around construction and consumer goods industries. EUR 100 million originally planned for fiscal Zeppelin’s most important project for extraction 2009 (plus EUR 100 million (gross) in additions equipment had a volume of less than EUR 200 to the rental fleet) will be quickly reviewed and million as of year-end 2008 and has thus fallen reduced in the light of this development. Proposal for the appropriation of profit The retained earnings of ZEPPELIN GmbH totaled EUR 83,011,734.79. Of this, management pro- below the average prior-year level. Zeppelin will feel this in its lower production and revenue At present, economists predict slight growth in poses to distribute EUR 9,000,000.00 to share- figures in 2009 and even more so in 2010 once the global economy of 2.5% for 2010 (IMF), holders, and carry forward EUR 74,011,734.79. the order backlog – still good as of year-end though estimates in recent weeks have been 2008 – has been cleared. less positive. In the industrialized nations, Friedrichshafen, April 3, 2009 growth in GDP is expected to reach just 0.8% Management There is currently some variation in financial (USA: + 1.3%; the euro zone: + 0.1%; experts’ opinions of how the exchange rates Germany: 0.8%). The developing nations might important for Zeppelin will develop. Forecasts achieve growth of 5.1%. The most significant Ernst Susanek for the US dollar/euro exchange rate vary from investment sectors for Zeppelin in Germany are Alexander Bautzmann 1.37 to 1.07 as of year-end 2009, for example. expected to remain at the level of 2009 which Peter Gerstmann As such, we cannot definitively estimate the is already falling, at - 0.2% (capital expenditu- Michael Heidemann impact of exchange rate developments in 2009. res) and - 0.5% (construction investments). Jürgen-Philipp Knepper Bank forecasts for eastern European currencies The most recent prediction for the German con- predict a trend towards stabilization following struction machines market sees a drop of 10%. renewed depreciation at the beginning of 2009. Falling demand and reduced capacity utilization in the chemicals industry means that the pro- Current estimates of the economic develop- ject and order volume for the Industry division is ment of the Zeppelin Group assume a fall in expected to develop negatively once again in revenue to EUR 2.0 billion at best (2008: 2010. The Zeppelin Group companies do not EUR 2.447 billion) with a return on sales before therefore expect an overall improvement on the taxes of between 2% and no more than 3% revenue and earnings situation compared to the (2008: 4%). Thus, the worst-case scenario for budgeted figures for 2009. 2009 contained in the planning as of year-end 64 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 65 Group Financial Statement 66 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 67 Group Financial Statement ZEPPELIN GMBH CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS OF 31 DECEMBER 2008 ASSETS 31.12.2007 EUR k EUR k EUR k A. FIXED ASSETS 2. Goodwill 3. Payments on account 8.468 5.324 10.726 12.446 6.459 3.221 25.653 2. Plant and machinery 3. Other equipment, furniture and fixtures 4. Rental assets 5. Payments on account and assets under construction 146.388 139.055 5.934 5.956 30.976 26.409 149.943 129.889 7.248 5.939 340.489 2. Loans to affiliates 3. Investments in associates 11.437 13.693 229 229 39 39 8.094 5. Securities classified as fixed assets 2.331 2.346 6. Other loans 1.863 1.773 I. Subscribed capital II. Capital reserves 1. Reserve for shares of a controlling company 2. Work in process 3. Finished goods and merchandise 2. Other revenue reserves 11.276 129.272 120.302 89.879 V. Minority interests 10.843 9.665 394.403 341.122 35.943 26.174 402.085 354.413 B. PROVISIONS 1. Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 2. Tax provisions 3. Other provisions 104.693 105.184 15.450 15.577 139.237 142.140 259.380 35.887 26.549 83.761 79.641 507.612 394.908 1. Liabilities to banks 310.550 155.786 46.461 65.986 292.801 203.223 4. Liabilities to affiliates 4.059 266 5. Liabilities to other investees and investors 7.128 126 39.194 146.269 39.549 2. Payments received on account of orders -66.947 3. Trade payables 598.550 473.700 II. Receivables and other assets III. Cash on hand, bank balances, checks C. PREPAID EXPENSES 68 275.581 273.901 4.238 4.140 4.354 2.558 39.119 30.383 323.292 310.982 24.044 32.992 945.886 817.674 7.186 4.877 1.355.157 1.176.964 262.901 C. LIABILITIES 38.874 4. Other assets 60.000 83.012 -67.584 3. Receivables from other investees and investors 60.000 IV. Retained earnings of the Group 5. Payments received on account of orders 2. Receivables from affiliates 50.000 140.548 4. Payments on account 1. Trade receivables 100.000 11.276 B. CURRENT ASSETS I. Inventories 1. Raw materials, consumables and supplies EUR k 307.248 20.044 4. Equity investments EUR k III. Revenue reserves III. Financial assets 1. Shares in affiliates EUR k 20.991 II. Property, plant and equipment 1. Land, land rights and buildings, including buildings on third-party land 31.12.2007 A. EQUITY I. Intangible assets 1. Industrial and similar rights and assets and licenses in such rights and assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 6. Other liabilities thereof for taxes: EUR 16,353 k (prior year: EUR 19,413 k) thereof for social security: EUR 1,589 (prior year: EUR 1,333 k) D. DEFERRED INCOME 700.193 571.656 1.181 