Third Grade Biography Projects - Anne Arundel County Public Schools

Third Grade
Biography Projects
Mrs. Stroud’s Class
Vanessa Hudgens by Abby
Do you know who stars in High School Musical 1, 2, and 3? Why, It's Vanessa Hudgens!
Vanessa was born on December 14, 1988. She was born in Salinas, California. Did you
know she sang concerts with the Cheetah girls? She was also a professional singer. She
went to local schools until 7th grade. Then, she was homeschooled. She had a younger sister
Stella , and she was in lots of movies. She was in Cinderella, The Music Man, The King
and I, and The Wizard of Oz. So far, Vanessa has lived a good life.
Kelly Clarkson By: Britni
Do you no who won American Idol in the year 2002?
Well, its Kelly Clarkson! She was born April,24.1982. She
was also was on the T.V show, “ Sabrina The Teenage
Witch.” Kelly also played volleyball in her junior year. I
had fun learning about Kelly Clarkson.
Carrie Underwood By: Emilee H
If you like country music then read about Carrie Underwood. Carrie Underwood was
born on March 10, 1983. She was born in a town called Muskogee, in eastern
Oklahoma. When she was little she was a tomboy. Her lucky charm is a fuzzy wuzzy
bear and she loves pizza. Carrie Underwood is famous because she won American
Idol. Carrie Underwood is a very famous country singer that has a lot of hits and
Chuck Norris By Colleen
Hey. I’m Colleen, and I’m doing a report on Chuck Norris. Did you know he
turned 69 on March 10th? Well, he did. He was also a great actor for creepy
movies. He made millions and millions of dollars in a life time. Also, his
mom was Wilma Norris, and his dad was Ray Norris. He was also Walker,
Texas Ranger and carried a bat. He won many championship medals for
karate and had 5 kids. 2 of them were a set of twins, Danilee and Dakota.
Well, That’s most of what I know about Chuck Norris. ”See you later!”
A Jim m y Bu ffet
biograp hy by David
This is som e info abou t the
p erson w ho w rote “ Fins” and
m ight be playing it at a live
concert on Su nd ay m orning .
Jim m y Bu ffet w as born on
Dec.25 ,1964 in Pascagou la ,MS.
H e started the Save the Manatee
Clu b. H ave you ever d rove p ast
a sign that stated “ Cheese
Bu rger in Parad ise"? That is one
of his songs. My d ad 's boat's
nam e is St. Som ew here ,w hich is
from “ Boat Drinks". H e p lays
the gu itar. That is the info abou t
him .
Donovan McNabb by Taylor
Who is the Eagle’s quarterback? Wait, it is Donovan McNabb.
Donovan McNabb is a famous athlete. Donovan came to life in Illinois
on November 25,1976.He got Rookie of the year and M.V.P. Next, he
is the quarterback for the Eagles. As you can see, Donovan is the
quarterback for the Eagles.
Cleopatra by Belle
Do you want to hear about the beautiful Cleopatra? Here are
some facts about her. She was brought forth on 69 B.C. in
Alexandria, Egypt. She was witty, charming, intelligent, and
ambitious. She also lived in Rome and became queen of rich
Egypt. Those are some facts about Cleopatra.
Joe Montana by, Brady
Jo e Mo n t an a is g r eat ! Well, h er e ar e so m e f act s o n h im .
Jo e Mo n t an a g o t in t o t h e Hall o f Fam e. He w as a sh y kid . A
Majo r Leag u e b aseb all t eam asked h im t o t r yo u t . Jo e
Mo n t an a w as n am ed “ co m eb ack kid ” in co lleg e. Also , f if t y
d if f er en t co lleg es w an t ed h im t o p lay f o o t b all f o r t h em .
Jo e Mo n t an a w as an am azin g p er so n .
Tony Hawk by Brian
Do you know who was the best skateboard rider in 1984? If you said
Tony Hawk you are right and here is some information about Tony.
He was born on May 12,1968 in Carlsbad, California. His dad is
Frank and he has a mom named Nancy. He has a sister named
Lenare. Also, Tony has 2 brothers named Pat and Steve and is
married to Erin. As you can see Tony Hawk has led a very amazing
Sojourner Truth by: Emily
Did you know Sojourner Truth was born
432 years ago? She is famous because
she met Lincoln in the White House. And
she ran away from being a slave. She
freed lots of slaves. That’s why she is
Tony Hawk by Emily S.
