Personal Fitness Plan 7th Grade 1 week plan/1 week food log Name______________________________ Period 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Date___________ When you complete this project, you will accomplish the following: Set specific short-term and long-term personal physical fitness goals. Identify fitness activities that will help you accomplish your fitness goals. Determine how often, how hard, and how long you will do your fitness activities. Track your progress in a calendar. Compare what you have planned with what you have accomplished. Personal Fitness Contract I,______________________________, am going to make a commitment to helping build my lifelong fitness and nutrition habits that will assist me in sustaining a long, actively healthy lifestyle. I will make an attempt to follow most, if not all of the guidelines I have designed in my fitness plan. My fitness plan will identify areas I need improvements in both fitness and nutrition. I will design realistic, achievable, and measurable goals. My activities will be ones that I can consistently incorporate into my current lifestyle. I will do my best to keep fitness logs so that I can actually see if I am achieving the guidelines of my fitness plan as well as seeing my improvements in my overall fitness. I understand the conditions of my fitness plan and will do my best to incorporate this plan into my daily life. ________________________________________________ (print student first AND last name) _____________________________________ (student signature) Date________________ _____________________________________(parent signature) Date_________________ 1|Page Rubric Score_______ Personal Fitness Plan Pre-Assessment Name________________________________ Period 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Date_______________ INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer the following with complete responses. Please put quality thought and effort into each of your answers. You will need to review the following charts to complete this section: Fitnessgram Healthy Fitness Zone chart BMI chart Fitnessgram Estimated Aerobic Capacity (VO2max) Look-Up Table Part A – Fitness Component Evaluation 1. 2. 3. 4. Body Composition: What is your BMI?___________________ Are you in the HFZ? Yes No Flexibility: Are you able to either pass the “Sit and Reach” or “Shoulder Stretch”? Yes No Trunk Lift: Are you able to score within the HFZ for this assessment? Yes No Upper Body Strength: How many push ups or modified pull ups can you do? _____ Are you in the HFZ? Yes No 5. Curl Ups: How many curls ups can you do?______________ Are you in the HFZ? Yes No 6. What is your best VO2 Max score for aerobic capacity? ________ Are you in the HFZ? Yes No Part B – Fitnessgram Pass/Fail Evaluation 1. In reviewing the test results in Part A, give yourself (1) point for each “yes” response and (0) points for each “no” response. How many total points did you earn for Part A?________ 2. In California, students need to score within the healthy fitness zone of (5) or more categories to pass the Fitnessgram. In looking at your results, how did you do? (circle one) Pass Fail Part C – Fitness Evaluation 1. Which one of the Fitness Components do you need to improve the most? Why?____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Which one of the Fitness Components do you feel the strongest? Why? ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. What exercise, if any, do you do outside of physical education class? If you are not currently exercising, which exercise would you most likely do? ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2|Page Rubric Score_______ Fitness Goal Setting Name________________________________ Period 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Date_______________ 1. What are your fitness goals? Mark all that apply. __Appearance __Cardiovascular Endurance __Reduce Body Fat __Improve Flexibility __General Health __Muscular Definition __Muscle Size __Muscle Strength __Self Esteem __Speed __Sports Performance __Reduce Stress __Tone and shape __Lose Weight __Improve Posture __Medical Reasons Other____________________________________________________________ 2. Which of the following are your personal obstacles in adopting a regular fitness program? __ I get bored easily when I exercise. __I can’t really find the time to exercise. __Family Obligations __I get frustrated when I don’t see results. __Intimidated or embarrassed when I exercise __I have to exercise alone __My exercise setting does not meet my needs __ I do not have obstacles, I am just lazy __Other______________________________________________________________ A very important aspect of designing your personalized fitness plan is to set fitness goals. The goals that you establish should take into account your current fitness levels as well as where you want your fitness levels to be. Well written goals will drive your activity selection and FITT formula. Use “SMART” criteria to set your fitness goals: SPECIFIC: What do you want to achieve? How will you achieve it? Why is it important to you? MEASUREABLE: Establish how to measure your success: actual numbers target dates, or specific events. ACHIEVEABLE: Your goals should push you past your comfort point but should still be do-able. RELEVANT: Your goals should be important to you and the outcome should impact your life. TIMELY: Your goals should have a time element established. This helps you keep on track. 3. Short-term goal. Identify a fitness goal you would like to achieve within two weeks for each of the below: o Cardiovascular fitness_____________________________________________________ o Upper body strength______________________________________________________ o Muscular endurance ______________________________________________________ o Flexibility _______________________________________________________________ o Other__________________________________________________________________ 3|Page Rubric Score_______ 4. Describe how you plan to meet this goal. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Long-term goal. Identify a fitness goal you would like to achieve within six months for each of the below: o Cardiovascular fitness_____________________________________________________ o Upper body strength______________________________________________________ o Muscular endurance ______________________________________________________ o Flexibility _______________________________________________________________ o Other___________________________________________________________________ 6. Describe how you plan to meet this goal. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 4|Page Rubric Score_______ Workout Worksheet Please think carefully and write down three of YOUR favorite examples in each box below. For each 3rd choice activities please indicate an activity you could do in poor weather conditions. WARM UP EXCERCISES COOL DOWN EXERCISES Examples: walking, jogging, jump rope, jumping jacks, stretching, etc… 1.