Office Location: Office Hours: The Bookstore Hours Liturgies Parish

Vision Statement:
We are a welcoming community of believers, committed to
serving God, equipping parishioners to be intentional
disciples who spread His love to those around us.
Mission Statement:
Praise God, Love People, Equip Parishioners to Transform
our Community
Office Location:
408 S. Spring St
Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Office Hours:
Monday -Thursday 8 AM-3:30 PM
Fri. 8 AM-12 PM
Telephone: (920) 887-2082
Fax: (920) 885-7602
Church Site: 511 S. Spring St.
The Bookstore Hours
Located In Mission Hall
Sunday 9 AM-12PM
Saturday 4:30 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 12:00 PM (Spanish)
Monday and Wednesday-Friday 8:00 AM
Tuesday: 6:30 PM
Parish School ~ 920-885-5558
Preschool-8th grade
503 S. Spring St.
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 21, 2015 1
A Message from Mike
La Mensaje de Mike
Recently Archbishop Listecki gave a reflection for
Father’s day considering how some other famous men
connected to his father. His father wasn’t famous and was
never rich, instead he worked for over 30 years driving bus.
What he saw in common to other famous dad’s was the gift
of presence. While he was home and present to his children,
he was also very supportive and encouraging.
This is the image we have of God with Job in the first
reading, at all of the hours of life, He is with us. This is the
image we get this weekend of Jesus with his disciples out in
the storm; sure he was asleep, but he was present to them.
Jesus is of God so He was able to call out and calm the
So all of you father’s out there can take a breath to relax and
not think you need to be perfect. The job of the father is to
find balance in providing for the family while being present
to the family with confidence and encouragement to calm the
I just survived my first official week of being pastor of the
Tri-parishes and St. Katharine Drexel. With the swirl of
activity, it’s good to go back to this basic check list of what
is important in my job. For me, this assignment is so
excellent because I get to be here for a number of years to
come; which is a happy thing for me because I love calling
this part of God’s creation my home.
Recientemente arzobispo Listecki dio una reflexión
para el día del padre teniendo en cuenta cómo otros hombres famosos estan conectados a su padre. Su padre no era
famoso y nunca fue rico, en lugar trabajó por más de 30
años en conducir autobuses. Lo que vio en común a un padre famoso fue el regalo de la presencia. Mientras él estaba
en casa y presente con sus hijos, también fue un gran apoyo
y alentador.
Esta es la imagen que tenemos de Dios con Job en
la primera lectura, en todas las horas de la vida, Él está con
nosotros. Esta es la imagen que obtenemos este fin de semana de Jesús con sus discípulos en la tormenta; Seguro que
estaba dormido, pero él estaba presente para ellos. Jesús es
de Dios por lo que Él fue capaz de llamar y calmar la tormenta.
Así que todos los padres pueden respirar y relajarse
y no pensar en que necesita ser perfecto. El trabajo del padre es encontrar el equilibrio en el suministro de la familia
mientras que está presente a la familia con confianza y
aliento para calmar los mares.
Acabo de sobrevivir mi primera semana oficial de
ser pastor de las tres parroquias y St. Katharine Drexel. Con
el remolino de actividad, es bueno volver a esta lista de
comprobación básica de lo que es importante en mi trabajo.
Para mí, esta tarea es tan excelente porque me permite estar
aquí por un número de años por venir; que es una cosa feliz
para mí porque me encanta traer a esta parte de la creación
de Dios a mi casa.
AUGUST 30, 2015!!
Plan on joining your parish family on August
30th for St. Katharine Drexel Parish Festival!
Outdoor Bi-lingual Mass * Breakfast * Run/Walk/BIKE *
Volleyball tourney
* Pie/Cheesecake sale
Kids games & the entertaining “Bounce House” *
Adult games * Youth Activities
Golf ball toss competition * Brats & Burgers * Beer Garden
Live entertainment featuring the band “Quest”
~There’ll be something for everyone ~
2 St. Katharine Drexel Parish
We added a
BIKE route
Our worship site is at 511 S. Spring St.
