Chapter 7 Test Notes 1. The defeat of the Spanish Armada

Chapter 7 Test Notes
1. The defeat of the Spanish Armada encouraged the
English to keep trying to plant permanent colonies
in North America.
2. As a result of his voyage to North America in
1609, Henry Hudson helped to establish trade
between the Dutch and Native Americans.
3. During the first summer at Jamestown, many
colonists were killed by diseases from mosquitoes.
4. The first African Americans to arrive in
Jamestown were indentured servants.
5. The signers of the Mayflower Compact agreed to
make and obey fair laws.
6. Henry Hudson was an English explorer sent by
the Dutch East India Company to look for a NW
Passage to Asia.
7. John White was chosen to be governor of the
second Roanoke colony.
8. Sir Walter Raleigh was a soldier who advised
Elizabeth I to found the first English colony in
North America.
9. Squanto was a Pawtuxet who helped the Pilgrims
survive their first winter in America.
10.Powhatan was the leader of a chiefdom on
Chesapeake Bay.
11.Queen Elizabeth granted Sir Walter Raleigh a
charter to establish a colony in Virginia.
12.John White was able to return to Roanoke in
13.When White returned he found the word
CROATOAN written into a tree.
14.Henry Hudson’s ship was named the Half Moon.
15.Hudson discovered the Hudson River.
16.Cabot reached Newfoundland via present-day
Nova Scotia in 1497.
17.Verazano explored the Outer Banks of presentday North Carolina in 1524.
18.Cartier reached Newfoundland in 1534.
19.Champlain founded Port Royal in present-day
Nova Scotia in 1608.
20.Hudson explored the North Atlantic coast in 1609.
21.Merchants sold shares of ownership, or stock, in
22.Jamestown was the name given to the settlement
built on the James River.
23.In 1614, John Rolfe found a solution to
Jamestown’s survival by harvesting tobacco.
24.The name of the group that made laws for
Jamestown was called the House of Burgesses.
25.Members of the House of Burgesses were white
men who owned property.
26.The Pilgrims sailed from Plymouth.
27.The Pilgrims ship was called the Mayflower.
28.The Pilgrims landed at Cape Cod.
29.The name of the agreement the Pilgrims signed
before leaving their ship was called the
Mayflower Compact.