Do you know who the first person to do a 900? If you said Tony
Hawk you are right and here are some facts about me. I was born
on May 12,1968 in Carlsbad ,California. Also, I had enough money
before I was 20 that I bought two mansions. I earned 3 gold
medals in the Vert Doubles competition. As you can see I am a
awesome athlete.
Yo-Yo Ma By :Erin
Have you ever dreamed of meeting a well known person? Well, I can’t
guarantee you will, but I do have some facts about Yo-Yo Ma. Yo-Yo Ma was born in
1955 on October 7, in Paris, France. Later in life Yo-Yo Ma graciously performed at
Barack Obama’s cold inauguration 2009. Yo-Yo Ma has appeared on many hit TV
shows, like Sesame Street, and Arthur. Last, Yo-Yo ma’s cello is so old, he purchases
airline tickets for it. I hope you meet your dream celebrity.
Marvelous Abraham Lincoln By: Jackie
Do you know who was born in Hardin County ,Kentucky in a log cabin? Marvelous
Abraham Lincoln was. Abraham Lincoln was famous because he freed the blacks from
slavery. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12,1809. He taught himself how to read
and write. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and was elected
twice. In 1836 he became a lawyer. Abraham Lincoln lived in the White House during
the harsh Civil War. Abraham Lincoln is one of America’s famous statesmen. Abraham
Lincoln is famous and interesting for many reasons.
Kobe Bryant by Jared
Do you k now t he fant ast ic point guard on t he Lak ers? I t
is Kobe Bryant ! He sk ipped college and st art ed his N BA
draft . Kobe Bryant won t he 1 9 9 7 Slam Dunk Tit le. He
married Vanessa Laine. Kobe Bryant was born on 1 9 7 8 in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. So now you k now who t he
fant ast ic point guard on t he Lak ers is.
Pablo Picasso by: Katie
Hi, my name is, Pablo Picasso, and here are 7 interesting facts about me. I was
born in Spain on October 25th , 1881. In 1918 I married Olga Koklova. I was the
most influential and successful artist in the 20th century. My blue and rose period
vanished abruptly in the phase of my career. I remade myself many times with
consistently new ideas, until the very end of my life at age 92. There’s my 7
interesting facts, hope you liked them.
Steven Spielberg By Nick A
The talented Steven Spielberg is an extremely famous moviemaker.
This is personal information about Steven Spielberg .He was born on
December 18,1941 in Cincinnati ,Ohio . He has two sisters .He is still
living today .Steven Spielberg is very talented .
Ben Roethlisberger By Ryan
Do you know who is the Quarterback for the Pittsburg Steelers? It’s Ben
Roethlisberger! He was born on March 2nd, 1982 in Lima, Ohio. He is a
famous football player and the youngest quarterback to win a super
bowl. He has 2 dogs and likes to fish and golf. Ben Roethlisberger has
led a very interesting life.
Sacagawea By Sarah B.
Have you ever wondered why Sacagawea was on the dollar coin? Well, she’s on it because she
traveled in the Lewis and Clark expedition. She was the only girl and once saved Lewis and Clark’s
belongings from sinking. When she was little she had a dog. Her name means Bird woman, and
yes she had 3 siblings. Pinegirl was her older sister. Snag was her younger brother and
Cameahwait her older. Her best friend was Naya Nuki. Her son was Pomp, she married when she
was 12 to Tourassiant Chabonneua. She was his second wife. Oh yes back to the dollar coin, she
was engraved on it in 1999. Now you know when and why Sacagawea is on the dollar coin.
Shaun Alexander by Sean
Do you like the Seattle Seahawks football team? I do! Their running back’s name is
Shaun Alexander. He was born on August 30,1977. Also he got league MVP in the
NFL. His favorite actor is Eddie Murphy and his favorite show is “American Idol”.
Another fact is that he was on the cover of Madden NFL 09. Now you know more
about Shaun Alexander, hope you like my picture!
Henry Ford By Shane
Did you know Henry Ford revolutionized car manufacturing ?
This is why he is famous. First, he invented a car company and
when he quit they renamed it Cadillac automobile company. In
1913, he created the assembly line to make cars more
affordable. Henry Ford made the Model-T which was only $825.
Henry Ford was a great man.
Do you want to learn about the person who wrote awesome
Harry Potter books, it’s J K Rowling .She was born on July
31,1965 in South Gloucestershire, England .Her Harry Potter
books became bestsellers .J K Rowling married a Portuguese
Journalist .She had a baby named Jessica .J K Rowling was a
fantastic Harry Potter writer .