1.285 1.355.157 1.176.964 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 69 Group Financial Statement ZEPPELIN GMBH GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008 ZEPPELIN GMBH CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008 2008 2007 EUR k EUR k 2.446.513 2.256.721 2. Increase in inventories of finished goods and work in process 4.425 20.847 3. Own work capitalized 1.700 1.319 1. Sales 4. Other operating income 92.232 58.963 2.544.870 2.337.850 1.689.380 1.594.412 131.480 101.984 1.820.860 1.696.396 5. Cost of materials a) Cost of raw materials, consumables and supplies and of purchased goods b) Cost of purchased services b) Social security, pension and benefit costs c) Pension costs 7. Amortization of intangible fixed assets and depreciation of property, plant and equipment 8. Other operating expenses 9. Income from equity investments 10. Income from other investments and long-term loans 11. Other interests and similar income 219.170 50.506 46.038 4.468 458 - 1.228 1.686 Change in pension accruals - 491 11.681 -12.172 Change in other long-term accruals 5.359 - 177 5.536 Unrealized exchange losses/profits 24.067 0 24.067 1.804 - 223 2.027 Gross cash flow 203.274 194.212 9.062 Income taxes - 33.296 - 46.185 -12.889 Net cash flow 169.978 148.027 21.951 33 620 -143.116 - 153.946 -1.680 - 19.940 -12.392 - 6.687 89.924 105.501 102.747 73.575 Financial assets Other non-cash changes Increase in trade receivables 296.070 277.783 22.861 21.460 52 253 242 458 361 27.805 21.456 101.176 119.121 33.296 46.185 2.466 1.540 65.414 71.396 1.728 1.313 19. Group share in net income 63.686 70.083 20. Retained profits of the Group 33.379 14. Result from ordinary operations Rental assets and rental assets classified as current assets Increase in other liabilities 5.103 13. Interest and similar expenses 794 1.527 19.637 47 = Cash flow from operating activities Investments in Intangible assets - 9.911 - 6.858 Property, plant and equipment without rental assets - 38.335 - 45.042 Rental assets and rental assets classified as current assets - 53.647 - 39.520 Financial assets - 12.625 - 5.110 - 549 - 62 4.481 2.151 423 104 - 110.163 -94.337 - 6.500 - 4.000 Additions to the consolidated group Revenues from disposals of Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment without rental assets Financial assets = Cash flow from investing activities 16. Other taxes 17. Net income of the group for the year 18. Net profit allocable to minority interests 21. Change in the consolidated revenue reserves 22. Retained earnings of the Group 70 0 Dividend payments to shareholders of ZEPPELIN GmbH 15. Income taxes -18.871 4.202 8.150 135.541 117.581 16.338 38.976 121.408 98.710 4.996 42.377 206.670 Variance EUR k 17.865 Increase in other assets 283.671 2007 EUR k Property, plant and equipment without rental assets Increase in inventories without rental assets classified as current assets 245.543 7.731 12. Write-downs on financial assets Write-downs/write-ups Intangible assets Loss on disposals of fixed assets 6. Personnel expenses a) Wages and salaries Earnings before incomes taxes 2008 EUR k Minority interests - 447 - 366 106.053 40.000 - 100.000 - 14.055 - 894 21.579 Change in cash and cash equivalents - 8.310 817 46.161 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the fiscal year 33.992 32.980 -14.053 - 26.365 Exchange rate related changes in cash and cash equivalents - 638 - 805 83.012 89.879 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the fiscal year 24.044 32.992 Borrowing of financial liabilities Redemption of financial liabilities = Cash flow from financing activities 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 71 Group Financial Statement ZEPPELIN GMBH STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FIXED ASSETS OF THE GROUP FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008 Acquisition and Production Cost Net book value Currency differences Changes in basis of consolidation Additions 1. Jan. 2008 EUR k EUR k EUR k 1. Industrial and similar rights and assets and licenses in such rights and assets 16.724 -768 2. Goodwill 24.472 3.221 Accumulated Write-ups depreciation 31. Dec. 2008 Reclassifications Disposals 31. Dec. 2008 31.Dec. 2007 Annual depreciation EUR k EUR k EUR k EUR k EUR k EUR k EUR k EUR k EUR k 447 5.516 114 84 21.949 0 13.481 8.468 5.324 2.228 -77 0 1.078 0 0 6 0 3.317 -85 0 25.473 0 14.747 10.726 12.446 2.768 6.459 0 0 6.459 3.221 0 44.417 -839 447 9.911 29 84 53.881 0 28.228 25.653 20.991 4.996 222.346 -736 0 11.494 5.239 12.955 225.388 0 79.000 146.388 139.055 6.562 31 Dec. 2008 I. Intangible assets 3. Payments on account II. Property, plant and equipment 1. Land, land rights and buildings, including buildings on third-party land 2. Plant and machinery 35.311 -616 47 2.032 37 2.004 34.807 0 28.873 5.934 5.956 1.465 3. Other equipment, furniture and fixtures 80.298 -2.963 42 17.276 213 5.424 89.442 0 58.466 30.976 26.409 9.838 193.415 -1.772 36 88.880 -189 61.910 218.460 0 68.517 149.943 129.889 30.988 1 5.939 -55 0 7.533 -5.329 840 7.248 0 0 7.248 5.939 0 537.309 -6.142 125 127.215 -29 83.133 575.345 0 234.856 340.489 307.248 48.853 581.726 -6.981 572 137.126 0 83.217 629.226 0 263.084 366.142 328.239 53.849 1. Shares in affiliates 14.054 0 0 131 0 2.291 11.894 0 457 11.437 13.693 457 2. Loans to affiliates 3.568 0 0 0 0 0 3.568 0 3.339 229 229 0 4. Rental assets 5. Payments on account and