Julius Caesar's accomplishments

Name ____________________________ DuScav Humanities Julius Caesar: Threat Assessment
Read about each of Julius Caesar’s accomplishments. Think about how each accomplishment or milestone might be viewed as a positive thing for Rome or as a threat to the Roman Republic. NEGATIVE INTERPRETATION
85 BCE – Julius Caesar marries Cornelia, whose father was a prominent politician. 78 BCE – Caesar returns to Rome after serving in the military and begins a career as a lawyer. 72 BCE – Caesar elected military tribune. 67 BCE – Caesar is elected to the Senate. 65 BCE – Caesar sponsors lavish games for the people of Rome, using money borrowed from Crassus. 63 BCE – Caesar elected pontifex maximus (chief priest). Caesar is sent to the province of Spain to govern. 60 BCE – Caesar returns to Rome and joins with Pompey and Crassus, forming the First Triumvirate; the next year he was elected consul. 58 BCE – Caesar goes to Gaul to conquer the territory for Rome. While he was gone, Pompey and Crassus were consul and supported his extended military command in Gaul. 54 – 51 BCE – Caesar extends his military campaign to Great Britain; Caesar completes his conquest of Gaul. Julius Caesar: Threat Assessment
Read about each of Julius Caesar’s accomplishments. Think about how each accomplishment or milestone might be viewed as a positive thing for Rome or as a threat to the Roman Republic. NEGATIVE INTERPRETATION
49 BCE – Caesar crosses the Rubicon River, declaring Civil War on Rome when he is not allowed to run for office in absentia. He is elected consul. 48 BCE – Caesar lands in Egypt and forms an alliance with Cleopatra. 46 BCE – Caesar holds a military triumph in Rome, celebrating his victories over the Gauls, Egyptians, and other people. He brings Cleopatra and their son, Caesarian, to Rome. 46 BCE – Caesar is elected dictator, a position usually only used in times of trouble. 45 BCE – Caesar defeats Pompey and is sole ruler of Rome. 44 BCE – In February, Caesar is named dictator perpetuus – dictator for life. Marc Anthony offers him a crown three times in a public ceremony, and Caesar refuses all three times. 44 BCE – Caesar is assassinated by a group of Senators on the Ides of March. 