Frederic Bartholdi By: Ashley B
Do you know who traveled the U.S.A? Frederic is fascinating and so are these facts. The Statue
of Liberty’s mass is more than 45 elephants! The statue of Liberty also is 152 feet tall. Try
climbing up there! Last, Frederic made the Eiffel Tower and a cool fountain in New York City. So,
Frederic had many interesting facts. Good bye!
Abraham Lincoln by Bella
Did you know that Abraham Lincoln got shot on April
15,1865 but didn’t die until the next morning? Abraham
Lincoln was a great respected man. Some say that he
was the best president. Abraham had a nick name, it
was Abe. He didn’t like it but it fit him. Abe was a really
respected man.
Rihanna was born on February 20, 1988 in Barbados. She made 3 hit music CD’s,
“Music of the Sun”, “A Girl Like Me”, and “Good Girl Gone Bad”. She also
donated money to a children’s medical charity. Rihanna is a great singer and many other things.
Mrs. Webb’s Class
Hilary Duff
By: Valentina
Do you know who’s the actress for Lizzie McGuire? Well, I do! It’s Hilary
Duff. Hilary Duff is famous because she is a great singer and actress.
Hilary Duff was born on September 28, 9187. She won hearts and teens as
Lizzie McGuire. Hilary stars in the movie “Cheaper By the Dozen”. That’s a
great movie to star in. Hilary has accomplished more thing’s but there so
many I can’t tell you them all. Hilary Duff is really amazing.
Michael Jordan
Do you want to find more information about Michael Jordan? Well, here
are some facts about him .Michael Jordan was born on February,17th
1963 in Brooklyn New York. Other places he lived are Wilmington . He
has two brothers and one sister and a mom and dad. Michael Jordan is a
famous basketball player.
Marie Antoinette
By: Alaina A.
Do you want to learn about the last queen of France named Marie
Antoinette? Marie Antoinette is famous because she was the last queen of
France. When she first married King Louis the 16th she was unhappy in her
marriage . She missed the more relaxed environment of Vienna. The young
queen was constantly on public display as queen of France. As you can see,
Marie had a very unique life and had many other ways of doing things.
Jane Goodall
By: Alex
You know how chimpanzees can be dangerous? I don’t have the guts to go near one but someone did and her name was Jane Goodalll. Jane has been
interested in animals ever since her father gave her a stuffed chimp for her birthday . Jane won the trust of many chimps just through daily contacted with them
.Jane was the first to see chimps use tools to find food.
Mia Hamm
By Alexis
Do you know who played 17 years on the women’s national soccer team ? It’s the amazing
Mia Hamm! She was called the best all-round women’s soccer player in the world . Mia has
one brother named Garret and a dad in the Air Force. Players and fans worldwide agree
that HAMM is special .She was born on March 17, 1922 in Selma, Alabama . When she was
15 she was the youngest to ever play on the national team . She also was the Atlantic Coast
all-time scorer . Mia Hamm is a determined athlete !!!
Bill Gates
Do you know who invented Microsoft ? Bill Gates! He invented Microsoft .He born on
October 28th, 1955.He was born in the great city of Seattle, Washington .He also gets a
salary of $60.5 billion dollars .As you can see, Bill Gates is an awesome inventor and we
will wait for him to make a lot more things .
Cleopatra the queen. By Beth
Have you every wanted to know who the last queen of
Egypt was? The Egyptian king married his sister and had
a baby girl named Cleopatra. Cleopatra had to marry her
brother by Egyptian law. Cleopatra fell in love with Julius
Caesar. Cleopatra died by a snake bite. Because of her
love story and death, she became famous.
By: Bianca
Do you know who guided Lewis and Clark on their expedition? It was Sacagawea .
Sacagawea is famous because she acted as a interpreter and negotiator for Lewis and
Clark . Also, she helped Lewis and Clark across the Western United States . This told
the people back East that the new land was safe. Last, she had many amazing
accomplishments . Her most important one was when the group was sailing on the
Missouri River. Their boat got pushed in the wrong direction causing water to quickly fill
the bottom of the boat. Some of Lewis and Carks papers fell into the river . Sacagawea
calmly grabbed them before they sank. As you can see Sacagawea had a very
interesting life.
John Kennedy by: Brandon
Did you ever know the 35th President ? It’s John Kennedy . John F.
Kennedy was famous because he was the commander of the PT-109
base. Also, he was in the congress seat for President Nixon during
WW2. And he was elected as the 35th President . This is why John F.