assets under construction III. Financial assets 3. Investments in associates 39 0 0 0 0 0 39 0 0 39 39 0 4. Equity investments 8.094 -46 0 11.996 0 0 20.044 0 0 20.044 8.094 0 5. Securities classified as fixed assets 2.346 0 0 158 0 173 2.331 1 1 2.331 2.346 1 6. Other loans 2.992 0 0 340 0 250 3.082 0 1.219 1.863 1.773 0 31.093 -46 0 12.625 0 2.714 40.958 1 5.016 35.943 26.174 458 612.819 -7.027 572 149.751 0 85.931 670.184 1 268.100 402.085 354.413 54.307 1 72 netted in cost of materials 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 73 Group Financial Statement ZEPPELIN GMBH STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN GROUP EQUITY Parent company Subscribed capital 1. January 2007 Capital reserve Earned Group equity Minority interests Accumulated other comprehensive income Translation reserve Other non-operating transactions Equity Minority interests Accumulated other comprehensive income Group equity Equity Translation Reserve EUR k EUR k EUR k EUR k EUR k EUR k EUR k EUR k EUR k EUR k 50.000 60.000 148.025 2.592 6.001 266.618 5.957 1.036 6.993 273.611 - 62 - 4.000 - 223 - 366 1.352 - 366 1.352 - 4.366 1.129 5.939 262.395 6.943 1.036 7.979 270.374 70.083 -1.021 1.313 373 1.313 373 71.396 - 648 - 4.000 - 161 Dividend payments Other changes 50.000 60.000 143.864 2.592 Net income of the Group for the year Other comprehensive income 70.083 Total recognized income/loss for the Group 70.083 -1.021 0 69.062 1.313 373 1.686 70.748 -1.021 31. December 2007 50.000 60.000 213.947 1.571 5.939 331.457 8.256 1.409 9.665 341.122 1. January 2008 50.000 60.000 213.947 1.571 5.939 331.457 8.256 1.409 9.665 341.122 - 6.500 - 6.500 - 447 - 447 - 6.947 -50.000 0 Dividend payments Capital contributions from Company funds 50.000 Other changes - 158 100.000 60.000 - 707 - 41 5.390 324.250 7.768 63.686 - 4.376 1.728 - 4.376 Total recognized income/loss for the Group 74 1.571 - 549 63.686 Net income/loss of the Group for the year Other comprehensive income 31. December 2008 157.289 100.000 60.000 0 - 41 - 748 1.409 9.177 333.427 - 62 1.728 - 62 65.414 - 4.438 63.686 - 4.376 0 59.310 1.728 - 62 1.666 60.976 220.975 -2.805 5.390 383.560 9.496 1.347 10.843 394.403 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 75 Group Financial Statement ZEPPELIN GMBH NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008 of receivables and liabilities disclosed in the Buildings are depreciated using the straight-line which are stated at their present value. Specific annual financial statements of a foreign subsi- method or based on the depreciation rates per- bad debt allowances provide for recognizable diary. This burdened earnings by EUR 11.0 mil- mitted by tax provisions. risks. The general credit risk is provided for by lion. different general bad debt allowances for notes Moveable assets are generally depreciated on a receivable and trade receivables. systematic basis using the straight-line method I. GENERAL INFORMATION II. ACCOUNTING AND VALUATION METHODS The consolidated financial statements of over their useful lives or using the highest tax- Provisions for pensions in Germany are deter- allowed declining-balance mined on the basis of actuarial principles in rates and the ZEPPELIN GmbH, Friedrichshafen, for the fiscal The financial statements of ZEPPELIN GmbH method. Low-value assets with an individual accordance with Sec. 6a EStG [“Einkommens- year 2008 have been prepared in accordance and of the other companies included in the acquisition cost of between EUR 150.00 and steuergesetz”: German Income Tax Act] using with the provisions of HGB [“Handelsgesetz- consolidated financial statements are generally EUR 1,000.00 are capitalized and generally an interest rate of 4.5% (prior year: 4.5%) and a buch”: German Commercial Code]. To improve prepared in accordance with uniform accoun- depreciated over a useful life of five years. pension increase rate of 1% (prior year: 1%). the clarity of the consolidated financial state- ting and valuation principles. ments, the balance sheet was prepared using The “2005 G mortality tables” by Prof. Dr. Klaus Rental assets are depreciated using the Heubeck were used. For foreign companies, the long-form classification format pursuant to The financial statements of a foreign company straight-line method over the useful lives per- the normal interest rate for the country concer- Sec. 266 (2) and (3) HGB for the first time. Figu- included using the equity method was not adju- mitted under tax provisions. The total deprecia- ned was used. res in the consolidated financial statements are sted in line with Group accounting and valuation tion of EUR 31.0 million (prior year: EUR 26.8 stated in thousands of euros. methods. The most current financial state- million) is included under cost of materials. ments, dating from no more than one year ago, In order to improve the true and fair view of are used as a basis. earnings and assets, short-term receivables and Provisions account for all identifiable risks and contingent liabilities at the amount of expected Shares in non-consolidated affiliates are recog- utilization. nized at the lower of cost or market on the assets from current transactions due in less Intangible assets and property, plant and equip- balance sheet date, and one subsidiary is recog- than one year (including trade receivables and ment are capitalized at acquisition or production nized using the equity method. payables) were translated into local currency cost in line with tax provisions. Self-constructed using the rate prevailing on the balance sheet assets are stated at direct costs as well as Loans are stated at their nominal amount or date for the first time as of 31 December 2008. directly allocable materials and production over- their lower realizable value on the balance sheet This method ensures that all exchange losses heads. date. Long-term investments are capitalized at are appropriately recognized and takes into Liabilities are recorded at the amount repayable. the lower of acquisition cost or net realizable account unrealized exchange gains. Unrealized Acquisition or production cost is reduced by exchange rate gains improved earnings by EUR systematic amortization and depreciation. 