Source A

The First World War had an impact on Millthorpe School and the people that lived in the local area. We can
research and analyse the impact that the war had on people living and working in Nunthorpe Court.
Source A
This source gives you information about the school at the time of the First World War. Read the information and use this
to answer the questions below.
a) What were the school buildings used for at this time?
b) What were the grounds known as?
c) Who lived in and owned the building?
Source B
"The terrors of the war were brought vividly to the citizens, for York was bombed on three occasions from Zeppelins. Nine
Citizens were killed and twenty-eight injured. Great damage was done to property, and the destruction of glass was
enormous. When the alarm was raised the city was plunged into darkness and the citizens patiently waited for the sound
of the all clear siren. The first raid and the most serious one was on Tuesday, May 2nd, 1916. A Zeppelin came over by
Dringhouses, where it dropped a number of bombs. It crossed the Knavesmire dropping bombs on Nunthorpe Court
setting it on fire".
Extract taken from York Bombed by Zeppelins.
Use the source to answer these questions
d) How many times did Zeppelins attack York?
e) How many people were killed or injured?
f) What date was Nunthorpe Court damaged?
Source C
"Air Raid Victims - Solemn and Touching Scenes at the Funerals
There were impressive scenes at the funerals of air raid victims in a Yorkshire town today. Hundreds of people lined the
streets in the route to the cemetery - men with bowed heads and grief-stricken women watched the passing of the
mournful processions. A crowd of many hundreds were present at the cemetery, and of those present none appeared to
realise more acutely the tragedy of the occasion than did the members of the poorer classes."
Newspaper report of the funerals of some of the victims of the raid
a) How does the article suggest the city responded to the funerals?
b) How does it suggest men and women showed their respect and feelings?
Source D
Map showing the path of the Zeppelin raids
Look at the map of the first Zeppelin raid (purple) and answer the questions below.
a) Which direction did the Zeppelin approach the city from? (north/south/east/west)
b) Which areas of the city did the Zeppelin fly over?
c) Which important places did the Zeppelin fly over?
Source E.1
Account by Charlotte Meysey-Thompson describes the attack
Source E.2
Answer these questions
a) How many bombs were dropped?
b) How many hit the Nunthorpe Hall?
c) How was the Nunthorpe Hall damaged?
d) How would the attack affect the people of the city?
Source F
This plaque is found in the School's reception
a) Why is it important to remember these people today?