Kennedy is so famous.
Ronald Reagan
By: Celia
Do you want to hear about our awesome 40th president Ronald Reagan? Really? That’s great! Ronald was
famous because he was our 40th president of the United States. He oversaw the creation of a huge budget. He made a
tax cut of 43 billion dollars. He was the oldest person ever sworn in at the old age 69. AS you can see, Ronald
Reagan is a famous president.
Kobe Bryant by Cole
Do you know who is the Los Angeles Lakers best
point guard? Kobe Bryant was born on August
23,1978. He was born in Philadelphia. Kobe Bryant
had 144 steals total at the end of the season. Also,
he is the youngest player ever to appear in a NBA
game. Kobe Bryant has done so many amazing things
in his career.
Brett Favre
By: Noah
Have you ever wondered who one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL is? He was born on
October 10, 1969 in Gulfport, Mississippi. He is a retired quarterback for the college
Hattiesburg, the Packers, Jets, and the Falcons. He was the only athlete to get 3 MVP
awards. Brett Favre is one of the best quarterbacks of all time!
Barack Obama
By :Elizabee
And the president is ……… Barack Obama! Barack Obama is
famous because he is the 44th president. He was born on August 4,
1961. Obama is the first African American president. When he was
2 years old his parents divorced. That’s all the fascinating facts I’m
going to you about Barack Obama. Bye.
My Biography
Do you know who our 26th president was? Theodore Roosevelt of course !He
was born on October 27, 1858 in New York City .He was our 26th president. .
He was also the youngest when he was 42 .He was elected in 1901.
Tragically, Theodore Roosevelt past away on January 6th 1919.
David Beckham: By Hayden
On May 2,1975 in London a soccer star was born. That kid was David
Beckham. When David was 13 he tried out for England. He got on the
team!!! He started getting better as he watched his team mates play. Then,
when he was a adult he married a singer named Victoria. One game in
England he started playing and he shot at midfield and GOAL! He is very
talented in soccer. At the world cup against Argentina, David got fouled by
Diego. Then, David got up and kicked Diego. Fans did not like David
because of that so he switched to Real Madrid. Next, he went to LA Galaxy
and AC Milan. David Beckham is a successful.
Hilary Duff
By: Katie
Do you want to learn four facts about Hilary Duff? You do? Great! Hilary Duff
was born on September 28,1987. Hilary Duff became famous because the
people who run commercials found out about her and she appeared in
commercials. Before Hilary was famous she was mistaken for a pop star. If your
wondering what her mom, dad, and sisters name’s are they are Susan, Bob, and
Hay lie .Those were four facts about Hilary Duff.
David Beckham
By: Mallory
He shoots he scores!! David Beckham’s team wins again. Your probably
wondering who this guy David Beckham is, right? Well, he is an amazing,
terrific, and wonderful soccer player. David was born on May 2, 1975 in
London. He has two sisters named Joanne and Lynne and has a mom named
Sandra and a dad named Ted. He won championship with Manchester United.
Beckham went to the World Cup three times. He got a red card in the World
Cup. I have learned so much about David Beckham. David Beckham is an
amazing soccer player.
Abraham Lincoln
By Megan
Did you know who the 16th president was ? It was Abraham Lincoln . Abraham
Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Hardin Country Kentucky .He grew up there too.
He married Mary Todd and had four boys . Abraham Lincoln is famous because he was
The 16th president . He also freed the slaves called EMANC IPATION
PROCLAMAMATION. Sadly ,Abraham Lincoln died on Good Friday April 14th ,
assassinated by John Wilkes Booth . That is the life of Abraham Lincoln .
Brett Favre by Nick G.
Did you know Brett Favre was famous because he played football
for the Jets, Packers and the Falcons? Brett Favre got part of his
intestines removed. He led the team to the super-bowl. And he
won the MVP award .He played football for a long time .
Anne Frank by: Sarah H.
Do you want to know about a brave girl who wrote a diary in the second World War? Anne
Frank was born on June 12,1929. She was able to hide with her family for two years without
the Nazi’s army knowing about it . She was able to keep the diary far enough away from the
Nazi’s so then they wouldn’t steal it from her and bur n it up. She passed away only a few weeks
before the camp was liberated ( or freed) . Sadly, she died on March 1945 at the age of 15.Bye!
Did you know that we wouldn’t have Yellow Stone National Park if
it wasn’t for Theodore Roosevelt? Theodore is a famous president.