3.8 million compared to the prior accounting Impairments are recorded as required by speci- Inventories are generally valued at the lower of method. al circumstances. acquisition or production cost in line with tax In accordance with the general valuation prin- The customary useful life for intangible assets sheet date. Adequate allowances provide for ciples of Sec. 252 (1) No. 4 HGB in conjunction is generally between three and eight years. inventory valuation risks from slow-moving and with Sec. 253 (3) HGB, foreseeable risks and Amortization of the goodwill resulting from obsolete goods. losses from the development of the exchange first-time consolidation is recorded on a rate in the period from 1 January to 27 February straight-line basis over a period of five or ten Receivables and other assets are stated at their 2009 were taken into account in the valuation years. nominal value, except for notes receivable, value on the balance sheet date. provisions or net realizable value on the balance 76 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 77 Group Financial Statement III. BASIS OF CONSOLIDATION Apart from ZEPPELIN GmbH, the consolidated and 21 (prior year: 18) foreign companies. The group comprises seven (prior year: eight) German following companies are included: COMPANIES INCLUDED APART FROM THE PARENT COMPANY Name and location of the company Share in capital % 1) Companies included apart from the parent company The German consolidated company Zeppelin lidated financial statements for the first time as Materials Handling GmbH, Friedrichshafen, of 1 July 2008. The Company provides fork-lift which is allocated to the Industry division, was drivers for various special projects. The services deconsolidated. The company was merged are billed exclusively to Zeppelin Polska Sp. z o.o., Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH, Garching bei München 100 into Zeppelin Silos & Systems GmbH, Fried- Warsaw, Poland. The net loss for 2008 came to MVS Zeppelin GmbH & Co.KG, Garching bei München 100 richshafen. EUR 28 k. No revenue has yet been generated. MVS Zeppelin Verwaltungs GmbH, Garching bei München 100 Zeppelin Power Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg 100 The international consolidated group was enlar- Zeppelin Systems Limited, Nottingham, UK, Zeppelin Power Systems Verwaltungs GmbH, Hamburg 100 ged to include the following companies: was founded in 2007 and included in the conso- MaK Deutschland Verwaltungs-GmbH, Hamburg 100 Phoenix-Zeppelin Ukraine Ltd., Kiev, Ukraine lidated financial statements for the first time as Zeppelin Österreich GmbH, Fischamend, Austria 100 and Zeppelin Logistics Sp. z o.o., Warsaw, of 1 January 2008. The purpose of the compa- MVS Zeppelin Österreich GmbH, Fischamend, Austria 100 Poland of the Trade division, as well as Zeppelin ny is the development and production of extrac- Systems Limited, Nottingham, UK, of the Indu- tion equipment in the plastics production and stry division. processing industry as well as the related appa- 2) Phoenix-Zeppelin, spol. s r.o., Modletice, Czech Republic 85 Phoenix Zeppelin, spol. s r.o., Banska Bystrica, Slovak Republic 85 3) Zeppelin Polska Sp. z o.o., Warsaw, Poland 85 3) Zeppelin Logistics Sp. z o.o., Warsaw, Poland 85 3) Phoenix-Zeppelin Ukraine Ltd., Kiev, Ukraine 85 3) Zeppelin International AG, Zug, Switzerland 100 Zeppelin Russland OOO, Moscow, Russia 100 4) Zeppelin Belarus OOO, Minsk, Belarus 100 5) Zeppelin Ukraine TOW, Kiev, Ukraine 100 4) Zeppelin Turkmenistan JV, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan 100 5) Zeppelin Armenien LLC, Yerewan, Armenia 100 5) Zeppelin Silos & Systems GmbH, Friedrichshafen 100 Zeppelin Belgium N.V., Genk, Belgium 100 6) Zeppelin Plast Tech S.r.l., Milan, Italy 90 6) Zeppelin Systems Limited, Nottingham, UK 100 6) Zeppelin Systems USA Inc., Houston/Texas, USA 100 6) JMB Zeppelin Equipamentos Industriais Ltda., São Paulo, Brazil 100 6) Zeppelin Solid Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd., Beijing, China 100 6) Zeppelin Technology Far East Pte. Ltd., Singapore 100 6) Zeppelin Plastech Asia Pte. Ltd., Singapore 100 7) ratus for storage and transport of all kinds of The changes in the consolidated group did not bulk goods. Its revenue amounted to EUR 8.9 have any material effects. million, with a net loss for 2007 of EUR 69 k. Phoenix-Zeppelin Ukraine Ltd., Kiev, Ukraine, Four German companies (prior year: one) and was founded in 2006 and included in the conso- four (prior year: six) foreign companies with a lidated financial statements for the first time as small volume of business activity were not of 1 January 2008. The company specializes in included in the consolidated financial state- the sale of fork-lift trucks and spare parts and ments in accordance with Sec. 296 (2) HGB. provides services for the market for these pro- Overall, they are immaterial as regards the ducts in Ukraine. Its revenue amounted to EUR requirement to present a true and fair view of 1.7 million, with a net loss for 2008 of EUR 208 k. the net assets, financial position and results of operations of the Group. An overview of the Zeppelin Logistics Sp. z o.o., Warsaw, Poland, disclosures required pursuant to Sec. 313 (2) was founded in 2008 and included in the conso- No. 4 HGB is presented below. 