Masses and
Mass Intentions
MONDAY: June 22
St. Paulinus of Nola
St. John Fisher
8:00am †Arthur Eith
*daily Mass
times are 8AM
and Tuesdays are
evening Masses
TUESDAY: June 23
6:30pm Mass in the Prayer Garden
(please bring a chair)
Nativity of St. John the Baptist
8:00am †Thomas Dinkel
8:00am †David Schwantes
FRIDAY: June 26
8:00am †Jeanette Diels
10:00am Mass at Hillside Manor
†Philip Krezinski
St. Cyril of Alexandria
9:30am Confessions
4:30pm †Katherine Rux
SUNDAY: June 28
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00am The parishioners of
St. Katharine Drexel Parish
10:00am †Evelyn Napralla
12:00pm Spanish Mass
†Jorge Alberto Villarreal
Readings for June 22-28
Monday: Gn 12:1-9/Mt 7:1-5
Tuesday: Gn 13:2, 5-18/Mt 7:6, 12-14
Wednesday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10/1 Pt 1:8-12/
Lk 1:5-17 Day: Is 49:1-6/Acts 13:22-26/Lk
1:57-66, 80
Thursday: Gn 16:1-12, 15-16 or 16:6b-12,
15-16/Mt 7:21-29
Friday: Gn 17:1, 9-10, 15-22/Mt 8:1-4
Saturday: Gn 18:1-15/Mt 8:5-17
Sunday: Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24/2 Cor 8:7, 9,
13-15/Mk 5:21-43 or 5:21-24, 35b-43
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Prayer & Worship
Prepare *
Participate *
Mother of Perpetual Help
Tuesdays 4 :00 PM
Monday through Friday one-half
hour before Mass
Exposition of the Blessed
Third Tuesday of each month in
English. Adoration begins after
morning Mass. Benediction is at
6:30 PM.
Solanus Casey Prayer
In honor of this Franciscan friar from
Wisconsin who is being considered
for sainthood, we gather the first
Fridays of the month at 2:00 in church
for midday and healing prayer.
Whether you wish to be anointed or
simply pray for others you are
welcome to this time of prayer.
Baptism preparation classes are
held on the second Sunday of each
month. Please contact Jenny
Crombie at 920-210-1936 or
for baptismal preparation
Every Saturday at 9:30am in
Please contact the Parish Center at
least six months before the date of
the wedding.
Reflect *
Nombres de personas responsables de la
Comunidad Hispana en la Parroquia
de Santa Katarina Drexel:
Platicas Bautismales
de 0 a 7 años de edad (primer Domingo de
cada Mes)
Hortencia García 920-344-0726
Platicas Bautismales
de 8 a 17 años de edad
Ramón Montes 920-319-6845
Formación de Catequesis
(K-5 grado y formación de adultos)
Rosalia Villalba 920-318-0511
920-887-2082 ext. 108
Programa del grupo de post-comunión
y Consejo Parroquial (6-10 grado)
Fr. Erick 920-887-2082 ext 105
Platicas para adultos que no han recibido
ningún Sacramento de 18 años en adelante
Kristin 920-887-2082 ext. 111
Platicas para las quinceañeras
Parish Center 920-887-2082
Confirmación (11 grado)
Kristin Adsit 920-887-2082/ext 111
Grupo de Oración
Lily Avalos~920-763-6563
Marvella Puga 920-392-2296
Ministros de Eucaristia y Adoración
Abdón Díaz 262-617-1089
Ministro de Hospitalidad
Omar Ramírez 920-318-9415
Responsable de los Acólitos
Carlos Puga 920-392-2296
Responsable de la Sacristia
Ana Bell Moreno 920-356-0170
Eventos culturales (bailables)
Adrian Castañeda~920-296-1786
Adoración al Santísmo Segundo
viernes de cada mes
If you know of family members and/
or friends who need to be anointed
please call the Parish Center to
schedule a visit with a priest.
Prayer Network Ministry:
Please call Pat Yagodinski at
920-885-6884 to have a name
added to our network.
June 21, 2015 3
Parish Stewardship
June 27/28
Corey Gundert
Shelby Gundert
Madelyn Adsit
Brendan Simon
Eric Simon
Andrew Booker
McKenzie Seufzer
Kathryn Tyranski
Megan Tyranski
Caleb Frey
Jeanne Sweetman
Pam Prinsen
Joseph Seufzer
Ministers of
Jerry McDonald
Janet Minnig
Fred Minnig
Rebecca Minnig
Steve Voigt
Dan Nelson
Robert Brown
Robert Ganske
Bruce Kaufmann
Paul Kastenmeier
Ken Waddell
Gloria Waddell
Debbie Smith
Jr. Gundert
Brett Rechek
Austin Bashynski
Art Schroeder
Edward Stehling
The Stewardship Committee would like to extend heartfelt gratitude to everyone that
prepared for and attended the Hope Unites Us Anew Completion Ceremony. The
atmosphere was electric and the evening was full of excitement, wonderful food,
incredible entertainment, and joyful fellowship.