He won the hard to win Nobel Peace Prize. He also increased the
U.S Navy Army. He was president for 18 years. Theodore
Roosevelt was a great president.
Jerry Rice By J.T.
Do you know who was a amazing player for the San Francisco 49ers
and his number is 80? Well, the extraordinary answer is Jerry Rice! In
college Jerry Rice had a girlfriend named Jackie. Then, they got
married. Also, he broke 38 records which probably broke a record.
Finally, when he retired he opened a business that supports the
March Of Dimes, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and the Omega Boys. Jerry
Rice is a kind hard working person and a football star.
Mozart By Thomas
Who wrote a :32 minuet when they were 5? It was Mozart
the youngest composer alive. Mozart composed a simple
symphony when he was 9 just like me.. Mozart wrote 600
pieces of music.. Mozart got married in 1781 her name was
Constance. I love Mozart, he is my favorite composer!
Mrs. Allen’s Class
Ever wonder who U.S.A.’s first African American president is? Well, it’s
Barack Obama! Barack was born on August 4, 1961. His parents were
divorced, and his dad died when Barack was 21 years old. Barack is famous for
becoming the first African American president. As you can see, Barack
Obama has a very interesting life.
By: Madison
Do you know who the 4th president of the United States is?
Well, it was James Madison! Did you also know he is famous for being our “Father
of Constitution?” He also made quite a few accomplishments. One of them was
being President Jefferson's Secretary of state from 1801.Do you want to know an
interesting fact about James Madison? Well, when he was elected he was 57 years
old. Hope you learned a lot about James Madison!
Do you know who won three Grammy awards in 2000?It was Faith Hill. Faith is
famous because she is a very lovely singer. She sings lots of albums in her nice life right
now. She sang the National Anthem at the 2000 Super bowl. Her third album was
released in 1998.She got married to her husband Tim in 1996.As you can see, Faith Hill
is a talented singer for her fans.
Michael Jordan
by: Ryan
Have you ever wondered who the star of any basketball game would be?
Well, that’s Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan is famous because he earned
Rookie Of The Year in 1985. He was one of the highest -paid athletes. He
obtained MVP in the NBA finals 4 times. He brought his team to the NBA
finals 6 times. As you can see, Michael Jordan is very, very, very famous.
Cal Ripken Jr.
By. Zach
Cal Ripken is a popular baseball player . I wonder why?
Throughout his life, he lived in Maryland. He hit lots and
lots of homeruns. He also played 2,131 games in a row.
This is why Cal Ripken Jr. is popular.
Tom Brady
Do you know who is the best quarterback on the Patriots? Tom Brady!
Brady was famous because he is a great athlete. He threw short
passes and became long yardage. He was the most successful
quarterback in National football. He has the highest rating in National
football. Tom Brady was famous for 7 years. This is why Tom Brady is
so famous.
Have you ever heard of a famous singer named Faith Hill? Faith is wonderfully
famous because she was talented. Hill sang the National Anthem at the 2000
Super Bowl. Faith's dad did not learn to read stories. She has 3 good daughters ,
Grace, Audrey, and Maggie and her handsome husband is Tim McGraw. As you
can see, Faith Hill is a great singer.
Kobe Bryant
By: Benjamin
Hi! My name is Ben reporting to you some facts on the awesome Kobe Bryant.
Kobe Bryant is an awesome basketball player. He played guard for the Lakers.
He was the second youngest basketball player in NBA history. He scored about
31 points each exciting game. He and his family lived in Italy. Of course he was
famous for other things like writing poetry. He was a great person after all.
Tony Hawk by Bradley
Do you like skate boarding? Tony Hawk did. He was the greatest skate boarder
ever. He is famous because he got nominated as worlds best skate boarder. He
won 75% of the contest he competed in. He also created 75—100 new, cool
tricks. This is why Tony Hawk is famous.
Abraham Lincoln
By Caitlin
Do you know who the 16 president is ?
Abraham Lincoln!!! Did you know people say
he is the greatest president in history? He
also signed the contract to free the slaves.
Also, he gave the Gettysburg address . These
are reasons why Abraham is famous.
Elvis Presley By Chase
Do you want to know why Elvis Presley was famous? Great! First ,Elvis
was the first person to do rock and roll music. Cool. Second, Elvis was
the first person to go in 3 different halls of fame. Wow, that means he’s
really famous. Third, Elvis was drafted in the Army, Awesome! Elvis
was so famous. This is why Elvis was famous.