1) Direct and indirect. 2) Shares are held by Zeppelin Österreich GmbH, Fischamend, Austria. 3) Shares are held by Phoenix-Zeppelin spol. s r.o., Modletice, Czech Republic. 4) Shares are held by Zeppelin International AG, Zug, Switzerland. 5) Shares are held by Zeppelin International AG, Zug, Switzerland und Zeppelin Russland OOO, Moscow, Russia. 6) Shares are held by Zeppelin Silos & Systems GmbH, Friedrichshafen. 7) Shares are held by Zeppelin Technology Far East Pte. Ltd., Singapore. 78 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 79 Group Financial Statement COMPANIES NOT INCLUDED IN THE CONSOLIDATED GROUP Name and location of the company Share in capital % 1) Equity EUR k A (partial) debt difference of EUR 3,014 k arose statements. The book value method pursuant in the course of the acquisition as of 1 December to Sec. 312 (1) No. 1 HGB is applied as at the 2007 of remaining shares in a foreign company. date of first-time consolidation. The value was This (partial) debt difference is subject to schedu- not rolled forward in the fiscal year since the -1 led amortization over a period of five years star- book value approximates the pro rata equity of -222 ting from 1 December 2007. The subsequent the associate. Net income/loss EUR k Companies not included in the consolidated group pursuant to Sec. 296 HGB AT Baumaschinentechnik Beteiligungs GmbH, Munich 100 2) Rentas GmbH Werkzeugvermietung und Service, Essen 100 3) 24 -171 Zeppelin SkySails Sales & Service GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg 67 4) 5) purchase price payment of EUR 1,078 k made in Zeppelin SkySails Sales & Service Verwaltungs GmbH, Hamburg 67 2008 led to a further debit difference which was Intercompany receivables and liabilities were Zeppelin-Körös-Spedit Kft., Budapest, Hungary 50 6) 24 amortized over the residual useful life of goodwill eliminated in the course of consolidation of starting from 1 December 2008. intercompany balances. Differences were 4) 5) 109 Zeppelin Central Asia Machinery LLC., Tashkent, Uzbekistan 100 7) 31 -1 DIMA service for plant engineering s r.o., Bratislava, Slovak Republic 100 8) 50 117 Zeppelin Silo ve Sistemleri Imalat Sanayi Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, Istanbul, Turkey recognized directly in the income statement. The first-time consolidation of two foreign com- 90 8) 5) panies in 2008 as well as the consolidation of Income and expenses between consolidated further shares in a foreign subsidiary resulted in companies were offset against each other. a total debit difference of EUR 549 k. They Other equity investments CZ LOKO a. s., Ceská Trebová, Czech Republic 49 Zeppelin Gulf Co. Ltd., Al Jubail, Saudi Arabia 49 8) 5) 6) 16.538 1.898 were offset against the Group's revenue reser- Intercompany profits from property, plant and ves. They were consolidated for the first time equipment and inventories were eliminated. on 1 January 2008. No difference resulted from 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Direct and indirect. Shares are held by Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH, Garching near Munich. Shares are held by MVS Zeppelin GmbH & Co. KG, Garching near Munich. Shares are held by Zeppelin Power Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg. Financial statements were not completed on the date that the list of shareholdings was prepared. Shares are held by Phoenix-Zeppelin spol. s r.o., Modletice near Prague, Czech Republic. Shares are held by Zeppelin International AG, Zug, Switzerland and Zeppelin Russland OOO, Moscow, Russia. Shares are held by Zeppelin Silos & Systems GmbH, Friedrichshafen. the first-time consolidation of one other foreign Deferred tax assets were recorded on prepaid company as of the date of foundation. expenses due to consolidation entries with effect on income. The option of recognizing Minority interests in equity and net income are deferred tax assets pursuant to Sec. 274 (2) accounted for in the balance sheet under “mino- HGB was not exercised. rity interests” and in the income statement under “net income for the year attributable to minority interests”. The amount disclosed in the income statement under “net income for the year attributable to minority interests” results from offsetting income (EUR 1,783 k; IV. CONSOLIDATION PRINCIPLES prior year: EUR 1,869 k) against losses (EUR 55 80 Until 31 December 2000, business combinati- For business combinations since 1 January ons were consolidated using the book value 2001, capital is generally consolidated using the method (Sec. 301 (1) Sentence 2 No. 1 HGB) as revaluation method as at the date of acquisition. The retained earnings of ZEPPELIN GmbH, at the date of acquisition or the date of first- If a debit