Instructure Canvas Tips Scribd and Crocodoc Arts and Sciences Instructional Support | Donna Sue Pintar | 620-235-4765 | 216 Grubbs Hall | Pittsburg State University To preview files online in Canvas, two tools are now being used to render files, Scribd and Crocodoc. Scribd, the traditional preview tool which only allows the viewing of a file, will continue to be used on non-submissions files such as files attached in an assignment or files in your Global and Course Stream. Crocodoc will primarily be used to preview and annotate homework submissions in the SpeedGrader application. Instructors can now annotate using text or handwritten comments directly on assignments to provide specific feedback for their students. Student will then be able to open the marked up file through their assignment page to view it. Students will be able to use the same features through peer reviews. Crocodoc will only be used for supported file types: .doc/.docx, .pdf, .ppt/.pptx and .xls/.xlsx in the near future. When another file type is submitted for a homework assignment Canvas will fall back to Scribd, which won’t have the annotation feature. There are several items to note. Please read all six items._______________________________________ 1. Assignments and files uploaded before 09/29/2012 -- Any files uploaded or submitted to Canvas before 09/29/2012 will be previewed in Scribd. If you want older submissions to be rendered in Crocodoc, the assignments will have to be resubmitted by the students. 2. Assignments uploaded after 09/29/2012 -- Previews for assignments will be rendered in Crocodoc, as long as they are Crocodoc-supported file types: .doc/.docx, .pdf, and .ppt/.pptx. Please note that .xls/.xlsx will be supported by Crocodoc soon, but they're not there yet. Assignments submitted in other formats will be rendered in Scribd. 3. Files uploaded after 09/29/2012 -- Previews for non-assignment files (including files uploaded to the Course Files area) will continue to be rendered in Scribd. 4. Crocodoc will not be available in the iOS app at this time. We would like to include it, but Crocodoc doesn’t support what we would need for mobile applications at this time. 5. Students can submit assignments as Google docs, but Crocodoc doesn't render previews for those. Previews for Google Docs will be rendered in Scribd or the Google Preview. 6. If you used Crocodoc, students view the markup with the magnifying glass icon. But if they see this instead of this then the monitor resolution isn’t high enough. If that cannot be adjusted, they need to use a shorter name. Canvas is aware of the issue and is looking into it. Crocodoc in SpeedGrder_________________________________________________________________ 10-16-2012