Student Chapters of Professional Organizations & Clubs

Student Chapters of Professional Organizations & Clubs
The Office of Student Development supports and encourages professional organizations and clubs at Wake Technical
Community College. Professional organizations and clubs give students a unique opportunity to develop leadership skills,
network with professionals in a given field of study, and get involved. Students interested in joining a club should visit the
Office of Student Activities in the Student Services Building. A complete listing of clubs is available in the Wake Tech Student
Handbook and online at
Guidelines for Organization Approval
All student organizations must be approved by the College through the Office of Student Development. The following are
procedural guidelines for obtaining new student organization approval:
Students wishing to create a new organization must request an application from the Student Activities Coordinator.
The application must include the name of the organization, its purpose, objectives, recommendation for a faculty
advisor, procedures for electing officers, means and methods for financing, and other information as requested by
the Dean of Students.
The organization must receive approval from the Coordinator of Student Activities, the Dean of Students, the Vice
President of Student Services, and the President of the College before becoming an official college organization.
Archaeology Club
The purpose of this club is to promote awareness of Archaeology: what it is, and its importance in society, not just from the
historical sense, but in the present and future as well. Members will gain experience in teamwork and communication by
engaging in hands-on archaeological field methods through participation in an ongoing offsite excavation.
The Architecture and Interior Design Club*
The purpose of this club is to promote excellence in architecture education, training and practice; to foster an appreciation of
architecture and related disciplines; and to organize architecture students and combine their efforts to advance the science
and art of architecture
Association of Nursing Students (ANS)
The ANS is a professional, on-campus nursing organization. Its purpose is to contribute to nursing education by providing
programs of professional interest and concern and to aid in the development of nursing students’ personal and professional
Campus Crusade for Christ*
Campus Crusade for Christ was established to serve the student body, the College, and the community by implementing the
teachings of Jesus Christ in various ways.
Chess Club*
The purpose of the club is to provide members of Wake Tech Community College wishing to play chess a forum to do so.
The purpose is to teach basic understanding of the rules of chess, for beginning players, as well as critical analysis of the
tactics of the game for more advanced players. The club will facilitate the exchange of information among chess-playing
members of Wake Tech Community College so that anyone wishing to do so may find an opponent to play and to improve
their skills outside of meetings presented by the Wake Tech Chess Club.
Clinical Laboratory Science Student Association (CLSSA)*
The purpose of this association is to promote the delivery of quality health care by establishing a forum to encourage high
standards and maximum achievement and to raise public awareness of the depth and scope of the work performed by
clinical lab personnel.
Criminal Justice Club (CJC)
The purpose of the club is to bridge the gap between textbook learning and the actual work experience; to foster interactions
between students and local criminal justice agencies; to create more hands-on activities for criminal justice students; to
make peer tutoring available within the criminal justice curriculum; to create unity among criminal justice students; and to
provide a greater understanding of the criminal justice system.
Culinary Club*
The purpose of this club is to promote excellence in culinary education, training, and practice; to foster an appreciation of
culinary arts and related disciplines; and to organize culinary students and combine their efforts to advance the science and
art of the culinary field.
Drama Club
The purpose of this club is to allow members to use their theatrical knowledge to foster interactions among Wake Tech
students and to use their talents in serving their community. The club fosters communication between students and faculty,
as well as professional relationships with peers at higher educational institutions, and promotes relevant discussion about
careers in theater arts.
Early Childhood Association*
The Early Childhood Association supports student’s growth and development by promoting campus and community
involvement for the education and development of young children. As a group the association will involve the department,
campus, and surrounding communities in raising awareness of the importance of the early childhood profession as well as
addressing policies, needs, and concerns related to children, families, and early childhood professionals.
Economics Club*
The purpose of the Economics Club is to inform members of the significance of economics and its role in the modern world;
to provide opportunities for students to interact in learning situations outside the classroom; to provide opportunities for
students to participate in adult learning-oriented activities; to encourage a deeper understanding of commerce and trade in
real- world practice; to promote intercultural relations, tolerance, and trade; and to improve students‘ desire for entrance into
economics-related occupations.
Engineering Club
The purpose shall be the dissemination of knowledge of the theory and practice of all aspects of electrical engineering,
electronics, radio, allied branches of engineering or the related arts and sciences, as well as the furtherance of the
professional development of the students.
French Club*
The purpose of the French Club is to promote the French language and Francophone culture at Wake Tech. The club will
provide students with opportunities to meet with a diverse group in a relaxed environment and practice speaking the
language informally. The club will organize various social, intellectual, cultural, and service-oriented events to benefit the
community and students. The French Club will conduct various conversation meetings, screen French films, read
contemporary French literature, host dinners and festivals with French cuisine, and enlighten the public about Francophone
issues with service-oriented events.
