Comparison In the Greatsby there are a few main characters in this

 Comparison In the Greatsby there are a few main characters in this novel.There are several female characters with their own desires ,motivation,and needs Daisy,Myrtle,and Jordan has some similarities and differences. There are many similarities between Daisy and Myrtle.Daisy is a disappointing character.Daisy tries to cover herself up. For example acts likes she's the most greatest person of them all. But behind closed doors she's unfaithful.I say that because she cheats on her husband with Gatsby.Myrtle is also unfaithful as well.Myrtle is having an affair with tom .Thier both unfaithful and married. The similarities with Myrtle and Jordan is very ware.Jordan is also a cheater and very outspoken .I say this for many reasons.Jordan is a golfer she cheats in golf to make it look like she's a winner and outspoken as well The differenecs between them three is that Daisy is a rich lady.They says she beautuful and attractive.Daisys is the only one who is a parenet.Daisy has gold hair.Myrtle is poorand married.Shes unattractive with red hair.Lastly Jordan is a rich lady thats not married.shes a golfer but cheats in it .shes attractive with black hair.To sum these are the similarties and differences in the charcters in the Great Gastby. 