CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS JOSE FLORES BRAWLEY UNION HIGH SCHOOL 11TH GRADE 11.9.3 Trace the origins and geo-political consequences of the Cold War and containment policy including: Cuban Missile Crisis LESSON OBJECTIVES: Describe the cause and effects of the Cuban Missile Crisis. PRIOR SKILLS/ADVANCED ORGANIZATION: WORD ASSOCIATION (UNITED STATES, CUBA AND SOVIET UNION. PREREQUISTE VOCABULARY: Cold War, containment, Warsaw Pact, N.A.T.O. VOCABULARY/ACADEMIC LANGUAGE: Fidel Castro, Nikita Kruschev, John F. Kennedy, quarantine, U-2, communism. STUDENTS WILL DRAW AND WRITE NOTES ON FLASHCARDS. DEMONSTRATE, MODEL, EXPLAIN… PRIMARY SOURCES WILL BE GIVEN TO STUDENTS ON SLIDES 8,9,10. DIRECT DELIVERY: LECTURE GIVEN ON SPECIFIED VOCABULARY AND PRIMARY DOCUMENTS. QUESTIONING: CONTINUED CHECKING FOR UNDERSTANDING AS STUDENTS ARE CHOSEN TO HELP EXPLAIN TARGETED VOCABULARY. PAIR WORK: WITH A PARTNER, A ROUGH-DRAFT OF A BROCHURE EXPLAINING THE CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS CAUSES AND EFFECTS WILL BE PRODUCED. FORMAL ASSESSMENT AND MASTERY: STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO CREATE A FINAL DRAFT OF THEIR BROCHURE. WRITTEN AND VERBAL: STUDENTS WILL DO A QUICKWRITE ON WHAT THEY LEARNED AND READ. TIED TO OBJECTIVE: GIVE EXAMPLES OF HOW THE CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS BROUGHT THESE NUCLEAR POWERS TO THE BRINK OF A NUCLEAR WAR. DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION STUDENTS CAN PRODUCE A LITTLE BOOK OR WISDOM WHEEL. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE STUDENTS WILL MAKE-UP A 5 QUESTION MULTIPLE CHOICE QUIZ. WHO BLINKED FIRST? FRONT FLAP INSIDE LEFT • TITLE COVER • LIST AND DEFINE • STUDENT NAME CAUSES OF CRISIS • PICTURE OF CAUSES • CLASS PERIOD • CUBA MAP CENTER FRONT FLAP PICTURES OF MISSILE SITES INSIDE RIGHT FLAP • LIST AND DEFINE EFFECTS OF CRISIS BACK FLAP • KEY VOCABULARY LessonDesignTemplate311.doc CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Historical content-accuracy All facts are correct. 99-90% is factual. 89-80% is factual. Fewer than 80% factual. Organization of ideas & content All sections in flaps are completely filled with headings. Almost all sections are filled. Most sections are filled and some gaps exist. Less than half of the sections are filled. Grammar & spelling No grammatical and spelling mistakes. Only 1-2 mistakes There are some mistakes. There are quite a few mistakes. Graphics & pictures Appropriate and good mix of graphics and text. more than 1 graphic per section. Graphics go well but there are too many and not enough text. Graphics go well but there are too few. Graphics don’t correlate text. Little or no graphics. Attractiveness & presentation Very attractive and well organized. Attractive and well organized. Well organized information. Organization is confusing and not very attractive.