Future Designers Association*
The purpose of the Wake Tech Future Designers Association is to provide an opportunity for students to make connections
with the professional world of Advertising and Graphic Design. The FDA offers association with the American Advertising
Federation and gives its members’ real-life experiences, such as design jobs for other Wake Tech Clubs and non-profit
organizations. Skill, information, connections, creativity, and exposure are the mission of the Wake Tech Ad Club.
Game Development Club*
The Game Development Club was established to provide students with an opportunity to enrich their academic experience
by providing them with a club in which they can further their skills.
Geomatics Club*
The purpose of the club is to provide members the opportunity to reinforce curriculum objectives by providing a forum that
promotes the development of critical thinking and collaborative learning. The club will allow members an opportunity to
increase their proficiency in the use of field and office equipment by providing extra-curricular projects relevant to course
materials and to foster an environment where members surmount challenges and gain confidence in their abilities.
Gospel Choir*
The Gospel Choir was established to apply the spirit of Christian leadership, encourage fellowship, spiritual and personal
growth while utilizing God-given talents and gifts through song, dance & praise.
Government and Politics Club*
The purpose of the Government and Politics club is to provide a forum in which students can learn about political process at
the national, state, and local levels of government; to facilitate discussions and interactions about politics among students;
and to provide opportunities for students to engage and interact with state and/or local government officials.
Heritage Club
The purpose of this organization is to learn about and discuss different heritages and contributions to American life, to be
better prepared for the future in a global society; to provide opportunities for students to interact with positive role models; to
advise and work with College administration to improve student life; and to provide an opportunity for students to participate
in service-oriented activities.
History Club
The purpose of this club is to engage in activities that promote knowledge of and interest in history; to foster interactions
between students and historians in the workforce; to foster professional relationships with peers at higher educational
institutions; to promote relevant discussion beyond the classroom about current discoveries and topics in the historical world;
to learn about career possibilities in the field; and to promote the development of informed, conscientious citizens through a
better understanding of the impact of history on their lives.
Human Services Student Association*
The purpose of the Human Services Student Association is to serve those students interested in a career in human services
fields. The organization will promote and encourage advancements in human rights, including but not limited to community
service and the treatment of all persons.
International Friends (IF)*
The purpose of the International Friends Club is to enhance communication between international and American students
and to promote good will and international understanding through the sharing of different. Club advisors assist other
departments in their work with international students as well as with American students who are pursuing fluency in other
languages and/or increased awareness of other cultures. The organization provides a network of information about services
for international students. For more information call 662-3608.
Math Club*
The purpose of the Wake Tech Math Club is to promote mathematics at Wake Technical Community College to all students.
Oratory Society
The purpose of this organization is to enliven public discourse, provide a forum for organized discussion, and debate on
topics of interest and relevance to the student body.
Phi Beta Lambda*
Phi Beta Lambda is a professional organization open to any student enrolled in a business curriculum. The organization was
chartered to improve scholarship and develop leadership, confidence, and citizenship qualities that enable students to
participate effectively in business, professional, and community life. The organization’s mission is to bring business and
education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.
Philosophy Club
The purpose of this organization is to advance and clarify the understanding of philosophy and philosophical ideas. The
organization provides information about different areas of study within the field of philosophy and provides social activities as
a forum for the exchange of ideas and experience. The organization also provides education about issues in philosophy and
strengthens critical thinking skills through intellectual discussions.
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)*
Phi Theta Kappa, international honor society of the two-year college, offers opportunities in scholarship, leadership, services,
and fellowship to scholars of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, economic levels, and fields of study. To be eligible for
membership, a student must have completed 12 credit hours of course work in an A.A., A.S., or A.A.S. curriculum program
at Wake Technical Community College with at least a 3.7 GPA.
Science Club
The purpose of this club is to allow students to engage in more applied, hands-on activities in biology; to foster interactions
between students and various local agencies such as museums; to promote in-depth discussions (beyond classroom level)
on relevant topics such as cancer, AIDS, etc.; to make peer tutoring available for biology courses; to learn about and discuss
various career opportunities; and to provide a greater understanding and appreciation of our biological world.
Sigma Delta Mu*
The purpose of this national honor society is to honor those who seek and attain excellence in the study of the Spanish
language and in the study of literature and the culture of Spanish speaking peoples. The society also honors those who
strive to raise awareness of the contributions of Hispanic peoples to modern culture. For membership, a student must have
studied at least one semester of Spanish or the equivalent thereof at the college that grants membership, with a minimum
GPA of 3.0. The student must rank in the upper 35 percent of the class (freshman or sophomore) or, if this ranking is not
available, have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75.