___________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________ 3. (can do in bad weather)____________________________________ Examples: walking, active stretching, etc… CARDIOVASCULAR EXERCISES Examples: jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing, stationary bike, aerobic class, etc… 1.___________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________ 3. (can do in bad weather)____________________________________ MUSCULAR STRENGTH/MUSCULAR ENDURANCE 1.___________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________ 3. (can do in bad weather)____________________________________ BODY COMPOSITION/NUTRITION Examples: eat more fruits and vegetables, eat a health breakfast, drink less soda and more water, no fried foods Monday-Thursday 1.___________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________ 3. (can do in bad weather)____________________________________ FLEXIBILITY Examples: curl ups, push ups, pull ups, bench press, tricep press Examples: yoga, hamstring stretches, quadriceps stretches, etc.. 1.___________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________ 3. (can do in bad weather)____________________________________ 1.___________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________ 3. (can do in bad weather)____________________________________ CHALLENGES TO STAYING MOTIVATED STRATEGIES TO STAYING MOTIVATED Examples: friends who do not work out, I get bored with exercise, I like to play video games more than exercise, etc… Examples: working with a partner, engaging in a variety of activities, setting achievable goals, music, etc… 1.___________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________ 1.___________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________ 5|Page Rubric Score_______ FITT FACTORS APPLIED TO A PHYSICAL CONDITIONING PROGRAM Certain factors must be part of any fitness training program for it to be successful. These factors are Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type. The acronym FITT makes it easier to remember them. Please review the information below to help you complete the FITT Table. There is an example of a completed FITT table in the resource section at the back of this packet. Definition of FITT Principle F = Frequency. Describes often activity takes place in a week. I = Intensity. Describes how vigorous the participant is engaged in activity. T = Type. Describes the specific activity selected. T = Time. Describes how long the participant is engaged in activity. Definition of Overload Overload is the amount of resistance or distance run to provide a greater stress on the body than it is normally used to in order to increase fitness. Definition of Progression Progression is the way a person should increase the workout (weight lifted or distance run). It is a gradual increase either in frequency, intensity, or time or a combination of all three components. FITT Table Cardiovascular Endurance Frequency Intensity 3-6 times per week Moderate to Vigorous Muscular Strength and Endurance 2-3 times per week Progressive Moderate Resistance Flexibility 3-7 times per week Moderate Stretch Type Running, walking, swimming, dancing, cycling, aerobics classes, circuit training, cycling etc. Weights, resistance bands, circuits, push-ups, curl-ups, etc… Stretching, yoga, dynamic stretching, etc… Time 20 – 60 minutes 20-60 minute sessions 3-5 minutes during warm up and cool down 6|Page Rubric Score_______ Personal Fitness Plan Activity Log Name________________________________ Period 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Date_______________ Week # and date week begins__________________ Fill in the correct beginning date above. Use the chart below to plan your activities below. Your log should show complete thought and effort and be as detailed as possible. SUNDAY Fitness Category Cardio Frequency Intensity Type Time Strength Endurance Flexibility MONDAY Strength Endurance Flexibility Cardio Strength Endurance Flexibility SATURDAY FRIDAY THURSDAY WEDNESDA Y Strength Endurance Flexibility Cardio TUESDAY Cardio Cardio Strength Endurance Flexibility Cardio Strength Endurance Flexibility Cardio Strength Endurance Flexibility 7|Page Rubric Score_______ Overload and Progression In order to continue to improve and meet our physical fitness goals, we need to consistently increase the work we are asking our muscles to do. When completing your fitness plans, be sure to identify how you are increasing the work for your muscles to help you meet your fitness goals. Each week your fitness plan needs to change from the week before to show that you are working towards your fitness goals. To do this, identify the overload and progression changes you plan to make. My fitness goal is to improve (mark all that apply): ___Aerobic Capacity _____Muscular Strength ___Body Composition _____Flexibility _____Muscular Endurance Overload: Describe the changes you are going to make to help you meet your fitness goals. (Example, increase length of time jogging before walking):____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Progression: Describe how you are going to implement the overload changes to your fitness plan. (Example, I will increase my jog time without walking on Monday to 3 minutes, on Wednesday to 4 minutes, and by Friday of next week I will be able to jog 5 minutes without walking.)____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8|Page Rubric Score_______ Personal Fitness Plan Nutrition Log Name________________________________ Period 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Date_______________ SATURDAY FRIDAY THURSDAY WEDNESDAY TUESDAY MONDAY SUNDAY Week #_____ and date week begins_________. Fill in the correct beginning date above. Day Food Drink Protein Fat Carbs Total Calories Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner 9|Page Rubric Score_______ Nutrition Log Reflection “You are what you eat.” Have you heard that? Although that saying isn’t exactly true, what we do eat does have an impact on how we can concentrate in school, perform in sports, and even affects our moods. The First Lady has given 100% commitment to helping young people be more active and become aware of what they are eating. Click here to visit the Let’s Move website: Please visit the website: to learn what kinds of food you should be eating for your body type. After reviewing your food log, please answer the questions below. 1. How many days did you eat breakfast?________________ 2. How many days did you eat at least one fruit?________________ 3. How many days did you eat at least one vegetable?______________ 4. How many days did you more than one serving of fat?_____________ 5. How many days did you drink a soda?______ 6. In reviewing your food log, and comparing it to the my pyramid website, describe how you are doing with your diet. Be specific, are you eating the recommended amount of fruits, veggies, proteins and protein? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Describe the changes you would like to make to your diet: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. How do you plan to make these changes? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10 | P a g e Rubric Score_______