A special thank you goes out to the individuals who helped the evening of the event.
Without the wonderful help we received, that celebration would not have been as
successful as it was.
Profit: $56,829
Our goal is $70,000 with three
weeks to go in the fiscal year.
Use SCRIP for all your
graduation, anniversary,
birthday, vacation and end
of year celebrations!
What is SCRIP?
It is gift certificates/cards for businesses where
you shop. You purchase cards and pay us the
cash or check and we make a percentage . Then
you go shopping paying with the face value of the
cards you purchased from us. It’s that easy!
We have Dairy
Queen $10 in stock!
Example Sale:
$50 Rechek’s (Grocery $2.50 profit)
$25 Shopko (Retail $1.00 profit)
$25 Kwik Trip (Gas $2.50 profit)
$25 Culver’s (Restaurant $2.50 profit)
$125 per Week=$8.50 Profit
(average profit earns about 4%)
Think YOU can’t make a difference?
$8.50 x 52 weeks
= $442 Profit per Year
1200 Households
=$530,400.00 PROFIT
What are YOU waiting for?
Please remember all Scrip orders are due at the
Scrip Office by 9:30AM on Mondays. We
only order once per week.
Scrip Purchases:
Office is open on Fridays 8AM-9:30AM for
walk-in purchases. You may also pur chase
scrip in the back of church after Mass on the
June 14
$ 17,788
$ 19,615
4 St. Katharine Drexel Parish
Knights of Columbus Tool Room
If you are in need of a tool and don’t
have one at home for that special
project, contact Jerry at 344-6894 to
see if they have that specific tool you
are looking for. You can check the tool
out for use and bring it back when you
are done!
We have Katharine Drexel listed as a
“person” on facebook. “Friend”
Katharine Drexel + Beaver Dam!
We’d love to add you! It’s our way of
sharing news and photos!
All Summer:
CYE expeditions for high
school and young adults.
July 1: Registration materials for
LLFF 2015-2016 sent in mail
July 2-5: Catholic Fest in Door
July 9-11: Life Fest in Oshkosh —
Good Christian Music all weekend!
July 19: Brat Fry at Recheks for
NCYC 10:30-2:30
Aug 2: Brat Fry at Recheks for
NCYC 10:30-2:30
LIFELONG Faith Formation
One of the greatest rewards in life comes with helping a child learn their
faith. Think about how you first discovered the Catholic faith? We have
such neat stories through our stained glass windows, scripture, prayer, and
the Eucharist. Plant the seeds. Tell your story to another young person.
Mentor a group of kids. You pick the grade and age. We are looking for all
levels. Classes begin in September. Contact Kristin if interested. 887-2082,
ext. 111
July 26-29 2015
We are off to have another adventure at our annual interchurch Vacation
Bible School! Sign ups are available now. Information will be posted on the
website or leave a message with the formation office 887-2082, ext 111
Would you like to help/assist? We will need some middle school helpers
and some adult leaders. All materials are provided for you and a very detailed schedule. You’ll love your time in our “Holy Land”. Contact Kristin
for more information. (formation office)
need assistance transporting
a grill to our July and August
brat fry locations. Contact
887-2082 if you are available any brat
fry day above. The time is flexible for
each weekend.
Do you have a family member or friend who is outside the age of second
grade and needs First Communion or Reconciliation (adult, teen, or child?)
Please contact the formation office, and we can help “catch you up”. Often,
it’s as simple as meeting with the director and creating a plan for your formation. Times are flexible this summer. Please contact Kristin Adsit for
more information: 920-887-2082, ext. 111.
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 21, 2015 5
Importante: Acceso a la Iglesia y Cambios de Horario
A partir del Lunes, 15 de Junio 2015 al 28 de Agosto 2015 las Misas entre semana comienzan
a las 8:00 AM.
Comenzando el Martes 16 de Junio ,2015, NO habrá Misa de 8:00 AM o servicio de Comunión. Este es un cambio permanente, no sólo por el verano. Habrá una Misa los Martes a las
6:30 PM. En Junio y Agosto los Martes por la tarde habrá Misa será en el Jardin del Centro
Parroquial ( Si llueve será adentro del Centro Parroquial). En el mes de Julio los Marte,
tendremos la Misa por la tarde en casas de los Feligreses (ver en el boletín el domicilio y fechas.)