Social Science Club*
The purpose of this club is to advance the science of psychology through educational and service opportunities. The club
provides opportunities for the exchange of ideas and experiences among members.
Student Ambassadors*
Wake Technical Community College‘s Student Ambassadors are a very elite group of students, selected for their high
academic achievement, enthusiasm, and leadership skills. The Ambassadors serve Wake Tech and its students at campus
and community activities by conducting campus tours, hosting College events, and speaking with community groups,
agencies, and local schools.
Student American Dental Hygienists’ Association*
The Student American Dental Hygienists’ Association (SADHA) is a category of membership for students within the
American Dental Hygienists‘ Association (ADHA). ADHA is an association of the profession. ADHA is dedicated to the
advancement and promotion of dental hygiene.
Student Leadership Academy*
This program is designed to provide all campus leaders with the skills and knowledge to become more self-affirming, selfdirected, open, and empathetic in communicating with others. Student leaders will obtain the skills and strategies needed to
plan and implement activities and manage groups of people. Completion of the Student Leadership Academy will strengthen
leadership skills for both college and the workplace. Training will include workshops on various topics as well as round table
discussions with leaders.
Student Medical Assisting Club*
The purpose of the Student Medical Assisting Club of Wake Technical Community College is promote better understanding
of the medical assisting field as well as to provide information about the study of medical assisting and the application of
medical assisting techniques.
Student Radiologic Technologists Association (SRTA)*
The SRTA is a professional on-campus radiologic technology organization. The purpose of the organization is to increase
awareness of the importance of qualified radiographers in performing radiologic examinations; to aid charitable organizations
through monetary and volunteer support; to assist student radiographers in continuing education efforts and/or programs;
and to supply financial support for the seniors’ annual pinning ceremony.
Students for Environmental Education*
The purpose of the Students for Environmental Club of Wake Tech is to advance the understanding of the environment on
the Wake Tech campus. The goal is to educate students and the community about the ecology and how it affects humans
and in turn how humans are leaving a lasting effect on ecology. The club goal is to provide information regarding issues in
energy conservation and the environment as a service to the Wake Tech student body and the community of Wake County.
TACTICS (Teaching Advocacy and Career Training While Incorporating Curriculum Support)*
The purpose of TACTICS is to promote campus awareness and understanding of disabilities and to provide a peer support
system for students with disabilities. The members provide support for each other and share experiences in a comfortable
environment. Members also provide information and sponsor a variety of activities that promote disability awareness and the
integration of students with disabilities into the life of the College, helping them participate in and benefit from programs and
activities enjoyed by all students.
The Muslim Club*
The purpose of The Muslim Club is to give the student body the opportunity to explore and understand Islam as a way of life.
The goal and objective of the club is to provide support to Muslim students and provide a temporary Islamic environment.
The Muslim club will provide a forum for students to discuss matters related to Islam, organize lectures and videos, and
provide a platform for intellectual discussions to improve the understanding of Islam.
The Voice*
The Wake Tech Student Government Association sponsors The Voice — an award-winning student newspaper published
twice each Fall and Spring semesters and written, edited, and managed by students with the assistance of an advisor.
Wake Tech Chapter of The American Society of Landscape Architects*
The purpose of the club is to expand members’ knowledge of the profession of environmental design and their appreciation
of the work of design professionals and historians. Members will have opportunities to see unusual plants and to try their
hands at gardening.
Wake Tech Computer Club
The purpose of the Wake Tech Computer Club is to allow students to explore opportunities in the computer information
technology field and to develop a sense of professionalism. The Wake Tech Computer Club gives students a chance to
improve computer skills and network with the professional community. The club offers a forum in which students can explore
new technology and trends in software and hardware.
Wake Technical Community College Emergency Medical Science Student Association*
The purpose of this association is to provide information, activities, and nominal financial assistance for curriculum-related
activities for students in the Wake Tech EMS Association; to foster an appreciation of the Emergency Medical Services
program and related disciplines; and to organize EMS students and combine their efforts to advance the science and art of
emergency medicine.
Wake Technical Community Iron Eagles*
The purpose of this organization is to help the community and prospective students learn more about the art and craft of
Student Government Association (SGA) Constitution
(Revised 2009) Refer to website:
Note: An asterisk (*) indicates the club is currently active. A club’s active or inactive status may change throughout the
course of the year. Please visit for an updated status of clubs and key contact information.