HOMEWORK HELP Check out the following websites to help your child with their homework: 1. http://www.homeworkla.org/ Free Online Tutoring, Job Search Assistance and Academic & Career Resources Whether you need help with Math Homework, an English Paper, Finding a Job or Preparing for a Test, HomeworkLouisana can help! HomeworkLouisiana offers FREE online tutoring and academic resources from Tutor.com for Louisiana residents from kindergarten students through adult learners. Get help in math, science, social studies or English from a live tutor. The services can be accessed from a Louisiana public library, from your home computer or from your mobile device. 2. http://www.khanacademy.org/ The website features 700 micro lectures via video tutorials stored on YouTube teaching mathematics, history, healthcare, medicine, finance, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, economics, cosmology, organic chemistry, American civics, art history, macroeconomics, microeconomics, and computer science. 3. www.brainpop.com BrainPOP is animated education for kids in science, social studies, English, math, engineering, health, art and music. 4. http://www.discoveryeducation.com/students/index.cfm Discovery Education offers free student resources that bring learning to life both inside and outside the classroom. We invite you to take a look at interactive games, videos, contests, virtual labs and activities designed to help you dive deeper into a topic —and have fun too! 5. www.starfall.com -­‐-­‐ Early Literacy 6. www.harcourtschools.com -­‐-­‐ ELA-­‐ (Proofreading Skills and Sentence Builder) 7. www.eduplace.com -­‐-­‐ Spelling 8. www.mathplayground.com -­‐-­‐ Math –Basic Skills-­‐ High School 9. www.aastudy.com Middle School – High School 10. http://www.adaptedmind.com/Math-­‐Worksheets.html?gclid=COHzrOvJw7gCFWIV7AodOGAAPA 11. http://learnzillion.com/lessons 12. http://www.illustrativemathematics.org/ 13. http://catalog.mathlearningcenter.org/free 14. http://www.adaptedmind.com/Math All sites can be accessed from a Louisiana public library, from your home computer or from your mobile device.