difference arises in the course of the Friedrichshafen, are disclosed at the same time consolidation of the subsidiary. A Brazilian initial consolidation, this is allocated to the indi- amount both in the separate financial state- subsidiary that was included in the consolidated vidual assets of the subsidiaries to the extent ments and the consolidated financial state- financial statements for the first time in fiscal that their value is higher than the book value in ments. Consolidation entries which have an 1998 was consolidated using the revaluation the separate financial statements. Any remai- effect on income are offset against the net inco- method (Sec. 301 (1) Sentence 2 No. 2 HGB) in ning difference or any debit difference arising me of the consolidated subsidiaries in other order to use the revaluation of fixed assets per- from the application of the revaluation method revenue reserves. formed in preparing the financial statements was treated as goodwill and amortized pursuant pursuant to local GAAP for consolidation purpo- to Sec. 309 (1) Sentence 1 HGB or netted Shares in one company are valued using the ses as well. against the revenue reserves of the Group. equity method in the consolidated financial k; prior year: EUR 556 k). 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 81 Group Financial Statement V. CURRENCY TRANSLATION VI. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET The financial statements of foreign companies of the Group are translated to euro (reporting The development of the individual fixed asset Shares in affiliates include in particular shares in currency of the consolidated financial state- items is presented separately in the “State- a controlling company of Luftschiffbau Zeppelin ments) based on the functional currency con- ment of changes in fixed assets of the Group”. GmbH, Friedrichshafen (EUR 11,276 k). The cept. The functional currency of the companies shares correspond to 10% of subscribed included in the consolidated financial state- Intangible assets mainly comprise software, capital, which amounts to EUR 35.0 million. In ments is generally the respective local currency licenses and similar rights as well as goodwill addition to a capital increase, additions include as the foreign companies carry out their busi- and similar assets. three newly founded companies in Germany ness activities independently from a financial, and one in Turkey. Write-downs of a German economic and organizational perspective. Two Impairment losses (EUR 0.1 million) were affiliate amounted to EUR 0.5 million in the fis- of the companies have the US dollar as their recognized inventories of rental assets to cal year. functional currency. Assets and liabilities are account for reduced usability or salability. translated at the mean rate of exchange prevai- Equity investments include shares in two Ger- ling on the balance sheet date; while equity The reversal – due to Sec. 308 (3) HGB old ver- (subscribed capital, reserves and profit carry- sion being repealed – of the transfers of special forward) is translated at historical rates. Any items with an equity portion carried out in prior translation difference resulting from changes in years and special tax-allowed depreciation recor- exchange rates is accounted for in the revenue ded in prior years led to additional depreciation reserves until the subsidiary concerned is of EUR 407 k in 2008. The aforementioned deconsolidated. Income and expenses are adjustments to the book value of property, plant translated at the average annual rate. The net and equipment result in an additional write- result in the consolidated income statement is down of EUR 4,999 k in subsequent years. man companies and two foreign companies. carried over to the balance sheet and the difference posted to the translation reserve directly under equity. MATURITY OF RECEIVABLES AND OTHER ASSETS Transactions in foreign currency reported in the Due in more than one year EUR k EUR k 1. Trade receivables (prior year) 2.816 (2.647) 275.581 (273.901) 2. Receivables from affiliates (prior year) 3.500 (3.000) 4.238 (4.140) 0 (0) 4.354 (2.558) 3.920 (3.549) 39.119 (30.383) separate financial statements of the companies are valued at historical rates. Exchange rate gains or losses occurring until the balance sheet date from the valuation of monetary items as well as short-term receivables and liabilities denominated in foreign currency are accounted for with effect on income or loss. The imparity principle is observed for long-term receivables and liabilities. 3. Receivables from other investees and investors (prior year) 4. Other assets (prior year) 82 Total 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 83 Group Financial Statement Receivables from affiliates include receivables Liabilities are broken down in the following Liabilities to affiliates include liabilities to the due from shareholders totaling EUR 3,500 k schedule of liabilities: shareholder of EUR 4,013 k (prior year: EUR 1 k). (prior year: EUR 3,013 k). Deferred income mainly concerns the rental Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on business. hand, bank balances and checks. Prepaid expenses include deferred tax assets of EUR 1.3 million (prior year: EUR 0.8 million) from consolidation procedures as well as a debt discount of EUR 0.2 million (prior year: EUR 0.2 million). The reserve for shares of a controlling company concerns the equity investment in Luftschiffbau SCHEDULE OF LIABILITIES Zeppelin GmbH, Friedrichshafen held by ZEPPELIN GmbH. Due in The development of the individual group equity one to five years EUR k more than five years EUR k EUR k 1. Liabilities to banks (prior year) 126.441 (77.730) 153.180 (77.979) 30.929 (77) 310.550 (155.786) 2. Payments received on account of orders (prior year) 46.461 (65.986) 0 (0) 0 (0) 46.461 (65.986) 288.245 (202.109) 4.556 (1.114) 0 (0) 292.801 (203.223) items is presented separately in the “Statement of changes in group equity” (exhibit 4). Other provisions mainly concern personnel, warranty obligations, outstanding invoices, obligations from full-service agreements, a bill of exchange and potential losses from pending transactions. 