DBQ: The Cold War and Cuban Missile Crisis

DBQ: The Cold War and Cuban Missile
Historical Context
Between 1945 and 1950, the wartime alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union broke
down. As each tried to increase its worldwide influence, the competitors were at times on the brink of
war. Most historians believe that the “Cuban Missile Crisis” represents the closest these two superpowers ever came to direct armed conflict. The situation was all the more grave because of the dire
prospects of an atomic war that seemed likely.
Task A
In “Task B” you will be asked to write an essay in which you analyze the Cuban Missile Crisis in the
context of the Cold War. In preparation for writing this essay, analyze the documents provided and
answer the questions that accompany each.
Document 1: ______________________________________________________________
1. What does Winston Churchill mean by “iron curtain?”
2. Additional relevant Information about the “iron curtain”:
Document 2_________________________________________________________________
1. Explain the policy of President Truman suggested in this speech:
2. Additional relevant Information about America’s “containment” policy:
Document 3:________________________________________________________________
1. Why did Secretary of State Marshall suggest this plan for European recovery?
2. Additional relevant Information about the “Marshall Plan”:
Document 4:________________________________________________________________
1. What is the purpose of NATO?
2. Additional relevant Information about NATO and its role in the Cold War:
Document 5:________________________________________________________________
1. What is Khruschev’s view of the actions of the United States?
2. According to Khruschev, what will be the result of U.S. Actions?
3. Additional relevant Information about Khruschev and his role in the Cold War:
Document 6:________________________________________________________________
1. What is the basis for President Kennedy’s demand that the missiles be removed from Cuba?
3. Additional relevant Information about Kennedy’s handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis:
Document 7:________________________________________________________________
1. According to Khruschev, why were the missiles placed in Cuba?
2. Why did Khruschev believe the missiles could now be removed?
4. Additional relevant Information about Khruschev’s decision to remove the missiles from Cuba:
Document 8:________________________________________________________________
1. Of What significance is this document to the Cold War and Cuban Missile Crisis?
2. Additional relevant Information:
Document 9:________________________________________________________________
1. Of What significance is this document to the Cold War and Cuban Missile Crisis?
2. Additional relevant Information:
Document 10:________________________________________________________________
1. Of What significance is this document to the Cold War and Cuban Missile Crisis?
2. Additional relevant Information:
Task B
Using information from the documents, and your knowledge of history, write an essay in which you
analyze the Cuban Missile Crisis in the context of the Cold war.
In writing your essay, be sure to include the following:
A clear thesis statement relating the Cuban Missile Crisis to the Cold War (please underline)
An explanation of how the Cold War began
An explanation of how the Cuban Missile Crisis illustrates some of the ways in which the Cold
War was waged
Information from at least four of the documents, along with relevant “outside” information