History of the Monarchy & Republic

2013 FJCL State Latin Forum
History of the Monarchy and Republic
N.B. All dates are BC.
1. Numa Pompilius was taught by—and loved by—which nymph?
a. Echo
b. Arethusa
c. Eurydice
d. Egeria
2. In 49, Julius Caesar crossed what river to ignite the Civil War?
a. Po
b. Rubicon
c. Tiber
d. Arno
3. Upon his “transfiguration” by lightning, Romulus was deified as which god?
a. Remus
b. Quirinus
c. Faunus
d. Jupiter
4. Son of Pompey the Great, this general had control of Sardinia and tried to take over Sicily—to
no avail. He was later caught and killed in Asia Minor?
a. Gnaeus Pompey
b. Marcus Pompey
c. Gaius Pompey
d. Sextus Pompey
5. Which battle DOES NOT belong in the 2 nd Punic War?
a. Pharsalus
b. Lake Trasimene
c. Zama
d. Cannae
6. He acted like a half-wit to his uncle, Tarquinius Superbus, but eventually would lead the
revolt against him and even become one of Rome’s first consuls?
a. Publius Valerius Publicola
b. Lucius Siccius
c. Marcus Valerius Corvus
d. Lucius Junius Brutus
7. Which victorious general—and friend—of Octavian’s was the actual commander of his fleet
at Actium?
a. Maecenas
b. Lepidus
c. Agrippa
d. Labienus
8. What king of the Caecenensis did Romulus defeat to receive the first Spolia Opima?
a. Titus Tatius
b. Acro
c. Amulius
d. Viridimarus
9. Cassius & Brutus met their end at which battle?
a. Actium
b. Thapsus
c. Utica
d. Philippi
10. Who was the consul that replaced Collatinus and was eventually considered, “Friend of the
a. Publius Valerius Publicola
b. Spurius Lucretius Tricipitinus
c. Marcus Valerius Volusus
d. Marcus Horatius Pulvillus
11. Who served as co-consul with Marius in 86?
a. Lucius Valerius Flaccus
c. Lucius Cornelius Merula
b. Lucius Cornelius Cinna
d. Publius Sulpicius Rufus
2013 FJCL State Latin Forum – Republic – 2
12. Cicero would eventually be proscripted (and murdered) by which member of the Second
a. Octavian
b. Marcellus
c. Marc Antony
d. Lepidus
13. Which historian’s capture during the 3 rd Macedonian War led to his being enslaved and
taken back to Rome?
a. Dionysius
b. Plutarch
c. Josephus
d. Polybius
14. At the siege of which town, did Julius Caesar finally triumph over the Gallic chieftain,
a. Alesia
b. Gergovia
c. Massilia
d. Lugdunum
15. While serving as censor, who was the blind builder of the Appian Way?
a. Appius Claudius Sabinus
b. Appius Claudius Caecus
c. Appius Claudius Caudex
d. Appius Claudius Crassus
16. In 390 BC, when the Celts ransacked Rome, who was their chieftain?
a. Vercingetorix
b. Brennus
c. Longinus
d. Nicomedes
17. What was Octavian’s original cognomen, it became a source of ridicule during the age of the
2nd Triumvirate?
a. Thrax
b. Thurinus
c. Macrinus
d. Afer
18. Which Samnite meddix—against the advice of his father—made the Romans pass under the
yoke after the battle of Caudine Forks?
a. Servius Ahala
b. Gavius Pontius
c. Spurius Carvilius Maximus
d. Titus Numicius Priscus
19. Serving as consul with Gellius Publicola in 36, he served under Marc Antony, but refused to
fight Octavian, bringing about a truce between the two men?
a. Marcus Cocceius Nerva
b. Lucius Munatius Plancus
c. Gaius Laelius
d. Marcus Velleius
20. Briefly fighting with Horatius Cocles at the Sublican Bridge, who would later kill the king of
Tusculum at the Battle of Lake Regillus?
a. Mucius Scaevola
b. Aebutius Elva
c. Domitianus Rufus
d. Titus Herminius
21. Who was this king of Tusculum and leader of the Latin League?
a. Lucius Icilius
b. Octavius Mamilius
c. Horatious Flaccus
d. Lucius Flamininus
22. The leader of the Decemvirs tried to seize a tribune’s young daughter for his own deviant
purposes. What is this tribune’s name who would later lead the prosecution against him?
a. Lucretius
b. Verginius
c. Cloelius
d. Tullius
2013 FJCL State Latin Forum – Republic – 3
23. Which Roman dictator was called from his plough to save Rome from the Aequi?
a. Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
b. Manlius Capitolinus
c. Lucius Sergius Catilina
d. Lucius Aelius Sejanus
24. In which city, besieged by Camillus and the Romans, did a teacher try to hand over
schoolchildren as hostages?
a. Veii
b. Ardea
c. Venusia
d. Falerii
25. Elected consul six times, and made dictator twice, he rose to fame fighting Samnites and
Celts—especially a large Celt who was momentarily dazzled by a raven?