3. Trade payables (prior year) Of the tax provisions, EUR 4,708 k relates to 4. Liabilities to affiliates (prior year) 4.059 (266) 0 (0) 0 (0) 4.059 (266) 5. Liabilities to other investees and investors (prior year) 7.128 (126) 0 (0) 0 (0) 7.128 (126) 34.585 (142.336) 4.415 (3.666) 194 (267) 39.194 (146.269) 506.919 162.151 31.123 700.193 deferred tax liabilities (prior year: EUR 3,966 k). Of this, an amount of EUR 3,078 k (prior year: EUR 1,484 k) relates to deferred taxes pursuant to Sec. 274 (1) HGB (deferred tax liabilities from separate financial statements). 84 Total less than one year EUR k 6. Other liabilities (prior year) 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 85 Group Financial Statement Notes to the income statement DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Derivative financial instruments are used to Financial instruments are recognized and valued Revenue breaks down into the following activi- 50.4% relates to German revenue and 49.6% hedge interest rate and currency risks relating to based on the imparity principle. The market value ties: to international revenue. operating activities or to reduce the financing of financial instruments is determined using requirements resulting from operating activities. generally accepted methods based on the market data available as of the balance sheet date. If REVENUE Mostly forward exchange contracts are entered the criteria for the creation of valuation units are into to hedge against the risks resulting from not satisfied, negative market values are recogni- the fluctuation of receivables, liabilities and anti- zed under other provisions. A provision for poten- cipated transactions denominated in foreign tial losses of EUR 1.4 million was recognized for currency. interest rate swaps. Trade division With a view to balancing the interest risk, any The nominal volumes and fair values (mark to Earth movers (new) 880.736 future interest and currency risks arising in the market) as of the balance sheet date were as Earth movers (used) 250.505 course of financing the Company are hedged by follows: Rental business 113.386 EUR k entering into appropriate interest rate swaps. Fork-lift truck including rental Interest derivatives effectively convert liabilities Power systems incl. rental subject to variable interest into fixed-interest Agricultural machinery including rental liabilities and can thus reduce the agreed interest Components 78.213 obligation tied to the hedged item. Spare parts 321.113 After-sales service 141.159 Other 82.052 218.299 99.652 22.767 2.207.882 NOMINAL VOLUMES AND FAIR VALUES Industry division Nominal volume EUR million Interest rate swaps Positive fair values Negative fair values Forward exchange contracts Forward exchange options 86 Fair value EUR million Silos 38.105 Plant construction companies 93.078 Plant construction processors 45.626 Plant construction minerals 6.635 105,0 195,5 2,9 - 7,0 12,9 0,4 0,8 0,1 238.631 314,2 - 3,6 2.446.513 Equipment engineering 22.258 Components 13.517 Services, other 19.412 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 87 Group Financial Statement Disclosures and other notes Other operating income includes the following Zeppelin Group over the course of the fiscal significant items: year. In accordance with GAS 2, cash flows are CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AND OTHER FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS classified into cash from operating activities, Income from the reversal of provisions, income from investing activities and from financing acti- from return deliveries, book gains from the vities. EUR million 1. Contingent liabilities disposal of fixed assets, gains from sale and cash flow statement comprise all of the liquid Obligations in respect of bills of exchange 15,9 assets disclosed in the balance sheet, i.e., cash Guarantees 16,8 on hand, checks and bank balances. Guarantee contract 3,0 Warranties 0,2 leaseback transactions, reversal of valuation The cash and cash equivalents disclosed in the allowances, cost refunds, exchange rate gains, rent and other services. Other operating income includes income relating to other periods of EUR 16.5 million, Cash flow from investing and financing activi- mainly from the reversal of provisions. ties are recorded on a payment basis; investments in rental assets are disclosed net of Other operating expenses primarily contains payments received for disposals. By contrast, 35,9 PERSONNEL 2. Financial obligations The average number of employees for the year was: Rent and lease obligations significant administration expenses, operating cash flow from operating activities is