Constantly Risking Absurdity: Poem Analysis & Study Guide

Constantly Risking Absurdity- By Lawrence Ferlinghetti b. 1919 Lawrence
Poem is an extended metaphor
Poet and acrobat battle to find perfection and beauty (perfection to poet seems absurd yet still
striving for beauty, perseverance as can conquer conquerors of the world with words)
Thoughtful reflection on writing poetry, take courage and artistic ability
Diction poem simple and precise
Tight rope = successful writing of poetry
Structure: two major pauses (lines 19 and 28)
Lines imbalanced manner- mimic acrobats jerky movements
Perfection for poet is beauty
Constantly risking absurdity “constantly” always taking a chance
and death
whenever he performs
above the heads
of his audience
the poet like an acrobat central image
Vivid picture of tight rope walker-take chance every
time perform
Risk life to entertain
Connotations- crazy link to every time poet writes
there are expectations- achieve more than
realistically can
climbs on rime poet climbing metaphorically on words
to a high wire of his own making taking risks, defies absurdity- poet
likes acrobats and risks his life to please audiences
and balancing on eyebeams metaphor-we look up at an acrobat and we need to see poem
above a sea of faces sea-lots of faces as a sea is large and there is a
degree of anonymousness
also poets audience that needs to appreciate his work
paces his way
to the other side of day poet needs to practise to perfection
performing entrechats tricks performed by feat-thrill audience and make it seem easy using
perfect clever tricks with words- rhythm and sound devices
and sleight-of-foot tricks
and other high theatrics more elaborate language, got to be aware of where he puts the
diction just like an acrobat can be in danger, the poet can die a figurative death/lose
reputation if poem is not up to standard
and all without mistaking
any thing –emphasis that the acrobat will do anything to impress or entertain a
for what it may not be
For he's the super realist he’s-formalising language- (he-poet)
Realist-poet must be in touch with reality and see beyond the ordinary performancerepetition
Needs to pay attention to small detail so he can succeed/very simplicity is what makes his
poem complicated
who must perforce perceive must-gives a sense of obligation /force
of circumstance
perforce- by necessity
Perceive- to see, vision, have foresight
taut truth –he must find the pure truth that cannot be twisted or bent (taut)
before the taking of each stance or step –every move is hazardous
in his supposed advance supposed-not knowing if he can reach the truth
toward that still higher perch –aim higher to reach beauty
where Beauty stands and waits beauty- personified
with gravity
to start her death-defying leap death-compound word, show
defying-beauty standing waiting jump and caught by poet. Need to be caught for the poem or
performance to be a success
And he
a little charleychaplin man –poet insignificant man-may not catch other performer
who may or may not catch
her fair eternal form fair eternal-beauty
spreadeagled in the empty air-spread out so that someone can catch
of existence – beauty doesn’t change
Thoughtful reflection on poetry
-lines move in an imbalanced manner
Takes courage and artistic courage to write poetry
-mimic acrobats jerky movements
Diction is simple and precise
-perfection is beauty according to the poet
Tight rope-successful writing poetry
Structure-two major pauses