By: Ally
Abraham Lincoln ( the 16 president ) had a very interesting life . He was born
in Hodgenville, Kentucky February 12, 1809 . His two boys were named Tad
and Robert . Also the White House was very small when Abraham lived in it.
Abe Lincoln was a very good president to the people who lived back then.
George Lucas
By: Liam
Have you ever wondered who directed and created the
Star Wars and Indiana Jones series? Well it was George
Walton Lucas Jr. George was born on May 14, 1944 in
Modesto, California. George tried to enlist the Air Force
but was quickly rejected because of his long time record of
speeding tickets. In 1974 George started working on the
Star Wars series and finished the saga in 2005. The Star
Wars saga has also been ranked as the third highest
grossing film series. As you can see George Lucas has had
a very interesting life.
Babe Ruth By Jack
Would you like to sign 37,800 autographs in 1 year? Well,
Babe Ruth had to! He was famous for all his homeruns he
hit . He was born 1895 in Baltimore, Maryland . He died on
1948 in New York city . He bombed 60 homeruns in 1
season! He bombed 714 homeruns in his career!! Babe
Ruth signed 604,800 autographs in his career !! He
probably signed the most autographs in baseball. Babe
Ruth was known to be the best baseball player ever.
Clinton Portis
By: Joseph
Do you want to know who is an awesome running back for the Washington
Redskins? That’s Clinton Portis. Clinton was born on September 1st in Laurel,
Mississippi. This is when and where Clinton was born. Clinton was in NFL
draft and was the Denver Broncos running back. Clinton wants to win at least 1
Super bowl trophy and be game MVP. That’s all I know about Clinton Portis.
The Life Of Elvis
By: Melanie
Did you ever wonder who was the first rock and roll super star? It was Elvis ! Here are some parts
of Elvis life.. Elvis was born on January 8 1935 in Tupelo Mississippi. Elvis was in three halls
Of fame; GMA, Country, and rock and roll. Elvis wedded Priscilla Beaulieu in 1967. They had a
daughter named Lisa Presley the following year. They were divorced in 1973. Elvis passed away of
heart attack when he was 42. This is some parts of Elvis life.
Do you know who Bill GATES IS?NO? Well, he is a nice guy
who founded Microsoft company He wants to give
away 95 percent of his money! He cut classes to go to
the school’s computer lab! Because of his company, Bill
Gates has earned more then 10 billon bucks! Those
were some facts about Bill.
Do you know about Elvis Presley? I do!
Elvis is super famous for his cool rock n roll
music. Did you know Elvis sold over 5 0 0 million
records? Believe it or not Elvis was not only an
actor and singer, but he fought in the U.S.A.
Army! Also, Elvis is in the amazing Hall of fame! I
hope this paper can help you learn more about
Elvis Presley!
David Beckham
By: Sarah S
Do you like soccer ? Well, David Beckham is a very
famous athlete. He was born May 2,1975 in London,
England in the hospital close to Lingonstone where he
was born peacefully. He married Victoria Posh Adams.
He has 3 sons named Brooklyn, Cruez, and Romeo. This
is David Beckham’s personal information .
Duke Ellington By: Tara
Do you know who was recognized as
one of the most influential ragtime
jazz, if not all American music? Well, I
believe that was Duke Ellington!
Duke was a very good piano player
and led a pretty interesting life. He got
his nickname “ Duke” from wearing
flashy clothes. Also, he and his
orchestra featured some of the
greatest jazz musicians of all –times.
As a child, Duke played piano, but
never liked or cared to practice. Then
he heard ragtime music, and started
playing again. Duke Ellington was a
very good piano player and a great
influence for others.
Harrison Ford: by Scott
Did you ever want to learn about Harrison Ford? Harrison Ford
Is a famous actor. He is famous because he stared in 7of the most
popular movies including his own. Now, let me tell you a
Little information about Harrison Ford. Harrison Ford was born
On July13,1942. He was born in Chicago. He won his first movie role
In 1966. These are some facts about Harrison Ford.
Tony Hawk
Do you like skate boarding ?Now you do. Tony Hawk
is famous because he is a professional skater. He went to 103
professional events and won 73 of them. He is also known all
over the world and got pro at the age of 14. These are some
facts from Tony Hawk. By Tommy
Michael Phelps
Guess who broke Mark Spitz’s 1972
Olympic record? I know! Michael
Phelps. He’s a famous swimmer.
Michael was in the 2008 summer
Olympics in Beijing. He won 8 medals
in Beijing. Michael was born in
Baltimore, Maryland on June
30,1985. He is now in history.