derived and selling costs, maintenance expenses, indirectly from the net income of the group for due 2009 61,1 additions to bad debt allowances, bad debts, the year. In the course of the indirect calculati- due 2010 through 2013 76,0 exchange rate losses and additions to provisi- on, changes in balance sheet items relating to due after 2013 ons. operating activities are adjusted for currency Repurchase agreements translation effects and effects of first-time EUR 309 k (prior year: EUR 275 k) of interest Personnel 0,9 Wage earners 2.322 Salaried employees 3.340 Trainees 149,3 311 5.973 287,3 consolidation or deconsolidation. income is attributable to affiliates. EUR 51 k (prior year: EUR 0 k) of interest expenses con- In fiscal 2008, interest received amounted to cerns affiliates. EUR 7,946 k and interest paid totaled EUR The purchase commitment is at the customary Garching near Munich – do not publish their 26,451 k. level. financial statements pursuant to Sec. 264 (3) HGB and Sec. 264b HGB. Income taxes include deferred taxes of EUR 1,399 k (prior year: EUR 1,316 k). The corporate Current income taxes amount to EUR 35,555 k. Other notes Friedrichshafen, April 3, 2009 income tax rate of 15% applicable as of 1 January 2008 has been taken as a basis for Disclosure of the remuneration of the company the valuation of the deferred taxes attributable boards was suppressed in accordance with Management of to the German companies. The average income Sec. 286 (4) HGB. ZEPPELIN GmbH surcharge (5.5%) and trade tax (average multi- Four companies – namely Zeppelin Baumaschi- Ernst Susanek plier 366.0%). nen GmbH, Garching near Munich, Zeppelin Alexander Bautzmann tax rate comes to 29.0% including the solidarity Silos & Systems GmbH, Friedrichshafen, Peter Gerstmann Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement Zeppelin Power Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Michael Heidemann The consolidated cash flow statement presents Hamburg, and MVS Zeppelin GmbH & Co. KG, Jürgen-Philipp Knepper changes in cash and cash equivalents of the 88 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 89 Audit opinon 90 We have audited the consolidated financial mercial Code] and German generally accepted group management report are examined prima- position and results of operations of the Group statements prepared by ZEPPELIN GmbH, standards for the audit of financial statements rily on a test basis within the framework of the in accordance with [German] principles of proper Friedrichshafen, comprising the balance sheet, promulgated by the Institut der Wirtschaftsprü- audit. The audit includes assessing the annual accounting. The group management report is the income statement, the cash flow state- fer [Institute of Public Auditors in Germany] financial statements of those entities included consistent with the consolidated financial state- ment, the statement of changes in equity and (IDW). Those standards require that we plan in consolidation, the determination of entities to ments and as a whole provides a suitable view the notes to the consolidated financial state- and perform the audit such that misstatements be included in consolidation, the accounting and of the Group’s position and suitably presents ments, together with the group management materially affecting the presentation of the net consolidation principles used and significant the opportunities and risks relating to future report for the fiscal year from 1 January 2008 to assets, financial position and results of operati- estimates made by management, as well as development. 31 December 2008. The preparation of the con- ons in the consolidated financial statements in evaluating the overall presentation of the con- solidated financial statements and the group accordance with [German] principles of proper solidated financial statements and the group management report in accordance with German accounting and in the group management management report. We believe that our audit commercial law is the responsibility of the report are detected with reasonable assurance. provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Company’s management. Our responsibility is Knowledge of the business activities and the to express an opinion on the consolidated finan- economic and legal environment of the Group cial statements and on the group management and expectations as to possible misstatements report based on our audit. Stuttgart, April 3, 902009 Ernst & Young AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Our audit has not led to any reservations. Steuerberatungsgesellschaft are taken into account in the determination of In our opinion, based on the findings of our Prof. Dr. Müller Pentz audit procedures. The effectiveness of the audit, the consolidated financial statements Wirtschaftsprüfer Wirtschaftsprüfer We conducted our audit of the consolidated accounting-related internal control system and comply with the legal requirements and give a [German Public [German Public financial statements in accordance with Sec. the evidence supporting the disclosures in the true and fair view of the net assets, financial iAuditor] Auditor] 317 HGB [“Handelsgesetzbuch”: German Com- consolidated financial statements and the 2008 ZEPPELIN ANNUAL REPORT 91 ZEPPELIN GROUP FACTSHEET (front cover) 190 LOCATIONS (front cover, double page) 92 ZEPPELIN GROUP CONTACTS (back cover) STRUCTURE (back cover, double page)