La Exposición del Santísimo será el tercer Jueves de cada mes, comienza después de la Misa
de 8:00 AM. Este cambio es permantente. La bendición será a las 2:00 PM. La Exposición del
Santísimo en Español serán los Viernes primero Segundo y tercer de cada mes de 7a 8 PM el
cuarto Viernes será de 9PM a media noche el quinto Viernes no habrá adoración,
El Lunes 15 de Junio, 2015 la Iglesia se abrirá a las 6:30 AM. Y permanecerá abierta hasta
después de la Misa de 8:00 AM. (apróximadamente a las 9:15AM) . Y se cerrará el resto del
día. Si hay funeral, la Iglesia se abrirá antes del funeral. La Capilla que esta en el Centro Parroquial está abierta de Lunes a Viernes durante el horario de Oficina (Lunes a Jueves de 8:00
am a 3:30 pm y el Viernes de 8:00 am a 12:00 pm) Para la oración personal entrar directaente
a la Capilla por la puerta de la calle South al final del edificio.
El Sábado 20 de Junio, Sólo la puerta de la rampa será desbloqueado y permanecerá abierta
hasta después de la reconciliación (confesiones). Y la Iglesia se reabrirá a las 3:30 PM. Madre
del Perpetuo Socorro será los Martes, en la iglesia. La Iglesia se abrirá a las 3:45 PM y se cerrará a las 5:00 PM. La puerta de la rampa permanecerá abierta.
Cambio de Horario:
Acceso a la Iglesia:
Este horario se puso debido a los problemas recientes que hemos tenido. Entiendan por favor y les agradeceríamos dejar
la Iglesia tan pronto vengan a cerrar las puertas. Las puertas no siempre agarran seguro debido a la hinchazón y la contratación con el calor del sol. Lamentamos que estas cosas deben hacerse. Esto es por la seguridad de nuestros feligreses y
de nuestras instalaciones. Gracias por su comprensión.
Important: Church Access and Time Changes
Time Changes:
Beginning on Monday, June 15, 2015 through August 28, 2015 weekday Masses begin at 8:00 AM.
Beginning Tuesday, June 16, 2015, there will NOT be a Tuesday morning Mass or Communion service.
This is a permanent change, not just for the summer . Ther e will be a Tuesday evening Mass beginning at 6:30 PM. In June and August the Tuesday evening Mass will be in the Prayer Garden (Mission
Hall if it rains). On the Tuesdays of July, we will have the evening Mass at Parishioner’s homes (see bulletin for location as those dates approach.)
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will be on the 3rd Thursday of the month, beginning after mor ning
Mass. This is a permanent change. Benediction will be at 2:00 PM. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
in Spanish will be every 1st-3rd Fridays from 8 PM—9 PM and 4th Fridays from 9 PM-12 AM (no 5th
Church Access:
Beginning Monday, June 15, 2015 the church will be unlocked at 6:30 AM and will remain open until after
the 8:00 AM Mass (approximately 9:15 AM) and will then be locked for the remainder of the day. If there
is a funeral, the church will remain open until after the funeral. The Chapel at the Parish Center will be
open Monday through Friday during regular business hours (Monday through Thursday from 8:00 AM to
3:30 PM and Fri. 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM) for private prayer. Enter directly into the Chapel door at the south
end of the building.
Beginning Saturday, June 20, only the ramp door will be unlocked at 6:30 AM and will remain open until
after Reconciliation (approximately 10:30) and will then be relocked. Church will reopen at 3:30 PM.
Mother of Perpetual Help devotions will be on Tuesdays, in church. Church will be unlocked at 3:45 PM
and will be locked again at 5:00 PM. The “ramp door” will be the only one open.
This schedule is being put into place because of recent problems that we have had. Please understand that we would appreciate
everyone leaving Church as soon as someone comes to lock the doors. The doors do not always catch in the locks due to swelling
and contracting with the heat of the sun. We regret that these things must be done, but it is for the safety of our parishioners
and facilities. Thank you for understanding!
6 St. Katharine Drexel Parish
The annual “Back to School” round up will be taking place after
Masses the weekend of July 25/26. Please plan ahead and add
extra school supplies to your list. Future bulletins will have a
detailed list of needed supplies. Thank you for keeping this need
in mind! Thanks for sharing, thanks for caring!
~Human Concerns Committee
Staying Fit? A Fit Bit had been
found near church. If you lost yours
and want to see if it is the one we
have, stop in the Parish Center during
business hours to claim it.
Monthly Blood Pressures:
We will continue to offer free monthly
blood pressures readings for our Parish
on the first Wednesday of the month
from 8:30am-10:00am, held at the Parish Center. The next upcoming blood
pressure clinic will be July 1. If you
have any questions, please contact Stacy
Schmitt, Parish Nurse.