a. Titus Manlius Torquatus
b. Lucius Siccius
c. Marcus Valerius Corvus
d. Lucius Junius Brutus
26. From 280-275, Rome fought a war against the Greek, Pyrrhus. What was Pyrrhus’ kingdom?
a. Thessaly
b. Thrace
c. Macedonia
d. Epirus
27. Which tyrant of Syracuse hastened the outbreak of the First Punic War?
a. Hiero I
b. Hiero II
c. Hiero III
d. Hiero IV
28. Which Roman king is credited with building: the fortification on the Janiculum, the
Mamertine Prison & the Fossa Quiritum?
a. Tullus Hostilius
b. Ancus Marcius
c. Tarquinius Priscus
d. Servius Tullius
29. The Roman general, Coriolanus, at first subdued, but later defected to which enemy tribe?
a. Volscians
b. Sabines
c. Aequians
d. Etruscans
30. Serving as a mercenary, Hannibal died in the employ of this king?
a. Ataxias I
b. Prusias I
c. Antiochus III
d. Philip V
31. Adopted by the son of Scipio Africanus, this commander successfully conquered Carthage
and enslaved 1/10 of its remaining population?
a. Lucius Aemilius Paullus
b. Scipio Aemilianus
c. Cornelius Dolabella
d. Hostilius Mancinus
32. Tiberius Gracchus tried to enact measures to save land for farmers, soldiers & the poor.
This law was called the Lex _________?
a. Gabinia
b. Sempronia Agraria c. Atinia
d. Hortensia
33. Which Roman heroine refused to be a hostage to Lars Porsenna and swam across the Tiber,
braving arrows and spears alike?
a. Cloelia
b. Lucretia
c. Claudia
d. Valeria
34. What was the series of wars which Rome waged upon the troublesome king of Pontus?
a. Mithradatic
b. Jugurthine
c. Gallic
d. Marsic
2013 FJCL State Latin Forum – Republic – 4
35. At a funeral oration for his aunt, Caesar divulged that this aunt was a descendent of which
Roman king?
a. Romulus
b. Ancus Marcius
c. Servius Tullius
d. Numa
36. In Cicero’s first prominent law case, he prosecuted the governor of which island?
a. Malta
b. Sardinia
c. Corisica
d. Sicily
37. Pompey went to Judea to mediate a conflict between which two would-be kings
a. Aristobulus & Nicomedes
b. Pharnaces & Aristobulus
c. Pharnaces & Hyrcanus
d.. Hyrcanus & Aristobulus
38. The Parthian commander, ___________, routed the forces of Crassus at the Battle of
Carrhae in 53?
a. Orodes
b. Gondophares
c. Arsacid
d. Surena
39. Rome's fifth king was _____________.
a. Numa Pompilius
b. Ancus Marcius
c. Tullus Hostilius
d. Tarquinius Priscus
40. Before the Third Punic War, which senator was renowned for saying “Karthago delenda
a. Cato the Elder
b. Cato the Younger
c. Appius Claudius
d. Flaminius
41. The battle between the Horatii and the Curiatii occurred during the reign of which king?
a. Servius Tullius
b. Tarquinius Superbus
c. Ancus Marcius
d. Tullus Hostilius
42. Who led the consipiracy against the Republic during Cicero’s year as consul?
a. Sejanus
b. Catiline
c. Saturninus
d. Nobilior
43. What war, in which Sulla made a name for himself, did Rome fight against the king of
a. Mithradatic
b. Jugurthine
c. Gallic
d. Numidian
44. He was elected dictator to combat Carthage—he advocated avoiding direct confrontation
with Hannibal and earned the name, Cuncator?
a. Titus Menenius Lenatus
b. Gaius Nautius Rutilus
c. Titus Quinctius Capitolinus
d. Quintus Fabius Maximus
45. What battle of 168 brought the 3rd Macedonian War to a close?
a. Cynosephalae
b. Apamea
c. Pydna
d. Naulochus
46. Who was the victorious Roman commander at Mylae in 260?
a. Duilius
b. Dentatus
c. Pleminius
d. Salonianus
2013 FJCL State Latin Forum – Republic – 5
47. Which formation came about in direct response to Rome losing several engagements in the
Second Samnite War?
a. Testudo
b. Phalanx
c. Contubernium
d. Maniple
48. What battle in the Latin War is associated with Publius Decius Mus’ devotio?
a. Antinum
b. Trifanum
c. Vesuvius
d. Campania
49. Which queen of Illyria caused Rome to declare war on her kindom because she advocated
that piracy as a legitimate trade?
a. Boudicea
b. Teuta
c. Polycratia
d. Mycale
50. Who were elected the first two consuls after the Decemvirs were ousted?
a. Horatius Barbatus & Valerius Potitus
b. Verginius & Gaius Maenius
c. Terentius Afer & Gaius Julius
d. Scipio & Claudius Pulcher