Attachment A Contract #: DS149A3 Agency Name: Regents of the University of California 2010 – 2011 Program Work Plan Performance Target #1: By June 30, 2011, of the 700 child care providers or child development students who demonstrate increased child development knowledge by practicing informed strategies with children in child care settings, and at least 350 of them will continue to utilize developmentally appropriate activities including positive discipline techniques in child care settings for 90 days as verified by observational, personal journal notes and/or the Early Care and Education Provider Survey. F5SB Desired Results Area Work Plan Area General Outcome(s) Method(s) (Direct link to the Strategic Plan and Commission Level Outcomes) (Tasks, Objectives) (Key achievements/benchmark (Establishing that something represented to happen does in fact take place and tools used to assess that it happened) Desired Result Area 3 - Commission Level Outcome: Children are Safe and Healthy; Children are ready to enter and succeed in school Strategy: Child Care Workforce Development Initiative Priority: Students and Early Care and Education Professionals (Family Child Care and Child Development Center Care Providers) Components: Broad-based, evidence-based child development and home safety curriculum for licenseexempt populations including bilingual materials and respecting cultural differences. Customized outreach to students and early care and education providers, including parents and grandparents and various cultural groups. . Offered in Accessible, Community Locations Providing Early Care and Education Social Support Networks 1) Provide information to Early Care and Education Professionals through orientation meetings, newsletters, personal contact, information tables, website postings and project mailings. Distribute Needs Assessment forms and applications 2) Students and early care and education providers will attend college courses and/or professional growth training including child development, routines, health & safety, behavior guidance, child abuse prevention and special education. 3) Participants will demonstrate increased child development knowledge and use of positive discipline techniques for 30 days following training. 4) Participants demonstrate increased child development knowledge and use of positive discipline techniques for 90 days following training. that will best show participant progress in getting from a present condition to the targeted gain or condition change) Benchmark 1: Increase students’ and early care provider’s knowledge of child development courses and educational supports available. Benchmark 2: Decrease number/ percent of children in out-of-home care with occurrence of preventable injuries. Benchmark 3: Increase the number/percent of students and licensed care providers trained in child development, behavioral guidance, health and safety practices including the prevention of child abuse and communication skills. Benchmark4: Increase the number/percent of licensed care providers providing an integrated literacy and developmentally appropriate environment. Benchmark5: Increase the number of students and early care and education providers that are involved in professional ECE support groups and/or accreditation efforts. 1) Attendance records, completed applications, data entry, evaluation forms. 2) Child Development Knowledge Assessments A and B, Grade reports, Class Evaluation Forms 3) Pre-Post Quiz on Home Safety Practices will be administered before and after CPR and health and safety training. Record of injuries. Eligible participants will receive First Aid/ Pediatric CPR Cards upon completion of training. 4)Observational data of Early Care Professionals and/or student in child care (work) environments. 5) Attendance records to verify # training hours, attendance at child care and education support group trainings, evaluation forms. 6) Observation by instructors, personal journals, self-assessment or focus group; accreditation assistance, referrals, Early Care and Education Provider Survey. Attachment A Contract #: DS149A3 Performance Target #2: By June 30, 2011, of the 1,000 child care providers or child development students that participate in the SBC-CONNECTIONS Program, 200 will complete the required training to maintain, upgrade or obtain a Child Development Permit from the State of California as verified by a successful application for or receipt of the Child Development Permit. F5SB Desired Results Area Work Plan Area General Outcome(s) Method(s) (Direct link to the Strategic Plan and (Tasks, Objectives) (Key achievements/benchmark that will best show participant progress in getting from a present condition to the targeted gain or condition change) Benchmark 1: Increase the number/percent of students and licensed care providers that complete a needs assessment. (Establishing that something represented to happen does in fact take place and tools used to assess that it happened) Commission Level Outcomes) Desired Result Area 3 - Commission Level Outcome: Children are Safe and Healthy; Children are ready to enter and succeed in school Strategy: Child Care Workforce Development Initiative Priority: Early Care and Education Professionals (Family Child Care and Child Development Center Care Providers) Components: Broad-based, evidence-based child development care and education curricula for general and specialized populations including bilingual materials and respecting cultural groups. Customized outreach and training to early care and education providers and various cultural groups. Offered in Accessible, Community Locations 1) Distribute Course Needs Assessment forms through project mailings, websites, and information sessions. 2) Training scheduled based upon needs assessment data. Participants will attend college credit courses and/or professional growth trainings to meet their educational needs. 3) Participants will increase child development knowledge and complete required courses/training in order to qualify for one level of CTC Child Development Permits. 4) Participants will apply for, and obtain, renew or upgrade a Child Development Permit from the State of California. Benchmark 2: Increase number/ percent of students and early care and education providers who attend college courses and consistently practice newly learned skills and techniques in an early learning environment. Benchmark 3: Increase number/ percent of early care and education providers who consistently practice newly learned skills and techniques in an early learning environment for at least 3 months. 1)Assessment forms and data entry. 2) Attendance records. Grade reports. Training Schedules. Evaluation Forms 2) Pre-Post Quiz on Child Development Knowledge will be administered before and after child development training, grade sheets. 3) Observation and monitoring by program directors, CARES advisors, instructors or mentors and/or program staff. Personal journals, self assessments such as the Early Care and Education Provider Survey 4) Higher Education Verification of Completed Child Development Permit application. Receipt of Child Development Permit (4-6 months) Benchmark4: Increase number/ percent of students and licensed early care and education providers who maintain or advance on the child development career track and/or initiate accreditation assistance. Providing early care and education social support networks Work Plans for subsequent project years will build upon earlier year results. UCR Connections (SI) – DS149A3 Page 2 Attachment A Contract #: DS149A3 Integrated Literacy Environment includes: • • • Print-rich environment Reading to children every day Pre-reading activities with children every day Behavior Management/ Positive Discipline Techniques include: • • • • Identifying behavioral targets for attention Redirection to positive alternatives Praising pro-social activities Encouraging young child to choose their words Work Plans for subsequent project years will build upon earlier year results. UCR Connections (SI) – DS149A3 Page 3 Attachment A Contract #: DS149A3 Agency Service Locations: Countywide Priority Zip Codes Served: Countywide in School Districts that quality for School Readiness Initiative Programs. SUBCONTRACTORS N/A KEY PERSONNEL Name: Margaret N. Wild, Ph.D. Title: Coordinator, Early Childhood and Family Studies Description of role: e Oversees entire program. (The program tasks and objectives listed in the second column of the Work Plan are for informational reference only and may change if necessary in order to achieve the general outcomes and benchmarks in this contract) Work Plans for subsequent project years will build upon earlier year results. UCR Connections (SI) – DS149A3 Page 4