Gracefully Aging
St. Katharine Drexel is offering a
“Gracefully Aging” exercise program
through the summer. This type of exercise is geared for the actively aging
population with the use of chairs, resistance bands, weights and balance
activities. A nyone can join and it is
FREE! Classes run every Monday from
9:00am-9:30am in the REC. (There will
be no class on Monday, June 29th). After exercise, there will be time for coffee and fellowship if you want to stay.
Please contact Stacy Schmitt, Parish
Nurse to sign up or for more details.
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 21, 2015 7
St. Katharine Drexel School (SKDS) is a fully accredited
Catholic School in the heart of Dodge County within the
Milwaukee Archdiocese. We serve students in grades
preschool through 8. We are looking for three fulltime
¨ FOURTH GRADE: see below; works with 5th grade; will
teach science for 4 & 5
¨ FIFTH GRADE: see below; works with 4th grade; will teach
social studies for 4 & 5
¨ SEVENTH GRADE: see below; works with middle school
The qualified candidate will have a Wisconsin teaching license,
be certified appropriately, will be technologically adept, and
must have the best interest of the student and school as a
whole at heart. The individual we choose will be high energy,
organized, professional, dedicated to the student to meet his/
her needs and be equally capable of working with colleagues
and families. This individual must have a love for and a solid
appreciation for Catholic education (POSSESS A STRONG
an environment and work within it.
The qualified candidate will have a Wisconsin teaching license,
be certified appropriately, will be technologically adept, and
must have the best interest of the student and school as whole
at heart. The individual we choose will be high energy,
organized, professional, dedicated to the student to meet his/
her needs and be equally capable of working with colleagues
and families. The individual must have a love for and a solid
appreciation for Catholic education (POSSESS A STRONG
an environment and work within it.
In addition to teaching science, this individual will have
homeroom responsibilities and teach religion to his/her
¨ Will teach some math as well.
Send resume, credential file, transcripts, 3 letters of reference
503 S. Spring Street, Beaver Dam, WI 53916 or
More information is found on
8 St. Katharine Drexel Parish
Thank you for
the gift of time
Thank you for your energy
Thank you for your creativity
Thank you for your talents, many
and varied
Thank you for the countless hours
Thank you for the dedication
Thank you for the gift of
Just two little words
But they come from our hearts
We have been blessed with your
You have believed in us and
We believe in you
We extend to you our prayers for
success and happiness
The door’s always open
The coffee’s always on
Soooooo—stop in for a visit now
and then!
With continued blessings
Your SKDS Family
You can help a family send their children to SKDS to
receive a Catholic education. Families sacrifice to
send their children to our parish school because they
desire a Catholic education. Can you give $10, $100,
$1000? Or perhaps you are so blessed that you can
contribute even more. Whatever you give will be a
gift to our students.
Write a check to SKDS. On the memo line write
Tuition Assistance Fund.
We have *Great Kids
*Great Curriculum
*Great Teachers
*Great School
Help a family put a little great in their lives.
Questions? Call 920-885-5558
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 21, 2015 9
St. Katharine Drexel
408 S. Spring St. (Hwy G)
Beaver Dam
Hwy W
Hwy 26
Hwy 151
Hwy A
Hwy G
Hwy T
Hwy 60
Hwy BB
Co. TT
St. Columbkille
W. 10802 Cty. Trunk TT
Hwy J
Holy Family
308 Prairie St. (Hwy J)
St. John the Baptist
417 Church St. (Hwy J)
***Area Summer Mass times are listed below
please check websites or contact the
parishes directly for more specific information***
Holy Family in Reeseville: Saturdays at 5pm
Wednesdays at 5:30pm
St. John in Clyman: Tuesdays at 8am
Sundays at 10am
St. Columbkille in Elba: Thursdays at 7pm
Sundays at 8am
Sacred Heart Horicon: Wednesdays and Fridays at 8am
Saturdays at 6pm
Sundays at 9:30am
10 St. Katharine Drexel Parish
St. Joseph in Waupun: Saturdays at 4:30pm
Sundays at 10:30am
Immaculate Concep!on in Fox Lake: Sundays at 8:30am
St. Katharine Drexel in Beaver Dam:
Weekdays: Mondays/Wednesdays/Thursdays/Fridays
at 8am
Tuesdays at 6:30pm
Saturdays at 4:30
Sundays at 8am and 10am
and Spanish Mass at Noon